9 MAY 2022 Message from the Headmaster
Last week, I was delighted to see the Year 8 pupils return from their visit to The Globe Theatre, having enjoyed a production of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, a thoroughly enriching experience for the pupils. Year 5 had an opportunity to explore and enjoy Painshill Park and refined their orienteering skills whilst making their way through the open spaces and woodland areas. At school we had leadership workshops, seed planting at Forest School, maths competitions and wonderful presentations on World War Two. A special mention to Nino for playing his Grade 6 piece on the piano to the school at the age of eight. Congratulations to our ski teams who won the IAPS national titles this week at U9, U11 and U13 level. In addition, our U11 swimming team has qualified for the Nationals of the School Relays in Sheffield. What a remarkable achievement.
Mr Everitt