WASTE Aurá Landfill Site Belém, Brazil
Project Summary
Aurá Landfill Site Belém, Brazil
Project Value: > $10 Million Key Project Elements Landfill Gas Collection and Flaring System Certified Emissions Reductions Data Collection and Recording
CRA has designed and completed construction of a landfill gas collection and flaring system at the Aurá Landfill Site in the City of Belém, Brazil. CRA currently operates this facility for the generation of Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs) as available. Installation of the landfill gas collection system involved the installation of horizontal collection trenches and vertical extraction wells, landfill gas transmission piping, condensate management facilities, and flare system. Data collection and recording are done through a state-ofthe-art, automated, remotely accessible LFG data collection and analytical system.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The project is registered (Project Number 0888) as part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
The scope of work involved the design, construction, and operation of the system in its entirety. A total of approximately 3,200,000 tonnes of eCO2 emissions reductions are estimated for the site over a 10-year commitment period with the CDM. CRA performed all aspects related to the project development and implementation, including:
Assessment of the landfill gas resource including numerical modelling; Design and construction of the landfill gas collection and flaring systems; Operation of the landfill gas system; Submission of materials to secure a host country letter of approval from the Brazilian Designated National Authority (DNA); Preparation of the Project Design Document and submission of all materials to the UNFCCC, including interaction with a Designated Operational Entity (DOE); Submission of monitoring reports and verification process to obtain Certified Emissions Reductions from the UNFCCC.
Ref: 046241