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Criminal Justice Texts
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
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An Introduction to Crime and Crime Causation ................................3 The Geography of Crime: Theory, Integration and Application........3 Law and Society: An Introduction ......................................................4 Introduction to Law Enforcement........................................................4 Criminal Law, Second Edition ..............................................................5 Criminal Law, Procedure, and Evidence..............................................5 Introduction to Corrections..................................................................6 Correctional Administration and Change Management ..................6 Principles of Leadership and Management in Law Enforcement ......7 Economic and Financial Analysis for Criminal Justice Organizations....................................................................................7 The Business of Criminal Justice: A Guide for Theory and Practice....8 The Future of Policing: A Practical Guide for Police Managers and Leaders ......................................................................................8 Community Policing in Indigenous Communities ............................9 Crime and Planning: Building Socially Sustainable Communities ....9 Mission-Based Policing ......................................................................10 Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice ............................................10 Security Governance, Policing, and Local Capacity..........................11 Police Liability and Risk Management: Torts, Civil Rights, and Employment Law....................................................................11 Decision Point: Real-Life Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement......12 Ethics for Criminal Justice Professionals ............................................12 Introduction to Criminal Investigation ..............................................13 Criminal Investigation, Fourth Edition ..............................................13 Criminal Justice Research Methods: Theory and Practice, Second Edition................................................................................14 Police Interview and Interrogation Techniques, DVD ......................14 Police and Profiling in the United States: Applying Theory to Criminal Investigations..................................15 Fatal Violence: Case Studies and Analysis of Emerging Forms ........15 The Study of Violent Crime: Its Correlates and Concerns................16 Comparative and International Criminal Justice Systems: Policing, Judiciary, and Corrections, Third Edition........................16 Power, National Security, and Transformational Global Events: Challenges Confronting America, China, and Iran ......................17 Terrorism and Organized Hate Crime: Intelligence Gathering, Analysis and Investigations, Third Edition ..................17 Understanding the Modern Russian Police ......................................17 Female Criminals: An Examination and Interpretation of Female Offending ......................................................................18 Sexual Predators Amongst Us............................................................18 Human Trafficking: Exploring the International Nature, Concerns, and Complexities..........................................................19 The International Trafficking of Human Organs: A Multidisciplinary Perspective ......................................................19 Introduction to Gangs in America ....................................................20 Juvenile Justice: Theory and Practice ................................................20 Juvenile Justice Administration ..........................................................20 Introduction to Corporate and White-Collar Crime ........................21 The Law of Cybercrimes and Their Investigations............................21 Criminal Financial Investigations: The Use of Forensic Accounting Techniques and Indirect Methods of Proof, Second Edition........22 Money Laundering: A Guide for Criminal Investigators, Third Edition ..................................................................................22
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Criminal Justice Texts Forthcoming!
An Introduction to Crime and Crime Causation
The Geography of Crime
Robert C. Winters
Theory, Integration and Application
Kaplan University, USA
Edited by
Julie L. Globokar
Nikki Filipuzzi, Tanya Trussler, and Kelly William Sundberg
Kent State University, Ohio, USA
Cliff Roberson Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, USA
An Introduction to Crime and Crime Causation is a student-friendly textbook that defines and explains the concepts of crime, criminal law, and criminology. The book compares and contrasts the differences between early criminal behavior and today's modern forms of crime. It also explores society’s responses to criminal behavior in the past and in the present day. Drawn from different and distinct backgrounds, the authors explain the biological, psychological, and sociological theories of criminal behavior. They also describe the sources of crime data and explain the measures and impact of the data. The book attempts to educate students regarding the steps that need to be taken before a significant reduction in crime can occur. Interactive questions promote classroom debate and action boxes and a glossary enhance the pedagogy of the text. An instructor's manual, figure slides, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: An Introduction to Concepts Involving Crime and Crime Causation The Concept of Crime Early Development of Crime Causation Theories Biological and Psychological Approaches to Crime Causation Social Structures as a Cause of Crime The Social Process as a Cause of Crime Integrated Theories Theories of Critical Criminology American System of Justice Criminal Activity: Types, Severity, and Social Impact Government- and Business-Related Crimes Drugs and the Justice System Changing Nature of Crime and Crime Causation Catalog no. K20810, June 2014, c. 280 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-9710-5, $99.95 / £63.00 Also available as an eBook
Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Environmental criminology and its many sub-fields are increasingly becoming the focus of discussion among criminologists and criminal justice professionals. Many of the new courses being developed at universities through North America, Europe, and Oceania focus on geography of crime, geographic profiling, and crime prevention through environmental design. The Geography of Crime: Theory, Integration and Application is one of the first works to specifically explore how the tenets of environmental criminology can be applied to modern urban design and crime analysis with the aim of creating safer and more secure communities. Discussing the topic’s relevance to both academia and law enforcement, the book provides international perspectives from world-wide experts who supply a contemporary overview of spatial criminology and its applications. Figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: The Historic Emergence of Environmental Criminology The Theoretic Foundation of Environmental Criminology Fundamental Theoretical Contributions to Environmental Criminology ‘Crime’ and ‘Place’ Theories Psychology of Space & Place Modern Application of Environmental Criminology Analysing Crime Patterns Psychological Profiling – Application to Geographic Analysis Geographic Profiling Application of GIS in Crime Analysis Application of Environmental Criminology with Urban Design Bridging the Tenets of Modern Design and Environmental Criminology Safer Communities through the Application of Environmental Criminology Modern Case Examples of Bridging Community & Crime Prevention Summary Catalog no. K15436, June 2014, c. 300 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-5677-5 $99.95 / £63.99
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Criminal Justice Texts New!
Law and Society An Introduction John Harrison Watts Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, USA
Cliff Roberson Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, USA
In recent years, legal studies courses have increased the focus on contemporary social issues as part of the curriculum. Law and Society: An Introduction discusses the interface between these two institutions and encourages students in the development of new insights on the topic. The book explores principal legal systems, including common law, civil law, Islamic and socialist systems, and American Indian law. It discusses feminist legal theories, critical race theory, and the roles of morality and values in social control. Other topics include court procedures, the nature of lawmaking, alternative dispute resolution, and the law as a mechanism for social changes—such as those brought on by the 1964 Civil Rights Act—as well as issues related to the legal profession and professional responsibility. This text eliminates the need for a separate reader by also discussing controversial legal topics—including affirmative action, education, the death penalty, right to work laws, and abortion. Each chapter builds on the previous ones and includes concrete examples of the issues involved. Enhanced by chapter summaries of salient points, review questions, and practical exercises, the book is designed to encourage students in the development of new insights into the relationships between law and society. Instructor's manual, figure slides, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption
Introduction to Law Enforcement David H. McElreath; Daniel Adrian Doss; Carl J. Jensen, III; Michael Wigginton Jr.; Ralph Kennedy; Kenneth R. Winter; Robert E. Mongue; Janice Bounds; and J. Michelle Estis-Sumerel With contributions by nine authors offering a diverse presentation, Introduction to Law Enforcement is designed for a one-semester course in law enforcement and policing. Rather than addressing these topics from a linear perspective, it presents discussions regarding both private and public entities. Through this approach, students gain an understanding of several dimensions of the subject matter. Topics include contemporary crime trends, policing ethics, law enforcement history, the functions of modern law enforcement agencies, homeland security, and human resources. The book follows the path of a case from arrest through incarceration and postrelease and presents issues related to local, state, regional, federal, and tribal law enforcement agencies. Solutions manual, PowerPoint® slides, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: Crime in the United States The History of Law Enforcement in the United States Local and Tribal Enforcement in the United States State Law Enforcement in the United States Federal and International Law Enforcement Private Enforcement Ethics
Contents: An Overview of Law and Society Legal Systems Social Research Methods Legal Structures Social Control Lawmaking as a Form of Social Control Dispute Resolution Social Change and Law Lawyers Private Life and the Law Crime and Justice Issues Labor Issues and the Law Index Catalog no. K18982, November 2013, 350 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8329-0, $99.95 / £63.99
Types of Policing Patrol Types and Specialized Assignments Investigation Forensic Science After Arrest – Taking the Case to Court Law Enforcement Under the United States Constitution Administration and Leadership – Community Support, Recruitment, Selection, Training and Retention The Future of Law Enforcement and Its Changing Role Catalog no. K15409, February 2013, 479 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5623-2, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts Criminal Law Second Edition Charles P. Nemeth In order to fully grasp criminal law concepts, students must go beyond mere rote memorization of the penal code and attempt to understand where the laws originate from and how they have developed. Criminal Law, Second Edition blends legal and moral reasoning in the examination of crimes and explores the history relating to jurisprudence and roots of criminal law. The book fosters discussions of controversial issues and delivers abridged case law decisions that target the essence of appellate rulings. Grounded in the model penal code, making the text national in scope, the text examines why the criminal codes originated, and the moral, religious, spiritual, and human influences that led to our present system. It explores how crimes are described in the modern justice model, as well as the two essential elements necessary for criminal culpability: actus reus (the act committed or omitted) and mens rea (the mind and intent of the actor). Coverage includes offenses against the body, property offenses, and crimes against the home. The book also examines controversial public morality issues such as prostitution, drug legalization, obscenity, and pornography. The final two chapters discuss inchoate offenses, where the criminal act has not been completed, and various criminal defenses such as legal insanity, entrapment, coercion, self-defense, and mistake of fact or law. Important keywords introduce each chapter, and discussion questions and suggested readings appear at the end of each chapter, prompting lively debate. Instructor’s manual, PowerPoint® slides, and testing materials available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: The Foundation and Heritage of the Criminal Law Definitions of Crime Actus Reus and Mens Rea Crimes against the Person: Homicide Crimes against the Person: Assault and Other Offenses Sexual Offenses against the Person Crimes against Property Crimes against Habitation Offenses Contrary to the Public Morality Inchoate Offenses Criminal Defenses Appendix Index
Criminal Law, Procedure, and Evidence Walter P. Signorelli John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, New York, USA
Constitutional principles are the foundation upon which substantive criminal law, criminal procedure law, and evidence laws rely. The concepts of due process, legality, specificity, notice, equality, and fairness are intrinsic to these three disciplines, and a firm understanding of their implications is necessary for a thorough comprehension of the topic. Criminal Law, Procedure, and Evidence examines the tensions produced by balancing the ideals of individual liberty embodied in the Constitution against society’s need to enforce criminal laws as a means of achieving social control, order, and safety. Exploring the application of constitutional principles to specific criminal justice situations, each chapter of the text contains a realistic problem in the form of a fact pattern that focuses on one or more of the classic criminal justice issues to which students can relate. These problems are presented from both the point of view of citizens caught up in a police investigation and from the perspective of police officers attempting to enforce the law within the framework of constitutional protections. The book addresses distinct issues as well as the overlays and connections between the issues. It presents as a cohesive whole the interrelationships between constitutional principles, statutory criminal laws, procedural law, and common law. Instructor’s manual available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Overview Balancing Law Enforcement and Individual Rights Social Control in a Free Society ... Crime and Due Process Protections The Development of Due Process Protections Principles of Criminal Law Crimes and Punishments ... Search and Seizure Search Warrants The Law of Arrest Searches without Warrants A Not So Uncommon Police/Citizen Encounter Stop, Question, and Frisk ... The Individual as the Subject of Government Investigation The Privilege against Compelled Self-Incrimination and Miranda v Arizona ... Index
Catalog no. K12853, November 2011, 610 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6171-4, $129.95 / £84.00
Catalog no. K12527, January 2011, 459 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-5449-5 $109.95 / £69.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts Introduction to Corrections David H. McElreath, Linda Keena, Greg Etter, and Ellis Stuart Millions in our nation are under some type of judicial sanction, with some individuals behind bars but the majority serving their sentences while living and working among us. Introduction to Corrections examines predominant issues related to the system of administering to offenders in the United States. Written in a simple, concise style and enhanced with discussion questions and a list of key terms in each chapter, this volume begins with an overview and historical review of the system and then focuses on select issues. Topics include sentencing goals; jail, prison, and non-custodial supervision; challenges faced by corrections personnel; victims’ rights; capital punishment; and juvenile corrections. The evolution of corrections in the United States has spanned three centuries and has moved from an origin of basic community-based confinement to an extensive system that includes federal, state, local, private, and military facilities and programs. Examining diverse topics relevant to a range of future professionals in the corrections community, this book explores the functions of corrections as well as those who serve in the field.
Correctional Administration and Change Management Martha Henderson Hurley The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Dena Hanley University of Akron, Ohio, USA
Change is an inevitable part of any correctional institution, as new trends and initiatives constantly bombard the system. Correctional Administration and Change Management examines leadership, management, and organizational culture and how they apply to correctional agencies, enabling future administrators to identify the changes that can be successfully implemented within the organizational context. Topics discussed include management theory, the importance of effective communication, information capital, the human element of change, the concept of evidence-based practice, and the role of evaluation and outcome assessment in the process of improving correctional practice. Learning objectives, key terms, discussion questions, references for additional reading, and web links appear throughout the book to enhance assimilation of the material.
Selected Contents
Foundations of Corrections An Overview of Corrections Corrections: A Historical View Sentencing Community Corrections History and Process of Probation and Noncustodial Supervision History and Process of Parole and Postconfinement Release Institutional Corrections Jails Correctional Systems and Institutions Prison Life Issues in Corrections Current Issues and Problems Facing Corrections Inmate Rights and Correctional Law Victims’ Rights Correctional Counseling Capital Punishment Juvenile Corrections Index
Introduction to Change Management in Correctional Organizations Change Management Why Is Change Difficult in Corrections? ... Administration and Guidance Distinguishing Leaders from Managers Roles of the Leader/Administrator ... Communication Defining Communication Methods of Communicating Team Building ... Information Capital Definitions Components of Information Capital Types of Automated Management Information Systems ... Human Resource Capital Assessment Organizational Culture ... Evidence-Based Practice Defining Evidence-Based Practice Advantages of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in Corrections ... Evaluations and Outcomes Disadvantages and Advantages to Outcome-Based Evidence ... Conclusion
Catalog no. K12750, July 2011, 291 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6013-7, $98.95 / £62.99
Catalog no. K10218, June 2010, 222 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0392-9, $98.95 / £62.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Instructor’s manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
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Criminal Justice Texts Principles of Leadership and Management in Law Enforcement Michael L. Birzer Wichita State University, Kansas, USA
Gerald J. Bayens Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, USA
Cliff Roberson Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, USA
Effective police organizations are run with sound leadership and management strategies that take into account the myriad of challenges that confront today’s law enforcement professionals. Principles of Leadership and Management in Law Enforcement is a comprehensive and accessible textbook exploring critical issues of leadership within police agencies. Organized in logical fashion, each new chapter builds on previous material for quick assimilation. Suitable for a one-semester course, the book’s easy reading style minimizes the need for memorization and reinforces salient points through boxed highlighted areas. Every chapter includes key concepts, definitions, chapter objectives, and review questions. Written by three renowned criminal justice experts, this volume encourages students to think expansively and develop new insights into the future direction of police leadership and management. Instructor’s manual, test bank, and PowerPoint® lectures available with qualifying course adoption
Economic and Financial Analysis for Criminal Justice Organizations Daniel Adrian Doss; William H. Sumrall, III; David H. McElreath; and Don W. Jones A complement to Strategic Finance for Criminal Justice Organizations, this textbook considers the justice system from a variety of economic and financial perspectives and introduces quantitative methods designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. Using only a minimum of theory, Economic and Financial Analysis for Criminal Justice Organizations demonstrates how to make decisions in the justice system using multiple financial and economic models. Designed for students with little knowledge of advanced mathematics, the book presents examples using straightforward, step-by-step processes with Excel and Linux Calc spreadsheet software. A variety of different types of decisions are considered, ranging from municipal bond issuance and valuation necessary for public revenues, pension planning, capital investment, monies for construction projects, and other resource planning, allocation, and forecasting issues. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents:
Introduction to the Modem Police Agency
Show Me Your License: Introductory Concepts Innocent or Guilty? Perspectives of Decisions A 25-to-Life Sentence: Strategic Economic and Financial Decisions The Restitution Order: Capitalization and Executive Responsibility How Do We Slice the Pie? Foundations of Economics Tools of the Trade: Foundations of Financial Decisions Following the Money: Capital Budgeting Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later? The Minimum Attractive Rate of Return Lucky Number 7: Concepts of Probability and Mathematical Reasoning The Odds Are Against Us: Probability Distributions and Mathematical Reasoning Is This the Line? Queuing Theory Risky Business: Sensitivity and Scenario Analyses Not 007, But … Bond Analysis Buy Low or Sell High? Stock Analysis ...
Introduction to Management Theory Operational Management of a Police Agency Leadership Approaches Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation A Business Approach to Policing? Problem Solving Technology and Management Job-Related Issues Training and Education Recruitment and Selection Impact of the Courts and Legislation on Police Management Homeland Security and Policing Ethics Catalog no. K13775, June 2012, 390 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8034-0, $83.95 / £51.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K20544, October 2013, 754 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-9206-3, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts The Business of Criminal Justice A Guide for Theory and Practice Daniel Adrian Doss and Joo Young Lee
The Future of Policing A Practical Guide for Police Managers and Leaders
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
Joseph A. Schafer; Michael E. Buerger; Richard W. Myers; Carl J. Jensen, III; and Bernard H. Levin
Regardless of the type, size, or mission of a criminal justice or law enforcement organization, optimum decision-making can be achieved by examining activities and functions from the perspective of traditional business administration. Using profit and nonprofit business models, The Business of Criminal Justice: A Guide for Theory and Practice integrates the philosophies of traditional management and finance and service-oriented benefit.
“ … systematically addresses issues such as technology, hiring practices, training, budgets, labor relations, evolving communities, and post 9-11 trends that challenge today’s police departments. The reader will come away with a wealth of information from sections in the book called ‘Voices from the Field.’ These are the words of law enforcement professionals who have shared their experiences, which augment the authors’ own perspectives. … ”
The book examines operational management, marketing, economics, and product management and demonstrates how the concepts of business administration influence law enforcement and government organizations. Figures and graphs, modern-day examples, and an appendix with ancillary material facilitate the learning experience.
—Dr. Brian L. Royster, Saint Peter’s University, in Security Management
The University of West Alabama, Livingston, USA
Chengqi Guo
Demonstrating how the concepts of business administration influence law enforcement and government organizations, this volume prepares students for decision-making in their careers in law enforcement and criminal justice entities ranging from small-town sheriff’s offices to large federal enterprises. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: Basic Concepts of Decision Making Management and Leadership Strategic Management Basic Concepts of Quality Management Basic Concepts of Operations Management Economics of Law Enforcement Mathematical Concepts Financial Decisions of Law Enforcement Concepts of Marketing and Advertising Integrative Concepts and Project Management Epilogue: Final Comments Regarding the Criminal Justice System and Law Enforcement Organizations End Note Appendix A: Additional Essays and Commentaries Appendix B: Additional Essays and Commentaries Appendix C: Additional Essays and Commentaries Index Catalog no. K12942, December 2011, 268 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6605-4 $98.95 / £62.99 Also available as an eBook
As communities continue to undergo rapid demographic shifts that modify their composition, culture, and collective values, police departments serving those communities must evolve accordingly in order to remain effective. The Future of Policing: A Practical Guide for Police Managers and Leaders provides concrete instruction on how agencies can promote successful policing by proceeding on a course informed by future trends and emerging community forces. Each chapter provides a discussion of the professional literature, current and projected trends, and situations faced by agency executives and leaders. Case studies and vignettes demonstrate both the complexity of situations and possible ways to employ futures studies as a management tool. Voices from the Field essays provide insights and experiences from practitioners. Offering a unique juxtaposition of real-life examples, futures research, emergent trends, and management implications, the text provides practical strategies for future police managers.
Selected Contents: Setting the Stage Futures Thinking and Research Future Trends Communities Boundaries: Disappearing, Reemerging, and Merging The Future of Crime On the Beat Police Personnel: Culture, Hiring, and Development Organizational Solutions ... Catalog no. K11722, August 2011, 432 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3795-5 $87.95 / £55.99 Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts Community Policing in Indigenous Communities Edited by
Mahesh K. Nalla and Graeme R. Newman Indigenous communities are typically those that challenge the laws of the nation states of which they have become—often very reluctantly—a part. Around the world, community policing has emerged in many of these regions as a product of their physical environments and cultures. Through a series of case studies, Community Policing in Indigenous Communities explores how these often deeply divided societies operate under the community policing paradigm. Drawing on the local expertise of policing practitioners and researchers across the globe, the book explores several themes with regard to each region, including how community policing originated, the community’s special cultural or indigenous attributes that set it apart from other models of community policing, organizational attributes, the positive and negative features of community policing as it is practiced, and its effectiveness in reducing and/or preventing crime and disorder.
Selected Contents: Africa and the Middle East Bahrain Gambia Lebanon: Community Policing in Nahr al Bared Refugee Camp Madagascar ... The Americas Argentina Canada: Aboriginal Canada: The Annapolis Valley Chile Mexico ... Asia and Oceania Police e Mardumi—Indigenous Civilian Policing at District Level in Afghanistan Australia Bangladesh China: Indigenous Communities India ... Europe Croatia Finland Germany Italy The Republic of Moldova ... Catalog no. K14079, March 2013, 396 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8894-0, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Crime and Planning Building Socially Sustainable Communities Derek J. Paulsen, Ph.D. The form and layout of a built environment has a significant influence on crime by creating opportunities for it and, in turn, shaping community crime patterns. Crime and Planning: Building Socially Sustainable Communities presents a comprehensive discussion of the interconnections between urban planning, criminal victimization, and crime prevention. A co-publication with the American Planning Association, it provides students with the tools and knowledge necessary to minimize the impact of crime on communities with the goal of creating socially sustainable communities. After an overview of crime patterns, the book explores major issues within planning and their impact on crime. Critical topics discussed include connectivity, mixed-use developments, land use and zoning, transit-oriented design, and pedestrian trails, greenways, and parks. The remaining chapters explore crime prevention theories and review what has already worked in real-world communities As communities continue to grapple with foreclosure, sprawl, and infill/redevelopment, a sound understanding of how the built environment impacts crime is of increasing importance. This book provides future planners with the skills necessary to minimize the impact of crime on communities with the goal of creating socially sustainable communities.
Selected Contents: Introduction Why a Disconnect? Crime, Planning, and Sustainability ... A Brief Overview of Crime and Crime Issues Major Issues in Crime and Urban Planning Redefining Sustainability Redefining and Refocusing Sustainable Communities Integrating Crime Prevention into a Socially Sustainable Planning Program Current Crime Prevention-Planning Programs Integrating Crime Prevention into the Everyday Planning Process Tools for Understanding Context ... Planning Policy and Socially Sustainable Communities Smart Growth Form-Based Codes ... Case Studies Residential Neighborhood Case Study ... Catalog no. K13283, November 2012, 205 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7166-9, $83.95 / £51.99 Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts Mission-Based Policing
Crime Prevention
John P. Crank, Rebecca K. Murray, Dawn M. Irlbeck, and Mark T. Sundermeier
Theory and Practice
“ … will likely generate a degree of interest in academia as well as contribute substantially to the ongoing conversation on crime-control strategies in urban areas.”
Crime prevention is influenced by diverse fields such as psychology, sociology, criminology, health care, urban planning and design, education, economics, community development, and social work. Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice reflects the predominantly applied nature of the field, offering students the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, implement, evaluate, and sustain effective crime prevention interventions.
—Hugh J Martin, in Security Management
The research revolution in police work has uncovered a multitude of data, but this contemporary knowledge has done very little to change the way things are done in most police departments across the U.S., where the prevalent form of policing is based on the traditional model of district assignments and random preventive patrol. Mission-Based Policing unveils a new paradigm that transitions policing away from practices that while long-held, have inadequately dealt with serious crime. The authors present a comprehensive planning regimen for urban problems that encompasses security, urban reinvestment, and public planning. Outlining a specific methodology for police redeployment, the book highlights the importance of hot spot presence, command integrity, and fundamental organizational change. When future police practitioners are encouraged to think about new models for policing, communities can hope to see long-term reduction in crime statistics through effective crime prevention practices. Ancillary materials available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: Introduction: Thinking about Crime’s End Toward a Mission-based Model of Policing The Unasked Question The Relationship Between Police and Crime Redesigning American Police, Principles 1 and 2: Focus and Effectiveness Redesigning American Police, Principles 3 and 4: Deployment and Integrity The Principle of Mission’s End: Logical Lines of Operation The Integration of Urban Planning, Economic Development, and Security Model Integration and Staging Lines of Operation Hot Zone Redeployment and Command Restructuring: A Practical Example Hot Spots and Police Districts Toward a Mission-Based Command and Deployment Structure Anticipated Problems References Catalog no. K12291, August 2011, 257 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-5036-7 $98.95 / £62.99 Also available as an eBook
Stephen Schneider Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
The book examines dominant approaches as well as process-oriented issues essential to application. The author provides a detailed, step-by-step approach to the planning, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of successful crime prevention interventions and encourages the development of expertise that can be applied in the real world. The text includes learning objectives, discussion questions, case studies, interactive exercises, and field research assignments that ground the theoretical concepts in a practical framework, providing an optimal learning experience. Instructor's manual available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: Crime Prevention: An Overview The Theory and Practice of Crime Prevention: An Overview Dominant Crime Prevention Approaches Situational Crime Prevention and CPTED Crime Prevention through Social Development Community Crime Prevention The Role of Government and Police in Crime Prevention The State and Crime Prevention Policing for the Prevention of Crime: Community and Problem-Oriented Policing Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating a Crime Prevention Project The Crime Prevention Project, Phase One: Planning The Crime Prevention Project, Phase Two: Implementing a Crime Prevention Project The Crime Prevention Project, Phases Three and Four: Evaluating and Adjusting the Crime Prevention Plan Bibliography Index Catalog no. 6214X, October 2009, 389 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-6214-4 $79.95 / £51.99 Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts Security Governance, Policing, and Local Capacity
Clifford D. Shearing and Jan Froestad
Torts, Civil Rights, and Employment Law
Security Governance, Policing, and Local Capacity explores an experiment that took place in Zwelethemba, South Africa to establish legitimate and effective nonstate security governance within poor urban settlements. The text examines the extent to which this model of mobilizing local knowledge and capacity was able to effectively achieve justice, democracy, accountability, and development in this region. Whenever possible, the book includes raw data and a thorough analysis of existing information on security governance. The authors provide a theoretical analysis of the model used and present a series of design principles for future applications in local security governance. This volume is an important examination of experimental models and a presentation of new groundbreaking theory on engaging the local community in solving security governance problems.
Selected Contents: Introduction Definitions Good Security Governance The Zwelethemba Road Reaching Zwelethemba A Road Block ... Justice Through Peace Justice as Just Deserts Restorative Justice: Justice as Healing Restorative Justice and the Criminal Justice System Zwelethemba’s Justice... Democracy in Many Places Shifting Conceptions Democratic Deficit Democracy Blackmail ... Multiple Accountabilities Accountability—Where We Have Been A New Crisis of Accountability? New Ideas on How to Perceive and Strengthen Accountability The Zwelethemba Experience—Accountability Mechanisms and Challenges ... Human Rights in Development No Development Without a Strong State What Is a Strong State? Development and Human Rights Human Rights Human Development ... Conclusion: Zwelethemba’s Hope A Road Block and Beyond? Catalog no. 90143, December 2012, 257 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9014-7, $146.95 / £93.00
Police Liability and Risk Management Robert J Girod Robert J. Girod Consulting, LLC, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Law enforcement agencies and their employees are continually at risk for potential liability related to torts, civil rights violations, and employment law issues. Knowledge of these risks and understanding how they arise are essential to law enforcement officers, administrators, and their legal counsel. Police Liability and Risk Management: Torts, Civil Rights, and Employment Law is designed to help future law enforcement professionals reduce police liability and avoid the risk of litigation—or, in the event a lawsuit does arise—to manage liability and defend themselves. By understanding the laws governing these types of issues, practitioners will be better able to monitor the sources of liability and implement risk management strategies to shield their policies, practices, procedures, and protocols from the danger of liability. Instructor's manual and test bank available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: Risk Management Fundamentals of Risk Management Torts Intentional Torts Negligence Duty of Care Nuisance Defamation Invasion of Privacy Misrepresentation Liabilities and Common Claims Products Liability Strict Liability Common Claims: Negligent Operation of Emergency Vehicles and Pursuits Civil Rights Civil Rights Use of Force Employment and Labor Law Employment Law Labor Law Managing Risk: What to Do Now Risk Management: Recapitulation and Retrospective Appendices Index Catalog no. K20596, September 2013, 357 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-9312-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
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Criminal Justice Texts New!
Decision Point Real-Life Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement Jeffrey L. Green, Ph.D. Exploring the concepts of ethics, morality, and decision-making for the law enforcement community, Decision Point: Real-Life Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement offers an inside look at the difficult challenges officers confront every day as they face ethical decisions that could drastically alter the course of their careers. Through a series of real-life vignettes, the book reviews specific scenarios, the actual decisions that were made, and the consequences and implications of these decisions. An engaging text ideal for classroom use, the book offers discussion questions at the end of each chapter that can be used as assignments, group breakout discussions, or professor-facilitated discussions. Instructor's manual, figure slides, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction Overview of Ethical Theory Loyalty & Duty If Not Me, Then Who? I’ll See You Tonight! Diversity & Discrimination Color of the Badge The Minister’s Misfortune... Gifts & Gratuities Where’s the Harm? Plainclothes Dinner... Use of Force One Extra Hit Loosen Those Cuffs... Search & Seizure Four 20-Dollar Rocks K-9 Probable Cause... Self-Reporting The Day Planner Karma... Maintaining Confidences The Starfish ... Discretion Through the Eyes of a Child ... Informants Bring Your Toothbrush... Afterword References About the Author Index Catalog no. K21765, October 2013, 223 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-1464-2, $79.95 / £49.99
Ethics for Criminal Justice Professionals Cliff Roberson Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, USA
Scott Mire University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Increasing concerns about the accountability of criminal justice professionals at all levels has placed a heightened focus on the behavior of those who work in the system. Ethics for Criminal Justice Professionals examines the myriad of ethical issues that confront law enforcement, judicial system, and correctional personnel. Easy-to-read, practical, and filled with real-life scenarios, this comprehensive volume instructs students on an often complicated and controversial topic. The book explores the concept of false moral identity, examines decisions that arise from attorney-client privilege, and discusses problematic issues such as officer gratuities. It reviews the concept of ethical reasoning, describing different religious and cultural influences and analyzing ethics from various schools of philosophy. The authors discuss the causes and effects of abuse of authority, the role of prejudice and discrimination in unethical behavior, and legislation designed to curb such practices. They also address prosecutorial and judicial misconduct, defense counsel ethics, and issues that arise with respect to punishment, including the death penalty. Each chapter ends with a set of review questions to test comprehension and a series of exercises further clarifies the material. Interspersed with the content are real-life vignettes that help to ground the theoretical concepts in practice and actual court cases that illustrate the principles. Instructor's manual available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: What Is Ethics? Historical Development of Ethical Reasoning Understanding Ethics Ethical Schools Unethical Themes in Criminal Justice Abuse of Authority and Power Lying and Deception Prejudice and Discrimination Ethics and the Present Criminal Justice System Ethics and Criminal Prosecutions Ethics and the Police Ethics and Corrections Ethical Issues Involving Victims’ Services Catalog no. 86707, December 2009, 295 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8670-6, $96.95 / £61.99 Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts Introduction to Criminal Investigation Edited by
Michael L. Birzer and Cliff Roberson Ideal for students taking a first course in criminal investigation as well as professionals in need of a refresher, Introduction to Criminal Investigation uses an accessible format to convey concepts in practical, concrete terms. Topics discussed include the history of criminal investigation, qualifications for becoming an investigator, training, crime scene search techniques, preparing effective field notes and investigative reports, interviewing and interrogating, and evidence collection, packaging, and preservation. The book provides investigative protocols for a range of crimes and also discusses forensic science and the equipment used in crime labs, specialized investigations, legal issues, and trial preparation. Instructor’s manual and test bank available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: Foundations A Brief History of Criminal Investigation; John A. Eterno Introducing Criminal Investigation; Bryan Courtney Preliminary Considerations Crime Scene Search; Michael L. Birzer Report Writing; Gene L. Scaramella Interview and Interrogation; Scott M. Mire and Robert D. Hanser Evidence; Cory Rodivich The Role of Forensic Science; Cory Rodivich Property Crimes and Financial Investigations Vandalism; Matthew O’Deane Larceny and Burglary; Walt J. Wywadis Auto Theft; Donald Munday Arson Investigations; Cliff Roberson Financial Investigation; Michael J. Palmiotto Crimes against Persons Homicide and Assault; Gregg W. Etter and Roger L. Pennel Sex Crimes; John Padgett Robbery; J. Harrison Watts Specialized Investigations Narcotics Investigation; Donald F. Vess Cybercrime; Mark R. McCoy Gang Investigation; Gregg W. Etter Putting It All Together Legal Issues in Criminal Investigations; Frank DiMarino Preparing the Case for Court; Cliff Roberson and Gwynne Birzer Index Catalog no. K11795, September 2011, 400 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3934-8 $98.95 / £62.99
Criminal Investigation Fourth Edition Michael J. Palmiotto Wichita State University, Kansas, USA
Criminal investigators need broad knowledge of topics such as criminal law, criminal procedure, and investigative techniques. The best textbook for this subject will distill the needed information into one practical volume. Written in an accessible style, the fourth edition of Criminal Investigation maintains the same readerfriendly approach that made its predecessors so popular with students, professionals, and practitioners. Topics include current investigative practices, relevant legal issues, interviewing and interrogation, informants, surveillance, undercover operations, report writing, and the crime laboratory. The book provides specific protocols for individual crimes and examines the police/prosecutor relationship and investigative trends. This edition includes new chapters on cybercrime and special investigations. Each chapter includes a summary, a list of key terms, and review questions so that students can test their assimilation of the material.
Contents: Historical Review of Criminal Investigation Current Investigative Practices Legal Issues Sources of Information Interviewing and Interrogation Informants Writing Reports and Field Notes Surveillance and Undercover Operations Crime Scene Investigation The Crime Laboratory Sex Offenses Death through Violence Assault and Robbery Property Crimes Cybercrime Narcotics and Other Drugs The Police/Prosecutor Relationship Investigative Trends Index Catalog no. K13879, June 2012, 313 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8218-4, $83.95 / £51.99 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
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Criminal Justice Texts Criminal Justice Research Methods Theory and Practice, Second Edition Gerald J. Bayens and Cliff Roberson The study of research methodologies can be daunting to many students due to complex terminology, mathematical formulas, and lack of practical examples. Now in its second edition, Criminal Justice Research Methods: Theory and Practice offers a straightforward, easy-to-understand text that clarifies this complex subject matter, keeping perplexing research language and associated complexities to a minimum and ensuring that students get a practical grasp of this essential topic. The authors discuss scientific inquiry, establishing a framework for thinking about and understanding the nature of research. They examine various types of research methods in the broad categories of quantitative, qualitative, and evaluation designs and provide coverage of analytical and experimental research designs. Other topics include ethical standards of conduct, topic selection, literature review, and guidelines for writing a research report or grand proposal. The second edition features updated examples, reworked exercises, additional discussion points, and new research-in-action sections. Defining a clear approach to the study of research, the book enables students experiencing their initial exposure to this subject to be fundamentally prepared to be proficient researchers in criminal justice and criminology. Instructor’s manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: Introduction to Research Research Design Statistics in Research Measures, Validity, and Reliability Analytical and Experimental Research Survey Research Methods and Sampling Participant Observation and Case Studies Decriptive, Historical, and Archival Data Analyses Ethics in Research Developing Research Plans Writing Research Reports Program Evaluation and Policy Research Writing Research and Grant Proposals Index Catalog no. K11672, December 2010, 300 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3696-5 $104.95 / £65.99 Also available as an eBook
Police Interview and Interrogation Techniques DVD Michael R. Napier The Academy Group, Inc., Manassas, Virginia, USA
Designed for visually oriented learners, this DVD of Police Interview and Interrogation Techniques is an illustrative record of many of the techniques, tactics, and strategies utilized during police interviews and interrogations. The videos presented provide officers with concrete images of the best way to conduct these procedures, enabling them to visualize themselves speaking with individuals in a similar manner. Police officers familiar with common interview scenarios play the roles of victims, witnesses, and subjects, ensuring a realistic and practical learning experience. This two-hour DVD with interactive instruction is an ideal complement to the author's book Behavior, Truth, and Deception.
Selected Contents: Disc One Welcome Our Critics: Dim View of Police Interviewing and Interrogating Hey, I Want an Attorney: Legal Suggestions The Natural: Interviewer’s Positive Traits The Less Fortunate: Interviewer’s Building Blocks for Improvement Home of Interviewing: The Interview Setting If Only I Had a Dollar: Analyzing Oral Statements Disc Two Know Where You Are Going: Planning an Interview Who Controls Wins: Controlling the Interview Mimes Speaking Loudly: Reading and Interpreting Non-Verbal Gestures Disc Three One From Column A, etc.: Question Choices for Interviewing Victims, Witnesses and Suspects Question Answered or Avoided? Subject Answering Pattern The Spin Starts Here: Themes and RPM’s It’s Not Personal: Engineering a Confrontation Disc Four One-Sided Conversation to One-Sided Challenge: Interviewing and Interrogating ... Disc Five Careful, They Are Fragile: Avoiding False Confessions Why’d You Tell? Why People Confess Disc Six Feather or Sledgehammer and Other Choices: General Tactics ... Catalog no. K15904, October 2013, DVD ISBN: 978-1-4665-6065-9, $59.95 / £38.99
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Criminal Justice Texts Police and Profiling in the United States Applying Theory to Criminal Investigations Lauren M. Barrow, PhD Chestnut Hill College. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Ronald A. Rufo, EdD Kaplan University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Highlighting the current paradigm shift in criminology towards a cross-disciplinary understanding of behavior, Police and Profiling in the US Applying Theory to Criminal Investigations combines the experience of a criminal investigator and educator to provide the insight necessary to view events, data, and evidence in the context of contemporary theoretical approaches. Written in a practical and approachable manner, this how-to manual gives future investigators the ability to combine theory, instinct, and hunches with contemporary technology (including popular social networks such a Facebook and Twitter) to construct a solid criminal profile incorporating criminal investigation and behavior analysis. Topics include classical and determinist views on criminal behavior, social theories on crime, inductive and deductive logic and the dangers of fallacies in logical reasoning, the Locard exchange principle, and modern approaches such as COMPSTAT. A unique text that presents criminal profiling based on a sound methodology, the book concludes with scintillating profiles of 12 of the most notorious serial killers.
Fatal Violence Case Studies and Analysis of Emerging Forms Ronald M. Holmes University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Stephen T. Holmes University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA
From serial murderers to parents who kill, Fatal Violence: Case Studies and Analysis of Emerging Forms offers a rare glimpse into the minds of predators and contains chilling details of their motives and methods. The book explores gang violence, serial and mass murderers, filicide, rape, workplace violence, school shootings, and hate crimes. It also delves into the unusual and shocking practices of vampirism and cannibalism. The book presents historical accounts of bizarre killers dating back to the fifteenth century. It provides psychological analyses of how a killer’s upbringing might have contributed to his or her actions as well as cultural factors that might incite youth violence. It supplies clues that suggest a person may engage in workplace violence, dispels myths about school shootings, and presents scintillating interviews with killers. Steeped in research, the book contains tables with demographic data and events, discussion questions to provoke further inquiry, and numerous references for further study, making it a compelling resource for professionals and academia alike. PowerPoint® slides, discussion questions, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: Personal Violence in the United States-Suicide Street Gangs
Motorcycle Gangs
Theoretical Foundations
Serial Murder
Logic and Reasoning Practices
Vampires and Cannibals
Childhood Indicators
Mass Murder
Motives & Criminal Typologies
Parents Who Kill
Sexually-Based Offenses and Motivated Crimes
Violence in the Workplace
Serial and Rage Killers
Hero Complex Killers
School Shootings
Crime Scene Indicators and Investigations
Hate Groups: The Ku Klux Klan, Skinheads, and Other Groups
Geographic Profiling Victim Selection Characteristics Conclusion
Youth Violence: An Alternative Explanation; The Cultural Transmission Hypothesis
Profiles of Twelve Serial Killers
Catalog no. K14519, July 2013, 231 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0435-6, $79.95 / £57.99
Catalog no. K11322, June 2010, 212 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2687-4, $91.95 / £58.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts The Study of Violent Crime Its Correlates and Concerns
Comparative and International Criminal Justice Systems
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Policing, Judiciary, and Corrections, Third Edition
Cliff Roberson
Edited by
Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, USA
Obi N. I. Ebbe
Violence is a complex subject that is rooted in a multitude of disciplines, including not only criminology but also psychology, sociology, biology, and other social science disciplines. The Study of Violent Crime: Its Correlates and Concerns is a comprehensive text that provides students with a current analysis of violence and violent crime in the United States.
Written for criminal justice students in courses in comparative criminology, Comparative and International Criminal Justice Systems Policing, Judiciary, and Corrections, Third Edition examines the history, dynamics, structure, organization, and processes in the criminal justice systems of several countries.
Scott Mire
The text discusses the history of violence, possible correlates, and whether violent behavior can be predicted. It discusses the role of early exposure to violence, victimology, and the history and effectiveness of punishment. It also examines sociological, psychological, and biological theories that attempt to explain violence. Each chapter builds on previous ones and makes use of concrete examples to clarify concepts. Action boxes focus on salient points and review questions appear at the end of each chapter, enabling students to test their assimilation of the material. An accompanying website enhances the learning experience with updates on issues, study guides, and links to related websites.
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA
The regions covered include the United States, Ireland, Israel, Argentina, Sierra Leone, China, Russia, and Poland. The author compares these models with each other and contrasts them with provisions in the United Nations conventions, World Courts of Justice, International Court of Justice, International Military Tribunal, International Criminal Tribunal, and the International Criminal Court. Each stand-alone chapter explores the topics of crime, criminal law, criminal justice systems, policing, the judiciary, and corrections.
Selected Contents:
Introduction to the Study of Violence Trends in Violence Correlates of Violence Sociological Aspects of Violence Psychological/Psychiatric Approaches to Understanding Violence Biological Factors and Violence Exposure to Violence Violent Crimes Gangs and Violence Hate Crimes Shame and Violence Controlling Violence by the Use of Punishment Victimology and Violence Appendix: Bibliography of Youth Violence Studies Index
The Nature of Comparative and International Criminal Justice Systems The Purpose of Comparative and International Criminal Justice Systems Crime and Criminal Law Global Perspective Crime: International and Comparative Criminal Law Overview of Model Criminal Justice Systems: United States, China, Ireland, Israel, Poland, Russia, and Sierra Leone Criminal Justice System in the United States Criminal Justice System of Ireland The Criminal Justice System of Israel Criminal Justice System of Argentina ... Policing: International and Comparative Perspectives Interpol and International Police Cooperation ... The Judiciary and International Tribunals World Courts of Justice The Judiciary and Criminal Procedure in Nigeria The Islamic System of Justice ... Corrections: International Policy and Correctional Models United Nations Provisions for Punishment of Offenders ...
Catalog no. K10381, December 2010, 244 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0747-7, $83.95 / £51.99
Catalog no. K15887, May 2013, 324 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6033-8, $119.95 / £76.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Instructor's manual, test bank, and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
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Criminal Justice Texts Power, National Security, and Transformational Global Events Challenges Confronting America, China, and Iran Edited by
Thomas A. Johnson University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, USA
With China holding so much of America’s debt, currency valuation issues have already caused tensions between the two superpowers. Couple this with Iran’s efforts to develop into a nuclear power, and the United States and China could soon find themselves in a global power tug-of-war. This text explores the shifts in power that have initiated major transformational events around the world. Describing how current and emerging situations will impact the U.S., the book discusses the effect of information technology and social media tools, insights from intelligence community experts, challenges with Iran, and the rapid growth of China’s economic wealth and military power. Catalog no. K13956, June 2012, 391 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8422-5, $104.95 / £51.99 Also available as an eBook
Terrorism and Organized Hate Crime
Understanding the Modern Russian Police Olga B. Semukhina Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
K. Michael Reynolds University of Central Florida, Oviedo, USA
Whereas there is substantial historical information about the Russian police related to its history, sociological factors, and legal structure, there is no current textbook that serves to integrate and compile the organization’s historical and developmental origins, organizational dynamics, and current conditions. Outlining policy, developments, and influence, Understanding the Modern Russian Police highlights the past, present, and future of police forces in Russia. Beginning with the period prior to the revolution of 1917, the authors detail the history in chronological order from the 1864 justice reform of the Russian Empire to the democratization of the Soviet Police under "Khrushchev’s thaw." The second part of the text focuses on the present structure and identity of the Russian police, including public attitudes toward the police, corruption within it, and the role of women in the police forces. The final section of the book analyzes the implications of past policy and offers perspectives on future policy.
Intelligence Gathering, Analysis and Investigations, Third Edition
Evolution of the Russian Police: From the Imperial Russian Police to a Post-Soviet Russian Militia
Michael R. Ronczkowski
The Creation and Early Development of the Soviet Police: 1917–1953
Major & Fusion Center Director, Retired, Miami, Florida, USA
Providing a methodical approach to analyzing homeland security needs, this text prepares future law enforcement professionals for the vital role they play in the war on terrorism. It demonstrates how to recognize the indicators of an impending act, how to deter an attack, and how to transform information into intelligence. New chapters in this third edition focus on source development and their use in investigations, fusion centers, terrorism financing, the handling of classified materials, and the National Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative. The book also discusses the radicalization process and behavioral traits associated with terrorism. Figure slides and a test bank available with qualifying course adoption
The Russian Police Prior to the October Revolution of 1917
Further Soviet Police Developments: 1953–1985 Transformation of the Soviet and Post-Soviet Police from 1985 to 2008 Current State of Post-Soviet Police: Structure, Identity, and Modern Policy Issues Structure, Function, and the Workforce of the Modern Russian Police Public–Police Relations in Modern Russia Police Corruption and Abuse of Power in Russia Conclusion: The Path of Reforms Catalog no. K10195, May 2013, 337 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0348-6, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K13056, September 2011, 417 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6759-4, $98.95 / £62.99 Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts Forthcoming!
Female Criminals An Examination and Interpretation of Female Offending Venessa Garcia Kean University, Union, New Jersey, USA
Female Criminals: An Examination and Interpretation of Female Offending presents the historical, legal, and social aspects of female criminals and their offenses. Focusing mainly on the United States, it also discusses female criminality around the world, exploring the treatment and experiences of female criminals within the context of the social, legal, and criminal justice systems in which they operate. Chapters highlight sociodemographic characteristics, examine myth and legends about notorious female criminals, and discuss the impact of drugs on criminality. The book also analyzes gender-specific crimes, and issues related to apprehension and processing. Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Gendered Justice: Constructing Womanhood and Crime Crime: A Historical Perspective Gendered Justice ... The Scope of Female Criminality The Nature and Extent of Female Crime Sociodemographic Characteristics of Female Offenders ... Myth and Early Ideologies Early Legal and Social Traditions Religious Traditions Early Female Crime Witch Hunts Criminalization of Women’s Alcohol Consumption ... The War on Drugs Witches, Midwifery, and Healers Motivations in the Use of Drugs ... Women’s Violence Family Violence Gangs and Gang Violence ... Gender-Specific Crimes Prostitution Abortion ... Apprehending and Processing Female Criminals Women and the Criminal Justice System Policing Female Offending ... Women’s Crime around the World ... Looking to the Future ...
Sexual Predators Amongst Us Ronald A. Rufo Kaplan University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Written from a police perspective, Sexual Predators Amongst Us examines the problem of sexual predation, how the Internet has contributed to its growth, and how we can protect children and the general public from these offenders. The book begins by identifying traits and characteristics associated with sexual predation and explaining how the predator “grooms” his victims by gaining their trust. Chapters cover a range of topics related to sexual predation, including child abuse, incest, pedophilia in the clergy, sex trafficking, female sex offenders, and child pornography. The author explains how the Internet through social networking sites provides ample opportunities for sexual predators to entice their victims. He examines rehabilitation issues, describes legislation that has been passed in response to various tragic cases, and discusses sex offender registration. Maintaining a student-friendly style, the book follows a consistent format, with each chapter containing quotes from actual victims and predators, key words associated with the chapter material and their definitions, In My Opinion segments where experts from many fields voice their honest and objective opinions regarding sexual predators, and profiles of male and female sex offenders to help students identify common traits.
Contents: Characteristics of a Sexual Predator Grooming the Victim Child Abuse and Incest Pedophilia and Sex Offenses Female Sexual Offenders Child Pornography The Internet and Sexual Predators Law Enforcement on the Internet Incarceration, Recidivism, and Rehabilitation Tragic Stories That Resulted in Landmark Legislation Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws Specific and Significant Laws Regarding Sex Offenders Internet Safety and Education Definitions of Terms Contacts Index
Catalog no. K16301, June 2014, 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6693-4, $99.95 / £63.99
Catalog no. K12526, December 2011, 294 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5447-1, $98.95 / £62.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 •
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Criminal Justice Texts Human Trafficking Exploring the International Nature, Concerns, and Complexities Edited by
The International Trafficking of Human Organs A Multidisciplinary Perspective
John Winterdyk, Benjamin Perrn, and Philip Reichel
Edited by
“This book should be a rich resource for any university-level course on the topic as well as serve as an excellent resource for present and future scholars in criminology, criminal justice, and security studies.”
Saint Leo University, Florida, USA
— Gorazd Mesko, PhD, Professor of Criminology at the University of Maribor, Slovenia & Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge, UK
Composed of the work of an esteemed panel of contributors, Human Trafficking: Exploring the International Nature, Concerns, and Complexities examines techniques used to protect and support victims of trafficking as well as strategies for prosecution of offenders. The text discusses how data on human trafficking should be collected and analyzed, and how data collection can be improved through proper contextualization. It discusses the importance of harmonization and consistency in legal definitions and interpretations within and among regions. It also emphasizes the need for increased exchange of information and cooperation between the various actors involved in combating human trafficking, including investigators, law enforcement and criminal justice professionals, and social workers. The book describes problems with victim identification, as well as erroneous assumptions of the scope of victimization. It also explores the controversy over linking protection measures with cooperation with authorities. Key terms and review and discussion questions help students examine themes within regional, political, and cultural contexts. Figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction Defining Human Trafficking and Its Nuances in a Cultural Context Data on Human Trafficking: Challenges and Policy Context Explaining Human Trafficking Voices from Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking Crime Control versus Social Work Approaches in the Context of the "3P" Paradigm: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution ... Catalog no. K11076, December 2011, 318 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2036-0, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook
Leonard Territo and Rande Matteson With contributions from international scholars and experts, The International Trafficking of Human Organs: A Multidisciplinary Perspective provides students with a broad-based exploration of this controversial phenomenon. It begins by presenting case studies of the trafficking of body parts occurring in the U.S. and Mexico. It examines the increase in organ harvesting from Chinese prisoners and describes widespread instances of trafficking in Europe. Next, it examines the economic ramifications of possible legislation of the sale of body parts. It explores ethical issues surrounding the kidney shortage and incentives to promote donation. It also offers arguments for and against compensation for transplant organs from Kantian, Dworkinian, and other perspectives. Lastly, theologians discuss opposing perspectives on the sale of human organs. Each chapter provides discussion questions to provoke vigorous debate and references to facilitate further study. Instructor’s manual, test bank, and a host of supplemental information available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: A Criminal Justice Perspective Trafficking in Body Parts China Profit$ from Prisoners: Organ Procurement and the Ethical Issue of Consent Trafficking in Human Organs in Europe: A Myth or an Actual Threat? A Business and Economic Perspective A Free Market for Human Organs Karnataka’s Unabating Kidney Trade To Solve a Deadly Shortage: Economic Incentives for Human Organ Donation ... A Medical, Ethical, and Philosophical Perspective Medical Tourism: Organ Trafficking and Kidney Transplantation Body Values: The Case against Compensating for Transplant Organs ... A Theological Perspective A Catholic Perspective on Organ Sales Body Parts and the Marketplace: Insights from Thomistic Philosophy ... Index Catalog no. K13082, October 2011, 286 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6789-1, $99.95 / £50.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
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Criminal Justice Texts Introduction to Gangs in America Ronald M. Holmes, Richard Tewksbury, and George E. Higgins University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Gangs have long been a social and criminal threat to society. Addressing the issue as a criminal justice and public policy problem, this textbook describes what gangs are, what differentiates them from each other, how they share similarities, and how they fit into contemporary American culture. The authors explore the history and structure of gangs, reveal their clandestine activities, and analyze their social impact. The book also includes information on gender issues in gangs and provides insight into how gangs impact American educational institutions. Offering students an insider’s account, the book provides in-depth profiles of specific gangs. Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K13185, December 2011, 169 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6945-1, $87.95 / £55.99 Also available as an eBook
Juvenile Justice Administration Peter C. Kratcoski Kent State University, Ohio, USA
An effective administrator must not only have the educational background to understand the foundational basis for the system, but must also be guided by the vision and mission of the organization. Juvenile Justice Administration illustrates through examples and interviews with juvenile justice administrators and other personnel how these organizations and agencies function and provides a comparative analysis of juvenile justice systems across countries and continents. Using case studies to demonstrate the issues presented, the book examines the historical origins and goals of the juvenile justice system and the tasks performed by juvenile justice administrators. It explores management theories and administrative models, juvenile justice personnel and administrative agencies serving endangered children, laws pertaining to juvenile offenders and children at risk, and juvenile justice system operations around the world. The book also explores future trends in juvenile justice administration. Instructor's manual available with qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents:
Juvenile Justice Theory and Practice Cliff Roberson Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, USA
Written by a worldrenowned legal scholar, this text provides a complete overview of the system that administers the prosecution of young offenders. Topics discussed include the history of juvenile courts, delinquency causation philosophies, abuse and neglect, child protective services and abuse prevention programs, the structure of juvenile courts, and juvenile court procedures. The book also examines non-incarcerative juvenile programs and explores selected issues in juvenile justice, including drug abuse, juvenile sex offenders, and youth gangs. The author cites actual court cases, provides review questions at the end of each chapter, and includes a glossary of relevant terms. PowerPoint® slides, test bank, and instructor’s manual available with qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K10710, August 2010, 365 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1376-8, $115.95 / £72.99
Introduction to Juvenile Justice Administration The Juvenile Justice System Administrative Principles and Tasks of Juvenile Justice Administrators ... Introduction to the Administration of Juvenile Justice Agencies Administration of Agencies Serving Endangered Children Family Law Pertaining to Children at Risk Law Enforcement Administration of Juvenile Justice in the United States ... Introduction to the Juvenile Justice Process Juvenile Court Processing and the Administration of the Juvenile Court Juvenile Law Juvenile Justice Administration in Austria Juvenile Justice Administration: A Canadian Overview Administration of Japanese Juvenile Justice ... Introduction to the Administration of Juvenile Corrections Administration of Probation, Parole, and Community-Based Sanctions Administration of Juvenile Correctional Facilities ... Index Catalog no. K11145, May 2012, 524 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2160-2, $125.95 / £81.00 Also available as an eBook
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Criminal Justice Texts Introduction to Corporate and White-Collar Crime Frank J. DiMarino Dean of Legal Studies, Kaplan University, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Cliff Roberson Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, USA
White-collar crime costs the United States more than $300 billion each year. An Introduction to Corporate and White-Collar Crime provides students with an understanding of what white-collar crime is, how it works, and the extent to which it exists in our society. The broad-based coverage in this text analyzes the opportunity structures for committing white-collar crime and explores new ways of thinking about how to control it. The book presents social and psychological theories as well as routine activity, crime pattern, and situational crime prevention theories. It profiles the laws that govern the securities industries, including the Securities Exchange Act and Sarbanes–Oxley. Crimes profiled include bank fraud, money laundering, racketeering, organized crime, crimes involving public officials, and obstruction of justice. The book also examines prevention of white-collar crimes and sanctions for criminals. Each chapter begins with objectives to help students focus on the topic and concludes with review questions to test assimilation of the material and promote debate. Several chapters conclude with a practicum to facilitate real-world understanding of the material.
The Law of Cybercrimes and Their Investigations George Curtis Utica College, New York, USA
The Law of Cybercrimes and Their Investigations is a comprehensive text exploring the gamut of issues surrounding this growing phenomenon. After an introduction to the history of computer crime, the book discusses information warfare and cyberterrorism. It examines obscenity, child pornography, sexual predator conduct, and online gambling as well as cyberstalking, cyberharassment, cyberbullying, and other types of unlawful expression. Other crimes discussed include auction fraud, Ponzi and pyramid schemes, identity theft and fraud, securities and bank fraud, money laundering, and electronic transfer fraud. The book reviews principles applicable to searches and seizures of computers. It discusses laws governing eavesdropping, wiretaps, and other investigatory devices and examines the admission of digital evidence in court. It also explores procedures for investigating cybercrime beyond the borders of the prosecuting jurisdiction. Each chapter includes key words or phrases students should be familiar with before moving on to the next chapter. Review problems are supplied to test assimilation of the material.
Introduction to the Study of White-Collar Crime Traditional Explanations of White-Collar Crime Opportunity Structure of White-Collar Crime Laws That Govern the Securities Industry Banking and Currency Related Crimes Racketeer and Organized Crime Crimes Involving Public Officials Obstruction of Justice Sanctions for White-Collar Criminals Control and Prevention of White-Collar Crimes Appendix: Reprint of Sutherland’s Article on White- Collar Crime Index
Cybercrimes against the Digital Infrastructure and Computer Systems Crimes Involving the Use of Computers Information Warfare and Cyberterrorism Cybercrimes against Individuals Crimes against Morality Crimes Threatening or Resulting in Physical or Mental Harm Internet Frauds Crimes against Information Assets, and Data Privacy Data Privacy Crimes Intellectual Property Fraud Investigation and Enforcement of Cybercrimes Search and Seizure: Beginning Principles Search and Seizure: Electronic Evidence Wiretapping and Eavesdropping Access to Stored Communications Pen Register, Trap and Trace, and GPS Devices Digital Evidence and Forensic Analysis International Issues Involving the Investigation and Prosecution of Cybercrime References Index
Catalog no. K12362, May 2013, 284 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5158-6, $79.95 / £49.99
Catalog no. K12717, August 2011, 414 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5831-8, $98.95 / £62.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Instructor’s manual, test bank, and lecture slides available with qualifying course adoption
For more information and complete contents, visit
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Criminal Justice Texts Criminal Financial Investigations The Use of Forensic Accounting Techniques and Indirect Methods of Proof, Second Edition Gregory A. Pasco Colorado Technical University, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA
Understanding the financial motivations behind white-collar crime is often the key to the apprehension and successful prosecution of these individuals. Now in its second edition, Criminal Financial Investigations: The Use of Forensic Accounting Techniques and Indirect Methods of Proof provides direct instruction on the “how to” aspects of criminal financial investigations. The book takes students through the different approaches used in gathering evidence and demonstrating how to present circumstantial evidence to a judge or jury in a simple and convincing manner. Written by a former Special Agent with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, it sets out a methodology for the identification, pursuit, and successful prosecution of white-collar crime. Solutions manual, PowerPoint® slides, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption
Contents: Introduction The Financial Disciplines Characteristics of Financial Crimes Categories of Theft The Paper Trail Collecting and Preserving Evidence Gathering Documentary Evidence Gathering Evidence through Observation What Is a Financial Investigation? Requirements for Indirect Methods of Proof The Standard Methods of Proof What Processes Are Common to All Indirect Methods of Proof? The Specific Items Case The Bank Deposits and Cash Expenditures Case The Net Worth and Personal Expenditures Case Indirect Methods in Tax Investigations Unique Aspects of Criminal Tax Investigations The Case Report Preparation for Trial Innovative Applications Catalog no. K15970, October 2012, 295 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6262-2, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as an eBook
Money Laundering A Guide for Criminal Investigators, Third Edition John Madinger Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Now in its third edition, Money Laundering: A Guide for Criminal Investigators covers the basics of finding ill-gotten gains, linking them to the criminal, and seizing them. Providing a clear understanding of money laundering practices, it explains the investigative and legislative processes that are essential in detecting and circumventing this activity. Highlights of the Third Edition include important changes in the law, new trends in crime and terrorism financing, major frauds such as the Bernie Madoff case, law and policy shifts related to terrorism and financing since the Obama administration, and new methods for financial intelligence and the filing of Suspicious Activity Reports. The book also discusses how changes in technology have enabled launderers to move funds more easily and anonymously.
Contents: Basic Concepts The Historical Context Federal Money Laundering Statutes The USA PATRIOT Act Money Laundering Forfeiture Related Federal Statutes International Money Laundering Control Introduction to Financial Investigation Introduction to Books and Records Indirect Methods of Proving Income Business Operations Domestic Banking Banking Operations International Banking Money Transfers Real Property Securities Obtaining Financial Information Sources of Information Basic Money Laundering Schemes Diabolically Clever Laundering Schemes Fiendishly Complex Money Laundering Schemes Fraud and Money Laundering Issues Terrorism Financing Financial Intelligence Investigating Money Laundering Cases The Case File Appendices Catalog no. K13169, December 2011, 430 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6912-3, $109.95 / £69.99
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