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Chemical Engineering Textbooks
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
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CONTENTS Chemical Processing & Design ..............................3 Transport Phenomena ............................................8 Fuels & Petrochemicals ..........................................9 Renewable & Alternative Energy ..........................11 Sustainability ........................................................13 Page 3
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Biotechnology ......................................................15 MEMS & NEMS ....................................................18 Materials................................................................20 General..................................................................21
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Chemical Processing & Design Chemical Reaction Engineering
Beyond the Fundamentals
Modeling and Design
L.K. Doraiswamy
Vishwamitra Research Institute, Clarendon Hills, Illinois, USA
Iowa State University, Ames, USA
Deniz Uner Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
This up-to-date textbook fills a longstanding gap for graduate courses in chemical reaction engineering. It explores the interplay between transport processes and reaction kinetics, multiphase reactions and reactors, and optimization and reactor stability. The book includes a brief review of major concepts, describes chemical kinetics and its relation to thermodynamics and transport phenomena, and addresses reactor classification and reactor design for increasingly complex situations. It helps readers to develop the facility to apply engineering analysis to a representative spectrum of industrially important reaction engineering problems. Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.
Selected Contents: Fundamentals Revisited Reactions and reactors: Basic concepts Complex reactions and reactors Nonideal reactor analysis Residence time distribution Building on Fundamentals Rates and equilibria: The thermodynamic and extrathermodynamic approaches Theory of chemical kinetics in the bulk and on the surface Reactions with an interface: Mass and heat transfer effects Laboratory reactors: Collection and analysis of the data Beyond the Fundamentals Fixed-bed reactor design for solid catalyzed fluid-phase reactions Fluidized-bed reactor design for solid catalyzed fluid-phase reactions Gas–solid noncatalytic reactions and reactors Gas–liquid and liquid–liquid reactions and reactors Multiphase reactions and reactors Membrane-assisted reactor engineering Combo reactors: Distillation column Reactors Homogeneous catalysis Phase-transfer catalysis Forefront of the chemical reaction engineering field Index Catalog no. K11525, July 2013, 578 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3122-9, $129.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Batch Processing Urmila Diwekar
"… timely as there are only very few texts dealing with the subject in a unified manner." ––Dominique Bonvin, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
"… comprehensive coverage of batch processing. … could become a 'standard text'." ––Richard Turton, West Virginia University, Morgantown
The time-dependent nature of batch processes results in challenging scheduling and planning problems. Further, every unit encounters optimal control problems. This book provides basics to solve these problems. It is intended as a textbook for graduate-level batch process courses as well as a reference book for researchers and practitioners. • Offers a detailed treatment of unit operations in batch and bioprocessing • Gives basics about design, modeling, and optimization of batch process systems • Presents an overview of computer-aided design packages • Includes examples, case studies, and over 100 homework problems • Covers pharmaceutical processes, food processes, and bioprocess technology A solutions and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction Numerical Methods for Integration Batch Reactors Batch Distillation Optimization and Optimal Control Batch Absorption Batch Extraction Batch Adsorption Batch Chromatography Batch Crystallization Batch Drying Batch Filtration Batch Centrifugation Batch Scheduling and Planning Batch Process Simulation Bibliography Index Catalog no. K12823, February 2014, 268 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6119-6, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
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Chemical Processing & Design Chemical Reaction Engineering
Fundamentals of Automatic Process Control
Essentials, Exercises and Examples
Uttam Ray Chaudhuri
Martin Schmal
University of Calcutta, India
Utpal Ray Chaudhuri
UFRJ - COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India
This is a concise and accessible textbook treating the essentials of kinetics, catalysis, and chemical reactor engineering. Each part of theory is supported with worked examples and exercises. It contains a unique part on applied kinetic and reactor experiments in laboratory practice. Teacher support material is available.
This book provides an integrated introduction to the hardware and software of automatic control systems. It solves problems from the GATE examination and provides explanations for each solution. It also includes various examples of control systems commonly used in plants, Laplacian mathematics with solutions, as well as virtual laboratory software.
• Presents the essentials of kinetics and chemical reactor engineering for undergraduate students • Features a concise and didactic approach with over 70 resolved examples and many exercises
• Includes Laplacian mathematics with brief mathematical solutions as well as computer solutions
• Includes kinetics of complex, enzymatic, and polymerization reactions
• Explains each system separately in the Laplace domain, frequency domain, and finally in the time domain
• Gives comparative studies of different types of reactors, including heterogeneous reactors
• Presents common tuning methods both experimental and theoretical in a single chapter
• Provides coverage of the application of theory in laboratory practice with kinetic and reactor experiments
• Elaborates advanced control techniques with practical examples and problems
Selected Contents: Definitions and Stoichiometry. Chemical Equilibrium. Kinetic of Reactions. Molar Balance in Open and Closed Systems with Chemical Reaction. Determination of Kinetic Parameters. Kinetics of Multiple Reactions. Nonelementary Reactions. Polymerization Reactions. Kinetics of Liquid-Phase Reactions. Heterogeneous Reaction Kinetics. Kinetic Exercises. Elementary Concepts of the Collision Theory. Catalysis: Analyzing Variables Influencing the Catalytic Properties. Ideal Reactors. Specific Reactors. Comparison of Reactors. Combination of Reactors. Transport Phenomena in Heterogeneous Systems. Catalyst Deactivation. Exercises Reactors and Heterogeneous Reactors. Multiphase Reacting Systems. Heterogeneous Reactors. Biomass—Thermal and Catalytic Processes. Nonideal Reactors. Experimental Practice. Catalog no. K14107, February 2014, 682 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-69538-1 $89.95 / £57.99
• Provides selected problems, solutions, and explanations of GATE Examinations from 2002 to 2012 Includes an associated Windows simulator, Virtual Lab, on CD-ROM. Virtual Lab which can be run as a control laboratory for understanding various open-loop, closed-loop systems with varieties of disturbances, control valves, and processes
Selected Contents: An Introduction to Automatic Process Control Open-Loop Process Dynamics and Transfer Functions Disturbances and Responses Process Control Loop System and Analysis Control Loop Analysis Tuning of PID Controllers Advanced Control Strategies Virtual Laboratory Computer Control Selected Problems and Solutions of GATE Examinations from 2002 to 2012 Catalog no. K14975, October 2012, 303 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1420-1, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
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Chemical Processing & Design Introduction to Process Control Second Edition
Optimal Control for Chemical Engineers
Jose A. Romagnoli
Simant Ranjan Upreti
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ahmet Palazoglu University of California, Davis, USA
“… contains the essential material for a first course on process control at an elementary level and I highly recommend it to instructors who [teach this] course at this level.” —Mehmet C. Camurdan, Bog ˘aziçi University, Turkey
This classroom-tested text provides a bridge between the traditional view of process control and the current, expanded role by blending conventional topics with a broader perspective of more integrated process operation, control, and information systems. Addressing issues in today’s teaching of process control, this second edition updates and expands the content of its predecessor with 50 percent more exercises and many application examples of control problems. MATLAB® toolboxes can be accessed from the authors’ websites. Offers unique perspectives on contemporary process control.
This text begins by introducing various examples of optimal control, such as batch distillation and chemotherapy, and the basic concepts of optimal control, including functionals and differentials. It then analyzes the notion of optimality, describes the ubiquitous Lagrange multipliers, and presents the celebrated Pontryagin principle of optimal control. Building on this foundation, the author examines different types of optimal control problems as well as the required conditions for optimality. He also describes important numerical methods and computational algorithms for solving a wide range of optimal control problems, including periodic processes. • Presents the necessary mathematical background using numerous examples • Includes key mathematical results along with their derivations • Focuses on problem formulation and solving
• Contains many innovative teaching and learning principles
• Incorporates detailed computational algorithms and solutions of several example problems
• Presents application examples of control problems, including regulatory control of continuous processes, advanced control configurations, and operations involving a number of sequences in conjunction with conventional regulatory loops
• Devotes a whole chapter to periodic optimal control
• Provides MATLAB toolboxes and simulation examples on the book’s website A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction Modeling for Control Process Analysis Feedback Control Model-Based Control Multivariable Control Control in Modern Manufacturing Appendices Index Additional reading and exercises appear at the end of each section.
Catalog no. K12554, February 2012, 643 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5486-0, $149.95 / £95.00
• Contains end-of-chapter bibliographies and exercises A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction Fundamental Concepts Optimality in Optimal Control Problems Lagrange Multipliers Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle Different Types of Optimal Control Problems Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems Optimal Periodic Control Mathematical Review Index Catalog no. K11771, November 2012, 305 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3894-5, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
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Chemical Processing & Design Principles of Chemical Engineering Processes
Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry
Nayef Ghasem
Third Edition
United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain
Redhouane Henda Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Written in a clear, concise style, this text provides an introduction to chemical process principles. It meets the needs of advanced undergraduates with detailed information on materials and energy balances that arise in connection to chemical reactions. With its wide coverage across the biomechanical and electromechanical fields, the book is also suitable as a reference for professional engineers. It introduces the numerical methods used to solve equations fundamental to more advanced topics. A solutions manual covering problems presented in the text and other pedagogical features are available for qualified instructors. An accompanying CD includes software and additional exercises. • Uses simple, concise language suitable for an introductory-level course • Discusses calculations of potential, internal, kinetic, and enthalpy changes • Reviews biochemical and electrochemical fields • Presents end-of-chapter problems, examples, and case studies • Features a CD-ROM with educational software and additional exercises A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption
John Leonard AstraZeneca, Macclesfield, UK
Barry Lygo and Garry Procter University of Manchester, UK
With an emphasis on the most up-to-date techniques commonly used in organic synthesis, this third edition reference draws on the extensive experience of the authors and their association with some of the world’s leading laboratories of synthetic organic chemistry. Written mainly for graduate and advanced undergraduate students as well as industrial organic chemists, this book provides sufficient guidance to allow the researcher to carry out reactions under conditions that offer the highest chance of success. It offers fully updated information and re-drawn figures to illustrate the information at the highest possible standard. Catalog no. K12806, January 2013, 356 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6097-7 $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Technology Tapio O. Salmi Abo Akademi, Abo-Turku, Finland
Jyri-Pekka Mikkola
Selected Contents:
Umea University, Sweden and Abo Akademi, Abo-Turku, Finland
Introduction. Process Units and Degrees of Freedom Analysis. Material Balance in Single Unit Processes. Multiple-Unit Process Calculations. Material Balances in Reactive Processes. Multiple Systems Involve Reaction, Recycle, and Purge. Energy Balance without Reaction. Energy Balances with Reaction. Combined Material and Energy Balances. Unsteady-State Material and Energy Balances. Appendix. Index.
Johan P. Warna
Catalog no. 8013X, September 2008, 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8013-1, $113.95 / £73.99 Also available as an eBook
Abo Akademi, Abo-Turku, Finland
The latest volume in our highly respected Chemical Industries Series, this advanced text defines the qualitative aspects that affect the selection of an industrial chemical reactor and couples various reactor models to the case-specific kinetic expressions for various chemical processes. Special attention is given to the exact formulation and derivation of mass and energy balances and numeric solutions accompany each formula. A collection of exercises and solved problems is included. Of significant value to professionals beyond the classroom, mathematical methods and numerical strategies, estimation methods for physical properties, and correlation equations are included in the appendices. Catalog no. 92685, August 2010, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9268-4, $129.95 / £41.99 Also available as an eBook
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Chemical Processing & Design Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering
Chemical and Energy Process Engineering Sigurd Skogestad
Nayef Ghasem
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain
Written in an easy-to-read style, this textbook is intended for second year chemical engineering courses, but is intentionally designed to be of continuing use to practicing engineers. The author, a dynamic systems expert, approaches the introductory material in a fundamental way. He provides a thorough grounding in basic mass and energy balances and highlights their importance. He also covers timely topics such as basic thermodynamics and analysis of energy efficiency. Especially popular with students, the pedagogic approaches in this book have been classroom-tested for a decade of semesters. A solutions manual is available for instructors and additional problems are posted on the web.
This text teaches how to solve common chemical engineering unit operations. Adhering to the ABET criteria, the book gives students the tools needed to solve real problems involving thermodynamics and fluid-phase equilibria, fluid flow, material and energy balances, heat exchangers, reactor design, distillation, absorption, and liquid–liquid extraction. Each chapter contains a theoretical description of process units followed by numerous examples that are solved step by step via hand calculations and computer simulation using Hysys/Unisim, PRO/II, Aspen Plus, and SuperPro Designer. Catalog no. K12271, August 2011, 523 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-4999-6 $72.95 / £46.99
Catalog no. 8755X, August 2008, 440 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8755-0, $104.95 / £66.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Batch Distillation
Introduction to Chemical Reactor Analysis
Simulation, Optimal Design, and Control, Second Edition
Second Edition
Urmila Diwekar
R.E. Hayes and J.P. Mmbaga
Vishwamitra Research Institute, Clarendon Hills, Illinois, USA
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Helping readers gain a solid, hands-on background in batch processing, this bestselling text explains how to effectively design, synthesize, and make operations decisions related to batch processes. Along with updating the references, this edition features special sections on complex column configurations and azeotropic, extractive, and reactive distillation. It also includes a new chapter on various kinds of uncertainties in batch distillation and a new chapter describing software packages for simulation, design, optimization, and control. A solutions manual is available for qualifying instructors.
Written for students and professionals interested in chemical reactions engineering, this second edition involves a considerable expansion to make it suitable for a two-semester undergraduate course in chemical reaction engineering. Additional material focuses on catalysis and catalytic reactors, only briefly covered in the previous edition. The authors expand upon adsorption and include a new chapter on transport process in catalysis. The book offers a comprehensive appendix of numerical methods and an appendix with reference to the popular commercial software packages Polymath, MATLAB®, and COMSOL Multiphysics.
Catalog no. K12825, December 2011, c. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6122-6, $167.95 / £107.00 Also available as an eBook Not available for sale in Canada
Catalog no. K13005, October 2012, 564 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6700-6 $99.95 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook
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Transport Phenomena New!
Transport Phenomena Fundamentals Third Edition Joel L. Plawsky Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA
This text is designed for a streamlined two-term transport phenomena course. The first part of the book takes students through the balance equation in the context of diffusive transport. Each chapter adds a term to the balance equation, highlighting the effects of that addition on the physical behavior of the system and the underlying mathematical description. The second half of the book builds on the balance equation description of diffusive transport by introducing convective transport terms, focusing on partial rather than ordinary differential equations. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.
Selected Contents: Part I Transport Fundamentals and 1-D Systems. Introductory Concepts. Flows, Gradients, and Transport Properties. Transport Properties of Materials. 1-D, Steady-State, Diffusive Transport. Generation. Accumulation. Conservative Transport and Waves. Transport Enhancement Using Extended Surfaces. Part II Multidimensional, Convective, and Radiative Transport. Multidimensional Effects, Potential Functions, and Fields. Convective Transport: Microscopic Balances. Macroscopic or Engineering Balances. Convective Transport on a Flat Plate (Laminar Boundary Layers). Convective Transport: Systems with Curvature. Turbulent Boundary Layers. Radiative Transport. Nomenclature. Appendix A: Vector Mathematics. Appendix B: Mathematical Functions. Appendix C: First Eigenvalue for 1-D Transient Conduction with External Convection. Appendix D: Exact Solution to the Boundary Layer Equations. Appendix E: Blackbody Emission Functions. Appendix F: Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Materials. References. Appendix G: Comsol® Modules. Index.
Diffusion and Mass Transfer James S. Vrentas and Christine M. Vrentas The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
Presenting diffusion and mass transfer from both engineering and fundamental science perspectives, this book offers a comprehensive summary of the theory and applies that theory to obtain detailed solutions to a wide variety of problems. It covers conservation laws and field equations, boundary conditions, constitutive equations, parameters in constitutive equations, and mathematical solution methods including Green’s functions. The authors pay particular attention to polymer mass transfer, and they also discuss the free-volume theory for prediction of self-diffusion coefficients. • Analyzes a wide variety of mass transfer problems • Explains and shows the use of solution methods such as Green’s functions, perturbation methods, and similarity transformations • Discusses the free-volume theory for the prediction of self-diffusion coefficients for polymer–solvent systems Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction. Conservation Laws and Field Equations. Boundary Conditions. Constitutive Equations. Parameters in Constitutive Equations. Special Behaviors of Polymer–Penetrant Systems. Mathematical Apparatus. Solution Strategy for Mass Transfer Problems. Solutions of a General Set of Mass Transfer Problems. Perturbation Solutions of Mass Transfer Moving Boundary Problems. Diffusion and Reaction. Transport in Nonporous Membranes. Analysis of Sorption and Desorption. Dispersion and Chromatography. Effects of Pressure Gradients on Diffusion: Wave Behavior and Sedimentation. Viscoelastic Diffusion. Transport with Moving Reference Frames. Appendix: Vector and Tensor Notation.
Catalog no. K15365, January 2014, 838 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5533-4, $139.95 / £44.99
Catalog no. K15048, December 2012, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1568-0, $139.95 / £89.00
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
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Transport Phenomena
Fuels & Petrochemicals
Computational Transport Phenomena for Engineering Analyses
Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties
Richard C. Farmer, Ralph W. Pike, Gary C. Cheng, and Yen-Sen Chen
Abhijit Y. Dandekar
With the dramatic advancement of computer technology, students in chemical engineering must have a firm understanding of complex transport phenomena analysis. Bringing together a wealth of professional and instructional experience, this graduate-level curriculum focuses on the current concepts of fluid mechanics, turbulent flow, and multiphase flow. It stresses a problem-solving approach that incorporates a reliance on the Computational Fluid Dynamics Code (CFD). The text presents one code at a time so that students are better able to understand the technique, and the book includes an appendix with problems and cases. Access to CTP code is provided and examples are available online. Catalog no. 67567, June 2009, 530 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6756-9, $152.95 / £41.99
Second Edition University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Along with new practice problems and detailed solved examples, this edition covers Stone II three-phase relative permeability model, unconventional oil and gas resources, low salinity water injection, saturated reservoirs and production trends of five reservoir fluids, impact of mud filtrate invasion and heavy organics on samples, and flow assurance problems due to solid components of petroleum. It also offers better plots for determining oil and water Corey exponents from relative permeability data.
Features: • Provides well-balanced coverage of rock and fluid properties, supplemented with key references, laboratory methods, and graphical illustrations
Also available as an eBook
• Builds a strong foundation in petroleum engineering
Mass Transfer and Separation Processes
• Presents recombination calculations for determining live reservoir fluid composition, the LBC method for determining viscosity, and the parachor method for determining interfacial tension
Principles and Applications, Second Edition Diran Basmadjian University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Revised and expanded, this second edition of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes: Principles and Applications provides a complete theoretical introduction to mass transfer theory and separation processes and discusses various biomedical, engineering, and environmental applications. It features over 100 real-world worked examples, illustrative figures, end-of-chapter exercises, and a solutions manual for qualifying instructors. Avoiding an overly mathematical presentation of material, the author conveys a sense of scale in order to develop the art of simplifying assumptions, perform proper modeling, and arrive at quick first estimates. Photographs of actual installations are included.
A solutions manual and PowerPoint® slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.
Selected Contents: Introduction. Preamble to Petroleum Reservoir Rock Properties. Porosity. Absolute Permeability. Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks. Fluid Saturation. Interfacial Tension and Wettability. Capillary Pressure. Relative Permeability. Introduction to Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Introduction to Phase Behavior. Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Sampling of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Compositional Analysis of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. PVT Analysis and Reservoir Fluid Properties. Vapor–Liquid Equilibria. Properties of Formation Waters. Catalog no. K13547, February 2013, 544 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7636-7, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. 51598, April 2007, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5159-9, $109.95 / £69.99
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Fuels & Petrochemicals Fuels, Energy, and the Environment Ghazi A. Karim University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
With an emphasis on how fuels and combustion impact economic and environmental interests, this text offers an up-to-date and balanced overview of the whole field of fuel science and technology. It explores the composition and combustion characteristics of a wide range of fuels, examines the dependence on combustion devices for the exploitation of fuel resources for producing heat and power, and discusses increasing the efficiency of energy production and use. The text also addresses the negative impact on the environment from fuel-consuming devices and activities associated with fuel and energy applications. • Offers material that relates to conventional engineering courses on thermodynamics, combustion, environmental engineering, chemistry, and materials science • Contains many solved examples, tables of supporting data, and figures • Includes a synopsis, homework problems, and further reading at the end of each chapter Solutions manual, figure slides, and PowerPoint® slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction. Fuels in General. Fuels Classification. Fuel-Consuming Energy Systems. Stoichiometry and Thermodynamics. Chemical Kinetics of Fuel Combustion. Exhaust Emissions from the Combustion of Fuels. Combustion and Flames. Fire and Safety in Relation to Fuel Installations and Handling. Petroleum. Refining of Petroleum. Gasoline. Diesel Fuels and Some Other Liquid Fuels. Solid Fuels. Natural Gas and Other Gaseous Fuels. Alternative Fuels. Glossary. References. Index. Catalog no. K14763, November 2012, 361 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1017-3, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Petroleum Refining Technology and Economics, Fifth Edition James H. Gary Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA
Glenn E. Handwerk Consulting Chemical Engineer, Golden, Colorado, USA
Mark J. Kaiser Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
Written by experts with both academic and professional experience, this book is an essential textbook for students and a vital resource for engineers. It features updated data and addresses changes in refinery feedstocks, product distribution, and processing requirements resulting from federal and state legislation. Providing a detailed overview of today’s integrated fuels refinery, it discusses each major refining process, including feedstock preparation, operating costs, catalysts, yields, finished product properties, and economics. It also contains end-of-chapter problems and an ongoing case study. • Updates equipment cost, data, catalyst, chemical, and energy requirements for each process unit • Discusses product specification and new environmental regulations that will affect them • Examines crude oil properties and how they relate to refinery operations and processing costs • Covers the process operations of integrated refineries and the methods to meet air and water quality standards • Discusses the purpose of feedstocks, catalysts, operating conditions, and products of the main refinery processes A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction. Refinery Products. Refinery Feedstocks. Crude Distillation. Coking and Thermal Processes. Catalytic Cracking. Catalytic Hydrocracking. Hydroprocessing and Resid Processing. Hydrotreating. Catalytic Reforming and Isomerization. Alkylation and Polymerization. Product Blending. Supporting Processes. Refinery Economics and Planning. Lubricating Oil Blending Stocks. Petrochemical Feedstocks. Additives Production from Refinery Feedstocks. Cost Estimation. Economic Evaluation. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. 7038, March 2007, 488 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7038-0, $104.95 / £66.99
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Renewable & Alternative Energy Introduction to Biomass Energy Conversions Sergio Capareda Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
Designed primarily for students taking a senior or firstyear graduate bioenergy course, this textbook has a full range of learning features and instructor resources. It examines complete characterization for biomass for both the biochemical and thermochemical conversion processes and discusses individual conversion processes such as biodiesel, bioethanol, and biogas production. The book also covers liquid fuel production from biomass, as well as economics, environmental, and sustainability issues.
Pedagogical Features • Contains chapter objectives, worked examples, and problems for each chapter • Provides more than 90 tables and 180 figures to describe various biomass types and conversion systems designs
Biomass to Renewable Energy Processes Edited by
Jay Cheng North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
An introduction to fundamental principles and practical applications, this book explains the theories of biological processes, biomass materials and logistics, and conversion technologies for bioenergy products such as biogas, ethanol, butanol, biodiesel, and synthetic gases. It discusses anaerobic digestion of waste materials, bioethanol and biobutanol production from starch and cellulose, and biodiesel production from plant oils. The text also covers pretreatment technologies, enzymatic reactions, fermentation, and microbiological metabolisms and pathways. It explores the engineering principles of biomass gasification and pyrolysis and potential end-products. • Examines the economic considerations of converting biomass into renewable energy
• Includes a comprehensive glossary of terms in biomass resources and conversions
• Summarizes organic and carbohydrate chemistry concepts followed by a discussion of the structure and chemistry of different types of biomass
• Presents conversion designs that students can chose from and build with accompanying calculations for sizing
• Discusses the steps of a biomass supply chain and considerations that must be addressed when designing a logistics network
• Supplies a complete course syllabus, lab manual, and instructional PowerPoint slides on an accompanying website
• Describes a multitude of biomass sources, from waste matter to crops, and the chemistry associated with each
Selected Contents:
• Contains end-of-chapter problems to build a quantitative understanding of the biological and chemical processes involved
Biomass as an Energy Resource: Introduction. Sources of Biomass Available for Energy. Physicochemical Conversion Process: Biodiesel Production. Biochemical Conversion Processes: Biogas Production from Animal Manure. Thermochemical Conversion Processes: Torrefaction. Pyrolysis. Gasification. Biomass Combustion and Co-Firing with Coal. Biomass Liquefaction and Conversion into Liquid Fuels. Environmental, Economic and Sustainability Issues: Environment and Air Quality Issues Concerning Biorefineries. Role of Biomass as a Renewable Fuel. Catalog no. K14950, July 2013, 645 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1333-4, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction. Biomass Chemistry. Biomass Resources. Biomass Logistics. Kinetics and Microbiology of Biological Processes. Anaerobic Digestion for Biogas Production. Biological Process for Ethanol Production. Biological Process for Butanol Production. Chemical Conversion Process for Biodiesel Production. Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass to Power and Fuels. Index. Catalog no. 9517X, December 2009, 517 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9517-3, $113.95 / £73.99 Also available as an eBook
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Renewable & Alternative Energy Principles of Sustainable Energy
Introduction to Renewable Energy
Frank Kreith
Vaughn Nelson
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA (retired)
West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA
Susan Krumdieck Jan F. Kreider
A comprehensive overview of renewable energy, this textbook covers energy sources, resource assessment, and applications. It includes chapters on solar thermal energy, photovoltaics, concentrating collectors, wind energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy, as well as water energy through mini hydro, ocean waves, tides, and currents. The text discusses large and small systems for generation of electricity, including village power. It also examines institutional issues such as policies, legislation, regulations, and environmental issues, and considers economic analyses of the different renewable energies. It includes end-of-chapter questions, and a solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption.
Kreider & Associates, Boulder, Colorado, USA
“… examines the practical issues surrounding energy efficiency, and renewable energy concepts and systems. And a more appropriate author for such a work could not be found … combines the expertise earned from decades of practical and scholarly research with the most up-to-date analysis of the energy scene.” —From the Foreword by Dan E. Arvizu, President, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, and Manager and Operator of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Offering an interdisciplinary approach, this book presents a comprehensive overview of the many renewable energy possibilities available, which include biomass and biofuels, solar thermal conversion, hydrogen cells, and wind energy conversion. Each chapter concludes with problem sets to reinforce concepts and applications. • Presents new material on wind and biomass energies • Provides updated information on solar energy • Includes examples and end-of-chapter problems that use international data to reinforce ideas A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.
Selected Contents: Introduction to Sustainable Energy Economics of Energy Generation and Conservation Systems Wind Energy Capturing Solar Energy through Biomass Fundamentals of Solar Radiation Photovoltaics Solar Heating and Cooling of Buildings Solar Process Heat and Thermal Power Passive Solar Heating, Cooling, and Daylighting Energy Storage Ocean Energy Conversion Transportation Index
Catalog no. K11553, April 2011, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3449-7, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as an eBook
Introduction to Biofuels David M. Mousdale Beocarta Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland
Providing complete coverage of biofuels, this new textbook discusses the multidisciplinary study of bioenergy and the potential for replacing fossil fuels in the coming decades. Presenting numerous examples throughout the text, this book explores key technologies, including biotechnology and genetic reprogramming of microorganisms. The author also examines the future of chemistry from a broad perspective, addressing the economic, social, and environmental issues that are extremely important to any study of bioenergy as a route to sustainable development. Catalog no. K10607, July 2010, 455 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1207-5, $129.95 / £83.00
Catalog no. K10742, December 2010, 895 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1407-9, $129.95 / £83.00 Also available as an eBook
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Sustainability Green Chemical Engineering An Introduction to Catalysis, Kinetics, and Chemical Processes Sundaramurthy Suresh MANIT, Dept. of Engineering, Bhopal, India
S. Sundaramoorthy Pondicherry Engineering, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, India
This book deals with energy and material balance applied to chemical reactors with catalysis to achieve a given purpose, including fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering. The authors explain reactor design fundamentals, from simple kinetic models to complex reactor systems involving heat/material transfer or multiple reaction contents. The book spans the full range from fundamentals of kinetics and heterogeneous catalysis via modern experimental and theoretical results of model studies to their equivalent large-scale industrial production processes. • Covers chemical/biochemical processes with a green/sustainable practice • Fills the gap for a text for introductory chemical engineering, applied heterogenous catalysis, and green chemistry • Targets the chemistry–chemical engineering interface for engineering audiences • Summarizes concepts of green processes for chemical engineers • Includes detailed case studies with practical and real data along with homework problems and MATLAB® data A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.
Selected Contents: Introduction to Catalysis. Surface Reactivity. Reactors. Kinetics. Reaction Mechanisms. Analysis of Rate Data. Green Chemistry versus Green Catalysis. Homogeneous Reactors and Catalysis (Single-Phase Reactors). Heterogeneous Reactors and Catalysis. Heterogeneous Non-Catalytic Reactors. Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors. Predictive Modeling in Heterogeneous Catalysis. Alternative Reactor Technology. Preparation of Solid Catalysis. Preparation of Supported Catalysts. Catalyst Characterization. Chemical Processes and its Catalysis. Oil Refining Petrochemistry. Case Studies. Solved Examples. Summary. Bibliography. Catalog no. K15526, April 2014, 433 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5883-0, $129.95 / £82.00
Process Integration for Resource Conservation Dominic C. Y. Foo University of Nottingham, Malaysia
Ideal for students preparing for real-world work as well as industrial practitioners, this text presents state-of-the-art, cost-effective techniques, including pinch analysis and mathematical optimization, for numerous conservation problems encountered in industrial plants. Following the holistic philosophy of process integration, the author emphasizes the goal of setting performance targets ahead of detailed design. • Guides readers in using state-of-the-art process integration techniques • Includes case studies that illustrate the implementation of resource conservation initiatives in industrial plants • Provides worksheets, calculation files, and demo software for download at www.crcpress.com Solutions manual, lecture slides, electronic files of figures, and interactive solutions available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction. Data Extraction for Resource Conservation. INSIGHT-BASED PINCH ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES: Graphical Targeting Techniques for Direct Reuse/Recycle. Algebraic Targeting Techniques for Direct Reuse/Recycle. Process Changes for Resource Conservation Networks. Algebraic Targeting Approach for Material Regeneration Networks. Network Design and Evolution Techniques. Targeting for Waste Treatment and Total Material Networks. Synthesis of Pretreatment Network. Synthesis of Inter-Plant Resource Conservation Networks. Synthesis of Batch Material Networks. MATHEMATICAL OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES: Synthesis of Resource Conservation Networks: A Superstructural Approach. Automated Targeting Model for Direct Reuse/Recycle Networks. Automated Targeting Model for Material Regeneration and Pretreatment Networks. Automated Targeting Model for Waste Treatment and Total Material Networks. Automated Targeting Model for Inter-Plant Resource Conservation Networks. Automated Targeting Model for Batch Material Networks. Appendix. Index. Catalog no. K12774, July 2012, 606 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6048-9, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
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Sustainability Sustainable Process Engineering
Environmental Chemistry in Society
Concepts, Strategies, Evaluation and Implementation
Second Edition
David Brennan Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
This book introduces chemical engineering students to key concepts, strategies, and evaluation methods in sustainable process engineering. The book is intended to supplement chemical engineering texts in fundamentals and design, rather than replace them. The key objectives of the book are to widen system boundaries beyond a process plant to include utility supplies, interconnected plants, wider industry sectors, and entire product life cycles; identify waste and its sources in process and utility systems and adopt waste minimization strategies; broaden evaluation to include technical, economic, safety, environmental, social, and sustainability criteria and to integrate the assessments; and broaden the engineering horizon to incorporate planning, development, design, and operations. Catalog no. N10505, October 2012, 107 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4316-78-1, $149.95 / £95.00
James M. Beard Catawba College, Salisbury, North Carolina, USA
This book takes a non-mathematical approach to the material, presenting the chemistry of the environment in a way accessible to students who have little or no science background. It relates the fundamentals of chemistry to contemporary environmental issues. The author covers the essential background material in science, chemistry, and toxicology. He then applies scientific principles to environmental problems concerning energy, air quality, the atmosphere, water quality, and waste management. Updated throughout, the second edition includes a glossary of terms and revised end-of-chapter questions. Catalog no. K14156, June 2013, 409 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-9267-1 $79.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Introduction to Green Chemistry Second Edition Albert Matlack University of Delaware, Newark, USA
In the nearly ten years since the publication of the bestselling first edition of Introduction to Green Chemistry, interest in green chemistry and clean processes has grown so much that topics, such as fluorous biphasic catalysis, metal organic frameworks, and process intensification, barely mentioned in the first edition, have become major areas of research. In addition, government funding has ramped up the development of fuel cells and biofuels. It reflects the evolving focus from pollution remediation to pollution prevention. Copiously illustrated with over 800 figures, this second edition provides an update from the frontiers of the field. Catalog no. 78119, April 2010, 599 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7811-4, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook
Fundamentals of Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry Sustainable Science, Fourth Edition Stanley E. Manahan University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
This book covers universitylevel environmental chemistry, with toxicological chemistry integrated throughout the content. This new edition of a bestseller provides an updated text with an increased emphasis on sustainability and green chemistry. Organized based on the five spheres of Earth’s environment—the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and anthrosphere—the book presents discussions of each sphere based upon the nature, pollution, and sustainability of the sphere. For readers needing additional basic chemistry background, the book includes two chapters on general chemistry and organic chemistry. Catalog no. K15260, February 2013, 614 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5316-3, $89.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
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Biotechnology New!
Rheology and Fracture Mechanics of Foods Ton van Vliet Combining rheology and fracture mechanics, this textbook describes how rheological and fracture properties of foods are related to their structure. Divided into three parts, the first part reviews basic concepts and emphasizes aspects relevant for studying food products, raw materials, and intermediate products. The second part introduces measuring methods and the equipment used for studying mechanical properties of food products, highlighting tests that deliver reproducible and interpretable data. The final part investigates the relation between rheological and fracture behavior of matter and physical structure at the relevant molecular, mesoscopic, and macroscopic length scales. • Covers how to select appropriate test methods for food products • Includes a comprehensive overview of measuring methods and tests suited for food systems • Outlines the connections between fundamental aspects of rheology and fracture mechanics and the structure of common food products Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction Rheology and fracture mechanics in food science and technology Phenomenology Basic Notions Rheological quantities, types of deformation Descriptive rheology Yielding and fracture behavior Experimental Evaluation Introduction Measuring methods Measuring apparatus Relation Between Structure and Mechanical Properties General aspects Dispersions Dilute dispersions Macromolecular solutions Gels Filled gels Solids Foam / Sponge structures Wet cellular materials Catalog no. K11332, September 2013, 363 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2703-1, $89.95 / £57.99
Concepts in Cereal Chemistry Finlay MacRitchie Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA
Rather than presenting a lot of information about the field, Concepts in Cereal Chemistry stimulates critical thinking by emphasizing the important concepts related to the science. Written by distinguished researcher and teacher Dr. Finlay MacRitchie, this compact and reader-friendly book focuses mainly on cereal chemistry, but also incorporates relevant theory from the basic sciences, such as physics and genetics. This wellorganized resource provides students and researchers in both academia and industry with the information they need to tackle problems likely to arise in cereal research. Catalog no. K11615, May 2010, 197 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3582-1 $76.95 / £48.99 Also available as an eBook
Learning Bio-MicroNanotechnology Mel I. Mendelson Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, USA
A primary text for undergraduate nanotechnology courses, this book is designed for students who lack a cross-disciplinary background and knowledge of micro- and nano-technology. Clearly and concisely written, it contains many examples, questions, and problems divided into three hierarchical learning skills: understanding, analyzing, and evaluating the concepts. The author attempts to break down the boundaries between biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and ethics. He accomplishes this by co-mingling the vocabulary and concepts of these disciplines around bio-applications. Copiously illustrated, this new text leans heavily towards biological and biomedical applications and includes a comprehensive chapter on ethics. Catalog no. 82035, January 2013, 611 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8203-6, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
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Biotechnology Introduction to Instrumentation in Life Sciences Prakash Singh Bisen Defense Research & Development Establishment, Gwalior, India
Anjana Sharma Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur, India
Addressing aspects of instrumentation that hold the keys for cutting-edge research and innovative applications, this book is designed to serve a wide range of students and researchers in diversified fields of life sciences, including pharmacy, biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry, and environmental sciences. The book is unique in its broad subject coverage, incorporating fundamental techniques as well as applications of modern molecular and proteomic tools that are the basis for state-of-theart research. It includes well-illustrated diagrams to explain the principles and theories behind the instruments described. Catalog no. K14893, September 2012, 383 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-1240-5 $79.95 / £49.99
Biotechnology Operations Principles and Practices Michael J. Roy University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Applying the author's experience teaching the subject and working in both industry and government, this book introduces key biotechnology developments and covers critical elements, such as project management, regulatory affairs, quality assurance, biomanufacturing, quality control, nonclinical safety testing, and clinical evaluation. The author discusses these subjects in relation to development planning, process and pathways, management of integrated projects, and the business and economic aspects of development. Using simple language and explanatory figures, it describes the functional areas that must be successfully integrated to safely and efficiently bring a biotechnology product to market. Catalog no. K11486, March 2011, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3027-7, $104.95 / £66.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
A Laboratory Course in Tissue Engineering
Healthcare Biotechnology
Melissa Kurtis Micou
Dimitris Dogramatzis
University of California, San Diego, USA
Dogramatzis Pharmacy, Athens, Greece
Dawn Kilkenny
Focusing on the management of healthcare related biotechnology, this text is a practical guide assisting all healthcare-related biotech professionals in their day-today activities. It contains chapters on bioeconomy, biolicensing, biofinance, biopartnering, biodrug research, biomarket planning, biopromotion, product life cycle management, and biobusiness models. Written by a well-established professional and registered pharmacist, this reference is appropriate for graduate students and industry professionals. It contains over 350 tables and figures and end-of-section problems accompany each chapter. Extensive references follow each chapter.
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This book fills the need for a hands-on lab manual for tissue engineering instruction. Providing more than a semester’s worth of activities, it contains 15 standalone experiments based on both classic and modern approaches. Experiments encompass a set of widely applicable techniques: cell culture, microscopy, histology, immunohistochemistry, mechanical testing, soft lithography, and common biochemical assays. In addition to teaching these specific techniques, the experiments emphasize engineering analysis, mathematical modeling, and statistical experimental design. To minimize lab costs, experiments use equipment commonly found in labs equipped for tissue culture. Catalog no. K13694, August 2012, 304 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-7893-4 $59.95 / £38.99
A Practical Guide
Catalog no. K12108, December 2010, 689 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4746-6, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
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Biotechnology Biomedical Engineering Principles
Biotechnology Fundamentals
Second Edition
Manipal University, Dubai, UAE
Arthur B. Ritter, Vikki Hazelwood, Antonio Valdevit, and Alfred N. Ascione,
This textbook discusses the fundamentals of biotechnology as well as the latest developments such as stem cell research, cloning, biofuel, transgenic plants, genetically modified food or crops, pharmacogenomics, and nano-biotechnology. Incorporating extensive pedagogy into the content, the authors provide examples, end-of-chapter problems, case studies, and laboratory tutorials. They include definitions, historical perspectives, time lines, and major discoveries along with the major segments of biotechnology, products, current research and development, career prospects, ethical issues, and future trends.
Integrating engineering, medicine, biology, and physics, this book clearly defines basic principles in image processing and biomechanics, modeling physiological processes, and bioelectric signal analysis to build a solid understanding of devices and designs for improved functioning of the human body. It includes cutting-edge discussions of tissue engineering, cardiovascular components, bone regrowth, and nerve regeneration. Other topics include technologies at the forefront of cardiac care, such as total artificial hearts, left ventricular assist devices, and stents, as well as issues related to minimally invasive and robotic surgery, next-generation imaging devices, and nanodevices.
Firdos Alam Khan
Catalog no. K11059, September 2011, 608 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2009-4, $93.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K10621, May 2011, 540 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1232-7, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as an eBook
Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering Third Edition Ronald L. Fournier University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Exploring fundamental engineering and life science principles to uncover key concepts in biomedical engineering transport phenomena, this volume begins with a review of the basics of thermodynamics. It then examines the physical properties of body fluids and the cell membrane before moving on to topics such as properties of blood, solute transport, pharmacokinetic analysis, extracorporeal devices, tissue engineering, and bioartificial organs. Each chapter ends with problems to help clarify the material. Catalog no. K11304, August 2011, 483 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2670-6, $93.95 / £46.99 Also available as an eBook
Introduction to Food Process Engineering Albert Ibarz University of Lleida, Spain
Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas Washington State University, Pullman, USA
A basic introduction to the principles of food process engineering, this text covers the physical properties of food, traditional fluid mechanics, and heat transfer via conduction, convection, and radiation. It examines transport phenomena, momentum, energy and mass balances, as well as a new topic: macroscopic balances. Two chapters review the basic principles of physics to ensure comprehension of background material. Developed as a textbook for introductory courses in food engineering and food science programs, most chapters provide references and exercises to further understanding. Catalog no. K10455, February 2014, c. 712 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0918-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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Fundamentals of Microfabrication and Nanotechnology Third Edition, Three-Volume Set Marc J. Madou University of California, Irvine, USA
"… offers the widest and yet the most detailed coverage of all essential and fundamental aspects of microfabrication and nanotechnology. The author has done an excellent and remarkable job in synthesizing such diverse material under a single umbrella." —Suman Chakraborty, IIT Kharagpur, India
"Once again, Professor Madou has made an incredible contribution to the MEMS/NEMS global community in writing this series of books." —Nico de Rooij, Director, Institute of Microengineering, EPFL, Switzerland
"… [the new three-volume format] has the potential to become a 'classic' just like the one-volume predecessor… easy to read, and I found some concepts explained in ways I hadn’t heard before… Very ambitious, very informative, very good for teaching!" —Jorg P. Kutter, Technical University of Denmark
Contains color illustrations, worked-out example problems, and end-of-chapter problems. A solutions manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, and electronic figure files are available upon qualifying course adoption.
Selected Contents: Volume 1: Historical Note: The Ascent of Silicon, MEMS, and NEMS. Crystallography. Quantum Mechanics and the Band Theory of Solids. Silicon Single Crystal Is Still King. Photonics. Fluidics. Electrochemical and Optical Analytical Techniques. Volume 2: Lithography. Pattern Transfer with Subtractive Techniques. Pattern Transfer with Additive Techniques. Volume 3: From Traditional Manufacturing to Nanotechnology. Scaling Laws, Actuators, and Power and Brains in Miniature Devices.
The first volume offers a rigorous theoretical treatment of micro- and nanosciences, and includes sections on solid-state physics, quantum mechanics, crystallography, and fluidics. The second volume presents a very large set of manufacturing techniques for micro- and nanofabrication and covers different forms of lithography, material removal processes, and additive technologies. The third volume focuses on manufacturing techniques and applications of Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMS. Illustrated in color throughout, this seminal work is a cogent instructional text, providing classroom and self-learners with worked-out examples and end-of-chapter problems. The author characterizes and defines major research areas and illustrates them with examples pulled from the most recent literature and from his own work.
Catalog no. 3180, August 2011, 1992 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3180-0, $259.95 / £166.00
• Features recent developments in nano- and micromanufacturing techniques, DNA and protein arrays, fluidics, photonics, and actuators
Catalog no. 55119, June 2011, 656 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5511-5, $104.95 / £66.99
• Provides theoretical foundation for understanding the science behind MEMS and NEMS
Manufacturing Techniques for Microfabrication and Nanotechnology
• Explores the latest manufacturing techniques, including rapid prototyping and a wide variety of novel nanomanufacturing approaches • Offers thorough coverage of Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMS
From MEMS to Bio-MEMS and Bio-NEMS Manufacturing Techniques and Applications Catalog no. 5516X, June 2011, c. 650 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5516-0, $104.95 / £66.99
Solid-State Physics, Fluidics, and Analytical Techniques in Micro- and Nanotechnology
Catalog no. 55194, June 2011, 670 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5519-1, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as an eBook
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MEMS & NEMS BioMEMS Science and Engineering Perspectives Simona Badilescu and Muthukumaran Packirisamy Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Covering often overlooked areas in the field of BioMEMS, this volume spans topics associated with biomolecules and complex biological entities, as well as subjects directly linked to the design, fabrication, and characterization of devices. Because BioMEMS is an application-driven field, the book also highlights the concepts of lab-on-a-chip (LOC) and micro total analysis system ( TAS), along with their pertinence to the emerging point-of-care (POC) and point-of-need (PON) applications. Unlike other references, this text aids in the fundamental physicochemical understanding of biological processes relevant to the performance of various biosensing devices. Useful for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in engineering programs, the book includes problems in each chapter, in addition to case studies that provide real-life examples. • Provides a concise overview of BioMEMS principles • Incorporates modern applications • Covers fabrication techniques • Includes examples and problems in each chapter • Offers references, review questions, and case studies to aid with reader application A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption.
Selected Contents: Introduction Substrate Materials Used in BioMEMS Devices Biomolecules and Complex Biological Entities: Structure and Properties Engineering of Bioactive Surfaces Methods of Study and Characterization of Surface-Modified Substrates Biosensing Fundamentals Fabrication of BioMEMS Devices Introduction to Microfluidics BioMEMS: Life Science Applications Catalog no. K10877, April 2011, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1699-8, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as an eBook
Introduction to BioMEMS Albert Folch University of Washington, Seattle, USA
This classroom-tested book—in color throughout —covers the whole breadth of this dynamic field, including classical microfabrication, microfluidics, tissue engineering, cell-based and noncell-based devices, and implantable systems. It gives readers a real sense of how the field has grown by providing historical perspectives and covering the state of the art. The text contains problem sets, design challenges, key references, and over 400 color figures, most of which are from the original researchers. • Focuses on the essentials of microfabrication • Presents in-depth coverage of the techniques of cell/protein micropatterning • Gives a thorough presentation of microfluidics, including theory, designs, and historical perspective • Explains how BioMEMS technology can increase the biochemical and biophysical complexity of cell culture microenvironments • Discusses how BioMEMS devices can improve fluid handling and increase experimentation throughput • Provides a good overall vision of how implantable microdevices have evolved, covering the origin of the field and the newest devices • Includes over 400 color figures, problem sets, design challenges, and key references • Offers downloadable PowerPoint slides for instructors An instructor's manual is available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: How Do We Make Small Things? Micropatterning of Substrates and Cells Microfluidics. Molecular Biology on a Chip Cell-Based Chips for Biotechnology BioMEMS for Cell Biology Tissue Microengineering Implantable Microdevices Appendix Index Catalog no. K10966, August 2012, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1839-8, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
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Materials Introduction to Polymer Science and Chemistry
Physical Properties of Materials
A Problem-Solving Approach, Second Edition
Second Edition
Manas Chanda Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Industry and academia remain fascinated with the diverse properties and applications of polymers. However, most introductory books on this enormous and important field do not stress practical problem solving or include recent advances, which are critical for the modern polymer scientist-to-be. Updating the popular first edition of "the polymer book for the new millennium," Introduction to Polymer Science and Chemistry: A Problem-Solving Approach, Second Edition seamlessly integrates exploration of the fundamentals of polymer science and polymer chemistry.
See What’s New in the Second Edition: • Chapter on living/controlled radical polymerization, using a unique problem-solving approach • Chapter on polymer synthesis by "click" chemistry, using a unique problem-solving approach • Relevant and practical work-out problems and case studies • Examples of novel methods of synthesis of complex polymer molecules by exciting new techniques • Figures and schematics of the novel synthetic pathways described in the new examples A solutions manual and PowerPoint® slides are available with qualifying course adoption.
Selected Contents: Introductory Concepts. Chain Dimensions, Structures, and Transitional Phenomena. Polymers in Solution. Polymer Molecular Weights. Condensation (Step-Growth) Polymerization. Free Radical Polymerization. Chain Copolymerization. Ionic Chain Polymerization. Coordination Addition Polymerization. Ring-Opening Polymerization. Living/Controlled Radical Polymerization. Polymer Synthesis by Click Chemistry. Catalog no. K15289, January 2013, 770 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5384-2, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Mary Anne White Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Designed for advanced undergraduate students, this bestselling text establishes the principles that control the optical, thermal, electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties of materials. This fully revised and updated second edition now covers materials sustainability, crystalline structures, graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanocomposites, quantum dots, magnetocaloric effect, spintronics, and polymer classifications. • Coverage of materials sustainability, structure of materials, nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes, graphene, quantum dots, spintronics, magnetoresistance, and polymer classifications • Tutorial on the materials science of cymbals • More than 60 new problems, updated references at the end of each chapter, and revised diagrams Solutions manual and electronic figure files available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction Introduction to Materials Science Color and Other Optical Properties of Materials Atomic and Molecular Origins of Color Color in Metals and Semiconductors Color from Interactions of Light Waves with Bulk Matter Other Optical Effects Thermal Properties of Materials Heat Capacity, Heat Content, and Energy Storage Thermal Expansion Thermal Conductivity Thermodynamic Aspects of Stability Surface and Interfacial Phenomena Other Phases of Matter Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials Electrical Properties Magnetic Properties Mechanical Properties of Materials Mechanical Properties Appendices Index Catalog no. K12969, June 2011, 469 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6651-1, $83.95 / £52.99 Also available as an eBook
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General Technical Writing A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists Phillip A. Laplante The Pennsylvania State University, Malvern, USA
Written by a renowned engineer and widely published technical author, this guide enables readers to write, edit, and publish materials of a technical nature, including books, articles, reports, and electronic media. Complementing the traditional writer’s reference manuals and other books on technical writing, it helps readers understand the practical considerations in writing technical content. Drawing on his own work, the author presents many first-hand examples of writing, editing, and publishing technical materials. These examples illustrate how a publication originated as well as various challenges and solutions. Catalog no. K11106, July 2011, 250 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-2085-8, $41.95 / £26.99 Also available as an eBook
A First Course in Differential Equations, Modeling, and Simulation Carlos A. Smith and Scott W. Campbell University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
Emphasizing a practical approach for engineers and scientists, this text avoids overly theoretical explanations and shows readers how differential equations are derived by applying basic physical principles and experimental observations to engineering systems. Catalog no. K12318, May 2011, 345 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5087-9, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook
Physical Chemistry for Engineering and Applied Sciences Frank R. Foulkes
Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers Using Excel, VBA, and MATLAB Victor J. Law Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Since many practical engineering problems must be solved numerically, this text provides instruction on using numerical methods and Excel®/VBA for chemical and biomolecular engineering problems, covering a broad range of application areas. It also includes an introduction to MATLAB® that is made easier to learn after studying the programming tools in previous chapters. Each chapter contains examples that show in detail how a particular numerical method or programming methodology can be implemented. The chapters also contain end-of-chapter exercises, with solutions provided. Catalog no. K16702, March 2013, 247 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7534-9, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
This book is unique in that it provides the detailed development of the equations, which can be followed relatively easily even with only moderate mathematical skills and backgrounds. The book provides interesting and inspiring examples, as well as many problems and solutions. Catalog no. K15157, September 2012, 703 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4665-1846-9, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Random Phenomena Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers Babatunde A. Ogunnaike University of Delaware, Newark, USA
This book provides students with a fundamental understanding of random phenomena and a working knowledge of how to model and analyze such phenomena. Catalog no. 44974, September 2009, c. 1056 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4497-3, $146.95 / £94.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
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