2 minute read
An Interview with Pastor Nestor Havyarimana by Karen Ruhl
Serving with hands and feet and a heart of gold.
I have been a friend of Pastor Havyariman for several years. He sends scripture daily and not once has he asked for anything in return. This is a chance for each of us to join him and help the Pgymy people in Africa.
Introduction from Pastor Havyarimana.
During this week,services in the Pygmies community, at Gikoma, Gahengeri, Himbure, and Nyanza Lac, there were 345 pygmies that came to Jesus Christ. Those people are from the forest where they had their lives in hunting and pottery, but now the forest is reserved. The Pygmies have never heard the Gospel and I try to talk slowly with them and they have accepted me as I introduce the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are very poor, no food, no houses, no clothes, and their children are not schooled and very little of them have books and pens.
How did you meet them? Were they hesitant at first?
They are now in the village where they have the small huts. I asked them if I could help them with scriptures. Some of them were fearful but slowly they have became church members. Widows are suffering.
How many live in the village?
Today all Pygmies live in the villages. I account around 3,219 pygmies in differents areas. Many are widows, vulnerables.
What is your greatest need?
As now, I need 103 bibles for those who know how to read and have received the Lord.
Can you tell me more about how you reach them?
I have begun slowly with Pygmies. I have worked in five provinces. By teaching them theGood News, and I helped them to think in positive ways.
I found that many of them were doing incest, many sins. So I talk the truth to them.
Imagine people who has lived their life in hunting and makingpottery in the forest and re now living in huts in villages. There is no agriculture, no farmers, and they are very poor.
On last December, I have helped children with clothes, and gave parents rice and palm oil.
Pastor, I would like our readers to know how they can help you get the Bibles you need. How can they donate?
They can send donations to me through Western Union.
To Havyarimana nestor Phone :+25779906564 Country: Burundi in East Africa
Where do you purchase the Bibles?
I will use the Bibles Society in Burundi. Each Bible cost $10.02. We would be so blessed and so grateful.
I am married with Esperance Niyonkuru My children are: 1. Ingabire Jenny Harmony 2. ITEKA olivia keitia 3. Nishimwe Anaïs cherylle 4. Nshumbusho Gift charles 5. Muhikaze samy logan dylan
How long have you been a Pastor?
I am 21 years as Pastor. I am 50 years old.
This mother is crying on my eyes, it was this morning when she came to me.
Many live in mud huts, it is not good for them.
Pictures for the service of today.
Pictures for the service of today. (left)