6 minute read

The Original Fact Checker by Craig Ruhl

One Sunday, many years ago, Karen and I attended a church near our new home for the first time. While getting seated for the morning worship service, I noticed that many of the congregation had brought their personal Bibles into church with them. The rack in the back of the pew in front of us had enough Bibles and hymnals for the number of people seated in our row, and I presumed that was true for all the pews in the church. I wondered why people brought their own instead of using the ones provided. It occurred to me maybe people liked to use different versions, and they wanted to highlight or make notes in their personal Bible.

The choral worship portion of the service ended. As we sat back down, the pastor took his place behind the podium he would preach from. The order of worship called for the reading of scripture and then the sermon. As the pastor opened his Bible, he looked up and he told us that before starting he wanted us all to take our Bibles out, locate the chapter and verse and prepare to follow along as he read. I heard the rustling sounds of books being opened and pages being leafed through. After a few moments, the pastor read the verses, pausing for emphasis and then ending in prayer.


What happened next took me by surprise. The pastor held his closed Bible aloft in his outstretched hand. He explained why we should bring our personal Bible to church with us. To my surprise, the first reason he gave was that we, as Christians, need to be careful about the information we receive. The example he gave was the Bible passages he had just read. Most of us assume that the pastor or minister leading the service knows what he or she is talking about and they are using correct biblical text in their teaching. We were told that it is our responsibility to confirm that what we are hearing is true and the only way to do that is to look it up for ourselves. He went on to explain the need for us to make notes on what he shared and taught in his sermons. The purpose of doing this was not just to have a record we could go back to; it provided reference points we could look up later and verify for ourselves. This was feeling more like a college class than the church services I knew while growing up. What an eye-opener for me. A pastor is telling us we should be fact-checking his sermons and then teaching us how to go about it.

Over the years, Karen and I have used various versions of the Bible, often directed by which one is preferred by the church denomination we are a member of or are attending. Different translations of the Bible may offer the same message but often use wording that makes it easier to understand and relate. Be careful, there are some “versions” that distort truths and may camouflage an un-Christian agenda. When in doubt about a certain Bible version, check with your pastor or a trusted church leader. The original King James Bible is always a good place to start and is the one my family always had at home and my early church ministers taught from.

Karen and I prefer the New King James Version or New International Version because the wording is easier for us to understand and relate to. As an alternative to a paper Bible, there are many good Bible software programs and applications available for computer and mobile devices. We have seen many worshipers in the church who use a tablet or cell phone app instead of a Bible. The important thing is to look it up for yourself so that you know what you are learning is the truth.

Besides your everyday Bible use, consider adding a study Bible or two to your library. These wonderful resources aid in the understanding of the wording, context, and history contained in the scripture we read. Study Bibles are available for most versions

There is a lot of misinformation being shared in our society, and much of it concerns our Christian faith. If you use any of the social media platforms so popular today, you will see abuse of scripture quotations and biblical teachings. From verses taken out of context to outright misrepresentation, what we read can not only be misleading but damaging too if we believe it without verifying the facts. It is our responsibility to discern right from wrong and what is true from falsehoods. We are called to not further the misrepresentation and untruths by sharing or passing that information to others.

Often on social media, I see a post that is questioned by others as not being correct. Several “fact-checking” sources are cited when refuting the original post. Ironically, even those sources are often suspect. We are all familiar with the “Fake News” frenzy that has pervaded our society. There is so much information we are bombarded with that just isn’t correct or true. It’s a wonder we can tell up from down or in from out.

How are we to be discerning and wise about what to believe? Pray. Prayerfully ask for the wisdom and discernment to know and understand what God wants us to know and what He would have us do. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide us. We can use our Bible to verify that what we are reading or being told is biblical truth. We need to be diligent in studying scripture and applying what we learn to what the world is telling us.

The Whole Armor of God is the scripture found in Ephesians 6:10-20. We are told in verse 11, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (NKJV)

One of the 6 items of armor mentioned in this passage is, “The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:17b (NJKV) This is the basis for us to use when confronted by the devil’s lies. Jesus used this armor whenever he was being tempted by the devil. As our pastor taught us, keep your Bible at hand and learn to check for truthfulness using God’s word.

“And the devil said to Him, ‘If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.’” But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’” Ephesians 4:3-4 (NKJV)

I think this verse says it best, “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’” (NKJV)

God’s Word was given long before any dictionary, encyclopedia, or online fact-checker. It is and always will be the last word and best fact-checker.

Craig Ruhl

Craig Ruhl is the Managing Editor of Faith On Every Corner, he is also a Published Writer and handles the business side of Faith On Every Corner, LLC.

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