18th JANUARY 2021
Message from the Headmaster Dear Parents The Chronicle this week displays the incredible creativity and talent of our pupils. Year 2 have produced wonderful art work during their Famous Explorer topic, Year 4 have been freezing natural forms, Year 5 have been inspired by Hundertwasser using different surfaces, while Year 6 focused on work in the style of Caulfield’s linear drawings. We are delighted to be reintroducing a number of exciting clubs and activities in the coming weeks. Pupils will be informed about the Parallel Maths Project, Chess club, Music Appreciation, Science Fun, Boogie Dance and Drama activities, to name but a few.
Our assembly on Friday focused on the Beatitudes and embracing the challenges around us. The Lower Prep School have been busy climbing ‘Mount Everest’ while older pupils have been completing the Class Distance Challenge, endeavouring to reach ten of the major stadiums across the UK. However, the Cranmore staff feel they have been missing out on all the fun, so from this week they have decided to join the respective races. The pupils will have a two-week head start but watch out, the staff will be catching up soon!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Barry Everitt
Year 7 learning Python in Computer Science lessons After units on HTML and CSS, Year 7 have now started learning Python in Computer Science lessons. A language so named after the creator's love of Monty Python and the Flying Circus. Python is a great programming language to learn for a number of reasons, not only in its simplicity but also because it is becoming one of the most important languages throughout the world. It is used by all the big tech platforms, throughout universities for data research, AI, Web Apps and Cyber Security. Whilst our Year 7 classes are not quite using it to its full potential yet, they have found it to be a very useful Mathematical tool. Could they use it for their Maths homework? It can use all four operations, (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), find prime numbers, complete times tables as well as averages and computing decimal remainders.
This is from our first lesson:
Mr Hinds Director of Digital Strategy and Innovation
Referencing the Parallel Resources and how we might use themNew ‘Mathematical Enrichment ‘ Opportunity at Cranmore!
We are introducing a new online extracurricular activity for Yr 7 and 8 students called the Parallel Maths Project. This website publishes mathematical tasks each week for students to complete. The project covers topics which aren’t part of the school curriculum, with the idea of broadening student knowledge and fostering their interest in different areas of mathematics. If you would like to join in with this and are in Yr 7 or 8, please go to the website: parallel.org.uk and create an account. You will need your school email address and the school code. (The school code will be shared with all pupils in Year 7 & 8) If you have any questions, do email Mrs Conlan (celia.conlan@cranmore.org).
Success in Grade 5 Theory examination in Music! Congratulations to Alec W in Year 8 who achieved a Pass in Grade 5 Theory. This is a hard written exam, which can now be taken online and, once passed, allows a musician to access the higher grades of 6,7 and 8 on their instrument. Mr Harris Director of Music
Year 6 Art inspired by Patrick Caulfield’s linear drawings Year 6 students have been observing vessels, inspired by Patrick Caulfield’s linear drawings of home interiors. They have been focusing on drawing careful ellipses and drawing with symmetry, as well as observing form and detail. Work below, left to right, by Ben C, 6RC; Alex B, 6MC; Jack H, 6RC; and bottom row left to right, William R, 6MC; Matthew P, 6RC. Miss Sanders
Year 5 Art inspired by Hundertwasser using found surfaces Year 5 students have started learning about the artist Hundertwasser. He was known for making his own paints and using found surfaces to make his paintings. Year 5 have responded to this by creating their own unique pieces using found objects or Lego inspired by Hundertwasser’s colourful and surreal landscapes. They have all done a fantastic job and thoroughly enjoyed the activity! Miss Sanders
Art above left by Ollie C, 5CC, Above right by Oliver B, 5CC Left, Barnaby H, 5SM, Below left by Jake M-H, 5TH, Below right by Rico T, 5TH
Year 4 Art –freezing natural forms in ice, inspired by artist Azuma Makoto Year 4 students have been freezing natural forms in ice, inspired by the artist Azuma Makoto. They have created beautiful outcomes and been really experimental with their photography. I am particularly impressed with David L’s response (opposite page) which comes all the way from South Africa! Photo immediately below left by Ben T, 4SV , right by Alex H, 4WL; middle row photo left by Jack D, 4FH and right by Alex H, 4SV.; bottom row left by William M, 4Fh and right by Elijah M, 4FH. Miss Sanders
Year 4 Art inspired by artist Azuma Makoto
I am particularly impressed with David L’s response below and photo right- which comes all the way from South Africa! Miss Sanders
“We are in De Kelders, South Africa at the moment so I put Fynbos in my ice sculpture. These plants are really special and can only be found in this area. I also put some sea urchin shells and an abalone shell into one of the blocks.” David L, 4WL
Below, photo showing Alexander C, 4WL, at work.
Wellbeing The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton have shared a link to a webinar for parents supporting mental health and well-being: Supporting your child's mental health and well-being during lockdown - YouTube
Dylan C, 5SM, above, uses art as a hobby to relax. Year 3 Nino plays his violin (right) & Charlie enjoys his drums (left) - Mrs Sinclair
Year 1 creative story writing—above and below—Mrs Hastings
Year 5 enjoy creative tasks alongside their studies In Year 5 RE we have been studying ‘Mission Together’. In activities linked to our topic, we have built boats and made origami doves. Mr Jakubowski
Explorer Ships in Art as part of Year 2’ s topic on famous explorers around the world! 2JC and 2RF loved creating their own explorer ships as part of our topic this half term learning about famous explorers from all around the world. Photographs show pupils completed 'Explorer Art' . The children had to follow instructions, and use different materials to make a ship fit for an explorer! Mrs Carpenter and Miss Freeman
Nursery children concentrate as they use cutting skills on penguins, create snowmen on the interactive whiteboard and use pencil control to write! The Nursery children have been busy with activities related to the topic of winter. They have enjoyed developing their cutting skills to create lovely penguin pictures. They have engaged in using the interactive whiteboard to create snowmen. We have also been focusing on our pencil control skills and the children have enjoyed working on different themed sheets. Mrs Luke, Head of Nursery
Sport- Class Distance Running Challenge
For regular updated sporting action, follow: instagram.com/cranmoresport
Lower Prep Sport
Rugby Skills– all ages!
Sport - Lower Prep Staircase Challenge!
A Message from our Chaplain
Click here to view resource link
Click here for assembly recording
Mr Jakubowski