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CONTENTS Biosignals & Systems ..............................................3 Biomechanics ..........................................................7 Bio MEMS, NEMS & Materials ................................9 Biomedical Imaging ..............................................15 Page 3
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Biotechnology ......................................................19 General Textbooks ................................................21
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Biosignals & Systems New!
Ambient Diagnostics
Systems Biology
Yang Cai Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Ambient Diagnostics is written for emerging courses in biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science that explore intelligent software diagnostics from affordable devices, such as sensors on mobile phones, microphones, cameras, and gyroscopes. The text inspires students to design and develop tools for personal health monitoring and diagnosis. It is a visionary attempt to enable pervasive monitoring of changing health status, multiple sensory fusion, and telemedicine right from one's pocket.
Features: • Emphasizes integrated sensing and computing modules • Covers theories and applications, and incorporates case studies • Works with the ambient sensor development kit created by the author • Discusses applications beyond healthcare, such as video analysis and intelligent transportation Figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Color in Endoscopy Texture Features Shape of Cells Gesture Capturing with Structured Lighting Stereo Display for Eye Checking Sound Recognition Motion Intelligence in Games Attention Measurement Touch Sensor Organisms in UV Smell Sensing Visualization and Animation Video Summarization Feature Classification and Optimization Spectrogram Analysis Similarity Measurement Tracking Shape Segmentation Human Factors Interactivity Catalog no. K14779, March 2014, c. 394 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1041-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook
Mathematical Modeling and Model Analysis Andreas Kremling Technical University Munich, Germany
"…devotes a good portion of the material to state-ofthe-art model diagnostics and engineering techniques, such as linear systems analysis and control theory, which are rarely found in systems biology texts." —Eberhard Voit, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Systems Biology: Mathematical Modeling and Model Analysis explains how to use predictive mathematical models to acquire and analyze knowledge about biological systems, in particular cellular systems. It also explores how the models are applied in biotechnology.
Features: • Presents methods for the analysis of motifs, modules, and large-scale networks • Shows how to model the complete synthesis of macromolecules • Uses the lactose uptake system to demonstrate modeling and analysis tools Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Deterministic, Qualitative, and Data-Driven Modeling Thermodynamics Regression Dynamic Systems Enzyme and Multi Substrate Kinetics Transport and Polymerization Processes Macroscopic and Microscopic View Signal Transduction Oscillating Systems Genetically Regulated Networks Time Hierarchies Sensitivity and Metabolic Control Analysis Biochemical Systems and Control Theory Structured Kinetic Modeling Model Reduction for Signal Proteins Feed-Forward Loops Metabolic Network Flux Distributions Topological Overlap Catalog no. K16367, November 2013, 379 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6789-4, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as eBook
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Biosignals & Systems Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation Second Edition Robert B. Northrop University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation, Second Edition explains the electronic components and subsystems used in ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, tomographic images, biochemical spectrograms, and other medical applications. It illustrates the importance of signal conditioning systems in devices that gather and monitor patients’ vital information.
Features: • Introduces mathematical tools to describe noise and its propagation through linear systems
Signals and Systems Analysis in Biomedical Engineering Second Edition Robert B. Northrop Enriched with practical examples, robust appendices, an extensive glossary, and an ample listing of sources for further study, this book helps students strengthen the applied mathematics skills required to succeed in the interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering. Based on the author's 30 years of experience in teaching as well as his personal research on neurosensory systems, the text—currently in its second edition—covers the specialized mathematical techniques most useful in describing and analyzing biomedical signals. A solutions manual is available with qualifying course adoption. Catalog no. K10633, March 2010, 654 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1251-8, $129.95 / £77.99 Also available as eBook
• Addresses power amplifiers, wireless patient monitoring, and RFID, GPS, and ultrasonic tags • Includes an extensive glossary and end-of-chapter problems Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Sources and Properties of Biomedical Signals Properties and Models of Semiconductor Devices Used in Analog Electronic Systems The Differential Amplifier General Properties of Electronic, Single-Loop Feedback Systems Feedback, Frequency Response, and Amplifier Stability Operational Amplifiers and Comparators Introduction to Analog Active Filters Instrumentation and Medical Isolation Amplifiers Noise and the Design of Low-Noise Signal Conditioning Systems Digital Interfaces Modulation and Demodulation of Biomedical Signals Power Amplifiers and Their Applications Examples of Special Analog Circuits and Systems
Introduction to Complexity and Complex Systems Robert B. Northrop Written for students in the fields of biomedical engineering, systems biology, biophysics, and physiology, this unique reference covers complexity issues within living systems. Topics include human responses to coping with complex systems, the Law of Unintended Consequences, the relation of complexity to evolution, the complexity inherent in invertebrate immune systems, and the complexity inherent in economic systems. A comprehensive glossary provides acronyms and terms, while dynamic models and homework questions aid in understanding. A solutions manual and figures slides are available with qualifying course adoption.
Catalog no. K12982, March 2012, 578 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6669-6, $125.95 / £81.00
Catalog no. K11775, December 2010, 551 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3901-0, $91.95 / £58.99
Also available as eBook
Also available as eBook
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Biosignals & Systems Biomedical Engineering Principles Second Edition Arthur B. Ritter, Vikki Hazelwood, and Antonio Valdevit Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
Alfred N. Ascione Alcatel-Lucent Technologies, New Jersey, USA
“…an excellent textbook. Each chapter contains numerous examples and figures to enhance learning.” —Richard C. Fries, Baxter Healthcare, Inc., in IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
Integrating engineering, medicine, biology, and physics, Biomedical Engineering Principles, Second Edition defines the basic principles in image processing and biomechanics, modeling physiological processes, and bioelectric signal analysis to build a solid understanding of devices and designs for improved functioning of the human body. • Discusses minimally invasive and robotic surgery, next-generation imaging devices, and nanodevices • Covers tissue engineering, cardiovascular components, bone regrowth, and nerve regeneration • Offers extensive examples, figures, in-chapter problems, and discussion questions Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering Third Edition Ronald L. Fournier University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
The very scope and breadth of biomedical engineering presents challenges to creating a concise, entry-level text that effectively introduces basic concepts without getting overly specialized in subject matter or rarified in language. Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering, Third Edition meets and overcomes these challenges to provide the beginning student with the foundational tools and confidence needed to solve problems of greater complexity. The author first describes the underlying physical, chemical, and biological phenomena of transport in biological systems, and then presents real-world applications in the development and design of artificial organs, drug delivery systems, and tissue engineering.
Features: • Offers mathematical models using compartmental approaches • Encourages use of the student’s preferred mathematical software package • Contains an extensive bibliography, numerous examples, illustrations, and end-of-chapter problems Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents:
Abridged Contents:
Physiological Processes Cell Physiology and Transport Hemodynamics A Systems Approach to Physiology The Cardiovascular System Biomedical Signal Processing Signal Acquisition and Processing Physiological Signal Processing Principles and Practical Applications of Biomechanics Biomaterials Biomedical Capstone Design Unmet Clinical Needs Entrepreneurship An Engineering Solution in Search of a Biomedical Problem to Solve Tissue Engineering Future Trends in BME
A Review of Thermodynamic Concepts Physical Properties of the Body Fluids and the Cell Membrane The Physical and Flow Properties of Blood Solute Transport in Biological Systems Pharmacokinetic Analysis Extracorporeal Devices Tissue Engineering Bioartificial Organs Catalog no. K11304, August 2011, 483 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2670-6, $109.95 / £55.99 Also available as eBook
Catalog no. K10621, May 2011, 540 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1232-7, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as eBook
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Biosignals & Systems Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Technology Second Edition Laurence Street Rosedale, British Columbia, Canada
Preparing students for situations they’ll encounter on the job, Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Technology, Second Edition describes current technological devices, explaining the physiological and anatomical basis of each device’s function, as well as the device’s practical applications and likely location in a hospital. Written by an experienced biomedical engineering technologist, the text discusses tools and test equipment, examines the integration of equipment within the hospital system, and reviews various medical equipment hardware.
Features: • Provides real-life examples of the work that biomedical engineering technologists do • Contains a 16-page grayscale insert with photographs of actual equipment problems • Includes chapter summaries and questions, extensive appendices, and over 360 illustrations Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Diagnostic Devices Diagnostic Imaging Treatment Devices Biomedical Engineering Technologist Work Testers and Tools Batteries, Radiation, and Computers Technology Management Appendix A: Normal Values Appendix B: Regulations and Standards Appendix C: Biomedical Engineering Technology Programs in the United States and Canada Appendix D: Biomedical Associations Appendix E: Devices and Manufacturers Appendix F: Test Equipment Manufacturers Appendix G: Bibliography and Internet Resources
Biology for Engineers Arthur T. Johnson University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Introducing the field of biology to today’s engineering students, Biology for Engineers minimizes unnecessary memorization of connections and classifications. Emphasizing the ever-present interactions between a biological unit and its physical, chemical, and biological environments, this entry-level text focuses on concepts, technology, and the utilization of living things. Classroom-tested at the University of Maryland, the book discusses biological responses from the perspectives of psychology, human factors, genetics, plant and animal physiology, imaging, control systems, actuary, and medicine. It covers the scaling of biological responses and attributes as well as different types of applications related to biological systems.
Features: • Presents scientific principles and terminology that all engineers must know • Examines the differences between biological engineering and biological science • Contains numerous practical examples, tables of useful information, and end-of-chapter questions Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Principles of Physics Principles of Chemistry Principles of Mathematics and Engineering Sciences Principles of Biology Responses of Living Systems Biological Responses in Context Scaling Factors Allometric Relationships from Evolutionary Pressure Utilizing Living Systems Systems Approach Catalog no. 77635, September 2010, 775 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7763-6, $115.95 / £72.99 Also available as eBook
Catalog no. K12781, October 2011, 391 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6058-8, $98.95 / £62.99 Also available as eBook
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Biomechanics Fundamentals of Biomechanics Ronald L. Huston University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
“...provides a thorough and easy-to-understand presentation of the fundamentals required to study the mechanics of human motion… [with] an emphasis on biodynamic modeling and the development of human body models.” —James W. Kamman, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA
• • • • • “…an outstanding tool for those interested in simulation of gait, human joint kinematics, and muscles force identification and modeling in general.” —Farid Amirouche, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
• • • • • “…contains problems for students studying the subject for the first time, and for those seeking additional expertise and/or review. …a good addition to university and engineering libraries.” —C. Q. Liu, Chrysler LLC, Troy, Michigan, USA
Fundamentals of Biomechanics provides a comprehensive survey of how the principles of mechanics are applied to human systems and organs. After a review of basic terminology, a summary of human anatomy, and a presentation of anthropometric data, the text discusses methods for biomechanical analyses including essential mathematics, mechanics, and modeling techniques. It then covers tissue biomechanics, kinematics, and dynamics of human body models, plus applications such as lifting, walking, swimming, and accident victim simulation.
Abridged Contents:
Kinematical Preliminaries
• Contains an extensive glossary, bibliography, and list of references
Fundamental Equations and Inertia Force Considerations
• Provides end-of-chapter problems and examples to test assimilation
Human Body Inertia Properties
• Includes illustrations and tables for clarification Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Human Anatomy and Basic Terminology Methods of Analysis Vectors, Dyadics, Matrices, and Determinants Forces and Force Systems Mechanics of Materials Modeling of Biosystems Tissue Biomechanics
Kinematics, Kinetics, and Dynamics of Human Body Models Numerical Methods Simulations and Applications
Catalog no. K14776, April 2013, 470 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1037-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook
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Biomechanics Biofluid Mechanics
Biomechanics of the Upper Limbs
The Human Circulation, Second Edition
Mechanics, Modeling and Musculoskeletal Injuries, Second Edition
Krishnan B. Chandran University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
Stanley E. Rittgers University of Akron, Ohio, USA
Ajit P. Yoganathan Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
“...provides a good platform in fluid mechanics prior to progressing to the physiological applications, which makes it an appropriate textbook for BME students.” —Professor Tim McGloughlin, Department of Mechanical Aeronautical and Biomedical Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland
Biofluid Mechanics: The Human Circulation, Second Edition discusses fluid mechanics in the human circulation—primarily applied to blood flow at the arterial level—and covers vascular implants and measurements in the cardiovascular system. It describes various considerations and approaches involved in the computational modeling of cardiovascular diseases and therapies.
Features: • Evaluates the design and development of artificial heart valves, stent implants, and vascular grafts • Contains examples and figures from eminent research • Includes end-of-chapter references and problems Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Fluid and Solid Mechanics Cardiovascular Physiology Biomechanics of the Human Circulation Rheology of Blood and Vascular Mechanics Static and Steady Flow Models Unsteady Flow and Nonuniform Geometric Models Native Heart Valves Prosthetic Heart Valve Dynamics Vascular Therapeutic Techniques Fluid Dynamic Measurement Techniques Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis
Andris Freivalds The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
Over the past two decades, growth in computer-related jobs has led to a considerable increase in the number of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limbs. Designed for a semester-long graduate-level engineering or kinesiology course, Biomechanics of the Upper Limbs: Mechanics, Modeling and Musculoskeletal Injuries, Second Edition provides a thorough understanding of job stressors and the role they play in the development of disorders. Using the author’s medical and engineering expertise to distill essential subject matter and useful technical data, this comprehensive text explores recent research findings and solutions to various ergonomic problems.
Features: • Describes tools used to identify causes of disorders • Provides numerous examples and references in each chapter • Includes sample exams and background material on a supporting website Solutions manual and PowerPoint® slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Introduction to Biomechanics Structure of the Musculoskeletal System Neuromuscular Physiology and Motor Control Modeling of Muscle Mechanics Models of the Upper Limbs Musculoskeletal Disorders and Risk Factors Instrumentation Job and Worksite Analysis Hand Tools The Office Environment Catalog no. 91190, February 2011, 564 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9119-9, $129.95 / £84.00 Also available as eBook
Catalog no. K12006, February 2012, 451 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4516-5, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as eBook
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Bio MEMS, NEMS & Materials
Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology
Regenerative Engineering
Quantitative Modeling
Cato T. Laurencin and Yusuf Khan
Arthur T. Johnson University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Using numerous worked examples to elucidate what and when to calculate, this text covers more than just the fundamentals of exercise physiology. It demonstrates the vast amount of physiological material that can be quantitatively predicted and describes how to translate this information into applications. The book examines the energetics of exercise, biomechanics, circulation, respiration, and thermoregulation, and includes numerical examples and homework problems. Diagrams, figures, and tables of physiological variable values make this book helpful in estimating magnitudes, determining trends, and illustrating concepts.
Edited by
University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA
“…will fit well into most introductory biomaterials/tissue engineering courses around the country.” —Laura Suggs, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Distinct from tissue engineering—which focuses primarily on the repair of tissue—and regenerative medicine—which focuses on the biological aspects of tissue regeneration via stem cells, factors, and cytokines—regenerative engineering focuses on creating living, functional tissue with the ability to replace dysfunctional organs. Using a problem-based learning approach, Regenerative Engineering introduces the field by presenting fundamental concepts and exploring the development of vital organs and tissue types.
Catalog no. DK5813, March 2007, 688 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-906-8, $154.95 / £98.00
Also available as eBook
• Includes case studies and extensive references • Contains contribution from world-class researchers
Biofluid Dynamics Principles and Selected Applications Clement Kleinstreuer North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
Building a solid understanding of medical implants and devices from a bioengineering standpoint, this text features extensive worked examples and mathematical appendices; exercises and project assignments to build problem solving skills; numerous illustrations, including a 16-page fullcolor insert; computer simulations of biofluid dynamics processes and medical device operations; tools for solving basic biofluid problems; and a glossary of terms. The book can be used as a primary selection for a comprehensive course or for a two-course sequence. A solutions manual is available with qualifying course adoption.
• Presents up-to-date examples of ongoing work, often in the context of a specific clinical need Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: The Future of Medicine Cell Biology Stem Cells and Tissue Regeneration Introduction to Materials Science Biomaterials and Host Response In Vitro Assessment of Cell–Biomaterial Interactions Organ, Cardiovascular, Bone, Neural, Ligament, and Skeletal Muscle Regenerative Engineering Cell Sources, Considerations, and Strategies Tissue-to-Tissue Interfaces and Limb Regeneration Catalog no. K10724, June 2013, 435 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1412-3, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as eBook
Catalog no. 2221, April 2006, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-2221-1, $125.95 / £82.00 Also available as eBook
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Bio MEMS, NEMS & Materials Companion Texts An Ideal Companion to A Laboratory Course in Biomaterials!
An Ideal Companion to An Introduction to Biomaterials!
An Introduction to Biomaterials Second Edition
A Laboratory Course in Biomaterials
Edited by
Wujing Xian
Jeffrey O. Hollinger
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
A valuable instructional text for undergraduates, Introduction to Biomaterials, Second Edition provides a road map to the key families of biomaterials and their potential applications in clinical therapeutics. Emphasizing biocompatibility at the biomaterial-host interface, the text investigates cell-cell interactions, cell-signaling and the inflammatory and complement cascades, specific interactions of protein-adsorbed materials, and other inherent biological constraints including solid-liquid interfaces, diffusion, and protein types. Unique in its coverage of the practicalities of biomaterials as an industry, the book also covers the basic principles of statistics, U.S. FDA information on the biomaterials-biology issues relevant to patents, and considerations of intellectual property.
Features: • Explains in vitro and in vivo testing paradigms • Contains end-of-chapter questions and extensive references • Includes numerous examples on experimental design, laboratory assays, and animal models Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Definitions, Fundamental Concepts, and a Standardized Approach Biology, Biomechanics, Biomaterial Interactions Wound Healing Biology Cellular Mechanics Materials–Host Interactions Biomaterials Testing, Statistics, Regulatory Considerations, Intellectual Property Standardized Materials Testing Statistics Biomaterials Compositions and Applications
Suitable for junior- or seniorlevel laboratory courses in biomaterials and bioengineering, A Laboratory Course in Biomaterials trains students in laboratory skills, data analysis, problem solving, and scientific writing. Based on the author’s own experience in teaching a biomaterials laboratory course, the text takes a multidisciplinary approach, integrating principles of materials science, chemistry, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, and engineering. Many experiments are adapted from research papers of particular significance. Plus, the book’s flexible modules allow coursework to be tailored to meet the unique needs of your students and your department.
Features: • Contains step-by-step explanations and user-friendly illustrations for the experiments • Presents detailed descriptions of lab procedures, reagents, equipment, and data processing guidelines • Provides a series of questions and answers at the end of each chapter to clarify concepts and promote critical thinking
Abridged Contents: Basic Laboratory Skills Drug Delivery: Controlled Release of Encapsulated Protein from PLGA Microspheres Natural Biomaterials: Collagen and Chitosan Cell Culture and Microscopy Biocompatibility Testing: Cytotoxicity and Adhesion Tissue Engineering: Organotypic Cultures of Skin Equivalents Bioceramics: Porous Hydroxyapatite Composite Catalog no. 75829, June 2009, 216 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4200-7582-3, $74.95 / £45.99 Also available as eBook
Catalog no. K10637, November 2011, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1256-3, $125.95 / £51.99 Also available as eBook
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Bio MEMS, NEMS & Materials A Laboratory Course in Tissue Engineering Melissa Kurtis Micou University of California, San Diego, USA
Dawn Kilkenny University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
“Tissue engineering is a topic best learned through practice, and this book just might take the fear out of offering a laboratory course on the subject.” —Michael J. Moore, Ph.D, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
Appropriate for undergraduate or graduate students with fundamental knowledge of engineering and cell biology, A Laboratory Course in Tissue Engineering contains 15 standalone experiments based on classic and modern approaches. Utilizing popular equipment, experiments encompass cell culture, microscopy, histology, immunohistochemistry, mechanical testing, soft lithography, and common biochemical assays.
Features: • Provides pre- and post-lab questions • Emphasizes modeling, analysis, and statistical experimental design • Presents guidelines for preparing technical reports, articles, and abstracts Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Safety and Essential Skills Primary Chondrocytes from Bovine Articular Cartilage Growth, Purification, and Motility of a Cell Population Decellularized Matrices Plating Density on Cell Adhesion Seeding of Cells onto Biomaterial Scaffolds Cell Patterning Characterizing Matrix Remodeling Substrate Stiffness on Cell Differentiation Culture Configuration on Matrix Accumulation Combining In Silico and In Vitro Techniques The FahraeusLindqvist Effect Single-Cell Mechanics Tissue Composition to Bone Material Properties
Introduction to BioMEMS Albert Folch University of Washington, Seattle, USA
“…should be considered required reading for any student entering the field.” —Tony Jun Huang, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
Introduction to BioMEMS covers the breadth of this dynamic field, including classical microfabrication, microfluidics, tissue engineering, cell-based and noncell-based devices, and implantable systems. It includes the most essential formulas as well as over 400 figures in vibrant color. Important terms are highlighted in bold and defined in a glossary, plus problem sets, design challenges, key references, and non-calculation based exercises are included to aid in understanding.
Features: • Presents in-depth coverage of the techniques of cell/protein micropatterning • Explains how BioMEMS technology can increase the biochemical and biophysical complexity of cell culture microenvironments • Discusses how BioMEMS devices can improve fluid handling and increase experimentation throughput Instructor's manual and PowerPoint® slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Surface Engineering Microscale Behavior of Fluids Chips for Genomics and Proteomics Electrospray Mass Spectrometry Biochemical Analysis Using Force Sensors BioMEMS for Cell Biology Microscaffolding Micropatterned Cocultures Stem Cell Engineering Morphogenesis Implantable Microdevices and Microelectrodes Catalog no. K10966, August 2012, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1839-8, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as eBook
Catalog no. K13694, August 2012, 304 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-7893-4, $62.95 / £40.99 Also available as eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
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Bio MEMS, NEMS & Materials Ultrasonic and Electromagnetic NDE for Structure and Material Characterization Engineering and Biomedical Applications Edited by
Tribikram Kundu The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
“…an excellent text for a senior/first-year graduate course in nondestructive testing and evaluation, or as a text in a course in engineering and biological materials characterization.” —Henrique Reis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Written in plain language by some of the world’s leading experts, this book begins with mechanics and electromagnetic theory, and then derives the basic equations before exploring traditional and advanced NDE applications.
Features: • Covers structural health monitoring, acoustic microscopy, terahertz imaging, and more • Provides questions, problems, exercises, and worked-out examples • Includes over 640 illustrations Solutions manual and PowerPoint® slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Elastic Waves and Ultrasonic NDE Modeling by Distributed Point Source Method Electromagnetic NDE Distributed Point Source Method for Imaging Guided Waves for Plate and Pipe Inspection Nonlinear Ultrasonic NDE Laser Ultrasonic Techniques Material Characterization Toward Structural Health Monitoring Solutions for Bolted Joints Elastic Properties of Solids by Brillouin Spectroscopy Scanning Acoustic Microscopy and Near-Field Acoustic Imaging Characterization of Biological Cells Clinical Applications Terahertz Radiation for NDE Fiber-Optic Sensors
Fundamentals of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology Third Edition, Volume III From MEMS to BioMEMS and Bio-NEMS: Manufacturing Techniques and Applications Marc J. Madou University of California, Irvine, USA
From MEMS to Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMS: Manufacturing Techniques and Applications details manufacturing techniques applicable to bionanotechnology. After reviewing MEMS techniques, materials, and modeling, the author covers nanofabrication, genetically engineered proteins, artificial cells, nanochemistry, and self-assembly. He also discusses scaling laws in MEMS and NEMS, actuators, fluidics, and power and brains in miniature devices. Fully illustrated in color, the text offers end-of-chapter problems, worked examples, extensive references, downloadable ancillaries, and a comprehensive glossary of terms.
Features: • Suggests different strategies for making micromachines smarter • Considers the transition out of the laboratory and into the marketplace • Examines packaging, assembly, and self-assembly from ICs to DNA and biological cells Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Nonlithography-Based (Traditional) Manufacturing Lithography-Based (Nontraditional) Manufacturing Nature as an Engineering Guide Biomimetics Nanotechnology: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Manufacturing Approaches Packaging, Assembly, and Self-Assembly Selected Materials and Processes for MEMS and NEMS Metrology and MEMS/NEMS Modeling Scaling Laws Actuators Power and Brains in Miniature Devices Miniaturization Applications MEMS and NEMS Applications
Catalog no. K11655, June 2012, 890 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3663-7, $139.95 / £80.00
Catalog no. 5516X, June 2011, 650 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5516-0, $109.95 / £69.99
Also available as eBook
Also available as eBook
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Bio MEMS, NEMS & Materials BioMEMS Science and Engineering Perspectives Simona Badilescu and Muthukumaran Packirisamy Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Useful for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in engineering programs, BioMEMS: Science and Engineering Perspectives supports and expedites the multidisciplinary learning involved in the development of biomicrosystems. Divided into nine chapters, it starts with a balanced introduction of biological, engineering, application, and commercialization aspects of the field. With a focus on molecules of biological interest, the book explores the building blocks of cells and viruses, as well as molecules that form the self-assembled monolayers, linkers, and hydrogels used for making different surfaces biocompatible through functionalization.
Features: • Provides a concise overview of bioMEMS principles • Highlights the concepts of lab-on-a-chip and micro total analysis system • Includes examples and problems in each chapter, plus references, review questions, and case studies Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Introduction Substrate Materials Used in BioMEMS Devices Biomolecules and Complex Biological Entities: Structure and Properties Engineering of Bioactive Surfaces Methods of Study and Characterization of SurfaceModified Substrates Biosensing Fundamentals Fabrication of BioMEMS Devices Introduction to Microfluidics BioMEMS: Life Science Applications Catalog no. K10877, April 2011, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1699-8, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as eBook
Biomedical Microsystems Ellis Meng University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Biomedical Microsystems delivers a practical introduction to the technology, principles, and applications of bioMEMS devices. It covers the fundamentals of miniaturization, biomaterials, microfabrication, and nanotechnology, as well as microfluidic concepts, lab-ona-chip systems, and sensing and detection methods. The book’s final chapters explore microdialysis, catheter-based sensors, MEMS implants, neural probes, tissue engineering, and more, encouraging students to begin formulating their own ideas about the design of novel bioMEMS.
Features: • Emphasizes practical knowledge, including materials and methods useful to real-world applications • Provides detailed examples, laboratory exercises, references, and a variety of homework problems • Contains numerous illustrations of concepts, processes, and devices Solutions manual and downloadable original images available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: BioMEMS Materials Microfabrication Methods and Processes for BioMEMS Microfluidics Lab-on-a-Chip or Micro Total Analysis Systems Sensing and Detection Methods Applications to Cells, Nucleic Acids, and Proteins Clinical Monitoring Flow Cytometry Microdialysis Catheter-Based Sensors Endoscopy Point of Care MEMS Implants and Bioelectric Interfaces Microelectrodes and Neural Probes Implantable Sensors Drug Delivery Tissue Engineering Catalog no. 51229, September 2010, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5122-3, $104.95 / £65.99 Also available as eBook
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Bio MEMS, NEMS & Materials Biomaterials A Nano Approach
Understanding Nanomedicine
National University of Singapore
An Introductory Textbook
Murugan Ramalingam
Rob Burgess
University of Strasbourg, France
Medical Nanotechnologies, Inc., Richardson, Texas, USA
Seeram Ramakrishna
T .S. Sampath Kumar Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Winston O. Soboyejo Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
Biomaterials: A Nano Approach offers a solid framework for understanding present and future trends of biomaterials in human health care systems. Reviewing the historical development and recent advances of the field, the book examines the basic concepts, processing methodologies, and techniques involved in the preparation and characterization of nanobiomaterials specific to biomedical applications.
Features: • Addresses the biological and environmental effects of nanomaterials • Includes case studies, illustrative examples, summaries, glossaries, references, suggestions for further reading, exercises, and useful tables
Drawing on real data and published research from the medical sciences, this book comprehensively covers a broad range of therapeutic and diagnostic applications of nanotechnology, providing descriptions of cutting-edge discoveries along with historical perspectives and future possibilities. The text discusses the worldwide governmental regulatory impact on nanomedicine and how nanotechnology promises to improve the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of disease. It focuses on nanomaterials and nanoparticles, considering nanotechnology’s use in major areas of medicine, including cancer treatment, clinical neuroscience, tissue engineering, drug delivery, and diagnostics. Catalog no. N10477, June 2012, 524 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4316-38-5, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as eBook
• Discusses materials used for biomedical applications, including tissue engineering and drug delivery Figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Impact, Characteristics, Classification, and Surface Modification Structure and Function of the Human Body Degradation and Corrosion of Biomaterials Biocompatibility of Implants Deformation Mechanics and Analysis of Biomaterials Fracture Toughness Fatigue Mechanics and Analysis Tribology Nanoscale Phenomena Nanostructured Materials Environmental and Safety Aspects Nanostructured Metallic Implants and Bioceramics Naturally Derived and Synthetic Polymers Polymeric Nanobiomaterials Polymer Nanofibers Nanocomposite Biomaterials Nanobiomaterials for Tissue Regeneration Patterning of Biomaterials for Cell Engineering Artificial Skin and Cartilage
Design of Biomedical Devices and Systems Second Edition Paul H. King Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Richard C. Fries ISORel, Inc., Fitchburg, Wisconsin, USA
This second edition covers all major principles of biomedical device and system design. Containing detailed photographs, illustrations, case studies, and open-ended design problems, the text addresses topics related to databases, process analysis, and device definition, improvement, and reliability. It also discusses testing and hardware verification, legal ramifications of medical device development and failure, ways to protect intellectual property, and the need for documentation requirements in the generation of a design team. A solutions manual is available with qualifying course adoption.
Catalog no. 47817, June 2010, 372 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4781-3, $109.95 / £77.99
Catalog no. 61798, August 2008, 424 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6179-6, $135.95 / £87.00
Also available as eBook
Also available as eBook
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Biomedical Imaging New!
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing Third Edition John L. Semmlow Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
“…An excellent review of the actual trendiest techniques in signal processing with a very clear (and simplified) description of their capabilities in signal and image analysis. MATLAB® examples are an excellent addition to provide students with capabilities to understand better how the techniques work.” —Enrique Nava Baro, Ph.D, University of MÁlaga, Spain
• • • • • “The book is a welcome addition to the teaching literature for biomedical engineering, building on the previous edition’s friendly approach to introducing the material. This makes it particularly suitable for biomedical engineering, a field in which students come from a variety of backgrounds, and where familiarity of the fundamentals of electrical engineering cannot be assumed.” —David A. Clifton, University of Oxford, UK
This Third Edition of a bestseller offers comprehensive coverage of the major approaches in biomedical signal and image processing. Biosignal and Medical Image Processing provides a complete set of signal processing tools, including diagnostic decision-making tools, and classification methods. Thoroughly revised and updated, it supplies important new material on nonlinear methods for describing and classifying signals, including entropy-based methods and scaling methods. This edition covers data "cleaning" methods commonly used in such areas as heart rate variability studies, along with actual examples. It also includes new end-of-chapter problems.
Features: • Offers a substantial revision to a well-established textbook
Abridged Contents: Spectral Analysis: Classical Methods and Modern Techniques Time–Frequency and Wavelet Analyses Digital, Optimal, and Adaptive Filters Principal and Independent Component Analyses MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox The Fourier Transform Image Segmentation and Reconstruction Linear Discriminant Analysis and Support Vector Machines Adaptive Neural Nets
• Supplies new end-of-chapter problems and examples • Includes studies dealing with heart rate variability • Incorporates MATLAB® throughout Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K16329, January 2014, c. 640 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6736-8, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as eBook
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Biomedical Imaging New!
Applied Medical Image Processing
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A Basic Course, Second Edition
The Basics
Wolfgang Birkfellner
University of Cyprus, Nicosia
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
One of the most powerful diagnostic techniques available, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can detect everything from a torn meniscus to cancer. In fact, MRI is becoming the predominant imaging modality in hospitals and clinics, due to its ability to provide clear images of body parts that, in some instances, can't be seen as well with an x-ray, CAT scan, or ultrasound.
This Second Edition of a bestseller gives more attention to the subject of color space and incorporates more examples from radiology, internal medicine, surgery, and radiation therapy. Applied Medical Image Processing: A Basic Course addresses problems with handling voxels, 3D data sets, spatial transforms in three dimensions, and data fusion. It shows how to visualize large data sets from modern CT systems, manufacture patient-specific prostheses, plan dose distributions, incorporate multimodal image data for therapy monitoring, and perform computer-aided neurosurgical interventions.
Features: • Illustrates how algorithms are implemented using MATLAB®, Octave, and Harvard’s Slicer 3.6 • Discusses composing color images in MATLAB and the Fourier transform in one dimension • Contains a new chapter on clinical applications • Includes data sets and MATLAB on CD-ROM Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: A Few Basics of Medical Image Sources Clinical Applications of Medical Image Processing Image Representation Operations in Intensity Space Filtering and Transformations Segmentation Spatial Transforms Registration Rendering and Surface Models CT Reconstruction A Selection of MATLAB Commands Catalog no. K15380, February 2014, c. 454 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5557-0, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as eBook
Christakis Constantinides
Assuming a prerequisite knowledge of physics, mathematics, electromechanical systems, signal processing, and basic physiology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging addresses the physical principles of MRI at a level suitable for undergraduate and graduate students. Developed from the author’s courses at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Cyprus, the text serves as a teaching primer for an introduction to MRI in medicine. It can also be used as a reference by researchers in labs, diagnostic centers, and hospitals with access to MRI.
Features: • Contains comprehensive coverage of the physical principles of MRI • Provides homework exercises, case studies, and questions • Includes numerous diagrams, tables, and illustrations Figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Imaging Fundamentals Review of Fourier Transformations Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance Energy Level Diagrams Boltzman Statistics Pulsed and Continuous Wave NMR Spin Quantum Numbers and Charge Densities Angular Momentum and Precession Classical View of NMR Rotating and Laboratory Frame RF Excitation and Detection Molecular Spin Relaxation T1 and T2 Measurements Relaxation Times in Biological Tissues Magnetic Field Gradients... Catalog no. K22099, March 2014, c. 232 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4822-1731-5, $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as eBook
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Biomedical Imaging New!
Clark's Essential Physics in Imaging for Radiographers Ken Holmes and Phil Harris University of Cumbria, UK
Marcus Elkington Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Supporting students in demonstrating a solid understanding of the fundamental definitions of physics applied to radiography, Clark's Essential Physics in Imaging for Radiographers provides an accessible introduction to the subject in a reader-friendly format. An invaluable tool for students as well as assistant practitioners and radiographers, this easy-to-understand pocket guide opens with overviews of image production, basic mathematics, and physics relevant to medical imaging, followed by detailed chapters on physics relevant to producing diagnostic images using x-rays.
Features: • Provides clear learning objectives in each chapter • Includes photographs and diagrams to support the text • Contains multiple choice questions to test comprehension
Abridged Contents: Overview of Image Production Mathematics for Medical Imaging Physics for Medical Imaging X-rays, X-ray Tube, and X-ray Circuit X-ray Interactions Principles of Radiation Detection and Image Formation Image Quality Radiation Dose and Exposure Indicators Image Display and Manipulation in Medical Imaging Radiation Protection and Safety Risk–Benefit Catalog no. K18088, October 2013, 214 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4561-8, $31.95 / £19.99 Also available as eBook
Webb's Physics of Medical Imaging Second Edition Edited by
M A Flower Institute of Cancer Research/Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, UK
“…excellent value for the money and a strong contender as a textbook for master’s level courses. Buy one early on, and this is a book that you’ll consult throughout your career.” —Elizabeth Berry, SCOPE
“Possibly the most comprehensive book on the subject currently on the market.” —Dr. Sandro Olivo, University College London
Expanding upon the bestselling first edition, Webb’s Physics of Medical Imaging, Second Edition presents the essential physics, technology, and clinical applications of medical imaging today. Keeping the material accessible to graduate students, this wellillustrated book covers all major imaging modalities in detail, eliminating the need to consult specialized texts.
Features: • Provides a glossary of abbreviations, a color insert, and numerous examples • Includes chapters on medical image processing and multimodality imaging • Contains over 400 figures, diagrams, and charts
Abridged Contents: Origins of Medical Imaging Diagnostic Radiology with X-Rays X-Ray Transmission Computed Tomography Clinical Applications Radioisotope Imaging Diagnostic Ultrasound Spatially Localized Magnetic Resonance Physical Aspects of Infrared Imaging Imaging of Tissue Electrical Impedance Optical Imaging Mathematics of Image Formation and Processing Perception and Interpretation Computer Requirements Catalog no. IP743, June 2012, 864 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0573-0, $93.95 / £51.99 Also available as eBook
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Biomedical Imaging Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Practical Ultrasound
Second Edition
An Illustrated Guide, Second Edition
Kayvan Najarian
Jane Alty
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
Robert Splinter University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
“… an excellent bridge between the physiological significance of the methods, and the underlying mathematics. … clear, well written, and easy to follow.” —Dr. Kristian Sandberg, Computational Solutions, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, USA
Written for senior-level and first-year graduate students, Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Second Edition describes fundamental signal and image processing techniques used to process biomedical information. It also discusses application of these techniques in the processing of EEG, ECG, MRI, CT, and more. • Offers an unparalleled level of clarity in its explanations of complex concepts and mathematical equations • Contains end-of-chapter programming questions and numerous, predominantly MATLAB®, examples • Includes sample signals on an accompanying CD and downloadable figure slides online Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Introduction to Digital Signal and Image Processing Fourier Transform Image Filtering, Enhancement, and Restoration Edge Detection and Segmentation of Images Wavelet Transform Processing of Biomedical Signals Electrical Activities of Cells Electrocardiogram Electroencephalogram Electromyogram Other Biomedical Signals Processing of Biomedical Images Principles of Computed Tomography X-Ray, Magnetic Resonance, and Ultrasound Imaging Positron Emission Tomography Other Biomedical Imaging Techniques
Consultant Neurologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Leeds, UK
Edward Hoey Consultant Radiologist, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, UK and Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Birmingham, UK
Commended by the British Medical Association, this book provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform scans, supplemented by high-quality images and handy tips. Beginning with the general principles of ultrasound scanning and a guide to using the ultrasound machine, the text focuses on the scans regularly encountered in a busy ultrasound department. Organized according to anatomical site, the second edition includes sections on useful anatomy and common pathology, plus new chapters on breast, musculoskeletal, and FAST (focused assessment with sonography in trauma) ultrasonography. Catalog no. K17225, August 2013, 295 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-6829-7, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as eBook
Introduction to Nuclear Science Second Edition Jeff C. Bryan University of Wisconsin– La Crosse, USA
This second edition of a bestseller offers a complete introduction to nuclear chemistry and physics, from basic concepts to nuclear power, safety, and medical applications. Incorporating suggestions from other professors and presenting a more international viewpoint, the author has added new chapters on dosimetry and nuclear reactors, plus new sections on nuclear forensics, radiology, gamma cameras, and decay. Completely updated throughout, the book includes additional end-of-chapter problems, a new appendix with nuclear data for all nuclides mentioned, and a solutions manual with qualifying course adoption.
Catalog no. K13235, May 2012, 411 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7033-4, $119.95 / £70.99
Catalog no. K14329, March 2013, c. 420 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9892-5, $89.95 / £57.99
Also available as eBook
Also available as eBook
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Biotechnology Learning Bio-MicroNanotechnology
Introduction to Instrumentation in Life Sciences
Mel I. Mendelson
Prakash Singh Bisen
Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, USA
Defense Research & Development Establishment, Gwalior, India
“…provides an excellent, multi-dimensional approach to learning that I have not seen in other nanotechnology textbooks.”
Anjana Sharma
—Kory Goldammer, Richland College, Dallas, Texas, USA
A primary text for one- and two-semester undergraduate nanotechnology courses, Learning Bio-MicroNanotechnology breaks down the barriers between biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and ethics by co-mingling the vocabulary and concepts of these disciplines around bio-applications.
Features: • Emphasizes learning micro/nanotechnology vocabulary, concepts, and applications from first principles with cross-disciplinary coverage • Includes case studies, summaries with references, illustrations, and appendices providing a math review and a glossary of terms • Contains thinking exercises, analogies, study questions using Bloom’s taxonomy, team assignments, and assessment methods Solutions manual and figures slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Biomolecules and Cells Molecular Chemistry Physics Working toward the Bottom Energy Levels and Bonding Electronics-on-a-Chip Computer Applications Control Systems Human Eye Light and Electron Microscopes Nanoelectronics Lithographic Tools Emerging Technology Microsensors Microactuators Biochips Nanotechnology and Cancer Risk Assessment and Management Ethics and Social Relevance Chemical and Snow Flake Assembly Linear- and Spiral-Step Assembly Amphiphilic Structures... Catalog no. 82035, January 2013, 611 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8203-6, $89.95 / £57.99
Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur, India
“A comprehensive textbook on instrumentation methods. …covers all major topics and includes practical exercises representing the syllabi of various postgraduate and undergraduate programs in life sciences.” —Prof. Vinay Sharma, Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Banasthali University, India
“…and excellent book for students, research scholars, and teachers of life sciences, biotechnology, biochemistry, biophysics, and other related disciplines.” —Prof. Sukh Mahendra Singh, School of Biotechnology, Banaras Hindu University, India
Introduction to Instrumentation in Life Sciences is designed for students and researchers in diversified fields of life sciences: pharmacology, biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry, and environmental sciences. Unique in its broad subject coverage, the book discusses fundamental techniques and state-of-the-art applications of modern molecular and proteomic tools.
Features: • Describes instruments and their corresponding applications in different scientific fields • Includes a glossary of terms, plus well-illustrated diagrams to explain key principles and theories • Emphasizes techniques encountered in practical classes and high-throughput environments used in modern industry Figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Microscopy Micrometry Electrochemical Techniques Chromatography Spectroscopy Centrifugation Electrophoresis X-Ray Microanalysis Techniques with Radioisotopes Fermentation Conductivity Meters Catalog no. K14893, September 2012, 383 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-1240-5, $83.95 / £51.99 Also available as eBook
Also available as eBook
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Biotechnology Biotechnology Fundamentals Firdos Alam Khan Manipal University, Dubai, UAE
The contents of Biotechnology Fundamentals are derived from discussions between teachers and undergraduate students, and are designed to address the concepts and methods thought useful by both sides. Beginning with coverage of the basics— including definitions, historical perspectives, timelines, and major discoveries—and progressing to products, research and development, career prospects, ethical issues, and future trends, the text considers the classical and modern aspects of biotechnology. • Discusses the latest developments, such as stem cell research, cloning, biofuel, pharmacogenomics, transgenic plants, and genetically modified food or crops • Incorporates extensive pedagogy, including learning objectives, examples, end-of-chapter problems, case studies, references, lab tutorials, and a glossary • Suggests field trips that can be used to apply and better understand concepts and other material in the book Solutions manual, figure slides, and ancillary online resources available with qualifying course adoption
Abridged Contents: Introduction to Biotechnology Genes and Genomics Proteins and Proteomics Recombinant DNA Technology Microbial Biotechnology Agricultural Biotechnology Animal Biotechnology Environmental Biotechnology Medical Biotechnology Nanobiotechnology Product Development in Biotechnology Industrial Biotechnology Ethics in Biotechnology Careers in Biotechnology Catalog no. K11059, September 2011, 608 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2009-4, $98.95 / £51.99 Also available as eBook
Biotechnology Operations Principles and Practices Michael J. Roy University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Applying the author's experience teaching the subject and working in both industry and government, Biotechnology Operations: Principles and Practices introduces key biotechnology developments and covers critical elements, such as project management, regulatory affairs, quality assurance, biomanufacturing, quality control, nonclinical safety testing, and clinical evaluation. The author discusses these topics in relation to product planning and design, processes and pathways, management of integrated projects, and the business and economic aspects of development. • Emphasizes the need to both plan and integrate an operations program, offering the information required to successfully lead such efforts • Describes the functional areas that must be successfully incorporated to safely and efficiently bring a biotechnology product to market • Uses simple language, explanatory figures, and diagrams to illustrate processes, making concepts easy to understand Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Abridge Contents: Introduction to Biotechnology Operations: Planning for Success Project Management Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Compliance Quality Systems Biomanufacture Quality Control Nonclinical Studies Clinical Trials Glossary Additional Reading Practical Problems and Questions Catalog no. K11486, March 2011, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3027-7, $119.95 / £69.99 Also available as eBook
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Biotechnology Healthcare Biotechnology A Practical Guide Dimitris Dogramatzis Dogramatzis Pharmacy, Athens, Greece
Focusing on the management of healthcare-related biotechnology, from conception through the product’s regulatory approval and entire life cycle, this practical text is appropriate for graduate students and industry professionals. Written by a well-established registered pharmacist, the book features chapters on bioeconomy, biolicensing, biofinance, biopartnering, biodrug research, biomarket planning, biopromotion, product life cycle management, and biobusiness models. Amply illustrated, it contains over 350 tables and figures. Questions, exercises, and extensive references accompany each chapter. A solutions manual and figure slides are available with qualifying course adoption. Catalog no. K12108, December 2010, 689 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4746-6, $129.95 / £77.99 Also available as eBook
General Textbooks Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers Using Excel®, VBA, and MATLAB® Victor J. Law Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Covering a variety of applications, this text provides instruction on using numerical methods and Excel®/VBA for chemical and biomolecular engineering problems. It also includes an introduction to MATLAB® that is made easier to learn after studying the programming tools in previous chapters. Each chapter contains exercises and examples that show in detail how a particular numerical method or programming methodology can be implemented. "Did You Know" boxes are used to remind students of Excel features. A solutions manual and figures slides are available with qualifying course adoption. Catalog no. K16702, March 2013, 247 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7534-9, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as eBook
Systems Biology and Bioinformatics A Computational Approach Kayvan Najarian Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
Siamak Najarian and Shahriar Gharibzadeh Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Christopher N. Eichelberger University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
Emphasizing computational methods, this text reviews basic principles of molecular and cell biology using a system-oriented approach, with a brief description of the high-throughput biological experiments that produce databases. An ideal text for senior undergraduate and first-year graduate students, it presents techniques to discover genes, perform nucleotide and amino acid sequence matching, and estimate static gene dynamic pathways. Numerous examples and problem sets allow students to confidently explore practical systems biology applications using real biological data. A solutions manual is available with qualifying course adoption. Catalog no. 46500, April 2009, 190 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4650-2, $83.95 / £51.99
Technical Writing A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists Phillip A. Laplante The Pennsylvania State University, Malvern, USA
Featuring figures, tables, graphics, bulleted lists, and equations, this text explains how to write, edit, and publish materials of a technical nature, including books, articles, and reports, as well as blogs, social networks, and other electronic media. Written by a renowned engineer and author, this guide complements the traditional writer’s reference manuals and other books on technical writing. It aids in understanding the practical considerations of writing technical content, using first-hand examples to illustrate how a publication originates, and depict various challenges and solutions. Catalog no. K11106, July 2011, 250 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-2085-8, $43.95 / £28.99 Also available as eBook
Also available as eBook
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