Autumn Term
25 April 2022 Issue 1 : 4th September 2020
This ThisWeek’s Week’sHeadlines Headlines Saturday 30 April ……………………………………………………….………STOGA Event, 11.00-16.00 Monday 2 May…………………………………………………………………………………..Bank Holiday Tuesday 3 May ……………………………………..…………………....GCSE MFL Speaking Examinations Tuesday 3 May ……………………………………..……..……………....GCSE Photography Examinations Tuesday 3 May ..…………………………………………..……...U15A Tennis v Sutton High School, 17.00 Wednesday 4 May ……………………………………..………….……..GCSE MFL Speaking Examinations Wednesday 4 May …………………………..……..……..……….……....GCSE Photography Examinations Wednesday 4 May …………………………………...……GCSE PE Moderation at Guildford High School Wednesday 4 May ………………………….………...……………………….Surrey Tennis Festival, all day Wednesday 4 May ………………………...………U15A, B, C & D Tennis v St George’s Weybridge, 8.15 Wednesday 4 May …………………………………...…………Summer Music Festival, Mairlot Hall, 19.00 Thursday 5 May ……………………………………..…..………….…....GCSE MFL Speaking Examinations Thursday 5 May ……………………………………..…...Year 10 German Study Day, British Film Institute Thursday 5 May …………………………………..U14A & U15A Athletics v Claremont Fan School, 16.30 Thursday 5 May ……………………………………………....…...U13A Tennis v Downsend School, 16.15 Thursday 5 May ……………………………………..……………………….Evensong in the Chapel, 17.30 Friday 6 May …………………………………………………………………………..Open Morning, 10.00 Friday 6 May ……………………………………….…..…...…………Years 12 & 13 Trip to Air Hop.14.45 Some Photos from the Year 10 Geography trip.