St Teresa's Senior Bulletin January 31 2025

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27 January 2025

This Week’s Headlines

This Week’s Headlines

Monday 3 - Friday 7 February………………….Children's Mental Health Week

Monday 3 February……………………….Year 11 Poetry Live Trip 8:30 -17:30

Tuesday 4 February……………Year 9-11 GCSE Options Breakfast 8:35 - 8:55

Tuesday 4 February…………………..Sports Scholars Workshop 17:45 - 18:45

Wednesday 5 February…………….Year 11 GCSE Dance Exams 12:15 - 15:15

Thursday 6 February…………….Year 11 Virtual Parents Evening 17:00 - 21:00



Please see the invitation to our next Effingham Sixth Form Open Evening, for those currently inYear 10, to be held on Monday 24th February 2025 from 6pm to 7.30pm.

Please can you complete the online form by Monday 10th February 2025 to confirm if you will/will not be able to attend the event. We look forward to welcoming you then!


I hope you have had a lovely week.

On Monday, the Head Girl Team informed the school of our final Toilet Twinning Fundraising Initiative – the second-hand shop! Thank you for all the donations so far and we look forward to seeing you at the shop in the last week of the half-term. There will also be a mufti day on Friday 14th of February, with a blue and white theme.

Year 13 have continued attending the various revision clinics offered during and after school in preparation for mocks soon.

The Sixth Form Sports Tournament has also continued, with lots more points being scored. We have played a range of sports including Dodgeball, Cricket, Canadian Relay, and Basketball.

Yeah 12 have also been continuing with their Leadership Roles Applications – good luck!

We finished the week with PSHCE, with a talk on University Budgeting and Future Finances.

Have a lovely weekend,

Amelia S-M

(Deputy Head Girl)


In April we will be hosting our Futures Fair! This is an exciting event open to all across the Trust. You will also have received a New Careers newsletter in your weekly communications!

12 - 15 February Breaktime IT Hub

You can still donate pre-loved items, clothes, books etc. for our upcoming second hand sale! Drop your donations off at the entrance of Magdalen House.

14 February 2025 - Bring £2 Theme: Blue and White

£2 will be collected by your Form Tutor on the morning of the MUFTI day.

This, along with the second hand shop that will be running on the 12th, 13th and 14th of February under the IT hub canopy, will be the final fundraising projects for Toilet Twinning.

The aim is to successfully twin every toilet in the school!

You can also donate directly by clicking HERE


The boarders have been getting ready to celebrate the Lunar New Year. First came the decorations followed by a visit to China Town in London on Saturday, in order to source ingredients for dumpling and cookie making.

Saturday in London was filled with sunshine which made the day in the big city beautiful. The boarders enjoyed exploring different districts and tried a variety of popular foods.

Our studious Year 11s made the most of this trip after finally finishing their mock exams, the boarding house is very proud of them and their

Year 8 - Thursday 6 March 2025

Sixth Form - Thursday 20 March 2025


We welcomed author Fiorella De Maria to our school for a special workshop in honour of Holocaust Memorial Day. Hosted in the library, she delivered an insightful talk to Year 7 on St. Maximilian Kolbe. The visit was a wonderful opportunity for pupils to learn, ask questions, and even meet the author to explore her books.


This week our pupils took part in the Mastermind House Quiz. The intellectual battle took place in Mairlot Hall for all the school to enjoy, consisting of rapid fire questions for each bracket. With each House’s select Masterminds at the buzzers, it was a fierce battle of wits, a great show of comradery and competition, with a few laughs in between! Prizes were awarded for the winning House of each bracket, as well as an overall winner for Most Correct Answers across both brackets!


KS3 Bracket: St. Francis

KS4/5 Bracket: St. Ignatius

Overall for Most Correct Answers: St. Tabitha

Mon 14th - Thurs 17th April

The course is suitable for players from Grade 1 up to Grade 6 and is open to children from Year 4 to Year 9.

The programme will include:

String Orchestra

Swing/Jazz Band

Full Orchestra Rehearsals

Sectional Rehearsals

General Musicianship

Recreational Time

Further details can be obtained from: Mrs Caroline Yalden, Director of Music (


To access the parent portal simply CLICK HERE, you can also find a link to it at the bottom of our school website

The parent portal gives you access to many useful tools! Some of these are:

• Your child's weekly merit total

• End of term reports and grades

• Easy access to the wellbeing hub

• Ability to modify your personal details

If you experience any difficulties whilst using the parent portal, please alert our IT Support Team at the following email address:


Call: 01372 750257

Booking System

Visit our website

Or find us on Facebook “St Teresa’s Equestrian”

It’s been another interesting week weather-wise with all the challenges that the storms bring. Our ponies take it in their stride and have been enjoying the extra pampering they get when the girls have their Equitation sessions.

There’s lots of excitement about the forthcoming Interhouse Dressage in March, so we all look forward to being able to practise as much as possible in the Arena. More detail will follow about what the girls will be doing within their category .

Holiday Activities

Spring into Easter

We have also just opened up our Easter holiday lessons and activities for booking on EC Pro. In response to requests from parents, we are offering Pony Day camps as well as Pony Mornings. The Day camps will run from 9.30am until 3.30pm. As there are only four spaces in each session, please book early to avoid disappointment. The days are:

Friday 4 April

Friday 11 April

Saturday 12 April

Friday 18 April

Saturday 19 April


After weeks of cancelled events due to the stormy weather, the NSEA team got out of ‘the gates’ with a flying start.

On Saturday the team travelled to the Berkshire College of Agriculture to participate in qualifiers for the Eventers Challenge Championships and in Show Jumping for the National and Plate Championships…. and what a day it was.

With huge congratulations to the whole team, particularly: Rosie C who won her 80cm EC class and gained qualification for the EC Championships at Hickstead in May. Rosie also came 8th in both her 80 and 90 SJ classes, qualifying her for the Plate Championships at Addington in October.

Electra B, Florence B and Harriet L (our 70cm Show Jumping team) who came second in their class, qualifying them for the Nationals at Addington in October.

Well done team!

This Week

A Reading from the Gospel of Mark

Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. “Teacher,” they said, “we want you to do for us whatever we ask.”

“What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. They replied, “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.”

"You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said. “Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?”

“We can,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.”

When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John. Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


This week we reflected on Leadership and on the need to develop leadership skills.

Each one of us has been given a gift by God, each of us has been given a specific purpose. As we approach the end of this week let us learn to recognise a little more the gifts that we have been given and think of ways we can use these gifts for our community. Monday 27 January marked the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Let us pray that the Hope and Peace of Christ grows in us and spills over into the communities we are apart of.


Lord Jesus Christ, You are the true King of peace. In You alone is found freedom. Please free our world from conflict. Bring unity to troubled nations.

Let Your glorious peace reign in every heart.

Soup Soup of the day


Soup of the day

Soup of the day

Soup of the day

Soup of the day

Main Pepperoni Pizza

Pasta Bar

Pasta with Tomato & Basil Sauce

Katsu Style Turkey Noodles

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Roasted Pepper, Bacon Carbonara Sauce

Honey Roasted Gammon with Stuffing & Gravy

Chicken & Vegetable Korma

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Spicy Sausage Sauce

Vegetarian Margherita Pizza

Sticky Sweet Chilli Cauliflower

Leek and Potato Bake with Crunchy a Top



Potato Wedges

Corn on the Cob Cesar Salad

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Dessert Rice Pudding with a Selection of toppings

Steamed Rice

Sautéed Asian Vegetables

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Herb Roasted New Potatoes Steamed Carrots

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Chocolate Cookie Tray Bake

Apple and Pear

Crumble with Custard

Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher

Freshly Battered Fish or Fish

Cake with Ketchup and Tartare Sauce

Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Bolognaise Sauce Macaroni Cheese

Paneer & Spiced Root Vegetable Dhal

Naan Bread Pilau Rice Green Beans

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

BBQ Pulled Mushroom Bap

Skinny Chips

Garden Peas

Mushy Peas (Staff)

Jacket Potato & Baked Beans

Freshly Baked Bread

Salad bar

Chocolate Rice

Crispy Square

Unicorn Sponge

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