6 JUNE 2022 Message from the Headmaster
The first week back after half-term has been filled with exciting activities both at Cranmore and off site. Pupils in Years 3 to 8 have participated enthusiastically in the inter-house swimming galas throughout the week. Year 6 travelled to Arundel Castle to learn about the fascinating structure, furniture, tapestries and rare collection of paintings by renowned artists. Our Reception children enjoyed hands-on science activities during their visit to the Lookout Discovery Centre. Year 3 pupils were joined by Governors and staff as they attended a special First Holy Communion Mass with Father Stephen. They had an opportunity to pause and consider that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Jesus gives us the outstanding manifestation of His love for everyone. Our guest speaker this week was Professor Brendan Madden who was the first clinical Professor of Cardiothoracic Medicine in the UK. He kindly gave up his time to speak to our Senior School pupils about the importance of being able to identify different heart rhythms in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. He gave a fascinating insight into his training and clinical experience, and highlighted the possible pathways for those who are interested in a career in medicine.
We are very proud of and excited by how our school is expanding. Yesterday, I wrote to all parents to share information about our growth and staffing news for the next academic year. In the evening, Year 5 parents were welcomed to school to hear about what their children can expect when they are able to join the Senior School in 2023. Mr Everitt