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CRC Ministry report
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Being Jesus’ Hands
t the conclusion of his wonderful book Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Paul Brand tells the story of some German students who, after World War II, volunteered to help rebuild a cathedral in England that had been severely damaged by the Luftwaffe bombings. The students debated how best to restore a large statue of Jesus with arms extended. At the base of the statue was the inscription “Come unto Me.” They could patch most of the damage, but the hands were beyond repair. Should they try to rebuild them? They reached a decision that stands to this day. There are no hands on this statue of Jesus. But the inscription now reads, “Christ has no hands but ours.” I suppose that is not completely true. But you get the point. Christ, in his mercy, love, and power, has chosen to use us to accomplish his work here on earth. In a very real way, the ministries of the Christian Reformed Church in North America are the hands of Christ. These ministries offer the love of Jesus and the invitation that he still issues: “Come unto me.” Your Ministry Shares make these ministries possible. Ministry Shares are not assessments. They are not dues. They should not be construed as bills. They are the exercise of our faith. They are opportunities to serve in ways we would otherwise not be capable of and in places we would not otherwise be able to reach. They are the hands of Jesus. Think of them this way. Through Back to God Ministries International we can speak the Word in tongues we do not even understand, conveying the invitation of Jesus. Through Calvin College we can encourage indepth study of the ways and wisdom of God with a view to reclaiming this world for him. Through Calvin Seminary can we train others to go next door and to the ends of the earth to bring the good news of grace. Through Faith Alive we can prepare publications and curricula that extend and explain his offer of life. Through Home Missions we can reach into the neighborhoods of North America to invite others into the family. Through World Missions we can bring the message to places we would otherwise never go. Through World Renew (even though this ministry is supported by voluntary offerings and not by Ministry Shares) we can rebuild and restore, following the example of those German students. Through Denominational Management Services and Ministries we can supervise and support those hands, as Aaron and Hur supported the hands of Moses. Through Specialized Ministries we can love and support and guide one another and others. We not only can be but we are the hands—and feet and mouth and eyes and heart—of Jesus. Will you take a few moments to consider these “hands”? Will you thank God for them? Will you ask God to strengthen and use them? Will you generously support them? Will you help them reach a whole world with Jesus’ love? In wonderful ways our hands are Christ’s. Let’s open them for him.
Rev. Joel R. Boot is the executive director of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.
TOGETHERDOINGMORE Cover photo: People gathered to pray at the CRC Prayer Summit held at All Nations Church in California in April. A second Summit is being planned for 2013. 2 Ministry Report 2012
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Together Doing More
he Christian Reformed Church (CRC) is not huge in numbers. But together we are doing big work. From the streets of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to the front lines of sectarian violence in West Africa; from the scattered islands of Indonesia to university campuses right here in North America, your church is changing lives and communities through the transforming power of the gospel. All of this is made possible by the grace of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and by you, through your Ministry Shares, prayers, gifts, and offerings. Here are a few examples of how God used your ministries during the past year.
Patience and Persistence In Japan, the patience and persistence of Back to God Ministries International (BTGMI) leaders paid off when Hiroshi Kojima was baptized. Kojima, an unbeliever, attended a summer camp with his wife, who is a Christian. Sponsored by BTGMI Japanese staff, summer camp is a time for isolated believers and seekers to come together for spiritual growth and Christian fellowship. For Hiroshi, it was an opportunity to explore his wife’s faith. The journey lasted for 17 years, but last summer Hiroshi, at the age of 79, committed his life to the Lord. This spring he publicly professed his faith and was baptized.
Front-Line Evangelism Garba Umar is an evangelist in Kabusa, Nigeria, a village about five miles from the center of the capital city, Abuja. Umar works in a difficult area where conflict is frequent, but he is undaunted. For the past 15 years, he has been helping to spread God’s Word to the Gbagyi, Gwandara, and Gede people. Umar is one of several evangelists sent by the Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria, in partnership with Christian Reformed World Missions, to spread the gospel among Nigeria’s unreached people groups.
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Members of The Village Church
Random Acts of Grace Once each month, members of The Village Church in Thorold, Ontario, target a park, home, or business and take it over—with kindness. It’s all part of Random Acts of Kindness, which the Christian Reformed Home Missions church plant uses to renew its community by encouraging people to act kindly and pass it on. “The residents of Thorold are getting to know the Village Church as the communityinvolved church that offers different groups and services to Thorold and its residents,” says Pastor Mike Collins.
Where the Money Goes The money you give to Ministry Shares provides more than $25 million each year to fund programs that enable your church to send missionaries around the world, start new churches, train pastors and leaders, use media to spread the gospel, and much more. Ministry Shares provide vital support for almost all our ministries. About 85 cents of every dollar raised through Ministry Shares goes directly into ministry programs. Ministry Shares provides about 40 percent of the budgets for CRC mission agencies, 50 percent of the budget for Calvin Theological Seminary, and between 60 percent and 95 percent of the budgets for CRC Specialized Ministries. To learn more about how God is using your Ministry Shares to transform lives and communities, visit www.crcna.org/ MinistryShares.
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Educating Pastors Online Cari Fydirchuk wanted to study for the ministry but did not want to uproot her family to attend Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS) in Grand Rapids, Mich. This fall, the Calgary, Alberta, resident joined 14 other students in the first cohort to participate in a five-year distancelearning Master of Divinity program offered through CTS. “We are a young family with an energetic 2-year-old girl and developing careers,” Fydirchuk said. “We are blessed to be a part of a church community where both my husband and I are involved in a local street ministry.” Rev. Jul Medenblik, president of CTS, noted that the new technology “brings us closer together and allows for someone who is in Alberta to sit in a classroom with someone from Houston and San Francisco and Grand Rapids.”
BTGMI also broadcasts radio programs into the island nation and sends copies of its daily devotional to people in Cuba who want to know more about Christianity.
And Many, Many More Other ministries you supported in 2012 include the Christian Reformed Home Missions university chaplain program, which places chaplains at colleges and universities in Canada and the United States.
Training Pastors for Cuba Rev. Luis Pellecer, the Latin American regional leader with Christian Reformed World Missions, has brought the Timothy Leadership Training Institute program (TLTI) to Cuba. Developed by professors at Calvin seminary, TLTI is a leadership development program for church leaders around the world who don’t have ready access to theological training. Cuba has become more open in recent years to the work of such faith-based groups, Pellecer says. “There has been a lot of enthusiasm in every participant. They love the program and are excited with the results they have seen.”
Chaplain Mike Wassink with the football team Chaplain Mike Wassink serves on the campus of Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich. He also serves as chaplain to the university’s sports teams, praying with and counseling the athletes. There’s also a Christian Reformed World Missions program that works with parents and teenagers in the U.S.-Mexico border town of Tijuana. When missionaries saw a gulf widening between parents and families, they called them together for a day of prayer and reconciliation. Facundo, a father of five, was one of those who attended. A quiet man, he is not known for coming to church events. But on this day, he, his wife, and their two teenage daughters were there, seeking assistance. At the end, everyone in Facundo’s family was crying, hugging, and praying for one another, seeking each other’s and God’s forgiveness They tasted reconciliation and transformation. Most of all, Facundo says, a huge burden was lifted from his heart. Your ministries are transforming lives. Working together, by the grace of God, we are doing more. —CRC Communications
TOGETHERDOINGMORE Cuban pastors and leaders gathered to study stewardship.
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Partnerships in Sierra Leone “Come life or death, God and World Missions to working together in Sierra his work is my habitation,” says Leone. CRC Nigeria covers his salary, CRC Sierra Rev. Ezekiel James Sudu, a mis- Leone provides housing, and CRWM assists sionary in Sierra Leone with the with transportation and home service costs. Christian Reformed Church of In return, Sudu works to build up leaders for Nigeria (CRC Nigeria). the rapidly growing CRC Sierra Leone. Sudu responded to an altar call as an 11-year“The CRC Sierra Leone’s major challenge is old, becoming involved in church activities raising and training competent servant leaders soon after. Not until seven years later did he who will care for the pastoral needs of the defully acknowledge God as Lord of his life. From veloping congregations,” Sudu says. that moment on, he has The CRC Sierra served God as a pastor Leone has expanded and an evangelist. from 36 churches to Sudu is one of more over 60 churches and than 200 ministry lead5,500 believers in just ers who receive support a few years. As a young from Christian Reformed church, many of its leadWorld Missions (CRWM). ers are relatively new These leaders are teachChristians with little ers, pastors, evangelists, experience or training and other church leaders on discipling people to serving with CRWM partserve God. ner organizations. Sudu’s task is to menCRWM is increasingly tor and train leaders for partnering with nationguiding the church to al churches and local maturity. He disciples leaders such as the CRC leaders, organizes conRev. Ezekiel James Sudu is a CRC Nigeria Nigeria and Sudu, recogferences, and facilitates missionary to Sierra Leone. nizing the gifts and acleadership training cess they have for spreading the gospel. Many events. He also supports evangelism efforts leaders are part of the communities in which throughout the country. they work. Others come from similar cultures, “CRC Sierra Leone is the only church denomenabling them to adapt to their new setting ination that is doing evangelism and church more easily than would someone from another planting in remote areas and cities,” says Sudu. continent. “My greatest joy in this ministry is seeing As a former missionary in Nigeria’s Niger how God is doing a tremendous work through state, Sudu is familiar with the hard work of the CRC Sierra Leone’s holistic ministry. Many church planting and evangelism. His parents unbelievers testify how the church is reaching followed African traditional religions, and he out in their communities with the gospel of has ministered among many people who fol- love in words and deeds. lowed similar practices or Islam. “I have been blessed to see God building the These experiences have prepared him for liv- faith of emerging leaders.” ing and ministering in Sierra Leone. —Sarah Lin, Sudu is a leadership training coordinator Christian Reformed World Missions with the Christian Reformed Church of Sierra Leone. His ministry represents the commitment of CRC Nigeria, CRC Sierra Leone, and
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Never Too Old To Learn Serepta Onyango thought she might be too old to start learning a new way to earn an income. But after she attended a training session by World Renew, formerly the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, in her Ugandan village, she changed her mind. “I realized that I could support myself adequately, despite my old age,” Onyango said. “It is something I thought I could never do.”
Kareng Joyce (far right) and other members of the Mamba women’s group examine improved bee hives during a learning exchange visit. With 29 other members of the Mamba women’s group, she learned about beekeeping from World Renew’s partner organization, the Church of Uganda’s Nebbi diocese. “I learned that bees were friendly and that the quality of beehives has a big effect on how they are colonized by the bees,” said Kareng Joyce, another group member. “Using this knowledge, I have identified the right plants to have on my garden that will attract the bees and encourage the production of more honey.” Following exchange visits with other beekeepers, the group received 30 beehives from World Renew and its partner. In exchange for the hives, participants agreed to use their own funds to purchase at least one additional hive.
“By being exposed to new learning, the women in the Mamba group have been able to improve their beekeeping practices and increase their income,” said World Renew staff member Joseph Mutebi. “The encouragement and motivation they get from each other and from neighboring beekeepers helps everyone learn and achieve. There is high enthusiasm and synergy built among these women. They have become a model in their own community.” This is a huge accomplishment for women in a society where men have traditionally been responsible for earning income and women have been encouraged to stay at home. To further support these women, World Renew and its partner also trained local men and women to provide ongoing support in beekeeping. “After attending training in Kenya, we are connected to other beekeepers there. We have identified markets for selling our honey,” said one of the trainees. As for Serepta Oyango, for the first time in her life she is earning a sufficient income of her own. “Since I received one beehive through the Mamba women’s group, I have managed to purchase three more,” she said. And three of the four of the hives have already been colonized. Praise God.” —Kristen deRoo VanderBerg, World Renew
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Finding Faith at the Mall Jamie didn’t know what to expect when his friend invited him to an Alpha evangelism course at a mall in St. Thomas, Ontario. Out of curiosity, he decided to check it out. To his surprise, Jamie formed a strong connection with the leader of the course, who then invited him to visit the church that sponsored the class: Home Missions-supported Destination Church, which was started with the help of Ministry Shares. Some months later, Jamie came to faith in Christ. He brought his girlfriend, Sarah, to church with him, and she joined Jamie in taking the Alpha course. The couple was married at Destination one Sunday in March. At the same time, Jamie and the couple’s new daughter were both baptized. But the story doesn’t end there.
Pastor Beth Fellinger marries Sarah and Jamie. A large group of Jamie’s friends came to Destination to witness the wedding and baptism. This led to many new conversations about the church and about God. “I am praying for those visitors and suspect that we will see a number of them come back to explore a little further,” Pastor Beth Fellinger says.
Growing Leaders, Growing the Kingdom Oasis Community Church, started by Christian Reformed Home Missions in Winter Garden, Fla., in 1959, has seen a lot of change over the years. Members have come and gone, and the sprawling community has grown bigger and more diverse. But two things have remained the same: a passion for developing leaders and a close connection to Home Missions.
Many evangelistic roots have grown from Oasis. Pastor Stan Workman, who has led the congregation for 22 years, formerly served as a regional leader for Home Missions. During his time as pastor, the church has supported 19 interns. It also is the parent of five regional church plants. Seven of the 19 interns were funded in part by Home Missions and are still pastors at church plants Home Missions helped start. Ever since planting a Hispanic church 12 years ago, Oasis has been passionate about being multicultural. Today half of the church’s members are from ethnically diverse backgrounds. One of those members, Javier Torres serves as Hispanic Ministries adviser for the Home Missions Ethnic Ministry Council. “Javier is a great example of someone who was trained and mentored through our church, and is now working hard to lift up Hispanic ministry in the denomination,” Workman says. “That shows God’s hand in this story.”
Oasis Community Church
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Blessings in Tight Times The economic crisis that began in 2008 deeply affected churches. When giving fell and congregations had to slash already-lean budgets and tighten purse strings, the ripple effect was felt by church-owned publishers across North America, including Faith Alive. That reality, among others, has caused some extremely tight years for the CRC’s publishing arm. Faith Alive staff have been working hard to close the financial gap by ramping up curriculum promotion efforts, seeking to broaden the customer base, increasing retail sales, and more. But even in the midst of financial strain, God has blessed this ministry. During the past year there were many wonderful things to celebrate: The success—beyond projections—of several products, including the daily prayer book Seeking God’s Face and the worship resource Psalms for All Seasons, both in their third printings.
The refreshing of Faith Alive’s youth category, including the debut of the new Who, Me? Bible study series. The completion of Faith Alive’s new Dwell curriculum. The growth of the WE family of resources for intergenerational faith formation. The growth in global sales of Spanishlanguage resources, including a kids’ Bible storybook, a prayer book, four Bible sticker books, and the release, after several years in development, of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion in Spanish. Other products from Faith Alive’s World Literature Ministries. The continued ministry of The Banner and Reformed Worship. Exciting preparations for the 2013 release of a new hymnal called Lift Up Your Hearts, which will serve both the CRC and the RCA.
Being Salt and Light Peter Vander Meulen saw a good opportunity for ministry when he learned that a couple of recent Calvin Theological Seminary graduates were moving to Egypt. Vander Meulen, director of the Christian Reformed Church’s Office of Social Justice, says he hoped the CRC would be able to partner with Anne Zaki and Naji Umran as they began working in Cairo. Zaki, formerly the CRC’s Middle East team coordinator now teaches at the Presbyterian seminary in Cairo. Umran who, like Zaki, is also a pastor, is finishing language and culture studies and will be involved in a variety of programs. Vander Meulen says having the couple in Egypt allows the CRC to have a presence amid the turbulence in that part of the world. Prior to leaving for Egypt, Zaki and Umram served a CRC congregation in Canada. In Egypt they have sought to be healers for people, especially Christians, who have been deeply hurt or threatened by violence.
Anne Zaki and Naji Umran with their boys. They also serve as guides for CRC members who visit Egypt to see how the country is faring since last year’s political upheaval known as the “Arab Spring.” Vander Meulen said he hopes the CRC will be part of a larger “learning community” in Egypt. “This core learning task—how to be salt and light, how to be the church of Christ in society—is a universal need and is best done in community,” he says.
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Back to God Ministries International
ow would you share the gospel with 3.5 billion people? Back to God Ministries International is reaching people through media. Our 10 indigenous ministry teams effectively communicate Christ in the “heart language” of those we are reaching. Through discipleship ministries and leadership training programs we are Telling His Story . . . Sharing His Love.
HIGHLIGHTS BTGMI is thankful for the appointment of Rev. Kurt Selles as our new director. Thanks to your support, people are coming to Christ and growing in their walk of faith. Approximately 100,000 people have enrolled in the French Bible study correspondence course in Africa since launching this program 10 years ago. A text-message response system enabled our Arabic staff to disciple several Muslim seekers and lead them to faith in Christ—and to share the gospel with their friends and relatives. Working with partners in Eastern Europe, we developed new Russian programs, including several short video blogs designed to reach younger seekers. Increasing our web presence in mainland China resulted in more than 1 million responses. A new radio program produced in partnership with the Reformed Church of Japan provided hope and spiritual encouragement for earthquake survivors in northern Japan. Smart phone apps and the digital delivery of Today devotionals has increased our ability to reach new audiences—nearly 110,000 people through electronic delivery alone. In spite of ongoing threats to the spread of the gospel our BACK TO GOD MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL Revenue: $9,981,000 Hindi ministry celebrated the baptism of 22 new believers. Income BACK TO GOD MINISTRIES Grants &INTERNATIONAL Working with Indonesian Christian churches and several Misc Revenue: $9,981,000 2% CRC agencies, our media team helped launch the Global Grants & Misc Ministry Coffee Break Bible study ministry in Indonesia. 2% Shares 36% Estates Our Portuguese TV program Truth and Life draws more 20% Ministry Shares than 2.5 million viewers each week. 36% Estates 20% Donations Our Spanish ministry team assisted Moody Broadcast 42% Network with the development of a 24-hour daily Hispanic Donations 42% radio outreach that features BTGMI Spanish programming. Total $9,981,000
Expenditure: $9,619,000
Expenditure: $9,619,000
Support Services 27% Support Services 27%
Contact info: Website: www.BackToGod.net Email: info@BackToGod.net United States: 800.879.6555; 708.371.8700 Canada: 800.730.3490; 905.336.2920
Program Services 73%
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Program Services 73%
Total $9,619,000
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Calvin College
ounded in 1876 as a Christian Reformed seminary with one teacher and seven students, Calvin now offers more than 100 majors and programs and serves more than 4,000 students from 46 U.S. states, six Canadian provinces, and 53 countries worldwide. Calvin is committed to academic excellence, equipping students with the President Michael K. Le Roy at a basketball game. knowledge, skills, and virtues to allow them to impact culture in a meaningful way. Calvin’s mission statement says: “Through our learning, we seek to be agents of renewal in the academy, church, and society. We pledge fidelity to Jesus Christ, offering our hearts and lives to do God’s work in God’s world.”
HIGHLIGHTS Added a major in public health, becoming the first undergraduate institution in West Michigan to do so. Celebrated the 25th edition of the Symposium on Worship with a record 1,800 attendees from 30-plus countries. Ranked second nationally among baccalaureate institutions by the Institute of International Education for the total number of students who study abroad. Inaugurated Michael K. Le Roy as the college’s 10th president. (Outgoing president Gaylen Byker served Calvin for 17 years.) Earned “Full Partner” status from Partners for a RacismCALVIN COLLEGE Free Community. Revenue: $98,205,000 Income CALVIN COLLEGE Hosted 2,000 writers, poets, and literary enthusiasts for Estates 1% Revenue: $98,205,000 the Festival of Faith and Writing. Estates 1% Received a record three student and two faculty Donations 3% Tuition, Fulbright Scholarships. Ministry Room & Shares Donations Board 3% 3% Landed four Calvin professors in The Princeton Review’s and Sales Tuition, Ministry 92%& Room Shares Grants & “The Best 300 Professors.” Board 3%Misc and Sales 1% 92% Provided The January Series to 34 sites across North Grants & Misc America and abroad. The award-winning lecture series 1% Total $98,205,000 drew a record 39,000-plus attendees. www.calvin.edu/ Expenditure: $98,161,000 january
Expenditure: $98,161,000
TOGETHERDOINGMORE Support Services 39% Support Services 39%
Contact info:
Website: www.calvin.edu 616.526.6000 or 800.688.0122 Email: info@calvin.edu
Program Services 61% Program Services 61%
Total $98,161,000
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Calvin Theological Seminary
alvin Theological Seminary (CTS) is “Called to Serve.” That ongoing theme was illustrated at the most recent commencement ceremony in which 81 students received their degree, diploma, or certificate as well as a serving towel with the inscription “CTS—Called to Serve.” CTS is called to serve the church. It does this in many ways, but primarily by training the next generation of church leaders. This training involves the whole person. CTS is committed to formation for ministry by helping students CTS Distance Learning Class 2012 develop character, knowledge, and skills in the context of a Christian community.
HIGHLIGHTS 12+ students are included in the inaugural cohort (group of students) in our first-ever Distance Education M.Div. degree program. The student body at CTS includes more than 270 students representing more than 20 nations from at least 30 denominations. Professor Michael Goheen takes up his responsibilities as Professor of Missiology. CTS continues to develop an “Institute of Global Church Planting and Renewal.” Rev. Jeffrey Sajdak begins ministry as Dean of Students alongside Ms. Sarah Chun, who begins her ministry as Associate Dean of Students. CTS successfully completes a fourteenth year of “Facing Your Future” during the summer months, a program in which young people discern their calling before God. CTS launches a planned giving society called “The CALVIN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Revenue: $7,249,000 President’s Legacy Society” to help CTS supporters be Income CALVIN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY strategic in planning their estates and trusts. Revenue: $Estates 7,249,000 1% This fall around 100 new students were welcomed to Tuition & Sales Estates various degree programs. 31% 1% Donations Tuition & Grants & CTS offers programs geared toward church members 11% Misc Sales 17% 31% and church staff who are interested in specialized trainDonations Ministry Grants & Shares 11% Misc 40% ing but are not planning to complete a degree program. 17% Ministry Certificates are available in various areas of study, includShares 40% ing youth ministry, pastoral care, worship, and missions Total $7,249,000 Expenditure: $7,622,000 and evangelism.
Expenditure: $7,622,000
Support Services 32% Support Services 32%
Program Services 68% Program Services 68%
Contact info: Website: www.calvinseminary.edu 800.388.6034 or 616.957.6036 You can receive regular updates about CTS on Facebook.
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Christian Reformed Home Missions
od is working through Christian Reformed Home Missions in expanding the reach of his kingdom. We serve the congregations of the CRC by partnering together to plant new churches and start new campus ministries, develop diverse missional leaders, and encourage and support mission-shaped churches. Seven ministry teams led by regional leaders, together with four ethnic leaders and advisers, coordinate and support the work of the mission regionally so that persons are brought to Christ and welcomed into our denominational community of faith.
Mission It is the mission of Christian Reformed Home Missions to transform individuals and communities by catalyzing and cultivating gospel movements.
Mandate Home Missions shall give leadership to the CRC in its task of bringing the gospel to the people of Canada and the United States and drawing them into fellowship with Christ and his church. This mandate has these aspects: 1. Encourage and assist churches and classes in their work of evangelism. 2. Initiate, support, and guide new church development in cooperation with local churches and classes. 3. Initiate, support, and guide other evangelistic ministries in cooperation with local churches and classes.
HIGHLIGHTS 1,080 churches served 100+ ministries funded in the U.S. and Canada Seven regional leaders, four ethnic leaders, and three goal specialists training, equipping, supporting, and encouraging HOME MISSIONS 47 classes connections through regional, ethnic, and Revenue: $7,315,000 Income goal specialist leaders HOME MISSIONS Grants & Revenue: $ 7,315,000 Misc 80 new churches receiving financial assistance 8% Grants & 34 campus ministries supported Tuition & Misc Sales Ministry 8% 1% 10+ Leadership Development Networks and pastor/minShares 52% Tuition & Estates istry team clusters Sales 16% Ministry 1% Shares More than 500 Christian Reformed churches and nearly Estates Donations 52% 23% 16% 400 congregations from other denominations active in Donations 23% Coffee Break and other Home Missions-supported small Total $7,315,000 group ministries. Expenditure: $6,397,000
Expenditure: $6,397,000
Support Services 21%
TOGETHERDOINGMORE Support Services 21%
Program Services 79%
Contact info:
Website: www.crhm.org United States: 800.266.2175 or 616.224.0772 Canada: 800.730.3490 or 905.336.2920 Email: crhm@crcna.org
Program Services 79%
Total $6,397,000
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Christian Reformed World Missions
or over 125 years Christian Reformed World Missions (CRWM) has been helping Christian Reformed churches to fulfill the Great Commission. Today CRWM has more than 200 missionaries serving in over 40 countries; through partnerships, our work extends to more than 50 countries. We focus our efforts around the world on multiplying believers and churches. equipping and connecting leaders. reaching teachers and students with a biblical worldview. strengthening churches and organizations.
A Russian evangelist baptizes a new believer. The Spirit moved more than 14,000 people to commit their lives to Christ this past year through the work of World Missions missionaries and partners. Nearly 1,150 new worshiping communities were established. Over 27,000 people participated in CRWM-related leadership training programs. Over 200 local ministry leaders are partially supported through CRWM grants to partner organizations. 22 new missionaries appointed by CRWM serve in countries such as Nepal, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zambia. 81 teachers and administrators serve in international WORLD MISSIONS Revenue: $14,731,000 schools through CRWM. Income WORLD MISSIONS 289 volunteers serve in various countries. Revenue: $14,731,000
Grants & Misc 3% Grants & Misc 3%
Website: www.crwm.org Canada 800.730.3490 905.336.2920 Email: crwm@crcna.ca
Ministry Shares 34% Estates 12%
Estates 12%
Ministry Shares 34% Donations 51% Donations 51%
Total $14,731,000
Expenditure: $13,997,000
Expenditure: $13,997,000
Support Services 15%
United States 800.346.0075 616.224.0700 Email: crwm@crcna.org
Support Services 15%
Program Services 85% Program Services 85%
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Total $13,997,000
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(Christian Reformed World Relief Committee)
he Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, now known as World Renew, is compelled by God’s passion for justice and mercy to respond to poverty, hunger, disaster and injustice around the world in Jesus’ name. During the 2011-2012 ministry year, World Renew staff walked alongside Christian leaders from churches and community organizations in 25 of the world’s poorest countries to equip them to recognize and respond to needs in their communities. As a result, 913,003 individuals and their families improved their lives through communitybased programs and were able to work towards their Godgiven potential. World Renew also continued to respond to disasters and crisis situations as they arose. This included severe drought Farmers in Guatemala received in East and Western Africa, flooding in Pakistan, tornadoes training from a World Renew local in the United States, and flooding in Canada. Thankfully, partner. every time a need arose, members of the CRC responded with generosity. These gifts were then leveraged through World Renew’s international alliances, enabling it to reach 946,492 disaster survivors with food, water, shelter, and other emergency aid and rehabilitation programs.
Photo by David Snyder
World Renew
HIGHLIGHTS World Renew responded to disaster and provided long-term community programs in 47 countries. World Renew supported the work of 76 community-based churches and partners to help them improve lives in 4,486 communities. World Renew’s ministry helped a total of 1,859,495 people. World Renew’s ministry was supported by 3,477 volunteers who donated 279,998 hours— WORLD RENEW roughly the equivalent of 135 full-time employees for one year. Revenue: $42,870,000 World Renew’s Disaster Response Services volunteers assessed the needs of 36,159 North Ministry American disaster survivors and repaired or rebuilt 555 homes. Shares 0% World Renew does not receive Ministry Shares and relies on gifts and offerings to support its Grants & Misc 49% work.To learn how you can get involved, please visit worldrenew.net. Donations 29% Disaster 16%
Estates 6%
Contact info: Website: worldrenew.net United States 800.552.7972 or 616.224.0740 Canada: 800.730.3490 or 905.336.2920 Email: info@worldrenew.net
Revenue: $42,870,000
Expenditure: $41,054,000
TOGETHERDOINGMORE Note: Facts, figures, and financial data are preliminary. An official annual report will be available in January 2013. Look for one in your church or visit worldrenew.net for more information.
Ministry Shares 0%
Support Services 9%
Grants & Misc 49%
Donations 29%
Estates 6%
Program Services 91%
Disaster 16%
Total $42,870,000
Total $41,054,000
Expenditure: $41,054,000
14 Ministry Report 2012 Support Services 9%
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Program Services 91%
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Faith Alive
aith Alive is the publishing ministry of the CRC and the resource provider of the Reformed Church in America. We produce curriculum, books, Bible studies, worship resources, and other materials to help people grow in faith. We serve people from preschoolers through adults, youth groups, small groups, people with special needs, worship planners, and church leaders. We also provide a growing family of resources for intergenerational ministry.
New Releases A Place at the Table: Welcoming Children to the Lord’s Table Body & Soul: Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism Deep Down Faith Dive Devotions 2 God With Us: Quick & Easy Christmas Program Helping Kids Include Kids with Disabilities (second edition) Infuse Bible study series: Proverbs: Just So You Know; Acts: Are We There Yet? (Part 2) Longing for More: Devotions for Advent Multiplication Moves: A Field Guide for Churches Parenting Churches Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship Seeking God’s Face: Praying with the Bible through the Year (compact edition) Song of a Scientist Twilight: 366 Daily Devotional Readings (revised edition) (Un)Hurt: The Healing Power of Forgiveness WE series for intergenerational ministry: Enter the Tabernacle and The Unshakeable Promise What We Believe (third edition) Who, Me? Bible study series for high schoolers: studies on Jonah, Joseph, Mary, and Peter You’re Invited: A Week of Family Devotions on the Lord’s Supper
Revenue: $4,989,000 FAITH ALIVE
Estates 0%
Donations Revenue: $4,989,000 6%
Estates 0%
Donations 6% Ministry Shares 20%
For more information and downloadable samples of these products, visit FaithAliveResources.org.
Grants & Misc 6%
See story on page 8 for additional 2012 highlights.
Grants & Misc 6%
Sales 68%
Ministry Shares 20%
Sales 68%
Total $4,989,000
Expenditure: $6,572,000
Contact info:
Expenditure: $6,572,000
Support Services 12%
Websites: www.FaithAliveResources.org www.TheBanner.org www.ReformedWorship.org www.LibrosDesafio.org
Support Services 12%
Program Services 88% Program Services 88%
Mark Rice, director Phone: 1.800.333.8300 Facebook: www.facebook.com/faithalive
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Total $6,572,000
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Denominational Services
Revenue: $4,726,000
Grants & Misc 0%
his ministry office supports the work of synod, the Board of Trustees, Synodical Services, Tuition & Sales the office of the executive director, the offices of communications and advancement, and 10% Ministry Estates Shares specialized ministries, including the following: 0% 77%
Safe Church Race Relations Disability Concerns Social Justice Chaplaincy and Care Pastor-Church Relations Sustaining Congregational Excellence Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Urban Aboriginal Ministries Christian Reformed Centre for Public Dialogue
Donations 13%
Specialized Ministries
Revenue: $4,726,000
Expenditure: $4,856,000
Support Services 2%
Grants & Misc 0% Tuition & Sales 10%
Ministry Shares 77%
Estates 0%
Program Services 98%
Donations 13%
Total $4,726,000
Total $4,856,000
Expenditure: $4,856,000
Support Services 2%
Chaplaincy and Care Ministry
he office of Chaplaincy and Care Ministry recruits, endorses, encourages, and promotes the ministry of Program chaplains in hospitals, hospice care, prisons, the mili-Services 98% tary, workplaces, and other locations throughout the U.S. and Canada (with some military personnel serving over seas). Most of these chaplains are ordained clergy with additional specialized training, called Clinical Pastoral Education. The map gives an idea of their broad distribuMap does not show overseas tion (not including overseas military). military chaplains In addition, Chaplaincy and Care Ministry is tasked with encouraging churches and classes to recognize and support the chaplains in their area while also encouraging chaplains to share their pastoral care expertise with the local church.
HIGHLIGHTS 129 CRC chaplains touch the lives of thousands of individuals in crisis and their families. This number represents an all-time high since chaplaincy began over 71 years ago. Of these, 96 work full time, 25 part time, and 8 are endorsed but unemployed (a new category in today’s economy). Because chaplains are paid by the institutions for which they work, every dollar invested through donations and Ministry Share yields more than $50 in ministry. 66 chaplains work in hospice, health, VA, or long-term care centers. 21 serve in the military (active and reserve). 16 work as pastoral counselors or clinical supervisors; the rest work in corrections, agencies, seafarers, and other workplaces. 23 students are involved in chaplaincy-oriented training.
Website: www.crcna.org/chaplaincy Rev. Ron Klimp, director 616.224.0733, cell: 616.295.8686 Email: rklimp@crcna.org
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Pastor-Church Relations
he staff of Pastor-Church Relations is available to help pastors, church staff, ministry leaders, councils, and congregations.
HIGHLIGHTS The Specialized Transitional Ministry (STM) program has continued to grow and develop during the past year. Currently 16 pastors are endorsed by our office as STMs; another five are in the process of becoming endorsed. These seasoned pastors have received specific training to help a congregation during a time of transition. STMs normally serve for 10 to 20 months; they are well-suited to helping congregations adjust to the departure of a long-tenured pastor or to help congregations that have experienced a period of difficulty or conflict in recent years. A training tool for congregations on the topic of pastor search committees was written; it will be available for distribution in early 2013. Pastor-Church Relations has joined Sustaining Congregational Excellence, Sustaining Pastoral Excellence, Safe Church Ministry, and the Staff Ministry Committee in a cluster that is being called (for now) “Congregational Life.”This grouping is intended to provide a more effective use of personal and financial resources so that the ministry delivered by each of the constituent parts may be more efficient, effective, and responsive to the dynamic and varied needs of congregations in the CRCNA.
Contact info: Website: www.crcna.org/pcr Rev. Norm Thomasma, director 616.224.0764 Email: nthomasma@crcna.org
Rev. Cecil VanNiejenhuis, pastor/ congregation consultant 616.224.0746 Email: cvanniejenhuis@crcna.org
Jeanne Kallemeyn, staff ministry specialist 616.726.1152 Email: jkallemeyn@crcna.org
Laura Palsrok, administrative assistant 616.224.0837 Email: lpalsrok@crcna.org
Disability Concerns
hurches flourish when everybody belongs and everybody serves. Disability Concerns (DC) seeks to bring about the full participation of all people with disabilities in the life of the church and the full participation of the church in the lives of people with disabilities.
HIGHLIGHTS This year DC celebrates 30 years of service to Christian Reformed churches. Ministry Shares provide two-thirds of our financial support; the rest comes from individuals and offerings. Disability advocates in over 600 Christian Reformed churches help their congregations become communities that welcome, include, and minister with people who have disabilities. People spent over 200 hours this past year finding resources, reading, and interacting on DC’s website and Network pages. DC works closely with the Disability Concerns ministry of the Reformed Church in America (RCA), including the publication of our newsletter, Breaking Barriers, and our resource for churches, Inclusion Handbook. Together we sponsor an annual conference for RCA and CRC Disbility Concerns leadership.
Contact info:
Website: www.crcna.org/disability Rev. Mark Stephenson, director Phone: 888.463.0272
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/disabilityconcerns Network: network.crcna.org/disability Email: disabilityconcerns@crcna.org Ministry Report 2012 17
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Race Relations
he Office of Race Relations seeks to bring about biblical reconciliation within the church. We encourage CRC churches to embrace their identity as God’s diverse and unified family through workshops we offer such as the Dance of Racial Reconciliation (DORR), Widening the Circle (WTC), and Cultural Intelligence Building. In conjunction with Faith Alive and Home Missions, we have released Facing Racism, a DVD with study guide for churches. A copy has been sent to each congregation; additional DVDs are available from Faith Alive Christian Resources.
HIGHLIGHTS Approximately 10 students attending CRC-sponsored colleges have received scholarship money from offerings in response to All Nations Heritage Sunday. The Office of Race Relations invites and encourages people of color to be active in their churches and to serve on committees, denominational boards, and synod. When people serve in this manner, valuable experience and leadership qualities are the reward, and they add new voices to decisions and directions that are crucial to the life of the CRC. The CRC continues to face the challenge of placing high value on the dignity of all persons, on the inclusiveness of multiple cultures, and on the integrity of that identity. Race Relations continues to lead and encourage the churches, and we attribute the progress that has been made in this ministry to the grace and goodness of God. We covet your prayers.
Contact info: Website: www.crcna.org/race Rev. Esteban Lugo, director 877.864.3977 Email: elugo@crcna.org
Jan Ortiz, administrative assistant Email: jortiz@crcna.org
Safe Church Ministry
afe Church Ministry comes alongside churches to provide resources for abuse awareness, prevention, and response.
HIGHLIGHTS The Safe Church Ministry Conference in April was attended by over 70 people; it featured speakers and workshops on a variety of abuse-related topics. The following online resources for churches are available at www.crcna.org/safechurch: Safe Church Ministry: A Church Leader’s Role A brief overview including the dynamics and effects of abuse and helpful ways to respond. Driver’s Training for Dating Teaching respect in relationships. “The What, Why, and How of Safe Church Ministry” No longer live, this popular webinar is still a great overview. Safe Church Ministry on the Network Rachel Boehm provides informative blogs each week. Abuse Awareness Sunday, 4th Sunday in September Shhhh . . . This year’s theme is Internet pornography.
Website: www.crcna.org/safechurch Bonnie Nicholas, director Email: safechurchministry@crcna.org 616.224.0735 (office) 616.485.4595 (cell)
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Office of Social Justice
he Office of Social Justice (OSJ) educates CRC members, encourages and supports their engagement in social justice issues, and occasionally is involved in direct advocacy.
HIGHLIGHTS OSJ offers many ways for people to stay connected. Our most well-read newsletter, “OSJ Prayers,” is a weekly digest of the most pressing justice issues around the world. It’s great for use in small groups or for personal or congregational prayer. For a comprehensive overview of various social justice issues, visit www.crcjustice.org. We also have an active presence on both Facebook and Twitter for those who prefer shorter, more immediate updates. Our Action Center at www.crcjustice.org has an increased capacity. Visit regularly for a Reformed perspective on the hottest political topics, from the situation in the Middle East to immigration reform and global poverty. Don’t know how to advocate? We can help with that too! Our congregational mobilizers are happy to speak or preach on any issue or to give a general introduction to social justice. This fall we launched a new curriculum on immigration for churches called Church Between Borders. Visit our website to learn more or to host a workshop at your church.
Contact info: Website: www.crcjustice.org United States Peter Vander Meulen 616.224.0807 Email: pvandermeulen@crcna.org
Canada Steve van de Hoef Email: svandehoef@crcna.org
erviceLink is the volunteer services program of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. It serves denominational agencies and ministry programs as well as churches across Canada and the United States. Through ServiceLink, members of Christian Reformed congregations can join agency and ministry staff in offering their time, talent, and treasure for meaningful involvement in ministry at home and abroad. Staff gathers and promotes a variety of diverse opportunities, partnering with agencies and other Christian ministries for greater impact and enabling the CRC to stretch further in its mission to transform lives and communities worldwide. Mission and service experiences provide volunteers with first-hand glimpses of what God is doing through the efforts of the Christian Reformed Church and generate enthusiasm for a deeper commitment to its mission and vision. ServiceLink provides volunteers, churches, and ministry organizations with resources that enhance the volunteer experience as well as training opportunities for greater impact in the volunteer engagement process.
Contact info: Website: www.crcna.org/servicelink Carol Sybenga, program manager 800.730.3490 905.336.2920 Email: csybenga@crcna.org
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Canadian Ministries
anadian Ministries help Christian Reformed churches in Canada respond to opportunities for transformational impact and kingdom advancement. Examples of ongoing projects and fresh initiatives include advocating for quality education of children in First Nation communities. providing pastoral support and encouragement to Aboriginal people in urban settings. preparing resources and ministry approaches for congregations to welcome and incorporate new Canadians into the fellowship. encouraging and assisting in youth ministry initiatives such as the All Ontario Youth Convention. advocating for the rights of refugees and seeking fair and generous treatment for them. actively engaging with the Canadian Council of Churches, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, the Reformed Church in America (Regional Synod of Canada), and the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Contact info: www.crcna.org/canadianministries 800.730.3490 Ben Vandezande, interim director of Canadian Ministries
Sustaining Pastoral/Congregational Excellence
ustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE) supports and encourages pastors and pastors’ spouses through pastor peer group grants, pastors’ spouses’ conferences, and pastor-couple learning events. Sustaining Congregational Excellence (SCE) offers grant opportunities and learning events for smaller congregations as they seek to foster health in their ministry setting.
HIGHLIGHTS Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Over 100 pastors’ spouses attended the Journey of Joy conference in Miami, Florida, in November. Funding for SPE transitioned from a Lilly Endowment Inc. grant to CRCNA Ministry Shares. Pastor peer learning grants have been awarded to over 200 groups.
Sustaining Congregational Excellence To date, 74 percent of eligible Canadian churches and 66 percent of eligible U.S. churches have participated in programming. Three learning events will be held this year. They’re great opportunities for ministry leaders to gather for sharing and learning about healthy congregations. Recently the website was completely redesigned. It has a fresh look, lots of good information, and encouraging stories from grantees.
Contact info:
TOGETHERDOINGMORE Website: www.crcna.org/pastoralexcellence www.crcna.org/sce Lis Van Harten, program director 877.279.9994 or 616.224.0805 Email: lvanharten@crcna.org
Holly Koons, administrative coordinator 877.279.9994 or 616.224.4267 Email: hkoons@crcna.org
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CRC Communications
RC Communications supports the Christian Reformed Church and its ministries by informing and inspiring its members with a vision of how God is using the CRC’s people and resources to build healthy churches and to transform lives and communities worldwide. We do this in many ways, using print, photos, video, email, social networking, and websites. Our communications include the following: “Together Doing More” in The Banner, both in print and online CRC Newsroom and weekly CRC News e-newsletter weekly church email and bulletin announcements weekly “For Pastors” e-newsletter Prayer Guide Annual Ministry Report quarterly Ministry Report to Congregations and Classes Our websites include crcna.org and crcna.org/MinistryShares as well as the following:
crcna.org/News Visit our online Newsroom for the latest stories about what’s happening in and through the CRC. Or get CRC News delivered to your email inbox every Wednesday. Each issue features news from your ministries and some of the latest conversations happening on The Network.
crcna.org/Network In 2012 The Network website celebrated its second birthday. It has quickly become one of the CRC’s most popular websites. The site is all about “connecting for ministry.” Every day, you’ll find church staff and volunteer leaders comparing notes, sharing tips, and receiving encouragement from each other. The site covers dozens of ministry topics and roles—deacons, elders, teachers, youth leaders, librarians, small group leaders, sound techs, and more. One of the newer features, “Ministry Q&A,” provides an easy way to find out how other churches do their ministries.
crcna.org/Webinars Early in 2012, CRC Communications launched a series of weekly webinars on a range of ministry topics. These one-hour webinars make it easy for pastors, staff, and volunteers to get the training they want—without the time and expense of travel. Anyone with a computer can participate in these live, interactive sessions. On average, about 40 people attended each event this spring (the maximum was about 100 for the webinar “Children at the Lord’s Table”). Additionally, many more people watch the recordings that are posted afterwards on crcna.org/webinars.
Contact info: Henry Hess, director of communication hhess@crcna.org Tim Postuma, web and e-communications manager tpostuma@crcna.org Chris Meehan, news and media relations manager cmeehan@crcna.org
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CRC Loan Fund
he Loan Fund, established by synod in 1983, offers loans to Christian Reformed churches in the United States for the acquisition or construction of church facilities, parsonages, and land. Loans are also made for improvements and repairs to church property. The primary source of funds for lending activities is funds invested in the Loan Fund by members, churches, and classes of the CRCNA, as well as organizations related to the CRC. The Loan Fund also obtains funds from revenues generated by its lending activities and interest received on deposits of its funds. The Loan Fund is unique in that it does not solicit gifts nor does it receive Ministry Shares to support any of its activities. The Loan Fund is managed by a six-member board of directors elected by synod to serve three-year terms.
HIGHLIGHTS During the past year the Loan Fund closed more than $2.8 million in new loans. helped a church in California by refinancing its bank mortgage with a loan at a much lower interest rate, enabling the church to significantly reduce its monthly payments. financed the construction of a new worship center for a church in California. provided construction financing for a church in Michigan for a major building expansion. This information does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase. Offers will be made only by the offering circular in those jurisdictions where it is lawful to make such an offer or solicitation of an offer. Investments in the Loan Fund involve risks more fully disclosed in the offering circular.
Contact info: Website: www.crcna.org/loanfund 616.224.0829 or 800.332.0012 Email: crlf@crcna.org
Christian Reformed Church Foundation
he Christian Reformed Church Foundation serves the denomination by funding priorities that enable the CRC to focus on its mission. The Foundation strengthens the capacity of the agencies and educational institutions to develop innovative initiatives. It also encourages generosity and stewardship on their behalf and works in partnership with them to add resources rather than compete for charitable gifts. Though the Foundation may partner with an agency to develop financial resources, it primarily seeks funds to develop new ideas and start-up programs that fall outside denominational agency mandates. integrate program resources on behalf of the denomination as a whole. support innovative efforts that are not funded through synod, classes, or agencies. The Foundation works under the authority of the CRCNA Board of Trustees. It is legally established in the United States and Canada.
Contact info:
TOGETHERDOINGMORE Website: www.crcna.org/foundation 616.224.0817 or 877.272.6299 Email: Foundation@crcna.org
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Ministry Shares Receipts and Gift Income Summary
2012 2011
Back to God Ministries Ministry Shares Gift and offerings Estate Gifts Total
3,596,000 3,663,000 4,217,000 3,793,000 1,943,000 1,254,000 9,756,000 8,710,000
Calvin College Ministry Shares Gift and offerings Estate Gifts Total
2,653,000 2,614,000 2,950,000 2,894,000 956,000 920,000 6,559,000 6,428,000
Calvin Seminary Ministry Shares Gift and offerings Estate Gifts Total
2,900,000 2,945,000 805,000 711,000 85,000 200,000 3,790,000 3,856,000
Faith Alive Ministry Shares Gift and offerings Estate Gifts Total
1,017,000 1,035,000 317,000 300,000 0 0 1,334,000 1,335,000
Home Missions Ministry Shares Gift and offerings Estate Gifts Total
3,792,000 3,709,000 1,677,000 1,320,000 1,213,000 258,000 6,682,000 5,287,000
World Missions Ministry Shares Gift and offerings Estate Gifts Total
4,946,000 4,986,000 7,566,000 6,901,000 1,716,000 653,000 14,228,000 12,540,000
World Renew Gift and offerings Disaster Gifts Grants Estate gifts Total
12,510,000 6,652,000 21,184,000 2,524,000 42,870,000
13,007,000 5,981,000 17,765,000 1,569,000 38,322,000
Specialized Ministries Ministry Shares Gift and offerings Estate Gifts Total
3,614,000 3,363,000 629,000 543,000 4,000 13,000 4,247,000 3,919,000
Denominational Services Ministry Shares Gift and offerings Estate Gifts Total
3,337,000 3,265,000 99,000 22,000 0 0 3,436,000 3,287,000
Foundation Gift and offerings Estate Gifts Total
1,718,000 0 1,718,000
2,289,000 0 2,289,000
Gift Summary for Fiscal 2012 God continues to bless the Christian Reformed Church with the generous spirit of all those who support his church with their financial gifts. Even with the economic uncertainty around the world, the ministries of the denomination’s agencies and institutions and specialized programs receive the strong support of dedicated members and friends. Ministry Shares were up by nearly $300,000 over the previous year, generating over $25.9 million in revenue through a system that costs almost nothing to administer. We give thanks to all the churches, large and small, that help to provide this vital base of revenue. Special church offerings and individual gifts (not including support for disaster response projects) generated $32.9 million in support, an increase of over $1 million from the prior year. World Renew (formerly CRWRC) received $6.6 million in designated disaster relief funding from churches, members, and other supporters, up 10.7 percent from last year. World Renew also received more than $20.2 million in grant funding, up by $3.7 million over last year. These grants include funds designated for various areas of their global ministry, including community development and disaster relief work. In addition, the CRC was blessed with gifts of nearly $8.3 million from those who included the church in the distribution of their estates. This represents an increase of 68.9 percent over the estate gifts received during the previous year.
Special Assistance Fund Ministry Shares Gift and offerings
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37,000 0
96,000 0
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CRC Agency 2011-12 Ministry Shares Received Back to God Ministries International $3,596,000 Calvin College $2,653,000 Calvin Seminary $2,900,000 Faith Alive $1,017,000 Home Missions $3,792,000 World Missions $4,946,000 World Renew $0 Ministers’ Special Assis. Fund $37,000 Synodical Admin. Services $3,337,000 Specialized Ministries $3,614,000 Total: $25,892,000
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