Thu 13th
Fri 14th


Wed 2nd Nov

Thu 3rd Nov

Wed 9th Nov
Thu 10th Nov
Tue 15th Nov

Thu 13th
Fri 14th
Wed 2nd Nov
Thu 3rd Nov
Wed 9th Nov
Thu 10th Nov
Tue 15th Nov
Year 5 Museum of Egyptology letter
Year 4 Viking Workshop letter
Whole School Internet Safety and Code of Conduct letter
Whole School FOST Christmas Card information
Whole School Harvest Celebration invitations
Young Voices Choir Young Voices concert letter and information please complete and return your forms by Tuesday 11th October
Please contact the School Office if you need copies of any of this information prepinfo@st teresas.com
Parents of girls in 5HC are invited to join us for their class assembly on Thursday 10th November 2022 at 8.30am in the Henderson Hall
Refreshments will be served in the Henderson Hall from 8.15am
Please may I remind Year 6 parents to complete and return the Registration Form to Mrs Charles by Monday 10th October 2022 so that your daughters can be given priority entry into the Senior School and, be sent the formal offer letters after half term.
We are seeing a very high volume of lost property at the moment. The teachers will speak to the girls about taking good care of their possessions. Please may parents ensure that all items that come into school are clearly named so that we can ensure that they are returned to their owner.
Please may we ask you to help the girls to ensure that they have the correct sports kit in school for their lessons and clubs? We understand that it is not always easy for all parents to bring in forgotten items during the school day and we want to encourage the girls to take responsibility for their belongings and develop their organisational skills. Therefore, we will no longer be contacting home to ask parents to bring in forgotten items. The girls will take part in the parts of the lesson that they can, with the kit that they have, but they may miss out when specific kit is needed.
• Due to Harvest, there will be no Years 3 & 4 Netball Club and no Young Voices Singers on Tuesday morning and no Years 5 & 6 Swim Squad or Improvers on Wednesday morning.
• Due to Parents’ Evening, no after school clubs will run on Wednesday or Thursday after school, apart from Tennis, LAMDA, Equestrian, Swim Squad and After School Care.
• There will be no Study for Years 3 to 6 on Wednesday or Thursday, however, After School Care will run from 15.45 until 18.00 for all year groups.
Well done to all the girls who took their LAMDA examinations last term. It was a superb set of results, with every single girl who entered passing with either Merit or Distinction.
The results were as follows: Pass with Merit
LAMDA Lessons are now in full swing this term with our fabulous teachers, Gael and Michael. If your daughter is interested in joining a class please do let the School Office know at prepinfo@st teresas.com. Lessons run after school on a Monday and a Wednesday.
All the girls should return to school after half term in their winter uniform.
Formal parents’ meetings for the Prep School will take place on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th October from 4.30pm until 7pm. A letter has now been sent out with further information, including booking details.
The Prep School are having two special Harvest celebrations.
Parents of children in Years 3 & 4 are invited to join us on Tuesday 11th October at 8.30am. Please complete this form to RSVP.
Parents of girls in Years 5 & 6 are invited to join us on Wednesday 12th October at 8.30am. Please complete this form to RSVP.
If you would like to attend, please park your car in the Senior School car park and walk down to the Prep School.
Fresh School Photography will be in school on Wednesday 9th November to take individual and sibling photographs. If your daughter/s have swimming or games their photograph/s will be taken before these lessons. If you have a child in the Senior School, we will be contacting you separately about sibling photographs with them.
If your daughter sustains a minor head bump at school you will be sent a generic head bump email from the School Nurses or the School Office to let you know to keep an eye on her when she gets home. Included in this email is advice for care should she begin to feel unwell. Please rest assured that if the injury is considered serious, we will call and speak to you.
Pascale E, Jessika R, Charlotte C, Liliana O’D, Isola R, Natalia O, Harriet P, Coey L and Isabella M S. Perla L, Rosie H, Jemima P, Kay L, Amy L, Tamara B, Hermione A, Amaya H, Paris C, Olivia L, Emma v E, Alexandra v E, Clara de A, Summer C, Isabella M, Matilda G, Amelia L, Mia M, Rachel H, Darcy R, Natalia T, Jena W, Layla S, Laiya A, Ariella V H, Emilia E, Grace H, Summer C, Phoebe R, Stefanie v E, Sienna L, Matilda R, Coralie H, Isabella S, Evangelina P, Erin C, Lily S and Alice C.Well done to all of the girls in our Golden Books this week:
3RN Liberty C different resources to complete her work in our new topic on addition and subtraction.
carefully and creating a fantastic set of instructions, including imperative verbs and prepositions!
Elizabeth L
imperative verbs and instructions on how to wash a woolly mammoth! Well done.
3KC Sophia D correctly in her book.
Thea B adverbials, imperative verbs, adjectives and prepositions.
Matilda W
4BB Harlow G
Apollonia C
4CR Ruby S finding it tricky.
Natalia T tasks.
5MK Sophia C describing different emotions.
Sienna L and Olivia P for their beautifully written prayers thanking God for being like a father to us, always there when we need him.
5HC Scarlett M for her excellent work in Topic on canopic jars, even writing the name of the gods in hieroglyphics.
Jessika R for her chronologically ordered and well written recount about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in English.
Clara O for her thoughtful and reflective prayer of thanks in RE.
5KH Francesca J for her detailed and well organised recount of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.
Sophia N for working consistently hard across all subject areas
6JG Isla B for excellent effort in English especially writing homework.
Harriet P for super organisation and excellent effort in all lessons.
6GH Paris C Excellent focus during Topic work and fantastic Arctic tribe research.
Coey L Beautifully written story on a special place. Peyton L fabulous narrative on being afraid, with superb description.
Before starting their new book 'The Whale', Year 4 enjoyed putting their English skills into practice. Working with a focus on personification, the girls created their own Deep Sea Creature Poem. We had all sorts of species, dolphins, jellyfish, octopus, you name it!
Our fabulous Prep Prefect, Charlotte, organised a delicious breakfast for Year 6 on Thursday morning in our wonderful Sixth Form Centre. The Sixth Form girls were very welcoming and came armed with pastries, juice and a lovely selection of conversation starters. Year 6 were delighted to attend and are looking forward to their next visit to Senior School.
On Monday the cross country teams took part in their second race of the season at Guildford High School. There were 14 Schools, with roughly 84 children in each race. Our girls went out strong on the start and held their own throughout the races. Our top results were: U8’s: Thea: 6th, U9’s: Ruby: 4th, U10’s: Isabella: 2nd, U11’s: Natalia: 24th. Keep up the great work girls!
Well done to the U8 netball team who played in their first netball match against St Catherine’s on Friday afternoon. It poured with rain towards the end, but the girls kept their high spirits up! Great work girls.
On Tuesday, the U10 netball team played in a match against Cobham Free School. The U10 A team won 4 1 with the player of the match being Laney. Excellent work girls, well done!
On Thursday, the U8 U11 swim squads competed in their first gala of the year against The Rowan. The girls swam with determination and demonstrated excellent teamwork on pool side and during the relays. The swimmers of the gala for each age group were. U8’s Thea B H, U9’s Eliza P, U10’s Olivia P and Stephanie v E, U11’s Ella J. Well done to all girls who swam in the first gala of the year!
A huge well done to the U11 hockey team who competed in the Danes Hill Hockey Tournament on Saturday and came joint third out of eight Schools. The girls demonstrated superb teamwork on the pitch, improving their marking and supporting each other to get the ball up the pitch. Peyton was also picked from the other teams as player of the whole tournament. Great work girls!
The U9A team travelled to Hawthorns for their first hockey fixture of the term. The girls played five matches, totalling 50 minutes of hockey and worked their socks off! The girls demonstrated excellent defending and passing. Eleanor kept her width on the pitch as right forward and Apollonia kept the opposition at bay with her strong tackles. Our player of the tournament was Sophia. Well done girls!
Monday U11 IAPS Hockey Tournament at Charterhouse School
Tuesday U11 A&B Hockey at CLFS. U10 A D Football v St George's 2:30pm (H)
Friday U9 A C Hockey v Reigate St Mary 2:30pm (H). U8 A D Netball @St Catherine's 3pm
It was an absolute joy to celebrate our annual St Francis Blessing Service this week. We were pleased to welcome a wide selection of much loved pets and other animals to the school site. We gave thanks for all the happiness and affection that we share, and we also took the opportunity to give thanks to God for all that blessings that we receive through our pets and the animals of our world.
Following the example of both St Francis and our own St Thérèse we recalled that it is often the little things that make a difference. In particular we thought about the bees who fulfil an essential role, particularly in the production of food. In short, most of us would go hungry if it were not for the bees who pollinate the crops we rely on. Yet bees are under significant threat. Their habitats are being destroyed, pesticides are killing them in unprecedented numbers and we all live with the threat that our food supply will be damaged or even destroyed unless we act.
In this Season of Creation, we are encouraged to give thanks for the beauty of creation, but also to reflect on our God-given responsibility to be stewards of the gifts that we have received so that we can say, with St Francis, ‘Praise be to God in all your creatures!’
Thanks to everyone who supported Macmillan coffee morning last Friday, whether it was by the girls raising money through enjoying a yummy treat or the Mums supporting our stallholders at the FOST coffee morning. We have raised an incredible £1,343 well done St T’s Community!!!!
our website
find us on Facebook “St Teresa’s Equestrian”
We hope that you are all staying warm and dry! The staff will start to clip the ponies coats next week so they will look very tidy and smart but will start to feel the chill!
As the weather is so variable at the moment, please make sure that you come with a jumper (no hoodies!) and/or a coat to wear when it’s chilly out. As we are on top of a hill, we get a bit of a cold wind when riding in the arena!
A reminder that if you wish to cancel a lesson, we do require 48hrs notice or more in order to offer credit. Any later and we are unable to fill the slot with a rider for a catch up lesson or off the waitlist.
Last weekend, riders went to two NSEA competitions for jumping and dressage at Felbridge and did great!
Results are below!
The STE ponies moved fields and were very happy to get new grass. They ponies also had the farrier round to have new shoes after Roxy lost a shoe! As half term is coming up there are Pony Days on where you get to tack up, groom, ride and learn LOADS about horses! There are booking available so go to the STE website and sign up while you can!
The horse of the week is… Wizard!
~ Libby CThe October dates are ready to book, we are running Pony Mornings, Pony Afternoons but also ad hoc lessons.
So please check out bookings site to book your spaces now!
On the first weekend of October, the team went out to Felbridge to compete in show jumping and dressage.
On Saturday 1st October, Lilly S competed in the 80cm and Izzy L competed in the 80cm and 90cm. Both rode clear in the 80cm but unfortunately missed out on the top placings.
On Sunday 2nd, Lilly S competed in the 80cm, Rosie C and Jessica R competed in the 60cm, Jessica R, Holly C and Rosie C competed in the 50cm, and Holly C and Florence B competed in the 40cm. We’re still waiting for the results for these riders, but the 50cm team did come 5th overall. Well done!
In the dressage, Lilly S rode in the Prelim class and came 5th scoring 69.42%! Cassia C rode in the Novice and Elementary classes and came 6th in the Novice with 67.92% and 1st in the Elementary with 65.71%!
Hot lunches include a selection of family favourites and suitable alternatives for children with allergies and intolerances.
Prep School Beef lasagne & crusty bread
Chicken breast goujons
Roast chicken breast with Yorkshire pudding
Main Beef lasagne with crusty bread
Southern fried chicken fillet burger with shredded iceberg & piri piri mayo
Eat healthy dish Chargrilled chilli chicken & roasted vegetable traybake
Pork & vegetable korma with wholemeal rice
Honey roast gammon with Yorkshire pudding
Marinaded Cajun beef strips with rustic coleslaw & chef’s salad
Mild beef chilli with rice & nacho’s
Mild beef chilli nachos, grated cheese, guacamole, sour cream & salsa
Lemon & basil chicken breast served with marinaded olives
Fish fingers/ tomato pasta
Vegetarian Vegetable & spinach lasagne
Quorn mince & bean tomato bake
Sides Crusty bread Peas & sweetcorn
Jacket wedges Broccoli
Root vegetable & lentil cottage pie
Roast potatoes
Mixed vegetables
Malaysian style squash & seitan curry
Traditional battered cod fillet or fish fingers with tartare sauce
Seafood & chilli spiced linguine with roasted green peppers & fresh herbs
Desert Lemon & Blueberry slice
Additional Salad Bar
Summer Fruit Platter
Apple pie & custard
Salad Bar
Summer Fruit Platter
Rocky road
Salad Bar
Summer Fruit Platter
No chicken teriyaki noodles & Oriental vegetables
Rice Carrots Chips Peas Baked beans
Fruit & berry crumble & custard
Salad Bar Summer Fruit Platter
Raspberry cheesecake
Salad Bar Summer Fruit Platter