OIL & GAS Black Lake Gas Plant Decommissioning Assessment Chesapeake Operating, Inc., Goldonna, Louisiana
Project Summary
Black Lake Gas Plant Decommissioning Assessment Chesapeake Operating, Inc., Goldonna, Louisiana
Project Value: $60,000 Key Project Elements Decommissioning Assessment Site Investigation Asbestos Audit PCB Sampling NORM Survey
Asset Inventory
CRA was retained by Chesapeake Operating, Inc. (Chesapeake) to conduct a decommissioning assessment of the structures and equipment at the former Chesapeake Energy (CHK) Black Lake Natural Gas Plant located in Goldonna, Louisiana. This decommissioning assessment included an in-depth site investigation, asbestos audit, and the limited sampling of transformers and areas of concern for potential polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) impacts. The objective of the assessment was to identify areas of potential environmental concern associated with structures and building materials that would require decommissioning prior to demolition activities. In conjunction with this assessment, CRA conducted an asset inventory of the equipment and structures to estimate the potential salvage value of the remaining CHK assets. The asset inventory report developed summarised findings and included inventories of areas and items requiring decommissioning or abatement. This included a review of all plant equipment and satellite areas for naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). A summary of recommended future decommissioning activities and potential asset value was also provided.
Ref: 070427