Thursday 16 January…..Top of the Bench Competition Dunottar School 16:30
We hope you had an enjoyable time over the festive break; the girls have been full of chat about it and everyone has returned re-invigorated and ready for the term ahead. Enjoy the new term and the new year ahead.
Year 8 - Thursday 6 March 2025
Year 11 - Thursday 6 February 2025
Sixth Form - Thursday 20 March 2025
Please see below the invitation to our next Effingham Sixth Form Open Evening, for those currently in Year 10, to be held on Monday 24th February 2025 from 6pm to 7.30pm.
Please can you complete the online form by Monday 10th February 2025 to confirm if you will/will not be able to attend the event.
We look forward to welcoming you then.
Hi all,
Happy new year! I hope you had a restful holiday and welcome back.
The Sixth Form has continued with their work this week, with Year 13 starting to think about their mock season coming up in February.
On Wednesday, the Sixth Form had an assembly on how to create achievable and specific goals, especially as the new year has started. As such, we have begun target setting, taking into account what we wrote in our report self-reflections at the end of last term.
On Wednesday, we also started our new PE tournament that will last the entire Spring Term. We have been split up into six teams – with both Year 12 and Year 13 in each – and will play other teams in a range of sports including netball, tag rugby, basketball, and football. At the end of term, we will then come together to find out the winners.
As part of the Head Girl Team, we have begun our final initiative for Toilet Twinning. We are creating a boutique of secondhand clothes that we are going to sell in the Nelson Pavilion. Keep and eye out for an email and further updates soon. We appreciate all your help!
Have a lovely weekend,
The cadets enjoyed seeing the intricacies of aviation up close, gaining insights into the vital role of the Royal Air Force.
Over the Christmas break Emilia E, Lily S and Alice R (Y9) baked and hosted a cake sale in East Clandon raising £400 of which £200 went to Cherry Trees, and £200 to the local church.
This was all to help towards their Duke of Edinburgh award, but also a great way to show the St Teresa’s spirit! They had great fun doing it and it really brought the local community together!
YOU have the opportunity to have your voice heard! For more information check your emails on how to apply for the below teams, we are so excited to see all your applications!
There are some exciting opportunities to join student leadership teams at the school this term, giving you the chance to make your voices heard and create positive changes around the school. This year, we’re thrilled to introduce an exciting new opportunity with our Values Committee! Some of the opportunities available include...
Following Dr McShane's announcement in assembly on Tuesday, creative, fun and organised pupils from every year group are invited to apply to become representatives on the new Student Values Commitee. This committee will plan all of the fun events throughout the year in celebration of our Value.
Emails of application need to be sent to Miss Pitchford The deadline for applications is 16:30 on 31/1/2025
There are many opportunities to take part in Student leadership this term, all these roles will be announced in assembly where you can find out more about the application process. All roles will be announced Friday 14 February
Student Council: Open to all years, Information about the application process will be shared with you by your Head of Year in your year group assemblies.
Head Girl: Open to Year 12 Pupils, more information to be announced next Tuesday.
Sixth Form Leadership Team: There are 18 roles available to Year 12 Pupils. More information to be announced next Tuesday.
Chaplaincy Team
Duties and Responsibilities
The Chaplaincy Team works to promote the Faith within our school community and also within ourselves. It aims to put Faith into Action, but also to recognise that we can't do everything. You will help Fundraise, lead the Fair-Trade Stall, Read at Major Feasts and help out the Chaplaincy in a practical way. We will go on Pilgrimage, meet amazing people and discover God is close to us.
Method of application:
Deadline: Friday 24 January at 6pm
We have opportunities for you to join our Eco Council.
We meet every week to discuss a variety of ways to make our school more environmentally friendly. We work towards the Green Flag Award and also run Eco crafting sessions.
Method of application: email
Deadline: Friday 31st Jan
EDI Ambassadors (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion)
Duties and Responsibilities
The EDI Ambassadors will work with the EDI Senior prefect on school wide incentives, which enrich our community as part of our wonderfully diverse and inclusive school environment. The Ambassadors will help to coordinate and present exciting events, meetings and extra-curricular commitments covering Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Method of application: email
Deadline: Friday 31st Jan
To access the parent portal simply CLICK HERE, you can also find a link to it at the bottom of our school website
The parent portal gives you access to many useful tools! Some of these are:
• Your child's weekly merit total
• End of term reports and grades
• Easy access to the wellbeing hub
• Ability to modify your personal details
If you experience any difficulties whilst using the parent portal, please alert our IT Support Team at the following email address:
Call: 01372 750257
Visit our website
Or find us on Facebook “St Teresa’s Equestrian” Booking System
Welcome back to the new term, and the new year! We hope that you all have had a lovely Christmas break, and are looking forward to the Spring Term.
Temperatures have dropped, so please make sure that your child comes to ride with enough layers. Key items: Gloves, good base layers such as sports skins or thermal vests/leggings and warm hoodless coats.
We are limited with space in our locker room, but parents and children are welcome to drop off their riding attire in the mornings at school drop off.
We are aware of some school trips and sporting events over the coming term. If your child cannot attend one of their lessons, then please let the STE office know by phone or by email. The lesson can also be cancelled on the booking site.
February Half Term Holiday Activities
We have released our holiday activities on our online booking system for the February Half Term,
We will be running a variety of Pony Mornings, Pony Afternoons and Private Lessons.
These can all be booked directly on the EcPro booking system:
Want to join us?
The holidays are a great time to get a taste of what we have to offer here. If you would like guidance with the booking system, please contact Rachel:
The Equestrian team had their first outing of 2025 at the Events Challenge at Felbridge on Friday 3rd January. Well done to all the team for braving sub zero temperatures to take part.
Special Congratulations to Lily Stack for bringing home a first place in the 80cm class and third place in the 90cm.
This means that Lily and her horse Griff are qualified for the NSEA Eventers Challenge.
This Week
A Reading from the Gospel of Matthew
After their audience with the king they set out.And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was.They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother.
This week we reflected on two words relating to the Epiphany.
The First word was Unexpected. The three Wise men were seekers. We too this term must seek Jesus and find Him in unexpected places.
The second word is Gift.
The three wise men of course like all good visitors bring gifts.They come to the Christ Child to give their gift. Each gift is unique, important and has a distinct purpose.The same is true of us.We all bring our own gifts and talents into our school community.We too must recognise the gifts that we can offer. On arriving they realise that they have not come only to give but to also receive.To receive the great gift of God’s only begotten son, the Word made flesh.When we look to give we end up receiving.
Soup Soup of the day
Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day
Main Chicken & Vegetable Korma Pepperoni Pizza Honey Roasted
Gammon with Stuffing & Gravy
Pasta Bar
Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Macaroni Cheese
Vegetarian Paneer & Spiced Root Vegetable Dhal
Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Roasted Pepper, Chicken & Chorizo Sauce
Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Bacon Carbonara Sauce
Margarita Pizza Leek and Potato Bake with Crunchy Top
Sides Naan Bread Pilau Rice Green Beans Potato Wedges Corn on the Cob
Cesar Salad
Jacket Potato & Baked Beans
Freshly Baked Bread
Salad bar
Dessert Coconut Rice
Pudding with a Mango Compote
Jacket Potato & Baked Beans
Freshly Baked Bread
Salad bar
Chocolate Cookie Tray Bake
Herb Roasted New Potatoes Cauliflower Cheese
Chicken Katsu Curry Freshly Battered Fish or Fish Cake with Ketchup and Tartare Sauce
Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Bolognaise Sauce
Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Cheesy Pesto Sauce
Sticky Sweet Chilli Cauliflower
Jacket Potato & Baked Beans
Freshly Baked Bread
Salad bar
Apple and Pear Crumble with Custard
Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher