Forensic Textbooks

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Forensic Textbooks


CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group

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TITLE INDEX Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques, Fourth Edition......................3 Forensic Analysis of Biological Evidence: A Laboratory Guide for Serological and DNA Typing ........3 Forensic Biology: Identification and DNA Analysis of Biological Evidence ........................................................4 Forensic Toxicology: Mechanisms and Pathology ..............4 Forensic Science: The Basics, Second Edition......................5 Page 3

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Forensic Science Laboratory Manual and Workbook, Third Edition ......................................................................5 Forensic Science and Law: Investigative Applications in Criminal, Civil, and Family Justice ..................................6 Forensic Engineering Fundamentals....................................6 Forensic Anthropology: An Introduction ............................7 Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, Eighth Edition ..7 Fisher’s Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation, First International Edition ....................................................8 Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation, Second Edition....................................................................8

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Crime Scene Forensics: A Scientific Method Approach ......9 Crime Scene Processing and Investigation Workbook ........9 Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques, Fourth Edition ..........................10 Practical Forensic Digital Imaging: Applications and Techniques........................................................................10 Forensic Applications of High Performance Liquid Chromatography ..............................................................11 Forensic Applications of Gas Chromatography ................11 Criminal Financial Investigations: The Use of Forensic Accounting Techniques and Indirect Methods of Proof, Second Edition ..................................................12

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Financial Investigation and Forensic Accounting, Third Edition ....................................................................12 Ethics for the Public Service Professional ..........................13 Forensic Nursing: A Concise Manual ................................13 Legal Nurse Consulting Principles, Third Edition ..............14 Legal Nurse Consulting Practices, Third Edition ..............14 Legal Nurse Consulting, Principles and Practices, Third Edition (2-Volume Set) ............................................14

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Forensic Science New!


Forensic Science

Forensic Analysis of Biological Evidence

An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques, Fourth Edition Edited by

Stuart James James & Associates Forensic Consultants, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Jon J. Nordby Final Analysis Forensics, University Place, Washington, USA

Suzanne Bell West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA

Designed for a single-term course at the lower undergraduate level, Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques, Fourth Edition covers a range of fundamental topics essential to modern forensic investigation. Going beyond theory to application, this text incorporates the wisdom of forensic practitioners who discuss the real cases they have investigated. Color-coded sidebars in each chapter provide historical notes, case studies, and current events as well as advice for career advancement. Each section and each chapter begins with an overview and ends with a summary, and key terms, review questions, and up-todate references are provided. Appropriate for any sensibility, more than 300 photos from real cases give students a true-to-life learning experience. PowerPoint® lecture slides, test bank, lab exercises, and other ancillary material available with qualifying course adoption *Access to identical eBook version included

Selected Contents: Setting the Stage The Crime Scene Forensic Death Investigation Forensic Biology Forensic Chemistry Pattern and Impression Evidence Cross-Cutting Forensic Disciplines Engineering and Computing The Human Element and the Future of Forensic Science Appendices Index Catalog no. K12489, January 2014, c. 614 pp. Pack - Book and Online, ISBN: 978-1-4398-5383-2 $89.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook

A Laboratory Guide for Serological and DNA Typing J. Thomas McClintock DNA Diagnostics, Inc., Crofton, Maryland, USA

Effective as a stand-alone laboratory manual or in conjunction with Richard Li's Forensic Biology, Second Edition, Forensic Analysis of Biological Evidence: A Laboratory Guide for Serological and DNA Typing provides more than a dozen exercises covering analysis of biological evidence. Originally published as Forensic DNA Analysis: A Laboratory Manual, this greatly revised work offers updated exercises and protocols for all kinds of DNA and serological analyses with delineated objectives, step-by-step procedures, and laboratory supplies, including advanced instrumentation. A glossary of terms and general information tables are included. Downloadable exercise forms, video instructions, and other ancillary material available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: An Overview of Forensic DNA Analysis Types of Biological Specimens Exercise 1 – Evidence Examination Using an Alternate Light Source Forensic Serology Exercise 2 – Detection of Saliva Exercise 3 – Detection of Blood Exercise 4 – Detection and Identification of Semen Exercise 5 – Detection and Identification of Urine Exercise 6 - DNA Extraction Exercise 7 – Concentration of Extracted DNA Exercise 8 – Microcon Concentration and Purification of Extracted DNA Exercise 9 - Assessing the Quality and Quantity of Isolated DNA The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Exercise 10 – Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Analysis Exercise 11 - Using Short Tandem Repeat Analysis to Determine Paternity: A Case Study Exercise 12 – Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)Based Tests: Y-Chromosome Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Analysis Exercise 13 - Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Exercise 14 – Assessment of DNA Typing Data Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) for Human Identification: An Emerging Forensic Tool Catalog no. K14529, February 2014, 176 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-0456-1 $59.95 / £25.99 Also available as an eBook

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Forensic Science Forthcoming!


Forensic Biology Identification and DNA Analysis of Biological Evidence Richard Li John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, New York, USA

An accessible introduction to basic scientific principles and their application in professional practice, Forensic Biology: Identification and DNA Analysis of Biological Evidence highlights the principles and methods used in forensic serologic and forensic DNA analysis. Divided into two areas, the first addresses the identification of biological fluids, including presumptive and confirmatory tests. The second section covers forensic DNA techniques, such as extraction and quantization methods, DNA profiling analysis, and interpretation of results. The book provides a solid scientific grounding and familiarity with not just the principles of biological and biochemical processes that occur in forensic analysis, but also the language and vocabulary of forensic biology. PowerPoint® slides and other ancillary material available with qualifying course adoption

Forensic Toxicology Mechanisms and Pathology Robert H. Powers and Dorothy E. Dean Understanding the mechanisms of action of drugs and their physiologic and pathologic consequences on an affected organ system is essential knowledge for forensic pathologists. With case histories, photographs of gross pathology, and photomicrographs, Forensic Toxicology: Mechanisms and Pathology goes beyond the simple analysis of identifying substances to assist future forensic pathologists in determining cause of death. A significant section of the book is dedicated to an overview of organ system physiology and pathology, and the toxins and toxic mechanisms impacting those systems. The book’s convenient organization facilitates development of curriculum for forensic toxicology courses.


Biological Evidence Forensic Biology: A Subdiscipline of Forensic Science Sources of DNA Evidence Crime Scene Investigation and Laboratory Analysis of Biological Evidence Essential Serology Serology Concepts Serology Techniques Forensic Serology Identification of Blood Species Identification Identification of Semen ... Basic DNA Techniques Introduction to Human Genome DNA Extraction DNA Quantitation ... Forensic DNA Profiling Variable Number Tandem Repeat Profiling Autosomal Short Tandem Repeat Profiling Y-Chromosome Profiling and Gender Typing ... Forensic Issues The DNA Databases Evaluation of Strength of Forensic DNA Profiling Results Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Basic Forensic Toxicology Introduction History of Toxicology Measuring Toxicity Therapy Toxicokinetics Metabolism and Biotransformation Analysis of Drugs and Poisons Postmortem Forensic Toxicology Organ Systems and Toxic Mechanisms Hepatic Toxicology Renal Toxicology Cardiac Toxicology Neurotoxicology Pulmonary Toxicology Dermal Toxicology Drugs, and Chemical Groups Alcohols Opiates, Opioids and Their Functional Analogues Non-Opiate Sedatives and Hypnotics Amphetamine and Related Sympathomimetic Amines Non-Amphetamine Stimulants and Sympathomimetics Hallucinogens and Dissociative Anesthetics Gases Steroids Metals Insecticides, and Anti-Cholinergic drugs Plant Drugs, Toxins and Poisons ...

Catalog no. 43439, April 2008, 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4343-3, $109.95 / £69.99

Catalog no. K18908, June 2014 ISBN: 978-1-4665-8194-4, $139.95 / £89.00

Selected Contents:

Also available as an eBook


Also available as an eBook

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Forensic Science Bestseller!

Forensic Science The Basics, Second Edition Jay A. Siegel Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, USA

Kathy Mirakovits Portage Northern High School, Michigan, USA

Avoiding the complicated science and graphic images typical of most forensic references, Forensic Science: The Basics, Second Edition is written specifically for those without forensic science experience. A superb professional reference, the wealth of instructor material available for teachers and its pedagogical approach also make it an ideal textbook for high school and introductory-level courses. The book includes hands-on laboratory exercises; review questions; figures, photographs, and case studies; a mini-glossary; a list of acronyms; and links to websites that include free videos and demonstrations. Containing more than 250 color images, this forensic primer works well in conjunction with current CRC laboratory manuals. PowerPoint® lecture slides, test bank, and other ancillary material on CD available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: Forensic Science and Investigation Introduction to Forensic Science Crime Scene Investigation The Nature of Evidence Tools of the Trade Separating Complex Mixtures Light and Matter Microscopy Patterns and Impressions Fingerprints and Other Impressions Questioned Documents Firearms and Toolmarks Forensic Biology Forensic Pathology Anthropology and Odontology Forensic Entomology Serology DNA Typing Hair Forensic Chemistry Illicit Drugs Fibers, Paints, and Other Polymers Glass and Soil Fires and Explosions Legal Aspects of Forensic Science Forensic Science and the Law Index Catalog no. 89021, March 2010, 525 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8902-8, $87.95 / £55.99 Also available as an eBook


Forensic Science Laboratory Manual and Workbook Third Edition Thomas Kubic and Nicholas Petraco John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, USA

A laboratory companion to Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques and other undergraduate texts, Forensic Science Laboratory Manual and Workbook, Third Edition provides many basic, hands-on experiments that can be completed with inexpensive and accessible instrumentation, making this an ideal workbook for students at both the high school and college level. This revised edition provides numerous new experiments in odontology, anthropology, archeology, chemistry, and trace evidence. Experiments involving impression evidence, such as fingerprints, bite marks, footwear, and firearms are presented, and the uses of digital and traditional photography and basic microscopy are also featured. Ancillary material for instructors available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Understanding Elements of Identification and Individualization Use of the Compound Microscope Acquiring and Classifying Inked and Latent Fingerprints Crime Scene Investigation: Safeguarding, Searching, Recognition, Documentation, Collection, Packaging, and Preservation of Physical Evidence Found at the Crime Scene Trace Evidence Collection and Sorting Sample Preparation for Microscopic Examination Examination of Human Hair Examination of Trace Quantities of Synthetic Fibers Basics of Photography Collection of Footwear Evidence Tool Mark Examination Thin-Layer Chromatography: Separation of Dyes in Ballpoint Inks Forgery Detection Soil Examination Forensic Odontology: Is it a Bite Mark? Forensic Archeology: Search for Human Habitation and Remains Forensic Anthropology : Basic Human Osteology Digital Photography Image Processing Forensic Entomology ... Catalog no. 87193, April 2009, 336 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4200-8719-2, $45.95 / £29.99 Also available as an eBook

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Forensic Science Forensic Science and Law Investigative Applications in Criminal, Civil, and Family Justice Edited by

Cyril H. Wecht and John T. Rago Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science & Law, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

In the forensic community, Cyril Wecht is one of the world's most highly respected forensic experts. In Forensic Science and Law: Investigative Applications in Criminal, Civil, and Family Justice, he draws on his own personal experience to provide students with a firm foundation in scientific applications. Featuring contributions from renowned experts in the forensic, scientific, and legal professions, this book communicates the wide range of methods and approaches used for solving crimes. The text goes beyond the scope of most books on the subject by providing not only criminal law applications, but also medical-legal and civil justice applications of forensic science. PowerPoint® lecture slides, CD, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Overview Ancient Tradition — The Relationship of Science and Law Logic in Forensic Science Foundations of Law Criminal Law and Procedure Discovery in Civil Cases Contract Law — Forensic Agreements Fundamental Principles of Tort Law Forensic Medicine and Medical Negligence —Initial Case Investigation Applications Foundations of Forensic Science Evidence and the Physical Sciences Evidence and the Biological Sciences Evidence and the Social and Applied Sciences Behavioral Science and the Law Digital Forensics Forensic Accounting Forensic Engineering and Science Topics in the Practice of Forensic Science Crime Scene Management The Roles of Public Attorneys in the Practice of Forensic Science Forensic and Legal Nursing Forensic Science and Public Health — The Role of Forensic Epidemiology Lawyers, Ethics, and the Forensic Professional Catalog no. 1970, December 2005, 728 pp ISBN: 978-0-8493-1970-9, $115.95 / £72.99

Forensic Engineering Fundamentals Harold Franck Advanced Engineering Associates, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

Darren Franck Advanced Engineering Associates, Charleston, West Virginia, USA

Forensic engineers often specialize in a particular area, but the nature of the work often requires broad knowledge in physics, chemistry, biomechanics, and engineering. Covering cases as varied as assessment of workplace accidents to the investigation of Halliburton in the BP oil spill, Forensic Engineering Fundamentals is a comprehensive introduction to the many diverse facets of the field. Offering real-world experience drawn from the authors’ 25 years of experience, the book helps students understand the engineering basics underlying the cases they will encounter. It also serves as a reliable reference for those confronted with issues outside their area of expertise. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: Introduction Blasting and Earth Movement Mold and Environmental Problems Water-Related Losses Appliances and Equipment Failures Slips and Falls Industrial and Construction Accidents Accident Reconstruction Electrical Incidents and Lightning Electrocutions Fires Miscellaneous Losses Probability, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Standards Protocol for Forensic Investigations Appendix A: Values of Fundamental Constants (MKS Units) Appendix B: Acronyms Appendix C: Conversion Factors Bibliography Catalog no. K13659, December 2012, 487 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7839-2, $135.95 / £86.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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Forensic Science Forensic Anthropology An Introduction Edited by

MariaTeresa A. Tersigni-Tarrant Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command’s Central Identification Laboratory, JBPHH, Hawaii, USA

Natalie R. Shirley Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine, Harrogate, Tennessee, USA

Forensic Anthropology: An Introduction incorporates standard practices in addition to cutting-edge approaches in a user-friendly format. Presenting the background and methodology of each specialty area, the chapters give a detailed history and explanation of the methodology, include up-to date analytical techniques, and provide examples of these applications in typical casework. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the history, methods, theory, and future direction of forensic anthropology. Appropriate for undergraduate or master’s-level courses, educators and professionals will also find the currency of information and the high-quality photos and illustrations useful in their practice. CD with class assignments, exercises, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Brief History of Forensic Anthropology Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command/Central Identification Laboratory (JPAC/CIL) History Forensic Anthropology Today Human Osteology Human Odontology and the Dentition in Forensic Anthropology Crime Scene Methodology Processing and Inventory of Remains Determining the Sex of Unknown Human Skeletal Remains Age Estimation Methods Age Estimation in Modern Forensic Anthropology Why Do Forensic Anthropologists Estimate Ancestry and Why Is It So Controversial? Stature Estimation Introduction to Fordisc 3 Low-Velocity Trauma Basic Gunshot Trauma Interpretation in Forensic Anthropology Taphonomy of Fire Taphonomic Processes: Animal Scavenging Time since Death Estimation and Bone Weathering: The Postmortem Interval 13659


Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation Eighth Edition Barry A. J. Fisher Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (Retired), California, USA

David R. Fisher New York, New York, USA

“ … a well-written, comprehensive guide to the investigative and technical aspects of CSI. The textbook is an educational standard on the theory and practice of crime scene investigation and includes many informative casework examples and photographs. On reading this book, students, entry-level personnel, and experienced practitioners will have a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of forensic science in its application to crime scene investigations." —Professor Don Johnson, School of Criminal Justice and Criminalistics, California State University, Los Angeles

Before science can be applied to evidence, it must be collected in an appropriate manner. Written by authors with more than 50 years of combined experience in forensic science, this text examines the concepts, fieldtested techniques, and procedures of crime scene investigation. Features new to the eighth edition include the latest in forensic DNA testing and collection, a chapter on digital evidence, new case studies with color photographs, and end-of-chapter study questions. Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation: Eighth Edition also includes practical tips for crime scene processing and an appendix of web links to videos demonstrating select techniques discussed in the book. Instructor’s guide with PowerPoint® presentations, answers to end-of-chapter questions, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Contents Introduction First Officer at the Crime Scene The Crime Scene Investigator Specialized Personnel at the Crime Scene Processing the Crime Scene Establishing Identity Trace Evidence Blood, Forensic Biology, and DNA Impression Evidence Firearms Examination Arson and Explosives Illicit Drugs and Toxicology Investigating Sexual Assault Burglary Investigation Motor Vehicle Investigation ...

Catalog no. K10846, September 2012, 486 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1646-2, $104.95 / £66.99

Catalog no. K10500, June 2012, 535 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1005-7, $104.95 / £55.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

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Forensic Science Fisher’s Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation First International Edition William J. Tilstone, Michael L. Hastrup, and Camilla Hald The latest edition of a classic volume, this text focuses on international procedures, laws, and cases. The first section explores the forensic process and the basic principles of crime scene investigation. Next, the book covers trace and impression evidence, establishing personal identity, forensic biology, and evidence associated with firearms, arson, and explosions. The final section presents chapters on the investigation of various crime scenarios, including those involving illicit drugs, sexual assault, burglary, motor vehicles, and homicide. Enhanced with hundreds of diagrams and color photos of actual crime scenes, Fisher’s Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation: First International Edition combines time-tested procedures with an international scope to provide an essential resource for future investigators in Europe, Australasia, and Canada charged with solving crimes and bringing offenders to justice. Ancillary material, including PowerPoint® slides and a test bank is available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: The Forensic Process, Principles, and Practice Forensic Science and Evidence The Investigative Star in Crime Scene Investigation The Forensic Process: Performance, Practice, and Procedures of Scene Investigation Practical Scene Investigation: The Body in the Woods Practitioner Competency, Professionalism, and Codes of Conduct Forms of Evidence, Identification, and Recovery Establishing Personal Identity Trace Evidence and Miscellaneous Materials Forensic Biology Impression Evidence Firearms Examination Arson and Explosions Scene Investigation and Type of Crime Illicit Drugs and Toxicology Investigating Sexual Assault Burglary Investigation Motor Vehicle Investigation Homicide Investigation Appendices Bibliography Index


Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation Second Edition Ross M. Gardner U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (Retired), Georgia, USA

All too often, the weakest link in the chain of criminal justice is the crime scene investigation. Improper collection of evidence blocks the finding of truth. Now in its second edition, Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation presents practical, proven methods to be used at any crime scene to ensure that evidence is admissible and persuasive. Accompanied by more than 300 color photographs, topics discussed include fingerprint, biological, trace, hair and fiber evidence; actions of the responding officer; assessing the scene; crime scene photography, mapping, and reports; shooting scene documentation and reconstruction; and special scene considerations, including fire, buried bodies, and entomological evidence. Complete range of ancillaries, including PowerPoint® lecture slides and test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: Introduction Understanding the Nature of Physical Evidence Actions of the Initial Responding Officer Processing Methodology Assessing the Scene Crime Scene Photography Crime Scene Sketching and Mapping Narrative Descriptions: Crime Scene Notes and Reports Basic Skills for Scene Processing Shooting Scene Documentation and Reconstruction Applying Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in the Crime Scene The Body as a Crime Scene Special Scene Considerations The Role of Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction Appendix A: Crime Scene Equipment Appendix B: Risk Management Index Catalog no. K12444, December 2011, 498 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5302-3, $98.95 / £62.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K10881, August 2012, 501 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1704-9, $104.95 / £31.99


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Forensic Science Crime Scene Forensics A Scientific Method Approach Robert C. Shaler The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA

Crime Scene Processing and Investigation Workbook Christine R. Ramirez Texas Forensic Science Academy, College Station, USA

Success in crime scene forensics requires experience, creative thinking, logic, and the correct application of the science and the scientific method. Emphasizing the necessary thought processes for applying science to the investigation, Crime Scene Forensics: A Scientific Method Approach covers the general scene investigation process, archiving the scene, managing the investigation, and preserving the evidence.

Casie L. Parish-Fisher

The book explores impression/pattern evidence, including fingerprints, bloodstains, footwear impressions, and tire track impressions; trace evidence, including glass, paint, and soil; and biological and ballistics evidence. It also discusses the Principle of Divisible Matter and the Locard Exchange Principle: every touch leaves a trace. Enhanced by more than 200 color images, this volume provides investigators and students with the tools to grasp these critical concepts, paving an expeditious path to the truth.

Exercises presented include assessing the scene, photography and mapping, fingerprint evidence, documentation, impression-casting, bloodstain pattern recognition, and advanced techniques for scene processing. The book also examines the actions of the initial responding officer, highlights special scene considerations, and describes the role of crime scene analysis and reconstruction. Each chapter begins with a list of key terms and provides Learning Outcomes that describe the goal of the chapter. The book is designed to complement Gardner’s Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation.

Instructor’s manual with mock crime scene examples, learning points, test banks, and a grading rubric available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: The Philosophy and Essentials of Crime Scene Forensics Forensic Archiving: Today’s Eye for the Future The Principles of Forensic Photography The Paper Trail: Case Files, Worksheets, Notes, and Sketches Videography: The Forensic Documentary Impression Evidence: Patterns of Identity The Biological Crime Scene Introduction to Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: The Basics Mass Fatality Events, Bioweapons, and Microbial Forensics Forensic Entomology: Bugs and the Postmortem Interval Microscenes and Trace Evidence ... Bang! It’s a Shooting Incident Scene Miscellaneous Considerations and Specialized Scenes Fire Scenes: A Scientific Method Investigation Collection and Preservation of Evidence Scientific and Technical Working Groups Glossary Index

St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas, USA

The work of a crime scene investigator requires stellar organizational skills and razor-sharp attention to detail. Crime Scene Processing and Investigation Workbook takes students from the classroom to the field and into the lab to explore a range of scenarios they will likely encounter on the job.

Ancillaries include a comprehensive instructor's manual and PowerPoint® slides available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: Introduction The Nature of Physical Evidence Actions of the Initial Responding Officer Processing Methodology Assessing the Scene Crime Scene Photography Crime Scene Sketching and Mapping Narrative Descriptions: Crime Scene Notes and Reports Basic Skills for Scene Processing Advanced Techniques for Scene Processing Special Scene Considerations The Role of Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction Index Catalog no. K12253, November 2011, 226 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-4970-5 $43.95 / £28.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K12738, December 2011, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5995-7, $98.95 / £62.99 Also available as an eBook

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Forensic Science Bestseller!

Practical Homicide Investigation Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques, Fourth Edition Vernon J. Geberth Practical Homicide Investigation, Inc., New York, USA

“This clearly is the best teaching text on homicide out there for those serious about the field of homicide investigation.” —Donna Pendergast, First Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division, Michigan Attorney General’s Office

Renowned for writing the definitive resource on homicide investigation, Vernon J. Geberth emphasizes essential procedures, combines detailed techniques with instructive case studies, and outlines the foundation on which to build a solid, prosecutable case. From the first officer’s duties to handling the news media, Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques demonstrates exactly what to do and how to do it. The recognized protocol used by investigative divisions of major police departments throughout the world, it is also the text used in most police academies, including the prestigious FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. The text is accompanied by 675 color photos and illustrations as well as clear depictions of wound structures. Medical-legal drawings provide succinct instruction and facilitate preparation for courtroom testimony.

Practical Forensic Digital Imaging Applications and Techniques Patrick Jones Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

The ability to take compelling photographs is a critical skill for forensic scientists and investigators. Practical Forensic Digital Imaging: Applications and Techniques is an up-to-date and thorough treatment of digital imaging in the forensic sciences. Topics discussed include the fundamentals of photographing crime scenes, digital camera hardware and photographic techniques, lighting, witness testimony, enhancement of images and digital panoramic camera scanning, storage of digital media, ultraviolet and infrared imaging, and digital photo imaging microscopes. The book covers the full range of scenarios that forensic professionals encounter and includes special sections dedicated to photography involving fingerprints, wounds, bodies, blood spatter, footwear impressions, and more. Exercises and test bank with questions and answers available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents:

The Homicide Crime Scene First Officer’s Duties: General First Officer’s Duties: Specific The Preliminary Investigation at the Scene: The Detectives Specific Investigative Duties at the Scene The Crime Scene Photographs The Crime Scene Sketch The Homicide Crime Scene Search Estimating Time of Death The Identity of the Deceased Death Notifications: The Surviving Family as Secondary Victims Modes of Death Suicide Investigation The Investigation of Sex-Related Homicides Homosexual Homicides Forensic Application of DNA Analysis Collection of Evidence The Autopsy ...

Documentation The Transition from 35-mm Film to Digital Imaging Digital Camera Hardware Digital Imaging Light Filters Macro/Micro Imaging Law Enhancement of Images Footwear and Tire Impressions Digital Panoramic Camera Scanning Death Investigation Morgue Photo Imaging Taphonomic and Entomological Imaging Auto Process Fingerprints Burglary Storage of Digital Media Fire and Arson Scene Sex Offenses Trace Evidence and Microscopy Blood Ultraviolet and Infrared Imaging Digital Photo Imaging Microscope SWGIT

Catalog no. 3303, February 2006, 1072 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3303-3, $125.95 / £82.00

Catalog no. 60120, February 2011, 402 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6012-6, $109.95 / £69.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Selected Contents:


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Forensic Science Forensic Applications of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Shirley Bayne Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK

Michelle Carlin The University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

“ … easy to read and lively enough to engage students and keep their interest.” —C. F. Poole, Wayne State University, in Chromatographia

Chromatography has many roles in forensic science, ranging from toxicology to environmental analysis. In particular, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a primary method of analysis in many types of laboratories. Maintaining a balance between practical solutions and the theoretical considerations involved in HPLC analysis, Forensic Applications of High Performance Liquid Chromatography uses real-life examples likely to be found within a forensic science laboratory to explain HPLC from a forensic science perspective.

Forensic Applications of Gas Chromatography Michelle Groves Carlin and John Richard Dean The University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Forensic Applications of Gas Chromatography covers the essentials of this topic, including the theory, method development, quality assurance and validation, troubleshooting, and new developments in the field. The emphasis is on the application of GC in a range of relevant forensic applications, including those related to drugs, toxicology, food and flavors, fire, paint, the environment, and explosives. Individual case studies of applications are focused on specific sample preparation techniques. Each sample preparation technique is discussed with respect to its theory, instrumentation, solvent selection, and function. Techniques include solid phase extraction, solid phase microextraction, solvent extraction, purge and trap, thermal desorption, and pyrolysis.

Selected Contents:

Introduction to HPLC Basic Principles of HPLC Mobile Phase Preparation, the Use of Buffers, and Sample Preparation Modes of Separation Detection Systems Method Development in Reversed Phase HPLC System Suitability Qualification, Validation, and Verification Quality Systems Troubleshooting HPLC Systems Forensic Applications of HPLC Glossary Index

Introduction to GC Overview of Developments Basic Principles of Chromatography Introduction Theory of Chromatography... Instrumentation for Gas Chromatography Gas Supply System Sample Introduction Systems Column Oven GC Columns Detectors... Method Development Introduction Isothermal Versus Temperature Programming Influence of Column Quality Assurance and Method Validation Troubleshooting GC Systems New Development in Gas Chromatography Introduction Fast GC (With Ion Mobility Spectrometry) Forensic Applications of Gas Chromatography Drugs Toxicology Food and Flavors Fire Paint Environmental Explosives Answers to Questions

Catalog no. 91913, January 2010, 272 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-9191-5 $68.95 / £43.99

Catalog no. K14676, June 2013, 186 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-0754-8 $69.95 / £42.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Focusing on reverse phase HPLC mode of separation, each chapter includes a key point summary, a series of questions (where appropriate) and a list of books and journal articles to give further insight into the topics covered. This volume is also suitable as a textbook for analytical chemistry, applied chemistry, forensic chemistry, or other courses with an element of HPLC within the course curriculum. Instructor’s manual with lecture slides, test bank, objectives, and exercises available with qualifying course adoption


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Forensic Science Criminal Financial Investigations The Use of Forensic Accounting Techniques and Indirect Methods of Proof, Second Edition Gregory A. Pasco Colorado Technical University, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA

Understanding the financial motivations behind white-collar crime is often the key to the apprehension and successful prosecution of these individuals. Criminal Financial Investigations: The Use of Forensic Accounting Techniques and Indirect Methods of Proof teaches the "how to" aspects of criminal financial investigations, taking students through the different approaches used in gathering evidence and demonstrating how to present circumstantial evidence to a judge or jury in a simple and convincing manner. Written by a former Special Agent with the Criminal Investigation Division of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the second edition adds chapters on unique aspects of tax investigations and innovative applications of indirect methods of proof. Solutions manual, PowerPoint® slides, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption


Financial Investigation and Forensic Accounting Third Edition George A. Manning, Ph.D, C.F.E., E.A. Consultant-Enrolled IRS Agent (Retired), Campbellton, Florida, USA

Presenting a complete examination of the current methods and legal considerations involved in the detection and prosecution of economic crimes, Forensic Investigation and Forensic Accounting, Third Edition examines different types of offenses with a financial element. It explores offshore activities and the means criminals use to hide their ill-gotten gains and provides a thorough review of evidentiary rules as well as the protocol involved in search warrants. The text examines two modalities used to prove financial crime and presents an example scenario based on real-life incidents. Additional topics include organized crime and money laundering, consumer and business fraud, computer crimes, and issues surrounding banking and finance. Instructor’s manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents:

Introduction The Financial Disciplines Characteristics of Financial Crimes Categories of Theft The Paper Trail Collecting and Preserving Evidence Gathering Documentary Evidence Gathering Evidence through Observation What Is a Financial Investigation? Requirements for Indirect Methods of Proof The Standard Methods of Proof What Processes Are Common to All Indirect Methods of Proof? The Specific Items Case The Bank Deposits and Cash Expenditures Case The Net Worth and Personal Expenditures Case Indirect Methods in Tax Investigations Unique Aspects of Criminal Tax Investigations The Case Report Preparation for Trial Innovative Applications

Economics of Crime Financial Crimes Offshore Activities Evidence Net Worth Theory Expenditure Theory Scenario Case RICO Net Worth Solution Tax Net Worth Solution RICO Expenditure Solution Tax Expenditure Solution Organized Crime Trial Preparation and Testimony Accounting and Audit Techniques Sources of Information Wagering and Gambling Fraud Prevention for Consumers Fraud Prevention for Business Money Laundering Interviewing Investigative Interview Analysis Banking and Finance Reports and Case Files Audit Programs Seizures and Forfeitures ...

Catalog no. K15970, October 2012, 295 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6262-2, $104.95 / £66.99

Catalog no. K11229, December 2010, 792 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2566-2, $146.95 / £93.00

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 •

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Forensic Science Ethics for the Public Service Professional

Forensic Nursing A Concise Manual Edited by

Aric W. Dutelle, M. F. S.

Donna M. Garbacz Bader and L. Sue Gabriel

University of Wisconsin-Platteville, USA

Bryan LGH College of Health Sciences, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

“Dutelle writes with clarity, authority, and a good command of the ethical issues and dilemmas faced by public service professionals.”

The forensic nurse has a powerful role in medicallegal investigations. Forensic Nursing: A Concise Manual presents practical information directed at the range of activities that forensic nurses perform. It discusses crime scene and death investigation, evidence collection, autopsies, legal issues, and ethics.

—Paul Pabla, University of the Fraser Valley, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Public service professionals—government officials, those in the legal system, first responders, and investigators—confront ethical issues every day. In an environment where each decision can mean the difference between life and death or freedom and imprisonment, deciding on an ethical course of action can pose challenges to even the most seasoned professional. Examining the history of ethics, codes, and legislation relating to public service, Ethics for the Public Service Professional explores current police and public service controversies and discusses important new mechanisms of accountability. Encouraging classroom discussion and debate, the book presents real-life situations faced by those within public service. News stories are incorporated throughout the text as well as a list of websites to facilitate further study. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and key terms and includes Ripped from the Headlines current event examples that demonstrate actual scenarios involving the issues discussed within the chapter. Review questions at the end of each chapter test comprehension and each chapter is supplemented with suggested readings to encourage additional study. Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: Ethics: A Look at the Basics Ethical Perspectives Decision Making: The Logic of Ethics Leadership Ethics Ethical Codes and Standards Ethics in Law Enforcement/Policing (With an Introduction by Randy Scott Taylor) Ethics in Forensic Science Ethics in Corrections Ethics in the Legal System Ethics in Public Office Ethics in Other Areas of Public Service Ethics Training and Education The Future of Public Service Ethics

The authors pinpoint the role of the forensic nurse in an array of incident scenarios, provide emergency room recommendations, discuss profiling and forensic anthropology, and offer guidance on working with grieving family members. Using a succinct outline format, the text is complemented by illustrative flowcharts and references for further study. PowerPoint® lecture slides, test bank, and exercises are available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Forensic Nursing Forensic Nursing Today Forensic Nursing Education Guidelines and Qualifications Educational Foundation for Forensic Nursing Practice Forensic Science Coroners Medical Examiners and Forensic Pathologists Cause Manner and Mechanism of Death Crime Scene Investigation Forensic Nursing Crime Scene Investigation Establishing Time of Death and Injury: Forensic Nursing Practice and Responsibility Chain of Custody and Identification, Collection, and Preservation of Evidence: Major Concepts of Forensic Nursing Significance of an Autopsy The Nursing Process Forensic Nursing and the Law Forensic Nurse as an Expert Witness The Perpetrator: A Victim and a Patient Ethics and Forensic Nursing Practice Psychosocial Aspects of Crime Deaths in Nursing Homes Excited Delirium Syndrome (EDS) Blunt Force Injuries Sharp Force Trauma Gunshot Wounds ...

Catalog no. K11183, March 2011, 229 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2490-0, $87.95 / £55.99

Catalog no. 67303, October 2009, 461 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-6730-9 $96.95 / £61.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


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Forensic Science Legal Nurse Consulting Principles

Legal Nurse Consulting Practices

Third Edition

Third Edition

Edited by

Edited by

Ann M. Peterson, EdD, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, LNCC

Ann M. Peterson, EdD, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, LNCC

Legal Nurse Consultant, Medford, Massachusetts, USA

Legal Nurse Consultant, Medford, Massachusetts, USA

Lynda Kopishke, MSN, RN, LNCC

Lynda Kopishke, MSN, RN, LNCC

Legal Nurse Consultant, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

Legal Nurse Consultant, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

“Highly Recommended … a must-have book for all LNC students who want to pursue a career in LNC. This is the basic book that should act as the bare minimum … for a student who is just beginning his career in the field, it gives the right amount of information.”

“This really gives the students a feel for the process and what to expect. The glossary and guide to acronyms are also very helpful.”

—Puneet Setia and Avneesh Gupta, in Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

Legal Nurse Consulting, Principles takes a pedagogic approach in providing content for use in core courses. It defines and elaborates on the role of the LNC in a number of arenas and covers current technology and trends in healthcare and law.

—Valerie Gooder, Weber State University

Over the past generation, the practice of legal nurse consulting has grown to include areas such as life care planning, risk management, and administrative law, as well as taking on a more diversified role in both criminal and civil law and courtroom proceedings.

A comprehensive textbook for students, it defines the role of the LNC in areas ranging from maintaining records, case management, and research to insurance regulations and forensic investigations. The book uses case studies drawn from real-world examples, provides samples of forms used in practice, and contains test/review questions at the end of every chapter.

Legal Nurse Consulting Practices covers processes and legal considerations in a number of areas. The chapters explore forensics work and administrative healthcare law including insurance regulations and fraud. They discuss keys aspects of Medicare, approaches to creating a life care plan, the legal aspects of advanced practice nursing, and concepts related to pediatrics and neonatal care. The book also describes the competencies and necessary background needed for certification.

Selected Contents:

Selected Contents:

The Law, Standards of Care, and Liability Issues History, Entry into Practice, and Certification Professionalism, Standards of Practice, and Standards of Professional Performance Elements of Triage: Effective Case Screening of Medical Malpractice Claims Access to Medical Records Discovery and Disclosure Informed Consent Medical Treatment Decisions: The Patient’s Choice Communication with Clients in the Medical Malpractice Arena Legal Writing Researching Medical Information and Literature Medical Record Analysis Report Preparation: Principles and Process Trial Preparation and the Trial Process Locating and Working with Expert Witnesses Alternative Dispute Resolution: Settlement, Arbitration, and Mediation Nursing Home and Subacute Rehabilitation Litigation Personal Injury and Accident Reconstruction ...

The Legal Nurse Consultant as Expert Witness The Expert Fact Witness: Noneconomic Damages Testimony The Independent LNC Legal Nurse Consultant Practice within a Law Firm Role of the LNC in Criminal Cases The LNC’s Role in Healthcare Risk Management The Legal Nurse Consultant as Case Manager The Role of the Legal Nurse Consultant in the Insurance Industry ...

Catalog no. 8951X, February 2010, 730 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8951-6, $104.95 / £65.99 Also available as an eBook


Catalog no. 8948X, February 2010, 645 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8948-6, $99.95 / £62.99 Also available as an eBook

These two volumes are also available for purchase as a set Bestseller!

Legal Nurse Consulting, Principles and Practices, Third Edition (2-Volume Set) Catalog no. 89471, February 2010, 1152 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8947-9, $179.95 / £112.00

1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 •

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New Edition of a Landmark Forensic Text

Forensic Science

An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques, Fourth Edition Edited by

Stuart James James & Associates Forensic Consultants, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Jon J. Nordby Final Analysis Forensics, University Place, Washington, USA

Suzanne Bell West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA

Catalog no. K12489, January 2014, c. 614 pp. Pack - Book and Online, ISBN: 978-1-4398-5383-2, $89.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook

Improved Pedagogy for Your Forensic Courses—Bridging Science and Investigation in All Forensic Disciplines • Presents contributions from some of the greatest experts in the field • Uses case studies taken from the experts’ personal files along with stunning photographs • Organizes chapters into topics most popular for coursework • Includes coverage of all forms of evidence, from bloodstain pattern and DNA to questioned documents and structural collapses

• Contains sidebars with historical notes, practical information, current events, and advice for career advancement • Provides real-life case studies, chapter summaries, key terms, review questions, and references for further reading • Includes access to an identical eBook version

Ancillaries for Instructors • 700 PowerPoint lecture slides

• Laboratory exercises

• More than 700 questions and answers—more than half multiple choice

• Additional chapters from the Third Edition


• 480 images, including more than 130 not in the textbook itself • Court testimony transcript for use in lectures

• Two extra in-depth case studies on firearms and arson (photos included) • Further readings on entomological evidence and animal scavenging (photos included)

Experience the textbook evolution.

➢ Custom Publishing available

➢ Easily search for key content

➢ Access anytime, anywhere

6000 Broken Sound Parkway, NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA


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