Years 3 to 6 Spring Concert,Wednesday 6th March
Mrs Conrad and Mrs Harris would like to invite Prep School Parents to our Spring Concert in the Mairlot Hall
6th March 2024 at 6.30pm
Mrs Conrad and Mrs Harris would like to invite Prep School Parents to our Spring Concert in the Mairlot Hall
6th March 2024 at 6.30pm
Parents of girls in 3RN are invited to join us for their class assembly on Friday 1st March 2024
at 8.30am in the Henderson Hall
Refreshments will be served in the Henderson Hall from 8.15am
As different staff and members of the maintenance team support the Prep School at pick-up, please ensure that you have your child’s name sheet on your dashboard when you are collecting at either 3.45pm or 4.15pm, so that you can be easily identified. If you need a duplicate copy of the name sheet, please contact the School Office prepinfo@st-teresas.com
Please can we request that you do not remain in the Prep school turning circle to wait for senior siblings as this is causing congestion. Once you have collected from the Prep school, please drive up to the senior Car Park to collect your daughter.
This is for the safety of all pupils and to ease congestion at the end of the day.
Thank you for your understanding.
This week you should have received:
Year 6 -
Year 5 PGL Osmington Bay Parent information evening
Year 4 Residential parent information evening and medical consent form
Year 3 -
Whole School First Holy Communion and Harlequins foundation tag rugby
Please contact the School Office if you need copies of any of this information prepinfo@st-teresas.com
Please use the email address prepinfo@st-teresas.com when contacting either Mrs Johnson in the School Office.
Well done to all of the girls in our Golden Books this week:
3RN Leila A
perimeter and applied her mental maths knowledge to solving problems done!
Florence E
book, The Firework character
Zoe G used a range of sentence starters and included details from the story to add description. Well done Zoe.
3KC Ava B for fantastic effort when finding length and perimeter this week both in whole class and independent work. Well done Ava, super effort!
Ellie F for writing a super letter pretending to be Lila from The Firework giving all the reasons she has left home including how unjust he is being. Brilliant Ellie!
Viv WS
perimeter and for super independent work too. Well done Viv!
4LH Eloise B
shapes including finding the missing lengths using the information we have been given.
4AB Matilda W
Esme S
4CR Thea S
Rosalind D
5HC Eva M for her fantastic approach to improving her spellings, independently creating new word lists on Spelling shed to practise key words.
Calista D'C
5KH Ruby S
thought and care over.
6MK Harriet L
Syna S and Lilia
encouraging parents to evacuate their children to the countryside at the start of WWII.
6JG Sienna L for making excellent contributions to her group in Life Lab.
Pascale E for using ambitious vocabulary in her descriptive writing this week. Bea DW for her commitment and ability in Chamber Choir.
Scarlett M for her perseverance and strong work ethic, especially in Maths.
6RW Bella Z for her clay sculpture, which imitates Henry Moore/ Barbara Hepworth with a figurative interpretation. The small figure sitting down is beautifully executed, and interprets the features of their sculptures in a unique interpretation.
Isabella K for her intricate and beautifully carved organic sculpture from soap.
Harriet for a careful approach to soap carving, resulting in a wonderful and successful design.
Sienna for her smooth and carefully executed clay sculpture.
In Science this week, the girls were completing their work on the layers of soil and finished off by creating their own soil dessert pots using Oreos, chocolate drops, chocolate mousse, worms and green coconut. They labelled the different layers to include, humus, topsoil, subsoil, parent material and bedrock and took them home to eat at the end of the day.
Year 3 demonstrated resilience and creativity in their art lessons to construct a nest using a range of materials. They had to problem solve how to make sure it would stand up, have a rigid outer structure and soft final layer. Problems such as how to attach and join the materials to create a unique nest were encountered, and it was amazing to see that so many different solutions were found. None of us could believe how birds build their nests with just a beak!
Year 4 kickstarted their new topic, 'Road Trip USA' with a scavenger hunt, using clues to find some of the states of the USA that were hidden around the school. They then needed to use these clues and other resources to answer questions about the geography of the USA.
Year 4 put on a fantastic class assembly showcasing their knowledge of the Vikings. Their performance was a delightful blend of superb acting, enchanting singing and witty humour captivating both parents and fellow prep students we were thoroughly impressed with their efforts
Year 5 explored making sculptures in response to a prompt in their art lessons this week. They were asked to pay attention to two feelings: the gap between an idea in their head, and how this can change when the actual making begins; and how important it is to allow their ideas to evolve. In addition, they were asked to be BRAVE, because sometimes they may need to find the answer through just beginning, and trying to respond. There was quite a buzz in the art room, and although the girls each undertook a challenge, they could bounce ideas off others around them. Next week they will return to their project, "Take a Seat", to design a chair which reflects their personality.
The girls undertook subtractive and additive carving using soap and clay this week to create their own versions of Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth sculptures. These are just a glimpse into some of the sculptures, as many will be finished next week.
The girls were very excited to start building the Bug Hotel near the prep playground. So far, they have completed two pallet levels and filled every nook and cranny with leaf mulch, sticks, logs, bark, large stones and an old metal pipe. We found several woodlice and a spider ready to make a new home!
The girls have been looking at different topics each week this term so far. They have tackled morse code, sudoku and this week, the focus was semaphore. Here they are making the first initial of their names using the flags that they made.
Last half term, the girls in the Year 5 and 6 Art Club studied Kandinsky's concentric circles, then created their own using pastels with a water colour wash in between.
Year 3 Florence E-N for being an amazing member of St T’s singers and singing so beautifully
Year 4 Sophia H For wonderful singing and learning her songs so well at home – well done Sophia!
Year 5 Apollonia CD for fantastic part singing and helping the sopranos – great work Apollonia
Year 6 Jessika R for great work on the keyboard and wonderful resilience – keep it up Jess!
Congratulations to Lillia-Anna Hill who passed her Grade 4 Musical Theatre Exam with merit!
Thank you to Maggie M and Tara S who played their cellos so beautifully for us in assembly this morning.
The girls have been revisiting our floor stave this week! We have been reminding ourselves of the lines and
Orchestra 3.45 - 4.45, Monday
Assembly Band Monday and Friday
St Teresa’s Singers 4.15 - 5.00, Tuesday
Wind Band 10.55 - 11.15, Wednesday
String Ensemble 12.45 - 1.15, Wednesday
Chamber Choir 4.15 - 5.00, Wednesday
Rock Choir 12.45 - 1.15, Friday
Guitar Ensemble 12.45 - 1.15, Friday
On Saturday 17th February, three Year 5 and two Year 6 girls competed in the Surrey Primary Cross-Country race at Reigate Priory Park. These girls were competing against the best athletes in Surrey. All of the girls ran with sheer determination and did themselves and the school extremely proud! Well done! Well done to Eva in the Year 5 category who came top 50 and Sophie in the Year 6 category who came top 30. A special mention must go to Isabella in Year 6 who came 13th overall and was whisked to the selection tent to be invited for Surrey training sessions! Incredible work, Isabella. This race highlights the arrival of Surrey's next generation of top county talent. It was a tough and competitive race, and the girls were beyond impressive with their performances on Saturday morning.
The U11A-D teams played against Notre Dame at home on Tuesday. It was a fun afternoon full of learning, teamwork and great sportsmanship. The final scores were: A team drew 5-5, B team drew 5-5, C team won 8-2 and D team won 7-1.
Well done to everyone who participated in the games and a special mention to Lillianna H, Pascale L and Jessica R who were all nominated as player of the match in their games.
Fixtures (week commencing 26th February)
Monday 26th February— U8-U11A Cross Country @GHS 3:30-5:30pm
Tuesday 27th February U10A-D Netball V Felton Fleet (H) 2:30pm
U11A-D Netball V Felton Fleet (A) 2:30pm
Wednesday 28th February U10&U11 iAPS Swimming – Cranmore (please see team sheet for times)
Thursday 29th February—U8-U11 swim Gala V Rowan Prep (H)
Friday 30th February U9A-d Netball V St Catherines (H) 2:45pm
U8A-D Netball V Notre Dame (A) 2:45pm
U11A&B Hockey vs Tormead (H) 4:15pm
We loved how busy we were during the half term and want to say a big thank you to the staff, instructors and volunteers who helped out! We had a lot of fun, and we hope that you did too!
If you missed out on your chance to join us over the half term, have a look at what dates are available over the Easter Holidays. Also keep an eye out on the booking system for when we have cancelled lessons during the week. The spaces are being published for anyone to book in.
Temperatures have dropped (again!), so please make sure that your child comes to ride with enough layers and waterproofs. We do have some coats and gloves on hand that can be borrowed, however we are limited in sizes. In the cold weather it can be useful to wear tights or leggings underneath jodhpurs/trousers, the sports skins as a base layer and wearing enough coats on top. Our staff will be encouraging all riders to wear gloves, but if you have your own please make sure to bring it
Dates for your Diary
Easter Holiday Activities
6th April - NSEA Inter House Show Jumping
May Half Term Activities
30th June - STE Prize Giving
1st-5th July - Inter House Dressage
8th-10th July - NSEA Camp Summer Holiday Activities
We have released our holiday activities on our online booking system for the rest of the academic year!
Easter Holidays, May Half Term and Summer Holidays We will be running a variety of Pony Mornings, Pony Afternoons, Private Lessons, Lunge Lessons, Day Camps and a few others. They are all on the EcPro system and you can book a place now!
There are many different disciplines in horse riding, one of them is Eventing. Eventing includes three different disciplines: Dressage, Cross Country, and Show Jumping. Competitions can take place as One Day Events where each phase is performed on the same day, or as Three Day Events. Eventing was originally created as a Cavalry test but later on became more and more popular across the equestrian community.
~ Libby CAsh Wednesday fell during half-term, so to mark the beginning of the season of Lent, we held our service at the beginning of this week instead.
Lent is the 40 day period when we prepare for the great feast of Easter. We recall that Jesus spend 40 days in the wilderness preparing for his great sacrifice at Easter.
The word Lent is unique to English speaking countries and refers to the Old English term for Spring, closely related to our word ‘lengthening’ as the days are getting longer.
All around us we are seeing signs of new life. It is as if the whole of creation is joining with us in preparation for the bursting forth of Jesus’ new resurrected life that we will soon celebrate.
We traditionally mark the beginning of Lent by placing ashes on our foreheads. This is a sign that, if we are honest, we know that there are many things in our lives that we get wrong. Lent is an opportunity to make a new start. The ashes are a sign that we are truly sorry and that we will do all we can to make a change during Lent.
In particular, we are asked to fast (to give up those things that are unhelpful), to pray (because God will always help us to make a change if we ask him) and then give generously to others (because that shows that we really are making a change).
During the season of Lent, the Chaplaincy Team will be running daily activities to help us to prepare well through the season of Lent. We look forward to sharing these ideas with you. Have a good Lent!
Hot lunches include a selection of family favourites and suitable alternatives for children with allergies and intolerances.
Soup of the day
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Tomato & basil
Creamy chicken curry & rice
Main Chicken tikka masala with rice & poppadum’s
Eat healthy choice
Beef meatballs in a fresh tomato sauce & wholewheat fusilli pasta
Roasted winter vegetable Leek & potato
Spiced roasted butternut squash
Freshly baked pizza slice
Pepperoni pizza slice with chef’s salad
Roast turkey / chicken & Yorkshire pudding
Chef’s carvery –Roast Turkey breast with Yorkshire pudding
Chargrilled chicken Caesar salad
Vegetable & chick pea curry & rice
Sides Rice / pasta Broccoli
Additional Jacket potato & beans
Dessert Apple pie & custard
Cheese & tomato pizza slice
Soy & honey glazed pork loin steak with rice noodles & Asian greens
Stuffed peppers filled with roasted vegetables in a tomato sauce topped with halloumi
Baked wedges Carrots
Roast potatoes Mixed vegetables
Tomato pasta
Choc chip & coconut flapjack slice
Jacket potato & beans
Rice pudding with a selection of sauce
Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher
Roasted red pepper & tomato
Pasta carbonara / chicken wraps Cod goujons / cod fishfingers
Pasta carbonara
Chicken fajitas with peppers & red onions served with grated cheese & sour cream & chives & chef’s salad
Roasted butternut squash & pea risotto
Traditional battered fish / jumbo fishfingers
Poached salmon with nut free pesto pasta & olive salad
No meat meat balls in a tomato sauce
Sweetcorn Chips Peas
Tomato pasta
Victoria sandwich slice
Jacket potato & beans
Shortbread biscuit
HSCC are busy preparing for the cricket season! Children are welcome to come along for a free taster session at the beginning of the season.
If you would like any further information please do get in touch: membership@horsleyandsendcc.co.uk
If you have any questions regarding the Easter Cricket Camp please contact Tom Collins: tomcollins@horsleyandsendcc.co.uk https://hscc.as.me/eastercamp2024