2 minute read

A Prayer for December by Tynea Lewis

Dear Heavenly Father,

The Christmas season, a season filled with hope and joy celebrating the birth of your Son, has turned into a difficult time for many. This holiday season is different from any other, and many are struggling. People are struggling with their health, finances, the loss of loved ones, and the loss of physical connection with others.

Lord, we pray for those who are experiencing loss, anxiety, and depression this holiday season. For some, Christmas is a reminder of the financial strain that prevents them from blessing their loved ones with presents. For others, they have lost loved ones this year, and the void is overwhelming. Others are filled with fear of what is to come.

Lord, we ask that you comfort every person who is hurting this holiday season. The pain cuts deep, but Lord, we know that you can bring healing. You are Emmanuel, God with us. Thank you for the comfort you provide to the brokenhearted. Thank you for the hope we have in you. No matter our circumstances, you are good. You are God, and you are holding us in the palm of your hands.

Grief abounds this year, and this season is hard. Lord, many are discouraged and feeling defeated. Please be with them. Give them the strength that can only come from you. Their strength has failed, and they don’t know where to turn. Whisper to them and reveal your unconditional love to them.

Thank you for being close to the brokenhearted. You have not left us during this difficult time. You are right here, and you provide comfort to us in our darkest hour.

Thank you for the promise that one day you will wipe away every tear from our eyes. We will no longer mourn, cry, or experience pain. Thank you for that promise and thank you for sending Christ as a baby all those years ago that we can have hope of all the amazing things to come.

This holiday season, may we focus on your goodness instead of the trouble of our circumstances.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We are excited to annouce that Tynea will be writing a Prayer Column each month.

Tynea Lewis is a teacher turned workfrom-home mom. She and her husband live in Pennsylvania with their two children, and they love spending time together at their family cabin. Tynea remembers loving to write as early as first grade. She has a heart for encouraging others in the midst of their messes. You can connect with her at her personal blog (www.tynea-lewis.com), on Instagram (@TyneaLewis), or Facebook (@TyneaLewisWriter).

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