18th January 2021
Message from Mrs Conrad This week in assembly we remembered Jesus’ baptism and the voice of God saying, “This is my beloved, Listen to him”. We then went on to reflect on how we are each beloved, precious children of God and that he loves us unconditionally. It is good to know in these difficult times that we are loved and not alone. It is also important during this lockdown that we ourselves recognise how precious we are and are kind to ourselves! It is not possible to do everything the way that we would normally and the same applies to the girls; so please don’t worry about whether you are doing enough to support their virtual lessons or that they haven’t completed as much work as you would have liked. You are doing a great job at online learning and we are delighted with the girls and the way they are responding. I am reminded of the words of Buddha when he said, “You yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”. Enjoy your weekend and make sure you pamper yourselves!
This week you should have received: Years 2, 3 & 4
Music app download information
Good News! Baking for the NHS Rosie in Year 5 made cakes for some of the nursing staff at Epsom hospital— what a wonderfully thoughtful thing to do.
Icy Art! In the very cold weather last week Sofie in Year 5 retrieved sheets of ice from her pond and created this beautiful art using acrylic paints.
Good News! Perfect Pasta Amaya tried making her own pasta with her father at home—delicious!
Bug Bake Rosie really has been busy baking this week and she also made these brilliant bug cakes with her little brother.
India taught her brother how to bake chocolate cupcakes. She said “he listened well to instructions and I helped him measure the ingredients. They were very yummy!"
Art Activity In her free time, Alana read a book on different Art Techniques and used Google for research and to find images on the subject. She then designed a PowerPoint presentation to teach her sister about the different techniques and presented it to her.
Hour of Code Séarlait completed an ‘Hour of Code’ during online Brownies this week and was awarded this certificate.
Golden Book Well done to all of the girls in our Golden Books this week:
Maggie M and Rosalind D for the impressive and consistently high level of effort being shown in their online written work.
Zara O for producing some wonderful pieces of creative writing in English this week showing that she had used her imagination. Ruby S for fantastic work in Maths on multiplication including making lots of practical arrays with matching number sentences.
Emilia Z, SĂŠarlait W and Isabel R for their fantastic attitude to online learning and discussion, completing really pleasing work in English this week.
Isabella K and Jessica T for their commitment to online learning by participating really well on Teams and handing in work to a high standard.
Evie B for her fantastic attitude towards all aspects of home learning. Evie has shown initiative and resilience when working independently. Saskia H for her hard work in Maths this week. Saskia has completed all her tasks and applied all she has learnt very well, keep up the hard work Saskia. Emma v E for her contributions and enthusiasm during our online lessons. Emma is listening carefully to what is expected of her and contributing her ideas, well done!
Olivia K for her superb attitude to online learning and for showing fantastic empathy for a soldier at the Battle of Hastings. Kaiah C for her excellent description of a battlefield: 'I witnessed the fear in their eyes; they looked hopeless.'
Jemima P for taking great care and pride in all the work that she produces. Special mention must be given to her storyboard, retelling the events of the Battle of Bosworth. Zara B for super engagement and enthusiasm during lessons this week, raising her hand to ask questions, sharing her ideas in the chat bar and uploading her completed work quickly. In particular for her fantastic written description of London using a wide variety of figurative language. Bella S for her conscientious approach to online learning and in particular for her fabulous art work imitating the stylistic features of Hundertwasser.
Amy D and Emily K for their thoughtful and inspirational work creating a charity information poster in RE, thinking carefully about their community and their mission. Kay L for her enthusiasm about our new Topic "Off with her head" inspiring her to create a Power Point with extra information and research about the Tudors during Optional Activities.
Stella P for her continued hard work, positive attitude and the excellent progress that she made last term. Emily C for her fantastically detailed description of what the evacuation of children was like in World War Two.
Olivia L for her hard work and contributions to lessons this week. Emma J and Grace W for using their creativity in both RE and Topic.
Great Work! Year 6—A Child’s War Year 6 have been finding out about what it was like to be evacuated from your home in the city to the countryside during WWII, as part of our new topic, 'A Child's War'. After discussing the government packing list that was given to families in 1939, Year 6 packed their own cases, having to think very carefully about what to take, as well as making sure their small case wasn't too heavy! We also talked about what one special item we would take with us for comfort. Many chose a picture of their family or a favourite cuddly toy!
Year 2—Multiplication The girls in Year 2 have been working really hard on multiplication this week. One of their tasks was to make arrays using objects at home and then write the matching multiplication number sentence to go with it. Super work, girls!
Great Work! Year 3—Gods and Goddesses The girls in Year 3 conducted their own research to find out about 6 Gods and Goddesses and include a paragraph of information about each to create a ‘fact file’.
Year 6 Science The Year 6 classes have been looking at acids and alkalis in science lessons and completing their own investigations at home. Using homemade indicators from various sources of fruits and vegetables, they have been finding out whether they are acid or alkaline.
Great Work! Year 4—Battle of Hastings In Year 4, the girls have been learning about the Battle of Hastings and took a close look at the images portrayed on the Bayeux Tapestry. They learnt about the different parts of the embroidery and then sketched some of the key sections, choosing colours carefully and working hard to adopt the same style.
Year 3 Maths Mrs Irons' maths group have been working hard in their ‘capacity’ topic this week. We have learnt how to read scales, convert units and estimate and measure the capacity of different containers.
Year 1—French Year 1 were choosing their favourite food and writing the correct words for them in French - Bon effort Amelia, super work with your handwriting as well.
Great Work! Year 1—Geography In Year 1 this week, among other things, the girls have started looking at seasons and weather changes. We have discussed the idea of both seasonal and daily weather, and the patterns that we would most likely expect to see through various months of the year. In Topic this week, the girls created their own weather diary along with a key to show different weather types. Here is Amelia's to give you an example of the beautiful and accurate diaries.
Year 5 Year 5 have been looking at the role of a Bishop and all the ways that they look after the parishes in their dioceses. They looked at Bishop Richard Moth's armorial and discussed the symbols used. The girls then designed their own Bishop's armorial and wrote about why they had chosen the symbols they used.
Music News Musicians of the Week Sienna Di Nello for making such a good start in music lessons at St Teresa's. Freya Collins for continued good work on the music of World War 2.
Class Music This week, the girls in Upper Prep have been learning about music in different periods of history – Ancient Greeks, Medieval Music, Tudor Music and the music of World War 2. Year 1 have enjoyed some wintry songs and music and Year 2 have also linked with their topic by learning hornpipes.
Sports News This week, in their PE lessons, the girls have been working hard to improve their balance and muscular endurance. They have also learnt what the cha cha cha is and where it came from.
PE Star of the Week Our PE Star of the week goes to Layla in Year 5 who has been keeping up with the PE lessons, enjoying the yoga and dance all the way from Korea!
Weekly PE Challenge—Sock Tap! Tap a sock into the air with your hands as many times as possible before it falls on the floor. Years 4-6 have to do it whilst hopping. The weekly PE challenge will be available to view Monday morning in the Weekly PE Teams group. This weekly PE challenge winner is: Alex in Year 4 managed 49 taps! Look out for next week’s challenge…….. Zara enjoyed her swimming lesson this week, completing the land based training set on Teams. Well done! Felicity in Year 4 received a Blue Peter Sports badge by writing about her netball club Fetcham Hawks. Great work Felicity!
Amaya in Year 3 has enjoyed playing Just Dance at home and has made great progress cycling with her family. Well done Amaya! Saskia in Year 4 has been keeping busy, practising her trampolining and hockey skills. Keep up the great work!
Stella in Year 6 has discovered ‘Swift’, allowing you to cycle indoors, keeping warm, while watching yourself on a screen cycling anywhere in the World. Very cool!
Lucy in Year 6 has been working hard on improving her fitness and has found a 5k running route close to her house. Lucy’s aim is to try and improve on her time each week. Good luck with your challenge Lucy! Let us know how you get on over the next few weeks.
Useful Information
As we find ourselves in lockdown once again, you may find the webinar, 'Supporting your child's mental health and well-being during lockdown' useful. It contains guidance and evidence-based strategies which may help you support your children whilst we are all at home. Click here to watch the webinar.
This Week
Every year Nurse Graham purchases twelve large tubs of cough sweets to use through the year. To her surprise, however, so far this year she has not even used one tub. She puts it down to the fact that people this year are taking much more care to wash and sanitise their hands, so that the normal coughs, colds and sore throats are not being spread so easily. We certainly are washing our hands more frequently - perhaps more than ten times a day. This, of course, is good for our health, but it also reminds us that no sooner have we washed our hands than we pick something up and our hands are dirty again. This is a good reminder of sin, that is, those things in our lives that separate us from God. Jesus, of course, was without sin. He certainly did not need to have any sins washed away in the water of the Jordan. So why did he get baptised? When Jesus was baptised he took this simple action of washing and transformed into what John described as being baptised in the Holy Spirit. This was a single act that once and for all times would wash away all that separates us from God. As we reflect on this feast day we are reminded that in the same way that the voice from heaven declared, ‘This is my beloved child in whom I am well pleased!’, God delights in us and, through the actions of Jesus, every barrier between us and God has been removed. We give thanks that we too are God’s beloved children.
E-mail equestrian@st-teresas.com Call
01372 750257
Visit our website www.st-teresas.com/ equestrian Or find us on Facebook “St Teresa’s Equestrian”
While we’re counting down the days until we can open again, we’ll do our best to keep you all updated with what the horses are up to! We’ll also be updating our page on Firefly with information and activities for you to do at home. Check out Resources —> Sport —> Equestrian to find us!
We have had a lovely Christmas and New Years and we got to spend lots of time in the field eating and sleeping. I love coming in during the day and having a nap in my lovely big bed and getting fed by the nice humans! The humans have been working hard to keep us fit, with lots of hacking and work in the school, although I’m not so keen and try to run away! I’m missing all the small humans who come to ride, I hope you all come back soon! Love Twinkle xxx
Lockdown Competition - Design your own cross country jump! Along with our updates, we’re also including a small competition where you can design your own cross country jump. Be it a water complex, a brush, a log, or something you’ve made up entirely on your own! The deadline is Monday 15th February, email in your designs to equestrian@st-teresas.com and the winner will receive Mary King’s latest book ‘My Way: How I train for success’
Good luck to you all!