Cranmore Prep Chronicle 10 February 2023

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Message from the Headmaster

We were fortunate to welcome Steve Macaulay from 2020 Dreams to Cranmore as part of our provision for Children’s Mental Health Week. We want to empower pupils to be contributors to the building of a supportive and trustworthy community. To that end, Steve offered workshops with all pupils in Years 3 to 9 on a range of topics such as confidence building, supportive friendships, positive thinking and emotional intelligence which ties in with our theme of Intellect.

In the Upper Prep, pupils and staff also took part in some entertaining break time karaoke, there was a Thursday lunch time fun games fundraising event, and there were some yoga lessons throughout the week.

In the Lower Prep school, we had the pleasure of inviting parents to ‘Come and See’ which was an ideal opportunity to visit classrooms and appreciate the work completed by pupils. There was also a delightful music assembly, a hula hoop challenge and some flash mob dancing.

The French Breakfast event was a wonderful success with Year 5 pupils from Cranmore and St Teresa’s coming together to practise their French conversation skills over hot chocolate, croissants and bread rolls. I would like to thank the accompanying students in Year 9 from Cranmore and Year 10 from St Teresa’s for supporting the staff and younger pupils throughout the morning. It was a wonderful opportunity for the pupils to spend valuable time together. Thank you also to our catering team for helping to bring a touch of France to the dining room.


Year 5 French Breakfast with St Teresa’s

Our Year 5 pupils thoroughly enjoyed a French breakfast experience this week with the Year 5 girls from St Teresa's. As well as enjoying the breakfast, they practised their conversation skills. The food was delicious and the pupils were surprised that they were allowed to drink hot chocolate from a bowl - very French!

Mrs Spooner and Miss Ebdy

Reading Buddies Scheme

As part of the Duke of Edinburgh award, some Year 9 pupils have been volunteering their time to become Reading Buddies in our Lower Prep School. They have been incredible role models in encouraging the children to enjoy their reading books. The Lower Prep look forward to their visits every Tuesday morning, and eagerly have their reading books ready to share with them.

As part of our India topic, Year 3 tried some Indian food yesterday. Everybody tried something new and found some new favourites!

Miss Gallop Indian Food Tasting in Year 3 Miss Freeman and Mrs Sinclair

Children’s Mental Health Week

In the library this week, pupils have focused on Mental Health Week by thinking of something someone else has done for them to help them feel more connected, in line with this year’s theme of ‘Let’s Connect.’ They have also been encouraged to carry out actions from the Action for Happiness calendar.

Mindfulness in Upper Prep PE Break time Karaoke

Children’s Mental Health Week

s Mental Health Week! They also enjoyed some drama related activities in the classroom which were related to the book 'The Lion Inside.’

1AB loved climbing during their PE lesson.

Year 2 have loved daily mindfulness, yoga and dancing this week. They also engaged in an excellent session all about 'Growth Mindset.’ We talked about phrases such as, "I can't do that", "That is impossible" or "I am bad at this.” We discussed how we can have a 'growth mindset' and use phrases like "I cannot do this yet”, "I will give it a go and keep trying", “I can get better at this" or "I can learn from my mistakes."

The children have also enjoyed carrying out some of the 'mindful moments' to try at home. They loved an assembly all about 'connecting' and what 'good connections' look like. It has been a fantastic week and we will continue to talk about keeping our minds healthy each day.

Children’s Mental Health Week

Break time karaoke

Year 1 poems about Happiness

This week for Mental Health week, the Pre-Nursery children had a great yoga session in the gym. All the Nursery children have been focusing on being kind to each other and enjoyed listening to stories relating to this. The Nursery children made the most of the lovely weather and performed their yoga in our Nursery Garden!

Lower Prep Music Assembly

Well done to the performers who played so beautifully in Wednesday’s Lower Prep Music Assembly. Florence E-N, Luke H and Fabian H entertained the audience with their amazing playing and singing. Our Upper Prep and Senior pupils showcased their musical skills to the Lower Prep as they sang and played the flute and cello. Thank you to Harry M, Ollie C, Rafferty C-D and Oliver S for inspiring the younger pupils.

If anyone in Year 1 and above is interested in learning an instrument or having singing lessons, please email Mrs Thornton.

EYFS and Year 1 Come and See

On Friday 3rd February, we were delighted to welcome our families into the classrooms to share the children’s beautiful work. The children took great pride in sharing their books and artwork displayed around the classrooms. Thank you so much for joining us for this special event.

Miss Gallop

Sports Update

As the rugby season comes towards the end, we have had some great fixtures over the last week against Parkside, Donhead, Milbourne Lodge, Danes Hill and Kings College Wimbledon.

U11s vs Donhead U9s vs RGS Prep and Milbourne Lodge U10s vs Donhead U11s vs Danes Hill

Sports Update

Hockey has started in PE lessons and cricket nets have continued at lunchtimes.

Year 4 hockey

Cricket Coaching at Cranmore

Please see flyer regarding information about individual and small group cricket coaching held at Cranmore.

Holiday Sports Camps at Cranmore - please see below: x=1#init

This Week’s House Cup Winners

Congratulations to Tylor House in the Lower Prep and Morton House in the Upper Prep for gaining the highest number of merits this week!

Mr Hodgson, Director of Sport

Thought for the week:


How will you support those in need?

A Prayer for World Day of the Sick

Oh God, you have always cared for the sick in a special way, wanting your children to be healed in both body and soul. With Pope Francis, we pray in special gratitude for those who continue to be signs of the merciful hands of God, offering care and comfort even as they perhaps struggle themselves. As we remember now all the ways you have come to heal the sick, we pray together: OhGod,healallwhoaresickinbodyandsoul. Amen.


This Saturday marks World Day of the Sick, which calls for prayer and closeness towards those who suffer. In 1992, Pope John Paul II established the day to urge people to pray for individuals who are ill and their caretakers. The day coincides with the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes.

At this time, we also pray for those in Turkey and Syria, for the tragic loss of life there and the displacement of thousands of people. We know that our Cranmore community will want to do their part to help aid get to the people who most need it.

Donations can be made to The Disasters Emergency Committee and the UK Government will match pound-for-pound up to £5 million donated by the public. The DEC is made up of 15 member charities who are experts in humanitarian aid and specialise in different areas of disaster response. They come together to speak in one voice and make fundraising more efficient when they launch an appeal. CAFOD, a charity who we regularly raise money for in school, is a member.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who are affected by the earthquake.

A Message from our Chaplaincy Team


Tickets are on sale now for the Cranmore 55th Anniversary Ball and can be purchased by using the following link:



Monday Friday

Soup Soup of the day – Roasted Mediterranean vegetable

Main Password protected pork sausages & onion gravy

Soup of the day – Tomato & basil

Monitoring your mild beef chilli con carne served with hand cut nachos & dips

Jacket potato & beans Plain pasta with a tomato sauce

Vegetarian Spaghetti Neapolitan with freshly baked focaccia

Sides Mashed potato

Broccoli / sweetcorn

Soup of the day -Spicy vegetable & potato

Ratting roasted pork leg with Yorkshire puddings & apple sauce

Soup of the day – Carrot & cumin

Freshly footprint baked pepperoni pizza

Jacket potato & beans Plain pasta with a tomato sauce

Soup of the day – Roasted red pepper & tomato

Traditional botnet battered cod fillet or jumbo fish fingers

Jacket potato & beans

Leek, potato & mature cheddar bake

Vegetable rice

Roasted carrots / Mediterranean vegetables

Quorn cottage pie

Freshly baked cheese & tomato pizza

Mac ‘n’ cheese with Italian style salad

Roast potatoes/ mixed vegetables

Jacket wedges/ sweetcorn

Chips/peas/ baked beans

Additional Salad bar Salad bar Salad bar Salad bar Salad bar

Dessert Chocolate cake slice

Pancake day

Shortbread biscuit

Apple pie & custard

Strawberry smoothie bar

Items in Italic - Sourced from F Conisbee’s, our local butcher

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Cranmore Prep Chronicle 10 February 2023 by Effingham Schools Trust - Issuu