Big league Tina’s
Lot 28
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
Dam: Indianhead Tripoly-ET EX91-EEEEE
DOB: 18/3/12 | HB No: Pending | A/c: Bluechip Holsteins and Mark Cuda
Bluechip will rear Tina to 6mths free of charge if requested. Sire: Erbacres Damion 130263722 EX96 TR-TV-TL-TD Dam: Indianhead Tripoly-ET 137413669 EX91-EEEEE 4YR Age M F% Fat P% Prt Days 3.00 3x 36900 4.0 1468 3.1 1134 365 2.00 3x 27020 4.1 1098 3.0 805 323 Embryos exported to Japan and Australia
Calanvale Inspiration Tina EX95-2E
Braedale Goldwyn TL-TV 10705608 GP 2nd dam Indianhead Trilogy 128266531 EX94-5E-5YR 4.09 3x 42620 3.9 1663 2.8 1183 365 3.06 3x 38700 4.4 1696 2.8 1082 365 2.03 3x 27410 4.2 1164 2.9 801 355 Life 123530 4.2 5171 2.9 3548 1262 Hm All-American 4yo 2004 2nd Senior 2yo Midwest Spring National 2002
Ernest-Anthony SD Tobi-ET EX96-2E
Indianhead Red-Marker-ET RC-TV-TL EX-CAN 3rd dam Indianhead Milan Tina-ET 1796838 EX92 EX-MS 3E 7.10 3x 37460 3.6 1358 3.0 1108 361 5.01 3x 36490 3.8 1394 2.9 1074 365 8.11 3x 36340 4.2 1538 3.2 1150 365 Life 261950 3.9 10188 3.0 7970 2803 Maternal sister Ernest-Anthony SD Tobi-ET EX96-2E DOM 6.0 2x 44090 5.0 2191 3.2 1423 365 1st 5yo and Res Grand Champ Royal Winter Fair 2001 All-Canadian 5yo 2001. Res All-American 5yo 2001. Nom All-American Snr 3yo 1999 HHM Junior All-American Snr 2yo 1998 HM All-American 125,000lb cow 2004 Member All-American Produce 1998 4th-5th dam • Calanvale Inspiration Tina EX95-2E GMD DOM 6.0 2x 36010 5.1 1829 3.3 1184 365 3x Res All-American 5x Nominated All-American 1st Aged Cow World Dairy Expo 1996 Res Snr and Res Grand Champion WDE 1995 • Alanvale Puget Anetia VG-CAN 12.0 2x 23812 4.1 970 3.5 827 2x
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 31
Welcome to paradise
Lot 29
Dam: Cairnhill Morsan Goldwyn Pretty-ET GP84-2YR
OOLEA SANCHEZ PRETTY (ET) DOB: 1/8/11 | HB No: 1685928
| A/c: Coolea Holsteins
Sire: Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez TR-TD-TL-TV USAM134422312 EX90-1E Dam: Cairnhill Morsan Goldwyn Pretty-ET GP84-2YR Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days S2 6696 215 3.2 272 4.1 258 cont 2nd Snr 2yrs in-milk and Res Intermediate Champion NSW State Show 2011 Full sisters - won 2yrs in-milk IDW 2012, 3yrs in-milk IDW 2011 and 4yrs in-milk IDW 2012
Braedale Goldwyn TL-TV CANM10705608 GP 2nd dam Dryfield Dundee Paradise-Imp-ET VG89 2.4 8608 286 3.32 348 4.04 305 116 3.7 9977 320 3.21 388 3.89 263 145 4.5 10987 372 3.4 490 4.5 254 142 6.2 7661 252 3.3 311 4.1 134 137c 1st 5yrs in-milk, Best Udder, Grand Champion Holstein and Supreme Champion Cow All-Breeds IDW 2010 Sold at IDW 2006 for record price of $43,500 1st Heifer 18mths and Jnr Champion IDW 2007 1st 2.5yrs in-milk and Res Int Champion IDW 2008 1st Snr 3yo in-milk and Int Champion IDW 2009 1st Aged Cow in-milk & Best Udder IDW 2012.
Full sister to Dam of Lot Carisma Cairnhill Paradise 1st 2yrs in-milk, IDW 2012 Three generations of Paradises each won an in-milk class at IDW THIS YEAR. Photo: Dianna Malcolm
32 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
Regancrest Dundee-ET EX95 TV-TL
3rd dam Miss Paradises Presence-ET VG89-2YR 2.5 10859 366 3.4 457 4.2 365 Jnr Champion Vancouver Island 2003 Jnr Champion Central Fraser Valley 2003 Jnr Champion BC Spring Show 2004 2nd Snr 2yr in-milk Royal Winter Fair 2005 1st Snr 3yo BC Spring Show and Calgary Spring Show 2006 Res All-Canadian Snr 2yo 2005 Sold for $205,000 4th-7th dam • Vandyk-K Integrity Paradise EX96 DOM • Vandyk-k Broker Pansy-ET EX90 DOM • Vandyk-K Mark Patty EX94 DOM • Vandyk-K Melvin Poppy VG88
Lot 30
Sire: Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez TR-TD-TL-TV EX90-1E Dam: Cairnhill Morsan Goldwyn Pretty-ET GP84 – Refer to Lot 29
Note the joining
Lot 31
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
Family members: Dryfield Dundee Paradise and Cairnhill Morsan Presence
CLIPSE SHOTTLE PARADISE (ET) DOB: 11/3/10 | HB No: 1685237 | A/c: Eclipse Holsteins
Joined to Atwood 1/1/12 - Carrying an ultrasound heifer (Dr. Reon Holmes)
Flushed to Toc-Farm Goldsun for 9 A-Grades. Tremendous heifer - calves as a Senior 2yo for IDW 2013
Sire: Picston Shottle-ET TL-TV-TY GBRM598172 EX1E Dam: Cairnhill Morsandamion Paradise-ET VG86 (1st lact) Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI 4.2 6076 185 3.1 231 3.8 144c 108 Full sister - Res Intermediate Champion IDW 2010 Maternal sisters won the 2yo in-milk and 4yo in-milk IDW 2012.
Erbacres Damion EX 2nd dam Dryfield Dundee Paradise-Imp-ET VG89 2.4 8608 286 3.32 348 4.04 305 116 3.7 9977 320 3.21 388 3.89 263 145 4.5 10987 372 3.4 490 4.5 254 142 6.2 7661 252 3.3 311 4.1 134c 137 1st Aged Cow in-milk IDW 2012 The first Holstein to win Junior, Intermediate, Senior and Grand Champion at IDW - (2007: Junior Champion - 2008: Res Intermediate Champion - 2009: Intermediate Champion - 2010: Senior, Grand, Best Udder and Australian National Champion of AllBreeds). Sold at IDW 2006 for record price of $43,500
Fourth dam to lot: Vandyk-K Integrity Paradise EX96-2EUSA – the 2000 and 2002 WDE Supreme Champion with co-owner Mark Rueth. Photo: Holstein International.
Regancrest Dundee-ET TV-TL 127640114 EX95 3rd dam Miss Paradises Presence-ET VG89-2YR 2.5 10859 366 3.4 457 4.2 365 Junior Champion Vancouver Island 2003 Junior Champion Central Fraser Valley 2003 Junior Champion BC Spring Show 2004 2nd Snr 2yo in-milk Royal Winter Fair 2005 1st Snr 3yo BC Spring Show and Calgary Spring Show 2006 Res All-Canadian Snr 2yo 2005 Sold for $205,000 4th-6th dam • Vandyk-K Integrity Paradise EX96-2E • Vandyk-K Broker Pansy EX1E • Vandyk-K Mark Patty EX2E
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 33
Her full sister sold for $17,000
Lot 32
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
Dam: Roseworthy Grand Ambition VG88
IGHTNING RIDGE WINDBROOK AMBITION (ET) DOB: 27/10/11 | HB No: Pending | A/c: Declan Patten & Craig Rapley (NZ)
Sire: Gillette Windbrook EX94 Dam: Roseworthy Grand Ambition VG88 Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days 3.9 9937 313 3.2 412 4.2 305 5.7 11919 385 3.2 421 3.5 305 Her embryos by Windbrook have sold to $2,500 each Embryos exported to Canada and NZL Sister to Goldwyn Full sister to Grand Ambition Gen-I-Beq Morty Barbie VG87-2YRS 2.6 13178 427 3.2 510 3.9 305 Sold for CAN$41,000 Maternal sister to Grand Ambition Gen-I-Beq Champion Bally EX95 4* 2.5 12047 409 3.4 441 3.7 305 Res All-Canadian 3yo 2007. Sold for CAN$182,000 4th-9th dam • Braedale Moonriver GP83 • Sunnylodge Chief Vick-ET VG86 31* • Sunnylodge Elevation Jan VG87 13* • Sunnylodge Jan Sheik VG85 4* • Sunnylodge Fond Vickie VG85 2* • Sunnylodge Janice VG 4*
34 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
Stouder Morty 2nd dam Braedale Baler Twine VG86 29* 2.1 12096 402 3.3 591 4.9 305 Dam of 29 EX & VG Progeny Canadian Cow of the Year 2007
Maughlin Storm EX 3rd dam Braedale Gypsy Grand VG88 37* 5.6 13945 436 3.1 665 4.8 305 Dam of 20 EX & VG Dtrs Canadian Cow of the Year 2003
Lot 33
DOB: 25/10/11 | HB No: pending Maternal sister to dam Gen-I-Beq Champion Bally EX95
Sire: Erbacres Damion TR-TL-TV EX96 Dam: Roseworthy Grand Ambition VG88 Refer to Lot 32
Shottle on Goldwyn’s family
Lot 34
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
3rd dam: Braedale Baler Twine-ET VG
DOB: 19/10/10 | HB No: 1658486 | A/c: Bluechip Genetics, Tahora Farms, Daryl Petheram
Sire: Picston Shottle-ET TL-TV TY GBRM598172 EX1E Dam: Sardi Grandueurs Doll-ET 1519472 GP84-2YR Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days J2 8499 268 3.2 339 4.0 305
4th dam - Braedale Gypsy Grand VG88
Regancrest Dolman-ET TL-TV USAM60540099 2nd dam Roseworthy Gypsy Grandeur-Imp-ET 1277911 VG85 2.7 7594 238 3.13 293 3.86 305 111 4.0 8830 282 3.19 336 3.81 305 111 Int Champion SA Branch Autumn Fair 2007 Maternal sister to GOLDWYN Full sister Gen-I-Beq Morty Barbie VG87-2YR 2.6 12047 427 3.2 510 3.9 305
2nd dam - Roseworthy Gypsy Grandeur-Imp ET VG85
Stouder Morty-ET TL-TV-TY USAM17349617 3rd dam Braedale Baler Twine-ET TL CANF6860888 VG 29* 2.1 12096 402 3.23 591 4.74 305 Dam of 29 EX & VG Progeny Canadian Cow of the Year 2007
4th-10th dam • Braedale Gypsy Grand VG88 37* Dam of Freelance, Freeman, Goodluck. G-dam of Goldwyn • Braedale Moonriver GP83 • Sunnylodge Chief Vick VG86 31* • Sunnylodge Elevation Jan VG87 13* • Sunnylodge Jane Sheik VG 4* • Sunnylodge Fond Vickie VG 2* • Sunnylodge Janice VG 4*
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 35
Simply our best!
Lot 35
Shirlinn Dream Moya VG87-2YR
DOB: 2/1/09 | HB No: 590106 | Tattoo: L5W 1745 | A/c: Shirlinn Jerseys, NSW
Calved March 2012
Age M Fat F% Prt P% Days 25 7579 336 4.4 278 3.7 305 Record J2 production at Shirlinn
Res Champion Sydney Royal 2011 Hon Mention Champion Brisbane Royal 2011 Entered Sydney Royal 2012
Sire: Gold Label Dream Boy 473710 - Gold Label sire at Agri-Gene Dtr sold for $10,000 NSW State Sale 2011 Full brother to Gold Label Daydream Supreme Champion Dairy Cow Sydney Royal 2010. Dream Boy’s dam: Jugiong Daydream 4235 SUP92 50 8926 501 5.6 319 3.6 305 124 Dam: Shirlinn PB Moya 566030 Unfortunately lost as a 2-year-old Sister to Shirlinn Futurity Moya Sold for $11,500 - record top price NSW State Sale 2011 S2 5810 295 5.1 196 3.4 1st NSW Futurity 2010 4th-8th dam • Shirlinn Malcolms Moya VG87 • Shirlinn Top Moya VG88 • Shirlinn Stars Moya VG • Shirlinn Illustrious Moya EX90 • Shirlinn Radiant Moya VG
36 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
Shirlinn Prize Brook 538548 2nd dam Shirlinn First Moya 2 VG86-2YR S2 5707 250 4.4 178 3.1 305 4 6821 279 4.1 237 3.5 305 M 8061 351 4.4 264 3.3 305 A great breeding cow at Shirlinn
Sister to dam - Shirlinn Futurity Moya
Shirlinn First Prize 3rd dam Shirlinn Bret Moya EX92 4 6390 311 4.9 299 3.6 M 6965 390 5.6 258 3.7 M 8157 416 5.1 299 3.7
IDW Champions abound
Lot 36
Dam: Riverside Renaissance Ivy 2-ET EX93
DOB: 19/7/11 | HB No: Pending | A/c: Matt Templeton and Lisa Thompson
Sire: Giprat Belles Jade EX92 - 119 EX Dtrs Premier Sire World Dairy Expo and Royal Winter Fair Dam: Riverside Renaissance Ivy 2-ET EX93 Age M Fat F% Prt P% Days 32 6403 323 5.0 279 4.4 305 46 7175 360 5.0 309 4.3 305 M 8553 347 4.1 436 5.1 305 M 6087 242 4.0 387 6.4 282 Junior Champion IDW 2005 Res Junior Champion IDW 2006 Res Intermediate Champion IDW 2007 Intermediate Champion IDW 2008 Snr and Grand Champion IDW 2010 and 2011 Full sister: Renaissance Ivy 3-ET EX Champion Jersey and Supreme Champion All-Breeds Adelaide Royal 2008
Hollylane Renaissance 138720 EX Sire of 153 EX Dtrs
Riverside Bester from the same family as Riverside Spiritual
2nd dam Riverside Bester Ivy 584 VHC91 EX8 46 7488 362 4.8 265 3.5 305 105 68 7627 415 5.4 280 3.7 305 103 90 9428 504 5.3 347 3.7 305 115 Senior and Grand Champion Jersey Cow IDW 2001
3rd dam Riverside Imperial Ivy 467 VHC90 by Meadowlawn J Imperial 67 7075 348 4.9 250 4.9 305 83 6806 337 5.0 265 3.9 305
IDW 2010’s Grand Champion Jersey in action.
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 37
12,000 litre Royal Champion dam
Lot 37
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
Dam: Silverlie Stars Lilac EX94 - pictured at 9yrs of age
DOB: 12/4/11 | HB No: 626681 | A/c: Bluechip Genetics
Maternal sister - Shirlinn BRC Lilac VG86-2yrs 1st under 6mths IDW 2010 Sire: Lester Sambo One of the world’s best ever sires Dam: Silverlie Stars Lilac EX94 Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI 6 7334 264 3.6 324 4.4 305 113 M 10090 350 3.5 458 4.5 305 117 M 12906 460 3.6 607 4.7 305 120 M 6766 215 3.2 288 4.3 154 cont Over 75,000 litres lifetime to date Res Champion Cow IDW 2010 Champion Cow and Supreme All-Breeds Adelaide Royal 2009 Champion Cow Great Northern (NSW/Qld) OFC 2007 Honourable Mention Champion, IDW 2009
IDW 2010’s Reserve Senior Champion shows her form.
38 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
BIE Bistar 8/11 ABV +101M, +4P (Lester x Sooner)
Silverlie Strawberrys Dream Grandeur Jingos Dream (NZ) son
2nd dam Silverlie SD Lilac 5 4808 221 4.5 kgs
3rd dam Pasadena Destinys Lilac M 5128 227 4.3 by Cayuga Blue Destiny sire of Sydney Royal Championship winners
Maternal sister - Shirlinn BRC Lilac VG86-2YR
9000 litre IDW Champion dam
Lot 38
Dam: Bushlea Lester Iris 9 EX92
ORRA LEA BLACKSTONE IRIS (ET) DOB: October 2011 | HB No: Pending | A/c: Leigh Prout
Sire: Lencrest Blackstone Dam: Bushlea Lester Iris 9 EX92 Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI 25 5246 187 3.6 243 4.6 274 103 35 5773 201 3.5 295 5.1 305 103 52 9074 298 3.3 426 4.7 305 114 73 8740 315 3.6 421 4.8 305 115 1st 5yrs in-milk and Res Senior Champion Melbourne Royal 2006 1st 5yrs in-milk and Best Udder IDW 2006 1st Aged Cow, Best Udder, Senior Champion Best Udder, Grand Champion and member winning Pen of 3 Cows IDW 2008 Embryos exported to South Africa and New Zealand.
Highland Duncan Lester 645454 2nd dam Bushlea Royal Iris EX90 25 4386 158 3.6 247 5.6 300 100 37 5079 195 3.8 284 5.6 300 101 50 5164 199 3.9 289 5.6 300 92 61 4562 180 3.9 258 5.7 295 94 73 4960 198 4.0 286 5.8 305 98 87 6320 240 3.8 347 5.5 305 97 99 6283 234 3.7 347 5.5 305 94 Life 42073 1614 3.8 2368 5.6 2415 97 Country Champion 2nd 2.5yrs in-milk Melbourne 1993 4th 5yrs in-milk Melbourne 1995
JS Quicksilver Royal 3rd dam Bushlea Iris 40 EX 36 4704 275 5.8 300 48 5011 278 5.5 300 60 5696 299 5.2 300 73 5724 222 3.9 323 5.6 300 85 6158 234 3.8 356 5.8 300 96 9755 260 3.8 385 5.7 300 110 5661 215 3.8 299 5.3 300 130 7024 277 3.9 370 5.3 300 Life 51240 1386 2.7 276 5.6 2904 Country Champion. Won more dairy cow championships than Jersey championships.
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 39
7th generation EX IDW Winner - Belle
Bushlea Nathan Belle EX90
Lot 39
Sire: Wetumpka Lemvig Nathan 111524657 Dam: Bushlea Landline Belle EX90 Age M %F Fat %P Prt Days PI 87 8260 5.8 481 3.8 315 305 116 72 7636 5.4 415 4.0 302 305 118 55 8486 5.6 475 3.8 325 305 125 43 5985 5.9 355 4.2 254 305 98 28 6118 5.4 329 3.5 217 305 117 Full sister Bushlea Landline Belle 2 EX90 37 7152 5.3 380 3.8 270 305 109 49 7741 5.1 398 3.8 295 305 113
40 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
DOB: 31/3/07 | HB No: 581993 | Tattoo: NLK 3420 | A/c: Bushlea Farms, Leongatha, VIC
AI’d to Vanahlem 18/12/11
4th-6th dam • MMC Belle EX • Deni Belle EX92-3E • Chocolate Belle EX90
3rd dam: Duncan Belle EX3 Cow of the Century
Age M %F Fat %P Prt Days PI 41 7115 5.1 363 3.8 272 305 122 25 5830 5.1 296 3.9 229 305 106 1st 3.5yrs in-milk IDW 2011 5th 5yrs in-milk IDW 2012 7th Generation Excellent
Full genetic sister: Bushlea Nathan Belle 2 EX90 35 7090 5.0 352 4.0 282 294 114 3rd 3.5yrs in-milk Melbourne 2010
Echo Glen Alder 418885 - LANDLINE 2nd dam Giprat Belles Barbados SUP92 431042 Imp Canada at 4mths of age 68 9300 4.9 453 3.5 322 305 116 47 7836 5.2 410 3.5 271 305 110 31 6888 5.4 370 3.4 237 305 124 4th 6yrs in-milk IDW 2002 Dam of 8 EX Dtrs.
Molly Brook Brass Major 644248 3rd dam Duncan Belle EX3 2 6444 5.3 341 4.0 255 305 3 7646 5.4 410 4.0 307 305 4 9265 5.2 484 4.0 374 305 6 9539 5.5 527 4.2 403 305 1st 3yrs and Grand Champion WDE 1991 1st 3yrs and Res Grand Champion RAWF 1992 1st 4yrs and Grand Champion RAWF 1993 1st 5yrs and Grand Champion RAWF 1994 All-Canadian winner 1991, 1992 and 1993. Cow of the Century
Fever Queen - a sure thing
Maternal sister: Bluechip Finalcut Queen VG89 (max)
Lot 40
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible Full blood embryos exported to New Zealand
Dam: Bluechip Stormatic Queen-ET GP84-2YR
DOB: 4/9/11 | HB No: 1666480 | A/c: Bluechip Genetics
Sire: Crackholm Fever TL-TV CANM103631566 Dam: Bluechip Stormatic Queen-ET 1574961 GP84-2YR Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days J2 5270 151 2.9 186 3.6 152 cont 1st under 6mths IDW 2010 Maternal sister to: Bluechip Finalcut Queen VG89 (max) 2 11031 363 3.3 447 4.1 305 Junior Champion IDW Youth Show 2009 Best Udder and HM Int. Champion Sydney Royal 2010 3rd Snr 2yo IDW 2010 2nd S3 in-milk, Melbourne Royal 2010 2nd 4-5yrs in-milk, Sydney Royal 2011 Sold at our 2011 sale for $20,000
Comestar Stormatic TL-TV CANM6947936 EX1E 2nd dam Melville Park Durham Queen-ET 1323653 EX90-2E 2.10 7674 249 3.24 275 3.58 305 84 3.9 11062 371 3.35 433 3.91 305 102 5.3 12292 417 3.39 473 3.85 305 98 M 8658 284 3.3 285 3.3 210 cont Life 52061 1782 3.4 1973 3.8
4th-8th dam • Fountain-Farm Queens Robin TL EX90 2.2 9154 292 3.10 351 3.72 305 3.10 10952 360 3.19 411 3.64 305 5.35 13568 463 3.31 601 4.30 305 3L 33674 1115 3.21 1363 3.93 • Fountain-Farm Xmas Queen EX • Fountain-Farm Jet Queen EX93 • Fountain-Farm Elevation Queen VG89 • Fountain-Farm Tidy Queen VG86
Regancrest Elton Durham-ET TR-TL-CV EX1E 3rd dam Jindalor Prelude Queen-Imp-ET 686622 VG88 STP 5* 5.3 10495 319 3.04 398 3.79 305 113 6.6 8922 284 3.18 368 4.12 305 102 8.2 9260 276 2.98 396 4.28 305 100 6L 65715 2049 3.12 2588 3.94 Dam of 2 EX Dtrs. Dam of Melville Park Storm Queen EX94-2E - OFC Mature Cow winner 2011
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 41
10 Generations of EX and VG
Lot 41
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
Family member: Eclipse Goldwyn Queen 4 VG86-2YR
DOB: 17/7/11 | HB No: Pending | A/c: Eclipse Holsteins
Enormously well-grown show heifer Sire: Crackholm Fever TL-TV CANM103631566 Dam: Eclipse Bradley F Queen 1568840 VG85-2YR Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI 2.3 9011 296 3.28 365 4.05 305 109 Fresh on second lactation and she looks tremendous
Braedale Freeman-ET TL-TV CANM6906786 Rockalli Bradley TL-TV USAM60238763 2nd dam Eclipse Freeman Queen 1327674 VG89 4.6 6714 229 3.41 286 4.26 275 5.6 6065 202 3.33 230 3.79 223 7.0 2466 82 3.33 91 3.69 84 cont
3rd dam Jindalor Cashmere Queen-ET 895895 VG86 3.7 8490 287 3.38 361 4.25 305 4.11 9248 325 3.51 387 4.18 305 6.1 10352 341 3.29 407 3.93 305 7.2 9245 315 3.41 371 4.01 301 8.7 8513 289 3.39 350 4.11 305 94 7L 56208 1928 3.43 2343 4.17 Refer to Lot 43
Lot 42
Goldwyn works a treat on the Queen family Family member - Eclipse Goldwyn Queen 5
42 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
Sire: Braedale Goldwyn TL-TV CANM10705608 GP Dam: Eclipse Bradley F Queen 1568840 VG85-2YR – Refer to Lot 41
Lot 43
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
Family member: Eclipse Goldwyn Queen 5 VG85-2YR
CLIPSE CONTENDER QUEEN (ET-RED) DOB: 14/4/10 | HB No: 1651120 | A/c: Eclipse Holsteins
AI’d to Sexed Bradnick 24/1/12 and PTIC How valuable will her RC Bradnick heifer be to your Red breeding program? Bradnick GPTAT 4.98 - No.1 available type sire in the world Sire: Patience Showline Contender-Red CANM7483577 EX95 Dam: Eclipse Talented Queen 1327672 VG87 (2nd lact) ABV 8/10 ASI +113 M+546, P+20 +0.11%, F+11 -0.18%, 46%R Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI 2.5 10410 352 3.38 343 3.29 305 108 3.7 12012 392 3.26 467 3.89 305 2L 25922 873 3.37 1012 3.90
Bluechip Finalcut Queen VG89 (max)
Ladino Park Talent-Imp-ET-RC TL 930377 EX 2nd dam Eclipse Goldbullion Queen-ET 1201627 EX90-1E 3* ABV 8/11 ASI +40 M+147, P+6 +0.03%, F+9 +0.04%, 40%R 2.5 7016 261 3.72 292 4.16 305 3.11 9368 306 3.27 384 4.10 305 4.11 8987 369 4.11 341 3.79 305 108 6.3 7713 278 3.60 350 4.54 305 94 7.11 7101 235 3.31 298 4.20 309 98 5L 48960 1780 3.64 2034 4.15 Dam 100% GP+ Dtrs
Elite Gold Bullion-Imp-ET TV 859718 EX90 3rd dam Jindalor Cashmere Queen-ET 895895 VG86 3.7 8490 287 3.38 361 4.25 305 4.11 9248 325 3.51 387 4.18 305 6.1 10352 341 3.29 407 3.93 305 7.2 9245 315 3.41 371 4.01 301 8.7 8513 289 3.39 350 4.11 305 94 7L 56208 1928 3.43 2343 4.17 Dam 1 EX Dtr 4th dam • Jindalor Prelude Queen-Imp-ET VG88 STP 5* 5.3 10495 319 3.04 398 3.79 305 113 Dam of Melville Park Storm Queen EX94-2E OFC Mature Cow winner 2011
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 43
Note dams performance
Lot 44
JD SCORE 7 – not eligible for Qld
Dam: Eclipse Goldwyn Queen 4-ET VG86 (1st lact)
DOB: 22/4/11 | HB No: 1650148 | A/c: Dot Com Holsteins, Kialla, VIC.
Sire: Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez TR-TD-TL-TV USAM134422312 EX90-1E Dam: Eclipse Goldwyn Queen 4-ET 1568811 VG86 (1st lact) ASI 249. No. 71 ASI Cow M683, P+34 +0.15%, F+61 +0.27% Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI 1.10 9302 312 3.5 377 4.1 305 128 Queen’s embryos topped the 2011 NZL Canterbury Collection Sale.
Braedale Goldwyn TL-TV CANM10705608 GP 2nd dam Eclipse Fabulon Queen-ET 1329848 VG87 2* ABV 8/10: ASI +224 M+520, P+26 +0.23%, F+56 +0.49%, 53%R 2.3 11150 397 3.56 452 4.05 305 131 3.6 9362 371 3.96 459 4.90 305 117 5.7 9357 355 3.8 451 4.8 305 108 3L 44618 1728 3.87 2123 4.76 Dam 100% GP+ Dtrs
3rd dam Eclipse Goldbullion Queen-ET EX90 3* 4.11 8987 369 4.11 341 3.79 305 108 6.3 7713 278 3.60 350 4.54 305 94 7.11 7101 235 3.31 298 4.20 309 98
4th-10th dam • Jindalor Cashmere Queen-ET 895895 VG86 • Jindalor Prelude Queen-Imp-USA-ET VG88 STP 4* • Fountain-Farm Queens Robin EX91 GMD DOM • Fountain Farm Pete Xmas Queen EX92 GMD DOM • Fountain-Farm Jet Queen EX93 DOM • Fountain-Farm Elevation Queen VG89 • Fountain-Farm Tidy Queen VG86
44 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
t ype world leader 29Ho13426 GOLDROY at +3.26 • 94Ho13666 DESTRY*RC at +3.13 29Ho12646 BOSSMAN at +3.13 • 29Ho13601 ZELGADIS at +3.08 29Ho13723 GaMeday at +3.08 these daughters are rock solid results of the outstanding type aBS has to offer. Contact your aBS representative to add these high type sires into your world-class breeding program today!
Above L-R: dtr: Parkhead Bossman 82, 2nd Lactation, Lancashire, England, photo: Jane Steel / dtr: Zelgadis Tropea, Olmeneta-CR, Italy photo: Luca Nolli / RIGHT: dtr: Champion Gameday 1720-Grade GP-84, NY, USA photo: Beth Herges / dtr: New Spirit Goldroy Goldie GP-81, Ontario, Canada photo: Patty Jones / dtr: Mellsunset Destry Sabrina VG-86, Quebec, Canada photo: Patty Jones
Thinking Globally Investing Locally
Thinking Globally l l Ph: 02 6049 9200 l Fax: 02 6026 2387 l Semen orders only, freecall 1800-ABS-BULL l l Ph: 02 6049 9200 l Fax: 02 6026 2387 l Semen orders only, freecall 1800-ABS-BULL
Sire: Braedale Goldwyn Dam: Smithden Allen Alison - VG88 14* 365D 15893M 3.7% 583F 3.3% 527P MGS: Canyon-Breeze Allen - ET MGD: Smithden Rudolph Lana - VG89 4* 365D 20141M 3.2% 639F 3.1% 625P
Aaron is a Top 20 GTPI Sire with daughters scoring well, he is now 90% GP or better on 48 daughters. He debuted at No.18 on the December 2011 Top LPI Proven Sire Listing in Canada at +2226 LPI. He ranks high with impressive credentials for Production, Type and Health Traits. He is a brother to proven sire - Smithden Admiral.
Goldwyn son who hails from the world renown Smithden Allen Alison – VG88 14* who was a finalist for the 2011 Canadian Cow of the Year. She is a 7th Generation Star Brood Cow with her daughters consistently proving themselves amongst the Top Genomic lists for Type and Performance.
Daughter photos (L-R): Smithden Aaron Kandace GP-84, Spruce Avenue Aarons Maui GP-83, Marbro Aaron Miriam GP-83, Nithaven Aaron Malory VG-85, Bluebird Aaron Juliet GP-82. Photos Š Patty Jones
Smithden Aaron - EX91
Exciting New Release
123-125 Tone Road, Wangaratta VIC 3677 ph: 03 5722 2666 fax: 03 5722 2777 email: web:
Agri-Gene P/L
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Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 49
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Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 51
Animal Mineral Solutions & Maxi Cow Consulting Nutritionally assisting Bluechip Genetics since 2007
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52 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
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Lot 45
6th dam: Stookey EP Blackrose EX96
YANNA CONTENDER BLACKROSE (ET-RED) DOB: 11/10/10 | HB No: 1625291 | A/c: Ryanna Holsteins
Sire: Patience Showline Contender-Red CANM7483577 EX95 Dam: Ryanna Litchtblick Blackrose-RED 1421991 VG85-2YR ABV 4/11 - M+230 P+7 +0.00% F-10 -0.28% 36%R Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI 2.8 8355 283 3.4 317 3.8 305 101
Litchtblick-ET-RED-TL-TV 2nd dam Aberfeldie Durham Rose-ET 1281668 EX90-1E ABV 4/11 ASI +2 M+167 P+5 +0.00% F-12 -0.28% 47%R 2.5 6756 213 3.15 237 3.51 305 98 4.4 9312 304 3.26 342 3.67 305 97 5.11 1218 45 3.69 51 4.19 35 128 3L 22656 756 3.34 826 3.65
Regancrest Elton Durham-ET TR-TL-CV 3rd dam Orchard Vale Goldjuror Rose-ET GP82
4th-7th dam • Mangoola Storm Redrose Imp-ET CAN RB EX2E SBC - Full sister to Ladino • Markwell Leader Rose-ET EX91 • Stookey EP Blackrose EX96 GMD DOM • Nandette TT Speckle Red EX93
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 55
Back to back 12,000 litres
2nd dam: Fairvale Gibson Josie 10-ET VG88
Lot 46
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
Bluechip Sid Josie
DOB: 21/8/11 | HB No: 1666486 | A/c: Bluechip Genetics and Fairvale Holsteins
Sire: Pine-Tree Sid-ET TL-TV USAM62175895 VG Dam: Fairvale Ladino Josie 25 1394429 VG86 Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days S2 9335 297 3.2 318 3.4 305 4 13186 417 3.2 455 3.5 305 5 8465 259 3.1 304 3.6 166 cont Maternal sister Fairvale Damion Josie 54 VG-2YR Junior Champion and All-Breeds Adelaide Royal 2009 1st 2yrs in-milk Melbourne Royal 2010 5th J2 in-milk IDW 2011
Maternal sister to 2nd dam Fairvale Leader Josie 5 EX93 Mam EX97
56 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
Ladino Park Talent-IMP-ET RC-TL 930377 EX 2nd dam: Fairvale Gibson Josie 10-ET VG88 Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI J2 5862 3.4 184 3.7 215 305 S3 9112 3.0 275 3.6 325 305 M 12589 408 3.24 468 3.72 305 104 1st Aged cow in-milk and Best Udder of class Melbourne Royal 2010. 2nd 6yrs in-milk IDW 2009. 3rd S3 in-milk and 2nd Best Udder of class IDW 2007. Maternal sisters Fairvale Leader Josie 5 EX93 Mam EX97 Grand Champion IDW 2006 Hon Mention IDW 2008 Fairvale Lee Josie 19 ET EX94-3E Mam EX96 3.5 12613 391 3.1 502 4.0 305
4th dam • Willarie Valiant Josephine 2 EX2E 9*
Silky Gibson-ET TL-TV-BY CANM6215479 EX5E 3rd dam: Fairvale Lindy Josie VG85 7* 2.5 6752 220 3.26 265 3.93 300 3.6 5631 173 3.07 249 4.42 175 5.10 6932 215 3.10 251 3.62 305 3L 79674 621 3.16 778 3.95
Maternal sister to 2nd dam Fairvale Lee Josie 19-ET EX94-3E Mam EX96
Queen of the Breeds - Felicity
Lot 47
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
Dam: Bushlea Gold Crinkle-ET VG87
DOB: 9/8/11 | HB No: 1656897 | A/c: Bushlea Farms, Leongatha, VIC
Sire: Pine-Tree Sid-ET TL-TV USAM62175895 VG ST (Mr Sam x Finley) Dam: Bushlea Gold Crinkle-ET 1456490 VG87 8/11 ASI 115 Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI 28 10494 351 3.3 386 3.7 305 132 41 10744 351 3.3 413 3.8 305 122 56 5092 161 3.2 174 3.4 122c 116 Won 2yo Semex OFC 2009 Won 3yo South Gippsland Sub-Branch OFC 2010
Braedale Goldwyn TL-TV CANM10705608 GP 2nd dam Wandilla Storm Crinkle 15 898564 VG88 1* 2.11 7656 237 3.10 267 3.49 305 94 4.0 7955 246 3.09 294 3.70 305 93 4.11 8871 278 3.13 321 3.62 305 102 6.11 10529 315 2.99 412 3.91 305 112 4L 50221 1601 3.19 1933 3.85 Dam 100% GP+ Dtrs
Maughlin Storm-ET RB-TL-TV EX1E 3rd dam Wandilla Astre Crinkle 8 679264 VG85 6.11 7985 260 3.26 301 3.77 304 85 7.11 7722 251 3.25 321 4.16 305 91 9.2 8068 265 3.28 315 3.90 305 95 6L 47426 1529 3.22 1885 3.97
4th-7th dam • Rockwood Park Tempo Crinkle EX2E STP 7* • Rockwood Park LF Kosiosko GP82 2* • Rockwood Park Achillies Felicity EX3E 19* Queen of All-Breeds • Tassie Princess Felicia 4 VG
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 57
Shottle on Goldwyn
Lot 48
Dam: Wandilla Goldwyn Crinkle 41-ET VG85
ANDILLA SHOTTLE CRINKLE 46 (ET) DOB: 24/7/11 | HB No: 1679934 | A/c: Wandilla Pastoral Co.
Sire: Picston Shottle-ET EX1E Dam: Wandilla Goldwyn Crinkle 41-ET 1459299 VG85 Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days 3.3 5985 198 3.31 211 3.53 295 4.3 5775 185 3.20 188 3.26 159 104 Dam’s full sister at Bushlea won OFC as 2yo.
6th dam - Rockwood Park Achillies Felicity EX3E Queen of All Breeds
58 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
Braedale Goldwyn TL-TV CANM10705608 GP 2nd dam Wandilla Storm Crinkle 15 898564 VG88 1* 2.11 7656 237 3.10 267 3.49 305 94 4.0 7955 246 3.09 294 3.70 305 93 4.11 8871 278 3.13 321 3.62 305 102 6.11 10529 315 2.99 412 3.91 305 112 4L 50221 1601 3.19 1933 3.85 Dam 100% GP+ Dtrs
Maughlin Storm-ET RB-TL-TV EX1E 3rd dam Wandilla Astre Crinkle 8 679264 VG85 6.11 7985 260 3.26 301 3.77 304 85 7.11 7722 251 3.25 321 4.16 305 91 9.2 8068 265 3.28 315 3.90 305 95 6L 47426 1529 3.22 1885 3.97
4th-7th dam • Rockwood Park Tempo Crinkle EX2E STP 7* • Rockwood Park LF Kosiosko GP82 2* • Rockwood Park Achillies Felicity EX3E 19* Queen of All-Breeds • Tassie Princess Felicia 4 VG
Internationally acclaimed Bonnie’s
Fairvale Jed Bonnie 94-ET EX
Lot 49
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
2nd dam: Bluechip Derry Bonnie-ET EX93-2E
DOB: 30/10/10 | HB No: 1624916 | A/c: Bluechip Genetics and Averill Leslie
Sire: Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red TL-TV USAM134690997 Dam: Bluechip Advent Bonnie-ET 1535151 GP82 Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days 2.1 7990 239 2.99 287 3.59 305 4th-8th dam Fairvale Lincoln Bonnie 55 EX3E 3 SBC 3.11 12231 345 2.8 427 3.5 314 Champion Cow Burnie, Deloraine and Devonport. Tasmanian ‘cow of the year’ 1997. 1st 4yrs in-milk and Best Udder IDW 1998. 1st 4yrs in-milk and Best Udder Sydney Royal 1998. 1st 6yrs in-milk and Res Champ cow Adelaide 1999. 1st 6yrs in-milk, Best Udder and Hon. Mention Champion cow IDW 2000. 1st dam and daughter IDW 2004. • Fairvale Speckles Bonnie 35 VG • Fairvale Legume Bonnie 17 GP • Fairvale Triumph Bonnie 6 VG SBC Champion Junior, Senior and All-Breeds Launceston National Show 1978. Dam of Junior Champion Hobart Royal 1983. • Fairvale Rybeck Bonnie 4 GP SBC 1st 2yrs Launceston National Show
KHW Kite Advent-ET-Red TL-TV USAM133002953 2nd dam Bluechip Derry Bonnie-ET 1333686 EX93-2E 1* 2.4 8205 270 3.29 325 3.96 305 104 4.7 14807 479 3.23 616 4.16 305 119 6.4 12314 398 3.23 563 4.57 305 111 3L 44597 1526 3.42 1974 4.43 3rd 2yrs in-milk ABS All-Australasian photo comp 3rd 5yrs in-milk IDW 2010 Dam of Bluechip Drake Bonnie VG87-2YR Junior Champion Finley AA Show 2008 AA Finalist 2008 1st S2 in-milk IDW 2010 Maternal sister Pooley Bridge Goldwyn Bonnie 1st 2.5yrs in-milk, Champion Heifer and Grand Champion National All-Breeds Youth Show IDW 2009
Regancrest Emory Derry-ET TV EX94 3rd dam Fairvale Jed Bonnie 94 ET EX 2.6 7622 240 3.1 287 3.8 305 107 4.1 11376 368 3.2 494 4.3 305 124 5.7 13805 479 3.5 601 4.4 365 149 Junior Champion Tatura All-Australian Show. Int Champion and All-Breeds Melbourne Royal 2001. 1st 2.5yrs in-milk IDW 2002 1st 3-4yrs dry IDW 2003 Champion cow SE of SA Fair 2003. Res Champ cow and All-Breeds Melbourne Royal 2003. Winner Semex OFC 4yo Victoria 2003. 1st 5yrs in-milk and Reserve Champion cow IDW 2004. 1st 6yrs in-milk, Snr and Grand Champion IDW 2005. All-Australasian Holstein and All-Breeds 2005. 1st aged cow dry IDW 2006. 1st aged cow in-milk, Snr and Grand Champ IDW 2007. 1st aged cow dry IDW 2008. The only cow to win IDW seven years in succession.
Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012 59
9 Generations EX and VG
Lot 50
JD SCORE 7 - QLD Eligible
2nd dam: Creslea Pyramid Piana EX
DOB: 8/9/11 | HB No: 1666478 | A/c: Bluechip Genetics and Averill Leslie
Sire: Maple-Downs-I GW Atlantic-ET TL-TV CANM895683 Dam: Bluechip Talent Piana-Imp-ET 1596448 VG87 (2 lact) Age M Prt P% Fat F% Days PI 2.7 9441 294 3.11 340 3.60 305 90 S3 7661 221 2.9 238 3.1 148c 101
4th-9th dam • Creslea Ambass Pollyanne EX2 6.6 10014 310 3.09 465 4.64 305 • Creslea Ted Polly VG 5 8485 376 4.4 305 • Creslea RE Pearl VG 5 10358 372 3.6 305 • Pitcairns Ivan Precious VG 9 7926 359 4.5 305 • Pitcairns PO Princess VHC • Pitcairns FM Ormsby VHC
60 Bluechip Genetics – Invitational Sale 2012
Ladino Park Talent-Imp-ET RC-TL 930377 EX 2nd dam Creslea Pyramid Piana EX 6.11 11099 343 3.09 373 3.36 257 5.9 13339 442 3.32 559 4.19 305 4.7 12142 390 3.21 457 3.76 305 3.6 10867 354 3.26 387 3.56 305 2.3 9382 301 3.21 326 3.47 305 5L 11366 366 3.22 420 3.70 295 Avg 1st Semex On-Farm Mature Cow (South Island) 2004. Res Champion 5yrs Trans-Tasman Holstein photographic competition 2003. 1st 5yrs and BU of class, 1st 4yrs in-milk and Honourable Mention Supreme Dairy Cow, 1st Type and Production of All-Breeds, Canterbury A&P Show 2003.
Matawai Bstar Pyramid-ET NZL 3rd dam Matawai Pre Pancake-ET VG88 7.0 9253 295 3.19 335 3.62 296 5.11 5944 192 3.23 211 3.55 235 4.9 7581 229 3.03 273 3.60 298 3.2 10404 325 3.12 423 4.06 305 2.1 6614 216 3.27 268 4.05 305