Items Needed: 1. 1/2 Cup of water 2. 1 Tbsp of Borax (can substitute for cornstarch, it will not bounce the same but it works) 3. Elmers Glue
Step 1. Mix 1 Tbsp. of borax solution and warm water into a bowl. Stir the ingredients until the borax powder has completely dissolved. Step 2. Pour the Tbsp. of glue into the solution. Let it sit for at least one minute. The glue will begin to harden. Note: If you want to make a larger bouncy ball you can a dd more than a Tbsp.
Step 3. Make the glue out of the bowl and put it into your hands to form a ball by moving them in a circular motion. Initially, it will feel slimy and then will begin to become more and more solid.
I hope your family had as much fun as ours creating these awesome bouncy balls! Happy Crafting! -The Little Dreamers Club team