Well, I said it at the start of the term and somehow here we are six weeks later, and it is half term. Halfway through the academic year!
We reflected on the calling of the first disciples in assembly on Monday and how Simon had to hear Jesus, trust Jesus, and obey Jesus – before he saw the miracle of the catch of fish and before Jesus called him to sacrificial living. That is a challenge to us all: how well are we listening out for the voice of God in our everyday decisions? Jesus only (originally) asked Simon to trust him after a bad day's fishing and to throw his net in again (something Simon knew how to do and had done plenty of times before). Is there something God is challenging you or I to do – even something we already do – just do it again, but trusting him for the outcome?
On Tuesday, we reflected on Safer Internet Day’s theme of ‘Too good to be true’ and how we protect ourselves from online scams and false information – through careful checking of the facts and looking out for telltale signs.
On Wednesday, Year 5 celebrated a French Breakfast as part of our Partnership Events across the Trust, and they went to Cranmore to enjoy a pastry and some French dialogue with fellow Year 5s.
A big thank you to all parents who attended our online and in-person parents’ evening events this week. I think the prize for parents who spent the longest time with us (speed-dating-style conversations) for over two hours in-person goes to Mr. and Mrs. Norris! I trust the event was insightful, helpful, and supportive to your understanding of your daughter’s progress since Autumn.
Today saw the moment of the Year 4 Bake Sale organised by Ava, Maddy, Ivy, and Ellie – see the report further in the bulletin – but simply to say a huge well done to the girls for being so thoughtful, inspiring, and proactive! And thank you to parents for supplying the products and the funds for the amount of cake consumed at morning break (the staff were not thanking me afterwards!!).
Those girls have today demonstrated what Dickens says below:
“I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.” – Charles Dickens
As we enter the term break, remember:
“Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.” – Charles Dickens
Have a great half term break, Gareth Tindall
This week you have received the following communications:
Whole School Half term Reports
Cake Sale Reminder
Year 6 -
Year 5 5KH Assembly
Year 4 -
Please contact the School Office if you need copies of any of this information prepinfo@st-teresas.com
Pastoral Pause
As we enter the half-term break, let’s remember ‘Friendly February’ and make a conscious effort to be kind to our souls through friendship and kindness, bringing joy into the lives of others and thereby naturally into our own hearts.
I am meeting up with an old friend for breakfast during the break. I intend to leave a positive review for a local establishment that I love frequenting and realise, looking at tomorrow’s challenge, that I have not supported them online as much as I rave about their food to friends. I will be looking to support a struggling friend and will vocalise the good qualities I see in family members over the next week – don’t you find it is so easy not to do this with the people nearest and dearest to us who we see every single day? And a further challenge comes on the 23rd of February, as we do tend to be most critical with those we live with – so let’s agree to listen and not judge and to be gentle instead – what a difference that could make in our home lives.
I absolutely intend to connect with friends over the break and do something that we love doing, whether that be hiking, biking, running, golfing, eating out, or going for a nice coffee – whatever it is, it will be fun, and fun reminds me to see the joy, and seeing the joy helps me with my gratitude.
Please do share your pastoral journey with me; it is so encouraging to hear the stories of how others have been inspired, changed, found joy, and happiness through simple steps and changes.
God bless you and have a restful week ahead,
Gareth Tindall
Golden Book
Well done to all of the girls in our Golden Books this week:
4 KC Ottilie H for her tremendous work with her Bayeux Tapestry topic.
Kitty N for her excellent attitude towards her Maths classwork.
Olivia H for her wonderful attitude towards her reading both at home and school.
4 LH Izzy E-N for your wonderful letter in English this week. It was such a lovely idea to take time to thank those who support our school community, as these individuals enable us to achieve our best learning. Your letter really focused on the specifics of why we are grateful to them.
Vivienne W-S for your efforts in Maths this week when exploring the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. Wonderful attention to detail and contributions in class.
5 AB Isla M for making a particular effort to present her work neatly. Keep it up!
Skyla N for working hard to apply her times table knowledge to increasingly complex multiplication tasks.
5 KH Clemmie W for showing excellent resilience this week.
Cara A-S for her increased effort and hard work this half term.
6 SG Holly E for her kind and conscientious attitude. Holly is always polite, caring towards her friends, and com mitted to her learning.
Darcy R for her wonderful dramatics when creating a News Round about Jesus walking on water. Darcy included a wonderful range of humour, information, and flair in her performance.
Anna P for her dedication towards LifeLab. Anna has taken a proactive approach and spends a considerable amount of time ensuring everything is done well and to her satisfaction.
6 MK Alexa H and Natalia T for their super descriptive writing about Mr. Tom's front room using a wide variety of descriptive language to bring their writing to life.
Emily W for her ever-increasing confidence and her willingness to participate more readily in M,aths lessons.
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Art Stars
Rosie M for her super research about chair designs.
Lulu T for her super drawing of what her plinth person will look like, based on the Bayeaux Tapestry.
Harlow G and Anna P for their powerful and thoughtful comic strip drawings showing what it may have been like to be a child evacuated in WW2.
Drama Stars
Year 4 Leil G for her increased confidence in performance and her thoughtful contribution to class work.
Year 5 Skyla N for showing great adaptability when working in a group.
Year 6 Dana M for her excellent participation in lessons preparing for Jungle Book auditions.
Key Diary Dates:
Book Week, 3rd—7th March 2025
Book Week is fast approaching, and we have lots of exciting, educational activities planned!
We are extremely excited to welcome Iszi Lawrence who will be visiting us on Tuesday 4th March. She will be leading a whole-school presentation, followed by interactive workshops for Year 4, 5 and 6.
Thursday 6th March: Book character dress-up day!
This year, we are inviting all girls and staff to come to school dressed as their favourite book character.
Friday 7th March: Alice in Wonderland Dance Workshop. Choreographers will be running exciting workshops which will create a link between books and dance.
5KH - Class Assembly
Parents of girls in 5KH are invited to join us for their class assembly on Wednesday 26th February 2025, at 8.30am in the Henderson Hall Refreshments will be served in the Henderson Hall from 8.15am
Prep School Spring Concert, Thursday 13th March
Mr Tindall and Mrs Harris would like to invite Prep School Parents to our Spring Concert in the Mairlot Hall on Thursday 13th March 2025 at 6.30pm Refreshments will be served from 6.00pm
Key Dates 2025
As outlined in the Parent Handbook, and reiterated at the Parent Welcome Reception, there are three key dates in the school calendar that are compulsory for all the girls to attend. This is to help them understand the importance of team work and collaborative responsibility as these are events where they are all involved and need to support each other.
These remaining two dates are as follows:
Spring Concert, Thursday 13th March, 18.30 to 19.30
Prep School Prize Giving, Thursday 3rd July, 19.00 to 20.00
We would be grateful if you could keep these dates free so that all girls can be present at these important community events.
Eco and Gardening Club
With the lighter evenings this week, Eco and Gardening managed to plant some crocus bulbs in the new beds outside Magdalena House.
The girls remembered which way to place them in the holes and made the holes using either a trowel or a bamboo cane.
Well done girls, super enthusiasm!
Year 5 & 6 Art Club
In art club, Year 5 and 6 created some fabulous sheep to tell their loved ones how much they love them on Valentine's Day. We hope ewe will be impressed!
Young Artists Summer Exhibition Royal Academy
St Teresa's have registered for this exciting event. The girls have been invited to create a piece of artwork to be entered for an exhibition at the Royal Academy by the deadline on March 5th . The following guidance is given:
Judges are looking for imagination, originality and skill. Each artist can submit one artwork along with a short artist statement or description, preferably written by the artist themselves. Rather than solely focussing on the artmaking process, we encourage artists to describe why an artwork was created and what it means to them. Descriptions must be no more than 80 words and, if your work is selected, will be subject to editing by the RA before display.
Artworks can be made of any materials and might include painting, sculpture, photography, installation, print, textile, fashion, animation or a video.
There is no theme so artworks can be of any subject. We do not accept AI-generated works or artworks that closely or identically reproduce another artist’s work or ideas. Please avoid making art with known comic, book illustration or animated characters or submitting the same artwork again year on year
To enter, or to see further examples of last year's artwork, please go to the website and upload a photograph of your artwork, along with a written statement. https://youngartists.royalacademy.org.uk/
Yr. 5 French Breakfast
On Wednesday, 12th February, Year 5 pupils from St Teresa’s were welcomed by Cranmore School to enjoy a delightful French petit déjeuner. Upon arrival, each table had conversation prompts which helped St Teresa’s, Cranmore, and Manor House pupils to get to know each other en français. Lots of questions about family, pets, and birthdays were asked by all, as well as quizzing each other on breakfast items from the table. Conversation and laughter were heard across the dining room, and despite the initial nerves, children seemed to enjoy getting to know each other well.
Next came the most exciting part of the trip – the food. Year 10 students from Cranmore served the first course of the petit déj, which consisted of a chocolat chaud served in a bowl, a French tradition. All found this interesting and a fun way of drinking their drink, with some realizing that it was the perfect vessel into which they could dunk their croissants and baguettes! Next came the pastries, with delicious croissants, pain au chocolat, and baguettes served with jam à la fraise. Served alongside this was a jus d’orange, a fresh accompaniment to their food. Children thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and it was a lovely way to meet with other schools too. We can’t wait for the next petit déjeuner français!
Merci beaucoup, Cranmore. Miss Lane
Year 4 Cake Sale
Firstly to Ava, Maddy, Ivy and Ellie – wow – you girls did good!
From the inspiration of the idea to help our world through raising money to support local charity to plant trees and make our natural world a sustainable and better place; to meeting weekly with me and responding to actionable minutes; to organising family and friends to support with the baking; to setting up the hall for the sale; to selling cakes to 110 girls and 30 adults; to packing down and tidying away. Wow! You have inspired me and filled me with joy – thank you!
Secondly, to the family and friends of the four girls who supported them and baked an insane number of cakes, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, slab cake, drizzle cake, sticky ginger cake and more – thank you!!
Thirdly, to Betty and Matilda in Year 10 who responded to a call to Food Tech for support and baked cakes and cookies themselves, brought them down and then stayed to support the girls through the bake sale – what an inspiration to the younger girls – thank you!
Finally, to you all for supporting the sale through purchasing cakes and donating money to the charity to plant more trees – you raised a staggering £406 which will go towards planting established and protected orchard trees, a small coppice of young trees creating woodland homes for wildlife. Today, you have helped the National Trust toward their goal of planting 20 million trees by 2030. So far they have planted 1,000,000 saplings in 22 species; where one tree over its lifetime removes 1 tonne of CO2 from our air.
Congratulations ALL, we are bringing back the blossom!
Mr. Tindall
Music News
Musicians of the Week
Year 4 Lulu D for beautiful confident singing and wonderful focus.
Year 5 Rosie M for being an all round musical superstar! Great work, Rosie!
Year 6 Alexa H for increased contribution in Music classes, well done, Alexa!
Year 6 Production Auditions
This week has been filled with nervous excitement in the Music Department as our talented Year 6 students took part in auditions for the upcoming production of The Jungle Book. Mrs. Harris was absolutely blown away by their singing and acting skills. With props and costumes adding to the atmosphere, the girls came exceptionally well-prepared, making the casting process a real challenge!
Meanwhile, Year 5 enjoyed a special treat yesterday as they had the opportunity to watch part of the rehearsals for the Senior Scholars’ Concert in the Chapel. They were truly inspired by the incredible performances and left feeling motivated for their own musical journeys.
Wishing everyone a wonderful and restful half-term!
12.45: St Teresa’s Singers (Y.4 & 5) 3.45: Orchestra
The U11A team played against Freemen's. Freemen's were a very strong team, and the St Teresa's team found it difficult to disrupt their play. It was a disappointing loss, and the team has said that they will show greater commitment to training going forward. Congratulations to Eliza P for being selected as Player of the Match.
The U11B team played against a strong Freemen's team, and despite their best efforts, the St Teresa's team came home with a loss. Throughout the match, we saw some excellent passing and interceptions from all players. Congratulations to Emily for being selected as Player of the Match.
The U11C team put in a great effort against Freemen's, showing energy and determination throughout the match. Despite a tough start, they had an exceptional final quarter. Ruby S was named Player of the Match for her outstanding performance. Although the final score was 7-4 to Freemen's, the team should be proud of their hard work and resilience.
The U11D team started strong, creating great opportunities but couldn’t convert. Freemen's had strong players and accurate shooters, giving them the edge. Despite this, our girls showed resilience and were rewarded with a well-deserved goal in the final quarter. Well done, girls! Player of the Match went to Mira M.
The U11E team faced a tough opponent in Freemen's. Facing a very tall opposition, the girls had to adapt their play and try to overcome a new challenge. As the game progressed, the girls started to dodge and drive towards the ball with more confidence. Their teamwork and communication also strengthened, creating more opportunities in the shooting circle. With each quarter, they grew in confidence, working together. Despite the challenge, spirits remained high, and the girls showed resilience, teamwork, and a fantastic attitude.
U9 Hockey
U9A’s, despite a tough 4-1 loss, the team showed clear signs of improvement throughout the match. Millie G opened the scoring with a well-taken goal and was deservedly named Player of the Match for her tireless efforts. Monica H was solid in defence, making key tackles and keeping the opposition at bay. Although the result didn’t go their way, the team’s resilience and growing confidence were evident, and they will take plenty of positives into future matches.
The U9B's had a wonderful match against Twickenham Prep. St Teresa's scored in the first half and took an early lead. Despite working hard to hold onto the lead, they couldn't keep the Twickenham attackers out, and they equalised quickly, so it was 1-1 at half time. St Teresa's defended well, but Twickenham were just too strong and scored another 3 in the second half. The final score was 4-1 to Twickenham, but the girls should be very pleased with their team performance. The opposition's Player of the Match went to Layla A, so a big well done to her. The Coach's Player of the Match goes to Arabella N for her superb passing and determination. The U9C’s, what a game, what a performance, what a win! A resounding 6-0 win for the mighty C team. Highlights include 4 goals from Lulu, a masterclass in defending from Charlotte, and a tooth coming out from Molly. The team played some nice hockey, and the ball pace on the shots and passing was excellent. A bit more work on moving into the space and not crowding the ball carrier will be helpful for the next game. Goal scorers: Lulu and Florence. Player of the Match went to Zoe.
The U9D team were a little slow to start, and Twickenham went ahead 3 goals to 0 in the first quarter. In the second quarter, St Teresa's found their fight and were goal hungry. St Teresa's went on to score 3 goals, finishing the half 3-3. The girls continued to dig in, defending hard and attacking with energy, demonstrating teamwork up front. The final score was an 8-5 loss. An impressive level of effort from all the girls, and well done to those who helped Twickenham Prep by playing for them. Well done to the Player of the Match, Isabella!
Prep Sport News
Our last outing against Notre Dame saw us narrowly miss out on victory by just 10 points. This time, we were determined to turn the tables and secure a long-awaited win. The Year 6 swimmers, still undefeated, were eager to extend their winning streak, while the Year 4s had put in dedicated training to perfect their dives and sprints. Meanwhile, the Year 5s were looking to build on their recent strong performances. From the very first race, the gala was fast-paced and fiercely competitive. St Teresa’s swimmers showed incredible determination, resilience, and fight, making every event an intense battle. With each race, the competition remained too close to call.
The Year 6s displayed remarkable composure, securing victory after victory and proving why they remain unbeaten. The Year 4s looked like a completely transformed team, showcasing their hard work and improvement. The Year 5s delivered some outstanding swims, snatching wins in tightly contested races. Even in events where we faced defeat, it was often by the narrowest of margins, mere fingertips away from a win.
Both teams delivered exceptional performances, and in the end, the final score was an extraordinary draw, 103 points each! The Year 6s, however, claimed an impressive win by over 10 points, ensuring their undefeated streak remains intact.
A huge well done to everyone involved, you were truly amazing! The improvements we’ve seen are a testament to your dedication, hard work, and sheer determination. We now look forward to upcoming competitions.
As a reminder, SOCS can be accessed through the St Teresa’s Senior Sports page: St Teresa's Effingham | Sports Home
Here you will be able to access fixtures for the day, alongside the Sports Calendar which can provide you with all the sports fixtures weeks and months in advance.
If a team sheet has been published for a particular fixture, the blue ‘person’ symbol will be available to click on. Simply click on the blue symbol next to the fixture to access the team sheet.
Fixtures (week commencing 24th February)
Tuesday 25th February -U10A&B Netball vs Cobham Free School + U10 Internal matches (H) 2.15pm Tuesday 25th February - Essa Prep Relay Practice @ the pool. 4.30-5.45pm
Wednesday 26th February -U11A Hockey Tournament (A) 2.00pm Thursday 27th February U9-U11 Swimming Gala vs WHS (A) 4.00pm
Friday 28th February Afterschool: U11 Netball Training & U9/U10 Hockey training
Saturday 1st March U10A St Georges Netball Tournament (A) 9.00am
Pupil News
If your daughter has completed any sporting achievements outside of school, we would love to hear about them. Please email the Prep PE department with a short description and photo to PrepPE@st-teresas.com.
For any questions related to Prep Sports, please contact the new Prep PE email at PrepPE@st-teresas.com or reach out directly to the specialist teachers.
Bible Reading
A Reading from the Gospel of Luke
One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore.Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,“Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered,“Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
Jesus calls the disciples. He calls them to put our into the deep.
This is a great moment where reason meets with Revelation. It seems unreasonable for Simon Peter to start fishing again.They have fished all night and caught nothing. It is time to leave it for now.And yet Jesus’ words and commandments bring life and hope.They sustain us and make the impossible, possible. Put out into the deep.
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears Turn then, most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us, and after this exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
Happy HalfTerm Break
This first half of the term seems to have gone by in a flash. The team at STE have been very impressed with how resilient and enthusiastic the girls have remained throughout some very dark, cold nights at the stables. Everyone has realised the necessity of a good pair of gloves! We’re looking forward to the next half term as we move into longer and (hopefully) more clement weather.
We wish you all a restful and restorative half term break.
We have all been excited by the arrival of a new little pony called Bambi, who is on trial with us from a local owner. Bambi is currently in the ‘isolation’ stables to ensure that she is free from any contagious diseases before she is brought up to the main stables.
This is an important process at any stables as there are some very nasty diseases such as Strangles, which can be highly infectious to other horses.
Easter Holiday Activities
Our half term holiday activities are now fully booked but we have lots of opportunities available in the three week Easter break. In response to requests, we have increased the number of 45-minute private lessons that are available during this period.
Early Bird Discount
If you book any Pony Mornings, Camps or Private lessons before the end of February, you will receive a 10% discount. Please use the code EASTER25 when booking.
Bulk booking discount
If you would like to book a series of three 45-minute or three 30-minute private lessons, we are offering a discount of 10% for the Easter holidays. Please visit EcPro to see what is available.
Good luck to our 2 teams and individual riders competing at the NSEA County and National Dressage qualifiers at Parwood Equestrian Centre this Saturday.
Booking System: st-teresas-equestrian.ecpro.co.uk
For more information, please visit our website www.st-teresas.com/equestrian
You can also call direct on 01372 750257 or email : equestrian@st-teresas.com
Thanks to everyone who came along an joined the glittery fun of the Valentines Dance. The Henderson Hall was filled to capacity and transformed into a Cupid’s hideaway.
Fri 14th Feb - Valentines chocolates for seniors
Fri 28th Feb - Thank Fost it's Friday coffee morning
Sunday 9th March - Year 9 Air hop for St Teresa's and Cranmore
(Please contact FOST for more details)
Thurs 27th March - Easter Egg Hunt for Years 4, 5, 6 and Year 7
Fri 16th May - FOST Summer Festival planning meeting – All/any help welcome
Submission forms are under FOST 2nd hand uniform on the St Ts website: Second-hand Uniform Shop
REMINDER: CASH or CHEQUE only please for the foreseeable future.
Open Fridays 8.30am-9am and First Saturday of every month 10:30am 11.00am by appointment only:
Please contact Wendy or Camilla: Fostuniform@gmail.com
The course is suitable for players from Grade 1 up to Grade 6 and is open to children from Year 4 to Year 9.
The programme will include:
String Orchestra
Swing/Jazz Band
Full Orchestra Rehearsals
Sectional Rehearsals
General Musicianship
Recreational Time
Further details can be obtained from: Mrs Caroline Yalden, Director of Music c.yalden@st-teresas.com Mon 14th - Thurs 17th April
Menu—w/c Monday 24th February 2025
Hot lunches include a selection of family favourites and suitable alternatives for children with allergies and intolerances.
Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Pasta Bar
Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day Soup of the day
Sweet & Sour Turkey Noodles
Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Cheesy Pesto Sauce
Sticky Teriyaki
Quorn & Aubergine
Steamed Rice Broccoli
Slow Cooked Beef Lasagne
Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Roasted Pepper, Chicken & Chorizo Sauce
Roasted Vegetable Lasagne
Garlic Bread
Roquette & Balsamic
Tomato Salad
Jacket Potato & Baked Beans
Jacket Potato & Baked Beans
Roast Pork with Yorkshire Pudding, Apple Sauce & Gravy
Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Bacon Carbonara Sauce
Loaded Mexican Chicken
Nachos with Sour Cream, Salsa & Cheese
Pasta with Tomato & Basil or Bolognaise Sauce
Braised Lentil Cottage Pie with a Sweet Potato Top Cajun Aubergine & Bean Taco with Sour Cream, Salsa & Cheese