Winter 2025 CRAZE Recreation Guide - Edmonds Parks & Rec CRAZE Recreation Guide Winter 2025

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Recreation Program Guide

Registration & Refund

Newsletter Sign Up

Teach with Parks and






Youth Athletics &



Adult Fitness &



Sno-King Youth


Edmondsresidentsreceivea discountonprogramsoffered.

Thepriceslistedoneachclasswill havearesidentand non-residentrate.

Residentratewillbelistedfirstfor eachclass.


Signupforclassesbeforetheystart tosaveyourspot!

Allnewcustomerswillneedto createanaccount. Clickheretocreateanaccount. Foraccountassistance, call425-771-0230.



Fullrefundsmaybeissueduponrequest21daysormorepriortothe startoftheprogram.

A10%processingfee(minimum$10)willbedeductedfromrefund amount.

FullrefundswillbeissuedforclassescancelledbytheEdmondsParks, RecreationandHumanServicesDepartment.

Inmostcases,therewillbeanattempttoscheduleamakeupclass. Ifamakeupcannotbescheduled,oraparticipantisunableto attendtherescheduledclass,apro-ratedrefundforthemissed sessionwillbeissued.

*Ifcancellingwithin21daysoftheprogramdate,participantmaysubmita hardshiprequesttobeevaluatedbytheDepartmentDirector.Hardship requestswillbeconsideredonacasebycasebasis.Clickheretoaccessthe hardshipform.




Youth Programs

Adventures in Art: Drawing Class – Ages 6-12

Landscapes, animals, people and more! This drawing-based art education program uses a simple drawing method to produce original works of art using a wide variety of artist quality mediums. Students learn to think creatively, expand their drawing skills, and become more confident in self-expression, all while having fun in a non-competitive environment of encouragement and artistic inspiration. New drawing projects each session No Class 4/8 & 4/9 Location: FAC Rm 206 Instructor: Jessica Carlson $6 supply fee to be paid to the instructor.

13844 T 1/14-2/11 5:30-7pm $91/$104

13845 W 1/15-2/12 5:30-7pm $91/$104

13846 T 2/25-3/25 5:30-7pm $91/$104

13847 W 2/26-3/26 5:30-7pm $91/$104

13848 T 4/1-4/29 5:30-7pm $73/$84

13849 W 4/2-4/30 5:30-7pm $73/$84

Café Art - Ages 6-12

Does your child get lost in imaginary worlds and dream of creating their own? Are they ready to unleash their inner artist and bring their wildest creations to life? Do they like to meet new friends and enjoy some snacks? Look no further! This is the ultimate destination for your little Da Vinci! In our fun and engaging art class, young artists will draw and paint their favorite game and cartoon characters with the zest and flair only kids can muster Armed with vibrant acrylic paints and boundless imagination, they'll transform blank canvases into colorful adventures! No Class 2/18 & 4/8. Location: FAC Rm. 112. Instructor: Mahzad Roohi. $6 supply Fee due to instructor on the first day of class.

13854 T 1/7-1/28 5-6:30pm $80/$92

13855 T 2/4-3/4 5-6:30pm $80/$92

13856 T 3/25-4/22 5-6:30pm $80/$92

Youth Programs

Play-Well TEKnologies

Celebrate Groundhog Day w/LEGO® Materials – Age 5-9

This February we will again ask the question; will that most famous of groundhogs, Punxsutawney Phil, see his shadow and doom us to 6 more weeks of winter, or is an early spring just around the corner? With tens of thousands of LEGO® pieces and the guidance of an experienced Play-Well instructor, you'll be able to build your own groundhog and find out for yourself! Location: FAC Rm. 206

13857 S 2/1 9:30am-12:30pm $50/$57

Spring into STEM with LEGO® Materials – Spring Break Day Camp – Age 5-8

Celebrate the coming of Spring with Play-Well and tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Build chirping birds, design blossoming flowers, and take a ride on a paddle boat. Design and build as never before and explore your craziest ideas.

Location: FAC Rm. 206

13858 M-F 4/7-4/11 9:30am-12:30pm $250/$287

Star Wars Day Workshop with LEGO® – Age 5-9

Celebrate Star Wars Day with Play-Well engineers! Young Jedi will recreate one of their favorite epic battles with the sheer amount of LEGO that only Play Well can provide. May the Fourth be with you!

Location: FAC Rm. 206

13859 S 5/3 9:30am-12:30pm $50/$57

Skate Dojo: Inline Skate Classes –

Age 8-16

Join us this winter for inline skate lessons! You'll learn the basics of skating & safety, while playing fun games and building community along the way. Weather dependent, we'll meet at the Edmonds Skatepark the last Monday of the month Jan- April. Limited gear rental available; please come with skates, elbow/knee pads, wrist guards and a helmet Instructor: Allen Clark Location: Civic Field Skatepark Rental Skates $25, Rental Pads $15, Rental Helmet $10. Rental fees paid directly to the instructor.

13904 M 1/27 5-7pm $70/$80

13905 M 2/24 5-7pm $70/$80

13906 M 3/31 5-7pm $70/$80

13907 M 4/28 5-7pm $70/$80

Youth Programs



Heygamers,areyoureadytotravelallthewaytoTheEndwithSnapology?Joinusaswebringthegame ofMinecraft®outofthecomputerandintothereal-worldusingLEGO®bricks.Inthisprogram,youwillgo onadventuresusingyourimaginationandevendesignyourownworlds,fullofmobs,animals,buildings, andyourveryownLEGO®Minecraft®character Location:FACRm 208 13860 T 1/14-2/18 5:30-6:30pm $125/$144



ThegoalofSnapology'sNinjasprogramistoteach studentsaboutthehistory,culture,skills,andtacticsof ninjawarriors.Studentswilllearnaboutshinobi throughavarietyofbuildingactivities,games,and projects!FromtranslatingtheirnametoJapaneseto learningabouttheimportanceofstrength, concentration,andagilitythroughphysicalchallenges, studentsareboundtohaveablast.


13861 T 3/4-4/22 5:30-6:30pm $145/$166


Morning:InthisStarWars-inspiredprogram,yourpadawanlearnerwillexplorethebasicsofrobotics whilediggingintotheirfavoritepartsoftheStarWarsmovies-themachines!Whileworkingwitha partnertocompletevariouschallenges,yourstudentwillbetaughthowtoeffectivelyutilizesensors,how differentmechanicalcomponentsworkintheirrobots,andhowprogrammingisachallengingbut rewardingskillthattheycanmasterwithjustalittlepractice.Wewillsupporttheminthedevelopment oftheircodingandbuildingskillsandinspirethemwithcreativebuildingchallengesbasedonthemovies theylove.Maytheforcebewiththemastheybuildandgrow!

Afternoon:InthisStarWars®-inspiredprogram,youryounglingwillexplorethegalaxywiththeirmaster buildingskillsandourintergalactically-focusedcurriculum.MotivatedtobecomeJediliketheheroesin themovies,studentswilllearntoconcentrateonmasteringtheForce,appreciatingtheuseofteamwork tobuildbattledronesandAT-Walkers,andifthey’reskillsareuptopar,maketheirveryownlightsaber anduseitinbattle!MaytheforcebewithyouryoungPadawanastheyrisethroughtheJediranks! Location:FACRm.208

Youth Programs

13917 W 1/8-2/5 1:15-2pm $75/$86 13920 W 1/8-2/5 2:15-3pm $75/$86

W 2/12-3/12 12:15-1pm $75/$86

W 2/12-3/12 1:15-2pm $75/$86

W 2/12-3/12 2:15-3pm $75/$86

W 3/26-4/23 12:15-1pm $75/$86

W 3/26-4/23 1:15-2pm $75/$86

W 3/26-4/23 2:15-3pm $75/$86

Turbo Turkey Improv for Teens! – Ages 15-18

Looking to get out of your shell? Are you a young actor who wants to loosen up and think on your feet more? Then Turbo Turkey Teen Improv is for you! Learn the basics of Improv. Fun exercises, energizing warm-ups, and lots of silly games. Improv is something we do in our daily lives. We constantly have choices we must make and sometimes it’s in the moment. This class can teach you all those benefits and more. Come one, come all and make some new friends and learn skills that can help you grow as a person Location: FAC Rm 114 Instructor: Adam Hegg

13872 Th 1/16-2/20 4-5:30pm $63/$73 Drop in for one session for $20

Monthly Work Parties with the Edmonds Stewards

Join your friends and neighbors to help restore native habitats in a neighborhood park. Work parties are ongoing year-round at Yost, Hutt, and Pine Ridge Parks. No experience necessary. Learn more and sign up on the Sound Salmon Solutions Events page. These work parties are free events.

Starlight Beach Walk

Join the WSU Snohomish County Extension Beach Watchers for a low tide beach walk under the stars. We’ll explore the beach as the tide goes out, then return to the Visitor Station for some hot beverages to take the chill off. Bring a flashlight and dress for the weather. Meet at the Olympic Beach Visitor Station. All ages are welcome and no registration is required.

2/8 S 7-8:30pm FREE

Owl Prowl with Pilchuck


Join wildlife biologist Courtney Straight for an evening getting to know the barred owls of Yost Park. Learn about these fascinating birds as we search forested trails for resident owls. Requires moderate walking on uneven terrain.

13594 3/27 W 7:15-8:45pm $22/$25

Family Enrichment

Third Thursday Edmonds DRUM! – All Ages

Join our facilitated drum circle – a recreational music experience for adults and families. Feel the power and energy of group play! Be silly, improve your chops, and leave feeling (a little) like a rock star. It's time to try something new, fun, and invigorating – with proven health benefits like stress reduction Bring a drum or play one of ours. No experience required. Location: FAC Plaza Rm.

13864/13868 Th 1/16 7-8:30pm $15 Adult Fee/$5 Youth Fee

13865 /13869 Th 2/20 7-8:30pm $15 Adult Fee/$5 Youth Fee

13866/13870 Th 3/20 7-8:30pm $15 Adult Fee/$5 Youth Fee

13867/13871 Th 4/17 7-8:30pm $15 Adult Fee/$5 Youth Fee

Introduction to Zentangle; A

Family Affair – Students 8+ with an Adult

What could be better, than family, together, creating Zentangle art and having fun in the process! The Zentangle method is an easy, fun way of creating beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It is a proven method to promote mindfulness, foster self-esteem, focus, relaxation, creativity, and stress relief You will learn the history, techniques, vocabulary, tools and skills used in Zentangle. Students (8 yrs.+) are welcome to accompany with an adult family member. Each individual must pay for registration and materials fee Location: FAC Rm 123 Instructor: Laurie Bell $5 supply fee due to instructor.

13899 Th 3/6 6:15-8:15pm $40/$46

Zentangle #2, Beyond Basics; A Family Affair Still! –Students 8+ with an Adult

During Beyond Basics, you will continue your Zentangle journey, exploring new tangle patterns, techniques and art materials We will explore drawing on a black tile with white ink, finish with white chalk and play with layering techniques.Next, we will draw on a circle shape and find it to be a very different process; yielding an amazing result. Zentangle is a proven method to promote mindfulness, foster self-esteem, focus, relaxation, creativity, and stress relief. Previous art and drawing experience are not required Students (8 yrs +) are welcome to accompany with an adult family member Each individual must pay for registration and materials fee.

Location: FAC Rm. 123. Instructor: Laurie Bell. $5 supply fee due to instructor.

13900 T 3/11 6:15-8:15pm $40/$46

Youth Athletics & Wellness

Fitness Fridays – Ages 14+

Cardio Fitness each week to different music that gets you moving and grooving! This 60-minute class includes warmup, cardio and a well-deserved yoga cooldown. Bring water, wear comfortable shoes, and a yoga mat. All levels welcome. Feel fit having fitness fun! Location: FAC Rm. 207. Instructor: Julie Ness. Fridays, 6-7pm. $10 per class.

13537 1/31 - 80's/90's Cardio Dance

13538 2/14 - Valentines Day Sweetheart Sweat

13539 2/28 - Country Cardio

13540 3/14 - Fitness Funk & Hip Hop

13541 3/28 - Sweat to the Oldies 50's-70's

13542 4/18 - Rock n Roll Fitness Fun

13543 5/2 - Hits & Heat - Feel the burn cardio & yoga

Mommy & Me Fitness Fun - Ages Birth-3

60-minute fitness class allowing moms with children to get a workout in and enjoy the bond of motherhood. Park the stroller or lay the little one down while we sweat to fun music and cardio dance our calories away! Cardio fitness, yoga, and kids' fitness fun is included in the class Bring what you need for you and your kiddo, yoga mat and a blanket for end of class snuggles. Recommended age birth - 3 years. No class 2/17. Location: FAC Rm. 207. Instructor: Julie Ness.

13535 M 2/3-3/3 10:30am-11:30am $74/$85 13536 M 3/10-3/31 10:30am-11:30am $74/$85

Friday Night Floorball with Coach Sal – Modern -Floorball for Beginners - Ages 7-10

Join Coach Sal from Emerald City Floorball as he introduces this modern version of floor hockey to kids ages 7-10. No experience or gear needed. Shin guards recommended. Come check out this fast-growing sport that's fun, safe and inclusive to all! Location: FAC Gymnasium. Instructor: Sal Ippolito.

13477 F 1/10-2/14 5-6:15pm $145/$167

13478 F 1/10-2/14 6:30-7:45pm $145/$167

13479 F 2/21-3/28 5-6:15pm $145/$167

13583 F 2/21-3/28 6:30-7:45pm $145/$167

13584 F 4/4-4/25 5-6:15pm $97/$111

13585 F 4/4-4/25 6:30-7:45pm $97/$111

Youth Athletics & Wellness

Kidz Love Soccer

This instructional soccer experience includes age appropriate activities: skill demonstrations, fun games, and instructional scrimmages conducted in a non-competitive, recreational format.

Perfect for first time players while being fun and engaging for kids with some experience. Shin guards are required for all classes except Mommy/Daddy & Me.

Classes starting in January held at FAC Gymnasium.

Classes starting in March held at City Park.

KLS hotline 1-888-372-5803

Mommy/Daddy and Me Soccer – Ages 2-3.5


13834 S 1/18-2/15 9-9:30am $125/$144

13829 S 3/1-3/29 9:00-9:30am $125/$144

Tot-Soccer –Ages3.5-4

13835 S 1/18-2/15 9:35-10:05am $125/$144

13830 S 3/1-3/29 9:35-10:05am $125/$144


13836 S 1/18-2/15 10:10-10:45am $125/$144

13831 S 3/1-3/29 10:10-10:45am $125/$144


13837 S 1/18-2/15 10:50-11:35am $125/$144

13832 S 3/1-3/29 10:50-11:35am $125/$144


13833 S 1/18-2/15 11:40-12:25pm $125/$144

Youth Athletics & Wellness

Skyhawks Youth Sports

Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life, such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship. Our programs are designed to give children ages 2 up to 14 a positive introduction or next step into sports while fostering a lifelong love for an active, healthy lifestyle. Our patient and knowledgeable staff use a variety of skill-building games and activities to give each athlete a complete understanding and overview of the sport. Since 1979 Skyhawks has taught over two million boys and girls life skills through sports.


Saturdays 3/1-4/5 10-10:40am $110 CivicPark


Saturdays 3/1-4/5 10:50-11:30am $110 CivicPark


Saturdays 3/1-4/5 11:40am-12:20pm $110 CivicPark


Tuesdays 3/11-4/15 4-4:50pm $95 FrancesAndersonCenter


Tuesdays 3/11-4/15 5-5:50pm $95 FrancesAndersonCenter


Wednesdays 3/12-4/16 4-4:50pm $95 CivicPark


Wednesdays 3/12-4/16 5-5:50pm $95 CivicPark


M-W 3/31-4/2 9am-3pm $95 CivicPark

Adult Athletics

Open Gym Drop In at the FAC

Pay at the front desk. Hours subject to change. 10.5% sales tax included in fee.

Gym or fitness room drop-in: $5

Gym or fitness room drop-in - Youth under 18 & Senior over 60: $3

Gym or fitness room drop-in 10 punch pass: $45

Gym or fitness room drop-in 10 punch pass - Youth under 18 & Senior over 60: $27

Basketball - Maximum 15 - Call for schedule. Pickleball - Maximum 20 - M-F - 9:00am-1pm. Volleyball -

Maximum 18 - M - 6:30-8:30pm

Basketball 3 on 3 League

Join us at the Frances Anderson Center for 3 on 3 basketball! The season is 10 weeks, with three games played each night. Played with a two-point line and offense calling fouls. At the end of the season there will be a single elimination tournament to determine the league champion. Games start at 7:30pm.

Location: FAC Gymnasium

13567 W 1/8-3/19 $294/team

13568 W 3/26-6/4 $294/team

Beginner Pickleball Instruction

Learn the basics rules, strokes, positioning, and strategy of pickleball. Have fun playing and learning with people who are beginners like you! No experience of equipment required The first hour is instructional, the second hour for optional practice. Instruction provided by an ACE certified personal trainer. No class 1/23, 1/30.. Location: FAC Gymnasium Instructor: Rick Buyce

13523 Th 1/9-3/6 1-3pm $77/$82

13524 Th 3/13-5/1 1-3pm $88/$100

Co-Rec Competitive Volleyball League

Come get ready to set and spike during a 7-week round robin volleyball league with Edmonds Parks and Recreation. Matches are held on Tuesday evenings. The top four teams will advance to a single elimination tournament that will be held at the end of the season to determine the league champion. Each match consists of 3 games

Location: Edmonds College Gymnasium

13569 T 1/7-2/25 $325/team – A Division

13570 T 1/7-2/25 $325/team – B Division

13571 T 3/11-4/29 $325/team – A Division

13572 T 3/11-4/29 $325/team – B Division

Adult Athletics

Women's 4 on 4 Volleyball League

Grab a team of four and get ready to spike the Edmonds 4v4 Women’s volleyball league The league is split between upper and lower divisions, with the top two teams on the week from the lower division moving to play in the upper division and the bottom two teams of the week from the upper division moving to play in the lower division for the following week. Standings are based on total points awarded for weekly placement Each night teams will play four matches against their division that week League consists of 9 weeks and a season ending tournament that all teams will play in. There will be an upper division and lower division champion. Seeding based on final league standings. Location: Edmonds College Gymnasium

13573 Th 1/9-3/13 $580/team

13574 Th 3/20-5/22 $580/team

Pickleball Doubles Leagues

Grab a doubles partner and your paddle for pickleball leagues at the Frances Anderson Center. Teams will play six total matches, consisting of three games each night. The top four teams in each division will play in a single elimination tournament to determine the league champion. League fee covers you and your partner. Only one must register. Matches start at 6:15pm on Tuesday evenings. The last possible match time is 9:10pm. Location: FAC Gymnasium

Adult Athletics


EdmondsParks,RecreationandHumanServiceswouldliketoinformthepublicthat ourdepartmentwillnolongerbeoperatingadultsoftballleagues.TheCityof Edmondsiscurrentlyfacingfinancialchallengesandmanychangeshavebeenmade aroundthecity.Thecostassociatedwithoperatingtheprogramwasnolonger sustainable,mainlyduetotheendingoftheinterlocalagreementwiththeCityof LynnwoodforoperatingtheMeadowdalePlayfields.Assuch,thedecisionhasbeen madetodiscontinueouroperationoftheadultsoftballleaguesattheMeadowdale Playfields.

TheCityofLynnwoodoperatesthatfacility,andtheyarecurrentlyworkingon decidingwhatthefutureoftheleagueswillbe.RhianThomaswillbethepointof iscurrentlyreviewingtheinformationwehaveprovidedthemregardingthe operationofadultsoftballleaguesandwillhaveadecisionsoonforwhatthefuture ofadultsoftballleaguesatMeadowdalemaylooklike.


Martial Arts

Kendo – Ages 8 through Adult

Youth/adult classes combined

Build physical and mental strength learning Japanese samurai sword handling. Kendo is great way to learn self-discipline for kids, and good stress relief for adults. Beginners need to purchase a bamboo sword at the first class for $40, payable to the instructor. Continuing level includes full contact wearing armor. The Edmonds Kendo Class is a member of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation/All United States Kendo Federation. Visit for more details. Location: FAC Gymnasium. Instructor: Naoaki Tanimura


13498 Th 1/9-4/24 5:30-6:45pm $160/$184


13497 Th 1/9- 4/24 7-8:30pm $160/$184


13499 S 1/11-4/26 12-1:30pm $160/$184

Continuing 13500 S 1/11-4/26 1:30-3:30pm $160/$184

Taekwon-Do – Ages 10+

Self-defense and physical fitness for the whole family. Open to continuing students. Family discount rates available. Uniform details at class. No Class 1/20, 2/17. Location: FAC Rm. 207. Instructor: Kevin Lemm.

13503 M&W Jan. 6-7:30pm $74/$85

13504 M&W Feb. 6-7:30pm $74/$85 13505 M&W Mar. 6-7:30pm $74/$85 13506 M&W Apr. 6-7:30pm $74/$85

Adult Fitness & Wellness

All-Levels Barre

All-Levels Barre combines ballet, pilates, yoga, and barre techniques to provide a multifaceted, full body workout. This class focuses on strengthening and lengthening muscles as well as balance and coordination through low-impact high energy movements while moving to upbeat music. The exercises are performed both on the mat and at the barre and some small props may be used No prior experience is required as modifications as well as progressions are provided

Location: FAC Rm. 112. Instructor: Kylee Kitchens, a former soloist ballet dancer with the PNW Ballet

13595 Tu 1/7-2/25 6-7pm $126/$145 13596 Tu 3/4-4/15 6-7pm $110/$127

Mama Barre

Bring your baby or little one with you and come take this modified barre/mat class! Moms of all fitness levels are welcome as the focus is to move through the exercises with a strong emphasis on form and alignment. The class will include basic barre exercises and pre/postnatal safe core strengthening, all while your little one is right there with you. This class was created with the intention to help build a community for mamas to come together, move their bodies, and make new friendships! Please bring a yoga mat and a set of light weights 1-3 lbs. Baby age range is roughly 2 months to 5-6 years. No class 2/21. Location: FAC Rm. 112. Instructor: Kylee Kitchens

13597 F 1/10-2/28 9:30-10:15am $110/$127 13598 F 3/7-4/18 9:30-10:15am $110/$127

Circuit Training

Join us for a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. Participants work through 10-14 exercise stations for a set time, with little rest between exercises. The workout can be modified for your personal needs. With machines. Location: FAC Fitness Rm. No class 1/22, 1/29.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

13519 W 1/8-3/12 9:30-10:30am $88/$101

13520 W 3/19-4/30 9:30-10:30am $77/$89

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Intro to the Fitness Room

Learn the basics of fitness room use, including machines, free-weights, and body weight exercises. Participants will gain ability to design their own exercise program tailored to individual fitness needs and goals. Instruction provided by an ACE certified personal trainer.

Location: FAC Fitness Rm.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

13525 W 1/8 7:05-8pm $6

13526 W 2/5 7:05-8pm $6

13527 W 3/12 7:05-8pm $6

13528 W 4/2 7:05-8pm $6

One-on-One Personal Training

Need help meeting your fitness goals? Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice. Price is per one hour session. Two or more sessions pre-paid package cost *$45/55 per hour session. Location: FAC Fitness Rm. Instructor: Rick Buyce

13529 M-S Appointment Only $53/$61

Small Group Personal Training

Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 25 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness. Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice, balance and fall prevention. Price is per person, per 1 hour session. Each person must register separately. Find a time that works for you! Classes are by appointment only M-Sa, times vary, call to reserve. 425-771-0230. $15 travel fee for in home appointments. Location: FAC Fitness Rm.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

13530 M-S Appointment Only $44/$53 (2 people)

Strength and Endurance Interval Training

Strength & Endurance Interval Training is a full body instructor led aerobic and strength workout with music Work through 10-14 exercises for a set time, with minimal breaks between exercises The workout can be modified for your needs. No machines. No class 1/20, 1/27, 2/17. Location: EWC Rm. 3

Instructor: Rick Buyce

13521 M 1/6-3/10 6-7pm $77/$89

13522 M 3/17-4/28 6-7pm $77/$89

Adult Fitness & Wellness


The gentle, rhythmic movement of qigong reduces stress, builds stamina, increases vitality, and enhances the immune system. This ancient Chinese health care system integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. Wear comfortable clothing. This is a progressive class, if you would like to register after the first class please contact the front desk at 425-771-0230. Location: FAC Rm. 114

Instructor: Barbara Gleisner

13517 W 1/8-3/12 10:30am-12pm $110/$127

13518 W 3/19-5/21 10:30am-12pm $110/$127


AnancientChineseexercise,TaiChihelpsbuildstrength, flexibilityandbalanceinmindaswellasbody.Consistent practicecanhelpreducetensionandincreasephysical, spiritualandmentalwell-being.Thisisaprogressiveclass,if youwouldliketoregisterafterthefirstclasspleasecontact thefrontdeskat425-771-0230. Location:FACRm.114



13507 Tu 1/7-3/11 10:30am-12pm $110/$127 13508 Th 1/9-3/13 7-8:30pm $110/$127


13509 Tu 3/18-5/20 10:30am-12pm $110/$127 13510 Th 3/20-5/22 7-8:30pm $110/$127


13511 Tu 1/7-3/11 5:30-7pm $110/$127 13512 Tu 3/18-5/20 5:30-7pm $110/$127


13513 Th 1/9-3/13 5:30-7pm $110/$127 13514 Th 3/20-5/22 5:30-7pm $110/$127


MovingforBetterBalanceisanevidence-basedfallspreventionprogramthatusestheprinciplesand movementsofTaiChiinhelpingolderadultsimprovetheirbalanceandincreasetheirconfidenceindoing everydayactivitieswithoutthefearoffalling.MovingforbetterbalanceismodeledfromtheYangstyle TaiChiform.Thisisaprogressiveclass,ifyouwouldliketoregisterafterthefirstclasspleasecontactthe frontdeskat425-771-0230.Location:FACRm.114.Instructor:BarbaraGleisner

13515 M 1/6-3/10 10:30am-12pm $74/$85 13516 M 3/17-5/5 10:30am-12pm $74/$85

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Feldenkrais Method® – Awareness Through Movement®

The Feldenkrais Method® provides an experiential foundation for discovering that movement done in an enjoyable easy way is, in fact, what we need to learn, change, and expand our abilities most effectively. All ages, levels of experience and abilities are welcome. Attending single classes is possible by prior arrangement with the instructor. Location: FAC Rm. 112. Instructor: Laura McMurray

13547 T 1/7-1/28 7-8pm $80/$92

13548 T 2/4-2/25 7-8pm $80/$92

13549 T 3/4-3/25 7-8pm $80/$92

13550 T 4/1-4/29 7-8pm $100/$114

13551 W 1/8-1/29 11am-12pm $80/$92

13552 W 2/5-2/26 11am-12pm $80/$92

13553 W 3/5-3/26 11am-12pm $80/$92

13554 W 4/2-4/30 11am-12pm $100/$114

Hatha Yoga

Relaxing music, gentle flowing movements, and the encouragement to go at your own pace make Kerry's classes not only great for building strength and flexibility but excellent for quieting and calming the mind. Location: FAC Plaza Rm. Instructor: Kerry Brockmann

13470 T 1/7-2/4 6:30-7:45pm $79/$91 13471 T 2/11-3/11 6:30-7:45pm $79/$91 13472 T 3/18-4/22 6:30-7:45pm $96/$110

13473 T 4/29-6/3 6:30-7:45pm $96/$110

Yoga Pilates Fusion

Yoga/Pilates fusion is a perfect combination of the gentle stretch of yoga with its poses and mindfulness and the core building strength and postural awareness of Pilates. With over 20 years of experience teaching both disciplines, Kerry will guide you through this perfect pairing that will leave you feeling strong, stretched, energized and calm No class 1/13, 1/20, 2/10, 2/17, 3/10, 5/12 & 5/26 Single days are available for 1/13, 2/10, 3/10 & 5/12. See next page for those single day listings. Location: FAC Plaza Rm. Instructor: Kerry Brockman.

13474 M 1/6-2/24 6:30-7:30pm $63/$72

13475 M 3/3-4/7 6:30-7:30pm $79/$91

13476 M 4/21-6/2 6:30-7:30pm $79/$91

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Yoga Pilates Fusion - Single Day

Interested in trying out the class before committing to the session? Join us once a month for a drop-in class to experience the benefits of Yoga and Pilates. Yoga/Pilates fusion is a perfect combination of the gentle stretch of yoga with its poses and mindfulness and the core building strength and postural awareness of Pilates. With over 20 years of experience teaching both disciplines, Kerry will guide you through this perfect pairing that will leave you feeling strong, stretched, energized and calm. Location: FAC Rm. 115. Instructor: Kerry Brockman.

13586 M 1/13 6:30-7:30pm $16/$18

13587 M 2/10 6:30-7:30pm $16/$18 13588 M 3/10 6:30-7:30pm $16/$18

13589 M 5/12 6:30-7:30pm $16/$18

Iyengar Yoga – Beginning & Continuing Students

A class for beginning and intermediate students of Iyengar Yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) We will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose so we can progress with stability to more complex poses. To join this class, it is helpful to have some prior yoga experience. Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your own yoga matt and 2-3 yoga blankets/beach towels. Location: FAC Rm. 115

Instructor: Kristina Bavik, CIYT

13494 F 1/10-3/7 9:30-11am $110/$127

13495 F 3/14-5-2 9:30-11am $126/$145

Iyengar Yoga –

Continuing Students

A class for continuing students of Iyengar Yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) We will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose so we can progress with stability to more complex poses. Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your own yoga matt and 2-3 yoga blankets/beach towels. No class 2/19 & 2/26. Location: FAC Rm. 115

Instructor: Kristina Bavik, CIYT

13501 W 1/8 – 3/5 6:00-7:30pm $110/$127

13164 W 3/12-4/30 6:00-7:30pm $126/$145

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Gentle Iyengar Yoga

Don't confuse "gentle" with "slow"! This class is alignment based with regular work on poses that promote and increase balance, strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. Students are able to use props as needed to work at their own comfort level while still challenging themselves in a variety of poses, from standing to seated to supine. Appropriate for students with limitations but no serious injuries please. Supplies are provided but feel free to bring a mat, 2 blankets, 1-2 blocks and yoga belt. No class 2/18, 4/8.

Location: FAC Rm 115 Instructor: Angela Moore

13492 T 1/7-3/4 12:30-1:30pm $126/$145

13493 T 3/11-4/29 12:30-1:30pm $110/$127

Beginners/Refresher Yoga

60-minute class that includes gentle and simple warm up practices, basic yoga postures and movements, breathing techniques, and a relaxation practice. This class is for anyone looking to freshen up their yoga skills or for beginners learning yoga. All levels are welcome. Location: FAC Rm. 115. Instructor: 500hr CYT Julie Ness

13533 W 2/5-2/26 10-11am $63/$72 13534 W 3/5-3/26 10-11am $63/$72

Restore & Reset Yoga


2-hour workshop introducing Yin Yoga. A beneficial practice for the inner body while settling into restorative poses holding to the sound frequency of a crystal healing bowl. We will start with a cup of tea, learn to stretch the inner connective tissues (facia), discuss the importance and safety, then finish off with a full 60-minute flow that incorporates all the education learned ending on a sound healing journey full of relaxation. Proven to increase circulation and improve flexibility Location: FAC Rm. 115. Instructor: 500hr CYT Julie Ness. 2/1 - Focusing on the physical body

3/1 - Targeting the energy body

4/5 - Mind and Body

13544 S 2/1 11:30am-1:30pm $35/$40

13545 S 3/1 11:30am-1:30pm $35/$40

13546 S 4/5 11:30am-1:30pm $35/$40

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Prenatal - Postnatal Yoga

60 minute Prenatal-Postnatal yoga builds strength, resilience, and body awareness that will support a woman's body during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Each class offers active yoga postures, focused breathwork, and promotes relaxation to leave you feeling strong, balanced, and rejuvenated. Crystal Bowl sound healing in every class and mats provided. Location: FAC Rm. 115. Instructor: Julie Ness.

13531 Th 2/6-2/27 10:30-11:30am $84/$97

13532 Th 3/6-3/27 10:30-11:30am $84/$97

Jazzercise – Dance Fitness & Strength Training (All Levels)

Jazzercise is the original dance party workout! Each 55-minute sweat session blends dance cardio and strength training to sculpt and tone your muscles and deliver an undeniable mood boost via our full-body workouts. Suitable for all ages and all fitness levels We demonstrate both high- and low-impact options, and dance experience is not required. Ongoing schedule, check link for dates and promotions. More Info: www. or call 206-225-6665. Instructor: Amy Williams-Derry, Certified Jazzercise Instructor. Location: FAC Gymnasium.

To Register Visit:

S 9:15-10:15am

Pricing: $99 (4 Saturdays/month) or monthly unlimited Drop-In, Single Class $30


HealingTouchisanon-invasive,non-manipulativeenergytherapyinwhichthepractitioner,consciously, intentionallyusestheirhandstoclear,energizeandbalancethehumanenergyfield,whichsupportsand facilitatesphysical,emotional,mentalandspiritualhealth Whenthebody’senergyflowsfreelyand vitalizesthecellsoftheorgans,tissues,bloodandbonesatanoptimallevel,weareinperfecthealth. Whenthisflowbecomesblockedforanyreason,thebodycells,deprivedoftheessentiallifeforce, becomeweakenedandeventuallydiseased.Toregainourhealthandwellbeing,wemustbeginby restoringourenergyflowtoanaturalstateofbalance.ThisHealingTouch(40minutes)sessioniswhen thepractitionersimplyactsasaconduit,allowingtheUniversalEnergytoflowoutthroughhis/herhands toremoveanyenergyblockspresentintheindividual.Location:FACRm.112.Instructor:LaurieBell Topickyourtimeslot,pleasefollowtheinstructionsonyourreceipt.

13887 S 3/1 9:30am-12:30pm–SignUpforanIndividual40minuteSession

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Restorative Sound Bath by Savannah Powers

These events are led by Savannah Powers from Ethereal Sound & Wellness. Read more about sound healing and her bio at No credit/transfers within 7 days of class.

What is a Sound Bath?

A Sound Bath is a full body listening experience using a variety of high vibrational instruments that “bathe” the participant in sound waves. During this hour class, you will hear and feel the sound waves as they flow throughout the room and guide your mind into a deeply restful state The power of sound can help us achieve tranquility in mind, body, and spirit.


Delightinthesoundsofcrystalquartzsingingbowls,chimes,andgongs.Thissoundbathwillfocuson relaxationandrestorationtoguideyouintoadeeplyrestfulstate.Comedisconnect,breathe,and reconnect Wehopeyouleavethissoundexperiencewitharenewedsenseofself,feelingrefreshedand restoredtotakeonyourweek.Location:FACPlazaRm.

13467 M 4/14 6:30-7:30pm $37

13468 M 5/12 6:30-7:30pm $37

13469 M 6/9 6:30-7:30pm $37


Joinusforacandlelightsoundbathasyoudelightinthesoundsofcrystalquartzsingingbowls,chimes, gongs,&otherinstrumentstoguideyouintoarelaxedstate.Comedisconnect,breathe,andreconnect. Wecan’twaittomeetyou&seewhatbenefitssoundhealingcanprovideyou.Location:FACPlazaRm.

13466 M 3/10 6:30-7:30pm $37


Immerseyourselfinthehealingvibrationsof singingbowlsandgongs,allwhileenjoying theambianceofastarrynightwithour GalaxyProjector.Duringthisfullbody listeningexperienceyouwillhearandfeel thesoundwavesastheyflowthroughout theroomandguideyourmindintoadeeply restfulstate.Thepowerofsoundcanhelp usachievetranquilityinmind,body,and spirit Comerelax,unwind,andsimplyenjoy thisuniquelypowerfulexperience.Location: FACPlazaRm.

13464 M 1/13 6:30-7:30pm $37

13465 M 2/10 6:30-7:30pm $37

Adult Enrichment


DiveintocreativitywithourOceanResinArtclasses!Inthesefunandengaging workshops,you'lllearnhowtouseepoxyresintomakebeautiful,ocean-themedartprojects.These includecuttingboards,trays,wineglassesandcoasters.

Ourexpertinstructor,JenAlbright,willteachyouhowtomixresin,blendcolors,anddesignyour boardtolooklikethesea.Perfectforbothbeginnersandexperiencedcrafters,thisclassisagreat waytomakeafunctionalpieceofart.Allmaterialsareincludedinthesupplyfee.



Participants12-17canattendwithaguardianpresent.PleasecalltheFrancesAndersonCenterfrontdesk toregisterforthisagerangeat425-771-0230.

Aftercreatingyourmasterpiece,leaveyourcuttingboardtocureovernightattheworkshoplocation.You canpickupyourfinishedboardwithinapproximatelyoneweek;theexactdate,time,andFrancis AndersonCenterlocationwillbeconfirmedduringtheclass.RustedElementDesignisproudlyWomanOwnedandLGBTQ-Owned



Adult Enrichment

Café Art Workshop – Ages 16+

Lost in the maze of modern life? Uncertain about who you are or where you’re headed? Join us on a journey of self-discovery and artist exploration! In this class, we’ll think and imagine about different subjects like about ourselves or nature and cultures and nail down our expression of ourselves using acrylic paint on canvas .Each session promises not just smudged fingers but profound conversations as we splash colors and colors and swap insights Whether you’re a budding Picasso or just here for selfreflection, our colorful creations will be your keepsake from our artistic adventure. Location: FAC Rm. 206. Instructor: Mahzad Roohi.

13875 F 1/17 6-8pm $50/$57

13876 F 2/21 6-8pm $50/$57

13877 F 3/14 6-8pm $50/$57

13878 F 4/18 6-8pm $50/$57

Dancing through Edmonds

Instructor: Charles England, Golden State Dance Teachers Assc. & World Swing Dance Council Certified. Location: FAC Rm 114 Ballroom

It'stimetolearntodance!EasybasicsinFoxTrot, WaltzandSwing,withemphasisonlead/follow skills.Everythingyouneedforanightoutdancing.

13879 W 1/15-2/12 7-8pm $71/$82

13880 W 3/26-4/23 7-8pm $71/$82


Stillthecoolest,smoothest,andmostplayfulform ofswingontheplanet.WestCoastSwingcanbe dancedtoalltypesofmusic.

13881 W 1/15-2/12 8-9pm $71/$82

13882 W 3/26-4/23 8-9pm $71/$82


TheAll-Americanswingdance!DancetoBigBand Swing,&Rock'nRoll.Boththefastsinglerhythm andtheslowertriplerhythmwillbetaught.

13883 W 2/19-3/19 7-8pm $71/$82

13884 W 4/30-5/28 7-8pm $71/$82


Hot! Hot! Hot! Solid Basic steps, turns and styling in Salsa. Plus some Merengue just for fun. Dance all night long!

13885 W 2/19-3/19 8-9pm $71/$82

13886 W 4/30-5/28 8-9pm $71/$82

Floral Centerpiece Design Workshop - Ages 14+

Join the staff from A Natural Design to create a wonderful small floral centerpiece in a workshop that is friendly to beginners. Beautify your home and table by crafting with a seasonal selection of blooms and botanicals A materials fee of $40 is due to the instructor at the class All materials are provided as part of this fee. Location: FAC Rm. 206.

13910 S 1/25 11am-12:30pm $40/$46

13911 S 2/22 11am-12:30pm $40/$46

13912 S 3/29 11am-12:30pm $40/$46

13913 S 4/26 11am-12:30pm $40/$46

Adult Enrichment

Growing Monsteras and More – Ages 14+

Love to grow monsteras in your home? This is the class for you. We will discuss the best ways to grow your beautiful indoor aroid plants and learn proper care. Class will cover moss poles, aroid soil mixes, grow lights, and fertilizers. Location: FAC Rm. 115. Instructor: Karen Ulvestad

13888 T 1/21 6-8pm $30/$35

JamtownLive – Hand Drum Warm Up & Accelerate Sessions

YES, you CAN drum! Healthy – Expressive – Collaborative and FUN. Sessions are multi-part ensemble-play with authentic drums and percussion (supplied.) Warm Up Session covers hand technique and rhythms of the night at a beginner pace Accelerate Session covers the same rhythms at an intermediate pace – with a place for beginners too. Attend both sessions for the same price! Audio tracks and easy notes encourage practice between sessions. Social hour following the last class of each month. Please contact the instructor if you need a drum for class. Location: Meadowdale Clubhouse. Instructor: John Hayden, Warm Up Sessions run from 6:00-6:50pm. Accelerate Sessions run from 7:00-8:15pm.

13889 T 1/7-1/21 6-8:15pm $63/$73 13890 T 2/4-2/18 6-8:15pm $48/$55

13891 T 3/4-3/25 6-8:15pm $63/$73 13892 T 4/1-4/22 6-8:15pm $63/$73

Turbo Turkey Improv 101!

Have you ever wanted to loosen up and have a free mind? Have you ever felt shy and want to get out of your shell? Well Turbo Turkey Improv 101 is for you! In this class you will learn to let go of preconceived ideas and let your mind flow. Learn the basics of Improv, thinking on your feet, and making connections. Learn from an experienced improv teacher with over 20 years of experience of improv and a theater degree. Affordable and a chance to grow more comfortable not only as a performance artist, but also in daily life. Location: FAC Rm. 208. Instructor: Adam Hegg

13873 Th 1/16-2/20 6-7:30pm $63/$73 - Drop in for one session for $20

Turbo Turkey Improv 201!

Have you ever wondered how do people come up with such interesting characters? Do you love Improv? Well this is the class for you. In Turbo Turkey 201, continue your improv journey by learning how to create fun and interesting characters you can use on stage. Also learn valuable tools like status in scenes, plus more. Want to feel more energized and not just vegging out on the couch? This energetic class can help you. This class is for those who have taken Turbo Turkey 101 or an equivalent 101 class somewhere else. Location: FAC Rm. 208. Instructor: Adam Hegg

13874 Th 3/6-4/10 5-6:30pm $63/$73 Drop in for one session for $20

Online Programming



Youdon'thavetobeanexperttogetsomebenefitsfrommanyancienthealingpractices.We'lldipintoa buffetofmethodsincludingReflexology,TalkingStick,FengShui,Yogicbreathingandstretching,IChing messages,mandalaconstruction,meditation,Tarot,astrology,accupressure,homeopathicprinciples, somenaturopathicherbanddietoptions,dreaminterpretation,numerology,totemanimalselection, numerology.Plus,ahandfulofmorerecentstressbusterslikeCognitiveBehaviorTherapy,ArtTherapy, SedonaReleasing,andMovementTherapy Classesaretensessionsonanat-your-own-paceschedule Scheduledirectlywiththeinstructorafterenrollmentforyourvirtualappointments.Instructor:Ariele Huff



Ifyourlifeislowonjoy,thisistheclassforyou!Thepracticeofreplacingonekindofthinkingforanother helpsputmorepizzazzintoyourexistenceandintoyourwriting,art,orothercreativeforms.The conceptsarebasedonMartinSeligman’sworkinLearnedOptimismandAuthenticHappinessaswellas severalotherresources.ThisisaZOOMclassthatincludesuniquein-classwritingandreadingof pieces.JoininstructorArieleHuffforalifealteringquarter!


13903 T 1/14-2/18 5-6pm $60/$69


Magazineeditorsandbookpublishersagree:thehottesttrendthesedaysisthetellingofpersonal experiences.Learnhowtoaccessandformatyourmemoriesandexperiencesforthepurposeofcreating articles,books,andsouvenirmemoirsforcash,friends,and/orfamily.Instructorhashelpedhundredsof studentsandclientscompletelifestoriesofallkinds.Classesaretensessionsonanat-your-own-pace schedule.Scheduledirectlywiththeinstructorafterenrollmentforyourvirtualappointments.Instructor: ArieleHuff 13902

Every child should have an opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals and skills of a sport, the understanding of teamwork, communication and good sportsmanship. "Everyone Gets to Play" has been the motto of Sno-King Youth Club for over 40 years!


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