Pulmonary Medicine

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Contents Pulmonary Medicine ............................................4 Oncology............................................................18

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Key Contacts Page 15

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Caroline Makepeace Senior Editor, Medicine Email: Caroline.Makepeace@tandf.co.uk Direct: +44 (20) 337 73638

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Dear Doctor: CRC Press is a global publisher of premier books in pulmonary medicine and related fields. In this catalog, we are pleased to present a comprehensive collection of our new and bestselling titles written by experts from around the world. Many of these traditional format books are also available digitally, so you can choose the option that best meets your needs. Do you have an idea for a book in pulmonary medicine, allergy, and immunology? We welcome proposals for new book concepts. Please contact Senior Editor Caroline Makepeace at Caroline.Makepeace@tandf.co.uk to discuss your project. We look forward to providing you with superior references to help you meet the desired goals of your practice in 2013 and beyond. Sincerely,

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Pulmonary Medicine New!


Asthma in the Workplace Fourth Edition

Pleural Ultrasound for Clinicians

Edited by

A Text and E-book

Jean-Luc Malo

Edited by

Université de Montréal and du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Canada

YC Gary Lee, Claire Tobin, Fergus Gleeson, Najib Rahman and David Feller-Kopman

Moira Chan-Yeung University of British Columbia and The University of Hong Kong

David I. Bernstein College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

This new edition has been significantly restructured and places a greater emphasis on the clinical aspects of management and treatment. This heightened focus on practical considerations makes it a truly comprehensive, hands-on resource for practitioners and researchers in this fast-moving field.

Selected Contents: Introduction. Definition and Classification of Asthma in the Workplace. Historical Aspects. Disease Occurrence and Risk Factors. Mechanisms, Genetics, and Pathophysiology. Animal Models. Assessment. Assessment of the Worker. Assessment of the Workplace. Immunological and Inflammatory Assessments. Functional Assessment. Management. Management of the Worker. Protecting the Worker and Modifying The Work Environment. Prevention and Surveillance. Impairment and Disability Evaluations: I. Psychosocial, Economic, and Medicolegal Aspects. Impairment and Disability Evaluation: II. Various Legislations. Specific Agents Causing Immunological Occupational Asthma. Highand low-molecular weight agents. Enzymes. Occupational Asthma in the Baking Industry. Asthma and Allergy to Animals. Polyisocyanates and Their Prepolymers. Western Red Cedar and Other Wood Dusts. Metals. Specific Disease Entities and Variants. Irritant-Induced Asthma and Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome. Asthma Exacerbated at Work. Eosinophilic Bronchitis. Occupational Rhinitis. Airway Diseases Due to Organic Dust Exposure. Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease Due to Occupational Exposure. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis and Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome. Building-Related Illnesses and Mold-Related Conditions. Occupational Urticaria and Allergic Contact Dermatitis. Index.

With a large volume of ultrasound images, ultrasound video clips and teaching videos, this print and interactive digital book provides a practical guide for all physicians undertaking pleural ultrasound investigations and procedures. Containing key knowledge, hints andtips for clinical pratice, the book will help you to: • Recognise normal anatomy and common pleural pathologies from the wealth of ultrasound clips and teaching videos • Perfect techniques for ultrasound-guided pleural procedures through clear explanations supported by instructional videos • Learn how to choose the correct ultrasound equipment for your department • Test your knowledge through the selfassessment and revision sections

Selected Contents: Indications. Getting Started: Basic Principles of Ultrasonography. Getting Started: Bringing the Ultrasound Machine to the Patient. Image Interpretation: Normal Anatomy. Image Interpretation: Pleural Effusions. Image Interpretation: Related Thoracic Structures. Image Interpretation: Pneumothorax. Artefacts, Pitfalls and Limitations. Real-time Ultrasound Guided Pleural Procedures. Advanced Ultrasound Skills and Applications beyond the Pleura. Accreditation and Equipment Choice. Self Assessment. Index. Catalog no. K17178, December 2013, 160 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-6695-8, $119.95 / £75.00

Catalog no. H100298, May 2013, 454 pp. ISBN: 978-1-84214-591-3, $320.00 / £160.00 Also available as an eBook


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Pulmonary Medicine Forthcoming!

Hodson and Geddes’ Cystic Fibrosis Fourth Edition Andrew Bush Diana Bilton Margaret Hodson Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust, London, UK Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust, London, UK

This book provides everything that the respiratory clinician, pulmonologist, or health professional treating patients with cystic fibrosis will need in a single manageable volume. This international and authoritative work brings together current knowledge, and has become established in previous editions as a leading reference in the field. The basic science that underlies the disease and its progression is outlined in detail and put into a clinical context. Diagnostic and clinical aspects are covered in depth and future developments, including gene therapies and novel therapies, are covered in the concluding section.

New for the Fourth Edition • Many new chapters including Living with Cystic Fibrosis, Growing Old with Cystic Fibrosis, Quality Improvement, and Outcome of Clinical Trial • Much more information on animal models, infection and inflammation of the airway affected by cystic fibrosis, management of the screened patient, and pulmonary exacerbation • A new expert and authoritative editorial team with many new international contributors provide a trusted source of information • eBook containing many more references, links to pub med, rapid search function, more illustrations and clinical photographs, and extra video clip • Newly designed for rapid access to information at a glance

Selected Contents: Introduction: What is Cystic Fibrosis. Basic Science for the Clinician. Diagnostic Aspects of Cystic Fibrosis. Clinical Aspects of Cystic Fibrosis. Monitoring. Multidisciplinary Care. Cystic Fibrosis: The Future. Catalog no. K17710, January 2014, 496 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4441-8000-8, $229.95 / £140.00 Also available as an eBook

Clinical Tuberculosis Fifth Edition Edited by

PDO Davies




MA DM FRCP Professor and Consultant Physician, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, Liverpool, UK

Stephen B. Gordon MA MD FRCP DTM&H Reader in Tropical Respiratory Medicine, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK and Honorary Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, Liverpool, UK

Geraint Davies BM FRCP PhD DTM&H Senior Lecturer in Infection Pharmacology and Honorary Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the University of Liverpool, UK

Completely updated and revised, and now with a digital version, this fifth edition of a bestseller continues to provide the TB worker, whether in public health, laboratory science, or clinical practice, with a synoptic and definitive account of the latest methods of diagnosis, treatment and control of this important and ever-spreading global disease.

See What’s New in the Fifth Edition: • Totally revised section on the latest diagnostic methods includes techniques of gamma interferon based blood tests for the screening of latent infection to the new molecular techniques for diagnosing the species of Mycobacterium and identifying the gene for rifampicin resistance. • Updated content on the human immune response to the tubercle bacillus. • New developments such as the microscopic observation for drug sensitivity are detailed. • Expanded sections on the management and control of TB both locally and globally. • A wealth of new diagrams and clinical photographs help make the information available at a glance. • With vital source e book: download the e book to your computer or access it anywhere with an internet browser, search the full text and add your own notes and highlights, link through from references to Pub Med.

Selected Contents: Background. Pathology and Immunology. Clinical Aspects. Treatment. Tuberculosis in Special Situations. Prevention. Control. Related Aspects. Conclusions. Catalog no. K17832, February 2014, 504 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4441-5434-4, $239.95 / £150.00

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Pulmonary Medicine Forthcoming!


Clinical Asthma


Theory and Practice Edited by

Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD, FAAAAI, FACAAI, FACP, FACCP Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio, USA

Mark L. Levy MBChB (Pret) FRCGP General Practitioner and Senior Research Fellow, Kenton Bridge Medical Centre London; and Edinburgh University, UK

This book presents both common and challenging problems faced by allergists, pulmonologists, primary care physicians, and other health care personnel including medical students, nurses and nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and asthma educators when treating patients with asthma. The book has a strong clinical emphasis as each chapter begins with a patient case study which is then supported with essential background information on the basic science, clinical decision making process followed by the appropriate approach to clinical evaluation and management.

Selected Contents: Epidemiology of Asthma (A worldwide perspective). Immunopathogenesis. Endotypes and Genetics and Asthma. Guidelines in Asthma. Assessment of Asthma Control. Diagnosis of Asthma. Differentiating Asthma from COPD. Primary Care Setting and Integrating Care Across Primary/Secondary Care Interface. Paediatric Asthma. Adolescent Asthma. Adult (mild to moderate) Asthma. Severe Acute and Life Threatening Asthma (Adults and Children). United Airways – Managing patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma. Viral Infections in Asthma. Air Pollutants. Asthma and Allergens. Occupational Asthma. Anxiety/Depression and Asthma. Obesity and Asthma. Asthma in Pregnancy. Inhaler Devices. Drug Management of Mild and Moderate Asthma –Adults and Children. Adherence and Outcomes. Preventing Asthma Death – Primary Care Setting. Managing Asthma – A Country Wide Approach To Integrating Asthma Care. Catalog no. K19101, January 2014, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8561-4, $170.00 / £85.00 Also available as an eBook

Mechanisms, Measurement and Management, Third Edition Edited by

Donald A. Mahler Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA

Denis E. O'Donnell Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

This volume is designed to help pulmonologists and all those interested in lung disease to understand the complex nature of dyspnea. It includes key guidelines on the multi-dimensional measurement, assessment, and management of dyspnea to ensure best practice. It details key treatment methods to ensure that the best possible treatment and management can be performed. This edition contains new chapters on dyspnea based on gender, with the aged, in pregnancy and obesity, and in palliative care settings. Catalog no. K21600, January 2014, 440 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-0869-6, $200.00 / £115.00 Also available as an eBook


Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy Edited by

Richard F. Lockey and Dennis K. Ledford University of South Florida College of Medicine and James A Haley Veterans’ Hopsital, Tampa, USA

Completely updated and revised to include subcutaneous, sublingual, and oral immunotherapeutic treatments, this fifth edition of a bestseller provides comprehensive coverage of all types of allergies and vaccines, giving clinicians the essential information they need to accurately make a diagnosis and offer the best possible treatments. It contains many new and revised chapters—particularly in the fields of skin testing—and extensive updates to the sublingual and oral immunotherapy chapters. It will continue to be an essential touchstone for any practitioner who conducts skin tests and prescribes subcutaneous, sublingual, and oral immunotherapies. Catalog no. H100496, February 2014, 600 pp. ISBN: 978-1-84214-573-9, $199.95 / £125.00 Also available as an eBook


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Pulmonary Medicine Sarcoidosis Donald N. Mitchell, MD, FRCP Hon Consultant Physician, Royal Brompton and University College Hospitals, London, UK

David R. Moller MD Professor of Medicine and Director, Sarcoidosis Clinic and Research Program, Department of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Stephen G. Spiro, BSc MD FRCP Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Honorary Consultant Physician, University College London and The Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK

Athol Wells, MBChB MD FRACP FRCP FRCR Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Head of Interstitial Lung Disease Unit, The Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK

This book presents the most up-to-date thinking on all aspects of the condition, from epidemiology to clinical manifestations and treatment options. Covering respiratory and non-respiratory aspects, the book evaluates the basic science that underlies the disease and its progression and places into correct clinical context. Possible future advances are covered in a concluding section.

Selected Contents: Historical Survey. Definition. Epidemiology Aetiology. Pathology. Immunology. Genetics. The Radiology of the Lungs and the Pleura. Intervention and Radiological Procedures. Lung Function. Endoscopy. DEXA Scanning. Nuclear Medicine Imaging. ECG; Holter Monitoring; Exercise Tests. The Heart, Pericardium, Large and Small Vessels. The Upper Respiratory Tract. Asthma/Irritable Airways. Pulmonary Fibrosis. The Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract. The Spleen, Blood and Bone Marrow. The Nervous System. The Kidneys and Calcium Metabolism. Psychiatric Aspects. Sarcoidosis of the Skin. Ocular Changes. Bones, Joints and Skeletal Muscles. Superficial Lymphadenopathy. The Endocrine Glands. Sarcoid/HIV and AIDS. Sarcoid/Relationship to Neoplasm/Chemotherapy [including isolated breast lesions]. Sarcoid/Antibody Deficiency Syndromes. Concomitant or Associated Disorders. Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Involvement by Sarcoidosis in Childhood. Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis: History, Physical Examination, Presumptive Diagnosis without Biopsy, Sources of Biopsy Material, Utilisation of Investigations and Imaging. Treatment of Sarcoidosis. Surgical Investigation and Management. Pulmonary/Cardiac Transplantation. Physiotherapy in Sarcoidosis. Rehabilitation. Immunisation/Vaccination. Future Progress in Investigations and Management.

Atlas of Flexible Bronchoscopy Pallav Shah MD FRCP Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Royal Brompton Hospital, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and Imperial College London, UK

This unique and comprehensive atlas by an expert practioner provides an innovative pictorial guide to flexible bronchoscopy, one of the most exciting and challenging procedures in respiratory medicine today. • Comprehensive coverage guides you through the range of anatomical and pathological possibilities • Provides step-by-step guidance on the use of bronchoscopic techniques, interpretation of images, and differential diagnoses • Integrates naked eye, bronchoscopic, and radiological anatomy to give you a thorough understanding of the procedure • Contains color illustrations and sound practical advice making this a key text for learning and refining your technique • Supplies a comprehensive image library from one of the most rapidly expanding areas of respiratory medicine The book will be invaluable to those training in respiratory medicine, plus also specialist respiratory nurses and practicing pulmonologists who wish to expand their practice and knowledge of the technique.

Selected Contents: Introduction. Bronchopulmonary Segments. Normal Anatomy (Anterior Approach). Normal Anatomy (Posterior Approach). Vascular Relationships and Lymph Node Stations. Transbronchial Fine-Needle Aspiration (Anterior Approach). Transbronchial FineNeedle Aspiration (Posterior Approach). Endobronchial Ultrasound Bronchoscopy. Pathology. Fluorescence-Based Imaging. Electromagnetic Navigation. Intubation and Management of Airway Haemorrhage. Endobronchial Tumour Debulking. Stents. Bronchoscopic Treatment for Emphysema and Asthma: Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction. Catalog no. K17216, December 2011, 256 pp. ISBN: 978-0-340-96832-1, $199.95 / £120.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K18423, February 2012, 520 pp. ISBN: 978-0-340-99211-1, $239.95 / £149.00 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


Pulmonary Medicine Pulmonary Circulation

Sleep Apnea Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition

Diseases and Their Treatment, Third Edition Edited by

Edited by

Andrew J Peacock

Allan I. Pack Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

Written by a multidisciplinary team including sleep medicine specialists, pulmonologists, scientists, psychiatrists, otorhinolaryngologists, and more, this text provides essential scientific and clinical information for those treating and researching the condition.

Selected Contents: Pathogenesis of Apnea. Anatomy/Biomechanics. Anatomical Factors—Insights from Imaging Studies. Biomechanics of the Upper Airway During Sleep. Secondary Changes in Upper Airway Structure and Function. Neural Mechanisms. Sleep-Induced Respiratory Instabilities. Mechanisms of Upper Airway Hypotonia Autonomic Consequences of Arousal from Sleep and Neural Mechanisms of Arousal. The Genetics of the Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome. Studies in Humans. Airway Reflexes. Gender Differences in Sleep-disordered Breathing. Animal Models. Animal Models of Sleep Apnea. Pathogenesis of Consequences of Apnea. Sleepiness. Mechanisms of Sleepiness in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Neuroimaging Studies. Functional Genomics Approach to Sleepiness. Hypertension in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Other Cardiovascular Consequences of Sleep Apnea. Neuroendocrine Changes in Sleep Apnea. Insulin Resistance in Sleep Apnea. Intermittent Hypoxia. Intermittent Hypoxia and Neurocognitive Function. Intermittent Hypoxia. Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea. Simplified Diagnostic Tests for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea in Specialized Groups. Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy and Effect of Menopause. Treatment of Sleep Apnea. Adherence to CPAP Treatment and Functional Status in Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea. CPAP Therapy. Oral Appliance Therapy. Upper Airway Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Pharmacotherapeutic Trials for Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Catalog no. DK9697, November 2011, 570 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-9697-7, $239.95 / £150.00 Also available as an eBook

Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Glasgow, UK

Robert Naeije The Free University of Brussels, Belgium

Lewis J Rubin University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, La Jolla, USA

Praise for the Second Edition: “This book is at the vanguard of its type in the field of pulmonary circulation, and it achieves the editors' ambitious goal of providing a balance between scientific review and clinically relevant comprehensive guidelines for the busy practising physician.” —New England Journal of Medicine

Authoritative, comprehensive and definitive, Pulmonary Circulation builds on the success of its previous two editions by providing practicing respiratory physicians with a highly ordered, unique reference work on the structure, function, and pathophysiology of the pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary Circulation remains an essential resource for pulmonary hypertension specialists and should prove invaluable in all respiratory, cardiac, and intensive care units.

Selected Contents: The Function of the Normal Pulmonary Circulation & Right Heart. Pathophysiology & Pathology of Pulmonary Vascular Disease. Clinical Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension: Diagnosis & Management. Disorders Associated with Pulmonary Hypertension. Drug and Non Drug Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension. Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension. Pulmonary Hypertension due to Capillary or Post Capillary disease. Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Disorders of the Respiratory System and/or Hypoxemia. Other Important Causes of Pulmonary Hypertension. Acute and Chronic Pulmonary Thromboembolism, Pulmonary Vascular Tumors and Pulmonary Vasculitis. Pulmonary Hypertension in Pediatrics. Pulmonary Circulation in Critical Care. Pulmonary Circulation in Special Environments. Disorders Causing Intrapulmonary Shunt. Catalog no. K17919, May 2011, 728 pp. ISBN: 978-0-340-98192-4, $229.95 / £160.00 Also available as an eBook


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Pulmonary Medicine Drug-induced and Iatrogenic Respiratory Disease Edited by

Phillippe Camus Hopital du Bocage and Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon, France

Edward Rosenow III Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

This comprehensive, definitive reference work, with an outstanding range of international expert contributors and two of the world's leading editors, provides an essential reference for the practising respiratory physician.

Selected Contents: GENERAL: Classification, Diagnosis, and Management of Drug-Induced Respiratory Disease. Mechanisms of Chemically Induced Respiratory Toxicities. Imaging of Drug-Induced Lung Disease. Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Drug-Induced Lung Disease. Pathology of Drug-Induced Respiratory Disease. Drug Allergy in Lung Disease. DRUGINDUCED RESPIRATORY EMERGENCIES: DrugInduced Upper Airway Obstruction. Drug-Induced Bronchospasm. Drug-Induced Pulmonary Oedema and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Pulmonary Complications of Blood Transfusion. Drug-Induced Alveolar Haemorrhage. Pulmonary Complications of Illicit Drug Use. Iatrogenic Tracheobronchial and Chest Injury. ONCOLOGY AND ALLIED CONDITIONS: Pulmonary Reactions to chemotherapeutic Agents: The 'Chemotherapy Lung'. Pulmonary Reactions to Novel Chemotherapeutic Agents and Biomolecules. Radiation-Induced Lung Disease. Pulmonary Complications of Bone-Marrow and Stem-Cell Transplantation. Pulmonary Complications of Solid-Organ Transplantation. Pulmonary Infection Induced by Drugs. Therapy-Induced Neoplasms. NON-ONCOLOGICAL CONDITIONS: Pneumonitis Induced by Non-Cytotoxic Agents. Amiodarone Pulmonary Toxicity. Eosinophilic Pneumonia Induced by Ddrugs. Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia Induced by Drugs or Radiotherapy. Coughing Induced by Ddrugs. Pleural Disease Induced by Drugs. Lupus Erythematosus Syndrome Induced by Drugs. Vasculitis Induced by Drugs. Pulmonary Hypertension Induced by Drugs and Toxins. Respiratory Involvement from Herbals. Catalog no. K17390, October 2010, 364 pp. ISBN: 978-0-340-80973-0, $159.95 / £99.00

Non-invasive Ventilation and Weaning Principles and Practice Edited by

Mark W Elliott St James's University Hospital, Leeds, UK St James's University Hospital, Leeds, UK

Stefano Nava Sant' Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, Italy

Bernd Schonhofer Klinikum Hannover, Germany

“… This is a book that can be read for pleasure and interest, and we will no doubt both do so many times again in the future.” —British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2011

Non-Invasive Ventilation and Weaning: Principles and Practice provides up-to-date, authoritative, and comprehensive information from a prestigious range of worldwide key opinion leaders on different applications for non-invasive ventilation, and closely related techniques, both in hospital and at home. Chapters cover the use of non-invasive ventilation in acute and chronic respiratory failure, plus paediatric and other specialty applications. Sections are devoted to conditions including COPD, cardiac failure and neuromuscular disease; in each case, there are detailed evaluations of current best practice regarding the science, diagnostics and management of the condition. Concise summaries of each chapter, plus generous use of tables and illustrations, ensure the reader gains rapid access to the wealth of information presented.

Selected Contents: Equipment and Practice: The Equipment. The Practice: Acute NIV. The Practice: Chronic NIV. The Diseases: COPD. Hypoxeamic Respiratory Failure. Cardiac Failure. Neuromuscular Disease. Chest Wall Deformity. Obesity. Other Conditions. Pediatric Ventilatory Failure. Special Situations. Prolonged Weaning. The Physiotherapist and Assisted Ventilation. Health Status, Quality of Life. The Patient Experience of NIV. Catalog no. K16932, September 2010, 648 pp. Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-0-340-94152-2, $259.95 / £160.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


Pulmonary Medicine

Cystic Fibrosis Edited by

Respiratory Infections Edited by

Julian Allen Howard Panitch Ronald Rubenstein

Sanjay Sethi VAWNY Healthcare System, Buffalo, New York, USA

The median age of survival for those with cystic fibrosis has risen considerably in recent years. This text thoroughly examines the developments and breakthroughs which have led to this improvement in life expectancy. With a focus on the latest discoveries in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the past, current and forthcoming advancements in cystic fibrosis research and clinical care. Catalog no. H100008, March 2010, 1044 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0181-9, $219.95 / £135.00 Also available as an eBook

Utilizing a syndrome-based approach, Respiratory Infections provides pulmonologists, infectious disease specialists, and immunologists with essential and thorough knowledge of respiratory infections and the multitude of diseases that make up these infections, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, HIV, and cystic fibrosis. The only source to bridge the gap between respiratory infections and infectious disease, this text advises the clinician on how to easily and rapidly identify, treat, and manage respiratory infections. Catalog no. H8034, December 2009, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8034-6, $219.95 / £135.00 Also available as an eBook

Interventional Pulmonary Medicine Pleural Disease Second Edition

Edited by

John F. Beamis

Edited by

Demosthenes Bouros Democritus University, Alexandroupolis, Greece

Lahey Clinic, Burlington, Massachusetts, USA

Praveen Mathur

Updated to reflect the latest scientific advances and technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of pleural diseases, this second edition explores the structure and function of these diseases and malignancies, from tuberculosis and asbestos to pleurisy and pneumothorax. Edited by leading international authorities in pulmonary medicine, this comprehensive guide is an invaluable resource for pulmonologists, radiologists, and critical care physicians. Catalog no. H7738, December 2009, 864 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7738-4, $299.95 / £189.00 Also available as an eBook

Second Edition

Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Atul C. Mehta Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio, USA

Written by skilled specialists in the field of interventional pulmonology, the new Second Edition thoroughly explores the latest advancements, newest therapies, and diagnostic techniques in interventional pulmonary medicine. Using guidelines to ensure maximum quality and efficiency in patient care, this concise text is a must-have resource for all pulmonologists and critical care specialists. Catalog no. H8184, November 2009, 274 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8184-8, $219.95 / £135.00 Also available as an eBook


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Pulmonary Medicine Sleep Apnea

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Second Edition

Implications in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease, Second Edition

Edited by

Edited by

Augustine M.K. Choi

T. Douglas Bradley

Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Toronto General Hospital/UHN, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A comprehensive review of both clinical and experimental paradigms, this book highlights advances in understanding of predictive factors including gene expression profiling and biomarkers, and chemokines and cytokines in ARDS. It covers host defense mechanisms and infection prevention as well as the management of the ARDS patient, including cellbased therapy, fluid management in ARDS, and nonpulmonary and nonsepsis management. The book also discusses transfusion-related acute lung injury, vascular endothelium leakage, and the longterm clinical outcomes to ensure the best in patient management and care. Catalog no. H8840, November 2009, 476 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8840-3, $199.95 / £125.00 Also available as an eBook

Tuberculosis The Essentials Edited by

Mario C. Raviglione World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

"[The author] has done a fantastic job in this edition. … well worth having …" —The Lancet, May 2010

A concise review of the 15 essential elements of TB, this book supplies an international, current view of the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment methods. It discusses the emerging threat of XDR-TB, and the HIV/AIDS factor and assesses advances in TB research such as new drugs and vaccines reflect on the progress of the "Stop TB" strategy.

John S. Floras Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This book specifically addresses the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular consequences of sleep apnea and is geared toward a broad readership of physicians that will ultimately aid patients suffering from sleep apnea.

Selected Contents: Influence of Sleep and Respiration on the Cardiovascular System. Circadian Variations in Clock Genes. Lower Brainstem Mechanisms of Cardiorespiratory Integration. Mechanical Interactions between the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems. Alterations in Respiratory and Cardiac Activity during Sleep Onset. Physiological Effects of Sleep on the Cardiovascular System. Metabolic Effects of Normal and Disturbed Sleep. Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Vascular Function in Sleep Apnea. Obesity, Leptin and Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea and Hypertension. Influence of Sleep Apnea on Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Regulation: Implications for Hypertension and Impaired Heart Rate Variability. Epidemiological Evidence for an Association between Sleep Apnea, Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease. Treatment of Hypertension in Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea, Ischemic Heart Disease, and Cerebrovascular Disease. Cardiac Arrhythmias and Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea and Atherosclerosis. Sleep Apnea and Cerebrovascular Disease. Circadian Variation in the Incidence of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Ischemic Events. Sleep Apnea and Congestive Heart Failure. Theoretical Models of Periodic Breathing. Pathophysiological Interactions between Sleep Apnea and Congestive Heart Failure. Prevalence and Prognostic Significance of Obstructive and Central Sleep Apnea in Heart Failure. Treatment of Obstructive and Central Sleep Apnea in Patients with Heart Failure. Catalog no. DK507X, November 2009, c. 416 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-4150-2, $239.95 / £150.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. H9021, November 2009, 406 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9021-5, $259.95 / £162.00 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


Pulmonary Medicine Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Airway Disease Second Edition

Asthma and Infections Edited by

Edited by

Richard Martin and E. Rand Sutherland

Kian Fan Chung National Heart and Lung Institute, London, UK

National Jewish Health, Denver Colorado, USA

Peter J. Barnes Imperial College, London, UK Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK

Written as a concise clinical reference guide covering the current and future airway disease treatments, this text covers: • Pathophysiology of respiratory tract diseases • Methods of measuring airway and clinical responses • How new treatments can be discovered and tested in various patient groups • Pharmacological and therapeutic approaches in controlling pathophysiological processes in the airways • Normal and abnormal physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects of the respiratory tract • Basic mechanisms of inflammatory cell activation and pathophysiology in disease • Therapeutic ways of controlling inflammation • Ways of reversing or preventing airflow obstruction, and symptomatic treatments of advanced disease

Selected Contents: Principles and Practice. Principles of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Clinical Trials in Airways Disease. Assessment of Responses of the Airways to Therapeutic Agents. Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics of Airways Disease. Delivery of Drugs to the Airways and Lungs. Drugs in Respiratory Diseases. Corticosteroids in Airways Disease. Bronchodilator Therapy in Airways Disease. Anti-Mediator Therapy. Cytokines and AntiCytokines. Anti-allergic Approaches in Airways Disease. New Anti-Inflammatory Approaches to Therapy of Airways Disease. Therapeutics and Treatment Approaches. Airway Wall Remodelling as a Concept for Airways Disease Therapeutics. Exacerbations of Airways Disease. Pharmacology and Therapeutics of COPD. Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Asthma. Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Cough.

An invaluable resource, this book covers the full range of respiratory infections and explores the techniques used to detect the pathogens involved in asthma. Fifteen international experts representing the range of specialties involved in treating asthma examine the relationship between asthma and infection. They provide authoritative, time-tested guidance clinicians and researchers can utilize and trust. They cover bacterial and viral respiratory infections and pathogen detection, examining how microbes, infections, and antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agents affect asthma. The book helps readers identify the basic, translational, clinical aspects of asthma bacterial infection, inflammation, and allergic response. Not only does it present the facts but raises questions that will stimulate the clinical and research communities to explore new avenues that may provide “clear answers to old questions!”

Selected Contents: Overview of the Infection, Allergy, and Asthma Relationship. Laboratory Diagnosis of Respiratory Infections. Hygiene Hypothesis for Allergy and Asthma. Asthma Exacerbation Induced by Virus and Bacteria. Interaction between Allergen and Bacteria in Chronic Asthma. Viral Respiratory Infections in Infancy and Chronic Asthma. Bacterial Respiratory Infections and Asthma. Increased Susceptibility to Viral Infection at the Origins of Asthma. Pulmonary Surfactant, Innate Immunity, and Ashtma. Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Antibiotics: A Role in Asthma Therapy. Catalog no. H9299, October 2009, c. 218 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9299-8, $199.95 / £125.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. H7000, October 2009, 468 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7000-2, $219.95 / £135.00 Also available as an eBook


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Pulmonary Medicine Particle-Lung Interactions

Thoracic Imaging

Second Edition Edited by

Self-Assessment Colour Review

Peter Gehr

Sue Copley

University of Berne, Switzerland

Christian Mühlfeld University of Bern, Switzerland

Barbara RothenRutishauser University of Bern, Switzerland

Fabian Blank University of Bern, Switzerland

Written by an expanded team of leading international scientists, the second edition thoroughly investigates research and therapies for managing adverse physiological effects of air-borne particles on the respiratory tract. The book examines the lung as the gateway for particle damage to organs outside the respiratory system and provide the information needed to understand and combat the numerous and varied ailments caused by inhaled particles. Catalog no. H7256, September 2009, 338 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7256-3, $239.95 / £150.00

X-ray Department, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK

David M Hansell Radiology Department, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK

Nestor L Müller “Recommended to radiologists in training, especially those taking the FRCR examination, as well as physicians in thoracic medicine, or those taking the MRCP.” —The British Journal of Hospital Medicine

This book presents 100 illustrated self-assessment cases ranging from the simple and common to the complicated and esoteric. Catalog no. K21962, April 2005, 192 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-84076-062-0, $39.95 / £24.95

Also available as an eBook

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Understanding Respiratory Medicine

Edited by

A Problem-Oriented Approach

Steven H. Abman

Martyn R. Partridge

Pediatric Heart Lung Center, Denver, Colorado, USA

Charing Cross Hospital and Medical School, UK

Addressing the dramatic number of children diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), this book provides diagnostic and treatment techniques and therapies to effectively manage all types of BPD cases. It covers advances in BPD genetics, epidemiology, and pathogenesis as well as current and emerging therapies to help clinicians properly detect the disease and choose the best treatment plan. Four clear and highly structured sections give busy physicians quick access to the key diagnostic and therapeutic intricacies of BPD.

In this concise practical guide the editor and authors combine a symptoms- and problem-based approach with systematic coverage of lung disease—to help students and young professionals to understand respiratory medicine in the round.

Catalog no. H7691, September 2009, 496 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7691-2, $279.95 / £175.00 Also available as an eBook

The first section of the book is devoted to the underlying principles and clinical skills needed - science and disease process, symptoms and signs, examination, and tests. The second section deals with disease specific material, giving due weight and explanation to more common conditions. The third section covers respiratory pharmacology, and the fourth consists of multiple choice review questions. The book is illustrated throughout by case studies, plus photos and diagrams in full colour. Catalog no. K21993, July 2006, 176 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-84076-045-3, $31.95 / £19.95

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Pulmonary Medicine Respiratory Medicine


Self-Assessment Colour Review, Third Edition

Clinician’s Desk Reference J Graham Douglas

Stephen G. Spiro

Respiratory Unit, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, UK

University College Hospital, London, UK

Kurtis S Elward

Richard K. Albert University of Colorado Denver, USA

Jerry Brown University College London/UCLH Trust, Centre for Respiratory Research, London, UK

Neal Navani University College Hospital, UK

“Challenging cases with good clinical data is always an excellent exercise for clinicians practicing in pulmonary and critical care. … The image quality is superb, the case presentations are precise, and discussion of the topics is to the point. (4 stars)” —K. P. Ravikrishnan, FRCP (C), FACP FCCP, William Beaumont Hospitals, Doody's Review Service

“... the strength of this book is the format, which makes it interesting to clinicians and highlights the clinical approach to a patient ...” —M Gaga, European Respiratory Review, June 2012

This third edition of a bestseller provides new material on sleep disordered breathing, the newer methods of staging of lung cancer, interstitial lung diseases and infections all of which have developed in importance since the last edition of the book. The traditional areas of respiratory medicine remain strongly represented. The book contains integrated self-test questions, illustrations, and detailed explanations. It is designed to educate as well as give answers to problems. The cases appear in random order and at varying levels of difficulty, just as patients present in practice. The Colour Review appeals to a wide readership, ranging from senior medical students and post-registration trainees in internal medicine, to pulmonologists in training and practice, for examination revision and continuing education.

University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville

“This easy-to-understand book will find its place on practitioners' desks. (5 stars)” —K. P. Ravikrishnan, FRCP (C), FACP FCCP, William Beaumont Hospitals, Doody's Review Service

“... a practical resource and a daily aid for young physicians in both a hospital setting and in primary care ... a very appealing format, with lots of graphs and illustrations and an easy-to-read text ... worth reading” —M. Gaga, European Respiratory Review, June 2012

Selected Contents: The Size of the Problem. Scientific Principles of Asthma. Making a Diagnosis of Asthma. Inhaler Devices. Long Term Management of Asthma in Adults. Management of Acute Asthma in Adults. Management of Childhood Asthma. Occupational Asthma. Educating Patients and Clinicians. Asthma in Primary Care. The Future. Clinical Cases. Frequently Asked Questions by Patients. Appendix 1: Resources for Patients. Appendix 2: Resources for Clinicians. Practice Points. Catalog no. K21817, August 2010, 176 pp. ISBN: 978-1-84076-082-8, $62.95 / £40.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. K21933, April 2011, 208 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-84076-139-9, $39.95 / £24.95


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Pulmonary Medicine

Marc Humbert

Interstitial Pulmonary and Bronchiolar Disorders

Universite Paris-Sud 11

Edited by

Joseph P. Lynch

Joseph P. Lynch

UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA

UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA

Written by internationally recognized experts, Pulmonary Hypertension bridges the gap between pulmonology and cardiology to provide clinicians in both disciplines with knowledge of the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and pharmacologic and surgical treatments for pulmonary hypertension (PH). Through the use of clinical trials, this ground-breaking text supplies a comprehensive review of both the primary and secondary clinical and investigative aspects of this condition.

Removing the guesswork associated with Interstitial Lung Disorders (ILDs) and bronchiolar disorders, Interstitial Pulmonary and Bronchiolar Disorders addresses the issues faced by pulmonologists in treating these disorders. Divided into sections based on the disease type (granulomatous, pneumonias, bronchiolar disorders, vasculitis, and orphan lung disease), each disorder is covered from epidemiological, pathogenic, clinical, and radiographic perspectives.

Pulmonary Hypertension Edited by

Catalog no. H9475, July 2009, 526 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9475-6, $219.95 / £135.00

Catalog no. H5342, July 2008, 880 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5342-5, $199.95 / £125.00 Also available as an eBook

Also available as an eBook

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations Edited by

Jadwiga A. Wedzicha Royal Free and University, London, UK

Fernando J. Martinez University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, USA

This book covers the definition, diagnosis, epidemiology, mechanisms, and treatment associated with COPD exacerbations. This text also addresses imaging and how it plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis and study of exacerbations. Written by top experts, it is divided into sections covering imaging diagnosis and treatment, making this text practical and easy to use. The chapters examine current and breakthrough pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments, include COPD-causing exacerbations such as viral and bacterial infections, and discuss the negative environmental factors relating to COPD. Catalog no. H7086, September 2008, 456 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7086-6, $199.95 / £125.00 Also available as an eBook

Diagnostic Pulmonary Pathology Second Edition Edited by

Philip T. Cagle The Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA

Timothy C. Allen The University of Texas Health Center, Tyler, Texas, USA

Mary Beth Beasley Providence Portland Medical, Center, Oregon, USA

Maintaining the first edition’s unique parallel to the strategy used by pathologists and pulmonologists to arrive at a patient’s diagnosis in daily practice, Diagnostic Pulmonary Pathology starts with the patient and their biopsy findings, directing the pathologist or clinician to the proper diagnosis. It covers imaging techniques and molecular diagnostic tests, classification schemes, i.e. classification and terminology for lung neoplasms, pulmonary hypertension, and lung transplant rejection. Catalog no. H6595, June 2008, 824 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6595-4, $239.95 / £150.00 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com


Pulmonary Medicine

Clinical Tests of Respiratory Function Third Edition

Second Edition Edited by

G John Gibson Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Already established as a classic in the field, this third edition of a bestseller presents an authoritative yet accessible account of this complex area, fusing the basic principles of respiratory physiology with applications in clinical practice across a wide range of disorders. Divided into four practical sections, users can easily pick their desired topic, from the commonly used tests and their underlying physiological mechanisms to abnormalities of function in both respiratory and non-respiratory diseases. The book concludes with a section on test interpretation. • Lucid descriptions aid a clear understanding of difficult physiological concepts • Successfully bridges the gap between academic research and daily clinical practice • Extensively referenced • Fully illustrated and enhanced in this third edition by the introduction of a second colour throughout

Selected Contents: Part A: The tests and their physiological basis. Part B: Function in respiratory disease. Part C: Respiratory function in systemic diseases. Part D: Interpretation. Catalog no. K17827, November 2008, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-0-340-92561-4, $139.95 / £85.00 Also available as an eBook

Textbook of Pleural Diseases Richard W. Light Y C Gary Lee "This is a clearly presented multi-author textbook of pleural diseases ... This book offers an encyclopaedic coverage of pleural disease, and should find a place in every respiratory department." —British Journal of Hospital Medicine

Building on the many strengths of the highly respected first edition, the book features a detailed yet lucid basic science section to support understanding of the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie diseases of the pleura. This is followed by a wide-ranging series of clinical chapters, discussing both familiar and less common aspects of pleural diseases. Chapters in the clinical section are written in an accessible and uniform style, making extensive use of illustrative material and covering definition, incidence and epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, clinical presentation, investigations, treatments, possible complications and directions for future development. State-of-the-art scientific knowledge is presented at an appropriate level for the practicing clinician, and published management guidelines are included where relevant. Each chapter concludes with a summary of its key points', highlighting practical messages regarding patient management for the reader.

Selected Contents: Pleural disease: historic perspective. Basic Science. Clinical Science. Effusions. Asbestos-Related Diseases. Pneumothorax. Pediatric Considerations. Intervention Procedures. Conclusion. Catalog no. K18360, April 2008, 672 pp. ISBN: 978-0-340-94017-4, $199.95 / £165.00 Also available as an eBook


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Pulmonary Medicine Ventilatory Support for Chronic Respiratory Failure

Sleep and Breathing in Children

Edited by

Developmental Changes in Breathing During Sleep, Second Edition

Nicolino Ambrosino

Edited by

U.O. Pneumologia, Pisa, Italy

Carole Marcus

Roger S. Goldstein

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

University of Toronto West Park Healthcare, Ontario, Canada

As our population continues to grow, more and more patients are becoming dependent on long-term ventilatory support. Therefore, the need for quality options such as home mechanical ventilation is fast becoming a necessity. Ventilatory Support For Chronic Respiratory Failure (CRF) is the first resource to authoritatively address the needs of the acute or chronic respiratory patient through the transition from the hospital to the home-care setting. Catalog no. DK8498, March 2008, 640 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8498-1, $199.95 / £125.00 Also available as an eBook

John M. Carroll The Pennsylvania State University, State College, USA

David Donnelly Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Gerald M. Loughlin Chairman, Dept of Pediatrics New York Cornell University

Infants and children spend one- to two-thirds of their life asleep. Despite this, very little attention has been paid to understanding both normal sleep and sleep-related abnormalities during child development. This volume is devoted to breathing during sleep, its changes with development (from the fetus onwards), and the pathophysiology of sleep-related breathing disorders. Catalog no. H6082, February 2008, 648 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6082-9, $159.95 / £100.00

Sleep in Children and Sleep and Breathing in Children Second Edition Two Volume Set Edited by

Carole Marcus The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Gerald M. Loughlin Chairman, Dept of Pediatrics New York Cornell University, USA

Infants and children spend one- to two-thirds of their life asleep. Despite this, very little attention has been paid to understanding both normal sleep and sleeprelated abnormalities during child development. There are profound changes in sleep and circadian rhythm during growth and maturation. Sleep is particularly important in children, due to its putative role in consolidating memory and other neurocognitive functions. Catalog no. H8001, February 2008, 1080 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8001-8, $299.95 / £185.00

Also available as an eBook

Sleep in Children

Developmental Changes in Sleep Patterns, Second Edition Edited by

Carole Marcus The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

John L. Carroll UAMS College of Medicine, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

David Donnelly Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Gerald M. Loughlin Chairman, Dept of Pediatrics New York Cornell University, USA

Infants and children spend one- to two-thirds of their life asleep. Despite this, very little attention has been paid to understanding both normal sleep and sleeprelated abnormalities during child development. There are profound changes in sleep and circadian rhythm during growth and maturation. Sleep is particularly important in children, due to its putative role in consolidating memory and other neurocognitive functions. Catalog no. H6080, February 2008, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6080-5, $159.95 / £100.00 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com



Lung Cancer Therapy Annual 7

Textbook of Lung Cancer

Edited by

Edited by

Rolf A. Stahel

Heine Hansen

Clinic of Oncology, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland

The Finsen Center, Copenhagen, Denmark

"… an excellent resource for beginners as well as advanced specialists in the field. … will give readers a solid foundation in the treatment of lung cancer to build upon."

This second edition of a bestseller, published in association with the European Society of Medical Oncology, is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary text, which examines all aspects of this disease, with contributions from a multinational team of authors on etiology, epidemiology, molecular biology, pathology, smoking, detection, and management, clinical features, staging and prognostic factors, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It provides essential information and guidance for specialist trainees in oncology, and for the many physicians and specialists involved in the field of lung cancer.

Second Edition

—K. P. Ravikrishnan, FRCP (C), FACP FCCP(William Beaumont Hospitals)

Oncology research and practice in lung cancer continues to develop rapidly. This latest edition of Lung Cancer Therapy Annual briefs the oncology community with a review of the recent literature, emphasizing the therapeutic aspects. It offers an update of the impact that this information will have on the day-to-day management of the lung cancer patient.

New to the Seventh Edition: • An update of the impact of recent developments will have on day-to-day management of lung cancer patients • Four new chapters on the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) • A new chapter on thymoma

Selected Contents: Epidemiology. Prevention, Early Detection, and Screening. Staging. Histopathology and Molecular Pathology. Oncogenic Driver Mutations. First Line Therapy of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer without Activating EGFR Mutation. First Line Therapy of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Activating EGFR Mutation. Second Line Therapy of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Therapy of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Advances in Surgery of Lung Cancer. Advances in Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer. Small Cell Lung Cancer. Mesothelioma. Thymoma.

Selected Contents: Introduction. Etiology of Lung Cancer. Epidemiology of Lung Cancer. Molecular Biology of Lung Cancer. Prevention and Screening of Lung Cancer. Tobacco Policy. Smoking Cessation Policy. Detection and Management of Early Lung Cancer. Pathology. Clinical Features, Diagnosis and Basic Evaluation. Staging, Classification and Prognostic Factors. Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Surgery. Radiotherapy. Chemotherapy. Treatment Recommendations. Treatment of Small Cell Lung Cancer. Surgery. Radiotherapy. Chemotherapy. Treatment Recommendations. Malignant Mesothelioma. Therapeutic Local Palliation of Lung Tumors. Complications to Lung Cancer. Quality of Life and Supportive Care. Cost-Effectiveness of Lung Cancer Treatment. The Future. Appendix I: Surgical Techniques. Appendix II: Radiotherapy Techniques and Planning Volumes. Appendix III: Chenotherapy Regimes. Catalog no. DU5105, March 2008, 480 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-38510-7, $179.95 / £115.00 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. H100270, August 2012, 176 pp. ISBN: 978-1-84184-865-5, $79.95 / £50.00 Also available as an eBook


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