6 minute read
DEAR CARL by Anna Friend
Hello, Dear Carl fans,
I am thankful for your support of Carl’s mom. She has made a fresh start in the new year. In her mid- 80s, continuing to thrive for quality of life and establishing a legacy of family love.
Carl’s mom had lived in North Carolina for most of her life. She was a southern transplant and had enjoyed the culture, hospitality, and high regard for kin—family closeness. She became a widow in her early 40s and has only one son. Carl was just entering college when his dad died. Carl married a beautiful woman (Donna) with ties in Arizona. He moved and established his home in Arizona soon after college. Carl has 2 sons and is a grandfather of 3 children. Carl’s mom had friends and community work she enjoyed in North Carolina that kept her from moving to Arizona upon her husband’s death. She had lived in the home where she and her husband shared most of their married lives. She eventually moved into a senior living cottage, where every week she sat at her dining table and wrote her son a handwritten letter, though he called her almost every Sunday. Near her ending years, she moved to Arizona to live with her son and his wife in Arizona. She continues to write her son letters to put away for him to read after her passing for comfort and encouragement. This letter is one he would read after her death. She writes in the present tense because she is alive while writing them. I hope you enjoy. — Anna
Dear Carl,
I had an exciting day today. It is almost my bedtime, but I had to write about it. Son, I answered your wife’s cell phone today, with her permission… her request actually. She was tired of “Spam” calls. I didn’t know what she meant, but I answered it. She wanted me to tell them to stop calling. I heard a voice on the other end that was hard to understand. It was a woman who spoke fast, cut off her syllables, and tried to sound happy. I asked her to slow down. She apologized and proceeded to recite a warning about some car insurance or warranty. I, again, asked her to slow down, stop reading, and just talk to me. She got quiet.
I don’t like talking on the phone, Carl. I loved your phone calls when we lived apart. However, years ago when friends would call, I would ask them to come over instead. Hours on the phone gave me a neck ache. We didn’t have phones with speakers back then. I remember when your dad bought me a shiny red telephone that hung on the kitchen wall. It had a cord that could stretch 10 feet long. I know because while cooking supper, I could relent to a long-needed conversation with a friend. We strung our house phone with a 25-foot cord so you could take it to your bedroom for private conversations with your girl of the week. Oh, son, I remember when the dial phone was exchanged for a push-button phone. You were so impressed then. Even more so, when call waiting was introduced. When you were in college, you could intercept my calls if I was talking to someone. With one click on the receiver button, I could get whiny Martha off the phone and talk to you. Now with this smartphone, which I think I am too dumb for, I can see you, and you can “check on” me.
Back to Miss Sell Me Something. She cleared her throat and said, “Your car could benefit from better protection. I would like to help you.” She actually had a clear and decent voice. I said, “Honey, I am in my 80s. My car is long gone. Sold to a young family.” She wanted to abruptly hang up saying, “I must have the wrong number.” I stopped her, “Wait. What if I wanted to buy another car and get a warranty?” “Really?” she asked with slight indignation. “Look, I don’t want another car, but you apparently are selling something because you need a car or some money.” She answered, “No, no car, but yes, money. I am sick.” Son, my heart fell. She could have been a con or lying. She again started saying goodbye, but I stopped her again. “If you are truly sick, then please don’t leave this earth without knowing God.” She was silent, papers rustling. “You are the 2nd person in 2 years to tell me to know God.” I smiled and looked up toward heaven. “What did the other person tell you about God.” She told me about how a man shared what God had done in his life. That he was sick and made well. I asked her if she believed him. She said, “No, I do not believe in a God.” I proceeded, “Honey, if you are sick and need healing, then learn more about Jesus, God’s son. God is real. I didn’t believe either. I was almost 80 before I got to know Jesus.” She said, “You were not lying about being in your 80s?” I said, “No, I was not lying.” I told her to go buy a Bible and read the Gospel of John. She assured me she would. I hung up and prayed. When I opened my eyes, Donna was staring at me. I asked her to blink. She said, “I thought you were too nice at first. I wanted to grab my phone from you. You did good, Mom.” Then she grabbed her phone with those dagger red nails and went off to her flat iron. No curls today. Her hair looks like a straight-edged broom. I do love that woman.
I had to call Preacher Larry. Yep, I hate to talk on the phone, but I had an inner joy and assurance that this woman would buy a Bible and get to know Jesus. He told me that someone previously planted seeds of hope about Jesus in her and that I was instrumental in the harvest. Imagine that! Son, be patient with those spam calls. I suggest not answering them rather than hang up. If you do happen to talk to a solicitor, treat them as a human, like a person created in the image of God. Be polite and if you have time, ask about them personally. See if you can plant a seed or harvest one. It was so simple and took little time. I am going to bed knowing that I had a purpose today, other than making your favorite baked spaghetti for supper.
Love, Mom
“You have a saying, ‘Four more months and then the harvest.’ But I tell you, take a good look at the fields; the crops are now ripe and ready to be harvested! The one who reaps the harvest is being paid and gathers the crops for eternal life; so the one who plants and the one who reaps will be glad together.” (John 4:35-36 GNT)
“For this is what the Lord has commanded us: I have made you a light for the Gentiles to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 13:47 CSB)