Message from the Headmaster
There were some excellent performances over the course of last week. Last Friday, Cranmore hosted an U10 football tournament in the evening and the following morning both Shrewsbury House and Cranleigh took part in a triangular event on the Henderson fields. Our U11 team put in an incredibly spirited performance, winning the Surbiton Football Tournament. Our ski teams delivered outstanding performances at the ESSKIA competition; both U11 and U13 teams have successfully qualified for the national finals.
It was lovely to see the pupils in the Lower Prep school involved in science experiments and wonderful that the pupils are again able to explore and enjoy the wonders of the Forest School.

Father Stephen was our welcomed guest on Thursday as we celebrated Mass with the Upper Prep and Senior School. We gave thanks for all that we have on this earth and focused on supporting others in the year ahead.
Tomorrow, our Open Morning promises to be the busiest on record with over 150 new families due to visit Cranmore. I would like to thank the staff for preparing the school to host our guests, to the parents involved in the morning and importantly, the pupils for giving their time to assist and take tours; they are our greatest ambassadors. Running parallel on the Henderson Fields will be our U8 and U10 tournaments with 16 teams taking part. It will certainly be another busy weekend.

Year 1 explore Taste for their Senses Topic

Year 1 are doing ‘Our Senses’ in science and today we focused on Taste. We tasted crisps and they had to guess the flavour. We really enjoyed it!

Year 2 Visit to Forest School

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed going over to Forest School last Thursday for the first time this academic year. The children were given time to explore, make mini catapults and enjoyed having a hot chocolate treat around the fire circle.

Reception News

This week, our Reception children have been learning about toys from the past and present. They have greatly enjoyed bringing in their favourite toy from home. They listened very carefully to one another and had a super time playing with the toys.

Nursery News
The Nursery children engaged well in their science lesson this week. They had to identify which objects would sink or float. The Expressive Art and Design activity was linked to our current topic ‘All about me,’ and they had to stick the correct number of squares on a house to represent their family members. In Pre Nursery the children used mixed media to decorate crowns and began to learn all about squares. They participated in lots of sensory play with pasta and bubble wrap with paint. They enjoyed making banana bread for their afternoon snack.
Ms Luke, Head of Nursery

Dropping off musical instruments in the morning
Music lessons commence from 8am, so we ask parents to ensure that they enter the Auditorium building quietly if they are helping their child to drop off an instrument in the morning. If parents need to enter the Auditorium building for any other reason, they should sign in at the office. Thank you for your cooperation.

Upper Prep Chamber Choir Years 4 to 6
Wednesdays 1.15pm in M2 and Fridays 8am in the Auditorium
We are working towards the Young Voices Concert at the O2 Arena in January!

Congratulations to William M (6CP) who has achieved Merit in his Grade 1 Electric Guitar exam.
Library News

My congratulations to the following pupils who completed the Summer Reading Challenge. The challenge was to read books from as many different decades of the Queen’s reign as possible. These pupils will receive their certificates and prizes in next week’s assemblies.
Mrs Watkinson, School Librarian
Gold (7 decades or more)
Jasper (5MP)
Silver (5 decades or

Bronze (3 decades or

Sports Roundup
It has been a very busy start to the term. Over 70 football matches have been played across age groups U8s to U14s. We ran our first Primary Schools tournament last week which included 6 local schools, plus our annual U8s and U10s tournament takes place tomorrow. Our U10B side won both matches against Cranleigh and Shrewsbury House (photo on the front cover). Our U11s won the Surbiton Football Tournament last Saturday, winning 6 games en route.

Cricket Coaching at Cranmore