5 Characteristics of Strategic Planners
Summary: This blog will help you to become an expert strategic planner as it tells you about the characteristics required for the same. The time has come when the head honchos of top companies must be planning the strategies for the upcoming year 2016. They will be appointing teams to work on the plans and their execution. Studies show that there is a difference between the abilities of each employee as far as taking good decisions is concerned. The employees might be working in the same organization, yet there is a difference in the thought process. A few characteristics define as to who can become a good strategic planner. Let us see which are those. 1. Expert in Analyzing Data: There is no question of not believing on the data or going by fluke while making decisions. It is all about maintaining a perfect balance between the two. Good planners not only do data analysis very well but also give importance to gut feeling. 2. Good Listeners: Strategic thinkers are said to be good listeners and take suggestions from their peers and experts as well. Only after they do this do they jump to any conclusion as far as planning is concerned. 3. Looking Beyond IT: Planning just an IT strategy would not prove to be effective. Taking into consideration other aspects is also important. E.g. Field visits, customer feedback and such other methods are also necessary for developing good strategies.
4. Non Reliance on Assumptions and Biases: They note down all the assumptions made and the factors that may affect the success of IT strategy and other dynamics. 5. Implementation: Only planning is not sufficient. The plan needs to be put into action that means implementation is utmost important. Planning is half done while execution is full done.