2 minute read


Melissa Henderson is a writer of inspirational messages. Her first book for children, “Licky the Lizard”, was released in 2018. She also has a story in the compilations “Heaven Sightings” and “Remembering Christmas.” Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister. She and her husband, Alan, moved from Virginia to South Carolina to be near her son, daughter-in-law and first grandchild. The family motto is “It’s Always A Story With The Hendersons”. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at http://www.melissaghenderson.com

July 4, 2020, falls on a Saturday. Already, I’ve been seeing advertisements and commercials for special sales during that weekend. Half price clothing, vehicles at a discount cost, and grocery stores have sent emails with “picnic” ideas. Most of these ads have the American flag somewhere in the message or patriotic music playing in the background.

A typical July 4th celebration of freedom might include family and friends’ “get-togethers”, feasts of delicious food, and games of badminton or cornhole. Grills might be fired up and hamburgers and hot dogs with the fixin’s could go great with potato salad, chips, and watermelon.

As a young girl, I remember my parents preparing food for the special day. Daddy cooked the burgers and hot dogs on the grill outside. Mama cooked corn on the cob, homegrown string beans and squash inside the house and brought everything outside to the red wooden picnic table.

One very special memory of July 4th is when Daddy would bring out the old ice cream maker. He added rock salt to the inside of the container. Daddy had already made a creation for the ice cream and was always adding something to make the dessert extra special. Sometimes bananas, other times peaches. I was the lucky one to sit on the old machine while Daddy turned the handle until the cold treat was ready. Turn and turn, sit and sit, wait, and wait. I was an impatient little girl who was ready for the ice cream the minute the cranking started. After what seemed like ages, finally, the handle became harder and harder to turn and Daddy would state, “It’s ready. Bring your bowl.” Yummy to the tummy. The problem was that the delicious treat was gone way too fast.

Evening would come and lightning bugs began dancing in the dark. Mama and Daddy sitting in their lawn chairs and me with a mason jar with holes cut in the top, running around the back yard to catch the bugs.

Wonderful and precious memories.

These activities and more are possible because of our freedom. Freedom to cook and eat what we want, freedom to enjoy things like making homemade ice cream, freedom to run freely in the backyard, and freedom to gaze at the stars in the night sky.

Not every person has freedom in life. I pray for all who seek freedom.

Our heavenly freedom is found in one way, through Jesus. Have you thanked God for your freedom? We live in a country where we can share our love for Christ. We can show His love and hopefully bring people closer to Him.

This July 4th, enjoy freedom, have fun with family and friends, and thank God for the freedom He has provided.

Blessings, Melissa Henderson

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