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Sports News
Welcome Back to Sport
Welcome back to the Summer term! We are excited for the next term, which is action packed full of tennis, cricket and athletics fixtures and of course Sports day!
On Wednesday afternoon the U10+11s took part in the IAPS football tournament. The girls won a series of knockout games with the final match going to penalties. After 8 penalties and some fantastic saves from Peyton, St Teresa’s were victorious with Isabella K calmly scoring the final penalty!
Well done to all of the girls for winning the plate competition!
The U11A tennis squad competed in their first Surrey league tennis fixture on Tuesday against Feltonfleet. The girls had to play two sets of fast four against three pairs. They all played extremely well demonstrating consistently accurate serves and some great volleys. A great start to the season!
Fixtures and clubs (week commencing 1st May)
Sunday IAPS Judo: 14:00 @ ACS Cobham
Monday Year 5 and 6 athletics club: 07:50. Year 3 and 4 rackets club: 12:45. Year 5 and 6 Tennis club: 16:15
Tuesday Year 3 and 4 cricket club: 07:50. Year 4 tennis squad and Year 3-6 cricket bowling: 12:45. U11A Surrey cricket tournament: 14:30 @ Danes Hill
Wednesday Year 5 and 6 swim improvers: 07:50. Year 3 and 4 athletics club: 12:15. Year 5 and 6 tennis club: 12:45. U10+U11A Surrey tennis festival: 10:00 @ St George’s College
Thursday Year 3 and 4 athletics club: 07:50. Year 5 and 6 athletics club: 12:15. Year 3 and 4 tennis club: 12:45. Year 5 and 6 swim squad: 15:45 and 16:30. Year 3-6: Hockey Future Stars: 18:00.
Friday Year 3 and 4 swim squad: 07:50. Year 3-6 football club: 12:45. No cricket club for Year 5 and 6.
Music News
Musicians of the Week
Year 3 – Esther H for wonderful progress in her recorder playing. The practice paid off – well done!
Year 4 – Eliza for excellent knowledge and recall of the elements of music.
Year 5 – Jessica T for working so hard on her piano pieces over the holidays.
Year 6 – Olivia K for such a great start in learning our Mary Poppins songs.
Music News
It has been wonderful to see all the girls back after their Easter holidays and hear all their stories of what they have been up to.
Year 3 has made a wonderful start to the term learning the note ‘E’ on their recorders and exploring tempo in music.
Year 4 have learned about structure this week and can now explain call and response and pop song structure – try asking them and see how much they can remember!
Year 5 and 6 are making a wonderful start to some really tricky harmonies in the songs for Mary Poppins – keep it up girls!
Huge congratulations to Isabella K who passed her piano Grade 3 with merit – a wonderful achievement.
Infant Music Festival
We are looking forward to welcoming children from Cranmore, Glenesk and St Christopher’s next week for our annual Infant Music Festival, starring our very own Chamber Choir!
Music Lessons & Instrument Hire
We have some spaces for one one lessons and have some instruments that can be hired from the school. If you would like to try out any instruments or need any more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Harris c.harris@st-teresas.com
This Week
It was good to gather together and to continue our celebrations of the season of Easter. (Remember Easter lasts 50 days, so keep that supply of Easter Eggs coming!!)
In Chapel this week we reflected on one of the encounters that the disciples had with the Risen Lord., as we reflected on the Journey to Emmaus (Luke 24).
The account reminds us of the two disciples who had fled Jerusalem in the early hours of Easter Sunday. As they walked the long journey, dejected and empty at the news of the crucifixion of Jesus, an unexpected stranger joined them and explained how it was always necessary for the Christ to suffer in order to win his great victory over death. Only at the last moment, as Jesus breaks bread at their evening meal, do they recognise that it truly is him.
Perhaps, for us this week, we can remember three aspects of this story. Firstly, the two disciples were utter heart-broken at the news of Jesus. All their hopes had been dashed. In desperation, they were heading off in the absolute opposite direction that Jesus had shown. It can be reassuring that scripture presents us with models of discipleship that so often mirror our own experience.
But the second point is all the more significant as Jesus enters into that journey with them. With typical gentleness and compassion he accompanies these two disciples, even as they head in the wrong direction. Despite their confusion, Jesus explains the scriptures to them, and plants the seeds of hope in their hearts once again. They had been slow to recognise Jesus and slow to understand, but by entering into their journey, Jesus’ presence begins to transform the situation.
Finally, we have the image, so familiar to us from the frontispiece of the altar in the Chapel, of Jesus breaking the bread and the disciples coming to the realisation that Jesus has been with them throughout the journey. This can be what our journey through life is like. We live with the myth that we can make it on our own, relying, so we think, on our own initiative. Often we only recognise in retrospect the guiding hand of God in our lives as he gentle supports and directs us in the right way.
As we continue our celebration of Easter let us pray that we would recognise that presence of God in our lives and cherish those moments when, like those disciples, our hearts burn within us as we come to see Jesus walking along side us.
We hope that you have had a lovely Easter break, and are looking forward to the final term of the school year!
A new pony arrived at STE over the Easter! His name is King and he passed his council license on Tuesday so will start to be slowly introduced to lessons. He is in the stable opposite Charlie and is very friendly so feel free to say hello!
May Half Term
The half term dates are available to book!
Have a look on our online site to book your spaces now!
STE had a variety of things going on over the Easter break, including hacking, lessons and Pony Mornings! This meant that the ponies did a range of activities to keep them fit and having fun. They also introduced a Day Camp and an Introduction to Dressage afternoon, which the ponies and riders enjoyed a lot!
Ponies and staff are happy to be back in the school term. The horse of the week is… King!
~ Libby C
On the last weekend in March, Lilly S went to BCA for the JwS (Jumping with Style) qualifiers. She had an amazing day winning both the 80cm and the 90cm, winning the 90cm by over 13 penalties!
Over the 1st/2nd April weekend, our grassroots riders had some great results at Coombelands. In the 60cm Jess R was 6th and Rosie C was 9th, both with double clears. In the 70cm the team of Jess R, Rosie C and Abbie K took a great win, with Rosie finishing 3rd and Jess 9th, qualifying the team for the Grassroots Champs at Hickstead in August!