Issue 4
Summer Term
20th May 2022
Message from Mrs Conrad This has been a very exciting week with St Teresa's girls proudly representing the school at a number of external events and competitions. A team of Year 2 girls competed very successfully in a mathematics competition where they showed off their mathematical prowess with great aplomb! Our Year 5 cricket team then played superbly at the East Molesey Cricket Club and were the crowning champions of the entire tournament! And finally, two of our Year 6 girls won first and second places in the national CISC poetry competition with another being awarded 'Highly Commended' beating hundreds of schools across the country. I think this demonstrates how an education at St Teresa's nurtures healthy competition and equips our girls with the skills, talents, courage and determination they need to succeed!
Key Diary Dates: Sat 21st May
U9-U11 Tennis @ St Georges
Mon 23rd May
Year 6, Junior Citizenship Trip
Monday 23rd—U8A&B cricket V Tormead (A)
Young Voices Choir at the O2 Arena
Young Voices Concert at the O2 Arena
Wed 25th May
Year 4, Depart for Sayers Croft
Thu 26th May
Ascension Day Mass, Henderson Hall (all are welcome)
Fri 27th May
Year 4, Return from Sayers Croft
Tue 24th May
Prep to dress in Red, White and Blue for the Jubilee celebrations
all day
Platinum Jubilee street party
Platinum Jubilee celebrations (all families welcome)
Term ends Mon 6th June
School resumes