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CONTENTS Analytical Chemistry................................................3 Biochemistry............................................................4 Environmental Chemistry........................................5 Forensic Chemistry..................................................9 General Chemistry ................................................10 Page 5

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Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering ..........11 Inorganic Chemistry..............................................17 Materials Chemistry ..............................................18 Natural Product Chemistry ..................................22 Nuclear Chemistry ................................................23 Organic Chemistry................................................24 Physical Chemistry ................................................26

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Physics ..................................................................28 Polymer Chemistry................................................31 Surface & Colloid Chemistry ................................34

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Analytical Chemistry New!


Analytical Chemistry for Technicians

Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis

Fourth Edition

Seventh Edition

John Kenkel

James W. Robinson

Emeritus, Southeast Community College, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Covering classic quantitative analysis and related experiments, this thoroughly updated fourth edition is designed to be a powerful training tool for chemistrybased laboratory technicians. Emphasizing the practical aspects, the book begins with an introduction to analytical science and follows with a practical approach to the complex world of sophisticated electronic instrumentation commonly used in real-world laboratories. • Provides a thorough treatment of instrumental analysis, including spectrophotometry, chromatography, mass spectrometry, and electrochemistry • Contains numerous descriptive drawings and photographs to assist the visual learner • Offers a large number of relevant experiments, providing practical experiences for the learning process • Incorporates application notes strategically placed so that students can immediately see the practical usefulness of the topics covered Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Table of Contents: Introduction to Analytical Science Sampling and Sample Preparation Gravimetric Analysis Introduction to Titrimetric Analysis Applications of Titrimetric Analysis Introduction to Instrumental Analysis Introduction to Spectrochemical Methods UV-Vis and IR Molecular Spectrometry Atomic Spectroscopy Introduction to Chromatography Gas Chromatography High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry Electroanalytical Methods Miscellaneous Instrumental Techniques Appendix 1: Formulas for Solution Concentration and Preparation Calculations Appendix 2: The Language of Quality Assurance and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Laws: A Glossary Appendix 3: Significant Figure Rules Appendix 4: Answers to Questions and Problems Index Catalog no. K13813, August 2013, 537 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8105-7, $99.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

Eileen Skelly Frame

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA

George M. Frame II

New York State Department of Health, Albany, USA

The Seventh Edition provides the latest information on the newest techniques, such as cavity ringdown spectroscopy and LIBS. It features details on XRD use in materials analysis and additional material on surface analysis. Application chapters focus on the analysis of nanomaterials and chemical and biological warfare agents, discussing hyphenates techniques for these materials (like LCMS, GCMS, and LC-ICPMS). The text integrates experiments and problem sets, including those requiring the use of spreadsheet programs such as Excel. Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. 61356, May 2014, c. 1240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6135-2, $99.95 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook

Fundamentals of Microfluidics and Lab on a Chip for Biological Analysis and Discovery Paul C.H. Li Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

This text focuses on key aspects of the microfluidic lab-on-a-chip technologies to offer a cohesive overview of the science, its limitations, breakthroughs made over the years, and emerging advances. The book emphasizes analytical applications of microfluidic technology and presents in-depth coverage of micromachining methods, microfluidic operations, chemical separations, sample preparation and injection methods, detection technology, and various chemical and biological analyses. Other topics include the use of polymeric chips, fluid flow valve and control, single-cell analysis, DNA and RNA amplification techniques, DNA hybridization, immunoassays, and enzymatic assays. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. K10977, February 2010, 418 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-1855-8 $109.95 / £42.99 Also available as an eBook

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Biochemistry Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine Eighth Edition Martin Andrew Crook Guy’s, St Thomas’ and University Hospital Lewisham, London, UK, and University of Greenwich, UK

Clinical biochemistry is one of the more challenging subjects to grasp, and students need a single resource that not only explains the biochemical underpinnings of metabolic medicine, but also integrates laboratory findings with clinical practice. This eighth edition of an esteemed volume is clinically oriented with case histories demonstrating application of results. The book is highly illustrated with clear full-color line diagrams and clinical photographs. • Fully integrated approach—clinical practice logically explained in the context of underlying basic science • Comprehensive—includes common and less common diseases and syndromes • Companion website—including self-assessment questions and image library

Table of Contents: Requesting laboratory tests and interpreting the results. Water and sodium. The kidneys. Acid-base disturbances. Potassium. Calcium, phosphate and magnesium. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The adrenal cortex. The reproductive system. Pregnancy and infertility. Thyroid function. Carbohydrate metabolism. Plasma lipids and lipoproteins. Nutrition. Vitamins, trace elements and metals. The gastrointestinal tract. Liver disorders and gallstones. Plasma enzymes in diagnosis (clinical enzymology). Proteins in plasma and urine. Purine and urate metabolism. Disorders of haem metabolism: iron and the porphyrias. Cardiovascular disease. Cerebrospinal and pleural fluid. Metabolic effects of tumours. Therapeutic drug monitoring and poisoning. Clinical biochemistry at the extremes of age. Inborn errors of metabolism. Genetics and DNAbased technology in clinical biochemistry. Patient sample collection and use of the laboratory. Point of care testing. Appendix 1 Units in clinical chemistry. Catalog no. K18132, March 2012, 416 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4441-4414-7 $54.95 / £34.99 Also available as an eBook

Quantitative Understanding of Biosystems An Introduction to Biophysics Thomas M. Nordlund University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

“This terrific text offers a broad range of learning opportunities for many undergraduate majors. It is filled with a wide range of analogies that facilitate understanding of fundamental biophysics, thus making abstract concepts easier to comprehend.” —American Journal of Physics, February 2012

“This book is so far the best on the market in terms of an undergraduate biophysics textbook.” —Liviu Movileanu, Syracuse University

• Provides an understanding that enables students to analyze positions, velocities, and forces of real microorganisms • Reviews the necessary mathematics, including geometry, calculus, and differential equations • Discusses quantum mechanics in biosystems, covering photosynthesis and micro and chemical reactions A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction, Approach, and Tools. Introduction to a New World. How (Most) Physicists Approach Biophysics. Math Tools: First Pass. Structure and Function. Water. Structures: From 0.1 to 10 nm and Larger. First Pass at Supramolecular Structures: Assemblies of Biomolecules. Putting a Cell Together: Physical Sketch. Biological Activity: Quantum Microworld. Quantum Primer. Light and Life. Photosynthesis. Direct Ultraviolet Effects on Biological Systems. Biological Activity: (Classical) Microworld. Mechanics and Dynamics. Random Walks, Diffusion, and Polymer Conformation. Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics Primer. Reactions: Physical View. Molecular Machines: Introduction. Assembly. Appendix A: Reading Skills and Information Sources. Appendix B: Snapshot of the Supporting CD Glossary. Further Resources. Index. Catalog no. 89772, March 2011, 583 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8972-1, $98.95 / £62.99 Also available as an eBook


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Environmental Chemistry New!

Environmental Chemistry in Society Second Edition James M. Beard Catawba College, Salisbury, North Carolina, USA

This book takes a nonmathematical approach to the material, presenting the chemistry of the environment in a way accessible to students who have little or no science background. It relates the fundamentals of chemistry to contemporary environmental issues. The author covers the essential background material and then applies scientific principles to environmental problems. Updated throughout, the second edition includes a glossary of terms and revised end-ofchapter questions. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Fundamentals of Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry Sustainable Science, Fourth Edition Stanley E. Manahan University of Missouri, Columbia, USA

This book covers universitylevel environmental chemistry, with toxicological chemistry integrated throughout the content. This new edition of a bestseller provides an updated text with an increased emphasis on sustainability and green chemistry. Organized based on the five spheres of Earth’s environment—the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and anthrosphere—the book presents discussions of each sphere based upon the nature, pollution, and sustainability of the sphere. Emphasizes sustainability as well as the importance of abundant, non-polluting sustainable energy sources.

Selected Contents:

• Provides PowerPoint presentations for each chapter

Background to the Environmental Problem. Preagricultural Development. Horticulture and Agriculture … The Natural Laws. Matter. Early Development of Chemistry … Underlying Principles of Chemistry. Atomic Theory. Periodic Law … Types of Chemical Compounds and Their Reactions. Acids and Bases. Precipitation Reactions. Oxidation–Reduction … Element Cycles. Compartments. Carbon Cycle. Oxygen Cycle … Toxicology. History of Toxicology. Environmental Toxicology. Energy and Modern Society. Energy Sources. Electricity. Widely Used Energy Sources … Weather and Climate. Atmosphere: Composition, Structure, and Dynamics. Water Cycle … Air Pollution. Classical Air Pollution. Industrial Smog … Air Inside. Some Background on Indoor Air Quality. Classification of Indoor Air Contaminants … Global Atmospheric Change. Gases as Insulators: Greenhouse Effect. Global Warming: Concept … Water. Physical Properties of Water. Water and Life … Water Pollution. Nature and Sources of Water Pollution. Types of Water Pollutants … Solid Wastes. Sources of Solid Wastes … Hazardous Wastes. What Are Hazardous Wastes? Where Do Hazardous Wastes Come From? …

• Contains three new chapters, and new examples, figures, and homework problems

Catalog no. K14156, June 2013, 409 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-9267-1 $79.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook

A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Environmental Chemistry and the Five Spheres of the Environment. Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Toxicological Chemistry. Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry of the Hydrosphere. Pollution of the Hydrosphere. Sustaining the Hydrosphere. Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry of the Atmosphere. Pollution of the Atmosphere. Sustaining the Atmosphere: Blue Skies for a Green Earth. Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry of the Geosphere. Soil: A Critical Part of the Geosphere. Sustaining the Geosphere. Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry of the Biosphere. Sustaining the Biosphere and Its Natural Capital. Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry of the Anthrosphere. Anthrosphere, Pollution, and Wastes. Industrial Ecology and Green Chemistry for Sustainable Management of the Anthrosphere. Sustainable Energy: The Key to Everything. Analytical Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene. Fundamentals of Chemistry. Organic Chemistry. Index. Catalog no. K15260, February 2013, 614 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5316-3, $89.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

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Environmental Chemistry New!

Chemical Oceanography Fourth Edition Frank J. Millero

Environmental Chemometrics Principles and Modern Applications Grady Hanrahan

University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA

California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, USA

The fourth edition of this respected text explores the latest issues affecting the health of our ocean environment. It examines ocean acidification and provides updated coverage on the carbonate system in the ocean, oceanic organic compounds, and dissolved organic carbon. It also discusses phosphate, nitrogen, and metals in the ocean. The book offers a new definition of salinity and a new equation of the state of seawater based on recent, original research, and it describes the new thermodynamic equation of the state of seawater. Full-color graphs and photographs assist readers in visualizing the concepts presented.

Series: Analytical Chemistry

Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Descriptive Oceanography. Physical Characteristics of the Oceans. Distribution of Temperature and Salinity for Ocean Waters ... Composition of the Major Components of Seawater. The Concept of Salinity. Methods of Determination ... Minor Elements in Seawater. Classification of Elements. Residence Times ... Ionic Interactions. Water, the Unique Solvent. Review of the Structure of Water ... Atmospheric Chemistry. Nitrogen Gases. Greenhouse Gases ... Dissolved Gases Other than CO2. Composition of the Atmosphere. Dissolution of Gases in Seawater ... The Carbonate System. Acid–Base Equilibria in Seawater. Equilibria of Carbonate Species ... Micronutrients in the Oceans. Phosphorus in Seawater. Nitrogen Compounds in Seawater ... Primary Production in the Oceans. Primary Production. The Iron Hypothesis ... Processes in the Oceans. Photochemical Processes in Seawater. Hydrothermal Vent Chemistry ... Glossary of Chemical Oceanography Terms. Appendices. Index Catalog no. K14907, April 2013, 591 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1249-8, $99.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook

A delineation of modern environmental analysis and methods of effectively solving limitations through multivariate approaches, this book begins with an overview of chemometrics in relation to quantitative environmental analysis and a review of descriptive statistical concepts. The author’s presentation of the basic principles of these methods together with real applications in the field of environmental chemistry simplifies comprehension of complex environmental problems and chemically related concepts.

Selected Contents: Introduction. Chemometrics—An Overview. The Importance of Quantitative Environmental Analysis. Common Chemical and Biological Pollutants in Environmental Matrices. Overview of Chemometric Methods Used in Environmental Analysis … . Review of Statistics and Analytical Figures of Merit. Error and Sampling Considerations. Descriptive Statistics. Distribution of Repeated Measurements. Data Quality Indicators. Confidence Intervals … . Quality Assurance in Environmental Analysis. The Role of Chemometrics in Quality Assurance. Quality Assurance Considerations. Environmental Sampling Protocol—General Considerations. Quality Assurance: Sample Collection, Preparation and Storage. Field QA/QC Samples. Laboratory and Instrumental Methods: QA/QC Samples … . Experimental Design and Optimization Techniques. System Theory. Review of Linear Regression Models and Matrix Notation. Experimental Design Considerations. Single Factor Categorical Designs. Screening Designs. Three-Level Designs: Response Surface Methodology … . Time Series Analysis. Introduction to Time Series Analysis. Smoothing and Digital Filtering. Times Series and Forecast Modeling—A Detailed Look. ARIMA models. Outliers in Time Series Analysis … . Multivariate Data Analysis. Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis. Data Preprocessing. Correlation Analysis. Pattern Recognition—Unsupervised. Pattern Recognition—Supervised. K-Nearest Neighbor Classification … . Appendices. Index. Catalog no. 67966, November 2008, 310 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6796-5, $102.95 / £65.99


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Environmental Chemistry Water Chemistry Green Science and Technology of Nature's Most Renewable Resource Stanley E. Manahan University of Missouri, Columbia, USA

This book takes an unusual approach to the chemistry of water, focusing on water as a renewable resource from a green chemistry and sustainability perspective. An appropriate text for a course in current affairs in environmental chemistry, the book examines the hydrosphere and explains how it relates to the other four environmental spheres. It contains chapters on basic chemistry and organic chemistry useful to those readers whose fundamental knowledge of chemistry is limited and includes coverage of pollution, wastewater, and water treatment. Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Water and the Five Spheres of the Environment Water and Biogeochemical Cycles Water and Environmental Chemistry Properties of Water and the Hydrosphere The Hydrological Cycle Standing Bodies of Water... Fundamentals of Aquatic Chemistry Gases in Water Calcium and Other Metals in Water... Oxidation–Reduction in Aquatic Chemistry Electron Activity and pE The Nernst Equation Phase Interactions in Aquatic Chemistry Chemical Interactions Involving Solids, Gases, and Water Colloidal Particles in Water Aquatic Microbial Biochemistry Microbial Transformations of Carbon Biodegradation of Organic Matter Water Pollution Elemental Pollutants Inorganic Species ... Water Treatment Municipal Water Treatment... Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastewater Classical Methods ... Sustainable Energy: The Key to Everything Green Technology and Energy Conversion Efficiency Biomass Energy... Fundamentals of Chemistry The Science of Matter ... Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry ... Catalog no. K11504, August 2010, 416 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3068-0 $104.95 / £65.99


Environmental Chemistry Ninth Edition Stanley E. Manahan University of Missouri, Columbia, USA

Providing fundamental understanding of environmental chemistry and its applications, this ninth edition of a bestseller retains the organizational structure that made past editions so popular while updating coverage of principles, tools, and techniques. With clear explanations, real-world examples, and updated questions and answers, the book emphasizes the concepts essential to the practice of environmental science, technology, and chemistry while introducing the newest innovations in the field. Highlights in this edition include sections on aquatic chemistry, the geosphere, transgenic crops, hazardous waste minimization and treatment, and the toxicological chemistry of various classes of chemical substances. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: The Environment and Sustainability Science. Chemistry and the Anthrosphere: Environmental Chemistry and Green Chemistry. Fundamentals of Aquatic Chemistry. Oxidation–Reduction in Aquatic Chemistry. Phase Interactions in Aquatic Chemistry. Aquatic Microbial Biochemistry. Water Pollution. Water Treatment. The Atmosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry. Particles in the Atmosphere. Gaseous Inorganic Air Pollutants. Organic Air Pollutants. The Endangered Global Atmosphere. The Geosphere and Geochemistry. Soil and Agricultural Environmental Chemistry. Green Chemistry and Industrial Ecology. Resources and Sustainable Materials. Sustainable Energy: The Key to Everything. Nature, Sources, and Environmental Chemistry of Hazardous Wastes. Industrial Ecology for Waste Minimization, Utilization, and Treatment. Environmental Biochemistry. Toxicological Chemistry. Toxicological Chemistry of Chemical Substances. Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastewater. Analysis of Wastes and Solids. Analysis of the Atmosphere and Air Pollutants. Analysis of Biological Materials and Xenobiotics. Index. Catalog no. 59203, December 2009, 783 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5920-5, $119.95 / £77.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

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Environmental Chemistry Fundamentals of Sustainable Chemical Science Stanley E. Manahan University of Missouri, Columbia, USA

Written for readers with no chemistry background, this book presents the basics of general chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. The first chapter provides a brief mini-course, defining key terms that are required for understanding materials presented in the rest of the text. It develops chemistry as it would a language with its key parts. The author begins with a discussion of atoms and elements and then moves onto chemical compounds, chemical reactions, acids, bases, salts, solutions, solvents, chemistry with electricity, and finally, organic and biological chemistry. The book emphasizes renewable resources and energy and green chemistry in support of learned concepts.

Selected Contents: Introduction to Chemistry and Green Chemistry The Essential Role of Chemistry Environmental Chemistry and Green Chemistry... Matter and Materials Classification of Matter Quantity of Matter: The Mole... Atoms and Elements The Atomic Theory Subatomic Particles Chemical Bonds, Molecules, and Compounds Chemical Bonds and Compound Formation Ionic Bonding Chemical Reactions, Equations, and Stoichiometry The Sentences of Chemistry The Information In A Chemical Equation... Acids, Bases, and Salts The Importance of Acids, Bases, and Salts The Nature of Acids, Bases, and Salts Solutions and Solvents What Are Solutions? Why Are They Important? Water—A Unique Solvent Chemistry and Electricity Chemistry and Electricity Oxidation and Reduction Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbons ... Biological Chemistry Biochemistry Biochemistry and the Cell Index

Introduction to Green Chemistry Second Edition Albert Matlack University of Delaware, Newark, USA

The book covers traditional green chemistry topics, including catalysis, benign solvents, and alternative feedstocks. It also discusses relevant but less frequently covered topics, highlighting the importance of chemistry to everyday life and demonstrates the benefits the expanded exploitation of green chemistry can have for society. Copiously illustrated with over 800 figures, this second edition provides an update from the frontiers of the field.

Contents with Contributors: Introduction Toxicity of Chemicals in the Environment ... Doing without Phosgene, Hydrogen Cyanide, and Formaldehyde Preparation of Isocyanates... The Chlorine Controversy Toxicity of Chlorine Compounds... Toxic Heavy Metal Ions End-of-the-Pipe Treatments... Solid Catalyst and Reagents for Ease of Workup The Use of Inorganic Supports... Solid Acids and Bases Polymeric Sulfonic Acids... Chemical Separations Inclusion Compounds... Working Without Organic Solvents Advantages and Disadvantages of Solvents... Biocatalysis and Biodiversity Biocatalysis... Stereochemistry The Importance of Optical Isomers... Agrochemicals Alternative Agriculture... Materials for a Sustainable Economy Commodity Chemicals from Renewable Raw Materials... Chemistry of Longer Wear Why Things Wear Out... Chemistry of Recycling Waste... Energy and the Environment Energy-Related Problems... Population and the Environment The Chemistry of Human Reproduction... Environmental Economics Environmental Accounting... Greening Individuals...

Catalog no. K10124, March 2009, 392 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0239-7 $83.95 / £51.99

Catalog no. 78119, April 2010, 599 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7811-4, $115.95 / £72.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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Forensic Chemistry New!

Forensic Analysis of Biological Evidence A Laboratory Guide for Serological and DNA Typing J. Thomas McClintock DNA Diagnostics, Inc., Crofton, Maryland, USA

Effective as a stand-alone laboratory manual or in conjunction with Richard Li's Forensic Biology, Second Edition, this book provides more than a dozen exercises covering analysis of biological evidence. Originally published as Forensic DNA Analysis: A Laboratory Manual, this greatly revised work offers updated exercises and protocols for all kinds of DNA and serological analyses with delineated objectives, step-by-step procedures, and laboratory supplies, including advanced instrumentation. It provides a glossary of terms, 14 general information tables, downloadable exercises forms, and video instruction for self-teaching. A solutions manual, instructor’s manual, and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Forensic Applications of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Shirley Bayne Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK

Michelle Carlin The University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Series: Analytical Concepts in Forensic Chemistry

• Maintains a balance between practical solutions and theoretical considerations • Uses real-life examples commonly found in a forensic laboratory • Presents key point summaries and questions to enhance learning and test comprehension • Provides a complete glossary of terms • Includes references at the end of each chapter to facilitate further study An instructor’s manual with lecture slides, test bank, objectives, and exercises is available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents:

Selected Contents:

An Overview of Forensic DNA Analysis. Types of Biological Specimens. Exercise 1 – Evidence Examination Using an Alternate Light Source. Forensic Serology. Exercise 2 – Detection of Saliva. Exercise 3 – Detection of Blood. Exercise 4 – Detection and Identification of Semen. Exercise 5 – Detection and Identification of Urine. Exercise 6 - DNA Extraction. Exercise 7 – Concentration of Extracted DNA. Exercise 8 – Microcon Concentration and Purification of Extracted DNA. Exercise 9 - Assessing the Quality and Quantity of Isolated DNA. The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Exercise 10 – Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Analysis. Exercise 11 - Using Short Tandem Repeat Analysis to Determine Paternity: A Case Study. Exercise 12 – Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)Based Tests: Y-Chromosome Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Analysis. Exercise 13 - Mitochondrial DNA Analysis. Exercise 14 – Assessment of DNA Typing Data. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) for Human Identification: An Emerging Forensic Tool.

Introduction to HPLC. The History of Chromatography. Basic Instrumentation. Basic Principles of HPLC. Theory of Chromatography. Chemical Bonding and Polarity. Mobile Phase Preparation, the Use of Buffers, and Sample Preparation. Mobile Phase Preparation. Buffers. Sample and Standard Preparation. Modes of Separation. Reverse Phase HPLC. Ion Exchange. Normal Phase HPLC. Detection Systems. Theory. UV/Vis Detectors versus Diode Array Detectors. Electrochemical Detectors. Mass Spectrometry. Method Development in Reversed Phase HPLC. Sample Composition. Which Column Will Affect the Separation? Choosing a Mobile Phase. Method Development Strategy. System Suitability. System Performance. Chromatographic Suitability. Qualification, Validation, and Verification. Valid Analytical Measurement. Estimation of Uncertainty of Measurement, Sources of Error, and Statistical Evaluation. Method Verification. Quality Systems. How Do We Ensure Quality in Our Laboratories? A Quality Management System. Accreditation. Auditing. Troubleshooting HPLC Systems. Tool Kit and Spare Parts. Preventative Maintenance. Column Care. Forensic Applications of HPLC. Drug Analysis. Toxicological Analysis. Colour Analysis. Analysis of Explosives. Food and the Environment.

Catalog no. K14529, February 2014, 176 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-0456-1 $59.95 / £25.99

Catalog no. 91913, January 2010, 272 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-9191-5 $68.95 / £43.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

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General Chemistry Basic Chemistry Concepts and Exercises

Chemistry for the Life Sciences

John Kenkel

Raul Sutton Bernard Rockett Peter G. Swindells

Southeast Community College, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Bringing the wisdom of John Kenkel’s more than 30 years of teaching experience, this volume uses conversational language and logically assembled graphics, concisely introducing each topic without overwhelming students with unnecessary detail. The text includes example problems and end-of-chapter questions with answers in the appendix to provide instant feedback.

Second Edition

Retaining the user-friendly style that made the original so popular, this second edition continues to provide a foundation in the aspects of chemistry for developing life scientists. Critical information is reinforced through worked examples and questions. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption.

Selected Contents:

Selected Contents:

Properties and Structure of Matter. What Chemists Do. Properties and Change. Classification of Matter. Significant Figures, the Metric System, and Dimensional Analysis. Reading a Measuring Device. Dimensional Analysis. The Metric System. Names and Formulas of Compounds. Subclassifications of Elements. Formation of Ions. Formulas of Ionic Compounds. Atomic Structure. The Modern Theory of Light. The Bohr Model. The Schrodinger Model. The Periodic Table. Mendeleev and Meyer. Descriptive Chemistry of Selected Elements. Periodicity and Trends: Atomic Size, Ionization Energy, and Electron Affinity. Molecular Structure. Chemical Bonding. Outermost Electrons. Simple Ionic Compounds. Atomic Weight, Formula Weight, and Moles. The Mole. Percent Composition of Compounds. Chemical Equations and Stoichiometry. Balancing Chemical Equations. Calculations Based on Equations. Gases and the Gas Laws. Properties of Gases. The Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gases. Gas Pressure. Solutions. Expressing Concentration. Preparing Solutions. Increasing Dissolution Rate. Chemical Equilibrium. Important Examples of Chemical Equilibrium. Le Chatelier’s Principle. Effect of Concentration Change. Acids, Bases, and pH. Formulas and Strengths of Acids and Bases. Acidity Level: pH. Theories of Acids and Bases. Oxidation–Reduction Reactions. Oxidation–Reduction Reactions. The Ion-Electron Method for Balancing Equations. Organic Chemicals. The Chemistry of Carbon and its Compounds. Hybridization of Orbitals. Geometry Around Bonded Carbon Atoms.

Elements, Atoms, and Electrons. Matter and Elements. Atomic Structure. Isotopes. Covalent Bonding and Molecules. Interactions between Atoms. Molecules with s- and p-Bonds. Forces Within and Between Molecules. Ionic Bonding. Polar Covalent Bonds. Dipole–Dipole Forces. Chemical Reactions. Rates of Reaction. Zero-Order Reactions. Water. The Water Molecule. The Mole Concept. Acids, Bases, and Buffers. The Hydrogen Ion. Salts and Salt Hydrolysis. Buffer Systems. Gases. Pressure. Ideal Gas Laws. Solubility of Gases. Aliphatic Carbon Compounds. Simple Molecules Containing Carbon. Organic Compounds. Alkanes and Alkyl Groups. Lipids, Sugars, and Linkages between Reactive Groups. Fatty Acids. Esters. Hemiacetals and Hemiketals. Aromatic Carbon Compounds and Isomerism. Benzene. Bioactive Aromatic Compounds. Isomerism. Organic and Biological Reaction Mechanisms. Reactive Sites and Functional Groups. Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution. Electrophilic Addition to a Nonpolar Double Bond. Sulphur and Phosphorus. The Thiol Group and Thiol Esters. Phosphate, Pyrophosphate, and Polyphosphate. Oxidation and Reduction Reactions. The Chemical Changes in the REDOX Process. Splitting REDOX Reactions. Metals in Biology. The Alkaline Earth Metals. Transition Metals. Energy. The First Law of Thermodynamics. Units of Energy. Reactions and Equilibrium. DeltaG and Equilibrium. Activation Energy. Light. Wavelength and Frequency. The Absorption of Light. The Spectrophotometer.

Catalog no. K10685, October 2010, 468 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-1337-9 $64.95 / £42.99

Catalog no. 69357, November 2008, 280 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-6935-8 $49.95 / £28.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering New!


Transport Phenomena Fundamentals

Chemical Reaction Engineering

Third Edition

Beyond the Fundamentals

Joel L. Plawsky Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA

L.K. Doraiswamy

Series: Chemical Industries

Deniz Uner

This text is designed for a streamlined two-term transport phenomena course. The first part of the book takes students through the balance equation in the context of diffusive transport. Each chapter adds a term to the balance equation, highlighting the effects of that addition on the physical behavior of the system and the underlying mathematical description. The second half of the book builds on the balance equation description of diffusive transport by introducing convective transport terms, focusing on partial rather than ordinary differential equations. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Part I Transport Fundamentals and 1-D Systems. Introductory Concepts. Flows, Gradients, and Transport Properties. Transport Properties of Materials. 1-D, Steady-State, Diffusive Transport. Generation. Accumulation. Conservative Transport and Waves. Transport Enhancement Using Extended Surfaces. Part II Multidimensional, Convective, and Radiative Transport. Multidimensional Effects, Potential Functions, and Fields. Convective Transport: Microscopic Balances. Macroscopic or Engineering Balances. Convective Transport on a Flat Plate (Laminar Boundary Layers). Convective Transport: Systems with Curvature. Turbulent Boundary Layers. Radiative Transport. Nomenclature. Appendix A: Vector Mathematics. Appendix B: Mathematical Functions. Appendix C: First Eigenvalue for 1-D Transient Conduction with External Convection. Appendix D: Exact Solution to the Boundary Layer Equations. Appendix E: Blackbody Emission Functions. Appendix F: Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Materials. References. Appendix G: Comsol® Modules. Index. Catalog no. K15365, January 2014, 842 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5533-4, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Iowa State University, Ames, USA Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

This up-to-date textbook fills a longstanding gap for graduate courses in chemical reaction engineering. It explores the interplay between transport processes and reaction kinetics, multiphase reactions and reactors, and optimization and reactor stability. The book includes a brief review of major concepts, describes chemical kinetics and its relation to thermodynamics and transport phenomena, and addresses reactor classification and reactor design for increasingly complex situations. It helps readers to develop the facility to apply engineering analysis to a representative spectrum of industrially important reaction engineering problems. • Includes case studies, worked examples, and student assignments • Provides online content emphasizing computational aspects Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Part I Fundamentals Revisited. Reactions and reactors: Basic concepts. Complex reactions and reactors. Nonideal reactor analysis. Residence time distribution. Part II Building on Fundamentals. Rates and equilibria: The thermodynamic and extrathermodynamic approaches. Theory of chemical kinetics in the bulk and on the surface. Reactions with an interface: Mass and heat transfer effects. Laboratory reactors: Collection and analysis of the data. Part III Beyond the Fundamentals. Fixed-bed reactor design for solid catalyzed fluid-phase reactions. Fluidized-bed reactor design for solid catalyzed fluid-phase reactions. Gas–solid noncatalytic reactions and reactors. Gas–liquid and liquid–liquid reactions and reactors. Multiphase reactions and reactors. Membrane-assisted reactor engineering. Combo reactors: Distillation column Reactors. Homogeneous catalysis. Phasetransfer catalysis. Forefront of the chemical reaction engineering field. Index. Catalog no. K11525, July 2013, 578 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3122-9, $129.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

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Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Chemical Reaction Engineering and Reactor Technology Tapio O. Salmi Abo Akademi, Abo-Turku, Finland

Jyri-Pekka Mikkola Umea University, Sweden and Abo Akademi, Abo-Turku, Finland

Johan P. Warna Abo Akademi, Abo-Turku, Finland

Series: Chemical Industries

• Takes a systematic approach, beginning with homogeneous reactors and gradually moving toward more complicated heterogeneous systems • Demonstrates reactor equipment with detailed illustrations • Contains a rich collection of real and realistic exercises

Selected Contents: Introduction Analysis of the Experimental Results Simulation of Reactor Models... Stoichiometry and Kinetics Stoichiometric Matrix... Homogeneous Reactors Reactors for Homogeneous Reactions Homogeneous Tube Reactor with a Plug Flow... Nonideal Reactors: Residence Time Distributions Residence Time Distribution in Flow Reactors Residence Time Functions... Catalytic Two-Phase Reactors Reactors for Heterogeneous Catalytic Gas- and Liquid-Phase Reactions... Catalytic Three-Phase Reactors Reactors Used for Catalytic Three-Phase Reactions Mass Balances for Three-Phase Reactors... Gas-Liquid Reactors Reactors for Noncatalytic and Homogeneously Catalyzed Reactions... Reactors for Reactive Solids Reactors for Processes with Reactive Solids Models for Reactive Solid Particles... Toward New Reactor and Reaction Engineering How to Approach the Modeling of Novel Reactor Concepts? Reactor Structures and Operation Modes... Chemical Reaction Engineering: Historical Remarks and Future Challenges Chemical Reaction Engineering as a Part of Chemical Engineering Early Achievements of Chemical Engineering... Catalog no. 92685, August 2010, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9268-4, $132.95 / £43.99

Introduction to Chemical Reactor Analysis Second Edition R.E. Hayes and J.P. Mmbaga University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

This second edition involves a considerable expansion to make it suitable for a twosemester undergraduate course in chemical reaction engineering. Additional material focuses on catalysis and catalytic reactors, only briefly covered in the previous edition. The authors expand upon adsorption and include a new chapter on transport process in catalysis. The book offers a comprehensive appendix of numerical methods and an appendix with reference to the popular commercial software packages Polymath, MATLAB®, and COMSOL Multiphysics. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction. Process Development. Classification and Types of Reactors. Reactor Performance Measures. The Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions. Basic Definitions. Energy Changes in Systems. Chemical Reaction Equilibrium. Mole Balances in Ideal Reactors. General Mole Balance Equation. Perfectly Mixed Batch Reactor. Plug Flow Reactor. Energy Balances in Ideal Reactors. General Energy Balance. Batch Reactor. Plug Flow Reactor. Chemical Kinetics for Homogeneous Reactions. General Nature of Rate Functions. Reaction Mechanism. Theoretical Analysis of Reaction Rate. Nonideal Reactor Analysis. Causes of Nonideal Reactor Behavior. Residence Time and Mixing. RTD Function. Introduction to Catalysis. Origins of Catalysis: Historical Perspectives. Definitions and Fundamental Concepts. Thermodynamics. Kinetics of Catalytic Reactions. Adsorption. Rate Expressions for Catalytic Reactions. Mechanisms and Models. Transport Processes in Catalysis. Diffusion in Bulk Phase. External Mass and Heat Transfer Effects. Diffusion in Porous Catalysts. Analysis of Catalytic Reactors. Packed-Bed Reactor: Introduction and Overview. Conservation Equations for Packed Beds. One-Dimensional Steady-State Plug Flow Models. Experimental Methods in Catalysis. Kinetic Investigations. Measuring Physical Properties. Electron Microscopy. Catalog no. K13005, October 2012, 564 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6700-6 $102.95 / £41.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering The Principles of Thermodynamics

Concise Chemical Thermodynamics

N.D. Hari Dass

Third Edition

Chennai Mathematical Institute, Siruseri, Tamil Nadu, India

A.P.H. Peters


• Provides detailed coverage of basic topics • Includes historical background • Broadens the scope of thermodynamics for teaching purposes • Supplies a reference for experts A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: The Beginnings. Temperature and Thermometry. Ideal Gas Laws. Heat and Specific Heats. First Law— The E = Mc2 of Thermodynamics. The Fall of the Caloric. The Path to the First Law. The Second and Third Laws. Perpetuum Mobiles. Historical Formulations of the Second Law. Second Law and Irreversibility. Carnot Cycles - The Turing Machines of Thermodynamics. The Gas Carnot Cycles. The Stirling Engine. Specific Heats Magnificent Bridges. Specific Heats and the Third Law. Specific Heats and Microscopics. Structure of Thermodynamic Theories. Extensive and Intensive Variables: General. The Fundamental Equations. Multicomponent Systems. Thermodynamic Potentials and Maxwell Relations. Thermodynamic Potentials. Maxwell's Relations. Magnetic Systems. Thermodynamic Potentials. Dilute Solutions. Mixing Revisited. Osmotic Pressure. Phases and Their Equilibria. The Gibbs Phase Rule. Phases of Water. Phases of Carbon. The Clapeyron Equation. Clapeyron's Original Treatment. More Modern Approaches. The van der Waals Equation. Thermodynamic Aspects. Existence of Phases in the vdW System. The Critical Point. Critical Properties of Water:data. Critical Behaviour of van der Waals Theory. Approach to Absolute Zero. Standard Methods of Refrigeration. Helium Cryostats. Dilution Refrigeration. Entropy Constants. Gaseous Reactions. Entropy Constants for Solids. Some Mathematical Aspects of Thermodynamics. Differentials and Derivatives. Jacobian Matrices and Jacobians. Catalog no. K14872, October 2013, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1208-5, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook

Hogeschool Zuyd, Heerlen, The Netherlands

This third edition continues to offer a practical, examplebased exploration of a critical topic, maintaining academic rigor but eschewing complicated calculations. It includes practical examples to illustrate the importance of thermodynamics in a number of fields. This edition re-works problems that have proven to be the most difficult for students and adds several new ones to further amplify complex areas. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Energy. The Realm of Thermodynamics. Energy Bookkeeping. Forms of Energy and Their Interconversion. Forms of Renewable Energy. The First Law of Thermodynamics. Reversible Expansion of an Ideal Gas. Constant-Volume Processes. Constant-Pressure Processes. A New Function: Enthalpy. Thermochemistry. Calorimetry. Concepts of Heat Capacity. Combustion and Flame Temperatures. Spontaneous Changes. Everyday Processes. Exothermicity: A Possible Criterion. Spontaneous Exothermic Processes. Entropy. Measurement of Entropy. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Reversibility and Entropy. Free Energy: The Arbiter. Processes in Isolated Systems. Gibbs Free Energy, G. Adsorption Processes. Evaporation Phenomena. Chemical Equilibrium. Variation of G with Gas Pressure. Chemical Potential, µ. Activity of Materials in Solution. Equilibrium Experiments and Their Interpretation. The Reaction Isochore Equation. Le Chatelier Up to Date. Vaporization Processes. Electrochemical Cells. Cell Energetics. Standard Electrode Potentials. Ionic Activities. Free Energy and Industrial Processes. Free Energies as a Function of Temperature. The Gibbs-Helmholtz Equation. Tabulated Forms of Free Energy. Computational Thermochechemistry. Calculation of an Adiabatic Flame Temperature. CVD Production of Ultrapure Silicon. Processing of Wastes from the Aluminum Electrolytic Furnace. Catalog no. K10683, July 2010, 234 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-1332-4 $55.95 / £36.99

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Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering New!

Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers Using Excel, VBA, and MATLAB Victor J. Law Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

This text provides instruction on using numerical methods and Excel®/VBA for chemical and biomolecular engineering problems, covering a broad range of application areas. It also includes an introduction to MATLAB® that is made easier to learn after studying the programming tools in previous chapters. Each chapter contains examples that show in detail how a particular numerical method or programming methodology can be implemented. The chapters also contain end-of-chapter exercises, with solutions provided. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Roots of a Single Nonlinear Equation. Algorithms for Solving f(x) = 0. Using Excel to Solve Nonlinear Equations (Goal Seek). A Note on In-Cell Iteration References. Visual Basic® for Applications Programming. Algorithm Design. VBA Coding. Array Data Structures. Alternative I/O Methods. Using Debugger. Linear Algebra and Systems of Linear Equations. Vectors. Matrices. Linear Equations and Vector/Matrix Operations in Excel®. Numerical Differentiation and Integration. Numerical Differentiation. Numerical Integration. Curve Fitting for Integration. Ordinary Differential Equations (Initial Value Problems). Euler-Type Methods. RK Methods. Higher-Order ODEs. Ordinary Differential Equations (Boundary Value Problems). Shooting Method. Split BVPs Using Finite Differences. More Complex Boundary Conditions with ODE-BVPs. Regression Analysis and Parameter Estimation. General Method of Least Squares. How Good Is the Fit from a Statistical Perspective?. Regression Using Excel’s Regression Add-In. Partial Differential Equations. Parabolic PDEs. Thomas Algorithm for Tridiagonal Systems. Method of Lines. Linear Programming, Nonlinear Programming, Nonlinear Equations, and Nonlinear Regression Using Solver. Linear Programming. Nonlinear Programming. Introduction to MATLAB®. MATLAB® Basics. MATLAB® Function Arguments. Plotting in MATLAB®. Catalog no. K16702, March 2013, 247 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7534-9, $59.95 / £38.99

Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering Nayef Ghasem United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain

Adhering to the ABET criteria, the book gives students the tools needed to solve common chemical engineering unit operations. Each chapter contains a theoretical description of process units followed by numerous examples that are solved step by step via hand calculations and computer simulation. The chapters also include problems and references. A solutions manual, instructor’s manual, and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Table of Contents: Thermodynamics and Fluid-Phase Equilibria. Introduction. Boiling Point Calculations. Dew Point Calculation. Vapor Pressure Correlations. Relative Volatility. Equations of State. Physical Properties. Fluid Flow in Pipes, Pumps, and Compressors. Flow in Pipes. Fluid Flow in Pumps. Fluid Flow in Compressors. Material and Energy Balance. Introduction. Material Balance without Reaction. Material Balance on Reactive Processes. Energy Balance without Reaction. Energy Balance on Reactive Processes. Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers. Introduction. Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger. Boilers and Condensers. Reactor Design. Introduction. Plug Flow Reactor. Packed-Bed Reactors. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor. Distillation Column. Introduction. Separation of Binary Components. Multicomponent Distillation. Column Diameter. Gas Absorption. Introduction. Packed-Bed Absorber. Number of Theoretical Stages. Number of Theoretical Stages Using Graphical Technique. Packed-Bed Column Diameter. PackedTower Height. Number of Theoretical Trays. Sizing a Plate Tower Absorber. Liquid–Liquid Extraction. Introduction. Material Balance. Process Simulation. Introduction. Appendix A: POLYMATH Software. Appendix B: E-Z Solve Software. Appendix C: MATLAB/Simulink. Appendix D: Nonlinear Regression of Experimental Data. Appendix E: Microsoft Visio. Appendix F: General Process Modeling and Simulation (gPROMS). Catalog no. K12271, August 2011, 523 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-4999-6 $75.95 / £48.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties Second Edition Abhijit Y. Dandekar

Batch Distillation Simulation, Optimal Design, and Control, Second Edition Urmila Diwekar

University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA

Vishwamitra Research Institute, Clarendon Hills, Illinois, USA

• Provides well-balanced coverage of rock and fluid properties, supplemented with key references, laboratory methods, and graphical illustrations

Helping readers gain a solid, hands-on background in batch processing, this bestselling text explains how to effectively design, synthesize, and make operations decisions related to batch processes. Along with updating the references, this edition features special sections on complex column configurations and azeotropic, extractive, and reactive distillation. It also includes a chapter on various kinds of uncertainties in batch distillation and a chapter describing software packages for simulation, design, optimization, and control.

• Includes solved examples as well as both concept- and computation-based homework problems in most chapters A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction. Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluids. Formation of Petroleum Reservoirs. Preamble to Petroleum Reservoir Rock Properties. Important Issues Related to Coring Methods. Porosity. Types of Porosities. Absolute Permeability. Mathematical Expression of Permeability: Darcy’s Law. Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks. Mechanical Properties. Electrical Properties. Fluid Saturation. Distribution of Fluid Saturation in a Petroleum Reservoir. Definition and Mathematical Expressions for Fluid Maturation. Interfacial Tension and Wettability. Interfacial and Surface Tension. Fundamental Concepts of Wettability. Capillary Pressure. Basic Mathematical Expression of Capillary Pressure. The Rise of Liquid in Capillaries and the Plateau Equation. Relative Permeability. Mathematical Expressions for Relative Permeability. Introduction to Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Chemistry of Petroleum. Solid Components of Petroleum. Introduction to Phase Behavior. Phase Behavior of a Pure Component. Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Brief Description of the Plus Fraction. Sampling of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Practical Considerations of Fluid Sampling. Compositional Analysis of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Strategy of Compositional Analysis. PVT Analysis and Reservoir Fluid Properties. Laboratory Tests. Vapor–Liquid Equilibria. Ideal Mixtures. Equations-of-State Models. Properties of Formation Waters. Compositional Characteristics of Formation Waters. Bubble-Point Pressure of Formation Water. Catalog no. K13547, February 2013, 544 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7636-7, $119.95 / £76.99

A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction. Simple Distillation. Why Batch Distillation? Basic Modes of Operation. Theoretical Analysis. Constant Reflux. Variable Reflux. Optimal Reflux. Column Dynamics. Governing Equations. Error and Stability. Numerical Integration Techniques. Solution of Column Dynamics. Simplified Models. The Need for Simplification. Shortcut Method. Modified Shortcut Method. Collocation-Based Model. Hierarchy of Models and BATCH-DIST. Optimization. Objective Functions . Degrees of Freedom Analysis. Feasibility Considerations. Problem Solution. Complex Columns. Inverted Column. Middle Vessel Column. Synthesis. Complex Systems. Azeotropic Systems. Extractive Distillation. Reactive Distillation. Batch Distillation Control. Optimal Control in Batch Distillation. Closed-Loop Control. Consideration of Uncertainty. Static Uncertainties and Stochastic Modeling. Optimization under Uncertainty. Uncertainty in Batch Distillation. Optimal Control under Uncertainty. Batch Distillation Software Programs. CHEMCAD Batch Distillation. ASPEN TECH: BATCHSEP. BPRC: MultiBatchDS. Comparison of Software Packages. Index. Catalog no. K12825, December 2011, 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6122-6, $179.95 / £112.00 Also available as an eBook Not available for sale in Canada

Also available as an eBook

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Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Diffusion and Mass Transfer James S. Vrentas and Christine M. Vrentas The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA

"Finally a text which integrates in an easily understandable and logical fashion the coupled nature of the equations of change with respect to multicomponent mass transfer and its constitutive equations." —William H. Velander, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Selected Contents: Introduction. Generalized Transport Phenomena Approach to Problem Analysis. Conservation Laws and Field Equations. Concentrations, Velocities, and Fluxes. Boundary Conditions. Jump Balances for Mass Conservation. Constitutive Equations. FirstOrder Theory for Binary Systems. Parameters in Constitutive Equations. General Approach in Parameter Determination. Special Behaviors of Polymer–Penetrant Systems. Volumetric Behavior of Polymer–Penetrant Systems. Mathematical Apparatus. Classification of Second-Order Partial Differential Equations. Solution Strategy for Mass Transfer Problems. Proposed Solution Methods. Solutions of a General Set of Mass Transfer Problems. Mixing of Two Ideal Gases. Perturbation Solutions of Mass Transfer Moving Boundary Problems. Dissolution of a Plane Surface of a Pure Gas Phase. Diffusion and Reaction. Design of a Tubular Polymerization Reactor. Transport in Nonporous Membranes. Assumptions Used in the Theory for Membrane Transport. Analysis of Sorption and Desorption. Derivation of a ShortTime Solution Form for Sorption in Thin Films. Dispersion and Chromatography. Formulation of Taylor Dispersion Problem. Effects of Pressure Gradients on Diffusion: Wave Behavior and Sedimentation. Wave Propagation in Binary Fluid Mixtures. Viscoelastic Diffusion. Experimental Results for Sorption Experiments. Transport with Moving Reference Frames. Relationships Between Fixed and Moving Reference Frames. Appendix: Vector and Tensor Notation. Catalog no. K15048, December 2012, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1568-0, $146.95 / £93.00 Also available as an eBook

Fundamentals of Automatic Process Control Uttam Ray Chaudhuri University of Calcutta, India

Utpal Ray Chaudhuri Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India

Series: Chemical Industries

This book provides an integrated introduction to the hardware and software of automatic control systems. It solves problems from the GATE examination and provides explanations for each solution. It also includes various examples of control systems commonly used in plants, Laplacian mathematics with solutions, as well as virtual laboratory software. It includes an associated Windows simulator, Virtual Lab, on CD-ROM. Virtual Lab can be run as a control laboratory for understanding various open-loop, closedloop systems with varieties of disturbances, control valves, and processes. Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. K14975, October 2012, 303 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1420-1, $146.95 / £93.00 Also available as an eBook

Introduction to Process Control Second Edition Jose A. Romagnoli Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

Ahmet Palazoglu University of California, Davis, USA

Series: Chemical Industries

• Offers unique perspectives on contemporary process control • Contains many innovative teaching and learning principles • Presents application examples of control problems, including regulatory control of continuous processes, advanced control configurations, and operations involving a number of sequences in conjunction with conventional regulatory loops • Provides MATLAB® toolboxes and simulation examples on the book’s website • Incorporates an extended list of new exercises A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. K12554, February 2012, 643 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5486-0, $159.95 / £100.00 Also available as an eBook


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Inorganic Chemisry Bestseller!

Solid State Chemistry An Introduction, Fourth Edition Lesley E. Smart and Elaine A. Moore The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

• Provides a solid background to a popular field and covers areas of new interest • Includes new chapters on biological systems in synthesis, solid state modeling, and metamaterials • Contains both basic and advanced material for study throughout a degree course • Each chapter contains a set of review questions A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: An introduction to crystal structures. Close-packing. Body-centred and primitive structures. Symmetry. Physical methods for characterizing solids. X-ray Diffraction. Powder Diffraction. Neutron Diffraction. Electron Microscopy. Synthesis of solids. High temperature ceramic methods. Microwave synthesis. Combustion synthesis. High pressure methods. Bonding in solids and their electronic properties. Bonding in solids - free electron theory. Bonding in solids - molecular orbital theory. Semiconductors - Si and Ge. Defects and non-stoichiometry. Point Defects - an introduction. Defects and their concentration. Ionic conductivity in solids. Solid Electrolytes. Microporous and Mesoporous solids. Zeolites. Other microporous framework structures. Mesoporous structures. New materials. Optical properties of solids. The interaction of light with atoms. Absorption and emission of radiation in continuous solids. Refraction. Photonic Crystals. Magnetic and Electrical Properties. Magnetic susceptibility. Paramagnetism in metal complexes. Ferromagnetic metals. Ferromagnetic compounds - chromium dioxide. Superconductivity. Conventional superconductors. High temperature superconductors. Uses of high-temperature superconductors. Nanostructures and solids with low-dimensional properties. Consequences of the nanoscale. Low-dimensional and nano-structural carbon. Carbon-based conducting polymers. Non-carbon nanoparticles. Catalog no. K12133, May 2012, 494 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-4790-9 $69.95 / £29.99 Also available as an eBook

Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry R. Gopalan Madras Christian College, Chennai, India

The contents of this textbook have been carefully compiled taking into account changes in the inorganic chemistry. It has been written using simple language with a view to rendering learning easy. Tabulated data, figures, equations, and charts are provided throughout the book to help in easy assimilation of the various concepts. Solved problems and popular matter on the subject (in grey boxes) are two of the highlights of this book. An exhaustive question bank has been added to each chapter. This is intended not only for self-appraisal and preparation for examinations, but also to help the student in understanding concepts. • Contains an exhaustive question bank in each chapter • Provides worked examples • Includes text boxes on popular topics • Supplies tabulated data, figures, equations, and charts

Selected Contents: Atomic Structure. Periodicity of Properties. Principles of Inorganic Qualitative Analysis. Principles of Volumetric Analysis. Solvents for Inorganic Reactions. Ionic Bond. Covalent Bond. Covalent Bond: Molecular Orbital Theory. Hydrogen. Alkali Metals. Alkaline Earth Metals. Boron Family. Carbon Family. Nitrogen Family. Oxygen Family. Halogens. Noble Gases. Principles of Metallurgy. Transition Elements: Introduction. Chemistry of Transition Elements. Inner Transition Elements. Coordination Compounds. Bioinorganic Chemistry. Nuclear Chemistry. Industrial Inorganic Chemistry. Environmental Chemistry. Catalog no. K15148, May 2012, 960 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1814-8, $135.95 / £86.00

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Materials Chemistry New!


XAFS for Everyone

Electronic Structure of Materials

Scott Calvin Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York, USA

"The author has found fun and engaging ways to explain details of XAFS that otherwise can seem so dry. I am sure that folks who use my beamline and software will love XAFS for Everyone." —Dr. Bruce Ravel, National Institute of Standards and Technology

• Uses cartoon characters and easy-to-follow illustrations to introduce multiple viewpoints without distracting from the main narrative • Describes practical experimental aspects, including how to identify and mitigate problems • Contains case studies that illustrate real-world applications in a variety of fields Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: The XAFS Experiment. XAFS in a Nutshell. X-Ray Absorption Spectra. Basics of EXAFS Theory. Planning the Experiment. Identifying Your Questions. Synchrotron Light Sources. Sample Preparation. XAFS Samples. Which Technique Should You Choose?. Data Reduction. Preprocessing. Calibration and Alignment. Data Collection. Noise, Distortion, and Time. Detector Choice. XAFS Analysis. Fingerprinting. Matching Empirical Standards. Fingerprinting Spectral Features. Linear Combination Analysis. When LCA Works. Statistics of Linear Combination Fitting. Principal Component Analysis. The Idea of PCA. How Many Components?. Curve Fitting to Theoretical Standards. The Path Expansion. Fitting Strategies. Modeling. A Dictionary of Parameters. Common Fitting Parameters. Scattering Parameters. Identifying a Good Fit. Criterion 1: Statistical Quality. Criterion 8: How Defensible Is the Model?. The Process of Fitting. Prepare Your Data. Starting Structures. Crystal Structures. Calculated Structures. Constraints. Rigorous Constraints. Constraints Based on a Priori Knowledge. XAFS in the Literature. Communicating XAFS. Know Your Audience. Experimental Details. Case Studies. Catalog no. K13676, May 2013, 457 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-7863-7 $99.95 / £63.00 Also available as an eBook


Rajendra Prasad Indian Institute of Technology (ITT), Kanpur

This classroom-tested book helps advanced undergraduate and graduate students understand electronic structure methods and enables them to use these techniques in their work. The text includes exercises and further reading in each chapter and extensive references at the back of the book. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction. Quantum Description of Materials. Born–Oppenheimer Approximation. Hartree Method … Density Functional Theory. Thomas–Fermi Theory ... Energy Band Theory. Crystal Potential. Bloch’s Theorem ... Methods of Electronic Structure Calculations I. Empty Lattice Approximation. Nearly Free Electron (NFE) Model ... Methods of Electronic Structure Calculations II. Scattering Approach to Pseudopotential ... Methods of Electronic Structure Calculations III. Green’s Function ... Disordered Alloys. Short- and LongRange Order. An Impurity in an Ordered Solid ... First-Principles Molecular Dynamics. Classical MD. Calculation of Physical Properties ... Materials Design Using Electronic Structure Tools. Structure–Property Relationship. First-Principles Approaches and Their Limitations ... Amorphous Materials. Pair Correlation and Radial Distribution Functions. Structural Modeling ... Atomic Clusters and Nanowires. Jellium Model of Atomic Clusters. First-Principles Calculations of Atomic Clusters ... Surfaces, Interfaces, and Superlattices. Geometry of Surfaces. Surface Electronic Structure ... Graphene and Nanotubes. Graphene. Carbon Nanotubes … Quantum Hall Effects and Topological Insulators. Classical Hall Effect. Landau Levels) ... Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Materials. Polarization. Born Effective Charge ... High-Temperature Superconductors. Cuprates. Iron-Based Superconductors ... Spintronic Materials. Magnetic Multilayers. Half-Metallic Ferromagnets (HMF) ... Battery Materials. LiMnO2. LiMn2O4 ... Materials in Extreme Environments. Materials at High Pressures. Materials at High Temperatures ... Catalog no. K14536, August 2013, 469 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0468-4, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook

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Materials Chemistry Computational Materials Science An Introduction

Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Materials

June Gunn Lee

Robert J. Naumann

Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea

University of Alabama, Huntsville, USA

• Includes exercises with XMD that can be carried out on PCs as well as exercises with LAMMPS and VASP that can be implemented on any mini-supercomputer via remote access from the classroom

Providing the foundation needed for more advanced work in materials science, this text discusses the structure and properties of materials and how these materials are used in diverse applications. Ideal for a two-semester course, it covers chemical bonding, crystal structure, mechanical properties, phase transformations, and materials processing, along with thermal, electronic, photonic, optical, and magnetic properties of materials. The author explores contemporary developments in photonics and magnetoelectronics and provides examples to evaluate how well-simplified theories predict the actual performance of various materials.

• Contains numerous worked examples, references, and homework problems A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Table of Contents: Introduction. Computational materials science. Methods in computational materials science. Computers. Molecular Dynamics. Introduction. Potentials. Solutions for Newton’s equations of motion. Initialization. Integration/equilibration. Data production. MD Exercises with XMD and LAMMPS. Potential curve of Al. Melting of Ni cluster. Sintering of Ni nanoparticles. Speed distribution of Ar gas: A computer experiment. SiC deposition on Si(001). Yield mechanism of Au nanowire. Nanodroplet of water wrapped by graphene nanoribbon. First-Principles Methods. Quantum mechanics: The beginning. Schrödinger’s wave equation. Early first-principles calculations. Density Functional Theory. Introduction. Kohn–Sham approach. Kohn–Sham equations. Exchange-correlation functional. Solving Kohn–Sham equations. DFT extensions and limitations. Treating Solids. Pseudopotential approach. Reducing the calculation size. Bloch theorem. Plane-wave expansions. Some practical topics. Practical algorithms for DFT runs. DFT Exercises with VASP. VASP. Pt-atom. Pt-FCC. Convergence tests. Pt-bulk. Pt(111)-surface. Nudged elastic band method. Pt(111)-catalyst. Band structure of silicon. Phonon calculation for silicon. Appendix 1: List of symbols and abbreviations. Appendix 2: Linux basic commands. Appendix 3: Convenient scripts. Appendix 4: The Greek alphabet. Appendix 5: SI prefixes. Appendix 6: Atomic units. Index.

• Presents basic concepts of solid state chemistry at an advanced undergraduate level • Relates mechanical, thermal, electronic, photonic, and magnetic properties to the structure of organic and inorganic materials • Includes end-of-chapter problems to help students apply what they have learned A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction to Materials Science. Fundamental Principles. Chemical Bonding. Crystals and Crystallography. The Structure of Matter. Reciprocal Lattice and X-Ray Diffraction. Theory of Elasticity. Defects in Crystals. Mechanical Properties of Materials. Composites. Phase Equilibria in Single Component Systems. Phase Equilibria in Multicomponent Systems. Alloy Solidification. Transformation Kinetics. Distribution Functions. Lattice Vibrations and Phonons. Thermal Properties of Solids. Free Electrons in Metals. Band Theory of Metals. Semiconductors. Theory and Applications of Junctions. Transistors, Quantum Wells, and Superlattices. Dielectrics and the Dielectric Function. Optical Properties of Materials. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Superconductivity. Index.

Catalog no. K11634, September 2011, 302 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3616-3, $98.95 / £62.99

Catalog no. 6133X, December 2008, 533 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6133-8, $159.95 / £102.00

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

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Materials Chemistry Fundamentals of Soft Matter Science Linda S. Hirst University of California, Merced, USA

"… a welcome addition … succeeds in giving a broad overview and conveying the fascination of the field." —Hans M. Wyss, Physics Today, November 2013

Focusing on qualitative science and experimental techniques, this book provides a comprehensive, practical introduction to the field of soft matter, which merges tools from physics, materials science, chemistry, biology, and computer science.

Selected Contents: Introduction. What Is Soft Matter? Basic Thermal Physics. Intermolecular Forces. Diffusion and Random Walks. Self-Assembly. The Phase Diagram. Aggregation and Assembly. Mechanical Properties of Soft Matter. Liquid Crystals. Anisotropy in Liquid Crystals. The Order Parameter. Thermotropic and Lyotropic Liquid Crystals. Birefringence in Liquid Crystals. Defect Textures. Thermotropic Liquid Crystal Phases. Surfactants. Types of Surfactants. Surface Tension and Surfactants. Self-Assembly and Phase Behavior. Membrane Elasticity and Curvature. Applications of Surfactants. Polymers. Early Polymers. Polymer Structure. Liquid Crystal Polymers. Polymer Solutions. The Glassy and Polymer Melt Phases. The Mechanical Properties of Polymers. Polymer Architecture. Polymers in Solution. Colloidal Materials. Characteristics of Colloidal Systems. Colloids in Suspension. Competing Forces in Colloidal Dispersions. Interparticle Interactions. Colloidal Aggregation. Colloidal Crystals. Granular Materials. Foams. Soft Biological Materials. The Composition of the Cell. The Cell Membrane. Protein Structures and Assemblies. Glossary. Appendix A: The Fourier Transform. Appendix B: Physical Constants and Conversions. Appendix C: Laue Scattering Theory. Appendix D: Entropy and Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Appendix E: The Amino Acids. Index. Catalog no. K11369, November 2012, 246 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-2775-8 $83.95 / £51.99 Also available as an eBook

Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors Matthew D. McCluskey Washington State University, Pullman, USA

Eugene E. Haller University of California, Berkeley, USA

• Presents the essentials of semiconductors in an easy-to-understand format, with no prior knowledge of semiconductor physics required • Illustrates structural, electronic, and symmetry classifications with numerous examples, providing a framework for understanding defects in any crystal • Explains how characterization methods are used to investigate defects in semiconductors • Includes references at the end of each chapter Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Semiconductor Basics. Historical Overview. Crystal Structure. Phonons. … Defect Classifications. Structure and Symmetry. Energy Levels. Examples of Native Defects. … Crystal Growth and Doping. Bulk Crystal Growth. Dopant Incorporation during Bulk Crystal Growth. Thin Film Growth. … Electronic Properties. Hydrogenic Model. Wave Function Symmetry. Donor and Acceptor Wave Functions. … Vibrational Properties. Phonons. Defect Vibrational Modes. Infrared Absorption. Interactions and Lifetimes … Optical Properties. Free-Carrier Absorption and Reflection. Lattice Vibrations. Dipole Transitions. Band-Gap Absorption ... Thermal Properties. Defect Formation. Charge State and Chemical Potential. Diffusion. Microscopic Mechanisms of Diffusion ... Electrical Measurements. Resistivity and Conductivity. Methods of Measuring Resistivity. Hall Effect. P-n and Schottky Junctions ... Optical Spectroscopy. Absorption. Emission. Raman Spectroscopy. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy ... ParticleBeam Methods. Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS). Ion Range. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) ... Microscopy and Structural Characterization. Optical Microscopy. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Cathodoluminescence (CL) ... Physical Constants. Catalog no. K11532, February 2012, 390 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3152-6, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as an eBook


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Materials Chemistry Physical Properties of Materials Second Edition Mary Anne White Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

“This book stands out as a unique resource for students and established scientists working at the modern materials/chemistry/technology interface. It conveys a tremendous amount of information and distills the physics and chemistry down to an intuitive level that can be appreciated by both developing scientists as well as more established scientists looking for a teaching aid/text or a tune-up in their own knowledge. … This new edition includes many new state-of-the-art topics that have emerged as major fields over the last decade including carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, and spintronics. … I defy the reader to not find many gems of insightful knowledge to enhance their understanding of the physical materials world.” —Timothy M. Swager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction: Introduction to Materials Science Color and Other Optical Properties of Materials: Atomic and Molecular Origins of Color Color in Metals and Semiconductors Color from Interactions of Light Waves with Bulk Matter Other Optical Effects Thermal Properties of Materials: Heat Capacity, Heat Content, and Energy Storage Thermal Expansion Thermal Conductivity Thermodynamic Aspects of Stability Surface and Interfacial Phenomena Other Phases of Matter Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Materials: Electrical Properties Magnetic Properties Mechanical Properties of Materials: Mechanical Properties Appendices Index Catalog no. K12969, June 2011, 469 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6651-1, $87.95 / £55.99 Also available as an eBook

Understanding Nanomaterials Malkiat S. Johal Pomona College, Claremont, California, USA

This textbook provides a coherent overview of the fundamental principles underlying nanomaterials fabrication, as well as a discussion of the characterization and application of these materials. The author takes an interdisciplinary approach, highlighting the theory and tools contributed by chemistry, biology, physics, medicine, and engineering. The book includes realworld examples related to energy, the environment, and medicine throughout the text, underscoring presented technological applications. Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Table of Contents: A Brief Introduction to Nanoscience. The Need for Nanoscience Education. The Nanoscale Dimension and the Scope of Nanoscience. Self-Assembly. Supramolecular Science. Sources of Information on Nanoscience. Intermolecular Interactions and SelfAssembly. Chapter Overview. Intermolecular Forces and Self- Assembly. Electrostatic Forces between Surfaces: The Electrical Double Layer. Intermolecular Forces and Aggregation. Simple Models Describing Electronic Structure. References and Recommended Reading. End of Chapter Questions. Rudiments of Surface Nanoscience. Chapter Overview. Fundamentals of Surface Science. Adsorption Phenomena: Self-Assembled Monolayers. Surface Chemistry. References and Recommended Reading. End of Chapter Questions. Characterization at the Nanoscale. Chapter Overview. Surface Tensiometry: The Surface Tensiometer. Quartz Crystal Microbalance. Ellipsometry. Surface Plasmon Resonance. Dual Polarization Interferometry. Spectroscopic Methods. Nonlinear Spectroscopic Methods. X-Ray Spectroscopy. Imaging Nanostructures. Light Scattering Methods. References and Recommended Reading. End of Chapter Questions. Types and Uses of Some Nanomaterials. Chapter Overview. Supramolecular Machines. Nanowires. Carbon Nanotubes. Quantum Dots. Langmuir-Blodgett Films. Polyelectrolytes. Model Phospholipid Bilayer Formation and Characterization. Self-Assembled Monolayers. Patterning. DNA and Lipid Microarrays. Cited References. References and Recommended Reading. End of Chapter Questions. Appendix. Glossary. Index. Catalog no. 73109, April 2011, 327 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-7310-2 $65.95 / £42.99 Also available as an eBook

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Natural Product Chemistry Chemistry of Natural Products

Chemistry of Natural Products

A Laboratory Handbook

A Unified Approach, Second Edition

N R Krishnaswamy

N R Krishnaswamy

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, (retired), Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, (retired), Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India

This book is a laboratory companion to Chemistry of Natural Products: A Unified Approach, which was extensively revised and enlarged. Material in the text can be explored from a practical perspective using this revised edition of the laboratory handbook.

The second edition of a bestseller, this book discusses the common structural and stereochemical features of naturally occurring organic compounds. It includes a variety of examples to illustrate varied aspects. The author explores the increasing application of physical (spectroscopic) methods like IR, NMR, CD, ORD, and MS, without undermining the importance of classical chemical methods. The section on problem solving helps to develop an analytical and critical evaluation of the data.

The first edition of the handbook, published in 2003, has been sold out, but ongoing demand for it prompted the publication of this edition. Several experimental procedures described in it are unique in the sense that they are not readily available in other books on practical organic chemistry. Additional experiments have been added to this edition as explained in the accompanying preface. The chemistry of natural products can be fully appreciated and enjoyed only by combining theoretical knowledge in the classroom with experimentation in the laboratory. This can be accomplished through the use of this laboratory handbook, which provides procedural details of the varied aspects of natural organic compounds.

Selected Contents: Introduction A Survey of the Methods of Extraction, Isolation and Fractionation of Naturally Occurring Organic Compounds Isolation Procedures for Select Compounds Chemical Transformation of some Natural Products Synthesis of Select Compounds Metabolism of Natural Products Suggested Projects Index Catalog no. K14555, July 2012, 216 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0524-7, $83.95 / £51.99

Selected Contents: Introduction. The terpenes. The alkaloids. Flavonoids and related compounds. Xanthones. Other oxygen heterocyclic compounds. Structure. Introduction: A survey of the methods used for determination of structures. Strychnine: A hard nut to crack!. Nepitrin and pedaliin: A case of mistaken identity!. Colchicine: Structure from ‘armchair’ research!. Longifolene: A molecular acrobat!. Stereochemistry. Absolute stereochemistry of morphine. Quinine and related alkaloids. Emetine. Enhydrin. Conformations of naturally occurring germacranolides. Reactions and Rearrangements. Rearrangement reactions of morphine. Smaller and more agile molecular acrobats. The Wesley–Moser rearrangement. Some interesting reactions of reserpine. Molecular yoga: Reactions of papaverine. Synthesis. Synthesis of polyoxygenated flavones with uncommon oxygenation patterns. Two contrasting syntheses of anthracyclinones. An approach to quassinoid synthesis. Synthesis of a semiochemical. A synthesis of polygodial. Biosynthesis. Biosynthesis of some benzylisoquinoline alkaloids. Reticuline to morphine. From phenylalanine to colchicine. Tryptophan to quinine. Biosynthesis of some indole alkaloids. Biological Significance of Secondary Metabolites. Semiochemicals: An overview. Insect pheromones. Plant–insect interactions. Plant–vertebrate interactions. Problems Catalog no. K12250, September 2010, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4965-1, $104.95 / £65.99


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Nuclear Chemistry New!

Introduction to Nuclear Science Second Edition Jeff C. Bryan University of Wisconsin –La Crosse, USA

This introductory textbook provides a clear and complete introduction to nuclear chemistry and physics, from basic concepts to nuclear power and medical applications. The second edition of a bestseller, it contains 60 percent more material including new chapters on dosimetry and nuclear reactors and new sections on nuclear forensics, radiology, gamma cameras, and decay through proton or neutron emission. All chapters have been updated and contain additional end-of-chapter problems. A new appendix provides nuclear data for all nuclides mentioned. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction. Atomic Structure. Nuclear Transformations. Nuclear Stability. Mathematics of Radioactive Decay. Atomic Masses and Average Atomic Masses. Nature of Decay. Specific Activity. Energy and the Nucleus. Binding Energy. Total Energy of Decay. Decay Diagrams. Applications of Nuclear Science I: Power and Weapons. Nuclear Power. Nuclear Weapons. Nuclear Forensics. Radioactive Decay: The Gory Details. Alpha Decay. Beta Decay. Positron Decay. Electron Capture. Interactions of Ionizing Radiation with Matter. Ionizing Radiation. Charged Particles. Photons. Detection of Ionizing Radiation. Gas-Filled Detectors. Scintillation Detectors. Other Detectors. Applications of Nuclear Science II: Medicine and Food. Radiation Therapy. Food Irradiation. Nuclear Medicine. Nuclear Reactions. Energetics. Cross Section. Yield. Accelerators. Fission and Fusion. Spontaneous Fission. Neutron-Induced Fission. Fusion. Applications of Nuclear Science III: More about Nuclear Reactors. Reactions in Reactors. Other Reactor Types. Reactor Safety Systems. Fusion Reactors. Radiation Protection. Terms. Regulations and Recommendations. Risk. X-Ray Production. Conventional X-Ray Beams. High-Energy X-Ray Beams. Dosimetry of Radiation Fields. Percent Depth Dose. Tissue-Air Ratio. Isodose Curves. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K14329, March 2013, 420 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9892-5, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook

Experiments in Nuclear Science Sidney A. Katz Rutgers University, Camden, New Jersey, USA

Jeff C. Bryan University of Wisconsin –La Crosse, USA

Based on experiments performed by hundreds of students, this introductory-level laboratory manual provides hands-on opportunities for developing insights into the origins and properties of nuclear radiations, their interactions with matter, their detection and measurement, and their applications in the physical and life sciences. Appropriate as a standalone volume or alongside a textbook such as Introduction to Nuclear Science, each of the 32 exercises includes an overview of the scientific phenomenon, instructions for conducting the experiments, recording and analyzing the data and reporting the results; specific questions relating to the experiments; and several problems relating to the scientific phenomena being investigated. • Presents 32 hands-on experiments validated for safety and pedagogy in the undergraduate instructional laboratory • Reinforces fundamental principles and assists in the development of lab skills • Makes use of off-the-shelf instrumentation

Selected Contents: Characteristics of Geiger-Muller Counters. Resolving Time. Background Corrections. Inverse Square Law. Corrections for Geometry Factors. Back Scatter of Radiation. Corrections for Self-absorption. Range of Beta Radiations. Absorption of Beta Radiation. Absorption of Gamma Radiation. Radioactive Decay and Instrument Efficiency. Half-life Determination. Investigation of Two Independently. Decaying Radionuclides. Half-life of a Long-lived Radionuclide. Autoradiography. Calibration and Operation of the Electroscope. Properties of Proportional Counters. Integral Spectra. Gamma Spectrometry I. Gamma Spectrometry II. Liquid Scintillation Counting. Separation by Precipitation. Chromatographic Separation. Random Errors. Duplicate Samples. Measurement of Neutron Flux. Neutron Activation Analysis. Hot Atom Chemistry. Synthesis of 14C Aspirin. Synthesis of 35S Sulfanilamide. Radiological Monitoring. Determination of an Unknown. Appendices. Catalog no. K11568, August 2010, 198 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3481-7 $52.95 / £33.99 Also available as an eBook

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Organic Chemistry New!

Laboratory Experiments Using Microwave Heating Nicholas E. Leadbeater University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

Cynthia B. McGowan Merrimack College, North Andover, Massachusetts, USA

This book presents 22 experiments encompassing organic, inorganic, and analytical chemistry performed using microwave heating, making them easy to accomplish in a laboratory period. All experiments have been tested and verified in laboratory classes. Each chapter includes an introduction, end-of-chapter questions, and two detailed protocols for performing the reaction using a small monomode and a larger multimode microwave unit. An instructor's manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction: Using Microwave Heating in Chemistry: The Basics. Diels–Alder Cycloaddition Reaction. Second-Order Elimination Reaction: Preparation of Heptene from 2-Bromoheptane. An Addition–Elimination Sequence: Preparation of a Bromoalkene. Fischer Esterification: Preparation of Ethyl-4-Aminobenzoate (Benzocaine). Transesterification Reaction: Preparation of Biodiesel. Knoevenagel Condensation Reaction: Preparation of 3Acetylcoumarin. The Perkin Reaction: Condensation of an Aromatic Aldehyde with Rhodanine. Williamson Ether Synthesis: Preparation of Allyl Phenyl Ether. Claisen Rearrangement: Preparation of 2-Allyl Phenol from Allyl Phenyl Ether. Hydration of an Alkyne: Preparation of Acetophenone from Phenylacetylene. Oxidation of a Secondary Alcohol: Preparation of a Ketone. Suzuki Coupling Reaction: Preparation of a Biaryl. Heck Reaction: Preparation of Substituted Cinnamic Acids. Preparation of an Aryl Nitrile: Application of a Copper-Catalyzed Cyanation Reaction. Alkene Metathesis: Preparation of a Substituted Cyclopentene. Click Reaction: Preparation of a Triazole. Coordination Chemistry: Preparation of Cisplatin. Preparation of a Palladium Complex: Bis(triphenylphosphine)Palladium(II) Dichloride. Coordination of an Aromatic Ring to a Metal: Preparation of an Arene Chromium Tricarbonyl Complex. Determination of an Empirical Formula: Zinc Bromide. Microwave-Assisted Extraction: Identification of the Major Flavor Components of Citrus Oil. Microwave-Assisted Digestion of Dietary Supplements: Metal Analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.

Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry Third Edition John Leonard Barry Lygo Garry Procter With an emphasis on the most up-to-date techniques commonly used in organic synthesis, this text presents a fully revised edition of a bestselling textbook. Written mainly for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, it provides sufficient guidance to allow the researcher to carry out reactions under conditions that offer the highest chance of success. It contains many illustrations, all of which have been redrawn for this edition. Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: General introduction. Safety. Safe working practice. Safety risk assessments. Keeping records of laboratory work. Keeping records of data. Some tips on report and thesis preparation. Equipping the laboratory and the bench. Setting up the laboratory. The individual bench. Purification and drying of solvents. Purification of solvents. Drying agents. Reagents: Preparation, purification, and handling. Classification of reagents for handling. Techniques for obtaining pure and dry reagents. Gases. Use of gas cylinders. Handling gases. Inert gases. Vacuum pumps. House vacuum systems (low vacuum). High vacuum pumps. Carrying out the reaction. Reaction monitoring. Driving equilibria. Working up the reaction. Quenching the reaction. Isolation of the crude product. Purification. Crystallization. Distillation. Sublimation. Small-scale reactions. Reactions above room temperature. Reactions in NMR tubes. Purification of materials. Large-scale reactions. Carrying out the reaction. Workup and product isolation. Purification of the products. Special procedures. Catalytic hydrogenation. Photolysis. Ozonolysis. Characterization. NMR spectra. IR spectra. UV spectroscopy. Troubleshooting: What to do when things don’t work. The chemical literature. The structure of the chemical literature. How to find chemical information. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K12806, January 2013, 356 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6097-7 $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K12632, April 2013, 232 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-5609-3, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook


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Organic Chemistry Textbook of Organic Chemistry


CN Pillai

An Acid–Base Approach

Textbook of Organic Chemistry employs a deductive approach and reduces the need to learn by rote. Each chapter has been developed in a logical and interesting manner that facilitates easy reading and understanding. This approach has been developed and perfected by the author over the course of his tenure as a teacher of organic chemistry. Each chapter provides exercises that test the understanding of the student while strengthening the concepts discussed in the text. Challenging Questions are given for those students who want to delve deeper into the subject. Topics of current interest are suggested for preparing project reports. • Lists objectives to give an overview of each the chapter • Involves a deductive approach • Develops chapters in a logical and interesting manner • Provides extensive exercises at the end of each chapter

Selected Contents: Basic Concepts of Bonding In Organic Chemistry Nomenclature of Organic Compounds Alkanes Alkenes Alkynes Dienes Polymerisation Cycloalkanes Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Aromaticity Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions Elimination Reactions Determination of Structure Using Spectroscopy Alcohols Phenols Carbonyl Chemistry Carboxylic Acids Nitrogen Containing Compounds Molecular Rearrangements Heterocyclic Compounds Stereochemistry – I Stereochemistry – II Bioorganic Chemistry – Carbohydrates and Vitamins (Natural Products-I) Bioorganic Chemistry – Aminoacids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids (Natural Products-II) Terpenoids and Alkaloids (Natural Products-III) Dyes Supplementary Reading Index

Organic Chemistry Michael B. Smith University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

This volume provides a framework for understanding the subject that goes beyond mere memorization. Using several techniques to develop a relational understanding, this text helps students fully grasp the concepts at the root of organic chemistry. • Emphasizes concepts built around a central theme rather than memorization • Includes realistic biological applications • Contains pre-chapter and post-chapter checklists of important concepts • Presents problems directly tied to concepts taught in each chapter • Provides mechanistic walkthroughs based on structural analysis • Facilitates learning through color illustrations A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction. Bonding. Alkanes, Isomers, and an Introduction to Nomenclature. Functional Groups. Acids, Bases, Nucleophiles, and Electrophiles. Chemical Reactions, Bond Energy, and Kinetics. Rotamers and Conformation. Stereoisomers: Chirality, Enantiomers, and Diastereomers. Acid–Base Reactions of π-Bonds. Nucleophiles: Lewis Base-Like Reactions at sp3 Carbon. Base-Induced Elimination Reactions. Substitution and Elimination Reactions Can Compete. Spectroscopic Methods of Identification. Organometallic Reagents. Carbonyl Compounds: Structure, Nomenclature, Reactivity. Oxidation. Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones. Reduction. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives and Acyl Substitution. Aromatic Compounds and Benzene Derivatives. Enolate Anions: Acyl Addition and Acyl Substitution. Difunctional Molecules: Dienes and Conjugated Carbonyl. Compounds. Difunctional Molecules: Pericyclic Reactions. Disconnections and Synthesis. Heteroaromatic Compounds. Multifunctional Compounds: Amino Acids and Peptides. Multifunctional Compounds: Carbohydrates. Index. Catalog no. 79204, October 2010, 1592 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7920-3, $159.95 / £102.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K15172, May 2012, 640 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5144-2, $104.95 / £66.99

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Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry for Engineering and Applied Sciences Frank R. Foulkes This book is the result of more than 30 years of teaching by the author of a onesemester course in physical chemistry to first-year students at the University of Toronto. The enrollment varied from 300 to 800 students per year over the years. The book is unique in that it provides the detailed development of the equations, which can be followed relatively easily even with only moderate mathematical skills and backgrounds. • Shows students how to use the theoretical principles and equations developed in the text via a large number of completely worked example problems • Provides 500 end-of-chapter problems chosen to be sufficiently interesting to encourage students to want to know the answers • Facilitates self-instruction by providing the answers––but not the solutions––of all exercises and problems • Includes a very detailed summary at the end of each chapter, and a cross-referenced index that includes examples and problems A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Selected Contents: Things You Should Know But Probably Forgot States of Matter and the Properties of Gases The Ideal Gas The Kinetic Theory of Gases Real Gases Thermodynamics Chemical Equilibrium Phase Equilibrium Mixtures Colligative Properties Ionic Equilibrium Acid and Base Dissociation Bases and Their Salts Buffer Solutions Solubility Equilibria Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Electrochemistry Chemical Reaction Kinetics Appendices

Essentials of Physical Chemistry Don Shillady Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA

Particularly well-suited for students not pursuing a traditional chemistry curriculum, such as premedical and forensic science students, this book presents a standalone approach to teaching physical chemistry in a one-semester course. The author includes real-world applications, worked examples, end-of-chapter problems, key solutions, thermodynamic data, and much more to assist in the teaching and learning of physical chemistry. • Begins with a mathematics and physics review and teaches calculus throughout the text • A dual text designed to satisfy basic requirements in a one-semester presentation with more advanced material in later chapters for a second semester A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Ideal and Real Gas Behavior. Viscosity of Laminar Flow. The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases. The First Law of Thermodynamics. ΔThe Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics. Gibbs’ Free Energy and Equilibria. Basic Chemical Kinetics . Basic Spectroscopy. Early Experiments in Quantum Physics. The Schrödinger Wave Equation. The Quantized Harmonic Oscillator, Vibrational Spectroscopy. The Quantized Rigid Rotor and the Vib-Rotor. The Schrödinger Hydrogen Atom. Quantum Thermodynamics. Approximate Methods and Linear Algebra. Electronic Structure of Molecules. Point Group Theory and Electrospray Mass Spectrometry. Essentials of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Appendix A: Relation between Legendre and Associated Legendre Polynomials. Appendix B: The Hartree–Fock–Roothaan SCF Equation. Appendix C: Gaussian Lobe Basis Integrals. Appendix D: SpinOrbit Coupling in the H Atom. Index. Use of PCLOBE. Catalog no. K11901, July 2011, 510 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4097-9, $87.95 / £29.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K15157, September 2012, 703 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1846-9, $89.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook


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Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry

M. V. Sangaranarayanan and V. Mahadevan

A Modern Introduction, Second Edition

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

This text presents a unified treatment of all the classical topics spanning physical chemistry. Using simple language and developing the subject matter in a logical manner, it helps students understand and apply the concepts rather than learn the subject by rote. The book also simplifies some topics, such as quantum mechanics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and group theory. Extensive exercises at the end of each chapter test students’ understanding of the concepts and sharpen their problemsolving skills. Interesting facts are highlighted in grey boxes and worked examples complement the text wherever required.

Pedagogical Features • Objectives are listed to give an overview of the chapter • Chapters are developed in a logical and interesting manner • Derivations are kept simple • Interesting matter is highlighted in grey boxes • Numerous worked out examples complement the text • Exercises at the end of each chapter sharpen the problem-solving skills • Key points at the end of each chapter aid revision Catalog no. K14852, April 2012, 592 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1183-5, $83.95 / £51.99

William M. Davis Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, USA

Designed specifically for a two-semester introductory course sequence in physical chemistry, this text presents core principles and topics. Organized in such a way that the various topics covered are connected to each other, it allows students to see physical chemistry as an interconnected discipline and not a series of unrelated concepts. Each chapter in this new edition has been thoroughly updated and includes new information on computational applications, more end-ofchapter problems, and new chapters on nanotechnology and surface chemistry A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: World of Atoms and Molecules. Ideal and Real Gases. Changes of State. Phases and Multicomponent Systems. Activity and Equilibrium of Gases and Solutions. Chemical Reactions: Kinetics, Dynamics, and Equilibrium. Vibrational Mechanics of Particle Systems. Molecular Quantum Mechanics. Vibrational–Rotational Spectroscopy. Electronic Structure. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Introduction to Surface Chemistry. Appendices: Mathematical Background. Molecular Symmetry. Special Quantum Mechanical Approaches. Table of Integrals. Table of Atomic Masses and Nuclear Spins. Fundamental Constants and Conversion of Units. Tables. Points of Interest. Atomic Masses and Percent Natural Abundance of Light Elements. Values of Constants. The Greek Alphabet. Answers to Selected Exercises. Index. Catalog no. K10537, December 2011, 519 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1077-4, $104.95 / £28.99 Also available as an eBook

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Physics New!

Classical Mechanics Second Edition Tai L. Chow California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, USA

Emphasizing a modern perspective, this book presents a complete account of the classical mechanics of particles and systems for physics students at the advanced undergraduate level. This edition has been updated with two new sections and three new chapters as well as four new appendices. The text assumes readers have been exposed to courses in calculus and calculus-based general physics, while no prior knowledge of differential equations is required. Each chapter contains homework problems of varying degrees of difficulty to enhance understanding of the material in the text. • Emphasizes a modern point of view through the choice and treatment of topics throughout the book • Introduces the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of mechanics at an early stage • Contains three new chapters covering Newtonian gravity, the Hamilton-Jacobi theory of dynamics, and an introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations for continuous systems and classical fields • Presents applications to other branches of physics wherever possible • Makes special note of concepts that are important to the development of modern physics • Emphasizes the relationship between symmetries and the laws of conservation

Selected Contents: Kinematics: Describing the Motion. Newtonian Mechanics. Integration of Newton’s Equation of Motion. Lagrangian Formulation of Mechanics: Descriptions of Motion in Configuration Space. Hamiltonian Formulation of Mechanics: Descriptions of Motion in PhaseSpaces. Motion Under a Central Force. Harmonic Oscillator. Coupled Oscillations and Normal Coordinates. Nonlinear Oscillations. Collisions and Scatterings. Motion in Non-Inertial Systems. Motion of Rigid Bodies. Theory of Special Relativity. Newtonian Gravity and Newtonian Cosmology. Hamilton–Jacobi Theory of Dynamics. Introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formulations for Continuous Systems and Classical Fields. Appendix 1: Vector Analysis and Ordinary Differential Equations. Appendix 2: D’Alembert’s Principle and Lagrange’s Equations. Appendix 3: Derivation of Hamilton’s Principle from D’Alembert’s Principle. Appendix 4: Noether’s Theorem. Appendix 5: Conic Sections, Ellipse, Parabola, and Hyperbola. Index.

Quantum Dynamics Applications in Biological and Materials Systems Eric R. Bittner University of Houston, Texas, USA

This text bridges the knowledge gap between quantum chemistry and the modern field of chemical dynamics. It provides needed background in quantum mechanics and then discusses theory and a number of applications that are of current interest, from molecular electronics to photosynthesis. • Covers cutting-edge material rarely found in textbooks • Provides required background and theoretical material to understand the concepts • Offers Mathematica® applications and codes on an accompanying website to illustrate the theoretical methods presented A solutions manual is available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Survey of Classical Mechanics. Newton’s Equations of Motion. Lagrangian Mechanics. Conservation Laws. Waves and Wave Functions. Position and Momentum Representation of |Psi. The Schrödinger Equation. Semiclassical Quantum Mechanics. BohrSommerfield Quantization. The WKB Approximation. Connection Formulas. Quantum Dynamics (and Other Un-American Activities). The Two-state System. Perturbative Solutions. Dyson Expansion of the Schrödinger Equation. Representations and Dynamics. Schrödinger Picture: Evolution of the State Function. Heisenberg Picture: Evolution of Observables. Quantum Principle of Stationary Action. Quantum Density Matrix. Time Evolution of the Density Matrix. Reduced Density Matrix. The Density Matrix for a Two-state System. Excitation Energy Transfer. Dipole-Dipole Interactions. Förster’s Theory. Beyond Förster. Electronic Structure of Conjugated Systems. Pi Conjugation in Organic Systems. Hückel Model. Electronic Structure Models. Electron-Phonon Coupling in Conjugated Systems. Su-SchriefferHeeger Model for Polyacetylene. Exciton Self-trapping. Davydov’s Soliton. Lattice Models for Transport and Structure. Representations. Stationary States on a Lattice. Kronig-Penney Model. Catalog no. 80539, July 2009, 334 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8053-7, $115.95 / £72.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K16463, May 2013, 639 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6998-0, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook


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Physics Plasma Physics and Engineering

Statistical and Thermal Physics

Second Edition

An Introduction

Alexander Fridman

Michael J.R. Hoch

Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Lawrence A. Kennedy University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Reflecting recent developments in plasma science and technology, this second edition continues to be one of the best textbooks in the field. It covers plasma chemistry and engineering, combustion, chemical physics, lasers, electronics, methods of material treatment, fuel conversion, and environmental control. • Provides a lucid introduction to virtually all aspects of modern plasma science and technology • Contains an extensive database on plasma kinetics and thermodynamics • Includes many helpful numerical formulas for practical calculations, as well as numerous problems and concept questions • Offers new chapters on microdischarges and discharges in liquids A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Fundamentals of Plasma Physics and Plasma Chemistry: Plasma in Nature, in the Laboratory, and in Industry. Elementary Processes of Charged Species in Plasma. Elementary Processes of Excited Molecules and Atoms in Plasma. Plasma Statistics and Kinetics of Charged Particles. Kinetics of Excited Particles in Plasma. Electrostatics, Electrodynamics, and Fluid Mechanics of Plasma. Physics and Engineering of Electric Discharges: Glow Discharge. Arc Discharges. Nonequilibrium Cold Atmospheric Pressure Discharges. Plasma Created in High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields: Radio-Frequency, Microwave, and Optical Discharges. Discharges in Aerosols, Dusty Plasmas, and Liquids. Electron Beam Plasmas. Catalog no. K10619, February 2011, 941 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1228-0, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook

Developing microscopic statistical physics and macroscopic classical thermodynamic descriptions in tandem, this comprehensive introduction provides insight into basic concepts at an advanced undergraduate level. • Introduces concepts of temperature, internal energy, and entropy using two systems as models: ideal gases and ideal paramagnets • Includes in-text exercises and numerous end-ofchapter problems to develop knowledge and encourage problem solving • Presents advanced topics, including Legendre transform, the density matrix, chemical reactions, and irreversible thermodynamics A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Classical Thermal Physics: The Microcanonical Ensemble: Introduction to Classical Thermal Physics Concepts: The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. Microstates and the Statistical Interpretation of Entropy. Applications of Thermodynamics to Gases and Condensed Matter, Phase Transitions, and Critical Phenomena. Quantum Statistical Physics and Thermal Physics Applications: The Canonical and Grand Canonical Ensembles and Distributions. Quantum Distribution Functions, Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein Statistics, Photons, and Phonons. The Classical Ideal Gas, Maxwell–Boltzmann Statistics, Nonideal Systems. The Density Matrix, Reactions and Related Processes, and Introduction to Irreversible Thermodynamics. Appendices: Useful Mathematical Relationships. The Binomial Distribution. Elements of Quantum Mechanics. The Legendre Transform in Thermodynamics. Recommended Texts on Statistical and Thermal Physics. Index. Catalog no. K12300, May 2011, 450 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5053-4, $69.95 / £44.99

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Physics Statistical Thermodynamics Understanding the Properties of Macroscopic Systems Lukong Cornelius Fai University of Dschang, Cameroon and The Abdus Salam International Centre For Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy

Gary Matthew Wysin Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA

Presenting a look at the modern evolution of statistical thermodynamics, this book provides a detailed overview of the statistical principles used to obtain the physical and thermodynamic properties of macroscopic systems. • Includes solved end-of-chapter review questions • Uses Feynman path integrals to evaluate difficult problems in quantum and statistical mechanics • Shows the wide range of applicability of the methods to real-world physical problems Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Basic Principles of Statistical Physics. Microscopic and Macroscopic Description of States. Gibbs Ergodic Assumption. Thermodynamic Functions. Temperature. Adiabatic Processes. Canonical Distribution. Gibbs Canonical Distribution. Basic Formulas of Statistical Physics. Ideal Gases. Occupation Number. Boltzmann Distribution. Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases. Maxwell–Boltzmann, Bose–Einstein, and Fermi–Dirac Statistics. Generalized Thermodynamic Potential for a Quantum Ideal Gas. The Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field. Evaluation of Free Energy. Application to a Degenerate Gas. Magnetic and Dielectric Materials. Thermodynamics of Dielectric Materials in an Electric Field. Magnetic Effects in Materials. Lattice Dynamics. Periodic Functions of a Reciprocal Lattice. Reciprocal Lattice. Condensed Bodies. Application of Statistical Thermodynamics to Phonons. Condensed Bodies at Low Temperatures. Applications of Statistical Thermodynamics. Multiphase Systems. Critical Point. Macroscopic Quantum Effects: Superfluid Liquid Helium. Nature of the Lambda Transition. Properties of Liquid Helium. Nonideal Classical Gases. Pair Interactions Approximation. Van Der Waals Equation. Functional Integration in Statistical Physics. Feynman Path Integrals. Least Action Principle.

Femtosecond Laser-Matter Interaction Theory, Experiments and Applications Eugene Gamaly Australian National University, Canberra

“An excellent and comprehensive overview of the mechanisms involved and recent developments in the field, this book covers the necessary background knowledge, which makes it appropriate for postgraduate students and researchers.” —Prof. Costas Fotakis, Director, IESL-FORTH, Greece

This book covers the interaction of laser pulses with solids at nonrelativistic intensity. It connects phenomena from the subtle atomic motion on the nanoscale to the generation of extreme pressure and temperature in the interaction zone confined inside a solid. With mathematics kept to a minimum, this is a highly engaging and readable treatment for students in science and engineering. The book avoids complex mathematical formulae, and hence, the content is accessible to nontechnical readers. Useful summaries after each chapter provide compressed information for the quick estimates of major parameters in planned or performed experiments. • Presents the first comprehensive treatment of the interaction of laser pulses with solids at nonrelativistic intensity • Avoids complex mathematical formulae, making the content accessible to nontechnical readers • Provides new ideas and results

Selected Contents: Basics of Ultra-Short Laser–Solid Interactions. Subtle Atomic Motion Preceding a Phase Transition: Birth, Life and Death of Phonons. Ultra-Fast Disordering by fs-Lasers: Superheating Prior to Entropy Catastrophe. Ablation of Solids. Ultra-Short Laser–Matter Interaction Confined Inside a Bulk of Transparent Solid. Applications of Ultra-Short Laser–Matter Interactions. Conclusion Remarks. Catalog no. N10436, October 2011, 350 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4241-81-6, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K14792, October 2012, 548 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1067-8, $83.95 / £51.99 Also available as an eBook


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Polymer Chemistry New!

Carraher’s Polymer Chemistry Ninth Edition Charles E. Carraher Jr.

Introduction to Polymer Science and Chemistry A Problem-Solving Approach, Second Edition

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA

Manas Chanda

Continuing the tradition of previous volumes, the ninth edition provides a wellrounded presentation of the principles and applications of polymers. With an emphasis on the environment and green chemistry and materials, it offers detailed coverage of natural and synthetic giant molecules, inorganic and organic polymers, biomacromolecules, elastomers, adhesives, coatings, fibers, plastics, blends, caulks, composites, and ceramics. This new edition includes updated and expanded chapters as well as several new sections.

This introductory text stresses practical problem solving and includes recent advances, which are critical for the modern polymer scientist-to-be. Updating the popular first edition of "the polymer book for the new millennium," this volume seamlessly integrates exploration of the fundamentals of polymer science and polymer chemistry. It is peppered with helpful questions and answers throughout to enhance understanding of presented theories and concepts.

It provides all the elements of an introductory text, covering synthesis, properties, applications, and characterization. • Includes interwoven case studies, illustrating various developments and the societal and scientific contexts • Contains a summary, glossary, exercises, and additional reading in each chapter A test bank and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction to Polymers. Polymer Structure (Morphology). Molecular Weight of Polymers. Polycondensation Polymers (Step-Reaction Polymerization). Ionic Chain-Reaction and Complex Coordination Polymerization (Addition Polymerization). Free-Radical Chain Polymerization (Addition Polymerization). Copolymerization. Composites and Fillers. Naturally Occurring Polymers: Plants. Naturally Occurring Polymers: Animals. Organometallic and Inorganic–Organic Polymers. Inorganic Polymers. Testing and Spectrometric Characterization of Polymers. Rheology and Physical Tests. Additives. Reactions on Polymers. Synthesis of Reactants and Intermediates for Polymers. Polymer Technology. Selected Topics. Solutions. Appendix A: Symbols. Appendix B: Trade Names. Appendix C: Syllabus. Appendix D: Polymer Core Course Committees. Appendix E: Structures of Common Polymers. Appendix F: Mathematical Values and Units. Appendix G: Comments on Health. Appendix H: ISO 9000 and 14000. Appendix I: Electronic Education Websites. Catalog no. K15198, August 2013, 805 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5203-6, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

• Includes worked numerical examples and exercise problems to reinforce concepts and stimulate deeper thinking • Provides elaborate accounts of living/controlled radical polymerization and application of "click" chemistry for complex polymer synthesis illustrated with practical examples A solutions manual and instructor's manual are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introductory Concepts. Polymerization and Functionality. Molecular Architecture. Chain Dimensions, Structures, and Transitional Phenomena. Constitutional and Configurational Isomerism. Crystallinity in Polymers. Polymers in Solution. Phase Equilibria in Poor Solvents. Solubility Behavior of Polymers. Polymer Molecular Weights. Molecular Weights in Terms of Moments. Molecular Weight Determination. Condensation (StepGrowth) Polymerization. Rates of Polycondensation Reactions. Number-Average Degree of Polymerization. Free Radical Polymerization. Scheme of Radical Chain Polymerization. Methods of Initiation. Chain Copolymerization. Binary Copolymer Composition – Terminal Model. Multicomponent Copolymerization: Ionic Chain Polymerization. Ionic Polymerizability of Monomers. Anionic Polymerization. Coordination Addition Polymerization. Ziegler-Natta Catalysts. Mechanism of Ziegler-Natta Polymerization. Ring-Opening Polymerization. Polymerization Mechanism and Kinetics. Living/Controlled Radical Polymerization. Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP). Degenerative Chain Transfer. Polymer Synthesis by Click Chemistry. Strain-Promoted Azide-Alkyne Coupling. Diels-Alder Click Reactions. Catalog no. K15289, January 2013, 770 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5384-2, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook

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Polymer Chemistry Introduction to Polymers

Introduction to Polymer Chemistry

Third Edition

Third Edition

Robert J. Young and Peter A. Lovell

Charles E. Carraher, Jr.


University of Manchester, UK

“The second edition of this book is currently the recommended text for a secondyear undergraduate lecture course I deliver. In future I will recommend the third edition for both this course and a fourth-year (masters) lecture course on advanced polymer synthesis. Moreover, not only have Young and Lovell produced an excellent text (again) for supporting undergraduate teaching, this book is also a superb entry-level text for postgraduates students with limited experience of polymers.” —Chemistry World, 2012

• Reorganizes the content to make the text easier for teaching and learning • Illustrates all topics with extensive reaction schemes and/or diagrams • Includes suggestions for further reading as well as end-of-chapter problems A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Concepts, Nomenclature and Synthesis of Polymers. Concepts and Nomenclature. Principles of Polymerization. Step Polymerization. Radical Polymerization. Ionic Polymerization. Stereochemistry and Coordination Polymerization. Ring-Opening Polymerization. Specialized Methods of Polymer Synthesis. Copolymerization. Characterization of Polymers. Theoretical Description of Polymers in Solution. NumberAverage Molar Mass. Scattering Methods. Frictional Properties of Polymers in Solution. Molar Mass Distribution. Chemical Composition and Molecular Microstructure. Phase Structure and Morphology of Bulk Polymers. The Amorphous State. The Crystalline State. Multicomponent Polymer Systems. Properties of Bulk Polymers. Elastic Deformation. Viscoelasticity. Elastomers. Yield and Crazing. Fracture and Toughening. Polymer Composites. Electrical Properties. Answers to Problems. Index. Catalog no. 3929, June 2011, 688 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8493-3929-5 $59.95 / £37.99 Also available as an eBook

Providing a well-rounded presentation, this book covers the principles and applications of natural, synthetic, inorganic, and organic polymers. Using simple fundamentals, the author shows how the basic principles of one polymer group can be applied to all other groups. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction to Polymers. History of Polymers. Why Polymers? Today’s Marketplace... Polymer Structure (Morphology). Stereochemistry of Polymers. Molecular Interactions. Polymer Crystals... Molecular Weight of Polymers. Introduction. Solubility. Average Molecular Weight Values... Naturally Occurring Polymers. Polysaccharides. Cellulose. Cellulose-Regenerating Processes... Step-Reaction Polymerization (Polycondensation Reactions). Comparison between Polymer Type and Kinetics of Polymerization. Introduction. Stepwise Kinetics... Ionic Chain-Reaction and Complex Coordination Polymerization (Addition Polymerization). Cationic Polymerization. Anionic Polymerization. Stereoregularity and Stereogeometry... Free Radical Chain Polymerization (Addition Polymerization). Initiators for Free Radical Chain Polymerization. Mechanism for Free Radical Chain Polymerization. Chain Transfer... Copolymerization. Kinetics of Copolymerization. The Q-e Scheme. Commercial Copolymers... Organometallic and Metalloid Polymers. Introduction. Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms. Condensation Organometallic Polymers ... Inorganic Polymers. Introduction. Portland Cement. Other Cements... Reactions of Polymers. Reactions with Polyolefins and Polyenes. Reactions of Aromatic and Aliphatic Pendant Groups. Degradation... Testing and Spectrometric Characterization of Polymers. Spectronic Characterization of Polymers. Surface Characterization. Amorphous Region Determinations... Rheology and Physical Tests. Rheology. Typical Stress–Strain Behavior. Stress–Strain Relationships... Additives. Fillers. Reinforcements. Nanocomposites... Synthesis of Reactants and Intermediates for Polymers. Monomer Synthesis from Basic Feedstocks. Reactants for Step-Reaction Polymerization. Synthesis of Vinyl Monomers. Polymer Technology. Polymer Processing. Secondary Structures: Mesophases. Fibers... Appendices Catalog no. K15344, December 2012, 554 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5494-8, $102.95 / £41.99 Also available as an eBook


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Polymer Chemistry Structural Analysis of Polymeric Composite Materials


Second Edition

Covina, California, USA

Mark E. Tuttle

Polymer Chemistry Second Edition Paul C. Hiemenz Timothy P. Lodge

University of Washington, Seattle, USA

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, USA

This second edition introduces the mechanics of composite materials and structures and combines classical lamination theory with macromechanical failure principles for prediction and optimization of composite structural performance. It addresses topics such as high-strength fibers, manufacturing techniques, commercially available compounds, and the behavior of anisotropic, orthotropic, and transversely isotropic materials and structures subjected to complex loading.

Written by established professors, this highly recommended edition focuses in on polymer properties at the molecular level. The authors discuss chemical structures, synthesis, characterization, and properties. This edition integrates theories and experiments made possible by instrumentation advances. Mathematical tools, fully derived problems, and wellorganized content can be scaled to meet the needs of introductory and advanced courses in chemistry, materials science, and chemical engineering.

Emphasizing the macromechanical (structural) level over micromechanical issues and analyses, this unique book integrates effects of environment at the outset to establish a coherent and updated knowledge base. In addition, each chapter includes example problems to illustrate the concepts presented.

Selected Contents:

A solutions manual, implementation software, and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction. Review of Force, Stress, and Strain Tensors. Material Properties. Elastic Response of Anisotropic Materials. Unidirectional Composite Laminates Subject to Plane Stress. Thermomechanical Behavior of Multiangle Composite Laminates. Predicting Failure of a Multiangle Composite Laminate. Composite Beams. Stress Concentrations Near an Elliptical Hole. The Governing Equations of Thin-Plate Theory. Some Exact Solutions for Specially Orthotropic Laminates. Some Approximate Solutions for Symmetric Laminates. Appendix A: Experimental Methods Used to Measure In-Plane Elastic Properties. Appendix B: Tables of Beam Deflections and Slopes. Index. Catalog no. K13483, December 2012, 668 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7512-4, $125.95 / ÂŁ81.00 Also available as an eBook

Introduction to Chain Molecules. How Big is Big? Linear and Branched Polymers, Homopolymers, and Copolymers. Step-Growth Polymerization. Condensation Polymers: One Step at a Time. Kinetics of Step-Growth Polymerization. ChainGrowth polymerization. Chain-Growth and Step-Growth Polymerizations: Some Comparisons. Initiation. Controlled Polymerization. Poisson Distribution for an Ideal Living Polymerization. Anionic Polymerization. Copolymers, Microstructure, and Stereoregularity. Copolymer Composition. Reactivity Ratios. Polymer Conformations. Conformations, Bond Rotation, and Polymer Size. Average End-to-End Distance for Model Chains. Thermodynamics of Polymer Solutions. Review of Thermodynamic and Statistical Thermodynamic Concepts. Regular Solution Theory. Light Scattering by Polymer Solutions. Introduction: Light Waves. Basic Concepts of Scattering. Dynamics of Dilute Polymer Solutions. Introduction: Friction and Viscosity. Stokes' Law and Einstein's Law. Networks, Gels, and Rubber Elasticity. Formation of Networks by Random Cross-Linking. Polymerization with Multifunctional Monomers. Linear Viscoelasticity. Basic Concepts. The Response of the Maxwell and Voigt Elements. Boltzmann Superposition Principle. Glass Transition. Thermodynamics Aspects of the Glass Transition. Locating the Glass Transition Temperature. Crystalline Polymers. Introduction and Overview. Structure and Characterization of Unit Cells. Appendix. Catalog no. DK4670, February 2007, 608 pp. ISBN: 978-1-57444-779-8, $106.95 / ÂŁ43.99

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Surface & Colloid Chemistry New!

Colloid and Surface Chemistry A Laboratory Guide for Exploration of the Nano World Seyda Bucak Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey

Deniz Rende Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA

This laboratory book is designed to help students understand the basic principles of colloid and interface science through experiments underlining the fundamental principles. It includes techniques for the preparation of nanoparticles as well as everyday applications of colloid science. It is aimed at undergraduate students or graduate students without prior background in the field. Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Contents: Scientific Research. The research process. Ethics in Science. Design of Experiments. Fundamentals of Scientific Computing. Recording Data: Keeping a Good Notebook. Presenting Data: Writing a Laboratory Report. References. Characterization Techniques. Surface Tension Measurements. Viscosity/Rheological Measurements. Electrokinetic Techniques. Diffraction (XRD). Scattering. Microscopy. Colloids and Surfaces. Sedimentation. Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Surfactants and Factors Affecting the Critical Micelle Concentration. Adsorption at Interfaces: Gibbs Adsorption Isotherm. Exploration of Wetting Phenomena. Determination of Polymer Shape in Solution Using Viscosity Measurements. Adsorption of Polyelectrolytes on Silica Nanoparticles. Colloidal Stability: Flocculation and Coagulation. Stabilization of Colloids: Emulsions and Pickering Emulsions. Foam Stability. Preparation of Colloidal Structures Using Phase Diagrams (Micelles, Liposomes, and Microemulsions). Preparation of Miniemulsions by Phase Inversion. Nanoparticles. Brief information about nanofluids. Synthesis of Metal (Silver) Nanoparticles (Reduction). Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles. Synthesis of Silica Nanoparticles (Hydrolysis Condensation). Synthesis of Nanoparticles in Microemulsions (Reduction in a Confined Environment). Synthesis of Latex Particles (In Situ Polymerization in Miniemulsions). Applications. Food Colloids. Body Wash Formulation. Cream Formulations. Index.

Colloids and Interfaces in Life Sciences and Bionanotechnology Second Edition Willem Norde Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands

This classroom-tested reference presents a concise introductory treatment of the physicochemical principles that determine interrelated colloidal and interfacial phenomena and their relevance to various life sciences. The book focuses on concepts that form the basis for understanding this behavior. It deciphers the spontaneous assembly of amphiphilic molecules and discusses the intentional fouling of surfaces for the immobilization of cells in bioreactors. It also devotes special attention to reversible and soft colloids and examines the colloidal domain in a historical perspective, the size and distribution of particles, electrokinetic phenomena, and more. • Supposes a basic knowledge of physical chemistry and mathematical calculus • Contains many illustrations to supplement the text • Includes numerous examples that stress the relevance for practical applications • Focuses on physiochemical concepts of colloidal systems in the life sciences

Selected Contents: Introduction. Colloidal Particles: Shapes and Size Distributions. Some Thermodynamic Principles and Relations, with Special Attention to Interfaces Water. Interfacial Tension. Curvature and Capillarity. Monolayers at Fluid Interfaces. Wetting of Solid Surfaces. Electrochemistry of Interfaces. Electrokinetic Phenomena. Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Molecules. Polymers. Proteins. Adsorption. Adsorption of (Bio)Polymers, with Special Emphasis on Globular Proteins. Stability of Lyophobic Colloids against Aggregation. Emulsions and Foams. Physicochemical Properties of Biological Membranes. Bioadhesion. Catalog no. K10890, June 2011, 495 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1718-6, $134.95 / £41.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K15257, December 2013, 278 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5310-1, $39.95 / £25.99 Also available as an eBook


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