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New and Bestselling

Neuroscience Books from CRC Press


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Contents Frontiers in Neuroscience & Engineering ............4 Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology ........................7 Neuroscence & Health ........................................9 Neurobiology......................................................10 Developmental Biology ......................................13 Page 4

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Neurotechnology................................................14 Neuropsychology/Neuropsychiatry ....................16 Neuroscience & Pain Management....................18

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Key Contacts Page 14

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Lance Wobus Senior Editor, Medical 561-998-2584

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CRC Press

Taylor & Francis Group

Dear Doctor: CRC Press is a global publisher of premier books in neuroscience and related fields. In this catalog, we are pleased to present a comprehensive collection of our new and bestselling titles written by experts from around the world. Many of these traditional format books are also available digitally, so you can choose the option that best meets your needs. Do you have an idea for a book in neurology, neuroscience, neuropsychology, or neurosurgery? We welcome proposals for new book concepts. Please contact Senior Editor Lance Wobus at to discuss your project. We look forward to providing you with superior references to help you meet the desired goals of your practice in 2013 and beyond. Sincerely,

CRC Press Marketing Team, Medical • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524

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Frontiers in Neuroscience & Engineering New!


Spike Timing

Neuromorphic Olfaction

Mechanisms and Function

Edited by

Edited by

Krishna C. Persaud

Patricia M. DiLorenzo

The University of Manchester, UK

Binghamton University, New York, USA

Santiago Marco and Agustin Gutierrez-Galvez

Jonathan D. Victor Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York, USA

University of Barcelona and Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain

Neuronal communication forms the basis for all behavior, from movement to thought processes. Among the many mechanisms that support these functions, spike timing is among the most powerful. This volume examines the function of spike timing in sensory, motor, and integrative processes. The first section of the book describes the foundation for quantitative analysis and theory. It examines the information contained in spike timing, how it can be quantified, and how neural systems can extract it. The second section explores how input-output relationships are reflected in spike timing across a range of sensory systems.

Many advances have been made in the last decade in the understanding of the computational principles underlying olfactory system functioning. Neuromorphic Olfaction is a collaboration among European researchers who, through NEUROCHEM (Fp7-Grant Agreement Number 216916)—a challenging and innovative European-funded project— introduce novel computing paradigms and biomimetic artifacts for chemical sensing. The implications of these findings are relevant to a wide audience, including researchers in artifical olfaction, neuroscientists, physiologists, and scientists working with chemical sensors.

Selected Contents:

• Presents an interdisciplinary biomimetic approach to olfaction including biology, hardware, software, and sensors

Introduction. SPIKE TIMING - TOOLS AND MODELS. Spike Trains as Event Sequences: Fundamental Implications. Neural Coding and Decoding with Spike Times. Can We Predict Every Spike? Statistical Identification of Synchronous Spiking. Binless Estimation of Mutual Information in Metric Spaces. Measuring Information in Spike Trains about Intrinsic Brain Signals. The Role of OscillationEnhanced Neural Precision in Information Transmission between Brain Areas. SPIKE TIMING CODING, DECODING AND SENSATION. Timing Information in Insect Mechanosensory Systems. Neural Encoding of Dynamic Inputs by Spike Timing. Relating Spike Times to Perception – Auditory Detection and Discrimination. Spike Timing and Neural Codes for Odors. Spike Timing as a Mechanism for Taste Coding in the Brainstem. Increases In Spike Timing Precision Improves Gustatory Discrimination Upon Learning. Spike Timing in Early Stages of Visual Processing. Cortical Computations Using Relative Spike Timing. Catalog no. K11729, May 2013, 442 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3815-0, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook


• Describes the latest advances in mobile olfaction robotics from a biomimetic perspective • Discusses computational models of the olfactory receptor layer, olfactory bulb, and olfactory cortex • Examines the first full computational model of the vertebrate olfactory system • Includes a demonstration of a large-scale sensor array, mimicking the olfactory receptor neuron layer

Selected Contents: Engineering Aspects of Olfaction. Study of the Coding Efficiency of Populations of Olfactory Receptor Neurons and Olfactory Glomeruli. Mimicking Biological Olfaction with Very Large Chemical Arrays. The Synthetic Moth: A Neuromorphic Approach toward Artificial Olfaction in Robots. Reactive and Cognitive Search Strategies for Olfactory Robots. Performance of a Computational Model of the Mammalian Olfactory System. Index. Catalog no. K13286, April 2013, 238 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7171-3, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook

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Frontiers in Neuroscience & Engineering Forthcoming!

Neurobiology of Body Fluid Homeostasis Transduction and Integration Edited by

Laurival Antonio De Luca Jr. and Jose Vanderlei Menani Sao Paulo State University- UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil

Alan Kim Johnson University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA

This book covers virtually all aspects of the innate drives of thirst and salt, including transduction, sensory mechanism, afferent systems, organization, CNS integrative circuitry, and efferent pathways and effectors systems. It also covers the additional aspects of salt appetites and the orexigenic aspects, as well as other emerging topics in this field.

Selected Contents: The Human Penchant for Deranged Salt Balance. Circumventricular Organs: Integrators of Circulating Signals Controlling Hydration, Energy Balance and Immune Function. Neuroendocrine Control of Hydromineral Homeostasis. Preoptic-Periventricular Integrative Control of Behavior, Fluid-Electrolyte Balance and Arterial Pressure. Diverse Roles of Angiotensin Receptor Intracellular Signaling Pathways in the Control of Water And Salt Intake. Separating Thirst from Hunger. Interdependent Preoptic Osmoregulatory and Thermoregulatory Mechanisms Influencing Body Fluid Balance and Heat Defence. Catecholaminergic Medullary Pathways and Cardiovascular Responses to Changes In Circulating Volume And Osmolarity. Neurochemical Circuits Subserving Fluid Balance and Baroreflex: Role of Serotonin, Oxytocin and Gonadal Steroids. Brain Serotonergic Receptors and the Control of Fluid Intake and Cardiovascular Function In Rats. Serotonergic Auto-Inhibition Within the Midbrain Dorsal Raphe Nucleus Modulates Sodium Appetite In Rats. A Classic Innate Behavior, Sodium Appetite, Is Driven By Hypothalamic Generegulatory Programs Previously Linked to Addiction and Reward. Development of Local RAS in Cardiovascular/Body Fluid Control Systems & Hypertension in Fetal Origins. Sodium Appetite Sensitization. Homeostasis and Body-Fluid Regulation: An End Note. Catalog no. K14645, October 2013, c. 336 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0693-0, $139.95 / ÂŁ89.00 Also available as an eBook


Methods in Brain Connectivity Inference through Multivariates Time Series Analysis Edited by

Koichi Sameshima University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Luiz Antonio Baccala University Sao Paulo, Brazil

Written by leading international authors, this book addresses the use of time series data in brain connectivity interference studies in clinical, behavioral, and experimental neurosciences. The text incorporates multidisciplinary work in applied mathematics, statistics, and animal and human experiments at the forefront of using time series analysis approaches, which offer information into how brain areas effectively interact. Each contributor provides codes and data examples to back up their methodological descriptions, providing the readers with hands-on experience with each proposed method and an appreciation of their merits and limitations.

Selected Contents: Connectivity Inference: Introduction and Overview. Directed Transfer Function: A Pioneering Concept in Connectivity Analysis. Times series MVAR modeling theoretical and practical estimation issues. MVAR Model Fitting and Diagnostic Issues. Granger Causality and Partial Directed Coherence. Connectivity Analysis and Multi-Electrode EEG Inversion Methods. Information Theoretical Aspects of Information Flow Interpretation of Connectivity Analysis. Time-Variant Estimation of Connectivity and Kalman Filter. GrangerCausality Graphs for Multivariate Time Series. Sparse MVAR Estimation in Connectivity Analysis. Nonparametric Approaches to Connectivity Inference. Issues on Connectivity Analysis in Experimental Imaging Protocols. SEM and DCM Approaches to Connectivity Analysis in fMRI Study. Nonlinear Parametric Granger Causality In Multivariate Systems. Summing up the Current State of the Art and Open Problems on Connectivity Inference. Catalog no. K12042, December 2013, c. 480 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4572-1, $159.95 / ÂŁ99.00 Also available as an eBook

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Frontiers in Neuroscience & Engineering Transcranial Brain Stimulation


Itch Mechanisms and Treatment

Edited by

Carlo Miniussi University of Brescia and IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy

Edited by

Earl E. Carstens University of California, Davis, USA

Walter Paulus

Tasuku Akiyama

Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany

Written by leading, internationally known scholars in itch research and treatment, the book presents the most current update on all aspects of itch research and the clinical treatment of itch that accompanies many dermatological conditions including psoriasis, neuropathic itch, cutaneous t-cells lymphomas, and systemic diseases such as kidney and liver disease and cancer. The book appeals to basic researchers, clinicians who study and treat itch, pharmaceutical companies interested in developing itch treatments, and anyone else interested in learning about itch.

Paolo M. Rossini Catholic University of The Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy

Since the discovery of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), these non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques have been used to investigate the state of cortical excitability, and the excitability of the cortico-cortical and corticospinal pathways. In addition, these techniques have been found to induce neuroplasticity—a significant breakthrough in our understanding of the brain at work. Transcranial Brain Stimulation presents a wide range of possible brain stimulation applications and discusses what new information can be gained from using this technique on the dynamics of brain functions, hierarchical organization, and effective connectivity. Implications of recent findings related to the therapeutic application are discussed by an international group of leading experts who present practical guidance on the use of each technique, and catalog the results of numerous TMS and tES studies on biological and behavioral effects. • Reviews the advances made in our understanding of brain stimulation techniques

Catalog no. K14566, January 2014, c. 672 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0543-8, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook

Fat Detection Taste, Texture, and Post Ingestive Effects Jean-Pierre Montmayeur Centre des Sciences du Hout, Dijon, France

• Presents a wide range of possible brain stimulation applications in combination with neuroimaging

Johannes le Coutre

• Discusses what new information may be gained using this technique on the dynamics of brain functions, hierarchical organization, and effective connectivity

Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this volume sheds new light on critical concerns regarding dietary fat and its relation to obesity. Going far beyond the well-known concerns, it offers new scientific data on the many aspects of fat, including psychological, behavioral, genetic, and physiological factors that contribute to its desirability, perception, intake, and impact on human health. Bringing together cross-disciplinary research, it includes information on genetic predisposition, neural imaging, endocrine impacts on metabolism, and also provides a progressive integrated view on fat taste, fat preference, and nutrition at the molecular level.

• Promises to have a substantial impact on many areas of clinical and basic neuroscience

Selected Contents: Basic Aspects. Biology. Imaging-Brain Mapping. Perception and Cognition. Therapeutic Applications. Safety. Catalog no. K13512, December 2012, 465 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7570-4, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook


Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland

Catalog no. 67753, September 2009, 643 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6775-0, $159.95 / £107.00 Also available as an eBook

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Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology Forthcoming!

Statistical Techniques for Neuroscientists Edited by

Young K. Truong

Dopamine – Glutamate Interactions in the Basal Ganglia

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Edited by

An ideal introduction to statistical neurocomputing, this book examines current statistical methods for solving emerging problems in neuroscience. These methods have been applied to data involving multichannel neural spike train, spike sorting, blind source separation, functional and effective neural connectivity, spatiotemporal modeling, and multimodal neuroimaging technique. It provides an overview of various methods being applied to specific research area of neuroscience. The book emphasizes statistical principles and their software. It includes example and experimental data so that readers can understand the principles and master the methods.

University of Cambridge, UK

Catalog no. K16137, April 2014, c. 450 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6614-9, $159.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook

Neurophysiology A Conceptual Approach, Fifth Edition Roger Carpenter University of Cambridge, UK

Benjamin Reddi Royal Adelaide Hospital and University of Adelaide, Australia

The much-anticipated new edition of this well-established introduction to neurophysiology succeeds in integrating the disciplines of neurology and neuroscience with an emphasis on principles and functional concepts. Students will learn both the science underlying a particular phenomenon and what this means for individual body systems and for the body as a whole. The fifth edition retains the readable style of its predecessors while covering the entire subject of neurophysiology from the conduction of nerve impulses to the higher functions of the brain within a single accessible volume. Catalog no. K16924, August 2012, 448 pp. Pack - Book and Online, ISBN: 978-1-4441-3517-6 $55.95 / £34.99 Also available as an eBook

Susan Jones Elucidating the relationship between their molecular and cellular effects and behavioural significance has been challenging, but in the past 5–10 years, improved labeling, imaging, recording, and genetic manipulation approaches have yielded new information on how dopamine and glutamate interact to generate the circuit activity underpinning basal ganglia function. This book synthesizes this recent research from the level of receptor molecules all the way to complex behaviours and disease. It presents insights from research on individual neurons and synapses, detailed circuit analysis, and learning and action functions of the basal ganglia against a historical perspective. Catalog no. 88793, December 2011, 284 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8879-3, $149.95 / £101.00 Also available as an eBook

Atlas of the Neonatal Rat Brain Renuka Ramachandra The Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center, USA

Thyagarajan Subramanian The Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center, USA

The first histological atlas of the rat neonatal brain, this volume provides researchers in neurology, pharmacology, biology, and veterinary science with detailed color images of the normal developing rat brain. Each plate is a photomicrograph composite that shows the entire brain in sagittal and coronal sections at each stage and stained with cresyl violet. Various brain nuclei and their connections are specifically labeled. Since changes in the rat brain post-birth are so rapid, images are provided for postnatal days one, five, and fifteen. Catalog no. K11857, January 2011, 188 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4012-2, $167.95 / £107.00 Also available as an eBook

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Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology The Integrated Nervous System A Systematic Diagnostic Approach Walter Hendelman, M.D. and Christopher R. Skinner University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Third Histamine Receptor Selective Ligands as Potential Therapeutic Agents in CNS Disorders Edited by

Divya Vohora

Peter Humphreys Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Canada

Hamdard University, New Delhi, India

To demonstrate the connection between academic neuroanatomy and the practice of clinical neurology, this innovative textbook presents carefully chosen clinical cases that illustrate how the nervous system is constructed and how it functions under normal circumstances. Providing the foundation needed to encounter neurological diseases, it teaches students and residents how to integrate a patient’s clinical history and examination with neuroanatomy. In addition to color illustrations throughout, the book adds an invaluable DVD for further exploration and access to a state-of-the-art website with additional materials that are updated periodically.

Since their discovery, the potential of histamine H3 receptor ligands in various CNS disorders have received much attention. This resource presents recent advances with an emphasis on pharmacology. It covers identification and localization of receptors and the development of novel ligands incorporating pre-clinical and clinical studies indicating earliest possible stages of development. The book provides an overview of histamine as a neurotransmitter and discusses receptor pharmacology, signal transduction, selective ligands, and therapeutic potential. Several chapters address disorders involving H3, including Alzheimer’s, ADHD, sleep disorders, epilepsy, obesity, and psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.

Catalog no. 45970, September 2009, 352 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-4597-0 $91.95 / £58.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 53922, November 2008, 400 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5392-0, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook

Brain Aging Models, Methods, and Mechanisms

The Female Brain Second Edition Cynthia L. Darlington The first edition of this bestseller laid the groundwork for understanding the female brain, examining the evidence of structural and functional differences between the brains of males and females. Addressing a wealth of new research, the second edition continues in this vein, leading readers through the basic principles of anatomy and physiology and on to the complex behavioral functions which constitute the workings of the normal and abnormal female brain. Filled with rigorous scientific analysis in an easily accessible format, the book delineates gender-based differences between brains and explains why they should be considered when designing research and clinical studies. Catalog no. 77449, April 2009, 266 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7744-5, $146.95 / £94.00 Also available as an eBook


Edited by

David R. Riddle Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA

Bringing together critical studies of brain aging in animal models and insights from human brain imaging, Brain Aging focuses on fundamental age-related changes in the brain rather than pathological neurodegeneration. Offering significant depth and breadth of coverage, it provides an overview of structural and functional changes at the molecular, systems, and cognitive levels. Written by pioneering researchers, it reviews unbiased methods for quantifying changes and stereological methods for clarifying the extent and nature of age-related neurological changes. It also explores the distinct methodological challenges inherent in investigating the aging nervous system. Catalog no. 3818, April 2007, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3818-2, $159.95 / £115.00 Also available as an eBook

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Neuroscience & Health New!

Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

Diet, Brain, Behavior

Edited by

Practical Implications

Sunit K. Singh

Edited by

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India

Robin B. Kanarek

Daniel Ruzek

Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA

Biology Centre ASCR- Institute of Parasitology, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

Harris R. Lieberman USARIEM, Natick, Massachusetts, USA

Viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) are a group of febrile illnesses caused by RNA viruses from several viral families. These infectious viruses lead to a potentially lethal disease syndrome characterized by fever, malaise, vomiting, mucosal and gastrointestinal bleeding, edema, and hypotension. The four viral families known to cause VHF disease in humans naturally reside in an animal reservoir host or arthropod vector. This volume presents the most current information on each virus. It examines the fevers caused by these viruses, their mechanisms for spreading, their molecular pathogenesis, host pathogen immune interactions, and detection, treatment, and prevention.

As the field of nutritional neuroscience has grown, both the scientific community and the general population have expressed a heightened interest in the effect of nutrients on behavior. Topics discussed in this volume include the concepts of mental energy and fatigue, the dangers of obesity and its effect on behavior, weight loss methods, and the effects of dietary supplements on brain functioning and behavior. It also examines the reward deficiency hypothesis and eating disorders, the importance of maintaining proper fluid intake, the effects of eating breakfast on performance, and the role of diet in pain sensitivity.

Selected Contents: Yellow Fever Virus & Hemorrhagic Fever. Chapare Virus Hemorrhagic Fever. Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever. Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever. Venezuelan Hemorrhagic Fever. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever. Viral Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome. Ebola Virus Hemorrhagic Fever. Marburg Virus Hemorrhagic Fever. Lassa Virus Hemorrhagic Fever. Lujo Virus Hemorrhagic Fever. Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever. Rift Valley Virus and Hemorrhagic Fever. Filoviruses: Interactions with the Host Cell. Cell Entry by Human Pathogenic Arenaviruses. Vaccine Research Efforts for Filoviruses. Receptor Determinants of Zoonotic Transmission of New World Hemorrhagic. Fever Arenaviruses. Guidelines for the Clinical Management of Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses and Bioterrorism-Related Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses. Interaction of Viruses with Endothelial Cells in Viral Hemorrhagic Fever. Catalog no. K13962, July 2013, 596 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8429-4, $149.95 / ÂŁ95.00 Also available as an eBook

Selected Contents: Mental Energy and Fatigue: Science and the Consumer. Hydration and Brain Function. Diet as an Analgesic Modality. Breakfast and Adult and Child Behaviors. Diet, Physical Activity, and Substrate Oxidation: Implications for Appetite Control, Weight Loss, and Body Composition. The Reward Deficiency Hypothesis: Implications for Obesity and Other Eating Disorders. Potential Consequences of Obesity on Cognitive Behavior. Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss. Sweet Taste Preferences and Cravings in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM): Implications for Diet and Medical Management. Homocysteine, B Vitamins, and Cognitive Function. Creatine, Brain Functioning, and Behavior. Theanine, Mood, and Behavior. Caffeine: Practical Implications. Caffeine Effects on Aggression and Risky Decision Making. Index. Catalog no. K11143, October 2011, 335 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2156-5, $149.95 / ÂŁ101.00 Also available as an eBook

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The Neurobiological Basis of Suicide Edited by

Edited by

Carla Mucignat University of Padova, Italy

Yogesh Dwivedi University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

With recent studies using genetic, epigenetic, and other molecular and neurochemical approaches, a new era has begun in understanding the suicide pathophysiology. This book discusses how and why neurobiological factors are crucial in the pathogenic mechanisms of suicidal behavior and how these findings can be transformed into potential therapeutic applications.

Selected Contents: Diagnosis, Traits, States, and Comorbidity in Suicide. Neuroanatomy of Serotonergic Abnormalities in Suicide. Noradrenergic Dysfunction in Depression and Suicide. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Involvement in Depressive Illness: Interactions with CorticotropinReleasing Hormone and Serotonin. Role of the Endocannabinoid System in the Neurobiology of Suicide. Stress–Diathesis Model of Suicidal Behavior. Do Serum Cholesterol Values and DST Results Comprise Independent Risk Factors for Suicide? BrainDerived Neurotrophic Factor in Suicide Pathophysiology. Neuroimaging: High Risk States for Suicide. Gene–Environment Interaction and Suicidal Behavior. Genetic Factors and Suicidal Behavior. Approaches and Findings from Gene Expression Profiling Studies of Suicide. Epigenetic Effects of Childhood Adversity in the Brain and Suicide Risk. Genetics of Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents. Neurobiology of Teenage Suicide. Suicidal Behavior in Pediatric Population: Neurobiology and the Missing Links in Assessing Risk among Patients with Bipolar Disorder. Suicide in Late Life. Intermediate Phenotypes in Suicidal Behavior: Focus on Personality. Toxoplasma gondii, the Immune System, and Suicidal Behavior. Peripheral Biomarkers for Suicide. Medication in Suicide Prevention: Insights from Neurobiology of Suicidal Behavior. Catalog no. K11764, June 2012, 482 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3881-5, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook


Neurobiology of Chemical Communication

The release of pheromones is one of various forms of nonverbal communication many animals use to transmit messages to other members of the same species. Their complex molecular structure allows these chemical messages to contain a great deal of often very specific information. This book provides an overview of recent findings in the field of pheromones and chemical signals in vertebrates and invertebrates species. It includes chapters on how chemical signals work on different species and covers non-mammalian species, mammalian pheromes on a general basis, and others more focused on the single species. Catalog no. K15274, March 2014, c. 480 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5341-5, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook

Astrocytes Wiring the Brain Edited by

Eliana Scemes and David C. Spray Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, USA

Astrocytes play diverse roles in central nervous system (CNS) function and dysfunction, and the connections that the astrocyte makes with other cells of the brain are essential for a variety of important neural tasks. This volume emphasizes cellular connections and surveys the most current findings on astrocyte activity. The book identifies major astrocyte biomarkers and describes how they define the different connectivity domains. It examines the role of these connections and explains how their function can be manipulated and how dysfunction of the connectivity leads to aberrant brain performance. The final section explores the alterations of glia that have been observed in specific diseases of the brain. Catalog no. K11240, November 2011,440 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2584-6, $149.95 / £101.00 Also available as an eBook

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Neurobiology Neurobiology of Depression Edited by

Francisco Lopez-Munoz University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain and Camilo José Cela University, Madrid, Spain

Cecilio Alamo University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain

With excerpts from international specialists in the field of neurobiology, this book presents state-of-the-art research on the neurobiological aspects of depression. It discusses opioid and endocannabinoid systems and depression and explores other sources for depression provided by research in biochemistry, molecular biology, and genomics. Topics covered include genetic factors of depression; monoaminergic pathways and depression; serotonergic pathways and depression; melantonergic system, chronobiological rhythms, and depression; the significance of tachykinin mechanisms in depression; and the melatonergic system, chronobiological rhythms, and depression. This book serves as a reference for researchers in neuroscience and related fields, as well as graduate students. Catalog no. K11746, September 2011, 522 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3849-5, $149.95 / £101.00 Also available as an eBook

Neurobiology of Sensation and Reward Edited by

Jay A. Gottfried Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Neurobiology of Huntington’s Disease Applications to Drug Discovery Edited by

Donald C. Lo Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA

Robert E. Hughes Buck Institute for Age Research, Novato, California, USA

Highlighting advances in the discovery and development of new drug therapies for neurodegenerative disorders, Neurobiology of Huntington's Disease focuses on the many aspects of the research on drugs to treat Huntington's disease. It discusses genetics, genomics, and proteomics, and the latest in highthroughput and high-content screening. The authors provide introductory background as well as highly sophisticated information on current and future directions of research. Exploring the interplay between academic and industrial research, the investment community, and non-profit contributors, the book also examines the practical realities of preclinical testing, clinical testing strategies, and, ultimately, clinical usage. Catalog no. 9000, July 2010, 338 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9000-5, $159.95 / £107.00 Also available as an eBook

The Neurobiology of Olfaction Edited by

Anna Menini S.I.S.S.A, Trieste, Italy

A comprehensive systems overview of sensory and reward processing in the brain, this book explores what reward processing can teach us about the senses and what sensory processing can teach us about reward. In examining this neurobiological interface, the book reveals how the intrinsic properties of sensory systems effectively define and constrain the ambitions of reward-related processing in human and nonhuman brains. With contributions from leading investigators in the fields of sensation and reward, the text injects the "sensory" back into the study of reward processing, and the "rewarding" back into the study of sensory processing.

Series: Frontiers in Neuroscience

Catalog no. 67265, March 2011, 466 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6726-2, $149.95 / £101.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. 71971, November 2009, 448 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7197-9, $159.95 / £118.00 Also available as an eBook

A comprehensive overview of the current status of knowledge and research on olfaction, this volume takes an interdisciplinary approach to include content from genetics to behavior and from nematodes to humans. It offers chapters on recent discoveries in odor coding from the olfactory epithelium to the cortical centers, and in neurogenesis in the olfactory epithelium and the olfactory bulb. Written by a top researcher in the field, each subject-specific chapter provides an extensive list of reviews and original articles for students and scientists interested in further reading.

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Biology of the NMDA Receptor Edited by

Serotonin Receptors in Neurobiology Edited by

Amitabha Chattopadhyay

Antonius M. VanDongen Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA

The NMDA receptor, a subclass of the ionotropic glutamate receptor family, plays a critical role in the development of the central nervous system and in adult neuroplasticity, learning, and memory. Therefore, it is not surprising that this receptor has been widely studied. Biology of the NMDA Receptor describes all important aspects of NMDA receptor biology. The text highlights exciting new discoveries that have been made over the past decade. It provides a comprehensive review of various molecular genetics studies that illustrate the importance of this class of receptors; in addition, the book presents a discussion of recent crystallographic x-ray structures of its ligand binding domains. Catalog no. 44141, October 2008, 350 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4414-0, $159.95 / £115.00 Also available as an eBook

Manual of Stroke Models in Rats Edited by

Center for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India

Modulating mood, appetite, sexual activity, body temperature, and sleep, serotonin has implications in numerous disease states, including depression, anxiety, social phobia, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder. Providing the first comprehensive book on the subject from a multidisciplinary perspective, Serotonin Receptors in Neurobiology is among the first books to be published after serotonin receptor knock-out studies. With contributions from leading experts in their fields, this book covers a range of topics from contemporary techniques in receptor research to fundamental interactions of the 5-HT receptors with the lipid bilayer to behavioral studies. Catalog no. 3977, May 2007, 224 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-3977-6, $159.95 / £111.00 Also available as an eBook

Neural Plasticity and Memory From Genes to Brain Imaging Edited by

Yanlin Wang-Fischer

Federico BermudezRattoni

Palatin Technologies, Cranbury, New Jersey, USA

National University of Mexico, Mexico City, Distrito Federal

While new insights into the mechanisms and the treatment of stroke have been obtained from animal experiments over the past several years, this is the first book in more than two decades to compile research in this essential area. Calling on a group of cuttingedge researchers, it offers detailed explanations of the methods and techniques for accomplishing different stroke models in rats. As of now, no specific neuroprotective treatment for ischemic stroke is available. This book provides a starting point for those researchers employing stroke models to develop new drugs to counteract this problem.

This latest offering in the Frontiers in Neuroscience series provides a multidisciplinary review of research being conducted on the neurobiology of memory. This volume examines the synaptic communication elements identified as being susceptible to modification through the accumulation of experience. It explains how cell circuitry is modulated and ultimately modified by neurotransmitters and hormones during the process of acquiring, consolidating, and retrieving information. In each chapter, researchers present findings, while explaining their innovative methodologies. This text also addresses current memory studies involving human brain imaging.

Catalog no. 9578, August 2008, 352 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8493-9578-9 $119.95 / £77.99 Also available as an eBook


Catalog no. 9070, April 2007, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9070-8, $159.95 / £115.00 Also available as an eBook

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Developmental Biology Also Sold Separately!

Atlas of Human Central Nervous System Development

The Human Brain During the Late First Trimester

Five-Volume Set Shirley A. Bayer and Joseph Altman Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

From the 1960s through the 1980s, the work of legendary pioneers, Shirley Bayer and Joseph Altman chronicled the development of the rat nervous system. In the 1990s, they shifted their attention to humans when they realized how little was known about the development of the human central nervous system. Many disorders resulting from abnormal neural deficits could be better understood if normal development was itself better known. Bayer and Altman decided to apply their knowledge of rat nervous system development to humans by directly examining histological sections of normal human specimens. Funding their own work, they took over 10,000 photographs of the best preserved specimens available. Each of the photos was then scanned to create digitalized files that could be further examined with sophisticated equipment, including threedimensional reconstruction software. • Provides a unique comprehensive view of the entire range of structural development • Uses experimental data on developing rat brains to identify previously unknown structures in the developing human brain • Includes high-resolution and ghost image photographs of many different levels in brains cut in the coronal, sagittal, and horizontal planes "We embarked on this ambitious project for two reasons. First, to fill a gaping void in the literature. … Second, we hoped that by extrapolating from the experimental data obtained in animals, we could go beyond a mere narrative account of developmental landmarks in human CNS development to a dynamic analysis of some of the morphogenetic processes involved. What we were surprised to find is that our detailed examination of the full course of CNS development in normal human embryos and fetuses has come to shed new light on some of the basic mechanisms involved in the production, migration, differentiation, and assembly of CNS neurons…." —From the Foreword

This information is included in an extended monograph in Volume 5 that will no doubt serve as a launching pad for future research. Altman and Bayer, working for three decades at Purdue and Indiana Universities, revolutionized the research methods and pioneered the results that are available today. Catalog no. 68008, July 2007, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6800-9, $893.00 / £568.00

Catalog no. 1423 April 2006, 592 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1423-0 $229.95 / £146.00

The Human Brain During the Third Trimester Catalog no. 1421 December 2003, 392 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1421-6 $239.95 / £153.00

The Human Brain During the Early First Trimester Catalog no. 1424 July 2007, 536 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1424-7 $209.95 / £134.00

The Human Brain During the Second Trimester Catalog no. 1422 May 2005, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1422-3 $219.95 / £140.00

The Spinal Cord from Gestational Week 4 to the 4th Postnatal Month Catalog no. 1420 May 2002, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-1420-9 $259.95 / £166.00 Individual volumes all available as eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


Neurotechnology New!


The Textbook of Nanoneuroscience and Nanoneurosurgery

Advances in Russian and International Neurotechnology

Edited by

Edited by

Babak Kateb

Chris Forsythe

Cedars Sinai Medical Center, West Hollywood, California, USA

John D. Heiss National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

Mikhail V. Zotov

St. Petersburg State University, Russia

Gabriel A. Radvansky

University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

Selected Contents: From Nanotechnology to Nanoneuroscience/ Nanoneurosurgery and Nanobioelectronics. Nanopolymers and Nanoconjugates for Central Nervous System Diagnostics and Therapies. Peptide and Protein-Based Nanoparticles. Endohedral Metallofullerenes, Iron Oxide Agents, and Gold Nanoparticles for Brain Imaging. Carbon Nanoplatforms and Their Application for Neurological Disorders. Ligand-Based Targeting of Therapeutic and Imaging Agents for Cancer. Immune-Based Targeting in Cancer. Intralesional and Intraparenchymal Convection-Enhanced Delivery of Nanoparticles. Nanomedicine Treatment Strategies That Exploit Unique Characteristics of Tumor Vasculature and Microenvironment. Nanosensors. Implantable Infusion Pumps Incorporating Nanotechnology. Nanostructured Surfaces for Intracerebral Neurotransmitter Recording. Therapy for Neuronopathic Lysosomal Storage Diseases. Nanotechnology for Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment. Improving Treatment of Stroke through Nanotechnology. Applications of Nanotechnology in Epilepsy. Nanoparticle-Based Treatment and Imaging of Brain Tumors. TumorTargeted Nanodrugs for Treatment of Primary Brain Tumors. Application of Nanotechnology in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Metastasis. Nanotechnology in Extra-Axial and Pituitary Tumors. Applications of Nanotechnology in Movement Disorders. Applications of Nanotechnology in Degenerative Disorders of the Brain. Brain–Machine Interface and Rehabilitation. Nanobioelectronics for Noninvasive Neuronal Therapy. In Vitro and In Vivo Techniques to Assess Neurotoxicity of Nanoparticles. Nanorobotics for Neurosurgery. Imaging and Tracking Therapeutic Cells with Nanoparticles. Micro- and Nanotechnology in Nerve Repair. Nanotechnology. FDA Regulatory Framework for Nanodrugs and Nanodevices and the Combination Nanodrug. Nanoneuroscience and Nanoneurosurgery. Catalog no. K12237, August 2013, c. 602 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4941-5, $299.95 / £191.00 Also available as an eBook


Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Larisa Tsvetkova

St. Petersburg State University, Russia

A summary of research, this book offers a perspective on how international studies and developments in neurotechnology are impacted by the social foundations of the human condition. The book presents research from around the world to describe how social foundations give rise to different moral issues and legal considerations. Chapters are grouped into topical sections that describe theoretical and technical programs of research. Each section includes commentary on ethical, legal, and social considerations. Catalog no. K11927, June 2014, c. 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4144-0, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook

Neurotechnology Premises, Potential, and Problems Edited by

James Giordano Center for Neurotechnology Studies, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Arlington, Virginia, USA and Human Science Center, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

Technologies that allow us to investigate mechanisms and functions of the brain have shown considerable promise in treating brain disease and injury. These emerging technologies also provide a means to assess and manipulate human consciousness, cognitions, emotions, and behaviors, bringing with them the potential to transform society. This volume explores the technical, moral, legal, and sociopolitical issues that arise in and from today’s applications of neuroscience and technology and discusses their implications for the future. Topics discussed include neurotechnology in education, neuroimaging and tissue implantation technology neuroprostheses, cyborg technology, and more. Catalog no. K11241, April 2012, 354 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2586-0, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook

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Neurotechnology Indwelling Neural Implants Neuroproteomics Edited by

Oscar Alzate University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

“… encapsulates some of the key areas in which proteomic technologies are making an impact in neuroscience. … the clear potential of neuroproteomics is well presented in this book. …” —Expert Review of Proteomics, June 2010, Vol. 7, No. 3

Writing about their work, leading researchers detail the principles, approaches, and difficulties of the techniques, showcasing the questions that neuroproteomics can answer as well as those it raises. Catalog no. 76256, October 2009, 354 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7625-7, $159.95 / £118.00 Also available as an eBook

Strategies for Contending with the In Vivo Environment Edited by

William M. Reichert Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA

A compendium of contributions from noted experts in neuroprosthetics and tissue repair, this book addresses the impact, characterization, and mitigation of the healing of tissues that surround an implant. It describes the differences among wound healing in the CNS, PNS, subcutaneous tissue, and bone. It also examines performance issues of implanted neuroprosthetics arising from the chemical, mechanical, thermal, and electrical impact on surrounding tissue. Contributions present both in vitro and in vivo approaches to assessing wound healing response to materials and describe molecular and materials strategies for intervening in CNS wound repair and enhancing the electrical communication between electrode and surrounding tissue. Catalog no. 9362, December 2007, 296 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9362-4, $179.95 / £115.00 Also available as an eBook

Methods for Neural Ensemble Recordings In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function Second Edition Edited by

Ron D. Frostig University of California, Irvine, USA

Reflecting continual development in this emerging area, this new edition, as with the original, reaches across disciplines to review a variety of noninvasive optical techniques used to study activity in the living brain. Leading authorities from such diverse areas as optical hardware, cognitive behavior, and neuroscience present a host of perspectives that range from a single neuron to large assemblies of neurons several million strong, captured at various temporal and spatial resolutions. Catalog no. 76841, May 2009, 428 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7684-4, $159.95 / £107.00 Also available as an eBook

Second Edition Edited by

Miguel A. L. Nicolelis Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA

Extensively updated and expanded, this second edition of a bestseller distills the current state of the science and provides the nuts and bolts foundation of the methods involved in this rapidly growing science. With contributions from pioneering researchers, it includes microwire array design for chronic neural recordings, new surgical techniques for chronic implantation, microelectrode microstimulation of brain tissue, multielectrode recordings in the somatosensory system and during learning, as well as recordings from the central gustatory-reward pathways. It explores the use of BrainMachine Interface to restore neurological function and proposes conceptual and technical approaches to human neural ensemble recordings in the future. Catalog no. 7046, December 2007, 296 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7046-5, $179.95 / £115.00 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


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Neuropsychology/Neuropsychiatry Bestseller!


Concussive Brain Trauma

Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience

Neurobehavioral Impairment & Maladaptation, Second Edition

Second Edition Edited by

Rolland S. Parker New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA

With a firm multi-disciplinary foundation, this book aids the concerned practitioner in rendering a more complete and accurate assessment, recognizing gaps in prior documentation, and conducting a more complete examination to acquire omitted information. It also shows how to achieve the benefit of higher accuracy in assessing disability, planning rehabilitation, and offering compensation. The book stands alone as an in-depth, authoritative guide to closed head injury and traumatic brain injury. • Describes neurobehavioral disorders in children and adults following impact and acceleration accidents • Covers consciousness, including normal, acute, and persistent alterations • Discusses personality and subjective complaints and symptoms • Includes six new chapters and new material on dysregulation of the internal environment

Selected Contents: Concussion: Not Always "Minor" Head Injury. Introduction to the Postconcussion Syndrome. The Central Nervous System: Organization of Behavior. Acute Alterations of Consciousness. The Internal Milieu: Brain and Body. Biomechanics and Tissue Injuries. Acute Brain and Somatic Injury. The Acute Stress Response. Chronic Posttraumatic Stress: Injury, Disease, and Burnou. Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Concussion. Disorders of Sensation, Motion, and Body Schema. Vocal Motor Disorders. Chronic Pain and Posttraumatic Headaches. Chronic Posttraumatic Disorders of Consciousness. Cognition, Language, and Intelligence. Posttraumatic Personality Disorders . Children’s Brain Trauma. Outcome and Treatment: Concussive Trauma Catalog no. 8039, September 2011, 879 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8039-6, $167.95 / £107.00 Also available as an eBook


Jerry J. Buccafusco Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA

This second edition features new material on the relevance of transgenic mouse models for Alzheimer’s disease, behavioral methods for assessing the cognitive impairment associated with major psychotic disorders, the revival of the scopolamine reversal model for assessing the clinical relevance of new AD drugs, and new approaches to assessing cognitive impairment in aged mice. Each chapter presents theoretical background, methodology, and data interpretation.

Selected Contents: Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease: Behavioral Testing and Considerations. Cued and Contextual Fear Conditioning for Rodents. Drug Discrimination. Conditioned Place Preference. AnxietyRelated Behaviors in Mice. Behavioral Assessment of Antidepressant Activity in Rodents. Assessing Attention in Rodents. The Behavioral Assessment of Sensorimotor Processes in the Mouse: Acoustic Startle, Sensory Gating, Locomotor Activity, Rotarod, and Beam Walking. Intravenous Drug Self-Administration in Nonhuman Primates. Contextually Induced Drug Seeking During Protracted Abstinence in Rats. Operant Analysis of Fronto-striatal Function in Rodents. Working Memory: Delayed Response Tasks in Monkeys. Spatial Navigation (Water Maze) Tasks. Water Maze Tasks in Mice: Special Reference to Alzheimer’s Transgenic Mice. Behavioral Neuroscience of Zebrafish. Caenorhabditis elegans Model for Initial Screening and Mechanistic Evaluation of Potential New Drugs for Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease. The Revival of Scopolamine Reversal for the Assessment of Cognition-Enhancing Drugs. Index. Catalog no. 52349, October 2008, 360 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5234-3, $159.95 / £111.00 Also available as an eBook

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Neuropsychology/Neuropsychiatry The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes Edited by

Micah M. Murray CIBM, Lausanne, Switzerland

Mark T. Wallace

A Theory of the Basal Ganglia and Their Disorders Robert Miller

Vanderbilt Brain Institute, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Organized thematically into nine sub-sections, the book is a collection of contributions by leading scientists in the field. Chapters build generally from basic to applied, allowing readers to ascertain how fundamental science informs the clinical and applied sciences.

"Miller’s knowledge of the anatomy of neurological disorders is impressive. Only a person with a lifetime of experience in basal ganglia research could pull together such a wide range of information into a coherent model. We can all be grateful for the work of researchers like Robert Miller who have persevered for so many years in this area and are giving us all a coherent model of basal ganglia function."

Topics discussed include: • Anatomy, essential for understanding the neural substrates of multisensory processing • Neurophysiological bases and how multisensory stimuli can dramatically change the encoding processes for sensory information • Combinatorial principles and modeling, focusing on efforts to gain a better mechanistic handle on multisensory operations and their network dynamics

—James J. Jakubow in PsycCRITIQUES, Volume 54, No. 35, 2008

Catalog no. 58975, August 2007, 312 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5897-0, $199.95 / £127.00 Also available as an eBook

• Development and plasticity • Clinical manifestations and how perception and action are affected by altered sensory experience • Attention and spatial representations The last sections of the book focus on naturalistic multisensory processes in three separate contexts: motion signals, multisensory contributions to the perception and generation of communication signals, and how the perception of flavor is generated. The text provides a solid introduction for newcomers and a strong overview of the current state of the field for experts.

Selected Contents: Anatomy. Neurophysiological Bases. Combinatorial Principles and Modeling. Development and Plasticity Clinical Manifestations. Attention and Spatial Representations. Naturalistic Multisensory Processes: Motion Signals. Naturalistic Multisensory Processes: Communication Signals. Naturalistic Multisensory Processes: Flavor. Index. Catalog no. K10614, August 2011, 809 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1217-4, $149.95 / £101.00 Also available as an eBook

Advances in the Neuroscience of Addiction Edited by

Cynthia M. Kuhn Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA

George F. Koob The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, USA

"In short, this volume introduces a host of important advances in the measurement of addictive processes at the genetic, physiological, neural, behavioral, and psychological levels, as well as a wide variety of fascinating findings that will certainly play a major future role in both pure research and the pragmatics of treating addiction. Researchers at the forefront of addiction research will certainly want to consider the potential applications of these tools and findings for their own research." —Metapsychology, 2011

Catalog no. 7391, April 2010, 238 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7391-6, $149.95 / £97.00 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


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Neuroscience & Pain Management Translational Pain Research


From Mouse to Man


Edited by

Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Illness of Chronic Pain

Lawrence Kruger University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Alan R Light

Edited by

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

James Giordano Center for Neurotechnology Studies, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Arlington, Virginia, USA and Human Science Center, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

This exceptional volume also looks at representations of pain in and through the arts, addresses the assignation of values and meaning in pain assessment and treatment, and considers ways to conjoin the sciences and humanities so as to inform the practice of pain medicine and improve the care of those suffering the illness of chronic pain.

Selected Contents: Maldynia: The Illness of Chronic Pain. A Short History of Pain and Its Treatment. Pain Does Not Suffer Misprision. Understanding Suffering. How (Can) I Feel Your Pain: The Problem of Empathy and Hermeneutics in Pain Care. Spirituality, Suffering and the Self. History of the Expression of Pain in Art. Maldynia as Muse. Maldynic Pain in Image and Experience: Engraving Meaning through Subtraction. Musical Representations of Physical Pain. Beyond Technology: Narrative in Pain Medicine. Psychological Assessment of Maldynic Pain: The Need for a Phenomenological Approach. Painism- A New Ethics: Richard Ryder’s Moral Theory and Its Limitations. Maldynia: Chronic Pain, Complexity and Complementarity. A Clinical Ethics of Chronic Pain Management: Basis, Reason and Responsibilities. Children, Pain, and the Creation of Suffering: Toward an Ethic of Lamentation. GoalDirected Health Care and the Chronic Pain Patient. The Problem of Pain and the Moral Formation of Physicians. Catalog no. K11642, December 2010, 280 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3630-9, $167.95 / £107.00 Also available as an eBook


“… a comprehensive review of current research in an area of vital interest to laboratory animal professionals responsible for programs in experimental pain research.” —Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, September 2010

Selected Contents: Painful Multi-Symptom Disorders: A Systems Perspective. Neurotrophic Factors and Nociceptor Sensitization. The Role of Visceral Afferents in Disease. Cancer Pain: From the Development of Mouse Models to Human Clinical Trials. Therapeutic Targeting of Peripheral Cannabinoid Receptors in Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain States. Molecular Strategies for Therapeutic Targeting of Primary Sensory Neurons in Chronic Pain Syndromes. Transgenic Mouse Models for the Tracing of "Pain" Pathways. Cytokines in Pain. Glial Modulation in Pain States: Translation into Humans. On the Role of ATPGated P2X Receptors in Acute, Inflammatory, and Neuropathic Pain. Myalgia and Fatigue: Translation from Mouse Sensory Neurons to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes. Reflex Autonomic Responses Evoked by Group III and IV Muscle Afferents. Central Pain as a Thalamocortical Dysrhythmia: A Thalamic Efference Disconnection? What Can Neuroimaging Tell Us about Central Pain? Human Brain Imaging Studies of Chronic Pain: Translational Opportunities. Consideration of Pharmacokinetic Pharmacodynamic Relationships in the Discovery of New Pain Drugs. Large Animal Models for Pain Therapeutic Development. Drug Discovery and Development for Pain. Index. Catalog no. K10609, November 2009, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1209-9, $159.95 / £118.00 Also available as an eBook

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