Chronicle edition 2 16 September 2016

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Cranmore Chronicle Editor: Mrs R Spooner

16 September 2016

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Dear Parents Having completed our second week, there is a real sense that we have made a great start to the term. Our new pupils are beginning to know their way around and feel part of the Cranmore community. The various extra-curricular activities, including sports fixtures and clubs, are well under way.

 Bright

Stars’ Toddler Group & new outside area

 Rowing gets off to

a great start

This edition has photos of our new Bright Stars’ garden and I am sure you will agree it looks superb. Our youngest pupils are going to reap great benefits from such a high quality outdoor resource. Cranmore is about developing character and we are delighted that our Form 2 pupils will be taking on some real challenges on their “adventure training” residential visit which began on Wednesday. Whilst we believe the additional parking area has helped the flow of traffic inside school, we have no control of what happens beyond the gates. Unfortunately, we have received several complaints from neighbours concerning vehicles travelling at excessive speeds in the roads near the school. In the interests of safety, I would urge all drivers to maintain the highest level of care and attention, particularly at peak times.

 Football

U10 v KCJS

We are hosting an Open Morning on Friday and Saturday next week. If you know families that might be interested in Cranmore, please do encourage them to come along and see your children in action. Yours sincerely

 Music News

Michael Connolly  Form

5 & 6 Calculator request

 The

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Italian Masquerade Ball, Saturday 26 November

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