Homeland Security/Emergency Management

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Homeland Security/Emergency Management


CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group

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CONTENTS Homeland Security..................................................3 Counterterrorism ....................................................5 Disaster Planning & Recovery ................................9

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Emergency Response ............................................11

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Homeland Security New!

Coming Soon!

Introduction to Homeland Security

Homeland Defense

Second Edition David H. McElreath, Carl J. Jensen, III, Michael Wigginton, Daniel Adrian Doss, Robert Nations, and Jeffrey Van Slyke Introduction to Homeland Security: Second Edition is a textbook written by a team of homeland security and justice professionals on the cutting edge of the field. A comprehensive examination of current and future challenges, the text explores how the United States confronts these threats with both its military and civilian agencies. The book explains the mission of the various agencies in the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense and the foundations of emergency management. It discusses inter-agency planning and cooperation and private partnership, international and domestic terrorism and threat groups, globalization, and the role of intelligence in homeland security. It also examines the impact of transportation and border security issues and the violence occurring in the Southwest. Each chapter begins with objectives and ends with a summary, key terms, and discussion questions. PowerPoint® slides, instructors guide, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: Vital National Interests and the Defense of the Homeland Foundations of Emergency Management Protection of the Homeland and the Establishment and Organization of the United States Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security: Function and Operations The Partnerships of Homeland Security Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Strategies Disaster Response and Recovery Principle Natural Hazards and Accidents Facing the United States International Terrorism and Threat Groups Domestic Threats, Threat Groups, and Terrorism Border and Transportation Security The Role of Intelligence in Homeland Security The Globalized World and Homeland Security The Future of Homeland Security

The U.S. Military, National Security, and Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) Robert McCreight Springfield, Virginia, USA

Bert B. Tussing U.S. Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership and Development, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA

The role of the Defense Department in homeland security continues to change as the policy is reviewed and updated to face new threat challenges for the next 20 years. Homeland Defense: The U.S. Military, National Security, and Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) focuses on domestic and regional security efforts by the U.S. military, domestic security forces, and the national defense. Timely in its coverage of essential issues affecting our stability as a nation, the text helps students understand homeland security, emergency management, and public policy in this emerging field. The book explains the differences between homeland security and homeland defense and explains the nature and extent of defense support to civilian authorities. Profiling the key agencies involved, it explains their respective missions and explores the maritime, ground, and air defense components of DSCA. It explains how policy on defense of the homeland develops and examines the operational principles of hemispheric defense. The book also discusses the restrictions from the Posse Comitatus Act as well as recent presidential directives that allow military intervention in certain scenarios. Instructor's manual, figure slides, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Understanding DSCA Key Principles of Defense Support to Civil Authorities Homeland Defense vs Homeland Security Interagency Coordination and DSCA Activities Defense Support to State and Local Governments Intelligence and Information Sharing in DSCA Legal Issues in DSCA Understanding Hemispheric Homeland Defense The Ground Component--Border Security and Beyond-ARNORTH Airspace Domains of Homeland Defense Homeland Defense for the 21st Century

Catalog no. K14047, December 2013, 410 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-8752-3, $69.95 / £44.99

Catalog no. K20736, August 2014, c. 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-9567-5, $89.95 / £57.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

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Homeland Security Homeland Security An Introduction to Principles and Practice, Second Edition Charles P. Nemeth John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, New York, USA

Homeland Security: An Introduction to Principles and Practice, Second Edition provides students and practitioners alike with the latest developments on the makeup, organization, and strategic mission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This new edition is fully updated with new laws, regulations, and strategies that reflect changes and developments over the last several years. The book begins with the history of security threats in the American experience, the events leading up to 9/11, and the formation and evolution of the DHS. It offers unique insights into the various roles of multijurisdictional agencies and stakeholders at all levels of government—including law enforcement, the military, the intelligence community, emergency managers, and the private sector. Each chapter contains extensive pedagogy, including learning objectives, informative sidebars, chapter summaries, and end-ofchapter questions. Instructor’s manual with exam questions, lesson plans, and accompanying PowerPoint® slides available with qualifying course adoption.

Introduction to Intelligence Studies Carl J. Jensen, III; David Hughes McElreath; and Melissa Graves The University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA

Introduction to Intelligence Studies provides students with a comprehensive overview of intelligence and security issues—defining critical terms and reviewing the history of intelligence as practiced in the United States. Designed in a practical sequence, the book begins with the basics of intelligence, progresses through its history, describes best practices, and explores the way the IC looks and operates today. The authors examine the pillars of the American intelligence system—collection, analysis, counterintelligence, and covert operations—and demonstrate how these work together to provide “decision advantage.” The book gives equal treatment to the functions of the intelligence world—balancing coverage on intelligence collection, counterintelligence, information management, critical thinking, and decision-making. It also covers such vital issues as laws and ethics, writing and briefing for the IC, and the emerging threats and challenges that intelligence professionals will face in the future. Each chapter begins with objectives and key terms and closes with questions to test student assimilation. Instructor’s manual, figure slides, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Terror, Threat, and Disaster Post-9/11: A New Paradigm of Homeland Security Homeland Security Law, Regulations, and Budgeting Risk Management, Threats, and Hazards Training and Exercises in Homeland Security DHS Challenges: National versus State and Local, National Security versus Homeland Security FEMA, Response, and Recovery Intelligence Border Security, U.S. Citizenship, and Immigration Services Transportation Security Homeland Security and Public Health The Future of Homeland Security Appendix A: United States Department of Homeland Security: Homeland Security Advisory Council Charter Catalog no. K14806, February 2013, 652 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1090-6, $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook

Contents: An Overview of Intelligence History of Intelligence in the United States The IC Today Collection Barriers to Analysis Analytical Methods Putting It All Together: The Intelligence Cycle Counterintelligence Covert Operations Constitutional Mandates—Overview of Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Roles Writing and Briefing for the Intelligence Community Military Intelligence Criminal Intelligence and Crime Analysis Threats and Challenges for the Twenty-first Century Future of Intelligence Index Catalog no. K14365, November 2012, 374 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0003-7, $83.95 / £51.99 Also available as an eBook


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Counterterrorism New!


The CRC Press Terrorism Reader

Terrorist Recognition Handbook

Marie-Helen Maras

A Practitioner's Manual for Predicting and Identifying Terrorist Activities, Third Edition

John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, New York, USA

From an unrivaled pool of author experts comes the ultimate reader on terrorism. With information drawn from premier titles in the CRC Press collection, The CRC Press Terrorism Reader focuses on how to prepare for, mitigate, counter, and respond to terror threats and acts. Policy issues, critical infrastructure protection, terrorism funding, and target selection is discussed, along with weapons of mass destruction, intelligence and antiterrorism efforts, terrorism crisis management, and responder issues. The book goes beyond theory to provide practitioner knowledge from the field straight into the reader’s hands, helping students understand real-world solutions to terrorist threats and acts at home and abroad. Instructor's manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Terrorism and Terrorism History Definitions and Origins of Terrorism Motivations of Terrorists and the Psychology of Terrorism International and Domestic Terrorism Terrorist Tactics, Terrorist Capabilities Terrorist Organizations and Cells WMD and CBRN Terrorist Funding Terrorism Preparedness, Terrorism Response Homeland Security Mitigating Terrorism Deterring Terrorism Intelligence-Driven Counterterrorism Regional Focus on Terrorism The Terrorist Threat in Latin America Terrorism in the European Union: The Case of Germany Border Security in the Middle East: The Case of Iran Terrorism in Asia: The Case of the Philippines Emerging Issues and the Future of Terrorism The Arab Spring and Subsequent Effects Suicide Bombings: The Ultimate Tool of Terrorism The Crime-Terror Nexus Critical Infrastructure Protection Technology, Terrorism, and Counterterrorism Catalog no. K20378, November 2013, 418 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8832-5, $44.95 / £27.99 Also available as an eBook

Malcolm W. Nance Executive Director, Stottville Center for Understanding Terrorism and Radical-Ideologies (SCUTARI) at Hudson, New York, USA

First published in 2003, Terrorist Recognition Handbook: A Practitioner's Manual for Predicting and Identifying Terrorist Activities was one of the first and remains one of the only texts available to provide detailed information on terrorist methodology— revealing terrorist motivation, organizational structure, planning, financing, and operational tactics to carry out attacks. This new edition is completely updated to reflect the latest geopolitical climate, what we've learned in terrorist operations and attack methods over the last several years, and current factors affecting global terrorist incidents and regional insurgencies. New chapters and sections include potential points of failure in terrorist operations and where plots can be disrupted, U.S. and European militia groups, and the increasing trend of lone wolf operations.

Selected Contents: Know the Terrorist Your Mission: Critical Awareness Who They Are: Identifying Terrorist Operatives Identifying the Terrorist Group and Its Cell Terrorist Group Organization The Terrorist Cell Terrorist Strategies and Target Selection Detection of Key Terrorist Activities Terrorist Tools: Conventional Weapons Identification The Terrorist’s Tools: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons and Equipment Predicting an Attack The Point of Failure: Terrorist Operations and Tactics American and European Militia Movements The New Fields of Terror Appendix A – Who and Where They Are: A List of Active Terrorist Groups Appendix B – Explosives Components and Ingredients Checklist Catalog no. K15325, September 2013, 439 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-5457-3, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook

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Counterterrorism New!

Modern Geopolitics and Security Strategies for Unwinnable Conflicts Amos N. Guiora The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

Modern Geopolitics and Security: Strategies for Unwinnable Conflicts draws on the author's extensive experience in counterterrorism, negotiation, and the implementation of the Oslo Peace Process, with his more recent work in academia. The text uses an interdisciplinary case study model to illustrate valuable lessons learned and best practices in strategic analysis and decision making in geopolitics. It examines international relations, international law, and negotiation/intervention as they pertain to recent and historical examples of global crises and security.

Contents: Background and Definitions International Security and Diplomacy Geopolitics International Security Threats: Local, Regional, and Global Diplomacy Issues to Consider Self-Defense, Humanitarian Intervention, Leadership, and International Cooperation Self-Defense Leadership Comparative International Cooperation European Union Intervention Negotiating Agreements: Security and Understanding the "Other" A Short History The Agreement Implementing the Agreement: Lessons Learned Conclusion and Final Word Sovereignty Self-Defense and the Wild West International Law and Self-Defense Containment, Use of Force, and Failed States Containment Policy Role of Modern Technology The Decision-Making Process The Drone Policy Moving Forward: The New World Employment Rates Holland Catalog no. K16427, December 2013, 181 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6923-2, $79.95 / £49.99

Antiterrorism and Threat Response Planning and Implementation Ross Johnson Capital Power Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

“This book is full of sense … sound, useful, and wideranging." —Professional Security Magazine

Antiterrorism and Threat Response uses an adaptation of the U.S. Department of Defense’s antiterrorism fundamentals and applies it to the private sector to protect companies, facilities, and infrastructures. Future security managers will learn how to understand the terrorist attack planning cycle, conduct a terrorism threat vulnerability assessment, and develop an observation plan and verification plan. The text explains how surveillance detection works and how pattern analysis wheels can be used to find weaknesses in security operations. It describes how to establish response plans for a wide variety of contingencies related to terrorist attack, and how to adapt this methodology to maritime operations against piracy, individual protection, and travel security in highrisk environments. It also explores working with other security departments, the police, and the public to create infrastructure protection zones that will enhance the detection of suspicious events and reduce the likelihood of terrorist attack.

Contents: Some Thoughts on Terrorism and Government The Target Community Terrorism Counterterrorism Antiterrorism Planning Threat Vulnerability Assessment Security Measures Observation Planning Random Antiterrorism Measures Response Planning Putting It All Together Infrastructure Protection Zones Maritime Antipiracy Operations Individual Threat Response Planning Insider Threats Afterword Glossary Index Catalog no. K14932, February 2013, 296 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1290-0, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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Counterterrorism Coming Soon!

Breaking Al-Qaeda Psychological and Operational Techniques, Second Edition Elena Mastors American Military University, USA

Despite the killing of Osama bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda network he inspired is still alive and well and in some places, thriving. The rise and persistence of the radical threat must be viewed through a fusion of psychology, sociology, and organization development and human behavior theory. Breaking Al-Qaeda Psychological and Operational Techniques, Second Edition serves to educate those on the front line, as well as strategic planners and thinkers on the subject. Focusing on the background and history of Al-Qaeda, developments in recent years, and how and where AlQaeda is spreading, it examines the current state of the terrorist network and what the organization and individual cells are doing to recruit, plan, and carry out attacks against the West. The book also investigates intelligence and counterterror methods to garner information on Al-Qaeda and steps that are being taken to counter the continuing threat. The author explores recent developments related to the Arab spring and addresses how the Al-Qaeda network continues to expand especially in Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Mali, and Syria. Illustrating the shifting message and ideology of Al-Qaeda since the death of Osama bin Laden, the text describes how regional and international governments can utilize intelligence and apply counterterror measures to break relationships between groups.

Contents: The Road to Breaking al-Qaeda The Origination and Continuation of the Threat The Mentality of the Threat The Business of Influence Breaking Individuals Breaking Groups Breaking Relationships Between Groups The Final Break Catalog no. K22645, May 2014, c. 224 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-3011-6, $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook

Counter Terrorism Issues Case Studies in the Courtroom James Ottavio Castagnera Rider University, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, USA

Exploring the most significant terrorist cases of the past two decades, Counter Terrorism Issues: Case Studies in the Courtroom presents a panoramic view of the American judiciary’s handling of domestic terrorism in the last 20 years. Drawing extensively upon trial transcripts, witness statements, and judicial opinions, the book examines some of the most notorious recent cases as well as lesser-known but equally important incidents. The book provides important commentary on the related backstories and historical/political contexts of these events, enabling students to understand the significance of these often infamous attacks on U.S. soil. Instructor’s manual, PowerPoint® slides, and test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: Introduction The Fire Bell in the Night: The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing Homegrown Terrorists: Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols (1995) Should Zacarias Moussaoui Die for Usama Bin Laden’s Sins? (2006) It Shouldn’t Happen to a Dog? The Trial of the SHAC 7 (2006) All My Trials Soon Be Over? Sami Al-Arian (2005-2010) Victims Fight Back: The Persian Antiquities Cases (2001-2012) At the Tipping Point on the Scales of Justice: National Security v. Civil Liberties (When a U.S. Citizen Is Declared an Unlawful Enemy Combatant) Of Wanna-be’s and Bumblers: the Fort Dix Conspirators and the Underwear Bomber Lone Madman or Freelance Jihadist? Nidal Malik and the Fort Hood Shootings (2009) The Yemeni Connection (Redux): What the Times Square Bomber Case Portends Conclusion Index Catalog no. K16566, March 2013, 266 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7192-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

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Counterterrorism Terrorism and Organized Hate Crime Intelligence Gathering, Analysis and Investigations, Third Edition Michael R. Ronczkowski Major & Fusion Center Director, Retired, Miami, Florida, USA

Providing a methodical approach to analyzing homeland security needs, Terrorism and Organized Hate Crime Intelligence Gathering, Analysis and Investigations, Third Edition enables future law enforcement community professionals to understand the vital role they play in the war on terrorism. It demonstrates how to recognize the indicators of an impending act, how to deter an attack, and how to transform information into intelligence to meet community demands for safety. Chapters in this third edition focus on source development and their use in investigations, fusion centers, terrorism financing, the handling of classified materials, and the National Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative. The book also discusses the radicalization process and behavioral traits associated with terrorism. Figure slides and test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: A Need for Understanding and Analysis Understanding and Defining Terrorism Homeland Security and Analysis Behavioral Traits and Suspicious Activity Gathering Information, the Key to the Process Working The Puzzle One Piece at a Time: Learning to Anticipate Behavior Enhanced Analysis: Transforming Information into Intelligence The Threat: The Future is Here Today—Learning from the Past What the Future May Hold Appendix A: Domestic-Based Terrorist Organizations Appendix B: "Patriot" Groups In The United States Appendix C: Symbols Of Hate Appendix D: Foreign-Based Terrorist Organizations Appendix E: Explosive Materials Appendix F: Homeland Security State Contact List Appendix G: Publication References Appendix H: Government Legislative References Appendix I: Glossary Of Terminology Appendix J: Department Of Homeland Security Recognized Fusion Centers Catalog no. K13056, September 2011, 417 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6759-4, $98.95 / £62.99

Terrorism and WMDs Awareness and Response John Pichtel Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA

“ ... includes excellent tables, photos, and diagrams that are loaded with useful details about the properties, capabilities, sources and effects of various materials.” —Security Management Magazine

An introductory manual on CBRNE weapons, Terrorism and WMDs: Awareness and Response helps prepare students in the fields of counterterrorism, emergency response, and security to understand what is needed to respond to an attack quickly and effectively. Specific CBRNE weapons are discussed and each section provides a history of the particular type of weapon as well as its design, structure, properties, and behavior. The author examines the impacts of CBRNE weapons on human health and recommends safety precautions for emergency responders and the public. The final section addresses specific responder issues, particularly the Incident Command System, as well as personal protective equipment (PPE), decontamination, and site remediation. More than 170 photos and illustrations supplement the text, questions at the end of each chapter test comprehension, and a glossary provides clear definitions to help students better understand complex terminology. Instructor’s guide with test bank available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: Terrorism and WMDs Chemical Agents Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) Biological Agents Nuclear and Radiological Hazards Explosives Hazards Directed-Energy Weapons (DEWs) NIMS and the Incident Command System Personal Protective Equipment for Emergency Response, Decontamination, and Remediation Appendices Index Catalog no. K12376, April 2011, 456 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5175-3, $87.95 / £55.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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Disaster Planning & Recovery Emergency Management The American Experience 1900-2010, Second Edition Edited by

Claire B. Rubin Arlington, Virginia, USA

Emergency Management: The American Experience, 1900-2010, Second Edition supplies students with a history and analysis of the political and policy processes of federal government involvement in emergency management from 1900 through 2010. The book provides background and context for understanding political, policy, and other essential aspects of emergency management, including identifying and developing the key time bands of information about emergency management from the start of the past century to the present. The second edition includes updates to protocol and shifts in the DHS and FEMA and includes responses to disasters over the last 5+ years, including considerable coverage of the BP oil spill.

Contents: Introduction: 110 Years of Disaster Response and Emergency Management in the U.S.; Claire B. Rubin Focusing Events in the Early Twentieth Century; David Butler The Expanding Role of the Federal Government: 1927-1950; David Butler The Formative Years: 1950-1978; Keith Bea Federal Emergency Management Comes of Age: 1979-2001; Richard Sylves Emergency Management Restructured; John R. Harrald 2005 Events and Outcomes; Melanie Gall and Susan L. Cutter BP Explosion and Oil Spill; John R. Harrald Summary of Events; Gary Wamsley and Patrick Roberts From a Painful Past to an Uncertain Future; Gary Wamsley and Patrick Roberts References Index Catalog no. K15114, April 2012, 312 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-1753-0, $46.95 / £29.99 Also available as an eBook

Natural Hazard Mitigation Edited by

Alessandra Jerolleman Natural Hazard Mitigation Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

John J. Kiefer University of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Presenting an up-to-date look at the changing nature of disasters, Natural Hazard Mitigation provides students practical guidance on the implementation and selection of hazard mitigation projects. Based on realworld applications, the book includes case studies that facilitate a thorough understanding of the various issues involved in hazard mitigation. The contributors describe the value and potential of mitigation, how to convince others of that value, and how mitigation fits in to the emergency management cycle. They also educate students in how to better involve the community and tailor solutions to unique local situations. The text includes learning objectives, key terms, and end-of-chapter questions to enhance comprehension. Instructor’s guide available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: A History of Hazard Mitigation in the United States Mitigation and Emergency Management Intergovernmental Relations and Hazard Mitigation Public–Private Partnerships in Mitigation Initiatives The Growing Role of the Private Sector in Mitigation The National Flood Insurance Program and the Community Rating System Risk Communications Natural Hazards and the Law Involving the Community in Mitigation and Outreach Persuasion and Policy Non-FEMA Mitigation: Local Government Actions State Initiatives Leveraging Nonprofits and Volunteers in Hazard Mitigation Area Analyses Tools for Mitigation Appendix A: Compendium of Links and Resources Glossary Index Catalog no. K11574, November 2012, 377 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3493-0, $73.95 / £46.99 Also available as an eBook

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Disaster Planning & Recovery Preparedness and Response for Catastrophic Disasters

Social Vulnerability to Disasters

Edited by

Edited by

Rick Bissell

Deborah S.K. Thomas, Brenda D. Phillips, William E. Lovekamp, and Alice Fothergill

University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA

If governments, public administrators, and emergency management professionals are to succeed in protecting our populations, there must be consensus, decisiveness, and leadership in both the coordination and response. Based on a popular course for the FEMA Higher Education project, Preparedness and Response for Catastrophic Disasters provides important insight into plans to mitigate and respond to the devastation caused by large-scale catastrophic events. Written by top disaster scholars and practitioners, the book defines what constitutes a catastrophic event, outlining both the factors that can lead to catastrophes and the unique logistical, planning, and response challenges posed by them. It explores how catastrophes can dramatically affect populations and addresses new, innovative, and fundamentally unique strategies communities can institute to better prepare populations for catastrophic events and their aftermath. Figure slides available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: What Is a Catastrophe, and Why Is This Important? Understanding Catastrophes: A Discussion of Causation, Impacts, Policy Approaches, and Organizational Structures Ethics in Catastrophe Readiness and Response Political and Legal Issues Economics of Catastrophes and Disasters Logistics and the Management of Critical Supplies Following Catastrophes Overview of Critical Infrastructure in Catastrophes Public Health Role in Catastrophes Catastrophes, Mass Displacement, and Population Resettlement Emergent Organizations and Networks in Catastrophic Environments Methods of Planning and Response Coordination Catastrophic Disaster Recovery: An Institutional Network Perspective Pandemic Scenario Training and Exercises for Catastrophes Catastrophes in Haiti and Japan Summary and Call to Action Index Catalog no. K14860, May 2013, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1189-7, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook


Second Edition

This updated second edition of Social Vulnerability to Disasters focuses on the social construction of disasters, demonstrating how the characteristics of an event are not the only reason that tragedies unfurl. By carefully examining and documenting social vulnerabilities throughout the disaster management cycle, the book is essential to future emergency management professionals, the independent volunteer sector, homeland security, and related social science fields, including public policy, sociology, geography, political science, urban and regional planning, and public health. The new edition is fully updated, more international in scope, and incorporates significant recent disaster events. It also includes new case studies to illustrate important concepts. The concepts presented are based on the popular and widely used FEMA Higher Education course.

Contents: Framing Social Vulnerability Understanding Social Vulnerability Theoretical Framing of Worldviews, Values, and Structural Dimensions of Disasters The Intrinsic Link of Vulnerability to Sustainable Development Socially Vulnerable Groups & Building Capacity Class Race and Ethnicity Gender Age Disability Health Language and Literacy Households and Families Violence Religion, Faith, and Faith-Based Organizations Animals Community Resilience The Nature of Human Communities Measuring and Conveying Social Vulnerability Social Change and Empowerment New Ideas for Practitioners Catalog no. K15068, May 2013, 514 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1637-3, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

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Emergency Response The Human Side of Disaster Second Edition

Behavioral Health Response to Disasters

Thomas E. Drabek

Edited by

University of Denver, Colorado, USA

Julie Framingham

Enhanced with new cases and real-world examples, The Human Side of Disaster, Second Edition presents an updated summary of the social science knowledge base of human responses to disaster. Dr. Drabek draws upon his 40-plus years of conducting research on individual, group, and organizational responses to disaster to illustrate and integrate key insights from the social sciences—teaching students how to anticipate human behaviors in crisis. The book begins with a series of original short stories rooted within actual disaster events. These stories are woven into the entire text to demonstrate essential findings from the research literature. The core of the book is a summary of key findings regarding disaster warning responses, evacuation behavior, initial postimpact survival behavior, traditional and emergent roles of volunteers, and short-term and longer-term disaster impacts. Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: The Problem and Approach The Danger around You Is Increasing Hear That Siren? Who Panics and Why Neutralizing Threat Information It Can’t Be Done A Disaster Subculture? Families Are the Units Shall We Leave? Pathways to Evacuation Evacuation Facilitators Victim Responses The Disaster Syndrome: Another Myth Exploded Unveiling the Many Forms of Volunteerism Organized Disorganization Cooperation Is Not Enough What about My Psyche? Patterned Variations Variable Perceptions of Risk Reducing Vulnerabilities Community Change Agents Empirical Studies Strategies for Maintaining Organizational Integrity

Florida Department of Children and Families, Tallahassee, USA

Martell L. Teasley Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA

In the past two decades, disaster behavioral health research, policy, and practice have grown exponentially. Today’s increasing frequency and intensity of disasters merit greater focus on the development of modalities for intervention and mitigation against the psychological impacts of disaster. In Behavioral Health Response to Disasters, professionals with years of practice, research, and national advisory board service review and discuss key topics in the field. Highlighting the themes of cultural competence and evidence-based practice, the text presents students with an interdisciplinary approach to examining specific disaster behavioral health topics. It considers how an individual’s culture may impact willingness to seek out and accept services and incorporates research on vulnerable or at-risk populations who are likely to suffer disproportionately more adverse psychological consequences of disaster. The book discusses clinical studies of cognitive behavioral treatments for disasterrelated distress and post-traumatic stress disorder. It covers the wide variety of issues in this emerging field, highlighting concerns that we must address in order to create more disaster-resilient communities.

Table of Contents: Overview of the History and Fundamental Concepts behind Disaster Behavioral Health Organizational Response to Disasters and Key Partners Psychological Resilience and Pathological Responses to Disaster At-Risk Populations, Disaster Risk Factors, and Individual and Community Vulnerability Addressing Barriers within Systems of Care Disaster Behavioral Health Interventions Leaving a Legacy: Training and Community Empowerment Catalog no. K11125, April 2012, 441 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2123-7, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available in eBook

Catalog no. K14640, March 2013, 446 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0685-5, $64.95 / £41.99 Also available as an eBook

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Emergency Response Introduction to Emergency Management Brenda D. Phillips and David M. Neal Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA

Gary R. Webb University of North Texas, Denton, USA

The ultimate goal of every emergency management professional is to help citizens and communities prepare for natural, technological, or terrorist threats in order to mitigate damage and save lives. Providing an insider’s glimpse into this rewarding career, Introduction to Emergency Management engages students in real-life case studies, integrating scientific findings with practitioner viewpoints to reveal the challenge of a field in service of communities and people at risk from disasters. Beginning with a history of emergency management, the book defines concepts, explores the relevance and types of disaster research, and examines trends behind disasters and emerging hazards. It outlines various career tracks within emergency management with a focus on core competencies, ethical practice standards, certification issues, and the responsibilities of the emergency manager. Boxed features written by graduates of emergency management programs and expert practitioners from around the world provide real-world insights. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and includes discussion questions, references, and additional resources. Instructor’s manual with test questions and PowerPoint® slides available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: History and Current Status of Emergency Management Key Concepts, Definitions, and Perspectives Research Methods and the Practice of Emergency Management New and Emerging Disasters and Hazards Becoming an Emergency Management Professional Preparedness Planning Response Recovery Mitigation Public and Private Sector Partnerships Non-Governmental Organizations The Next Generation of Emergency Managers Glossary Index Catalog no. K11506, October 2011, 517 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3070-3, $65.95 / £42.99

Disasters 2.0 The Application of Social Media Systems for Modern Emergency Management Adam Crowe Richmond, Virginia, USA

Emerging social media and so-called Web 2.0 technologies will continue to have a great impact on the practice and application of the emergency management function in every public safety sector. Disasters 2.0: The Application of Social Media Systems for Modern Emergency Management prepares future emergency managers and first responders to successfully apply social media principles in the operations, logistics, planning, finance, and administrative aspects of any given disaster. Using real-life examples of domestic and international disasters, each chapter begins with a list of objectives and includes a collection of case examples of social media use in past events. Practitioner profiles show real people implementing the technology for real solutions.

Selected Contents: Social Media, Organizational Engagement, and the Impact of Citizens Social Media Systems: Overview and Purpose Citizen Journalism: The Rise and Impact of New Media The Yellow Tape Conundrum: Citizen and Responder Responsibility Social Media Policy, Procedure, Integration, and Analysis Who’s the Sheriff in These Parts? Monitoring and Analysis of Social Media Information White Hot or White Noise? Aggregation and Validation of Social Media Information The Elephant in the Emergency Operations Center: The Fundamental Flaw within Formal Response Systems It Takes a Village to Raise a Prepared Community: The Power and Purpose of Crowdsourcing The Beaten Browser: The Rise of Video, Voice, and Information on the Go Location, Location, Location: The Power of Geospatial Technologies and the Environment on Social Systems Get Your Head into the Cloud: Available Tools and Systems to Improve Emergency Management Functions Catalog no. K13449, April 2012, 321 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7442-4, $73.95 / £46.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook


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Emergency Response Leadership in the Open A New Paradigm in Emergency Management Adam Crowe Richmond, Virginia, USA

Now that Web 2.0 technologies and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become inherently ingrained in all facets of our lives, emergency managers must re-evaluate standardized approaches. Providing a roadmap for twenty-first century emergency management best practices, Leadership in the Open: A New Paradigm in Emergency Management examines public expectations relative to the use of communication and Web 2.0 technologies for emergency management activities. It covers current technologies along with the public’s demand for transparency and the everincreasing need for instant information and updates. The book is divided into three sections that focus on the fundamentals of social media, the potential effects of its strategic use in disaster management, and the attitude of engagement that is effective for community commitment. Coverage includes efficiency, magnification, humility, creativity, ethics, the tension of changing public expectations, and long-standing best practices within the emergency management community. Building on the author’s bestselling Disasters 2.0: The Application of Social Media Systems for Modern Emergency Management, the book looks at an emergency manager's role not simply by job function, but on what the public demands. Filled with extensive real-world examples, this is an ideal textbook for future leaders in emergency management, firstresponse, and business continuity.

Introduction to Surveillance Studies J.K. Petersen Computer Consultant, Writer, Educator, Bellingham, Washington, USA

Used by private industry, law enforcement, and for national security, surveillance can be a potent tool for protecting resources and assets. It can also be extremely invasive, calling into question our basic rights to freedom and privacy. Introduction to Surveillance Studies explores technological trends, past- and present-day rationales for surveillance and surveillance devices, and current social issues surrounding them. The book begins with a brief historical perspective on the evolution of surveillance technologies and then charts the development of modern-day devices from the invention of radar to the dawn of the Internet. Next, it describes emerging technologies—including GIS, GPS devices, Google Maps, biometric technology, surveillance cameras, global satellites, miniaturization of devices, and social media—that are challenging notions of privacy and the right of access to information. While focusing on the technology, the book also discusses surveillance as a phenomenon and what these technologies mean to our understanding of freedom, privacy, and the impact of technology on communications and the structure of society. Enhanced with numerous photos, the book helps students understand the pros and cons—and some of the controversy—of these increasingly sophisticated technologies, their collective impact, and what the future may hold. Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption


Selected Contents:

The Rise of Social Media and Open Government Changing Expectations Transparency Instantaneous Entrepreneurism The Effects of Leading through Engaged Social Media: Efficiency, Collaboration, and Magnification Efficiency and Effectiveness Magnification Collaboration Attitude and Engagement Humility Creativity and Design Ethics and Character

Brief History of Surveillance Technologies & Techniques Global Positioning Systems Sensors Computers & the Internet Data Cards Biometrics Genetics Practical Considerations Effectiveness of Surveillance Freedom & Privacy Issues Constitutional Freedoms Privacy Safeguards & Intrusions

Catalog no. K15511, May 2013, 327 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5823-6, $69.95 / £44.99

Catalog no. K15350, October 2012, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5509-9, $73.95 / £46.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

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Emergency Response Introduction to Transportation Security

Coming Soon!

Frances L. Edwards and Daniel C. Goodrich

Second Edition

Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose State University, California, USA

“ … the best textbook I have read on transportation security … highly recommended for all introductory homeland security and transportation security courses, and would be an excellent additional text for many emergency management and security management courses." —Linda Kiltz, Journal of Homeland Security Education

Introduction to Transportation Security examines basic theories of security and emergency management and the integrated nature of the nation’s critical infrastructure. Describing threats to transportation in each surface mode, it discusses the federal agencies working in emergency management and transportation security along with their intelligence and response requirements and capabilities. Profiling the disasters that have occurred in the U.S. and elsewhere and their significant economic impacts, it explains cost-beneficial security strategies aimed at preventing catastrophic failures in each transportation mode. It also describes effective methods for organizing, testing, and evaluating transportation security across modes and professions. The book includes learning objectives and discussion questions to test assimilation of the material and case studies to facilitate a practical understanding of the concepts.

Port Security Management Kenneth Christopher Park University, Parkville, Missouri, USA

Sea and freshwater ports are a key component of U.S. critical infrastructure and are vital to maintaining the global and domestic economy. The September 11th attacks in the U.S. marked a paradigm shift in the security of transportation systems including the port and shipping industries. This has led to an increased emphasis on port security. Fully updated, the second edition of Port Security Management covers the latest on continuously changing legislation regarding federal mandates, credentializing employees, securing vessels, and cargo security. The book focuses on best practices, providing realworld solutions to future law enforcement and security management professionals. It discusses legislative measures, regulatory issues, and logistical aspects of port security. It also addresses port security in the context of global transportation systems. Coverage includes cruise ships, cargo security, CT-PAT, and emergency operations as well as risk assessment and physical security best practices for securing ships and ports. This edition includes a new chapter on intelligence.

Selected Contents:

Safety, Security, and Emergency Management Federal Agencies and Structures: Surface Layers of Security Multi-Modal Surface Transportation Security: Threats and Strategies Road Transportation—Cars and Trucks Mass Transit on Fixed Rails and Guideways Freight and Long-Distance Passenger Heavy Rail Maritime Transportation Air Cargo Operations Security Putting it All Together Transportation Security, Supply Chain, and Critical Infrastructure

Maritime and Port Security-A Manager’s Perspective Security Challenges Facing Port Operations Risk Management, Planning, and Coordination of Port Security Port Security as a Risk Management Activity Port Facility Security as a Management Function Implementing a Plan for Port Security: Management Tasks and Responsibilities Facility and Personnel Security Access Controls Physical and Waterside Security in the Port Facility Security Force Management Vessel and Cargo Operations Safety and Emergency Management Managing Technology Solutions for Port Facility Security Intelligence Systemic Management for a Secure and Viable Port Facility

Catalog no. K12044, September 2012, 388 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4576-9, $73.95 / £46.99

Catalog no. K20523, June 2014, c. 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-9163-9, $89.95 / £57.99

Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents:


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