CHEMICALS & PHARMACEUTICALS Site Acquisition Support, Due Diligence Chemicals Manufacturing Site, UK
Project Summary
Site Acquisition Support, Due Diligence Chemicals Manufacturing Site, UK
Key Project Elements Phase I ESA to ASTM Standards Environmental Compliance Assessment Phase II ESA Interim reporting Identifying environmental risks Summarising abnormal costs Provision of advice to the client for informing the site acquisition decision
CRA provided due diligence services to a client looking to purchase a chemicals manufacturing site in Widnes, UK. CRA initially undertook a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and environmental compliance assessment to identify the environmental risk associated with the site. Due to the historical contamination legacy related to the chemical industry in the area of the site, it was recommended that an intrusive investigation (Phase II ESA) be undertaken. As part of the Phase I ESA, CRA provided advice to the client regarding the site’s regulatory compliance, air emissions, wastewater, chemical storage tanks, asbestos, PCBs, hazardous waste, and historical releases to the environment. CRA contacted the Local Authority to discuss the historical chemical contamination legacy in the surrounding area and past remediation requirements at adjacent sites. The findings of the Phase I led to CRA recommending intrusive investigation at the site, in order to determine the presence and potential extent of shallow ground contamination. The Phase II ESA comprised the drilling of 12 boreholes, with the installation of monitoring wells for groundwater sampling and vapour and ground gas monitoring. Soil and groundwater samples were analysed for a range of chemicals and wastes that were known to be used and produced at the site and in the surrounding area, such as Galligu (waste from the LeBlanc chemical process), and contaminants associated with historical metal works and tanneries. The ground gas and vapour monitoring was undertaken due to the potential for volatile chemicals to be present. The results of the Phase I and II ESAs were used to inform the client’s decision on whether to purchase the site, and CRA worked closely with the client to determine the implications of the contamination with regards to Environmental Liability. CRA’s work on the project and advice to the client allowed the site to be purchased at a significantly reduced cost to account for any potential future remediation required under planning or Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act (1990). Throughout the project, CRA worked to a tight deadline by mobilising to site on short notice and working efficiently to provide the client with the information they needed in a timely and cost effective manner.
Ref: PS0071a