Geo Science, GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing

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Geo Science, GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing


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CONTENTS Geo Science ............................................................3 GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing ....................................10

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Geo Science

Simulation of Ecological and Environmental Models Miguel F. Acevedo University of North Texas, Denton, USA

"Professor Acevedo's considerable experience in teaching graduate-level courses in environmental modeling has been nicely captured in this excellent and accessible textbook. He covers the field in sufficient breadth to introduce the student to virtually all aspects of environmental modeling, with sufficient depth to convey both the theory and practicality of each topic. This book particularly excels in its handson approach, guiding students through its many exercises and computer sessions so that understanding of each topic is achieved, and the student is provided with the tools necessary to delve further into developing and applying quantitative models for environmental studies. Professor Acevedo's book challenges students to think through not only the what and the how of modeling, but also the why. Thus, he has successfully achieved his central objective, to present a unified method of teaching that is commensurate with the interdisciplinary and quantitative approaches required today to study and understand complex ecological systems." —Mark A. Harwell, Harwell Gentile & Associates, LC, Port Orange, Florida, USA

"Acevedo’s new text for environmental simulation is a welcome addition to those now available. The text is based on R (a package of models accompanies the book), and this choice makes it a useful option. The presentation is aimed at classes for early graduate students in the environmental sciences and engineering, but the rigor and hands-on nature of the advanced chapters are complemented by still advanced but accessible introductions to the necessary math and modeling concepts. Courses taught with this text will be challenging, potentially fun, and a great jump-start in environmental simulation for grad students." —George P. Malanson, University of Iowa, USA

This practical, classroom-tested guide to modeling methodology explains how to implement simulations and analyze the results using a free, open-source software platform. Based on the author’s many years of teaching graduate and undergraduate students in several countries, this textbook brings together principles of modeling methods and theoretical foundations for a variety of ecological and environmental models. Theory is accompanied by practical hands-on

computer exercises, progressing from easy to difficult. The text also presents a full review of mathematical methods, which makes the book self-contained. • Provides an integrated practical guide to models and simulation using free open-source R software • Presents a broad focus geared toward sustainability science and engineering • Reviews the necessary mathematics and theoretical fundamentals • Includes practical exercises using free opensource R software and written with a tutorial style • Helps readers acquire skills to implement and conduct simulations and analyze results • Adds more than 260 figures to aid in comprehension A solutions manual and PowerPoint® slides with figures and equations are available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Part I Introduction, Mathematical Review, and Software Fundamentals: Introduction. Review of Basic Mathematical Concepts and Introduction to R. Part II One-Dimensional Models and Fundamentals of Modeling Methodology: Exponential Model. Model Simulation. Model Evaluation. Nonlinear Models. Stability and Disturbances. Sensitivity Analysis, Response Surfaces, and Scenarios. Part III Multidimensional Models: Structured Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems: Linear Dynamical Systems. Structured Population Models. Ecotoxicological Modeling. Community Dynamics. Ecosystems: Nutrients and Energy. Aquatic Ecosystems. Terrestrial Ecosystems: Soils, Plants, and Water. Terrestrial Ecosystems: Vegetation Dynamics. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K13987, August 2012, 486 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8506-2, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

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Geo Science Geomorphology Mateo Gutierrez Department of Earth Sciences, University of Zaragoza, Spain

This book provides detailed coverage of the landforms of the earth and the processes that shaped them. Some of these morphologies were formed during past geological periods under environmental conditions very different from those of today. Studying these morphologies makes it possible to infer environmental changes. The book explores multiple aspects of geomorphology and offers a methodological foundation to approach the study of its various branches. Applied aspects of geomorphology are included to give students insight into the activities of geomorphologists in the professional world. • Introduces information that is up to date and timely • Presents text that is illustrated by both line drawings and photographs • Provides clarity and rigorous treatment of the subjects • Includes a detailed bibliography for further study of the topic • Applies aspects of geomorphology at the end of each chapter

Selected Contents: Geomorphology. Structural Geomorphology. Tectonic Geomorphology. Volcanic geomorphology. Weathering and Resulting Landforms. Karst Geomorphology. Slopes and Mass Movement. Fluvial Geomorphology I. Fluvial Geomorphology II. Eolian Geomorphology. Coastal Geomorphology. Climatic Geomorphology. Glacial Geomorphology I. Glacial Geomorphology II. Periglacial Geomorphology. Geomorphology of Arid Zones I. Geomorphology of Arid Zones II. Geomorphology of Tropical Zones. Environmental Change. Climate Change in Glacial and Periglacial Regions. Climate Change in Arid and Tropical Humid Regions. Catalog no. K12195, December 2012, 1014 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-59533-9, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Introduction to Process Geomorphology Vijay K. Sharma Kurukshetra University (retired), India

This book explains the origin of landforms by the processes involved in their evolution. The author expresses process activities in mathematical, empirical, and semiempirical perspectives to highlight their distinctive identity in specific environmental stress conditions. Each chapter reviews, synthesizes, and provides recent findings and understanding of the complexity of geomorphic processes. They also include competing hypotheses on the evolution of landforms of the given environment. Examples and detailed case studies enable readers to understand the components of process-form relationships. • Discusses new theories on the dynamics of magma upwelling, the deformation behavior of rapidly subducting oceanic plates, and the model for the Himalayan orogeny • Covers the dynamics of heterogeneous chemical reactions and photochemical processes, the geomorphic role of lithic organisms and bacterial activity in conventional and extreme environments, soils—the end products of weathering, and related deposits • Examines the recent studies on the effect of human activities on the generation of dust in the environment • Provides the mathematical basis and dynamics of slope instability as understood in more recent years • Includes recent experimental and theoretical studies on shore normal and alongshore sediment transport rate, observations on thresholds for normal and storm beach profiles, and morphogenic classification of coasts A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Process Geomorphology. Geologic Processes and Properties of the Earth Materials. Weathering. Mass Movement. Fluvial Processes. Fluvial Processes and Landforms. Glacial Process and Landforms. Periglacial Processes and Landforms. Aeolian Environment and Landforms. Karst. Coastal Processes and Landforms. Applied Geomorphology. Catalog no. K10189, April 2010, 435 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0337-0, $129.95 / £83.00 Also available as an eBook


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Geo Science Practical Engineering Geology Steve Hencher University of Leeds, UK

Covering a range of roles and challenges that face an engineering geologist, Steve Hencher outlines the fundamental role of engineering geology in civil engineering projects and assesses the various tools that an engineering geologist brings to such a project. The book is illustrated with a number of case studies and provides reference tables of parameters and properties. This is an ideal reference for practicing engineering geologists and graduate-level students of engineering geology. • Contains practical guidance in a "cook book" style, with simple thumbnail sketches and illustrations • Includes new source data and example methodologies • Provides up-to-date case studies

Selected Contents: Engineering Geology Introduction to Civil Engineering Projects

Geology Basics for Engineers Aurele Parriaux Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland

This book presents the physical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, the nature of rocks and their interaction with water, and the processes that have created the Earth as we know it. The book shows engineers how to take geological conditions into account, explores a wide range of resources, and explains how to manage them in an intelligent way. Through a problem-based learning approach, this instructional text imparts knowledge and practical experience to engineering students and practitioners in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, earth sciences, and architecture. • Offers an exhaustive outline of the methods and techniques used in geology, with a study of the nature and properties of the principal soils and rocks • Helps students understand how geological conditions should be taken into account by the engineer • Includes a wide range of available basic resources and explains how these can be managed in an intelligent way

Geology and Ground Models

• Takes a problem-solving approach

Site Investigation

• Presents a highly didactic and synthetic work intended for engineering students as well as experts in civil engineering, environmental engineering, the earth sciences, and architecture

Geotechnical Parameters Analysis Design and Construction Unexpected Ground Conditions and How to Avoid Them Appendices: Training, Institutions and Societies

• Provides a CD-ROM with solutions to problems and animations illustrating some facets of the living Earth

Conversion Factors

• Contains extensive illustrations and examples

Soil and Rock Terminology for Description and Classification for Engineering Purposes

Selected Contents:

Examples of Borehole and Trial Pit Logs Tunnelling Risk Catalog no. RU54405, January 2012, 464 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46909-8 $79.95 / £45.00 Also available as an eBook

Geology - Engineering Partnership. Earth in Space. Earth in Time. Physics of the Earth. Rock-Forming Minerals. Magmatism and Magmatic Rocks. Water Cycle. Continental Sedimentary Processes. Oceanic Sedimentary Processes. Diagenesis and Properties of Sedimentary Rocks. Metamorphism. Tectonics. Weathering. Geology's Role in Society's Big Issues. Catalog no. SW6165, August 2009, 590 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46165-8 $115.95 / £73.99 Also available as an eBook

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Geo Science NEW!

Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties Second Edition Abhijit Y. Dandekar University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA

Along with new practice problems and detailed solved examples, this edition covers Stone II threephase relative permeability model, unconventional oil and gas resources, low salinity water injection, saturated reservoirs and production trends of five reservoir fluids. It covers impact of mud filtrate invasion and heavy organics on samples, and flow assurance problems due to solid components of petroleum. It also offers better plots for determining oil and water Corey exponents from relative permeability data. • Provides well-balanced coverage of rock and fluid properties, supplemented with key references, laboratory methods, and graphical illustrations • Builds a strong foundation in petroleum engineering • Presents recombination calculations for determining live reservoir fluid composition, the LBC method for determining viscosity, and the parachor method for determining interfacial tension • Includes solved examples as well as both concept- and computation-based homework problems in most chapters A solutions manual and PowerPoint® slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Analytic Methods in Geomechanics Kam-tim Chau Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Bringing together a range of areas including tensor analysis, elasticity, plasticity, fracture mechanics, and viscoelasticity, this book is an indispensable guide to the fundamentals of geomechanics. It provides explanations of each subject area, using a step-by-step process with numerous worked examples. The more advanced material, such as 2-D elasticity and application of J-integral to model slipping slopes, supplies a gateway into understanding the latest research results and applying them to practical problems. The book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students as well as professionals and researchers. • Provides an indispensable guide to the fundamentals of geomechanics • Requires only minimal training in engineering mathematics, strength of materials, and engineering mechanics • Describes the use of complex variable technique for solving 2-D elasticity problems • Details solutions for 3-D elasticity, including Boussinesq, Kelvin, and Midlin • Introduces the use of Helmholtz free energy in macroscopic deformation • Includes discussions of continuum damage mechanics and microcrack models in fracture mechanics Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents:

Selected Contents:

Introduction. Preamble to Petroleum Reservoir Rock Properties. Porosity. Absolute Permeability. Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks. Fluid Saturation. Interfacial Tension and Wettability. Capillary Pressure. Relative Permeability. Introduction to Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Introduction to Phase Behavior. Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Sampling of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Compositional Analysis of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. PVT Analysis and Reservoir Fluid Properties. Vapor–Liquid Equilibria. Properties of Formation Waters.

Elementary Tensor Analysis. Elasticity and Its Applications. Complex Variable Methods for 2-D Elasticity. Three-Dimensional Solutions in Elasticity. Plasticity and Its Applications. Fracture Mechanics and Its Applications. Viscoelasticty and Its Applications. Linear Elastic Fluid-Infiltrated Solids and Poroelasticity. Dynamics and Waves in Geomaterials. Appendices. Selected Biographies. References. Author Index. Subject Index.

Catalog no. K13547, February 2013, 544 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7636-7, $119.95 / £76.99

Catalog no. K15396, December 2012, 457 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-5585-3 $69.95 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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Geo Science Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics


Second Edition

Nagaratnam Sivakugan

William G. Pariseau

James Cook University, Queensland, Australia

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

Praise for the Previous Edition Developed for a complete class in rock engineering, this text uniquely combines the design of surface and underground rock excavations. Explanatory and illustrative in character, this volume is suited for courses in rock mechanics, rock engineering, and geological engineering design for undergraduate and first-year graduate students in mining, civil engineering, and applied earth sciences. Moreover, it will form a good introduction to the subject of rock mechanics for earth scientists and engineers from other disciplines. • Contains example problems and a selection of homework problems at the end of each chapter that reinforce design principles described in the text • Builds on a foundation of mechanics of materials that almost all undergraduate engineers study • Presents material suitable for a variety of engineering disciplines concerned with rock excavation, including civil, geological, and mining engineering • Combines design of surface and underground rock excavations for civil and mining engineering purposes and negates the need for two or more separate texts in any complete class on rock engineering

Rock Mechanics An Introduction

Sanjay Kumar Shukla Edith Cowan University, Western Australia

Braja M. Das formerly at California State University, Sacramento, USA

An understanding of rock mechanics is fundamental to a number of civil engineering applications, including tunneling, foundation engineering, slope stabilization, and mining. Covering the principles of rock mechanics in a simple, accessible manner for those with little or no background, this book is the ideal introduction to the subject. Outlining the basis of rock mechanics and the relevant aspects of engineering geology, this text is an excellent starting point for advanced undergraduates and graduate students focusing on geotechnical, geological, and civil engineering. • Covers the basics of rock mechanics, including background information on engineering geology • Uses a practical approach with worked examples and references to software • Includes end-of-chapter summaries and review exercises • Provides clear coverage of complex concepts including stereographic projections • Written by an experienced team comprised of successful teachers and book writers Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

• Offers a companion solution manual available for engineers engaged in self-study as well as for classroom instructors in a university setting

Selected Contents:

• Uses both metric and imperial units

Spherical Presentation of Geological Data

A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction. Slope Stability. Shafts. Tunnels. Entries in Stratified Ground. Pillars in Stratified Ground. Three-Dimensional Excavations. Subsidence. Dynamic Phenomena. Appendix A: Background Literature. Appendix B: Mechanical Properties of Intact Rock and Joints. Appendix C: Rock Mass Classification Schemes for Engineering. Appendix D: Some Useful Formulas.

Fundamentals of Engineering Geology Rock Properties and Laboratory Testing Rock Mass Classification Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Rock Rock Slope Stability Foundations on Rock Appendix Index Catalog no. Y132930, January 2013, 254 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-80923-8, $64.95 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K13049, September 2011, 698 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-89339-8, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook

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Geo Science Geological Engineering Luis Gonzalez de Vallejo Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Mercedes Ferrer Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid

A guide for developing integrated engineering solutions that take into account both ground conditions and environment, this text examines the subject area of geological engineering in four sections: Fundamentals, Methods, Applications, and Geohazards. Covering topics such as site investigation, rock mechanics, and slope stability, Geological Engineering provides an extensive foundation in the basic concepts of soil mechanics and hydrogeology, while also including state-of-the art applications. The book is also useful for practicing engineering geologists and those involved in the design and construction of foundations. • Covers the fundamentals of soil mechanics, rock mechanics, and hydrogeology • Examines methods for site investigations, rock mass characterization, and engineering geology mapping • Explores applications, including foundations, slope stability, tunneling, dams, reservoirs, and earth works • Explains how to prevent and mitigate geohazards such as landslides and earthquake hazards CD-ROM with all illustrations and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Fundamentals: Introduction to Geological Engineering Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology of Sediments Rock Mechanics Hydrogeology Methods: Site Investigation Rock Mass Description and Characterisation Engineering Geological Mapping Applications: Foundations Slopes Tunnels Dams and Reservoirs Earth Structures Geological Hazards: Landslides and Other Mass Movements Seismic Hazard Prevention of Geological Hazards

Foundations of Engineering Geology Third Edition Tony Waltham Retired from Nottingham Trent University, UK

Now in full color, the third edition of this well-established book provides a readable and highly illustrated overview of the aspects of geology that are most significant to civil engineers. Each topic is presented as a double page spread with a careful mix of text and diagrams, with tabulated reference material on parameters such as bearing strength of soils and rocks. This new edition covers the entire spectrum of topics of interest for both students and practitioners in the field of civil engineering.

Selected Contents: Geology. Igneous Rocks. Surface Processes. Sedimentary Rocks. Metamorphic Rocks. Geological Structures. Geological Maps. Map Interpretation. Tectonics. Boundary Hazards. Rocks of Britain. Rocks of the US. Weathering and Soils. Floodplains and Alluvium. Glacial Deposits. Climatic Variants. Coastal Processes. Groundwater. Ground Investigation. Desk Study. Ground Investigation Boreholes. Geophysical Surveys. Assessment of Difficult Ground. Rock Strength. Rock Mass Strength. Soil Strength. Ground Subsidence. Subsidence on Clays. Subsidence on Limestone. Subsidence Over Old Mines. Mining Subsidence. Slope Failure and Landslides. Water in Landslides. Soil Failures and Flowslides. Landslide Hazards. Slope Stabilization. Ground Conditions. Rock Excavation. Tunnels in Rock. Stone and Aggregate. Appendices. Rock Mass Quality Q System. Abbreviations and Notation. Further Reading. Index. Catalog no. RU54661, April 2009, 104 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46960-9 $33.95 / £20.50

Catalog no. SW3524, January 2011, 700 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-41352-7, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook


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Geo Science Single Piles and Pile Groups Under Lateral Loading


Planetary Science

Lymon C. Reese

The Science of Planets around Stars, Second Edition

University of Texas, Austin, USA

George H. A. Cole

William F. Van Impe

University of Hull, UK

Laboratory of Geotechnics, Ghent University, Belgium

Michael M. Woolfson

This second edition has been extensively revised to suit the classroom setting. New features include homework problems with solutions presented in the student version of the software as well as new and updated case studies that are consistent with modern methods of the characterization of soil properties. These methods make use of load-transfer functions that are based heavily on testing results of full-scale, heavily instrumented piles under carefully controlled lateral loading, coupled with the use of soil-structure interaction mechanics.

Since the publication of the popular first edition, stellar and planetary scientists have produced numerous new observations, theories, and interpretations, including the "demotion" of our former ninth planet Pluto as a dwarf planet. Covering all of these new discoveries, this second edition explains the science associated with the planets, the stars they orbit, and the interactions between them. Along with more problems, this edition adds new material and improves analytical treatments. To help with solving the problems, Fortran programs are provided on the book’s CRC Press web page.

Second Edition

• Presents homework problems with solution aids offered by the student version of the software • Provides new case studies and updated case studies utilizing modern methods of characterizing soil properties • Includes a CD-ROM containing simplified professional programs allowing the reader to follow along with the case studies and mathematics in the text

Selected Contents: Techniques for Design. Derivation of Equations and Methods of Solution. Models for Response of Soil and Weak Rock. Structural Characteristics of Piles. Analysis of Groups of Piles Subjected to Inclined and Eccentric Loading. Analysis of Single Piles and Groups of Piles Subjected to Active and Passive Loading. Case Studies. Testing of Full-sized Piles. Implementation of Factors of Safety. Suggestions for Design. References. Author Index. Subject Index. Catalog no. Y008701, January 2011, 508 pp., Pack ISBN: 978-0-415-46988-3, $129.95 / £83.00

University of York, UK

• Provides a complete qualitative description of planetary science, supported by numerous specialized appendices • Requires only a basic background in physics and calculus • Reviews theories of the Solar System’s origin, past, and present • Gives clear, quantitative treatments of subjects that are usually covered in a qualitative way, such as the source of energy that drives Io’s volcanoes • Uncovers the essential connections between stars and planets • Present step-by-step mathematical derivations • Includes problems at the end of each chapter and two Fortran programs on the book’s CRC Press web page Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Unity of the Universe. The Sun and Other Stars. The Planets. The Terrestrial Planets. The Major Planets. The Moon. Satellites and Rings. Asteroids. Comets and the Kuiper Belt. Meteorites. Dust in the Solar System. Theories of the Origin and Evolution of the Solar System. Appendices. Program TIDE. Program TROJANS. Physical Constants and Useful Data. References. Index. Catalog no. K15988, June 2013, 607 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-6315-5 $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook

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GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing NEW!


GIS Fundamentals Second Edition

Plane and Geodetic Surveying

Stephen Wise

Second Edition

University of Sheffield, UK

Aimed at readers with a knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS) but no formal training in computer science, this book provides a clear and accessible introduction to how GIS store and process spatial data. This updated edition includes two new chapters on databases and heuristics, substantial additional material on indexing and raster imagery, and revisions throughout that incorporate up-to-date applications such as GPS on mobile devices and Internet-based services.

Aylmer Johnson University of Cambridge, UK

• Covers the fundamental computer science underpinning GIS in simple, accessible language

This book blends theory and practice, conventional techniques, and satellite-based methods. It gives detailed guidance on how and when the principal surveying instruments (total stations, levels, and navigational satellite receivers) should be used. It fully and clearly explains the concepts and formulae needed to convert instrument readings into useful and reliable results. It provides rigorous explanations of the theoretical background to surveying, as well as a wealth of useful advice about conducting a survey in practice. An accompanying least-squares adjustment program is available for download.

• Explains technical computer science terms and provides a glossary

• Gives a clear, logical explanation of the theory of surveying

• Details fundamental principles of GIS, not the specifics of one system

• Details full derivation of all the main equations used in geodetic surveying

• Discusses widely used applications of spatial data on the Internet such as searching for features and route planning

• Adds clear diagrams to show the geometry of geodetic surveying

• Includes a wide range of GIS topics including vector, raster, networks, surfaces, and databases

• Contains lifelong knowledge, which will outlast the current technology used in surveying

• Examines the use of GIS on the web and on mobile devices

• Provides instruction on how to plan a survey and then use the resulting data to obtain a useful result

• Explores the implications of handling large data volumes

• Offers information written in line with leading-edge technology

Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents:

Selected Contents:

Introduction. Databases. Vector Data Structures. Vector Algorithms for lines. Vector Algorithms for Areas. The Efficiency of Algorithms. Raster Data Structures. Raster Algorithms. Spatial Indexing. Data Structures for Surfaces. Algorithms for Surfaces. Data Structures and Algorithms for Networks. Future Developments.

Introduction. General Principles Of Surveying. Principal Surveying Activities. Angle Measurement. Distance Measurement. Levelling. Satellite Surveying. Geoids, Ellipsoids And Co-Ordinate Transforms. Map Projections. Reduction Of Distance Measurements. Adjustment Of Observations. Trigonometric Heighting. Appendices.

Catalog no. K14031, September 2013, 338 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-8695-3 $69.95 / £29.99

Catalog no. K20413, December 2013, 265 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8955-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing


Geoinformation Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems, Second Edition Gottfried Konecny University of Hannover, Germany

This text provides complete coverage of remote sensing, digital photogrammetry, and GIS. This second edition features new and updated information on web-based image viewing with Google Earth; aerial platforms; and existing digital photogrammetric software systems, including Intergraph image station, Autodesk, Oracle Spatial, and more. The author discusses cost consideration for GIS technology and provides a web-based database, useful for those who want to quickly take advantage of geoinformation over the Internet. • Covers the fundamentals of GIS, remote sensing, and photogrammetry • Clarifies differences among various existing geospatial software • Provides a web-based database • Addresses cost consideration of GIS technology Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction

Geomatics Engineering A Practical Guide to Project Design Clement A. Ogaja California State University, Fresno, USA

This text examines key components and aspects of land surveying and geomatics projects. It reviews the experience of past projects and identifies priority areas of attention for planning new projects. It guides readers through the project design and request-for-proposal process commonly used for soliciting professional geomatics engineering services. The author provides an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context, and a host of other contemporary issues such as budgetary and scheduling constraints. • Provides a simple guide to key concepts of project design for land surveyors • Presents examples with various tables and charts, graphically designed to communicate important information in an easy-to-understand format • Offers a thorough exploration of contemporary issues of project design • Contains case examples from real-life past projects • Includes end-of-chapter questions on the key concepts covered

Remote Sensing

Selected Contents:


Overview: Project Design Process. Contemporary Issues: Standards and Specifications. Professional and Ethical Responsibilities. Policy, Social, and Environmental Issues. Planning and Design: Boundary Surveys. Control Surveys. Topographic Surveys. GIS Application. Proposal Development: Estimating Project Costs. Writing Geomatics Proposals. Appendices: Appendix A: Resource Guide for Geomatics Projects. Appendix B: Sample Geodetic Standards–FGCC 1984. Index.

Geographic Information Systems Positioning Systems Cost Considerations Technological Changes Catalog no. 68563, April 2014, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6856-6, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K10904, September 2010, 296 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1743-8, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook

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GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing The Global Positioning System and ArcGIS Third Edition Michael Kennedy University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA

Retaining the in-depth description of GPS and its applications to GIS that made previous editions so popular, this third edition includes a discussion of general procedures that allows the text to be applicable to a variety of hardware/software products. It details how to use GPS as a source of input to GIS regardless of the data capture mechanism. Updates to this edition include ArcGis Desktop, ESRI software, and an accompanying CD with GPS data sets for exercises in Trimble SSF and ESRI shapefile formats. • Includes a CD-ROM with GPS data sets for exercises in Trimble SSF and ESRI shapefile formats—plus other valuable learning resources

City Planning for Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineers, and Surveyors Kurt W. Bauer SE Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, USA

This book covers infrastructure systems planning and development. It stresses basic concepts and the most widely practiced principles involved in urban planning, particularly in small- and medium-sized communities. It also presents zoning, land subdivision control, and official mapping, as well as factors in good land subdivision design and improvement. The text illustrates the importance of proper mapping and control surveys for planning. Written from the perspective that cities are social and economic as well as physical entities, it offers a historical context for urban planning.

Differential Correction

• Introduces the basic data collection function of city planning, map requirements, and demographic, economic, and land use studies • Describes the social and economic functions of cities and identifies core planning functions • Covers natural resource base inventories • Examines the institutional structure for city planning, the concept of the comprehensive plan, and staff organization for city planning • Addresses land use planning, the determinants of the urban land use pattern, and the steps in land use planning • Examines the role of zoning, land subdivision control, official mapping, and capital improvement programming in plan implementation • Includes coverage of good land subdivision design and street patterns and transportation planning

ArcGIS Desktop, ArcData, and GPS

Selected Contents:

• Provides step-by-step guidance on applying the concepts using GPS hardware or a PC • Presents an overview of concepts and self-study projects and exercises in each chapter • Covers the capabilities and features common to most receivers Solutions manual available upon qualified course adoption

Selected Contents: Basic Concepts (Step-by-Step in all chapters) Automated Data Collection Examining GPS Data

Integrating GPS Data with GIS Data Beyond the Basics The Present and the Future Catalog no. 87991, July 2009, 312 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8799-4, $113.95 / £73.99

Introduction. Definition Of Terminology. The Historic Context Of Urban Planning in the United States. Compilation of Essential Data: A Brief Overview. Map Requirements For City Planning. Population Data And Forecast. Economics Data and Forecasts. Land Use and Supporting Infrastructure Data. Natural Resource Base Inventories. Institutional Structure for City Planning and the Comprehensive Plan. Objectives, Principles, and Standards. Land Use Planning. Neighborhood Unit Concept. Principles of Good Land Subdivision Design. Street Patterns and Transportation Planning. Other Plan Elements. Plan Implementation – Land Subdivision Control. Catalog no. K10440, September 2009, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0892-4, $99.95 / £64.99 Also available as an eBook


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GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing Edited by

Emilio Chuvieco Universidad de Alcala, Spain

Alfredo Huete University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

An extensive review of remote sensing principles with emphasis on environmental applications, this text discusses a wide range of topics, from physical principles to data acquisition systems and visual and digital interpretation techniques. The authors present interpretation approaches such as hyperspectral analysis, high-spatial resolution data, fusion techniques, and radiative transfer models. They analyze accuracy assessment methods and demonstrate how to integrate remote sensing results with geographic information systems. With more than 200 figures and graphs, this text is ideal for students and professionals alike. • Includes more than 200 figures, graphs, and illustrations • Covers digital image processing techniques used in remote sensing analysis and basic statistical classifiers

GPS for Land Surveyors Third Edition Jan Van Sickle Van Sickle LLC, Denver, Colorado, USA

This third edition reflects the increased importance of GPS in the everyday practice of surveyors and mappers. Providing an accessible yet rigorous introduction to the subject, the book offers a practical guide to the techniques used in real GPS surveying. It explores advances in the field, covering new topics such as block IIF and control segment modernization. From the design of a GPS survey to observation and postprocessing, it presents an overview of GPS modernization and explains the fundamentals of GPS codes such as TRANSIT. • Provides an accessible yet not oversimplified introduction to the subject • Presents an overview of GPS modernization • Explains the fundamentals of new GPS codes, such as TRANSIT • Follows the progression of ideas at the foundation of satellite positioning

• Presents an extensive analysis of accuracy assessment methods

• Supplies review questions and answers at the end of each chapter

• Discusses the interpretation of remote sensing results and geographic information systems

Selected Contents:

• Contains a CD-ROM with PowerPoint presentations, software, and images

The GPS Signal

Selected Contents:

The Framework


Receivers and Methods

Physical Principles of Remote Sensing


Sensors and Remote Sensing Satellites Basis for the Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images

Biases and Solutions

Planning a Survey Observing Postprocessing

Visual Interpretation


Digital Image Processing (I): Enhancements and Corrections

GPS Modernization

Digital Image Processing (II): Generation of Thematic Information

GPS Codes Again

Accuracy Assessment

Block IIF


Control Segment Modernization


Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)

Catalog no. TF1686, December 2009, 448 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-31084-0, $109.95 / £69.99

Catalog no. 9195, May 2008, 360 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9195-8, $99.95 / £64.99

What Have We Done So Far? New Codes

Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


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GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing Image Analysis, Classification, and Change Detection in Remote Sensing With Algorithms for ENVI/IDL, Second Edition Morton J. Canty Juelich Research Center, Germany

This popular introduction to the processing of remote sensing imagery has been updated to include coverage of the latest versions of the ENVI software environment. This new edition covers support vector machines and other kernel-based methods. Illustrating many programming examples in the array-oriented language ID, the text includes coverage of basic Fourier, wavelet, principal components, and minimum noise fraction transformations; convolution filters, topographic modeling, image-to-image registration, and ortho-rectification; image fusion; supervised and unsupervised land cover classification with neural networks; hyperspectral analysis; and multivariate change detection. • Introduces the required mathematical and statistical background—clearly and concisely • Provides in-depth coverage of kernel methods for nonlinear data analysis, including supervised classification with Support Vector Machines • Supplies thorough treatment of multivariate change detection along with efficient software implementations • Keeps pace with the latest versions of the ENVI software environment—IDL 7.0, ENVI 4.4 and beyond • Contains almost twice as many exercises and programming projects at the end of each chapter than the previous edition

Remote Sensing of the Mine Environment H. S¸ebnem Düzgün and Nuray Demirel Department of Mining Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Comprehensive in scope, this volume provides an introduction to monitoring the environmental impacts of mining activities, such as mine subsidence monitoring, slope stability monitoring, reclamation planning and implementation, and post closure mine monitoring. Featuring self-contained chapters, it discusses in detail the necessary principles and techniques. The book is enhanced by illustrative case studies demonstrating how to apply different remote sensing data, as well as techniques for different mine monitoring purposes. • Provides introductory level text suited for students and professionals in engineering and earth sciences • Offers comprehensive guidance across various aspects of the mine monitoring with unique case study material and satellite imagery data • Includes up-to-date techniques, tools, and applications of remote sensing in mine environment monitoring • Illustrates application in all relevant areas, such as mine subsidence monitoring, slope stability monitoring, reclamation planning, and post-closure monitoring • Presents complete, stand-alone technical chapters

Selected Contents:

• Includes access to additional IDL extensions to ENVI on the author’s website—along with updated versions of previous programs

Introduction to Mine Environmental Monitoring

A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Integration of Remote Sensing with GIS

Selected Contents: Images, Arrays, and Matrices. Image Statistics. Transformations. Filters, Kernels, and Fields. Image Enhancement and Correction. Supervised Classification: Part 1. Supervised Classification: Part 2. Unsupervised Classification. Change Detection. Appendix A: Mathematical Tools. Appendix B: Efficient Neural Network Training Algorithms. Appendix C: ENVI Extensions in IDL. Appendix D: Mathematical Notation. References.

Principles of Remote Sensing Interpretation of Remotely Sensed Imagery Remote Sensing in Mine Subsistence Monitoring Remote Sensing in Slope Stability Monitoring Remote Sensing in Mine Reclamation Planning Monitoring of Post Mine Land use/cover with Remote Sensing Catalog no. K11524, August 2011, 220 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-87879-1, $83.95 / £52.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 87134, December 2009, 471 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8713-0, $139.95 / £89.00


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