MANUFACTURING Asbestos Management Survey Offices and Industrial Storage Facility, UK
Project Summary
Asbestos Management Survey Offices and Industrial Storage Facility, UK
Project Value: £8,000 Key Project Elements Preparation of site-specific H&S method statements and risk assessment
Collection of samples from suspected asbestos containing materials (ACM)
Description of ACM location, extent and condition
Sample analysis for asbestos identification
Preparation of survey report, asbestos register and management report
CRA was commissioned to undertake an Asbestos Management Survey at a property used for storage of industrial raw materials and separate office buildings. The purpose of the management survey was to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect asbestos containing materials (ACM) in the survey areas which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation works. The survey also assessed the condition of the identified ACM during the survey and their ability to release fibres into the air, if disturbed. The management survey was undertaken in accordance UK Guidance (HSG 264, Asbestos: The Survey Guide, 2nd edition, HSE, 2012). Information obtained from the survey is intended to allow the client to manage ACM at the site under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, No. 632, (CAR 2012). The site comprised a warehouse with a floor area of 36,000 square feet constructed in the 1950s, a complex of portacabin offices and an office block built in the 1960s. The warehouse construction comprised asbestos roofing and walls, which were sampled for confirmation and assessed for areas of damage. A number of samples were collected from a range of materials encountered at the site, including joint sealant from the concrete flooring, floor and ceiling tiles, cladding, dust and debris. The suspected ACM samples were submitted to a laboratory for identification. A materials assessment was completed for the materials confirmed to contain asbestos fibres. The survey methodology and findings were presented in a report, which also included recommendations for abatement. CRA also provided the client with an asbestos register and asbestos management plan.
Ref: PS0097