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Contents Signal & Imaging..................................................3 Mechanics ............................................................5 Materials & Devices ..............................................7 Cell & Tissue Engineering ....................................9 Rehabilitation......................................................11 Page 10
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Biomedical Fundamentals & Applications ..........12 Nanotechnology ................................................14
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Signal & Imaging New!
Multi-Detector CT Imaging Handbook Two Volume Set Edited by
Luca Saba
Biomedical Signal and Image Processing Second Edition Kayvan Najarian
University of Cagliari, Italy
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
Jasjit S. Suri
Robert Splinter
Global Biomedical Technologies, Inc., California, USA
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Developments in computed tomography (CT) technology during the last 20 years have impressively improved its diagnostic potentialities. Detailing the latest research in CT imaging, Multi-Detector CT Imaging: Two Volume Set details the engineering and clinical benefits in the diagnosis of human pathologies utilizing CT technologies.
"This is a great book, ideal for a biomedical signal and image processing course…. a great introduction to the topic, while it also includes advanced topics in the field for graduate courses. … a great collection of topics [including] introduction to signal and image processing, advanced signal processing techniques, physiology and specific signal processing techniques used for various biomedical signals, an introduction to medical image formation, and advanced topics on medical image processing. This is a great book, highly recommended to any research and educator in this field."
The set covers all aspects of CT imaging, including technical principles and post-processing methodologies. It contains easily searchable clinical specialty chapters that provide information without need of an index. The coverage goes far beyond just a “how-to” or an encyclopedia of findings, however. The authors have uniformly put techniques, clinical findings, pathologic disease presentations, and clinical implications of imaging findings in practical perspective.
Features: • Provides a wide-ranging overview of the latest research in CT • Includes contributions from experts and pioneers in the field • Discusses the risks of CT, especially in pediatric patients • Contains extensive references at the end of each chapter to enhance further study • Presents the information in the order in which radiologists would approach unknown cases Catalog no. K14200, October 2013, c. 1272 pp, ISBN: 978-1-4398-9399-9, $279.95 / £178.00 Also available as an eBook
New! Abdomen, Pelvis, and CAD Applications
—Purang Abolmaesumi, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
"I am not aware of a book that covers both biomedical image processing and biomedical signal processing. There are a large number of books that focus on the physics of biomedical imaging. This book however, balances the coverage of physics of biomedical imaging with biomedical image processing. … I was impressed by how clearly the concepts are explained. The authors’ ability to introduce concepts at the level appropriate for senior undergraduate or graduate-level students is impressive. … programming questions at the end of the chapter that will give the reader the opportunity to try out the signal processing techniques introduced in the chapter. Also, sample signals are included on the accompanying CD. … I would definitely use this book as my textbook in a biomedical signal-processing course." —Shahram Shirani, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Catalog no. K14199, October 2013, c. 689 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9397-5, $179.95 / £114.00
Selected Contents:
Introduction to Digital Signal and Image Processing. Processing of Biomedical Signals. Processing of Biomedical Images. Related Titles.
Principles, Head, Neck, and Vascular Systems Catalog no. K14192, October 2013, c. 583 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9380-7, $179.95 / £114.00 Both volumes available as an eBook
Catalog no. K13235, May 2012, 411 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7033-4, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Signal & Imaging New!
Medical Infrared Imaging
Medical Imaging
Principles and Practices
Technology and Applications
Edited by
Mary Diakides
Edited by
Troy Farncombe Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
Krzysztof Iniewski CMOS Emerging Technologies Research Inc., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Series: Devices, Circuits, and Systems
The book assembles the latest research in the field of medical imaging technology in one place. Detailed descriptions of current state-of-the-art medical imaging systems (comprised of x-ray CT, MRI, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine) and data processing techniques are discussed. Information is provided that will give interested engineers and scientists a solid foundation from which to build with additional resources. Secondly, it exposes the reader to myriad applications that medical imaging technology has enabled. Catalog no. K18945, October 2013, c. 730 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8262-0, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Medical Imaging Principles and Practices
Advanced Concepts Analysis, Inc., Falls Church, Virginia, US
Joseph D. Bronzino Simsbury, Connecticut, USA
Donald R. Peterson University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
This book explores ideas, concepts, and technologies—including dynamic thermal imaging, thermal texture mapping, and thermal multispectral imaging—commonly used in the clinical environment. The coverage ranges from historical background, concepts, clinical applications, standards, and infrared technology. Of interest to the medical and biomedical engineering communities, the book can provide many opportunities for developing and conducting multidisciplinary research in many areas of medical infrared imaging. Catalog no. K13338, December 2012, 638 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7249-9, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Biosignal Processing Principles and Practices Edited by
Edited by
Hualou Liang
Mostafa Analoui The Livingston Group, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Joseph D. Bronzino
Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Joseph D. Bronzino Simsbury, Connecticut, USA
Simsbury, Connecticut, USA
Donald R. Peterson
Donald R. Peterson University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
This book offers a selective review of key imaging modalities focusing on modalities with established clinical utilization. It provides a detailed overview of xray imaging and computed tomography, fundamental concepts in signal acquisition and processes, followed by an overview of functional MRI (fMRI) and chemical shift imaging. It also covers topics in magnetic resonance microcopy, the physics of instrumentation and signal collection, and their application in clinical practice. The selection of topics provides readers with an appreciation of the depth and breadth of the field and the challenges facing the technical and clinical community of researchers and practitioners.
As biomedical datasets grow larger and more complicated, the development and use of signal processing methods to analyze and interpret these data has become a matter of course. This book provides stateof-the-art coverage of contemporary methods in biosignal processing with an emphasis on brain signal analysis. After introducing the fundamentals, it presents emerging methods for brain signal processing, focusing on specific non-invasive imaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIR). In addition, the book presents recent advances, reflecting the evolution of biosignal processing.
Catalog no. K13254, November 2012, 454 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7102-7, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K13271, October 2012, 202 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7143-0, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
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Signal & Imaging
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Signal Analysis Clinical Applications Edited by
Markad V. Kamath and Adrian Upton McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Mari A. Watanabe St. Louis University, Missouri, USA
This cutting-edge reference examines how beat-tobeat variations in heart rate and blood pressure provide a window into the health of the autonomic nervous system. The book consists of a how-to section, detailing the classical and recent techniques that have been developed for analyzing heart-rate and blood pressure variability, and a practical applications section that discusses the utility of heart rate variability for various clinical situations, including patient monitoring in obstetrics, surgery, and intensive care units, and assessment of disease severity in chronic disorders such as stroke, depression, and Parkinson’s disease. Catalog no. K12259, October 2012, 532 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4980-4, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Biomedical Sensors and Instruments Second Edition Tatsuo Tagawa Waseda University, Tokorozawa, Saitama, Japan
Toshiyo Tamura Chiba University, Japan
P. Ake Oberg Linköping University, Sweden
Biomedical sensors are essential instruments for acquiring many types of medical and biological data. From the underlying principles to practical applications, this book provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the various kinds of biomedical sensors. It presents state-of-the-art information, including discussions of their use for measurements of pressure, flow, motion, temperature, heat flow, evaporation, biopotential, biomagnetism, and chemical quantities. More than 300 figures and tables facilitate an intuitive understanding.
Fundamentals of Biomechanics Ronald L. Huston University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
"This book provides a thorough and easy-to-understand presentation of the fundamentals required to study the mechanics of human motion. I am happy to see an emphasis on the fundamentals of biodynamic modeling and the development of human body models. This should allow readers to more quickly understand and develop models associated with human motion. Huston is a skilled author with the ability to render difficult topics manageable." —James W. Kamman, Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Western Michigan University
"This biomechanics book does indeed lay the ground for learning the fundamentals in biomechanics, which have been lacking for so many years. The book gets away from the static concepts that are quite abundant and dominant topics in previous published biomechanics books and instead focuses on motion, dynamics, and current and practical problems that are relevant to gait analysis, and human joint dynamics. The examples are vivid, intuitive, interesting, and are the product of the author’s rich and exemplary many years of research and teaching. Finally a biomechanics book that deals with dynamics of BIOSYSTEMS in depth. The author has 15 chapters, which can be used in a way to conform to a number of biomechanics course levels or simply be taught in two semesters. The book can be an outstanding tool for those interested in simulation of gait, human joint kinematics, and muscles force identification and modeling in general." —Farid Amirouche, University of Illinois at Chicago
Catalog no. K14776, April 2013, 470 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1037-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. 9078X, March 2011, 423 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9078-9, $146.95 / £94.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Mechanics Biomechanics of Human Motion
Introduction to BioMEMS
Applications in the Martial Arts
Albert Folch
Emeric Arus, Ph.D. International Sendo-Ryu Karatedo Federation, Astoria, New York, USA
This book provides an overview of human motion studies—biomechanics—using martial arts as extensive examples and references to fundamental theory. It covers in depth the anatomical foundation of biomechanics, the biomechanical and physiological foundation of human motion, and fundamentals of biomechanics. The book begins with musculoskeletal anatomy of the most important muscles and their functions. The author describes the biomechanical and physiological foundations of human motion. He covers kinematics and kinetics—the core of biomechanics—and includes examples for martial arts and sports activities that emphasize the concepts described. Catalog no. K15991, December 2012, 559 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-6323-0 $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Biofluid Mechanics
This classroom-tested book— in color throughout—covers the whole breadth of this dynamic field, including classical microfabrication, microfluidics, tissue engineering, cellbased and non cell-based devices, and implantable systems. It gives readers a real sense of how the field has grown by providing historical perspectives and covering the state of the art. The text contains problem sets, design challenges, key references, and over 400 color figures, most of which are from the original researchers. Downloadable PowerPoint slides are available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K10966, August 2012, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1839-8, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Introduction to Cell Mechanics and Mechanobiology
The Human Circulation, Second Edition Krishnan B. Chandran University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
Ajit P. Yoganathan Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Stanley E. Rittgers University of Akron, Ohio, USA
This classroom-tested text teaches students how fluid mechanics is applied to the study of the human circulatory system. The book begins with introductory material on fluid and solid mechanics as well as a review of cardiovascular physiology pertinent to the topics covered in subsequent chapters. The authors then discuss fluid mechanics in human circulation, primarily applied to blood flow at the arterial level. They also cover vascular implants and measurements in the cardiovascular system. Catalog no. K12006, February 2012, 451 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4516-5, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as an eBook
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Christopher R. Jacobs and Hayden Huang Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
Ronald Y. Kwon University of Washington, Seattle, USA
This book is designed for a one-semester course in the mechanics of the cell offered to advanced undergraduate and graduate students in biomedical engineering, bioengineering, and mechanical engineering. It teaches a quantitative understanding of the way cells detect, modify, and respond to the physical properties within the cell environment. Coverage includes the mechanics of single molecule polymers, polymer networks, two-dimensional membranes, whole-cell mechanics, and mechanobiology, as well as primer chapters on solid, fluid, and statistical mechanics. Catalog no. Y126994, November 2012, 350 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4425-4 $90.00 / £45.00
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Mechanics Mechanobiology Handbook Edited by
Jiro Nagatomi Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
Mechanobiology examines effects of mechanical force stimuli on cellular biological functions. At appropriate levels, mechanical stimuli are necessary for growth and maintenance of healthy tissues and organs. The past two decades have seen a dramatic increase in the level of research in mechanobiology. Collecting the cutting-edge research findings from a diverse range of scientists, this volume presents basic materials in mechanics and cell biology. The book is an appropriate reference for those new to the field and is designed to stimulate new ways of thinking in current mechanobiology researchers. Catalog no. 91212, March 2011, 563 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9121-2, $179.95 / £115.00 Also available as an eBook
Orthopaedic Biomechanics Edited by
Beth A. Winkelstein This book presents state-ofthe-art developments of orthopedic biomechanics across tissues in the musculoskeletal system at all size scales and with direct relevance to engineering and clinical applications. Discussing the relationship between mechanical loading, function, and biological performance, it first reviews basic structure-function relationships for most major orthopaedic tissue types followed by the most relevant structures of the body. It then addresses multiscale modeling and biologic considerations. It concludes with a look at applications of biomechanics, focusing on recent advances in theory, technology, and applied engineering approaches. Catalog no. K12804, December 2012, 639 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6093-9, $179.95 / £114.00 Also available as an eBook
Materials & Devices Reliable Design of Medical Devices Third Edition Richard C. Fries ISORel, Inc., Fitchburg, Wisconsin, USA
Following in the footsteps of its bestselling second edition, this book shows you how to improve reliability in the design of advanced medical devices. The organization of the book now mirrors the typical product development process, from the concept, feasibility, and design phases through to verification and validation, design transfer and manufacturing, and field activity. Updated throughout, it reflects recent changes in the medical device field, including in software development and hardware test procedures. This practical, hands-on book guides you in preparing, designing, and testing medical devices more effectively. Catalog no. K14218, September 2012, 501 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9491-0, $179.95 / £114.00 Also available as an eBook
Design of Biomedical Devices and Systems Second Edition Paul H. King Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Richard C. Fries ISORel, Inc., Fitchburg, Wisconsin, USA
The second edition of a bestseller, this book provides a comprehensive overview of biomedical device and system design—including topics related to databases, process analysis, and device improvement—from a strong design perspective. It covers all aspects of design that must be considered for complex biomedical projects. This second edition features information on device definition and reliability, as well as testing and hardware verification. Each chapter has been updated to reflect the latest advances in the field. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. 61798, August 2008, 424 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6179-6, $129.95 / £82.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Materials & Devices An Introduction to Biomaterials Second Edition
The Medical Device R&D Handbook
Edited by
Second Edition
Jeffrey O. Hollinger
Edited by
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Theodore R. Kucklick
Series: Biomedical Engineering
The second edition of this popular text includes nine chapters that provide a comprehensive and up-to-date educational framework for biomaterials education. A chapter on the biology of wound healing sets the stage for the basic requirements of standardized biomaterials testing and explains the reactions between biomaterials and the living system into which it is implanted. The book explains in vitro and in vivo testing paradigms and provides numerous examples in the chapters on experimental design, laboratory assays, and animal models. Emphasizing the importance of the regulatory process, it describes how innovation in the biomaterials process relates to patentability and inventorship. An instructor's manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K10637, November 2011, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1256-3, $119.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
TRKD Medical Devices, Los Gatos, California, USA
Written for medical device designers, biomedical engineering students, physician entrepreneurs, and medical device entrepreneurs, this reference explains the basics on how to prototype and develop a medical device. It discusses the basics of plastics, adhesives, medical needles, and rapid prototyping as well as tips and tools to save time and money. This updated and expanded second edition includes practical advice, information on intellectual property management, and insightful interviews from key opinion leaders and pioneers in the field. Extensive references at the end of each chapter enhance additional study. Catalog no. K10598, December 2012, 510 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1189-4, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as an eBook
Biomaterials Science An Integrated Clinical and Engineering Approach
Marine Biomaterials Characterization, Isolation and Applications
Edited by
Edited by
Noel Elman
Yitzhak Rosen Superior NanoBioSystems, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Se-Kwon Kim
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea
Bringing together a wide range of research in this important area, this book includes the latest developments and applications of marine-derived biomaterials, from preliminary research to clinical trials. Essential reading for the novice and expert alike, it details the isolation and characterization of biomaterials and their biological activities, including antiviral, anti-allergic, and anticoagulant effects. The book also discusses the viability of low-cost marine biomaterials, biomedical applications such as tissue engineering and drug delivery, and commercialization of marine-derived products.
Going far beyond the coverage in most standard books on the subject, Biomaterials Science: An Integrated Clinical and Engineering Approach offers a solid overview of the use of biomaterials in medical devices, drug delivery, and tissue engineering. Combining discussion of materials science and engineering perspectives with clinical aspects, this book emphasizes integration of clinical and engineering approaches. In particular, it explores various applications of biomaterials in fields including tissue engineering, neurosurgery, hemocompatibility, BioMEMS, nanoparticle-based drug delivery, dental implants, and obstetrics/gynecology.
Catalog no. K14576, April 2013, 840 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0564-3, $189.95 / £121.00 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K10223, June 2012, 310 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0404-9, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
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Materials & Devices Biomaterials Principles and Practices Edited by
Cell & Tissue Engineering Regenerative Engineering Edited by
Joyce Y. Wong
Cato T. Laurencin and Yusuf Khan
Boston University, Massachusetts, USA
University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA
Joseph D. Bronzino
Distinct from tissue engineering, which focuses primarily on the repair of tissues, regenerative engineering focuses on the regeneration of tissues: creating living, functional tissue that has the ability to replace organs that are dysfunctional. The challenge of working in an area like regenerative engineering lies, in part, in the breadth of information required to truly appreciate and begin to think about this field. Regenerative Engineering introduces the field through the presentation of fundamental concepts of cell biology, stem cell science, materials science, and cell-material interactions. It also focuses on specific organ and tissue types and presents up-to-date examples of ongoing work, often in the context of a specific clinical need. Regenerative medicine focuses on the biological aspects of tissue regeneration via stem cells, factors, and cytokines, while tissue engineering focuses on the integration of materials science and life sciences. This book integrates these two areas, presenting each concept in the framework of regenerative engineering.
Simsbury, Connecticut, USA
Donald R. Peterson University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
Most current applications of biomaterials involve structural functions, even in those organs and systems which are not primarily structural in their nature, or very simple chemical or electrical functions. Complex chemical functions such as those of the liver and complex electrical or electrochemical functions such as those of the brain and sense organs cannot be carried out by biomaterials at this time. With these basic concepts in mind, this book focuses on biomaterials consisting of different materials such as metallic, ceramic, polymeric, and composite. It highlights the impact of recent advances in the area of nano- and microtechnology on biomaterial design. Catalog no. K13339, December 2012, 281 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7251-2, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Usability Testing of Medical Devices Michael Wiklund, Jonathan Kendler, and Allison Yale Strochlic Wiklund Research & Design, Inc. Concord, Massachusetts, USA
Informative, practical, and engaging, this handbook covers how to conduct usability tests of medical devices. Recognizing that the intended readers are busy and disinclined to read lengthy textbooks, this book has been carefully designed to be concise and visual, allowing readers to jump from one section to another as needed. The book provides a general understanding of usability testing and reviews key concepts. It highlights the challenges of validating that protects against dangerous errors that could lead to patient injury and death. Catalog no. K10595, December 2010, 412 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1183-2, $76.95 / £48.99 Also available as an eBook
• Covers a number of cutting-edge topics related to regenerative medicine and tissue engineering • Includes an introductory chapter on materials science • Features a number of the contributors who are world-class researchers, one of whom is Dr. Anthony Atala, whose work dealing with organ regenerative engineering was featured on Sixty Minutes • Incorporates problem-based learning throughout the text, which is not hypothetical but based on actual biological, engineering, or clinical scenarios • Provides a brief overview of many other tissue types that are currently the topic of regeneration and repair Combining science, engineering and medicine, Regenerative Engineering incorporates all of the essential elements needed for further advancement in this field. The book explores the development and examination of vital organs and tissue types and addresses concerns as it relates to the regenerative engineering of various organ tissues, vascular tissues, bone, ligament, neural tissue, and the interfaces between tissues. Catalog no. K10724, June 2013, 435 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1412-3, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Cell & Tissue Engineering Stem Cell Engineering
Tissue Engineering
Principles and Practices
Principles and Practices
Edited by
Edited by
John P. Fisher, Antonios G. Mikos, Joseph D. Bronzino, and Donald R. Peterson With contributions from experts and pioneers, this book begins with coverage of the fundamentals, details the supporting technology, and then elucidates their applications in tissue engineering. It explores strategic directions, nonobiomaterials, biomimetics, gene therapy, cell engineering, and more. The chapters then explore the applications of these technologies in areas such as bone engineering, cartilage tissue, dental tissue, vascular engineering, and neural engineering. It provides a very comprehensive overview of major research topics in tissue engineering. Catalog no. K13429, December 2012, 771 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7400-4, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
A Laboratory Course in Tissue Engineering
David Schaffer University of California - Berkeley, USA
Joseph D. Bronzino Simsbury, Connecticut, USA
Donald R. Peterson University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
With contributions from pioneers and experts, this book provides a broad overview of the challenges of stem cell engineering. It discusses advances made during the last decade that have led to increasingly defined culture systems for growing human ES cells, starting from co-culture with feeder cells in the presence of serum to growth on synthetic substrates in defined medium. The book highlights recent advances in the understanding of the cellular and molecular composition of the hematopoietic stem cell niche, as well as approaches to build upon this basic information to direct stem cell differentiation into blood cell lineages. Catalog no. K13309, November 2012, 221 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7204-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Melissa Kurtis Micou
Articular Cartilage
University of California, San Diego, USA
Dawn M. Kilkenny University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This book fills the need for a hands-on lab manual for tissue engineering instruction. Providing more than a semester’s worth of activities, it contains 15 standalone experiments based on both classic and modern approaches. Experiments encompass a set of widely applicable techniques: cell culture, microscopy, histology, immunohistochemistry, mechanical testing, soft lithography, and common biochemical assays. In addition to teaching these specific techniques, the experiments emphasize engineering analysis, mathematical modeling, and statistical experimental design. To minimize lab costs, experiments use equipment commonly found in labs equipped for tissue culture. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K13694, August 2012, 304 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-7893-4 $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
Kyriacos A. Athanasiou, Eric M. Darling, Grayson D. DuRaine, Jerry C. Hu, and A. Hari Reddi Articular cartilage injuries, which are well known for their inability to heal, often degenerate inexplicably to disastrous impairment. Multitudes of treatments have been devised for this problem, but no satisfactory long-term solutions have been established. However, over the past two decades, the swift growth and development of new knowledge and technologies for cartilage formation, pathology, and repair have been exciting and inspirational. Written by world-class experts, this book covers all the latest research and clinical applications related to cartilage tissue engineering. The text explores the role of nanotechnology and also provides extensive references at the end of each chapter. Catalog no. K12457, March 2013, 439 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5324-5, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as an eBook
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Rehabilitation Assistive Technology Assessment Handbook Edited by
Stefano Federici University of Perugia, Italy
Marcia Scherer Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series
Assistive technology plays a fundamental role in facilitating the social integration of people with physical, sensory, communication, and cognitive disabilities. This handbook presents the assessment tools that are essential in a center for technical aid, common in Italy, where multidisciplinary teams match the technology to the person who needs it. The book also describes the roles of members of the assessment team—including the profession of psychotechnologist—and reviews cutting-edge technologies for rehabilitation and independent living. Emphasizing the well-being of the person with disabilities, it proposes an ideal model of the assessment process and outlines how the model can be applied in practice internationally. Catalog no. K11756, March 2012, 484 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3865-5, $139.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation From Impairment Participation Edited by
Ambient Assisted Living Nuno M. Garcia, Joel Jose P.C. Rodrigues, Dirk Christian Elias, and Miguel Sales Dias Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series
Written for students, practitioners, and users of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), this comprehensive reference covers methods, concepts, systems, devices, and services that provide unobtrusive support for the daily needs of an assisted person. The reference also provides extensive coverage of applications, software, and information management for AAL, as well as coverage of the latest hardware and software for ergonomic design pertaining to AAL. A key concept covered within the reference is ambient intelligence, which refers to electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. References are provided at the end of each chapter for additional study. Catalog no. K13212, February 2014, c. 450 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6984-0, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Assistive Technology for Blindness and Low Vision Edited by
Marcia Finlayson
Roberto Manduchi and Sri Kurniawan
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series
Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series
This comprehensive resource guides health and rehabilitation practitioners as they engage in the rehabilitation process with people with multiple sclerosis (MS). The text provides a broad-based perspective on the disease, how it influences everyday life, and the strategies that can be employed by rehabilitation practitioners to enable people with MS to fully engage in everyday life. The first section offers an overview of MS basics, and the next two describe MS rehabilitation to manage impairments and enhance activity and participation. The final section discusses contextual factors that may influence MS rehabilitation efforts.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art in assistive technology for persons with visual impairment, as well as coverage into promising new research directions. Beginning with a brief overview of the pathology and psychophysical aspects of low vision and blindness, the text proceeds with in-depth descriptions of current technology to support independent mobility and orientation, information access (printed information, tactile information, and computers), and life activities (education, work, entertainment), as well as future directions related to the technology for blindness and visual impairment.
Catalog no. K11417, August 2012, 603 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2884-7, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K13276, October 2012, 441 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7153-9, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
Rehabilitation Quality of Life Technology Handbook Edited by
Biomedical Fundamentals & Applications Biomedical Technology and Devices Second Edition
Richard Schulz
Edited by
University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
James E. Moore Jr. Duncan J. Maitland
Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series
A collaboration between leading scientists, practitioners, and researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh, this book describes the development, evaluation, adoption, and commercialization of quality of life technologies. It takes an interdisciplinary team approach to the process of technology development for disabled and older persons and discusses the state of the art and future directions of technologies. The book provides direction on how to identify user needs and preferences, engage end-users in the design and development process, and evaluate and commercialize the technologies. Catalog no. K14561, October 2012, 334 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0534-6, $139.95 / ÂŁ89.00 Also available as an eBook
Computer Access for People with Disabilities A Human Factors Approach
Handbook Series for Mechanical Engineering
Biomedical Technology and Devices, Second Edition focuses on the equipment, devices, and techniques used in modern medicine to diagnose, treat, and monitor human illnesses. Gathering together and compiling the latest information available on medical technology, this revised work adds ten new chapters. It starts with the basics, introducing the history of the thermometer and measuring body temperature, before moving on to a medley of devices that are far more complex. This book explores diverse technological functions and procedures including signal processing, auditory systems, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonic and emission imaging, image-guided thermal therapy, medical robotics, shape memory alloys, biophotonics, and tissue engineering. Each chapter offers a description of the technique, its technical considerations, and its use according to its applications and relevant body systems. It can be used as a professional resource, as well as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students.
Selected Contents:
Richard C. Simpson New York Institute of Technology, New York, USA Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series
This book provides the information clinicians need to know in order to provide effective alternative computer access solutions to individuals with disabilities. It presents technology for individuals with physical, cognitive, and sensory impairments, and for older adults. The text covers text entry devices, pointing devices, switch access, automatic speech recognition, and web accessibility. The book draws on research from the fields of rehabilitation engineering, and occupational therapy, and human-computer interaction (HCI) and emphasizes fundamental concepts and principles that remain true regardless of which specific operating system or product is being used.
Basic Clinical Measurements Imaging Techniques Biological Assays Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Monitoring. Recovery Alternative and Emerging Techniques Catalog no. K12728, June 2013, 820 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5959-9, $189.95 / ÂŁ121.00 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K15286, January 2013, 339 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5371-2, $99.95 / ÂŁ63.99 Also available as an eBook
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Biomedical Fundamentals & Applications Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering
Principles of Neural Coding
Third Edition
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga
Ronald L. Fournier
University of Leicester, UK
Edited by
University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Stefano Panzeri
Exploring fundamental engineering and life science principles to uncover key concepts in biomedical engineering transport phenomena, this volume begins with a review of the basics of thermodynamics. It then examines the physical properties of body fluids and the cell membrane before moving on to topics such as properties of blood, solute transport, pharmacokinetic analysis, extracorporeal devices, tissue engineering, and bioartificial organs. Each chapter ends with problems to help clarify the material.
University of Glasgow, UK and Italian Institute of Technology, Asti
A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K11304, August 2011, 483 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2670-6, $93.95 / £46.99 Also available as an eBook
Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering Principles and Practices Edited by
Robert A. Peattie, Robert J. Fisher, Joseph D. Bronzino, and Donald R. Peterson This book couples the concepts of transport phenomena with chemical reaction kinetics and thermodynamics to introduce the field of reaction engineering. This is essential information needed to design and control engineering devices, particularly flow reactor systems. Each chapter in this section is somewhat selfcontained. Similar concepts are brought forth and reinforced through applications and discussions. However, to further enhance the benefits obtained by the reader, the book first examines some elementary concepts, the most relevant being control volume selection and flow reactors. It provides a comprehensive treatment with an overview of major research topics related to transport phenomena pertaining to biomedical engineering. Catalog no. K13460, November 2012, 197 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7462-2, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Written by renowned experts in the field, this book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview on neural coding. It describes the principles of neural coding, covers some of the major developments in this area, and presents a complete view of how neurons in the brain encode information. The text not only contains the most important experimental findings, but also gives an overview of the main methodological aspects for studying neural coding. In addition, the book describes alternative approaches based on simulations with neural networks and in silico modeling. Catalog no. K12460, May 2013, 663 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5330-6, $149.95 / £95.00 Also available as an eBook
Biomedical Engineering Principles Second Edition Arthur B. Ritter, Hazelwood, Antonio Valdevit, and Alfred Ascione Integrating engineering, medicine, biology, and physics, this book clearly defines basic principles in image processing and biomechanics, modeling physiological processes, and bioelectric signal analysis to build a solid understanding of devices and designs for improved functioning of the human body. It includes cutting-edge discussions of tissue engineering, cardiovascular components, bone regrowth, and nerve regeneration. Other topics include technologies at the forefront of cardiac care, such as total artificial hearts, left ventricular assist devices, and stents, as well as issues related to minimally invasive and robotic surgery, next-generation imaging devices, and nanodevices. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K10621, May 2011, 540 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1232-7, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
RNA Nanotechnology and Therapeutics Edited by
Bioengineered Nanomaterials Edited by
Atul Tiwari University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA
Peixuan Guo and Farzin Haque
Ashutosh Tiwari
University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Linköping University, Sweden
"The main strength of this book is in its focus on RNA as a functional agent. RNA can be derivatized using a variety of biochemical technologies to incorporate therapeutic or imaging functionalities. This book spans different aspects of techniques that are necessary to obtain functional RNA nanoparticles, including computational design, synthesis of components, assembly of functional units, and their biochemical and biophysical characterization. … This book is unique in that it covers a very broad spectrum of topics related to RNA nanotechnology, yet it maintains a focus on constructing and analyzing RNA nanoparticles. It introduces the reader to the basics of RNA structure, and discusses functions of various natural RNAs, from small molecules to large molecular machines such as the ribosome."
Many varieties of new, complex diseases are constantly being discovered, which leaves scientists with little choice but to embrace innovative methods for controlling the invasion of life-threatening problems. The use of nanotechnology has given scientists an opportunity to create nanomaterials that could help medical professionals in diagnosing and treating problems quickly and effectively. Bioengineered Nanomaterials presents in-depth information on bioengineered nanomaterials currently being developed in leading research laboratories around the world. In particular, the book focuses on nanomaterials for biomedical applications. Catalog no. K20269, August 2013, 436 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8595-9, $179.95 / £114.00 Also available as an eBook
––Prof. Janusz M. Bujnicki, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, and Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna, Poland
"This book has a broad coverage from principles and fundamentals of RNA nanotechnology, RNA nanotechnology design and construction to diagnostic and therapeutic application. These detailing descriptions provide a clear and complete picture of up-to-date knowledge of RNA nanotechnology and applications." ––Prof. Shu-Feng Zhou, University of South Florida
Interest in RNA nanotechnology has increased in recent years as recognition of its potential for applications in nanomedicine has grown. Edited by the world's foremost experts in nanomedicine, this comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference details the latest research developments and challenges in the biophysical and single molecule approaches in RNA nanotechnology. In addition, the text also provides indepth discussions of RNA structure for nanoparticle construction, RNA computation and modeling, single molecule imaging of RNA, RNA nanoparticle assembly, RNA nanoparticles in therapeutics, RNA chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis, and conjugation and labeling. Catalog no. K14577, July 2013, 611 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0566-7, $179.95 / £114.00 Also available as an eBook
Nanotechnology and Human Health Edited by
Ineke Malsch Malsch Techno Valuation, Utrecht, Netherlands
Claude Emond Addressing medium- and long-term expectations for human health, this book reviews current scientific and technical developments in nanotechnology for biomedical, agrofood, and environmental applications. This collection of perspectives on the ethical, legal, and societal implications of bionanotechnology provides unique insight into contemporary technological developments. Readers with a technical background will benefit from the overview of the state-of-the-art research in their field, while readers with a social science background will benefit from the discussion of realistic prospects of nanotechnology. The text also includes a glossary as well as extensive end-of-chapter references. Catalog no. 8144, August 2013, 376 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-8144-7, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
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Nanotechnology Learning Bio-MicroNanotechnology Mel I. Mendelson Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, USA
A primary text for undergraduate nanotechnology courses, this book is designed for students who lack a cross-disciplinary background and knowledge of micro- and nanotechnology. Clearly and concisely written, it contains many examples, questions, and problems divided into three hierarchical learning skills: understanding, analyzing, and evaluating the concepts. The author attempts to break down the boundaries between biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and ethics. He accomplishes this by co-mingling the vocabulary and concepts of these disciplines around bio-applications. Copiously illustrated, this text leans heavily towards biological and biomedical applications and includes a comprehensive chapter on ethics. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. 82035, January 2013, 611 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8203-6, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
The Nanobiotechnology Handbook Edited by
Yubing Xie University at Albany, New York, USA
Offering a uniquely thorough overview of nanobiotechnology and its place in today’s advancements in applied science, this comprehensive survey combines contributions from bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, molecular biology, materials science, bioanalysis, and bioenergy to address the full scope of current and future developments. Worldclass experts discuss the role of nanobiotechnology in bioanalysis, biomolecular nanotechnology, biosensors, and the use of nanotechnology in biofuels. Extensive references within each chapter facilitate further investigation into the field. Catalog no. K11758, November 2012, 692 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3869-3, $169.95 / £108.00 Also available as an eBook
Nanobiomaterials Development and Applications
Nanobiomaterials Handbook Edited by
Balaji Sitharaman State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Nanobiomaterials exhibit distinctive characteristics which make them suitable for a variety of biological applications. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the field, offering a broad introduction for those new to the subject as well as a useful reference for advanced professionals. Analyzing major topics and disciplines in this arena, the book examines various synthesis and processing techniques important for developing nanobiomaterials, explores their unique nanoscopic physicochemical properties, discusses potential applications, and provides a detailed overview of the interactions between bionanomaterials/biological systems and the biocompatibility issues associated with bionanomaterials. Catalog no. 94661, June 2011, 737 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9466-4, $179.95 / £115.00 Also available as an eBook
Edited by
Dong Kee Yi Gachon University, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Georgia PapaefthymiouDavis Villanova University, Pennsylvania, USA Series: Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Nanobiotechnology serves as a bridge between nano and bio, with nanoscale materials providing the building blocks for the construction of the "bridge." This book gives you a broad, interdisciplinary view of advances and applications in bionanomaterials. International contributors at the forefront of research in their disciplines explore a diverse set of topics. Coverage includes biomimetic synthesis, bioimaging and cancer diagnosis, virus-enabled manufacturing of functional nanomaterials, tumor targeting, cytotoxicity, and more. The book demonstrates the importance of bionanomaterials to biotechnology, biomedicine, and environmental remediation. Catalog no. K13550, August 2013, 490 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7641-1, $149.95 / £99.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crcpress.com
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