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Golden Book

Well done to all of the girls in our Golden Books this week:

3RN Liberty C f listened carefully during the introduction to our new topic, Tremors, asking questions and making very good observations during our Starburst experiment! Well done, Liberty.

Maggie M investigating different types of rocks and creating criteria to sort the rocks depending on their properties. Well done, Maggie.

Beatrice St G very good understanding of finding fractions of amounts. Well done, Bea.

3KC Sophia D method consistently to show her working.

Victoria M fractions with the same denominators.

Skye N understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions in maths.

4BB Lottie F

Apollonia C of Romeo and Juliet

4CR Ruby S

Isabella MS Romeo and Juliet, including her playscript.

5HC Scarlett M for her excellent work locating the origin of certain foods, researching locations and climates for our new topic, "Allotments".

Isabella K and Alice F for their fantastic and creative collages to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III.

5KH Sophia N, Stef v E and Elsie W for their detailed instructions, including diagrams, as to how to germinate a bean seed.

Jessica L for her calm and positive start to life at St. Teresa's

5MK Isabelle D and Sophia C for super participation in our topic lessons this week and for sharing their knowledge about growing fruit and vegetables on an allotment.

Mia M for her creative instruction writing in English this week, using a variety of imperative verbs, adverbials and adverbs to describe the steps needed to germinate and grow a broad bean.

6JG Liliana O’D and Saskia D for their amazing performances in the class assembly despite missing most or all of the rehearsals.

6HI Natalia O for fantastic focus in all subjects, and especially in English work.

Peyton S and Ruby G for their positive outlook and responsible and mature contributions on Open Day.

Olivia L for her contribution and excellent effort in English

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