Civil Engineering

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CONTENTS Structural Engineering ............................................3 Geotechnical Engineering ....................................12 Civil Engineering ..................................................18 Dams & Hydraulic Engineering ............................21 Transportation Engineering ..................................25 General..................................................................26 Page 21

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Structural Engineering New!

Structural Steelwork Design to Limit State Theory, Fourth Edition Dennis Lam University of Bradford, UK

Thien Cheong Ang Formerly Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Sing-Ping Chiew Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

"This is an excellent book by authors who have significant expertise in structural steel design and in the use of Eurocode 3 specifically. This book should be very useful for senior undergraduate students, graduate students and engineers in the UK, Europe, Malaysia, and Singapore and wherever Eurocode 3 is used in design." ––Professor Brian Uy, Centre for Infrastructure Engineering & Safety, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, UNSW, Sydney, Australia

The fourth edition of a perennial bestseller, this book describes the design theory and code requirements for common structures, connections, elements, and frames and contains detailed explanations of the principles underlying steel design for final-year undergraduate students in structural and civil engineering. The chapters have been updated and rearranged to comply with Eurocode 3. It includes theory for students and practical information for those currently working in the field that requires an introduction to the Eurocodes. Every topic is illustrated with fully worked examples, and problems are also provided for practice. • Updates and reorganizes the material to comply with Eurocode 3 • Illustrates the techniques with practical examples • Includes exercises in each chapter Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption


Mechanics of Materials Clarence W. de Silva University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Series: Computational Mechanics and Applied Analysis

"On the basis of what I have seen so far, this would appear to be a book very well suited to a first course in mechanics of materials (etc.). Topics are explained in an admirable degree of detail, which should make the book particularly student friendly. The author brings a wealth of practical experience, with good examples from engineering practice." ––Professor Roger T. Fenner, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK

Mechanics of Materials incorporates the fundamentals into analytical methods, modeling approaches, numerical methods, experimental procedures, and design techniques throughout. Concepts, approaches, and tools are demonstrated through examples and case studies. Designed as an engineering textbook, the book is an outgrowth of the author's experience in teaching courses in mechanics of materials, statics, dynamics, modeling, vibration, instrumentation, testing, and design. The practical considerations, design issues, and engineering techniques, as well as the snapshot-style presentation of advanced theory and concepts, also make this a useful reference for professionals. • Takes a concise approach that focuses on essential mechanics topics • Emphasizes the modeling of problems in engineering mechanics • Connects mechanics concepts to applications and the design process • Integrates numerical and computer methods thoroughly • Includes ancillary materials for instructors A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.

Selected Contents:

Selected Contents:

Introduction. Limit State Design. Materials. Beams. Plate Girders. Tension Members. Compression Members. Trusses and Bracing. Portal Frames. Connections. Workshop Steelwork Design Example. Steelwork Detailing. Design of Composite Structures.

Introduction. Review of Statics. Stress. Strain. Mechanical Properties of Materials. Axial Loading. Torsion in Shafts. Bending in Beams. Stress and Strain Transformations. Buckling of Columns. Energy Methods. Design Problems. Appendix A: Formulas of Solid Mechanics. Appendix B: Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials. Index. Catalog no. K13581, September 2013, 472 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7736-4, $109.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

Catalog no. Y136727, July 2013, 378 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-53191-7 $59.95 / £34.99 Also available as an eBook

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Structural Engineering Forthcoming!

Solid Mechanics


Structural Mechanics Fundamentals

Variational Formulation and High Order Approximation

Alberto Carpinteri

Marco Bittencourt

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

"This book builds on the strong and traditional approach to the strength of materials and mechanics of solids of the Italian school of structural mechanics, to give a complete and up-to-date treatment of classical statics of structures." —Maurizio Angelillo, University of Salerno, Italy

Offering a complete and uniform treatment of the most fundamental and essential topics in structural mechanics, this book presents a traditional subject in an updated and modernized way. It merges classical topics with ones that have taken shape more recently, such as duality. The book covers the mechanics of linear elastic solids, the theory of beam systems, and the phenomena of structural failure. A text for senior undergraduate and graduate students in structural engineering and architecture, it is also a valuable reference for practicing engineers and researchers. • Draws on the author’s many years of teaching experience • Refers to the fundamental concept of duality, which is important for students to grasp • Uses numerous worked examples and more than 700 illustrations to help explain the material

Selected Contents: Introduction. Geometry of Areas. Kinematics and Statics of Rigid Body Systems. Determination of Constraint Reactions. Internal Beam Reactions. Statically Determinate Beam Systems. Analysis of Strain and Stress. Theory of Elasticity. Saint Venant Problem. Beams and Plates in Flexure. Statically Indeterminate Beam Systems: Method of Forces. Energy Methods for the Solution of Beam Systems. Appendices: Calculation of the Internal Reactions in a Circular Arch Subjected to a Radial Hydrostatic Load. Calculation of the Internal Reactions in a Circular Arch Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load. Anisotropic Material. Heterogeneous Beam. Heterogeneous Plate. Finite Difference Method. Torsion of Multiply Connected Thin-Walled Cross-Sections. Index. Catalog no. Y108407, August 2013, 500 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-58032-8 $70.00 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook


University of Campinas, Brazil

This classroom-tested text incorporates the variational formulation of mechanical models based on the principle of virtual work (PVW). All models are presented following the same sequence of steps, including kinematics, strain measurement, rigid body deformation, internal and external work, equilibrium, constitutive equations, and structural design. This presentation allows readers to establish a logical sequence for treating any mechanical problem. The author offers stepby-step explanations of the limitations and strengths of mechanical models and includes many real-world examples. MATLAB® programs are supplied to run the examples. • Formulates and approximates solid mechanical models starting from simple cases and proceeding to more complex nonlinear problems • Offers an integrated approach of mechanical models, finite element approximation, and applications using MATLAB • Includes many exercises and real-world examples of mechanical models A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.

Selected Contents: Introduction. Equilibrium of Particles and Rigid Bodies. Bars in Traction and Compression. Shafts with Circular and Noncircular Cross Sections. Beams (Euler-Bernoulli Beam). Beams with Shear Effect (Timoshenko Beam). General Beams. High-Order Shape Functions, Mapping, and Numerical Integration. Plates (Kirchhoff Plate). Plates with Shear Effect (Reissner-Mindlin Plate). Variational Formulation and Approximation of Mechanical Models. Solids. Nonlinear Transient Structural Models. Catalog no. K12742, January 2014, 700 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6001-4, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

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Structural Engineering Forthcoming!


Durability of Concrete Structures

Structural Engineer's Pocket Book

An Introduction Sudhir Misra Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

This is a resource for graduate students studying deterioration resulting from reinforcement corrosion, alkali-aggregate reaction, and cyclic freezing and thawing. This book provides information on causes, implications, prevention, and control. It also covers concepts of non-destructive testing and evaluation, including a brief description of the methods available, their limitations, and interpretation of results obtained. The text also offers a better perspective of nondestructive testing methods and explores the emerging thought of including maintenance and repair of concrete structures in a comprehensive design framework. The book also includes case studies, examples, end-of-chapter problems, a solutions manual, and PowerPoint® slides. • Provides information on nondestructive testing methods and evaluation • Serves as a reference with a discussion of relevant codal provisions • Includes principal mechanisms of deterioration in concrete structures • Offers case studies, examples, end-of-chapter problems, solutions manual, and PowerPoint slides A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.

Catalog no. K14562, April 2014, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0536-0, $129.95 / £82.00

Eurocodes, Third Edition Fiona Cobb Consulting Engineer, UK

Now in its third edition, the Structural Engineer’s Pocket Book remains a comprehensive pocket reference guide for professional and student structural engineers, particularly those taking the IStructE Part 3 exam. The combination of tables, data, facts, formulae, and rules of thumb make it an invaluable aid in scheme design for structural engineers in the office, in transit, or on site. By bringing together data from many different sources, this pocket book is a compact source of job-simplifying information at an affordable price. It acts as a reliable first point of reference and saves valuable time otherwise spent trying to track down information that is needed on a daily basis. Concise and precise, this third edition is updated to reflect the industry changeover to the Eurocodes which are used and referenced throughout. Chapters cover all the main structural materials as well as providing basic design data and information on environmental sustainability. The Eurocodes use considerable notation and symbols. The front and back covers include fold-out leaves which summarise the most commonly used symbols for easy reference alongside the main text. This heavily revised, third edition is not "yet another guide to the Eurocodes." It is intended as a day-to-day reference and hopes to satisfy a number of different groups of engineers in the transition from British Standards to Eurocodes. Catalog no. K16062, April 2014, 395 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-08-097121-6 $34.95 / £19.99

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Structural Engineering New!

Worked Examples for the Design of Concrete Structures to Eurocode 2 Tony Threlfall Consulting Engineer, UK

"If I was a practicing engineer and was using the Eurocodes for the first time I would want to have this book on my shelf. I would also recommend it to anyone who attended a course on Eurocode 2 design. ... The book provides succinct examples for normal building structures. For such projects it is important to use efficient and quick forms of calculations which are easy to understand and check. These examples set the scene for clear understanding by the designer and good communication for the construction process." —Robin Whittle, Consultant, England

Dynamics of Structures, Third Edition J. Humar Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

This text offers comprehensive coverage of the analytical tools required to determine the dynamic response of structures. It examines a variety of analysis tools from the traditional to the most current. Of great practical use to civil, mechanical, and aeronautical engineers, this book includes workable examples and exercises in each chapter. Topics covered include the formulation of the equations of motion using the principles of vector mechanics and analytical mechanics, free vibration response, and determination of frequencies and mode shapes. • Comprehensive coverage of numerical techniques, including frequency domain analysis methods, numerical integration techniques etc.

Packed with worked examples, this practical design guide illustrates how Eurocode 2 may be used in practice. A short introduction outlines the fundamental objectives of design and referring to relevant sources of information for loads and material properties. The book then presents complete and detailed designs of six archetypal structures, civil structures, and buildings. The comprehensive treatment of the variety of structures in the new code makes this a unique and invaluable work.

• Clarity of presentation, which will appeal to the reader, and particularly to students

• Provides detailed calculations, reinforcement drawings, and commentaries on bar arrangements throughout

Selected Contents:

• Supplies original tables for the analysis of basements and tanks bearing on elastic soils • Includes more than 237 illustrations and numerous tables • Offers an analysis of a cylindrical tank that considers thermal actions due to variations in ambient and water temperature • Explains analysis methods and design procedures fully, with reference to the appropriate standards

Selected Contents: Eurocodes and design actions. Design of members. Example 1 Multi-storey building. Example 2 Foundations to multi-storey building. Example 3 Free-standing earth-retaining wall. Example 4 Underground service reservoir. Example 5 Open-top rectangular tank. Example 6 Open-top cylindrical tank. Appendices. Catalog no. RU54460, June 2013, 260 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46819-0 $69.95 / £35.00


• Large number of illustrative examples and end-of-chapter exercises • Availability of a solution manual (152 pages), which will assist instructors A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Introduction. PART 1:. Formulation of the equations of motion: Single-degree-of-freedom systems. Formulation of the equations of motion: Multidegree-of-freedom systems. Principles of analytical mechanics. PART 2:. Free vibration response: Singledegree-of-freedom system. Forced harmonic vibrations: Single-degree-of-freedom system. Response to general dynamic loading and transient response. Analysis of single-degree-of-freedom systems: Approximate and numerical methods. Analysis of response in the frequency domain. PART 3:. Free vibration response: Multi-degree-of-freedom system. Numerical solution of the eigenproblem. Forced dynamic response: Multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom systems: Approximate and numerical methods. PART 4:. Formulation of the equations of motion: Continuous systems. Continuous systems: Free vibration response. Continuous systems: Forced-vibration response. Wave propagation analysis. PART 5:. Finite element method. Component mode synthesis. Analysis of nonlinear response. Catalog no. K14402, March 2012, 1058 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-62086-4, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook

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Structural Engineering Mechanics of Solids and Structures Second Edition Roger T. Fenner Imperial College London, UK

J.N. Reddy Texas A&M University, College Station, USA Series: Computational Mechanics and Applied Analysis

"Each topic is introduced in a careful and systematic manner, developing complexity gently, so that it nurtures and develops a joy for structural systems and the contemporary tools used to solve structural engineering challenges." —Professor Feargal Brennan, Cranfield University

A revision of a popular textbook, this volume emphasizes the development of analysis techniques from basic principles for a broad range of practical problems, including simple structures, pressure vessels, beams, and shafts. The book integrates numerical and computer techniques with programs for carrying out analyses, facilitating design, and solving the problems found at the end of each chapter. It also presents the underlying theory and traditional manual solution methods along with these techniques. This new second edition covers relationships between stress and strain, torsion, statically determinate systems, instability of struts and columns, and compatibility equations. • Includes color graphics and illustrations throughout for better visual understanding of mechanics • Presents balanced coverage of traditional mechanics and modern numerical/computer methods, including finite element analysis • Includes a new chapter on energy methods as applied to engineering mechanics • Prepares students for graduate-level work in engineering mechanics • Includes numerous engineering examples, applications and problems A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.

Selected Contents: Introduction. Statically Determinate Systems. Relationships between Stress and Strain. Statically Indeterminate Systems. Bending of Beams: Moments, Forces, and Stresses. Bending of Beams: Deflections. Torsion. Instability and the Buckling of Struts and Columns. Transformations of Stress and Strain. Equilibrium and Compatibility Equations: Beams and Thick-Walled Cylinders. Energy Methods of Structural Mechanics. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K12712, June 2012, 705 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5814-1, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Introduction to Structural Analysis Displacement and Force Methods S. T. Mau California State University, Northridge, USA

"This book has two important features that make it unique. Both the force and displacement methods of analysis are given equal emphasis, and the matrix method is introduced at a very early stage. While the force method is important for students to learn how structures behave, the displacement method on which the matrix method is based has indubitable practical significance. Dr. Mau has done a superb job in espousing both theory and practice in his textbook." —Eric Lui, Syracuse University, New York, USA

This indispensable textbook is designed to bridge the gap between engineering practice and education. Acknowledging the fact that virtually all computer structural analysis programs are based on the matrix displacement method of analysis, the author begins with the displacement method and then introduces the force method of analysis. The book also shows how these methods are applied, particularly to trusses and to beams and rigid frames. • Explains complicated analysis using simplified methods and numerous examples • Provides an understanding of the underlying methodologies of finite element analysis • Includes a matrix operations tutorial and supplementary review notes as appendices • Contains more than 500 illustrations to supplement the text

Selected Contents: Truss Analysis: Matrix Displacement Method. Truss Analysis: Force Method—Part I. Truss Analysis: Force Method—Part II. Beam and Frame Analysis: Force Method—Part I. Beam and Frame Analysis: Force Method—Part II. Beam and Frame Analysis: Force Method—Part III. Beam and Frame Analysis: Displacement Method—Part I. Beam and Frame Analysis: Displacement Method—Part II. Influence Lines. Other Topics. Appendix A: Matrix Algebra Review. Appendix B: Supplementary Review Notes. Catalog no. K14511, April 2012, 328 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0416-5, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook

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Structural Engineering

Reliability of Structures Damage to Concrete Structures

Second Edition

Geert De Schutter

University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College, Ohio, USA

Ghent University, Belgium

This book summarizes the state-of-the-art information on the degradation of concrete structures, and gives a clear and comprehensive overview of what can go wrong. Written as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students, the knowledge is presented in an easy-to-understand, pedagogical way. The book describes the different causes of damage to concrete, including inappropriate design, errors during execution, mechanisms occurring during hardening of concrete, and actions or degradation mechanisms during service life (hardened concrete). The degradation mechanisms are illustrated with numerous real-world examples and many drawings and photographs taken of actual structures.

Selected Contents: Durability and service life: Introduction. Durability and service life. Strategies and cost. Durable concrete. Practical durability approach. More advanced durability design. References. Inappropriate design: Introduction. Inappropriate dimensions and detailing. Wrong estimation of loading. Inappropriate estimation of creep effects. Inappropriate mix design. References. Errors during casting: Introduction. Errors during proportioning. Inappropriate mixing. Aggressive substances within the mix. Wrong placement of reinforcement. Bad compaction and other problems during casting. Problems with formworks. Damage in plastic stage. References. Actions during hardening: Introduction. Autogenous shrinkage. Drying shrinkage. Thermal shrinkage. References. Actions during service: Mechanical actions. Physical actions. Chemical actions. Reinforcement corrosion. References. Index. Catalog no. Y112528, September 2012, 209 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-60388-1 $59.95 / £35.00 Also available as an eBook


Andrzej S. Nowak University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Kevin R. Collins

This book enables students and practicing engineers to appreciate how to value and handle reliability as an important dimension of structural design. It discusses the concepts of limit states and limit state functions, and presents methodologies for calculating reliability indices and calibrating partial safety factors. It also supplies information on the probability distributions and parameters used to characterize both applied loads and member resistances. This revised and extended second edition contains expanded discussions of U.S. and international codes and Monte Carlo simulation, as well as more examples. • Introduces information suitable for both students and professionals • Assumes little mathematical background • Presents information written with an applied focus, with only enough mathematics and engineering theory to empower the reader • Includes useful worked examples • Provides accompanying website with solutions manual

Selected Contents: Introduction Random Variables Functions of Random Variables Simulation Techniques Structural Safety Analysis Structural Load Models Models of Resistance Design Codes System Reliability Uncertainties in the Building Process Catalog no. Y119676, December 2012, 407 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-67575-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

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Structural Engineering New!

Principles of Structure Fifth Edition Ken Wyatt University of New South Wales, Australia

Richard Hough Arup Australia

With a unique format, using worked examples and supplementary clarification in parallel with explanatory text, this fifth edition of a classic gives readers a basic understanding of the design of building structures. It covers loads and reactions, bracing, moments and shears, and stresses and deflections. The text explains these structural principles clearly and concisely, and the worksheets test readers’ understanding. Backed up with real-world case studies, including six new buildings from around the world, the combination of theory and practice gives beginners straightforward access to elementary structural engineering. • Contains an introductory appendix for readers new to the basic ideas • Adopts a distinctive format with text and commentary for easier learning • Provides updated text and examples using the International System of units (SI) • Retains its tried and tested content and layout, successful over five decades of use in architecture schools • Includes eighteen real building examples—with six major new buildings—showing application of the principles

Selected Contents: Forces, Moments and Equilibrium Ties and Struts Loadings on Buildings Graphical Statics Pin-Jointed Structures Bracing of Buildings Shear Force and Bending Moment Properties of Area Bending Stresses Shear Stresses Deflections Design of Beams Answers to Worksheets Appendix: A First Encounter with Statics Index Catalog no. Y117502, February 2013, 232 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-66727-2 $59.95 / £34.99 Also available as an eBook

Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Design to EC2 The Complete Process, Second Edition Eugene O'Brien and Emma Sheils University College, Dublin, Ireland

Andrew Dixon Consulting Civil and Structural Engineer, Ireland

Fully revised to Eurocode 2, this second edition retains the original’s emphasis on qualitative understanding of the overall behaviour of concrete structures. With a new chapter dedicated to case studies, worked examples, and exercise examples, it is an even more comprehensive guide to conceptual design, analysis, and detailed design of concrete structures, providing civil and structural engineering students with complete coverage of the analysis and design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. • Provides material updated to Eurocode 2 • Covers the whole process of structural analysis and design of concrete • Contains multiple case studies and examples to guide students through the design process • Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Part 1: Structural Loading and Qualitative Design: Fundamentals of Qualitative Design. Basic Layout of Concrete. Loads and Load Effects. Part 2: Preliminary Analysis and Design: Fundamentals of Structural Analysis. Applications of Structural Analysis to Concrete Structures. Preliminary Sizing of Members. Case Studies. Part 3: Detailed Member Design: Design of Reinforced Concrete Members for Bending. Design of Prestressed Concrete Members for Bending. Combined Axial Force and Bending of Reinforced Concrete Members. Design for Shear and Torsion. Appendices. Catalog no. Y106943, January 2012, 536 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-57195-1 $59.95 / £34.99

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Structural Engineering Concrete Structures Stresses and Deformations: Analysis and Design for Sustainability, Fourth Edition A. Ghali and M. Elbadry

Stresses in Beams, Plates, and Shells, Third Edition Ansel C. Ugural New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA

University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Series: Computational Mechanics and Applied Analysis

R. Favre

Noted for its practical, student-friendly approach to graduate-level mechanics, this volume is considered one of the top references on the subject of elasticity and stress in construction. The author presents many examples and applications to review and support several foundational concepts. The more advanced concepts in elasticity and stress are analyzed and introduced gradually, accompanied by even more examples and engineering applications, in addition to numerous illustrations. Chapter problems are carefully arranged from the basic to the more challenging. The author covers computer methods, including FEA and computational/equation-solving software, and, in many cases, classical and numerical/computer approaches. Catalog no. K10142, August 2009, 596 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0270-0 $146.95 / £94.00

Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland

This fourth edition has a new emphasis on designing for serviceability. It has been comprehensively updated and gives two new chapters on the corrosion of reinforcement and its effects and on the analysis and design for fatigue. It also now includes 65 solved examples and more than 45 instructive problems with solutions given at the end of the book. An accompanying website contains design calculation programs, which allow interactive data input. Catalog no. Y109355, September 2011, 672 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-58561-3, $174.95 / £111.00

Principles of Structural Design

Design of Structural Elements

Ram S. Gupta

Concrete, Steelwork, Masonry and Timber Designs to British Standards and Eurocodes, Third Edition

Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA

Chanakya Arya University College London, UK

Anyone involved with structural design must maintain a functional understanding of wood, steel, and concrete design principles. Covering all of these materials, this book provides a self-contained authoritative source that elaborates on the most recent practices together with the code-connected fundamentals that other books often take for granted. Organized for ready reference, the text presents the LRFD approach for designing structural elements according to the latest codes. Written primarily for architecture and construction management students, it is equally suitable for those in civil and structural engineering programs. Catalog no. 73397, August 2010, 488 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7339-3, $129.95 / £83.00 Also available as an eBook

Selected Contents:

Wood, Steel, and Concrete


Part One: Introduction to Structural Design. Philosophy of Design. Basic Structural Concepts and Material Properties. Part Two: Structural Design to British Standards. Design in Reinforced Concrete to BS8110/BS8500. Design in Structural Steelwork to BS5950. Design in Unreinforced Masonry to BS5628, BS EN771, BS EN845 and BS EN998. Design in Timber to BS5268. Part Three: Structural Design to the Eurocodes. The Structural Eurocodes: An Introduction. Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures. Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures. Eurocode 6: Masonry Design. Eurocode 5: Timber Design. Catalog no. RU53909, April 2009, 528 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46720-9 $57.95 / £31.99

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Structural Engineering Construction Materials

Understanding Structures

Their Nature and Behaviour, Fourth Edition

An Introduction to Structural Analysis Mete A. Sozen

Edited by

Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Peter Domone University College London, UK

John Illston Retired Engineer, UK

The twenty–first century has brought much growth in our understanding of materials’ behavior and in their technology and use. This new edition has been expanded to cover recent developments such as the use of glass as a structural material. It also examines the contribution that material selection makes to sustainable construction practice, considering the availability of raw materials, production, recycling, and reuse. The new edition maintains the predecessor’s familiar and accessible format, starting with fundamental principles and continuing with a section on each of the major groups of materials, including metals, concrete, ceramics, polymers, fiber composites, bituminous materials, timber, and glass. Catalog no. RU54644, May 2010, 584 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46516-8 $65.95 / £36.99

Structural Analysis A Unified Classical and Matrix Approach, Sixth Edition Amin Ghali and Tom G. Brown University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Adam Neville Consultant Civil Engineer, UK

This comprehensive textbook combines classical and matrix-based methods of structural analysis and develops them concurrently. The book reviews idealization of loads, anticipated deformations, deflected shapes, and bending moment diagrams. It also demonstrates how to idealize real three-dimensional structures into simplified models that can be analyzed with little or no calculation, or by more involved calculations using computers. Dynamic analysis, essential for structures subject to seismic ground motion, is further developed in this edition and in a code-neutral manner, and the book includes a new chapter on structural reliability analysis. Catalog no. RU43927, February 2009, 864 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-77433-8 $78.95 / £41.99

Toshikatsu Ichinose Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

Today, the web of structural mechanics is so finely woven that it hides the role of experience in design, leading to high levels of risk. An exploration of essential design and construction details of safe structures, this book explains how buildings and bridges resist gravity, wind, and earthquake loads. Employing an interactive presentation of topics, it spans elementary concepts, from force in trusses to bending of beams and the response of multi-story, multi-bay frames. This book features free access to GOYA software, which runs easily on JAVA-enabled systems. Developed by the authors to improve understanding of structures through repetition, GOYA enables readers to solve problems of increasing complexity with relative ease, thereby expediting the process of safe structure design. Catalog no. 6861X, July 2008, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6861-0, $113.95 / £73.99 Also available as an eBook

Structural Optimization Dynamic and Seismic Applications Franklin Y. Cheng Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, USA

Kevin Z. Truman University of Missouri, Columbia, USA Series: Structural Engineering: Mechanics and Design

Today’s biggest structural engineering challenge is to design stronger structures, and a key issue is the need to take an integrated approach that balances control of costs with the requirement for withstanding earthquakes and other dynamic forces. Structural optimization is based on rigorous mathematical formulation and requires computation algorithms for sizing structural elements and synthesizing systems. A thoroughly written and practical book on the topic, this volume comprehensively presents current optimization strategies. Illustrated with sufficient examples of the design of elements and systems and presenting descriptions of the process and results, it places strong emphasis on dynamic loading, particularly with respect to seismic forces. Catalog no. RU43753, June 2010, 728 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-42370-0, $167.95 / £107.00

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Geotechnical Engineering New!

Problem Solving for Engineers David G. Carmichael University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

"Problem solving and systems are given a very broad perspective, encompassing key engineering tasks such as design, investigation, decision making and optimization. ...the examples and exercises make it an easy-to-read book. The exercises are not merely drill type ones, but also ones that make the reader think – this is to be commended..." ––Priyan Dias, Senior Professor, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, Associate Editor, Civil Engineering & Environmental Systems

This book takes a systematic approach to problem definition, generation of alternative solutions, analysis, and selection of the preferred solution. The book introduces some fundamental terms needed to think systematically and undertake systematic problem solving. It covers both individual and group problem solving. Selection of the preferred solution involves decision making, and fundamental concepts of decision making are introduced, including decision making in the presence of multiple criteria and uncertainty. The treatment embodies decision making for sustainability, with its blend of economics, social, and environmental considerations. It also identifies and embodies the specific problem solving of management and planning. • Outlines an original, fully systematic framework for solving problems and making decisions • Uses terminology and concepts that are widely applicable and are not discipline specific • Keeps the required mathematics at a level familiar to all engineering undergraduates • Presents the information in a logical structure, leading the reader from basic concepts and problems to gaining solutions to problems, reinforced by exercises • Includes real-life cases to illustrate the problem-solving process

Selected Contents: Introduction. Systems Methodology. Models and Modelling. Fundamental Systems Problems. The Systems Problem of Analysis; System Behaviour. The Systems Problem of Investigation. Creativity. Optimisation. General Problem Solving with Groups. Decision Making with Intangibles and Multiple Objectives. Decision Problems. Conclusion. References. Catalog no. K16494, June 2013, 439 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-7061-0, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook


Analytic Methods in Geomechanics Kam-tim Chau Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Bringing together a range of areas including tensor analysis, elasticity, plasticity, fracture mechanics, and viscoelasticity, this book is an indispensable guide to the fundamentals of geomechanics. It provides explanations of each subject area, using a step-by-step process with numerous worked examples. The more advanced material, such as 2-D elasticity and application of J-integral to model slipping slopes, supplies a gateway into understanding the latest research results and applying them to practical problems. The book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students as well as professionals and researchers. • Provides an indispensable guide to the fundamentals of geomechanics • Requires only minimal training in engineering mathematics, strength of materials, and engineering mechanics • Describes the use of complex variable technique for solving 2-D elasticity problems • Details solutions for 3-D elasticity, including Boussinesq, Kelvin, and Midlin • Introduces the use of Helmholtz free energy in macroscopic deformation • Includes discussions of continuum damage mechanics and microcrack models in fracture mechanics Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Elementary Tensor Analysis. Elasticity and Its Applications. Complex Variable Methods for 2-D Elasticity. Three-Dimensional Solutions in Elasticity. Plasticity and Its Applications. Fracture Mechanics and Its Applications. Viscoelasticity and Its Applications. Linear Elastic Fluid-Infiltrated Solids and Poroelasticity. Dynamics and Waves in Geomaterials. Appendices. Selected Biographies. References. Author Index. Subject Index. Catalog no. K15396, December 2012, 457 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-5585-3 $69.95 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook

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Geotechnical Engineeringa New!

Craig's Soil Mechanics Eighth Edition

Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties

Jonathan Knappett and R.F. Craig

Second Edition

University of Dundee, UK

University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA

"Buying a copy of Craig’s as an undergraduate is a lifetime career investment." —Geoffrey Blight, Witwatersrand University, South Africa

"All the background needed for those engaged in geotechnical engineering practice, foundation engineering and construction can be found in this book." —Fred Boadu, Duke University, USA

Now in its eighth edition, this bestselling text continues to blend clarity of explanation with depth of coverage to present students with the fundamental principles of soil mechanics. From the foundations of the subject through to its application in practice, Craig’s Soil Mechanics provides an indispensable companion to undergraduate courses and beyond. • Updates information in line with Eurocode 7 • Provides spreadsheets for calculations and design examples • Includes case studies, problems, and worked examples • Restructures this edition into two major sections: basic concepts and theory, and design • Offers coverage of limit analysis techniques, in situ testing, and foundation systems • Details additional material on seepage, soil stiffness, the critical state concept, and foundation design • Presents enhanced pedagogy, including a comprehensive glossary, learning outcomes, summaries, and visual examples of real-life engineering equipment • Features glossary of terms, with the first use of each term in the text highlighted in bold Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Basic Characteristics of Soils. Seepage. Effective Stress. Consolidation. Soil Behaviour in Shear. Ground Investigation. In Situ Testing. Shallow Foundations. Deep Foundations. Advanced Foundation Topics. Retaining Structures. Stability of Self-Supporting Soil Masses. Illustrative Cases. Catalog no. Y105176, February 2012, 584 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-56126-6 $59.95 / £32.99 Also available as an eBook

Abhijit Y. Dandekar “Good continuity, easy to understand for an undergraduate student. Well-illustrated and can also be used as a reference for practical work. … Material is well organized. The book may be appropriate as a textbook for a course like properties of rocks.” —Pradeep B. Jadhav, Maharashtra Institute of Technology

Accessible to anyone with an engineering background, this text reveals the importance of understanding rock and fluid properties in petroleum engineering. Along with new practice problems and detailed solved examples, this edition covers Stone II three-phase relative permeability model, unconventional oil and gas resources, low salinity water injection, saturated reservoirs and production trends of five reservoir fluids, impact of mud filtrate invasion and heavy organics on samples, and flow assurance problems due to solid components of petroleum. It also offers better plots for determining oil and water Corey exponents from relative permeability data. • Provides well-balanced coverage of rock and fluid properties, supplemented with key references, laboratory methods, and graphical illustrations • Builds a strong foundation in petroleum engineering • Presents recombination calculations for determining live reservoir fluid composition, the LBC method for determining viscosity, and the parachor method for determining interfacial tension • Includes solved examples as well as both concept- and computation-based homework problems in most chapters

Selected Contents: Introduction. Preamble to Petroleum Reservoir Rock Properties. Porosity. Absolute Permeability. Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks. Fluid Saturation. Interfacial Tension and Wettability. Capillary Pressure. Relative Permeability. Introduction to Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Introduction to Phase Behavior. Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. Sampling of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. ... Catalog no. K13547, February 2013, 544 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7636-7, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook

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Geotechnical Engineering New!


Rock Mechanics

Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, Two Volume Set & CD-ROM Pack

An Introduction Nagaratnam Sivakugan James Cook University, Queensland, Australia

Sanjay Kumar Shukla Edith Cowan University, Western Australia

Braja M. Das formerly at California State University, Sacramento, USA

An understanding of rock mechanics is fundamental to a number of civil engineering applications, including tunneling, foundation engineering, slope stabilization, and mining. Covering the principles of rock mechanics in a simple, accessible manner for those with little or no background, this book is the ideal introduction to the subject. Outlining the basis of rock mechanics and the relevant aspects of engineering geology, this text is an excellent starting point for advanced undergraduates and graduate students focusing on geotechnical, geological, and civil engineering. • Covers the basics of rock mechanics, including background information on engineering geology • Uses a practical approach with worked examples and references to software • Includes end-of-chapter summaries and review exercises • Provides clear coverage of complex concepts including stereographic projections • Written by an experienced team comprised of successful teachers and book writers

Selected Contents: Fundamentals of Engineering Geology. Spherical Presentation of Geological Data. Rock Properties and Laboratory Testing. Rock Mass Classification. Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Rock. Rock Slope Stability. Foundations on Rock. Appendix. Index. Catalog no. Y132930, January 2013, 254 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-80923-8, $64.95 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook


Third Edition William A. Hustrulid University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

Mark Kuchta Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

Randall K. Martin R.K. Martin and Associates, Denver, Colorado, USA

Building on the success of its 2006 predecessor, this third edition of Open Pit Mine Planning and Design has been both updated and extended, ensuring that it remains the most complete and authoritative account of modern open pit mining available. Five new chapters on unit operations have been added, the revenues and costs chapter has been substantially revised and updated, and the references have been brought fully up to date. In addition, the pack now also includes a fully working version of the MicroMODEL mine planning software package. Volume 1 deals with the fundamental concepts involved in the planning and design of open pit mines. Subjects covered are mine planning, mining revenues and costs, orebody description, geometrical considerations, pit limits, production planning, mineral resources and ore reserves, responsible mining, rock blasting, rotary drilling, shovel loading, haulage trucks, and machine availability and utilization. Volume 2 includes CSMine and MicroMODEL, userfriendly mine planning and design software packages developed specifically to illustrate the practical application of the involved principles. It also comprises the CSMine and MicroMODEL tutorials and user’s manuals and eight orebody case examples, including drillhole data sets for performing a complete open pit mine evaluation. Catalog no. K16679, June 2013, 1308 pp. Pack - Book and CD, ISBN: 978-1-4665-7512-7 $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook

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Geotechnical Engineering

Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics Second Edition William G. Pariseau University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

"Professor Pariseau has written a book that is perfectly suited to his undergraduate students. ... If you are in the market for a book that teaches the fundamentals of mining engineering, you will find this to be an excellent book for that purpose." —Kevin J. Hind, New Zealand Geomechanics News, 83, June 2012

Developed for a complete class in rock engineering, Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics, Second Edition uniquely combines the design of surface and underground rock excavations. Explanatory and illustrative in character, this volume is suited for courses in rock mechanics, rock engineering, and geological engineering design for undergraduate and first-year graduate students in mining, civil engineering, and applied earth sciences. Moreover, it will form a good introduction to the subject of rock mechanics for earth scientists and engineers from other disciplines. • Contains example problems and a selection of homework problems at the end of each chapter that reinforce design principles described in the text • Builds on a foundation of mechanics of materials that almost all undergraduate engineers study • Presents material suitable for a variety of engineering disciplines concerned with rock excavation, including civil, geological, and mining engineering • Offers a companion solution manual available for engineers engaged in self-study as well as for classroom instructors in a university setting • Uses both metric and imperial units A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction. Slope Stability. Shafts. Tunnels. Entries in Stratified Ground. Pillars in Stratified Ground. Three-Dimensional Excavations. Subsidence. Dynamic Phenomena. Appendix A: Background Literature. Appendix B: Mechanical Properties of Intact Rock and Joints. Appendix C: Rock Mass Classification Schemes for Engineering. Appendix D: Some Useful Formulas. Catalog no. K13049, September 2011, 698 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-89339-8, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook

Geological Engineering Luis Gonzalez de Vallejo Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Mercedes Ferrer Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid

A guide for developing integrated engineering solutions that take into account both ground conditions and environment, this extensively illustrated textbook examines the subject area of geological engineering in four sections: Fundamentals, Methods, Applications, and Geohazards. Covering topics such as site investigation, rock mechanics, and slope stability, Geological Engineering provides an extensive foundation in the basic concepts of soil mechanics and hydrogeology, while also including state-of-the-art applications. In addition to its superb academic features, the book is also useful for practicing engineering geologists and those involved in the design and construction of foundations. Catalog no. SW3524, January 2011, 700 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-41352-7, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook

Practical Engineering Geology Steve Hencher University of Leeds, UK

Covering a range of roles and challenges that face an engineering geologist, Steve Hencher outlines the fundamental role of engineering geology in civil engineering projects and assesses the various tools that an engineering geologist brings to such a project. The book is illustrated with a number of case studies and provides reference tables of parameters and properties. This is an ideal reference for practicing engineering geologists and graduate-level students of engineering geology. Catalog no. RU54405, January 2012, 464 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46909-8 $79.95 / £45.00 Also available as an eBook

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Geotechnical Engineering

Soil Mechanics Fundamentals Isao Ishibashi

Introduction to Tunnel Construction David Chapman and Nicole Metje

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

University of Birmingham, UK

Hemanta Hazarika

Beton- und Monierbau GmbH, Austria

Kyushu University, Japan

Alfred Stärk

Comprehensive and introductory, this textbook covers all basic fundamental concepts of soil mechanics. It delineates how soil behaves, why it behaves that way, and the engineering significance of such behavior. The text explains the various behaviors of soils based on mathematics, physics, and chemistry in a simple but complete manner. The authors include essential engineering equations to emphasize the importance of fundamentals, and 180 exercise problems and solutions to aid with application. Catalog no. K12080, December 2010, 342 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4644-5, $83.95 / £52.99 Also available as an eBook

Tunnelling provides a robust solution to a variety of engineering challenges. It is a complex process, which requires a firm understanding of the ground conditions as well as structural issues. This book covers the whole range of information that tunnel engineers need to know. Coverage includes hard-rock and softground conditions; site investigation, parameter selection, and design considerations; methods of improving the stability of the ground and lining techniques; health and safety considerations; and monitoring of tunnels during construction. It also includes a number of case studies of real tunnel projects to demonstrate how the theories apply in practice. Catalog no. RU54384, May 2010, 416 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46842-8 $78.95 / £41.99

Single Piles and Pile Groups Under Lateral Loading

Soil Physics with HYDRUS

2nd Edition

Modeling and Applications David E. Radcliffe

Lymon C. Reese

University of Georgia, Athens, USA

University of Texas, Austin, USA

Jiri Simunek

William F. Van Impe Laboratory of Geotechnics, Ghent University, Belgium

This second edition of Single Piles and Pile Groups Under Lateral Loading has been extensively revised to suit the classroom setting. New features include homework problems with solutions presented in the student version of the software as well as new and updated case studies that are consistent with modern methods of the characterization of soil properties. The thrust of the book is a detailed presentation of methods of analysis for single piles and groups of piles under lateral loading. These methods make use of load-transfer functions that are based heavily on testing results of full-scale, heavily instrumented piles under carefully controlled lateral loading, coupled with the use of soil-structure interaction mechanics. Catalog no. Y008701, January 2011, 508 pp., Pack ISBN: 978-0-415-46988-3, $129.95 / £83.00


University of California, Riverside, USA

One of the most advanced and popular numerical computer models used in the field of soil physics, the HYDRUS series is used for the analysis of water flow and solute transport in variably saturated porous media. Co-authored by the software’s creator, Dr. Jirka Šim nek, this volume demonstrates two- and threedimensional simulations and computer animations of numerical models using the software. Classroom-tested at the University of Georgia, this volume includes numerous examples and homework problems. It provides students with access to the base HYDRUS program as well as the Rosetta Database, which contains large volumes of information on the hydraulic properties of soils. Catalog no. 7380X, May 2010, 388 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7380-5, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook

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Geotechnical Engineering

Foundations of Engineering Geology


Third Edition

Basics for Engineers

Tony Waltham

Aurele Parriaux

Retired from Nottingham Trent University, UK

Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland

Now in full color, the third edition of this well-established book provides a readable and highly illustrated overview of the aspects of geology that are most significant to civil engineers. Each topic is presented as a double page spread with a careful mix of text and diagrams, with tabulated reference material on parameters such as bearing strength of soils and rocks. This new edition has been comprehensively updated and covers the entire spectrum of topics of interest for both students and practitioners in the field of civil engineering. Catalog no. RU54661, April 2009, 104 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46960-9 $33.95 / £20.50

Geology: Basics for Engineers presents the physical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, the nature of rocks and their interaction with water, and the processes that have created the Earth as we know it. The book shows engineers how to take geological conditions into account, explores a wide range of resources, and explains how to manage them in an intelligent way. Through a problem-based learning approach, this instructional text imparts knowledge and practical experience to engineering students and practitioners in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, earth sciences, and architecture. Catalog no. SW6165, August 2009, 590 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46165-8 $115.95 / £73.99 Also available as an eBook

Fundamental Concepts of Earthquake Engineering

Offshore Geotechnical Engineering

Roberto Villaverde University of California, Irvine, USA

This comprehensive resource is a great aid to those professionals tasked with mitigating the effects of catastrophic earthquakes. It presents modern concepts and valuable procedures, code provisions, and seismic hazard assessment techniques used to make structures as earthquake-resistant as possible. The author details the main aspects and historical development of earthquake engineering with regard to various types and levels of damage. He also details earthquake generation and propagation mechanisms and scales used to quantify earthquake size and damage potential. Catalog no. 64959, January 2009, 960 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6495-7, $146.95 / £94.00 Also available as an eBook

Mark Randolph and Susan Gourvenec University of Western Australia, Perth

Due to fundamental differences in construction and installation techniques, offshore geotechnical engineering has grown as a specialty. The early chapters of this critical volume provide a brief overview of the marine environment, offshore site investigation techniques, and interpretation of soil behavior. The book then examines the geotechnical design of piled foundations, shallow foundations, and anchoring systems. Using a multidisciplinary approach, the book also examines the design of mobile drilling rigs, pipelines, and geohazards. The final section explores general concepts surrounding design and reliability in the offshore environment. Catalog no. RU55596, March 2011, 550 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-47744-4, $146.95 / £94.00

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Civil Engineering New!

Essentials of Offshore Structures Framed and Gravity Platforms

Coastal Engineering Processes, Theory and Design Practice Dominic Reeve and Andrew Chadwick

D.V. Reddy

University of Plymouth, UK

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA

Halcrow Group Ltd., Swindon, UK

A. S. J. Swamidas

Christopher Fleming

Memorial University, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada

Praise for the Previous Edition:

"The authors are extremely well known in this subject and have produced an excellent book suitable for students and graduates working in the field of Offshore structure design. Chapters 2 and 6 are particularly interesting in the insight they give to the ocean environment and environmental loading. The book is thoroughly recommended."

"The extent of coverage is impressive. As well as being a useful reference book in its own right, it is extremely useful to have a single starting point for graduates... the book is well structured and easy to use."

––Professor William Dover, Emeritus Shell Professor, UCL, UK

Compiled by leading experts, this text details the new and longstanding methods used for analyzing offshore structures. It details the latest procedures for computing wind, wave, current, tide, and seismic effects. With an emphasis on risk-based analysis, the authors consider construction style and materials choices as well as environmental factors, especially seabed soils. Covering theory and applications, this text provides more than 200 illustrations and includes practical problems with worked solutions at the end of each chapter. • Presents theory, solutions, and useful visual illustrations of offshore structures • Provides samples of current structures mixed with typical older ones • Illustrates holistic behavior of offshore structure components • Covers seabed soil characteristics, materials, corrosion, risk analysis, design codes, and more • Includes sample problems

Selected Contents: Offshore Operations and Structural Development. Components of a Typical Offshore Structure. Ocean Environment – Wind, Wave, Current, Tides, Ice and Seismic Effects. Seabed Mechanics. Materials and Their Behavior in the Ocean Environment. Environmental Forces on Offshore Structures. Fundamental Considerations for Offshore Structures. Analysis of Framed Steel Offshore Structures. Gravity Concrete Structures Analysis. Compliant Structural Analysis. Semi-submersibles and Station-keeping. Submerged and Structure Analysis. Offshore Pipeline Analysis. Manmade Offshore Islands and Analysis. Higher Aspects of Offshore Structural Analysis. Catalog no. 68822, June 2013, 684 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6882-5, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook


—S. Sinclair, in Maritime Engineering

Coastal Engineering: Process, Theory and Design Practice is the only book to provide a thorough introduction to all aspects of coastal processes, morphology, and design of coastal defences. • Views the subject from a practical angle, rather than taking the theoretical approach used by most other books on the market • Offers expanded coverage of tsunamis and wave forces • Brings material up to date to reflect current practice • Includes more illustrations and examples

Selected Contents: Introduction Wind Waves Design Wave Specification Coastal Water Level Variations Coastal Zone Processes Coastal Morphology: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction Design, Reliability and Risk Field Surveys and Physical Models Conceptual and Detailed Design References Appendices: Appendix A – Summary of Statistical Concepts and Terminology Appendix B – Maximum Likelihood Estimation Appendix C – Harmonic Analysis Catalog no. Y108969, December 2011, 552 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-58353-4 $59.95 / £36.99

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Civil Engineering Forthcoming!

Integrated Design and Cost Management for Civil Engineers Andrew Whyte Curtin University of Technology, Australia

To succeed as a civil engineer, you need to be able to provide clients with practical solutions to their problems. Not only does the solution need to be effective, it also needs to be cost effective. Using case studies to illustrate principles and processes, this book is a guide to designing, costing, and implementing a civil engineering project to suit a client’s brief. It emphasizes correctly quantifying and planning works to give reliable cost estimates to minimize your risk of losing business through over-costing or losing profits through under-costing. It also outlines how to make sure you meet the necessary local ethical and legal requirements. The main territories covered are Australia, New Zealand, the UK, South East Asia, and the Commonwealth countries, although the principles are internationally relevant.

Forensic Engineering Fundamentals Harold Franck and Darren Franck Advanced Engineering Associates, Charleston, West Virginia, USA

Forensic engineers often specialize in a particular area, but the nature of the work often requires broad knowledge in physics, chemistry, biomechanics, and engineering. Covering cases as varied as assessment of workplace accidents to the investigation of Halliburton in the BP oil spill, this volume is a comprehensive introduction to the many diverse facets of the field. Offering real-world experience drawn from the authors’ 25 years of experience, this volume assists newcomers to the field in understanding the engineering basics underlying the cases they will encounter. It also serves as a reliable reference for those confronted with issues outside their area of expertise. Catalog no. K13659, December 2012, 487 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7839-2, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Guiding you through the complete process of project design, costing, and tendering, this book is the ideal bridge between studying civil engineering and practicing in a commercial context.

Selected Contents: Introduction Design of Civil Engineering Infrastructure Civil Engineering Ethics Compliance and Negligence Avoidance Cost Management of Civil Engineering Designs and Construction Methodologies Overview of the Civil Engineering Process to Satisfy the Client’s Brief Catalog no. Y132927, April 2014, 288 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-80921-4 $54.95 / £34.99

Geomatics Engineering A Practical Guide to Project Design Clement A. Ogaja California State University, Fresno, USA

This nuts-and-bolts resource examines key components and aspects of land surveying and geomatics projects. It reviews the experience of past projects and identifies priority areas of attention for planning new projects. Ideal for students, the text guides readers through the project design and request-for-proposal process commonly used for soliciting professional geomatics engineering services. The author provides an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context, and a host of other contemporary issues such as budgetary and scheduling constraints. Catalog no. K10904, September 2010, 296 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1743-8, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook

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Civil Engineering Introduction to Composite Materials Design Second Edition Ever J. Barbero West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA Series: Composite Materials

Completely revised and updated, this second edition of a bestseller contains new chapters on damage mechanics, fabric reinforced composites, and external strengthening for infrastructure. It covers design aspects such as fiber and matrix selection, fabrication processes, prediction of material properties, and structural analysis and design of beams, plates, and shells, including many fully developed examples. Powerful preliminary design tools, such as “carpet plots,” are used in examples throughout the book. Instructional materials (including PowerPoint® slides), special software, and other pedagogical tools are available from a password-protected website maintained by the author.

New material in this second edition: • Introduces new background topics, including design for reliability and fracture mechanics • Revises and updates information on polymer matrices, modern fibers (e.g., carbon nanotubes, Basalt, Vectran) and fiber forms such as textiles/fabrics • Includes new information on Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM) • Incorporates major advances in prediction of unidirectional-lamina properties • Reworks sections on material failure, including the most advanced prediction and design methodologies, such as in situ strength and Mohr-Coulomb criterion, etc. • Covers all aspects of preliminary design, relegating finite element analysis to a separate textbook • Discusses methodology used to perform damage mechanics analysis of laminated composites accounting for the main damage modes: longitudinal tension, longitudinal compression, transverse tension, in-plane shear, and transverse compression • Presents in-depth analysis of composites reinforced with plain, twill, and satin weaves, as well as with random fiber reinforcements • Expands the analysis of thin walled beams with newly developed examples and MATLAB® code • Addresses external strengthening of reinforcedconcrete beams, columns, and structural members subjected to both axial and bending loads Catalog no. 79158, July 2010, 562 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7915-9, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook


City Planning for Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineers, and Surveyors Kurt W. Bauer SE Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, USA

An introduction to land-use planning, this book covers infrastructure systems planning and development. It stresses basic concepts and the most widely practiced principles involved in urban planning, particularly in small- and medium-sized communities. It also presents zoning, land subdivision control, and official mapping, as well as factors in good land subdivision design and improvement. The text illustrates the importance of proper mapping and control surveys for planning. Written from the perspective that cities are social and economic as well as physical entities, it offers a historical context for urban planning. Catalog no. K10440, September 2009, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0892-4, $99.95 / £64.99 Also available as an eBook

Water Technology, Third Edition Nick Gray Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Water has become one of the most important issues of our time. Water Technology is an accessible textbook that introduces the key concepts of water technology by explaining the fundamentals of hydrobiology, aquatic ecosystems, water treatment and supply, and wastewater treatment. Nick Gray uses the Water Framework Directive as the unifying theme in this edition. This text provides a complete introduction to all aspects of managing the hydrological cycle and is ideal for those interested in a career in the water industry. Catalog no. Y129636, July 2010, 768 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-85617-705-4 $69.95 / £41.99

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Dams & Hydraulic Engineering New!

Hydraulics in Civil and Environmental Engineering Fifth Edition Andrew Chadwick, Martin Borthwick, and John Morfett "Outstanding coverage of practical engineering applications that is accessible to students." —John W Davies, Coventry University, UK

Now in its fifth edition, this classic text provides thorough coverage of the basic principles of hydraulics and wide-ranging treatment of practical, real-world applications. The first part focuses on fundamentals, including hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, pipe and open channel flow, wave theory, hydrology, and sediment transport. The second part illustrates the engineering applications of these basics to pipeline system design, hydraulic structures, and river and coastal engineering. A chapter on computational hydraulics shows the application of computational simulation techniques to modern design. • Combines the basic principles of civil engineering hydraulics with practical, real-world applications • Covers essential topics for advanced international undergraduate and graduate students in civil and environmental engineering • Includes new and updated material on modeling, open channel flow, sediment transport, river and coastal engineering, climate change, and more • Begins chapters with learning goals and ends with a summary • Presents worked examples and end-of-chapter problems • Contains more than 235 illustrations A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.

Selected Contents: Short History of Hydraulics. Introductory Notes. Principal Symbols. Principles and Basic Applications: Hydrostatics. Principles of Fluid Flow. Behaviour of Real Fluids. Flow in Pipes and Closed Conduits. Open Channel Flow. Pressure Surge in Pipelines. Hydraulic Machines. Wave Theory. Sediment Transport. Flood Hydrology. Dimensional Analysis and the Theory of Physical Models. Aspects of Hydraulic Engineering: Pipeline Systems. Hydraulic Structures. Computational Hydraulics. River and Canal Engineering. Coastal Engineering. Postscript. Appendix: Moments of Area. Index. Catalog no. Y119151, February 2013, 648 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-67245-0 $99.95 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook


Applied Hydrodynamics An Introduction Hubert Chanson The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

This textbook deals with the topic of applied hydrodynamics. The lecture material is grouped into two complementary sections: ideal fluid flow and real fluid flow. The former deals with two, and possibly three-dimensional fluid motions that are not subject to boundary friction effects, while the latter considers the flow regions affected by boundary friction and turbulent shear. The lecture material is designed as an intermediate course in fluid dynamics for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students in civil, environmental, hydraulic, and mechanical engineering. • Covers a wide range of applications • Uses new and modern techniques and equipment • Provides many examples, exercises, and solutions • Avails supportive software

Selected Contents: 1. Introduction & Fundamental Equations. Part I Irrotational Flow Motion of Ideal Fluid. Introduction to Ideal Fluid Flows. Ideal Fluid Flows and Irrotational Flow Motion. Two-Dimensional Flows (1) Basic equations and flow analogies. Two-Dimensional Flows (2) Basic flow patterns. Complex potential, velocity potential & Joukowski transformation. Joukowski transformation, theorem of Kutta-Joukowski & lift force on airfoil. Theorem of Schwarz-Christoffel, free streamlines & applications. Part II - Real Fluid Flows: Theory and Applications. Introduction to Real Fluid Flows & Turbulance. Boundary Layer Theory. Application to Laminar Boundary layer Flows. Turbulent Boundary layers Catalog no. K21562, August 2013, 434 pp. ISBN: 978-1-138-00093-3, $89.95 / £57.99

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Dams & Hydraulic Engineering

Hydraulic Machines Fundamentals of Hydraulic Power Systems

Fundamentals of Wastewater Treatment and Engineering

P. Kumar

Rumana Riffat

MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India

George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA

Basic hydraulics is extensively used in various applications in industry, construction, mining, and marine engineering. The subject is part of graduate-level engineering courses in mechanical, civil, mining, and marine engineering studies worldwide. This book includes those fundamentals of fluid transmission of power necessary at graduate mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mining engineering, and marine engineering courses at any university.

This textbook introduces readers to the principles of wastewater treatment and explains how to design unit processes used in municipal wastewater treatment operations. Comprehensive and accessible, it covers emerging concerns, regulations, reaction kinetics, reactor design, environmental microbiology, and natural and engineered processes. It also discusses solids processing and removal as well as energy production from wastewater. Based on a course taught by the author for the past 18 years, this is an accessible textbook for undergraduate and graduate students. It is also a handy reference for industry professionals.

• Written with a focus on graduate-level engineering students • The first good textbook on advanced fluid dynamics • Provides the fundamentals of fluid power transmission

Selected Contents:

• Explores the fundamental concepts of sustainable wastewater treatment • Uses the concept of mass balance to develop models applicable to various unit processes

Basic Fluid Mechanics

• Examines energy production from wastewater treatment with calculations

Hydraulic Transmission of Power

• Addresses U.S. EPA and international standards

Fluids for Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic Pumps

• Covers recent advances in nutrient removal concepts and technologies

Rotodynamic Pump

• Contains more than 120 illustrations

Hydraulic Accumulator

• Supplies numerous worked-out examples in each chapter to demonstrate engineering applications

Hydraulic Motors Rotodyne Transmission Turbines Catalog no. K16622, December 2012, 347 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-66193-5, $79.95 / £49.99

• Includes a variety of study questions and problems to test comprehension A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.

Selected Contents: Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Engineering. Reaction Kinetics and Chemical Reactors. Wastewater Microbiology. Natural Purification Processes. Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals. Preliminary Treatment. Primary Treatment. Secondary Treatment: Suspended Growth Processes. Secondary Treatment: Attached Growth and Combined Processes. Secondary Clarification. Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment. Solids Processing and Disposal. Advanced Treatment Processes. Appendix. Index. Catalog no. Y117901, August 2012, 359 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-66958-0, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook


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Dams & Hydraulic Engineering Urban Flood Management Chris Zevenbergen UNESCO-IHE, Delft & Dura Vermeer Group, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands

Urban Drainage

Adrian Cashman

David Butler

University of Sheffield, UK

Niki Evelpidou University of Athens, Greece

Erik Pasche Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

Stephen Garvin BRE Scotland, Glasgow, UK

Richard Ashley Pennine Water Group, Sheffield, UK

"… useful textbook for both students and teachers, encompassing an introduction to the topic before touching upon a number of drivers and solutions of urban flood risk in a slightly more advanced manner. ... This book lends a welcome clarity to a complex, evolving and contemporary subject—and one which will grow in importance throughout the twenty-first century."

Third Edition University of Exeter, UK

John Davies Coventry University, UK

This established textbook covers the environmental and engineering aspects involved in the drainage of rainwater and wastewater. This edition includes new material on sewer flooding; the impact of climate change; flooding models; and the emergence of sustainability. It is well illustrated with examples. Catalog no. RU54651, July 2010, 656 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-45526-8 $65.95 / £36.99

—Dr Iain White, University of Manchester

This textbook integrates the expertise from disciplines such as hydrology, sociology, architecture, urban design, construction, and water resources engineering. The subject is approached from an international perspective and various case studies, exercises, expert advice, and literature recommendations are included to support the theory and illustrations. Developed by a team of specialists, this volume is intended for urban flood management education of hydrology, geography, civil and environmental engineering, and management students at university level. Moreover, professionals will find this book useful as a reference. A supporting website can be addressed for current information.

Selected Contents: Setting up The Framework: Setting The Stage for Integrated Urban Flood Management. Urban Floods. Drivers for Change: Urbanization. Climate Change: Key Uncertainties and Robust Findings. Urban Flood Risk: Hydrology of Cities. Urban Flood Risk Assessment. Responses: Responding To Flood Risk. Urban Drainage Systems. Flood Proofing the Urban Fabric. Enhancing Coping and Recovery Capacity. Towards Flood Resilient Cities: Managing For Resiliency. Capacity Building and Governance. Shelter for All. Catalog no. K10973, September 2010, 340 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-55944-7, $99.95 / £62.99

Hydrology in Practice Fourth Edition Elizabeth M. Shaw Keith J. Beven and Nick A. Chappell Lancaster University, UK

Rob Lamb JBA Consulting, UK

This fourth edition of Hydrology in Practice, while retaining the successful qualities of its predecessor, replaces the material on the Flood Studies Report with an equivalent section on the methods of the Flood Estimation Handbook. Other completely revised sections on instrumentation and modelling reflect the many changes that have occurred over recent years. This edition also draws on the expertise of Keith J. Beven and Nick A. Chappell, who have extensive experience in field hydrological studies in a variety of different environments and have taught undergraduate hydrology courses for many years. Topical case studies further enhance the text. Catalog no. RU53848, July 2010, 560 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-37042-4 $65.95 / £36.99

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Dams & Hydraulic Engineering Recursive Streamflow Forecasting

Hydraulic Modelling – An Introduction

A State-Space Approach

Principles, Methods and Applications

Jozsef Szilagyi

Pavel Novak

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary and University of Nebraska–Lincoln, USA

formerly at University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Andras Szollosi Nagy UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands

A practical guide to real-time streamflow forecasting, this book provides a rigorous description of a coupled stochastic and physically based flow routing method and its practical applications. Providing real-life case examples and problem listings, the book teaches hydrology and civil engineering students and waterresources practitioners the physical forecasting model and then enables them to apply it directly in real-life problems involving streamflow simulation and forecasting. Designed as a text for courses on hydroinformatics and water management, this book includes exercises. Catalog no. K10976, June 2010, 212 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-56901-9 $87.95 / £56.99 Also available as an eBook

Mechanics of Fluids Ninth Edition John Ward-Smith (Formerly Brunel University, UK)

This ninth edition of a bestseller updates introduction to the basic principles of fluid mechanics with great detail and clarity. It develops a sound physical understanding of fluid flow, focusing on engineering applications rather than mathematical techniques. The text gradually introduces the subject, building on simple, familiar information to convey more complex content. A new chapter examines the modern context of fluid mechanics and associated issues including climate change, new forms of energy generation, and fresh water conservation. Essential for graduate-level courses in civil, mechanical, aeronautical, and chemical engineering, this book will also be a great aid to professionals. Catalog no. Y112274, August 2011, 720 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-60260-0 $62.95 / £41.99


Vincent Guinot University of Montpellier, France

Alan Jeffrey University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Dominic E. Reeve University of Swansea, UK

Modelling is a vital part of all engineering design, yet many hydraulic engineers are not fully aware of the assumptions involved in the process. These assumptions can have important consequences when choosing the best model to inform design decisions. This book helps identify the most appropriate form of analysis for the hydraulic engineering application in question. The book also provides guidance on the range of accuracy to be expected of the model simulations and how they should be related to the prototype. Applications to models include open channel systems, closed conduit flows, storm drainage systems, estuaries, coastal and near shore structures, and hydraulic structures. Catalog no. RU51414, January 2010, 616 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-419-25020-3 $83.95 / £36.99 Also available as an eBook


Environmental and Hydrological Systems Modelling A W Jayawardena The University of Hong Kong

This book details different approaches to modelling the water environment over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Their applications are shown with a series of case studies, taken mainly from the AsiaPacific Region. Topics include linear systems, conceptual models, data driven models, process-based models, risk-management models, model parameter estimation as well as model calibration, validation, and testing. Catalog no. RU54409, January 2014, 520 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-415-46532-8 $99.95 / £45.00 Also available as an eBook

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Transportation Engineering New!

Pavement Engineering Principles and Practice, Second Edition Rajib B. Mallick and Tahar El-Korchi Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, USA

This book covers a wide range of topics in asphalt and concrete pavements, from soil preparation and structural design to life-cycle costing and economic analysis. This new edition includes updates in all chapters and two new chapters on emerging topics that are becoming universally important: Sustainable Pavement Engineering and Environmental Mitigation in Transportation Projects. It also contains new examples and new figures with more informative schematics as well as helpful photographs. This new edition discusses the relevant issues and recently developed techniques and guidelines for the practical problems that engineers regularly encounter. • Expands coverage of techniques, such as forensic investigations for determination of type and cause of distress • Offers a chapter on standards to help students understand their importance and practicality • Contains links to online resources, wherever applicable, so students can build their own library for each topic

Selected Contents: Introduction and Description of Pavements. Principles of Mix and Structural Design and Construction of Asphalt Pavement. Principles of Structural Design, Mix Design, and Construction of Concrete Pavements. Standards. Traffic. Drainage. Soil. Aggregates for Asphalt and Concrete Mixes. Asphalt and Emulsions. Concrete Fundamentals for Rigid Pavements. Distress and Performance. Consideration of Major Distress Mechanisms and Material Characterization for Asphalt Pavements. Distress Models and Material Characterization for Concrete Pavements. Mix and Structural Design of Asphalt Mix Layers. Mix Design and Structural Design for Concrete Pavements. Construction of Asphalt Pavements. Construction of Concrete Pavements. Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements: Pavement Management Systems. Airport Pavements. Nondestructive Tests. Economic Analysis and CostSaving Concepts. Instrumentation in Asphalt and Concrete Pavement. Specialty Applications. Sustainable Pavement Engineering. Environmental Mitigation in Transportation Projects. Conversion Factors. References and Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K13237, March 2013, 694 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7035-8, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook

Statistical and Econometric Methods for Transportation Data Analysis Second Edition Simon P. Washington Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Matthew G. Karlaftis National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Fred L. Mannering Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

With many examples and case studies covering transportation planning, engineering, safety, and economics, this update of a bestseller provides an understanding of a broad range of analytical tools required to solve transportation problems. This second edition includes new chapters on logistic regression, ordered probability models, random-parameter models, and Bayesian statistical modeling. It also offers an explicit treatment of frequency domain time series analysis, including Fourier and wavelets analysis methods. Data sets and PowerPoint® and Word presentations are available online. Catalog no. C285X, December 2010, 544 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8285-2, $104.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook

Transportation Statistics and Microsimulation Clifford Spiegelman Texas A&M University, College Station, USA

Eun Sug Park Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, USA

Laurence R. Rilett University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

By discussing statistical concepts in the context of transportation planning and operations, this text provides the necessary background for making informed transportation-related decisions. It explains the why behind standard methods and uses real-world transportation examples and problems to illustrate key concepts. The book covers the statistical techniques most frequently employed by transportation and pavement professionals. To familiarize readers with the underlying theory and equations, it contains problems that can be solved using SAS’s JMP package, which enables users to interactively explore and visualize data. Catalog no. K10032, October 2010, 383 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0023-2, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


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General Technical Writing Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Charles A. Gross and Thaddeus A. Roppel

A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists Phillip A. Laplante The Pennsylvania State University, Malvern, USA

Auburn University, Alabama, USA

Series: What Every Engineer Should Know

Written to provide an overview of the electrical engineering profession to college students and professionals outside the field of electrical engineering, this textbook provides information on the necessary technical competencies required within the field. Simple and easy to use, yet complete in rigor and coverage of fundamental concepts, this book teaches the fundamentals of electrical engineering without including the typical analytical methods that hold little relevance for non-electrical engineers. Many examples explaining concepts and homework problems are included within the chapters to aid with student comprehension and application. A solutions manual is provided as well, upon qualification. Catalog no. K11681, February 2012, 481 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3714-6, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook

Written by a renowned engineer and widely published technical author, this guide enables readers to write, edit, and publish materials of a technical nature, including books, articles, reports, and electronic media. Complementing the traditional writer’s reference manuals and other books on technical writing, it helps readers understand the practical considerations in writing technical content. Drawing on his work, the author presents many first-hand examples of writing, editing, and publishing technical materials. These examples illustrate how a publication originated as well as various challenges and solutions. Catalog no. K11106, July 2011, 250 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-2085-8 $41.95 / £26.99 Also available as an eBook

Probability, Statistics, and Reliability for Engineers and Scientists

A First Course in Differential Equations, Modeling, and Simulation

Third Edition Bilal M. Ayyub and Richard H. McCuen University of Maryland, College Park, USA

The third edition of this bestselling text presents probability, statistics, reliability, and risk methods with an ideal balance of theory and applications. It places increased emphasis on simulation, particularly as a modeling tool, applying it progressively with projects that continue in each chapter. This edition also features expanded discussions of the analysis of variance and a thorough treatment of Monte Carlo simulation. The authors not only clearly establish the limitations, advantages, and disadvantages of each method, but also show that data analysis is a continuum rather than the isolated application of different methods. Catalog no. K10476, April 2011, 663 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0951-8, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook


Carlos A. Smith and Scott W. Campbell University of South Florida, Tampa, USA

Emphasizing a practical approach for engineers and scientists, this text avoids overly theoretical explanations and shows readers how differential equations are derived by applying basic physical principles and experimental observations to engineering systems. This resource also covers classical methods for obtaining the analytical solution of differential equations and Laplace transforms. In addition, the authors discuss how these equations describe mathematical systems and how to use software to solve sets of equations in which analytical solutions cannot be determined. Numerical values are provided in all examples and problems. Catalog no. K12318, May 2011, 345 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5087-9, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook

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