3 minute read
Presented by Suzette-The Marriage Warrior
The USA’s July 4, 2020 celebration of freedom is upon us. As we enter this season, Americans face matters that seem overwhelmingly confusing. As a marriage counselor, I view the current state of our country in the same condition as a marriage with adultery. Secrets compromise unity and suppress freedom within any viable relationship. Non-disclosed information breaks trust within an institution’s unity and as betrayal is revealed, the initial stage of recovery is DENIAL AND CONFUSION.
John 8:32 states “You shall know the truth and the truth sets you FREE.” Freedom has a direct correlation with TRUTH. If truth is replaced with lies and secrets, then freedom quickly turns into bondage. This scripture also reminds us that “you shall KNOW the truth.” Knowing the truth is not only important for freedom but is guaranteed by God; “you… SHALL… know the truth.”
Satan, the destroyer, is the father of lies. Since the garden of Eden, Satan has utilized the tool of lies and secrets as a weapon of destruction. It is through God’s grace that secrets are exposed because He knows how hidden agendas damage unity. Unity is the very foundation of any thriving institution and without it… “a house divided cannot stand.” (Mark 3:25). In order to accomplish any said goal, all players have to be on the same page. This is an impossible feat if an agenda is hidden because, as trust is replaced with betrayal, division and rebellion will reside. Secrets have the power to divide marriages, destroy businesses, and disrupt nations. Division is the work of the evil one who achieves his agenda through the vehicle of lies in the form of secrets.
The creation story teaches us that Adam and Eve hid because of their shame. Webster defines secrets as “something designed to escape notice, knowledge or observation”. Webster also defines shame as “The painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improperly done by oneself or another.” As Satan seduces mankind to agree with his agendas, these agreements oppose the moral construct God originally created, which produces shame.
Just as in the garden of Eden, whether it be a marriage or a nation, anytime betrayal enters a system, we have to rely on scripture to guide us on how to untangle the web of lies. Throughout scripture, God addresses deception by exposing it. Full disclosure of TRUTH is God’s pathway towards freedom. Truth is also the conduit for healing because where there is truth, there is hope, and where there is hope there is love, and it is “LOVE that covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8). As Americans war among themselves seeking to define the term “loving and accepting one another,” the fact is that true Love can only operate when the truth is revealed first. Any other way, other than the truth, will lead to confusion, which is authored by the enemy.
Satan, the destroyer, is the father of secrets and lies. However, as God’s Spirit shines light in the darkness, His truth will breathe new life. Although truth can be difficult to face, it is the first sign of healing and recovery. Recognize the current national/global upheaval as a sign that God has pressed the reset button. The manifesting confusion is merely the dismantling of hidden agendas within the enemy’s camp. Be encouraged and rejoice! For the United States of America’s freedom was declared and proclaimed by our forefathers as UNDER GOD! Although many American’s may have forgotten this initial vow with our creator, God has not forgotten. Our heavenly father keeps the vows He makes because “He is not a man that would lie” (Num 23:19) and “He never goes against His word.” (Ps 89:34)
Warrior’s Wisdom:
Contact Suzette at
THE SCRIPTED JOURNEY COUPLES CARE CENTER suzette@couplescarecenter.com