Autumn Term
Issue 1 : 4th September 2020 24 January 2022
This Week’s Headlines Saturday 29 January………………………………….U13A Netball, St Teresa’s v Prior’s Field School, 9.00 Monday 31 January….…………………....…….………..…….……Year 11 Art Trip to Horniman Museum Monday 31 January……….….………...…...U16A Hockey, St Teresa’s v Sir William Perkin’s School, 16.45 Monday 31 January…...…………..……….…..U13A & B Netball, St Teresa’s v Notre Dame School, 17.00 Tuesday 1 February…………………………………….........U12 & U13 Surrey Netball Tournament, 10.15 Tuesday 1 February…………………..………………...Med Soc Trip to the Old Operating Theatre, 10.30 Tuesday 1 February………………………………U16A Netball, St Teresa’s v Howard of Effingham, 16.30 Tuesday 1 February……………………...Schola Cantorum, Choral Evensong Service in the Chapel, 17.30 Wednesday 2 February……………..………………………………..………...GCSE Dance Practical, 12.15 Wednesday 2 February……………….U12A, B. C & D Netball, St Teresa’s v Howard of Effingham, 16.30 Wednesday 2 February……………….U13A & B Hockey, St Teresa’s v Sir William Perkin’s School, 16.45 Thursday 3 February………………...…….U14A Hockey, St Teresa’s v Sir William Perkin’s School, 16.45 Thursday 3 February………………...…….….U15A & B Netball, St Teresa’s v Notre Dame School, 16.30
Thursday 3 February………………………...….U16A Netball, St Teresa’s v Guildford High School, 16.45 Friday 4 February……………..……..Years 12 & 13 Art Trip to Brighton Pavilion & Museum, 08.45-18.30 Friday 4 February……………………………………………………..………………….Year 8 Retreat Day
CLIMATE CHANGE LECTURE CRANMORE SCHOOL This week, a number of Year 7 and Year 8 girls attended a lecture and activity session at Cranmore School on the subject of Climate Change. The lecture was delivered by local Climate Scientist Michelle Horsfield, and caused us all to consider the current state of affairs, emphasising the importance of personal responsibility when considering the future of our planet. Lots of food for thought! Mr O’Farrell. Deputy Head (Academic)
BOARDING NEWS What a fun packed weekend the boarders have had! They had a meeting on Friday evening to receive prizes for tidy rooms, being inspirational and hard workers! Amarie and Celia had the most points - well done girls! The evening was then spent playing music and dancing, along with a few board games. On Saturday the girls went to Bluewater shopping - they ate good food and shopped till they dropped. We can't wait for next weekend as we are visiting Chinatown to celebrate Chinese New Year. We also have a meal planned for the girls on Tuesday evening - thank you Harrison’s - we are looking forward to it! Mrs Wragg Deputy Head of Boarding
ST TERESA’S WEEKLY QUIZ Mr Neate has released Week 3 of the St Teresa’s Weekly Quiz Accumulator. Click here for the link. In the league tables the House streaking ahead is Dominic. In the Year Group table it is Year 13 but only just.
PARENTS’ EVENINGS Dear Parents/Guardians, We would like to invite you to your daughter’s forthcoming virtual parents’ evenings via the Parents’ Evening module on the following dates : Year 8 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
Wednesday 2 March 2022 Thursday 10 February 2022 Thursday 17 March 2022 Thursday 17 March 2022
YEAR 10 CGP STUDY GUIDES You may well be familiar with the CGP revision guides. They have recently released a “How to Revise” book. It is very easy to read and contains a number of fabulous ideas. There is a huge range of advice covering everything from effective study techniques to tips for specific subjects, helpful checklists, timetables and planners to help students prepare for their GCSEs. These books will also help you when your daughter inevitably says “my way of revising is not working for this subject, I’m stuck”! Study Guides are available to purchase through the school at a cost of £2 to Year 10 students, please see Mrs Cawley’s email sent out this week.
EASTER MUSIC COURSE 2022! Next year’s course will take place from Monday 11th to Thursday 14th April. This will be the 10th anniversary of this course at school directed by Mrs Yalden. The course is open to girls and boys from Year 3-Year 9 from all schools who have passed Grade 1 on their instrument. Please email Mrs Yalden for further information.
4 conversation tables: French, German, Spanish & EAL Let us know if you want to run an additional table (Japanese, Afrikaans, Italian…etc.) Students and all staff with basic knowledge are welcome to join any table to practise speaking skills
Monday 31 January 2022, 4.25-4.55pm in the Staff Dining Room Refreshments & Biscuits
ART NEWS Art club relaunches with
some exciting work produced. Well done Years 7,8 &9
INVESTMENT CLUB I promised in the bulletin last week that you would be able to participate in Investment Club even if you are not able to attend all or any of the Monday after school sessions. Here is how to do so…. Over the course of the term the club will involve investing in a virtual account hosted by the London Stock Exchange – and competing with each other for who can make the most money. You enter by opening an account and setting up a free London Stock Exchange Account and using their Trading Simulator. The Stock Exchange website is here and instructions on how to get started can be found here: How to sign up and participate in the St Teresa.pdf. Once you are signed up you can create as many Trading Simulation accounts as you like – at the close of the competition on 25th March you will just need to send in evidence of your most successful account. More instructions on that will follow closer to the time. For those who come to the club on Monday after school we will be looking at investment strategies, reviewing each other’s portfolios and discussing ways in which we might improve returns and so increase our chances of winning. If you want to enter and are not able to make it to the Monday meetings please email me to let me know so I can keep a list of who is participating and communicate more directly with you. Mr Vincent Neate
RESCHEDULED: ‘PARTY SCENE’ SEMINAR Friday 4 February, 6:30pm – 8pm on Zoom (online only)
The postponed ‘Party Scene’ Seminar will now take place on Zoom and is available to parents of all year groups. It will not take place in person. Please mute your microphone during the talk and Alicia Drummond will be able to answer questions at the end. You can register for the talk using the link below:
SCHOLA CANTORUM CHOIR I am pleased to inform you that Schola Cantorum will be
leading a service of Choral Evensong in the School Chapel on Tuesday 1 February at 5.30pm. Parents and friends are more than welcome to attend this service in person. Please note that face coverings are required. Mrs Yalden, Director of Music (Prep School)
SIXTH FORM NEWS This week has been another busy week in the Sixth Form, during which we hosted two events. On Thursday afternoon we welcomed the Year 7 students and their parents for the Floreat Festival and on Friday we welcomed Year 11 for their Day In The Life Event, when they were able to spend the day as a Sixth Form student. Congratulations to Hannah K and Charlotte W who participated in the Individual Schools National Final Swimming Competition in Guildford; it was an excitingly close event between all of the swimmers and we are extremely proud of our St Teresa’s School. As an entire school we came joint first with Guildford High, congratulations to all the girls from Years 7-13 who participated. In the Sixth Form Hannah K came 3rd and Charlotte W came 10th. Thursday morning started with another exciting Year 12 leadership assembly, this week the team discussed the importance of saying yes. The assembly was presented by Emma and Pippa who looked into Shonda Rhimes who is the Director behind Grey’s Anatomy, How To Get Away With Murder and Bridgeton. She is the highest paid television producer and screenwriter and, despite her success, found that she did not feel happy and so challenged herself to say yes. Well done girls and good luck in the leadership application process. Our last leadership assembly group will be next Thursday. During PSHCE this week the Sixth Form welcomed in Jason O’Connor for a second time this term to teach us self-defence. It was very insightful and a great experience learning some extremely valuable life skills in a safe and controlled manner. Throughout the day on Friday we are welcoming in the Year 11s to give them the experience of a day in the life of a sixth former. They have the opportunity to have taster lessons in the different subjects on offer whilst also testing out an EPQ, careers and enrichment.
On Thursday afternoon we hosted the Year 7 Floreat Festival; within their enrichment lessons all Year 7 students undertook a research project of their choice. The festival is the opportunity for the students to present their projects to Year 6 students, their peers in Year 7, staff and Year 7 parents. Projects included The Nervous System, Is Sugar Bad For You?, Gender Equality and Formula 1. Well done to all the Year 7 students who presented, it was a wonderful event.
PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT Apologies for the tardiness in reporting this in our weekly bulletin, but hope you enjoyed the video previously sent out of the actual performance. On November 16 the cast and crew of 'Wendy and Peter Pan' performed their wonderfully enchanting production. The company of incredibly talented actors and designers performed outstandingly and brought the magic of Neverland to Mairlot Hall. The flying scenes were exquisitely executed and the principal roles enjoyed using the fly system to allow them to fly and lift everyone's spirits. The huge cast and crew worked incredibly hard to produce such an exceptional piece of theatre and huge congratulations must go to all involved.
ST TERESA’S DANCE CLUB St Teresa’s Dance Squad Calling all Years 7, 8 and 9 students who LOVE dance! We meet on Wednesday lunchtimes – if you enjoy learning dances in lots of different styles and to a variety of songs, come along – this is for you! St Teresa’s Senior Dancers This lunchtime club is for Years 9, 10 and 11 students who would like to learn dance pieces to a fun mix of genres – musical theatre, street and contemporary. A great way to meet others and shake off some stress midday! St Teresa’s Dance Company Our dance company meets weekly to train and create choreography in preparation for performance pieces. If you have a strong passion for dance and a strong technique, speak to Miss Richards about coming along to the company class. Miss Richards Dance Teacher
ENRICHMENT SOCIETY AND WORLD SCHOLARS CLUB The schedule for this half term is printed below. As always, girls from all years are welcome to attend, and sessions will be recorded and made available on the EnSoc Team. A reminder that Academic Scholars from Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 are requested to attend a minimum of 3 Enrichment sessions each term.
Eco Tips of the week: One for the Parents and Guardians : Majestic Wine will recycle your natural corks if dropped off at their stores or handed to their delivery drivers when making a delivery. These corks are taken to the Eden project for re-use.
TENNIS NEWS Spring Term - Group Booking Forms We are now accepting bookings for group tennis lessons during Spring term 2022! These groups will continue to run at the following times: • • •
Years 7&8 - Tuesdays 5:15-6:15pm Years 9-11 - Mondays 6-7pm Boarders - Tuesdays 6:15-7:15pm & Thursdays 6-7pm
The price for the 11-week term is £121.00 per group. Please follow the link below to sign up as soon as possible to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited.
Spring Term - Private Lessons If your daughter has private tennis lessons at lunchtimes or after school, these will continue during the Spring term. We will be sending out invoices the first week of January and also confirming details of your daughter's new coach if she previously had Jack.
New availability! We are delighted to offer new timings for private tennis lessons (whether individual, joint or small group) with our new coaches as follows: Monday, Thursday and Friday lunchtimes (1:30-2:15pm) Please contact Kirsti at to enquire. LTA Match Play Events Following the success of our previous LTA match play events, we are aiming to run these on a Sunday every half term. Please make a diary note of the following dates. • • • •
6th February 27th March 24th April 22nd May
The timings and format of the days are as follows: • •
10am U12 - Fast 4 1pm U14 - Fast 4
Sign up is via the LTA website and we will let you know once online entries open. These events really are a fantastic way for our keen players to gain match play experience in a fun, relaxed and familiar environment. We hope to see many of your girls competing during Spring 2022! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! From ESTA
Join us and learn at our next webinar ADOLESCENT SKIN HEALTH & SELF-ESTEEM with Tina LondCaulk - Wednesday 9th February, 6:30pm, with a recording made available in The Wellbeing Hub for one week. Throughout February, we will be focusing on adolescent skin health and self-esteem. We have invited Tina Lond-Caulk, a nutritionist of 20 years standing, to talk about nutrition for adolescent skin health. Tina has worked with a number of very high profile medical practises and the world renowned Lanserh of Medical Clinic. She is also the founder of the nation wide Food for Life programme which is an education programme for schools. Tina will share her nutrition tips for adolescent skin health and self-esteem.
Join us and learn at our additional webinar THE FUTURE OF WORK with Alex Webb - Thursday 27th January, 6:30pm, with a recording made available in The Wellbeing Hub for one week. The world of work is changing and life beyond school is exciting. We've invited Alex Webb, director of Flying Start XP, an organisation dedicated to enabling employability and business brilliance in young people, to talk about the future of work and what we can do as parents, carers and teachers to ensure the next generation are equipped to maximise opportunities, development, and growth. Alex is one of the leading project managers in her field, she has worked across multiple business sectors and has helped develop programmes for start-ups and SMEs. Having started her career as a teacher she has a deep understanding of the challenges facing pupils and graduates. Alex also works with individuals and teams on self-awareness, resilience and leadership. It is this work that allows her to impart her expertise to the younger audience.
Please follow us on FOST instagram account: @fost_st_teresas_effingham
St T's SUMMER BALL – 25th JUNE 2022 SPONSORSHIP REQUEST We have 5 Sponsorship Spaces left at two different pricings. So if you, your company or anyone you know far and wide might like to be included please contact Deborah Whipple at as soon as possible as we are going to print on our Save the Date cards. You do not want to miss this amazing opportunity……
UNIFORM SHOP Open Mondays & Fridays 8.30am-9am & the first Saturday of every month 10am-10.30am during term time.
Visit our website:
Call: 01372 750257
Or find us on Facebook “St Teresa’s Equestrian”
Booking System
We hope that you all have had a lovely week! Please do make sure that all riders pack appropriate coats and waterproofs. The temperature has dropped again and it is really bitter up here in the evenings!
February Half Term Pony Days The February dates were emailed out and we are already almost fully booked! There are just a couple of spaces left to view on the online booking system. If you would like to be added to the waiting list in case of a cancellation, then please email the office; or, if there is an update on the system you will be emailed automatically if a space becomes available.
Pony Update We are making the heart-breaking decision to retire Tango from the riding school and are therefore looking for a loan home for him. We are searching for an adult only home who can keep him in light work having fun in a schooling and hacking home. If you or you know of someone who would like to take on our amazing ginger pony, or would like more information, then please email us
NSEA Competition Reports
We have some individuals and teams heading to NSEA and BSJA Just for Schools competitions over the next couple of months, starting with BSJA at Wellington Riding! Good luck to you all!
This Week This week, we marked Holocaust Memorial Day. We recall that on 27th January, 1945 the Allied Forces liberated the concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The horrific scenes they experienced reflected the exterminations of over 1.1 million at that camp alone and countless millions across other camps, including the 6.5 Jewish men, women and, in particular, children who were so wickedly killed in that genocide that has left an indelible scar on our world. We were reminded of the cruel prejudice against Jews, the Gypsy-Roma-Traveller community, Homosexuals, other religious minorities like Jehovah’s witnesses and those with disabilities, as well as clergy and political activists. It is hard to believe that such prejudice existed then and resulted in such genocide. And it is still more shocking to learn that genocides have continued ever since - in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia - and even today in the Darfur region of Sudan. While remembering such events can be shocking,, it is essential that we do, so that our minds are challenged and our hearts grow in compassion so that in our lives today, and in the future, we can take action to ensure that no such prejudice is ever again permitted. We were particularly reminded of the words of Pope St John-Paul II - the first Polish Pope and one who knew first hand both the hatred experienced during the Second World War, as well as in our own times - who reminds us that every human person, from birth to natural death, is imbued with innate, God-given dignity. Every person, without exception, is precious in God’s eyes. The challenge for us from Holocaust Memorial Day is to recognise that dignity in every person we meet and to share the message of that dignity with the world.
Menu Monday
Chicken Tikka Masala with Rice & Poppadums
Chinese Noodle Soup, Chicken Chow & Crispy Chilli Beef
Chef’s Carvery – Locally sourced Turkey Breast with Yorkshire Pudding
Pepperoni Pizza Slice with Chef’s Salad
Breaded Cod Fillet / Cod Fishfingers
Vegetable & Chickpea Curry & Rice
Crispy Tofu & Vegetables in Sweet & Sour Sauce
Tomato Pasta
Cheese & Tomato Pizza Slice
No Meat Meatballs in a Tomato sauce
Eat Healthy Choice
Beef Meatballs in a Fresh Tomato Sauce & Wholewheat Fusilli Pasta
Crispy Tofu & Vegetables in Sweet & Sour Sauce
Thai Coconut Pork with Green Vegetables & Wholemeal Rice
Cajun Chicken Breast Strips with Light Piri Piri Slaw & chef’s Salad
Poached Salmon with Nut Free Pesto Pasta & Olive Salad
Rice, Pasta & Broccoli
Steamed Rice & Stir Fried Vegetables
Roast Potatoes, Sweetcorn & Peas
Jacket Wedges, Mixed Vegetables
Chips & Peas
Jacket Potatoes
Jacket Potato & Beans
Jacket Potato & Beans
Jacket Potato & Beans
Jacket Potato & Beans
Jacket Potato & Beans
Banana & Choc Chip Cake & Custard
Coconut & Mango Infused Rice Pudding
Victoria Sandwich Slice
Pain au Chocolat Bread & Butter Pudding with Custard
Strawberry Milkshake
Salad Bar
Salad Bar
Salad Bar
Salad Bar
Salad Bar
Summer Fruit Platter
Summer Fruit Platter
Summer Fruit Platter
Summer Fruit Platter
Summer Fruit Platter
Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher