Ergonomics and Safety Courses

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Ergonomics and Safety Courses


CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group

CONTENTS Human Factors & Ergonomics ................................3 Safety ....................................................................13

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Human Factors & Ergonomics New!

Quality Engineering Off-Line Methods and Applications Chao-Ton Su National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

“Professor Su has extensive experience contending with problems regarding quality in the manufacturing and service industries and has made eminent contributions to the field of quality engineering. I believe that he is one of the best-qualified persons to author a book on quality engineering.” —Noriaki Kano, Tokyo University of Science

Starting with the basics, this book presents an overall picture of quality engineering. The author delineates quality engineering methods such as DOE, Taguchi, and RSM as well as computational intelligence approaches. He discusses how to use a general computational intelligence approach to improve product quality and process performance. He also provides extensive examples and case studies, numerous exercises, and a glossary of basic terms. By adopting quality engineering, the defect rate during manufacturing shows noticeable improvement, the production cost is significantly lower, and the quality and reliability of products can be enhanced. Taking an integrated approach that makes the methods of upstream quality improvement accessible, without extensive mathematical treatments, this book is both a practical reference and an excellent textbook. • Explains key methods for quality engineering, including DOE, Taguchi, RSI, and computational intelligence • Provides extensive examples and case studies • Keeps the material simple, avoiding extensive mathematical treatments • Outlines an integrated approach using neural networks and genetic algorithms to improve product quality and process performance • Focuses on the practical needs of engineers and engineering students An instructor's manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction Fundamentals of Experimental Design Principles of Quality Engineering Utilization of Orthogonal Arrays Quality Loss Function and Static Signal-to-Noise Ratios Parameter Design for Static Characteristics Parameter Design for Dynamic Characteristics Implementing Parameter Design Tolerance Design Mahalanobis-Taguchi System Response Surface Methodology Parameter Design Using Computational Intelligence Appendix References Glossary Index Catalog no. K16440, February 2013, 394 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4665-6947-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

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Human Factors & Ergonomics Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics for Engineers Second Edition Mark R. Lehto and Steven J. Landry Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

“… a very well written, well organized and comprehensive approach to understanding the physical and cognitive aspects of integrating the human into the work environment.” —Professor Pamela McCauley Bush, University of Central Florida

“A must-have book for engineering classrooms.” —Professor Gavriel Salvendy, Purdue University

Praise for the First Edition: “… a book that students should keep for later use throughout their professional careers. A key feature of this book is its thoroughness.” —Professor Tom Schnell, Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Director Operator Performance Laboratory (OPL), University of Iowa

“… a key text in the field … The topics covered are comprehensive, perhaps the most complete to date. … The authors have done an outstanding job of gauging the appropriate level of depth to coincide with their overarching goal of providing a text for those who will be involved with design.” —Professor Richard Koubek, Chair, The Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University

Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics for Engineers, Second Edition supplies a breadth and depth of coverage beyond that found in most traditional texts. This volume presents and integrates in a single source important methods and tools used in the fields of industrial engineering, human factors, and ergonomics to design and improve jobs, tasks, and products. The authors cover such topics as the human system, motion analysis, predicting human performance, simulation in ergonomic design, product quality and usability, macroergonomics, and occupational safety and health. Using a practical, applied orientation suitable for engineering undergraduate students, each chapter offers challenging problems to illustrate concepts. The second edition features two new chapters that address human error causation and reduction and human computer interaction. It also includes updated figures. Packed with case studies and examples, readers will use the book well beyond the classroom and into their professional lives. Instructor’s manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: A Guided Tour of Ergonomic Design. The Human System. Design To Fit Tasks, Processes, and People. Assessment and Design of the Physical Environment. Design of Work Areas, Tools, and Equipment. Methods Improvement & Motion Analysis of Physical Tasks. Measurement of Human Performance. Predicting Human Performance. Measurement of Learning and Forgetting. Human Error Causation and Reduction. Sampling Methods in Industrial Ergonomics. Questionnaires and Interviews. Simulation in Ergonomic Design. Design for Crew-Team Operations. Ergonomics in Maintenance and Repair. Ergonomics of Product Quality and Usability. Inspection & Quality Control. Macroergonomics of Occupational Safety and Health. Communication and Display Design. Ergonomics of Control. Decision Making & Decision Support. Personnel Selection, Placement, and Training. Design for Compensation and Accommodation. Catalog no. K12499, October 2012, 794 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-5394-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook


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Human Factors & Ergonomics Ergonomics Foundational Principles, Applications and Technologies Pamela McCauley Bush, Ph.D., CPE University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA

A complete introduction to the field, Ergonomics: Foundational Principles, Applications and Technologies discusses scientific principles, research, applications, and emerging trends in technology. Covering the foundational principles and major topics in physical ergonomics, the book contains the necessary components of a quality ergonomics course. Based on the author’s almost two decades of teaching, the text covers basic ergonomic principles from research and application perspectives. It includes hands-on laboratory activities to complement classroom instruction and case studies that demonstrate application of ergonomic knowledge. Using an approach that highlights the physical over the cognitive, the author focuses less on kinesiology principles and more on applied kinesiology in ergonomics. • Provides a basic explanation of the systems of the body to establish a foundation for understanding and consistently applying ergonomic principles • Covers the human senses and the sensory process for each, including tools and techniques for assessing sensory impact • Explains the functionality, relationship, and elements of the integrated roles of the muscular system and nervous system • Introduces the study of anthropometrics and the principles that can be used to support anthropometric design, including data collection, calculation of statistics, and identification of appropriate data sources • Examines the basic ergonomic principles of workplace design and evaluation of hand tools • Discusses the origin, nature, and impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in the global community • Includes coverage of information processing, measurement of mental workload, and an introduction to ergonomic design of controls and displays The book supplies everything required to teach the class. Upon completion of a course using this book, students will be prepared to apply the ergonomic knowledge in industry or continue to higher levels of study in the field. The text builds the foundation students and professionals need to understand and improve the environments, equipment, and systems with which humans interact in the workplace, recreational environment, and home.

Description of Instructors Manual Available upon course adoption, the instructor’s manual contains resources to assist in quickly establishing a course layout, schedule, and associated documents. • Sample course syllabus • Summary of suggested ergonomic lab equipment • Sample course schedule • Descriptions of assignments, student projects, and more

Description of Laboratory Manual Available for download online, the laboratory manual contains multiple laboratory and application assignments to give students hands-on experience in applying ergonomic material taught in the classroom lectures. The manual has labs for each of the primary topics covered in the course as well as guidelines on how students are to conduct the laboratories and prepare lab reports. Numerous tables, equations, and examples are provided in the lab manual to facilitate student understanding of the material. Catalog no. K10245, December 2011, 356 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-0445-2, $83.95 / £52.99 Also available as an eBook

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Human Factors & Ergonomics Behavioral Research and Analysis An Introduction to Statistics within the Context of Experimental Design, Fourth Edition Max Vercruyssen Hawaii Academy, Honolulu, USA

Hal W. Hendrick Castle Pines Village, Colorado, USA

Now in its fourth edition, Behavioral Research and Analysis: An Introduction to Statistics within the Context of Experimental Design presents an overview of statistical methods within the context of experimental design. It covers fundamental topics such as data collection, data analysis, interpretation of results, and communication of findings.

New in the Fourth Edition: • Extensive improvements based on suggestions from those using this book in the classroom • Statistical procedures that have been developed and validated since the previous edition • Each chapter in the body now contains relevant key words, chapter summaries, key word definitions, and end of chapter exercises with answers • Revisions that include recent changes in the APA Style Manual This text is ideal for a single course that reviews research methods, essential statistics through multi-factor analysis of variance, and thesis or major project preparation without unnecessary discussion of derivation of equations, probability theory, or mathematic proofs. It focuses on essential information for getting a research project completed in the absence of prerequisite math or statistics training. The book has been revised many times to help students at a variety of academic levels—including exceptional high school students, undergraduate honors students, masters students, doctoral students, and post-doctoral fellows— across varied academic disciplines such as human factors and ergonomics, behavioral and social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, exercise and sport sciences, business and management, industrial hygiene and safety science, and health and medical sciences. This edition includes new examples in exercise and sport science, public health, geronotology, and biomedical areas. Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Contents: Overview of Scientific Research. What Is Science? Scientific Method. Goals, Principles, and Assumptions of Science. Five Basic Approaches to Scientific Research. Methods of Describing Data. Samples and Populations. Consideration of Numbers in Statistics. Graphical Methods of Description. Univariate Frequency Distribution. Bivariate Descriptive Statistics. Bivariate Frequency Distributions. Correlation: The Pearson r. Other Correlation Coefficients. Prediction and Concept of Regression. Simple Experimental Designs. Introduction to Inferential Statistics. Statistical Hypothesis Testing. Two Randomized Groups Designs: t-Test for Independent Samples. Two Matched Groups and Repeated Measures Designs: t-Test for Correlated Data. Nonparametric Analysis. Testing for Significance of Correlation. Simple Analysis of Variance. More Than Two Treatments Designs. Single-Factor (Simple) Analysis of Variance. ANOVA for More Than Two Randomized Groups Design. ANOVA for Repeated Measures Design. Post Hoc Analyses: Multiple Comparisons Among Means. Multifactor Analysis of Variance. Rationale for Factorial Designs. Factorial Designs. Nested Designs. Types of Analysis of Variance Designs. Between-Groups Designs. Between-Groups (Random Blocks) Two-Factor ANOVA Designs. Within-Subjects (Repeated Measures) Two-Factor ANOVA Designs. Mixed Two-Factor ANOVA Designs. Planning, Conducting, and Reporting Research. Planning and Conducting Study. Techniques for Controlling Extraneous Variables. Conducting an Experiment. Writing Research Report. Method. Results. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K10935, October 2011, 299 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1802-2, $104.95 / £66.99 Also available as an eBook


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Human Factors & Ergonomics Computers and Society Computing for Good Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk Evaluation and Assessment Consultant, San Diego, California, USA

“One of the most challenging topics to teach in the undergraduate computing curricula is the social and ethical implications of computing. … Kaczmarczyk’s book is a great help in answering these questions. … many well-crafted, open-ended questions and projects at the end of the chapters guide student work and discussion. The case studies are carefully researched and presented at an appropriate level for students to study any time after their freshman year. … What can one do with a degree in computing? What opportunities are there to use such a degree for good? The book is unique and successful in pulling together answers to these questions. It shares the stories of people who have used their technical skills to positively affect the lives of many people, both directly and indirectly. I know of no other book like this one.” —Anthony J. Duben, Computing Reviews

“Computers and Society: Computing for Good contains in-depth case studies with extensive, thought-provoking end-of-chapter questions and is appropriate for a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate majors in areas such as computer engineering, computer science, computer information science, information technology, health information science, business management, and political science as well as many other areas. The complex nature of the case studies allows them to be used in a stand-alone social and professional issues course, a capstone issues course, or as individual case studies that may be woven into a variety of computing or business courses. Kaczmarczyk’s book contains a unique and fresh look at how people from a variety of disciplines use computing and how the use of computing impacts these individuals as well as society. … should be a ‘must have’ book for all college or university libraries.” —Carol L. Spradling, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Northwest Missouri State University

Since computer scientists make decisions every day that have societal context and influence, an understanding of society and computing together should be integrated into computer science education. Showing students what they can do with their computing degree, Computers and Society: Computing for Good uses concrete examples and case studies to highlight the positive work of real computing professionals and organizations from around the world. Each chapter profiles a corporation, nonprofit organization, or entrepreneur involved in computing-centric activities that clearly benefit society or the environment, including cultural adaptation in a developing country, cuttingedge medicine and healthcare, educational innovation, endangered species work, and help for overseas voters. The coverage of computing topics spans from social networking to high-performance computing. The diversity of people and activities in these profiles gives students a broad vision of what they can accomplish after graduation.

Pedagogical Features: Encouraging students to engage actively and critically with the material, the book offers a wealth of pedagogical sections at the end of each chapter. Questions of varying difficulty ask students to apply the material to themselves or their surroundings and to think critically about the material from the perspective of a future computing professional. The text also gives instructors the option to incorporate individual projects, team projects, short projects, and semester-long projects. Other resources for instructors and students are available online.

Contents: Poverty Alleviation in the Remote Peruvian Andes Improving Patient Care with Digital Image Management Internet Voting for Overseas Citizens Social Networking and Computer Modeling Aid Sea Turtles Best Practice Recommendations in Children’s Medical Care Protecting Lives Using the Results of Earthquake Modeling When Following Your Passion Means Forming Your Own Business Catalog no. K10542, December 2011, 305 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-1088-0, $69.95 / £46.99 Also available as an eBook

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Human Factors & Ergonomics Biomechanics of the Upper Limbs Mechanics, Modeling and Musculoskeletal Injuries, Second Edition Andris Freivalds The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA

There is already a wealth of literature covering cumulative trauma disorders and medical management, as well as the biomechanics of manual material handling and lower back problems. And due to a sharp increase in the amount of computer-related jobs, there has been a spike in the number of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) in the upper limbs. Yet few if any textbooks have focused exclusively on WRMSDs, until now. Biomechanics of the Upper Limbs: Mechanics, Modeling and Musculoskeletal Injuries, Second Edition offers students vital information and tools to improve analysis of external forces and their effects on the human body. This can help future ergonomists better understand job stressors and the role they play in the development of disorders, enabling them to modify the work environment and educate practitioners to better control harmful situations. Using the author’s medical and engineering expertise to distill essential subject matter and useful technical data, this comprehensive text explores: • Biomechanics of the upper limbs and the motor control system • The structure and physiology of the human musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems • Recent research findings and solutions to various ergonomic problems • Models of various components of the neuromuscular systems, as well as larger systems in the upper limbs • Risk factors for disorders and tools used to identify their causes Designed as a textbook for a typical semester-long graduate-level engineering or kinesiology course, this book includes end-of-chapter references to enhance further study and a link to an ancillary website that offers materials such as PowerPoint® slides, sample exams, and an instructor's manual with complete solutions. It also serves as a practical, up-to-date, engineering-oriented resource for researchers, industrial ergonomists, industrial hygienists, and medical professionals who require supplementary material.

Contents: Introduction to Biomechanics. What Is Biomechanics?. Basic Concepts. Coordinate Systems. Force Vector Algebra. Static Equilibrium. Anthropometry and Center of Mass Determination. Friction. Dynamics. Structure of the Musculoskeletal System. Gross Overview of Movements. Skeletal System. Mechanical Properties of Bone. Soft Connective Tissue. Joints. Neuromuscular Physiology and Motor Control. Introduction to Musculature. Structure of Muscle. Basic Cell Physiology. Nervous System. Excitation–Contraction Sequence. Motor Units. Basic Muscle Properties (Mechanics). Energy, Metabolism, and Heat Production. Receptors. Reflexes and Motor Control. Modeling of Muscle Mechanics. Laplace Transforms and Transfer Functions. Viscoelastic Theory. Hill’s Muscle Models. Frequency Analysis. Frequency Analysis of Passive Muscle. Hatze’s Multielement Model. Applications of the Hatze Muscle Model. Control Theory and Motor Control. Root-Locus Approach to Muscle Modeling. Models of the Upper Limbs. Anatomy of the Hand and Wrist. Static Tendon-Pulley Models. Dynamic Tendon-Pulley Models. Complex Tendon Models. Two-Dimensional Hand Model. Direct Measurement Validation Studies. Critical Evaluation of Modeling Approaches. Musculoskeletal Disorders and Risk Factors. Extent of the Problem. Common Musculoskeletal Disorders and Their Etiology. Medical Diagnosis and Treatment of MSDs. Epidemiologic Approach to MSDs. Scientific Research and Evidence for Occupational Risk Factors. Scientific Research and Evidence for Psychosocial Risk Factors. Iatrogenesis: A Contrarian View. Legal Issues. Instrumentation. Introduction. Wrist- and Finger-Motion Measurements. Pressure- and Force-Distribution Measurements. Nerve-Conduction Measurements. Electromyography. Job and Worksite Analysis. The Need for Job Analysis. Reliability and Validity of Assessment Tools. Initial Identification of Musculoskeletal Injury Problems. Gross Posture and Task Analyses. Quantitative Upper Limb WRMSD Risk-Assessment Tools. Data-Driven Upper Limb WRMSD Risk Index. Hand Tools. Introduction. General Biomechanical Considerations of Tools. Handles for Single-Handled Tools. Handles for Two-Handled Tools. Other Tool Considerations. Agricultural and Forestry Tools. Industrial Tools. The Office Environment. General Musculoskeletal Problems. Seated Workplace. Keyboard. Mouse and Other Cursor-Positioning Devices. Notebooks and Handheld PCs. Interventions for Office Work. Catalog no. 91190, February 2011, 564 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-9119-9, $125.95 / £79.99 Also available as an eBook


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Human Factors & Ergonomics New!

Fundamentals of Biomechanics Ronald L. Huston University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Following a brief introductory chapter, the book reviews gross human anatomy and basic terminology currently in use. It describes methods of analysis from elementary mathematics to elementary mechanics and goes on to fundamental concepts of the mechanics of materials. It then covers the modeling of biosystems and provides a brief overview of tissue biomechanics. The author then introduces the concepts of biodynamics and human body modeling, looking at the fundamentals of the kinematics, the kinetics, and the inertial properties of human body models. He supplies a more detailed analysis of kinematics, kinetics, and dynamics of these models and discusses the numerical procedures for solving the governing dynamical equations. The book concludes with a review of a few example applications of biodynamic models such as simple lifting, maneuvering in space, walking, swimming, and crash victim simulation. • Reviews human anatomy and basic terminology • Includes an extensive glossary and references in each chapter • Presents illustrations and tables for clarification • Provides end-of-chapter problems and examples to test assimilation A solutions manual and figures slides are available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction Review of Human Anatomy and Some Basic Terminology Methods of Analysis I: Review of Vectors, Dyadics, Matrices, and Determinants Methods of Analysis II: Forces and Force Systems Methods of Analysis III: Mechanics of Materials Methods of Analysis IV: Modeling of Biosystems Tissue Biomechanics Kinematical Preliminaries: Fundamental Equations Kinematic Preliminaries: Inertia Force Considerations Human Body Inertia Properties Kinematics of Human Body Models Kinetics of Human Body Models Dynamics of Human Body Models Numerical Methods Simulations and Applications Catalog no. K14776, April 2013, 470 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4665-1037-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

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Human Factors & Ergonomics Design of Biomedical Devices and Systems Second Edition Paul H. King Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Richard C. Fries ISORel, Inc., Fitchburg, Wisconsin, USA

The design and functional complexity of medical devices and systems has increased during the past half century, evolving from the level of cardiac pacemakers to magnetic resonance imaging devices. Such life-saving advancements are monumentally advantageous, but with so much at stake, a step-by-step manual for biomedical engineers is essential. This edition of a bestselling textbook utilizes a strong design perspective to provide designers with a thorough overview of the field, including topics related to databases, process analysis, and device improvement. Designed primarily for senior bioengineering students in the formative stages of planning their design project, Design of Biomedical Devices and Systems is also beneficial to graduate students in the field and practitioners working with medical devices. This standard-setting resource includes: • A variety of open-ended design problems and examples • An overview of device definitions and reliability • A discussion of testing and hardware verification and validation principles • Detailed photographs and illustrations within each chapter Systematic approaches to device development and maintenance are mandated to ensure safe and effective devices for the patient, an economical and competitive success for the manufacturer, and a reliable, cost-effective investment for the user. This authoritative textbook answers the call. A solutions manual is available for instructors wishing to convert this reference to classroom use.

Selected Contents: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Design Fundamental Design Tools Design Team Management, Reporting, and Documentation Product Definition Product Documentation Product Development Hardware Development Methods and Tools Software Development Methods and Tools Human Factors Industrial Design Biomaterials and Material Testing Safety Engineering: Devices and Processes Testing Analysis of Test Data Reliability and Liability Food and Drug Administration Regulations and Standards Licensing, Patents, Copyrights, and Trade Secrets Manufacturing and Quality Control Miscellaneous Issues Product Issues Professional Issues Design Case Studies Future Design Issues Catalog no. 61798, August 2008, 424 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4200-6179-6, $129.95 / £82.99 Also available as an eBook


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Human Factors & Ergonomics Ergonomics Laboratory Exercises Timothy Joseph Gallwey University of Limerick (Retired), Ireland

Leonard O'Sullivan University of Limerick, Ireland

Ergonomics is best understood with an applications-oriented approach. Hands-on learning enables students to see major aspects of relevant scientific phenomena for themselves, gain experience in how to collect data on them, and learn how to apply them. Ergonomics Laboratory Exercises contains nearly three dozen exercises covering workplace environment, work analysis, information processing, physiological issues, and systems evaluations. These exercises encourage students to apply rigorous analyses to collected data, and provide results through formal professional reports. Some are pencil and paper exercises, some are stopwatch studies, some require special laboratory equipment, and others are field exercises. For some subject matter seminars, essays, tutorials, or self-work assignments are more appropriate mechanisms to support the lecture material, so material is provided to meet these needs. While the emphasis is on the relevance of the material to real-world issues of ergonomics, it is essential to understand the fundamental principles involved and how they relate to relevant theoretical issues.

Features: • Discusses how to obtain valid and reliable data, interpret its meaning, and use it to devise solutions for real-world problems • Covers the topics of workplace environment, work analysis, information processing, physiological issues, and systems evaluations • Details equipment needs, experimental designs, data sheets, and laboratory aids • Includes guidance on the preparation of professional reports • Provides downloadable material such as drawings, a set of search fields, diagrams and tracing tasks, and software tools The book provides technical background on each topic and provides equipment needs, experimental design, and data sheets, as well as guidance on analysis and detailed instructions on report writing. The exercises help students sharpen their ability to critically read the scientific literature. The aim is to take a holistic approach so as to develop a systems view. Practitioners need to be able to collect their own data in an accurate and reliable fashion, hence the need for a good grounding in laboratory work. This process helps to sharpen students’ critical reading of the scientific literature, enabling them to determine reasons for differences in results, and to deduce appropriate measures to adapt reported results to their needs. In turn, they will learn how to select the most appropriate methods and results in devising their solutions to the problems they address, as well as engender in them a respect and a desire for scientific rigor. Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Contents: Report Writing. Short Laboratory Reports. Short Laboratory Report Grading Comments. Report Presentation. Long Laboratory Reports. Grading Scheme for Long Reports. Professional Type Reports. Informed Consent. Writing up a Thesis or Project Report. Work Place Environment. Workshop Lighting Survey. Noise Measurement. Thermal Comfort. Ventilation. Work Analysis. Design Versus Speed. Task Analysis. Flow Process & Two-Handed Charting. Performance Rating. Operator Learning Curves. Activity Sampling. Fundamental Motions. Predetermined Motion Time Systems (PMTS). Information Processing. Human Discriminability. Central Information Processing. Motor System Information Processing. Visual Search. Decision Making (TSD). Physiological Issues. Force-Angle Relationships. Static Muscle Contractions. Anthropometry Investigation. Posture Analysis. Maximum Oxygen Uptake. Energy Expenditure. Heat Dissipation. Lifting Analysis. Muscle Potentials in Postures. Systems Evaluations. Systems Analysis. Procedural Analysis. Office Workplace Evaluation. Factory Workplace Evaluation. Disabled Error Cause Removal. Hazards of Slips/Trips/Falls. Hazard Analysis on Transportation And Handling. Shiftwork Scheduling. Appendices. Critical Questioning Matrix. Work Design Check-Sheet. Corlett’s Principles for Workplace Design. Rating Scale. Fundamental Hand Motions. Work Measurement Terms. Latin Square Ordering. Shneiderman’s Table. Test for Difference Between Two Slopes. Inverse Normal Distribution. Index. Catalog no. 67362, November 2008, 216 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-6736-1, $57.95 / £29.99

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Human Factors & Ergonomics Fitting the Human Introduction to Ergonomics, Sixth Edition Karl H.E. Kroemer Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA

Using a direct, down-toearth style to provide essential knowledge about ergonomic designs that fit the human body and mind, this book follows the motto of the previous editions: coverage of sound science that is easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to apply. It delineates true human engineering, as opposed to trying to select or train people to do things with ill-designed equipment. Ergonomics guru Karl Kroemer organizes detailed knowledge regarding body size, strength, and mobility, as well as motivation, perceptions, acquired skills, and work demands including shift work. This sixth edition maintains the straightforward, lucid presentation of the previous editions, and coves work climate (both physical and psychosocial), material handling, electronic keyboards, and offices (at home and at the company) — factors that continually change the demands on the human not only in equipment but in the physical and social environments.

Pedagogical Tools • Includes additional figures, graphs, and tables • Maintains the easily accessible style of previous editions • End-of-chapter summaries, fitting steps, and margin notes in every chapter

Selected Contents: The Human Body. The Human Mind. Body and Mind Working Together. Organizing and Managing Work. Human Engineering. Making Work Pleasant and Efficient.

Introduction to Ergonomics Third Edition R.S. Bridger Hants, UK

“… superbly written … a treasure trove of history, mainstay principles, practical examples, and thoughtprovoking applications for HF/E. … an absolute must for professors teaching ergonomics and human engineering at any level. … I highly recommend that all HF/E practitioners, as well as professors in the field, consider this book as a superb guidance source.” — Gerald P. Krueger, ERGONOMICS IN DESIGN, Fall 2010

… a well-known textbook of basic ergonomics … has a practical, down-to-earth approach to the subject. … Rating, four stars (Buy, read, and keep)” —Andy Slovak, Occupational Medicine, February 2011

Selected Contents: Introduction. Body Mechanics at Work: Risk Assessment and Design. User-Centered Workspace Design Using Anthropometric Data. Static Work: Principles for Risk Assessment and Design. Repetitive Tasks: Risk Assessment and Task Design. Design and Evaluation of Manual Handling Tasks. Physically Demanding Work: Stress and Fatigue. Job Demands, Workplace Stress, and Health. Design and Assessment in Hot and Cold Workplaces. Visual Environment: Measurement and Design. Hearing, Sound, Noise, and Vibration. Human Information Processing and Mental Workload. Design of Displays and Controls. Information Technology, Memory, and Language. Human Error, Accidents, and Safety. Systems Design and Assessment. Epilogue. Appendices. Glossary. References. Further Reading. Index. Catalog no. 7306, August 2008, 808 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8493-7306-0, $79.95 / £49.99

Catalog no. 55399, October 2008, 464 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5539-9, $62.95 / £40.99 Also available as an eBook


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Safety Developing a Safety and Health Program Second Edition Daniel E. Della-Giustina West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA

“… a good piece of work by the author. Dealing with a subject that could be relatively difficult to communicate to non-experts, it presents the matters discussed in the most simple terms using a very suitable format. I would recommend it to students, academics, and practitioners alike.” —David Oloke, University of Wolverhampton

Reflecting changes in the field during the ten years since the publication of the first edition, Developing a Safety and Health Program, Second Edition examines the elements of a safety and health program and delineates how to incorporate them into an organization’s safety efforts. It begins by defining safety policy and providing an overview of OSHA and other regulatory agencies. Next, it covers hazard communication safety training and describes how to write material safety data sheets, how to maintain a good fire loss control program, and procedures for developing an emergency response plan.

The Second Edition includes: • Changes all companies must make to be proactive in their security in the wake of 9/11 and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security • Coverage of labels, signs, and placards; the national incident management system; and homeland security • Material on safety, hazardous materials management, and accident investigation • A new approach to alert workers to the presence of potentially dangerous chemicals and other hazardous substances • Ways to minimize the problems posed by confined spaces, from physical hazards to psychological disorders • Special considerations important in planning for disasters and terrorist attacks • Information on fire loss control programs, emergency response plans, and personal protective equipment • Changes in regulations and standards within the safety, health, and environmental management industry • The Incident Command Systems (lCS) and National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) • Ways to reduce equipment-related injuries through more advanced lockout/tagout procedures, including a safety checklist • Discussion of how advanced concepts such as participated management can improve preventive programs and decrease the risk of cumulative trauma disorders An ongoing safety and health program can assist a plant in preventing huge losses, including physical damage and loss of productivity. The pressure to effect these changes has increased in light of the current emphasis on risk management and OHSA’s willingness to penalize various enterprises for safety violations. Unlike other books on this topic, this one goes into minute details, with thorough explanations of how to implement a program and the key components needed, whether updating an existing program or constructing a new one.

Contents: Introduction. Hazard Communication and Hazardous Materials Handling. Job Safety Programs. Accident and Incident Investigation. Safety Committees. Fire Loss Control Programs. Emergency Management and Preparedness. Logout/Tagout. Confined Space Entry. Personal Protective Equipment. Noise and Ventilation. Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K10738, December 2009, 158 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-1438-3, $99.95 / £64.99 Also available as an eBook

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Safety Bestseller!

Occupational Health and Safety Management A Practical Approach, Second Edition Charles D. Reese University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

Developed to provide students with an understanding of the how-tos of implementing an occupational safety and health initiative, the first edition of Occupational Health and Safety Management: A Practical Approach soon became a blueprint for occupational safety and health management for the smallest to the largest-sized companies. Following in these footsteps, the updated and expanded second edition continues to provide a comprehensive approach to the development and management of safety and health in the workplace.

Second Edition Features: • Coverage of behavior-based safety and financing health and safety • Expanded attributes of accident reporting • How to make better use of accident investigations • Revised information regarding multi-employer worksites and outsourcing • Additional sections on professionalism and ethics • Violence section expanded to cover the topic of bullying This book takes a total management approach to the development of written programs, the identification of hazards, the mitigation of hazards by the use of common safety and health tools, and the development of a safe workforce through communications and training. The author covers motivational techniques including behavior-based safety, involvement, and training, and addresses tracking and acceptable risk from both safety and health hazards. He provides the strong foundation students need to function as effective managers of workplace safety and health. Not just an informational text, this how-to book demonstrates how to write a program, identify hazards, involve workers and conduct their hazard hunting audits, and analyze job hazards using checklists, illustrations, diagrams, figures, photographs, and tables that clarify the content.

An Introduction to Radiation Protection Sixth Edition Alan Martin, Sam Harbison, Karen Beach, and Peter Cole “ … maintains the high standards of its predecessors and should remain as a key reference text for those working in radiation protection.” —Journal of Radiation Protection

An Introduction to Radiation Protection is a textbook focusing on the nature of the hazards presented by ionizing radiation and the methods of protection. Now in its sixth edition, this established text takes students through the general background to the subject, the technical principles underlying the control of radiation hazards, radiation detection and measurement, and the biological effects of radiation. This portion of the book is followed by a consideration of radiation protection issues in the nuclear industry and in the non-nuclear sector and the medical field, as well as more specialized topics.

Key features: • Uses accessible and concise language in a highly structured format supplemented by clear diagrams and photographs, summary sections, and review questions • Reflects current EU strategies and other European and international requirements and legislation including ICRP103 • Includes new sections on risk and risk assessment, a more detailed discussion of decommissioning, and data on recent advances in radiation protection in medicine • Offers access to free online supplements This text remains an ideal introduction for those who will be working in the nuclear industry or as nuclear medicine technicians, radiographers, medical physics technicians, health and safety executives, and occupational health professionals, as well as anyone training or undertaking a course in radiation protection. Catalog no. K18600, March 2012, 256 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4607-3, $52.95 / £32.99

Catalog no. 51806, October 2008, 520 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5180-3, $113.95 / £73.99 Also available as an eBook


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