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New and Highly Recommended Textbooks for Your
Mathematics Courses
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group
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MATHEMATICS UNDERGRADUATE TEXTBOOKS Discrete Mathematics ............................................3 Mathematics for Elementary Education..................4 Geometry................................................................5 Transition to Advanced Mathematics ....................5 Analysis....................................................................6 Ordinary Differential Equations ..............................6 Partial Differential Equations ..................................7 Mathematical Modeling ........................................8 Numerical Analysis..................................................8 Combinatorics ........................................................9 Introduction to Graph Theory ................................9 Introduction to Mathematical Finance ..................9 Cryptography ......................................................10 Topology ..............................................................10 ELECTIVE and GRADUATE TEXTBOOKS ..........11 PROBABILITY and STATISTICS UNDERGRADUATE TEXTBOOKS Probability ............................................................13 Probability and Statistics for Engineers ................13 Stochastic Processes..............................................14 Monte Carlo Methods ..........................................14 GRADUATE TEXTBOOKS....................................15 OPERATIONS RESEARCH, FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS, and BUSINESS MANAGEMENT GRADUATE TEXTBOOKS....................................16 MATHEMATICS for COMPUTER SCIENCE UNDERGRADUATE TEXTBOOKS ......................18 MATHEMATICS for ENGINEERING GRADUATE TEXTBOOKS....................................19 MATHEMATICAL and SYSTEMS BIOLOGY ..........21
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Mathematics – Undergraduate Textbooks Discrete Mathematics Discrete Mathematics with Ducks
Discrete Structures and Their Interactions
sarah-marie belcastro Research Associate, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
Jason I. Brown
“This book can certainly be used to teach the standard course in discrete mathematics designed for computer science majors.” —MAA Reviews, August 2012
“When I used Discrete Mathematics with Ducks in class, I assigned readings, and my students came to class full of questions and ideas. … I give a lot of credit to this book, thanks to the author’s skill at blending rigor, great examples, casual humor, and precise writing.” —David Perkins, author of Calculus and Its Origins
“I found that the material provided and the instructor notes cut down on my prep time, and I definitely referred to them. Having the in-class activities included is a huge benefit to this book.” —Dana Rowland, Merrimack College
“… an incredible book … readable by students, useful for instructors, and constructed with style and flair. This book will make it much easier to teach an exciting, student-centered discrete mathematics course that will also serve as an excellent introduction to advanced critical thinking, problem solving, and proofs.” —Douglas Shaw, University of Northern Iowa
• Provides material for an introductory discrete mathematics course, balancing mathematics and computer science • Follows basic curriculum guidelines outlined by SIGCSE • Includes classroom activities and notes for instructors Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Basics: Basic Counting. Set Theory and Logic. Graphs. Induction. Algorithms and Ciphers. Combinatorics: Binomial Coefficients and Permutations. Balls and Boxes and PIE. Recurrence. Counting and Geometry. Graph Theory: Trees. Euler’s Formula. Traversals. Coloring. Supplemental/Optional Material: Probability. Cardinality. Catalog no. K14547, June 2012, 580 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0499-8, $59.95 / £39.95 Also available as an eBook
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
With exercises and research problems, this text highlights the connections among various discrete structures, explores their relationships to classical areas of mathematics, and explains how discrete structures have important applications in many areas inside and outside of combinatorics. Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction. Discrete Structures—A Common Framework. Graphs and Directed Graphs. Preorders and Partial Orders. Hypergraphs. Complexes and Multicomplexes. Research Problems. Bibliography. Selected Solutions. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K16844, July 2013, 224 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7941-5, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Discrete Structures with Contemporary Applications Alexander Stanoyevitch California State University–Dominguez Hills, Carson, USA
“… readable … many examples … A large number of exercises are provided … an excellent text for the development of the needed skills in math.” —MAA Reviews, March 2011 Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Logic and Sets. Relations and Functions, Boolean Algebra, and Circuit Design. The Integers, Induction, and Recursion. Number Systems. Counting Techniques, Combinatorics, and Generating Functions. Discrete Probability and Simulation. Complexity of Algorithms. Graphs, Trees, and Associated Algorithms. Graph Traversal and Optimization Problems. Randomized Search and Optimization Algorithms. Appendices. References. Index. Catalog no. K10918, January 2011, 1002 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1768-1, $99.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Mathematics – Undergraduate Textbooks Mathematics for Elementary Education Number, Shape, & Symmetry An Introduction to Number Theory, Geometry, and Group Theory Diane L. Herrmann and Paul J. Sally, Jr. University of Chicago, Illinois, USA
“All budding mathematicians should have the opportunity to savor this marvelously engaging book. The authors bring to the text an extensive background working with students and have mastered the fine art of both motivating and delighting them with mathematics. … creative practice problems draw the reader into the discussion, while frequent examples and detailed diagrams keep each section lively and appealing. … should inspire young minds for years to come.”
Project Origami Activities for Exploring Mathematics, Second Edition Thomas Hull This widely praised, classroom-tested text presents a flexible, discovery-based approach to learning origami-math topics. It helps students see how origami intersects a variety of mathematical topics, from the more obvious realm of geometry to the fields of algebra, number theory, and combinatorics. With over 100 new pages, this updated and expanded edition now includes 30 activities and offers better solutions and teaching tips for all activities. Each activity lists courses in which the activity might fit, includes handouts for classroom use, and provides notes for instructors.
—Sam Vandervelde, author of Bridge to Higher Mathematics and coordinator of the Mandelbrot Competition
• Presents 30 origami activities, complete with handouts, solutions, and instructor’s guides
“This book distills the beauty of some of the most fundamental ideas of mathematics and is a terrific resource for anyone interested in exploring these subjects.”
• Covers many mathematical areas, including geometry, multivariable calculus, and graph theory
—Bridget Tenner, DePaul University
• Provides the foundation for teaching and learning mathematics, showing how number theory and geometry are essential components to understanding mathematics • Synthesizes basic ideas that lead to an appreciation of the deeper mathematical ideas that grow from these foundations • Reflects the authors’ extensive experience teaching students in the Young Scholars Program, undergraduates at the University of Chicago, and public school teachers in SESAME • Includes relatively simple practice problems, more challenging problems, and sets of exercises Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: The Triangle Game. The Beginnings of Number Theory. Axioms in Number Theory. Divisibility and Primes. The Division and Euclidean Algorithms. Variations on a Theme. Congruences and Groups. Applications of Congruences. Rational Numbers and Real Numbers. Introduction to Geometry and Symmetry. Polygons and Their Construction. Symmetry Groups. Permutations. Polyhedra. Graph Theory. Tessellations. Connections. Appendix. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K15328, October 2012, 444 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5464-1, $69.95 / £44.99
• Offers a flexible approach to using the material in a variety of math courses • Improves the solutions and teaching tips for all activities • Provides PDFs of the handouts on the book’s CRC Press web page
Selected Contents: Introduction. Folding Equilateral Triangles in a Square. Origami Trigonometry. Dividing a Length into Equal Nths: Fujimoto Approximation. Dividing a Length into Equal Nths Exactly. Origami Helix. Folding a Parabola. Can Origami Trisect an Angle? Solving Cubic Equations. Lill’s Method. Folding Strips into Knots. Haga’s “Origamics.” Modular Star Ring. Folding a Butterfly Bomb. Molly’s Hexahedron. Business Card Modulars. Five Intersecting Tetrahedra. Making Origami Buckyballs. Making Origami Tori. Modular Menger Sponge. Folding and Coloring a Crane. Exploring Flat Vertex Folds. Impossible Crease Patterns. Folding a Square Twist. Counting Flat Folds. Self-Similar Wave. Matrix Model of Flat Vertex Folds. Matrix Model of 3D Vertex Folds. Origami and Homomorphisms. Rigid Folds 1: Gaussian Curvature. Rigid Folds 2: Spherical Trigonometry. Appendix. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K16368, December 2012, 364 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-6791-7, $49.95 / £31.99 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
Mathematics – Undergraduate Textbooks Geometry / Transition to Advanced Mathematics College Geometry A Unified Development David C. Kay University of North Carolina, Ashville, USA (retired)
Connecting fundamental geometric ideas to advanced geometry, this text unifies Euclidean, elliptic, and hyperbolic geometry within an axiomatic framework. It covers topological shapes of geometric objects and includes more than 700 carefully crafted problems. Numerous examples show how geometry has real and far-reaching implications. The author approaches every topic as a fresh, new concept and carefully defines and explains geometric principles. He also offers instructions on specific experiments using the Geometer’s Sketchpad software. • Covers topological shapes of geometric objects • Includes “Moments for Reflection” sections that challenge students to think for themselves and encourage self-discovery • Offers instructions on specific experiments using the Geometer’s Sketchpad software • Contains more than 500 drawings and 80 examples to illustrate concepts and problem solving
Elements of Advanced Mathematics Third Edition Steven G. Krantz Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
“… one of the difficulties that students have with university mathematics is being able to relate it to what they’ve done at school. … another problem to be addressed is to re-present mathematics as a way of knowing—rather than a static body of formalised knowledge. In this book, Steven Krantz tackles this anomaly by including many open-ended problems in the rich collections of exercises. … The new chapters on theoretical computer science are concisely lucid, and I learned much by reading them. … this book engages the reader in really meaningful aspects of mathematics: it is well organized and is written with accuracy. … it is recommended as a possible course text for those who are planning to teach a foundation course.” —MAA Reviews, July 2012
• Prepares students for higher-level studies in real analysis, abstract algebra, and topology
• Presents historical notes that point out the human aspects of geometric discovery
• Adds four new chapters on point-set topology, theoretical computer science, the P/NP problem, and zero-knowledge proofs and RSA encryption
• Incorporates research projects for undergraduate students
• Provides clear explanations of new proof techniques
• Provides more than 700 carefully crafted problems, with selected solutions at the back of the book
• Covers topics from the real number system and topology
Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Lines, Distance, Segments, and Rays. Angles, Angle Measure, and Plane Separation. Unified Geometry: Triangles and Congruence. Quadrilaterals, Polygons, and Circles. Three Geometries. Inequalities for Quadrilaterals: Unified Trigonometry. Beyond Euclid: Modern Geometry. Transformations in Modern Geometry. Non-Euclidean Geometry: Analytical Approach. Appendices. Solutions to Selected Problems. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K11008, June 2011, 652 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1911-1, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook
• Applies elementary group theory and logic to zero-knowledge proofs and RSA encryption, illustrating the practical application of mathematics • Contains many new examples and problems, with selected solutions at the back of the book Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Basic Logic. Methods of Proof. Set Theory. Relations and Functions. Axioms of Set Theory, Paradoxes, and Rigor. Number Systems. More on the Real Number System. A Glimpse of Topology. Theoretical Computer Science. The P/NP Problem. Examples of Axiomatic Theories. Zero-Knowledge Proofs. Solutions to Selected Exercises. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K14300, March 2012, 367 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9834-5, $89.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Mathematics – Undergraduate Textbooks Analysis / Ordinary Differential Equations New!
Real Analysis and Foundations Third Edition Steven G. Krantz Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Back by popular demand, this best-selling book bridges the gap between classic theoretical texts and less rigorous ones, providing a smooth transition from logic and proofs to real analysis. Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Number Systems. Sequences. Series of Numbers. Basic Topology. Limits and Continuity of Functions. Differentiation of Functions. The Integral. Sequences and Series of Functions. Elementary Transcendental Functions. Differential Equations. Introduction to Harmonic Analysis. Functions of Several Variables. Advanced Topics. Normed Linear Spaces. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K20338, July 2013, 430 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8731-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Improper Riemann Integrals Ioannis Markos Roussos Hamline University, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Demonstrating the usefulness of advanced mathematical tools and the Riemann integral, this graduate-level book helps students understand the improper or generalized Riemann integral, its convergence, and its application. It explains the concepts involved by presenting sufficient theory and a number of pertinent theorems. Unlike related texts, this one examines the relatively unknown Frullani integral in various ways. It includes many exercises in each section that encourage students to solve problems related to the use of the Riemann integral. Catalog no. K20366, November 2013, c. 688 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8807-3, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Victor Henner, Tatyana Belozerova, and Mikhail Khenner “Henner, Belozerova, and Khenner cover most of the fundamental topics found in introductory ODEs and PDEs courses, nicely balancing scope without sacrificing content. … all material needed to solve the PDEs discussed in Part II can be referenced within the text. This, in my opinion, is the main strength of the book. … this single book could be used successfully for a series of differential equations courses that covered both ODEs and PDEs if the same students took the courses. … This text finds a nice balance between general topics of ODEs and second-order PDEs.” —MAA Reviews, June 2013
This text includes all the topics that form the core of a modern undergraduate or beginning graduate course in differential equations. It also discusses other optional but important topics such as integral equations, Fourier series, and special functions. • Provides full coverage of ODEs and PDEs for students in the physical, engineering, biological, and mathematical sciences • Uses a teaching-by-examples philosophy— including extensive examples and exercises • Offers intuitive, user-friendly software (with tutorials, GUI, and solution visualization capability) for the analytical solution and investigation of PDEs and ODEs Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: First-Order Differential Equations. Second-Order Differential Equations. Systems of Differential Equations. Boundary Value Problems for SecondOrder ODE and Sturm-Liouville Theory. Qualitative Methods and Stability of ODE Solutions. Method of Laplace Transforms for ODE. Integral Equations. Series Solutions of ODEs and Bessel and Legendre Equations. Fourier Series. Introduction to PDE. OneDimensional Hyperbolic Equations. Two-Dimensional Hyperbolic Equations. One-Dimensional Parabolic Equations. Two-Dimensional Parabolic Equations. Elliptic Equations. Appendices. Bibliography. Catalog no. K15023, January 2013, 644 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1500-0, $89.95 / £54.95 Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
Mathematics – Undergraduate Textbooks Partial Differential Equations New!
An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with MATLAB
Partial Differential Equations Topics in Fourier Analysis
M.W. Wong
Second Edition
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Matthew P. Coleman Fairfield University, Connecticut, USA
Selected Contents:
Praise for the First Edition: “This is a useful introductory text on PDEs for advanced undergraduate/beginning graduate students of applied mathematics, physics, or engineering sciences.” —Zentralblatt MATH
“Readers new to the subject will find Coleman’s appendix cataloguing important PDEs in their natural surroundings quite useful.” —Times Higher Education
Updated throughout, this second edition of a bestseller illustrates the usefulness of PDEs through numerous applications and helps students appreciate the beauty of the underlying mathematics. It shows students how PDEs can model diverse problems, including the flow of heat, the propagation of sound waves, the spread of algae along the ocean’s surface, the fluctuation in the price of a stock option, and the quantum mechanical behavior of a hydrogen atom. The text also contains many exercises, including standard ones and graphical problems using MATLAB®. • Gives a thorough yet accessible treatment of PDEs and their applications • Requires basic knowledge of multivariable calculus and ODEs • Emphasizes early on the solution of separable linear equations based on the application of Fourier series • Presents an introduction and historical overview at the beginning of each chapter • Includes numerous problem-solving exercises, proofs, extended challenges, and MATLAB exercises • Provides MATLAB code for tables and figures on the author’s website Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction. The Big Three PDEs. Fourier Series. Solving the Big Three PDEs. Characteristics. Integral Transforms. Bessel Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials. Sturm-Liouville Theory and Generalized Fourier Series. PDEs in Higher Dimensions. Nonhomogeneous Problems and Green's Functions. Numerical Methods. Appendices. References. Index. Catalog no. K14306, July 2013, 683 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9846-8, $89.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
The Multi-Index Notation. The Gamma Function. Convolutions. Fourier Transforms. Tempered Distributions. The Heat Kernel. The Free Propagator. The Newtonian Potential. The Bessel Potential. Global Hypoellipticity in the Schwartz Space. The Poisson Kernel. The Bessel-Poisson Kernel. Wave Kernels. The Heat Kernel of the Hermite Operator. The Green Function of the Hermite Operator. Global Regularity of the Hermite Operator. The Heisenberg Group. The Sub-Laplacian and Twisted Laplacians. Convolutions on the Heisenberg Group. Wigner Transforms and Weyl Transforms. Spectral Analysis of Twisted Laplacians. Heat Kernels Related to the Heisenberg Group. Green Functions Related to the Heisenberg Group. Figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K19020, June 2013, 184 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8401-3, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers Using Mathematica Kuzman Adzievski South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, USA
Abul Hasan Siddiqi Sharda University, Greater Noida, India
This textbook takes a new approach to PDEs by presenting computation as an integral part of the study of differential equations. The authors use Mathematica® along with graphics to improve students’ understanding and interpretation of concepts. They also present exercises in each chapter and solutions to selected examples.
Selected Contents: Fourier Series. Integral Transforms. The SturmLiouville Problems. PDEs. First Order PDEs. Hyperbolic PDEs. Parabolic PDEs. Elliptic PDEs. Catalog no. K14786, September 2013, c. 648 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1056-2, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Mathematics – Undergraduate Textbooks Mathematical Modeling / Numerical Analysis Mathematical Modelling with Case Studies A Differential Equations Approach Using Maple™ and MATLAB®
An Introduction to Numerical Methods A MATLAB® Approach Third Edition Abdelwahab Kharab Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates
Second Edition
Ronald B. Guenther
Belinda Barnes Australian National University, Canberra
Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
Glenn Robert Fulford
Selected Contents:
University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
“The book is written in a very lucid manner, with numerous case studies and examples thoroughly discussed. … scores of nicely designed exercises can be used for independent study. The book contains enough material to organize a new well-structured one-semester course or to complement the existing one with additional examples and problems and is highly recommended for either purpose.” —Zentralblatt MATH, 1168
“This is the best treasury of real case problems seen in a single book.” —EMS Newsletter, September 2009
• Focuses on compartmental models, population models, and heat transfer problems • Uses compartment diagrams and word equations to help students conceptualize the formulation of differential equations • Includes many case studies to provide a practical understanding of how the models are used in current research, such as environmental science, biology, and archaeology • Supplies Maple™ and MATLAB® codes in the text and online so results can be reproduced exactly • Offers end-of-chapter problems for practicing with the formulation, analysis, and interpretation of differential equation models Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling. Compartmental Models. Models of Single Populations. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations. Interacting Population Models. Phase-Plane Analysis. Linearization Analysis. Some Extended Population Models. Formulating Basic Heat Models. Solving Time-Dependent Heat Problems. Solving Heat Conduction Problems. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. Appendices. References. Index.
Introduction. Number System and Errors. Roots of Equations. System of Linear Equations. Interpolation. Interpolation with Spline Functions. The Method of Least Squares. Numerical Optimization. Numerical Differentiation. Numerical Integration. Numerical Methods for Linear Integral Equations. Numerical Methods for Differential Equations. Boundary-Value Problems. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Partial Differential Equations. Bibliography and References. Appendices. Answers to Selected Exercises. Index. Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K13161, November 2011, 576 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6899-7, $89.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
Introduction to Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Nabil Nassif and Dolly Khuwayri Fayyad American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Selected Contents: Computer Number Systems and Floating Point Arithmetic. Finding Roots of Real Single-Valued Functions. Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Gaussian Elimination. Polynomial Interpolation and Splines Fitting. Numerical Differentiation and Integration. Advanced Numerical Integration. Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). Bibliography. Index. Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. C8348, December 2008, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8348-4, $87.95 / £33.99
Catalog no. K20409, August 2013, c. 329 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8948-3, $89.95 / £57.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
Mathematics – Undergraduate Textbooks Combinatorics / Intro to Graph Theory / Intro to Mathematical Finance Applied Combinatorics
Graphs & Digraphs
Second Edition
Fifth Edition
Fred S. Roberts
Gary Chartrand, Linda Lesniak, and Ping Zhang
Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA
Barry Tesman Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA
“The book has been substantially rewritten with more than 200 pages of new materials and many changes in the exercises. There are also many new examples to reflect the new developments in computer science and biology … I strongly endorse this book. It is suitable for motivated math, computer science, or engineering sophomores and even beginning graduate students. In fact bright high school students would love this book and if they are exposed early (through reading this book and being guided by their teachers), many of them might end up doing combinatorics for their careers! I really love this book. It is a gem.”
“… clear exposition, and numerous challenging examples make it an ideal textbook for the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate course. The authors have updated their notation to reflect the current practice in this stillgrowing area of study. By the authors’ estimation, the fifth edition is approximately 50 percent longer than the fourth edition. …” —MAA Reviews, June 2012 (This book is in the MAA’s basic library list.) Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K11263, October 2010, 598 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2627-0, $89.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
—IACR Book Reviews, 2011
Catalog no. K10016, June 2009, 848 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9982-9, $109.95 / £69.99 Also available as an eBook
Combinatorics of Permutations Second Edition Miklós Bóna University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
“There is a new chapter 9, ‘devoted to sorting algorithms whose original motivation comes from molecular biology.’ Chapters 1, 3, 4, and 6 have been ‘significantly changed and expanded’ and all chapters have new exercises and problems, some of which reflect recent results. This is an excellent book on an important subject.”
Option Valuation A First Course in Financial Mathematics Hugo D. Junghenn The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA
Selected Contents:
Catalog no. K12299, June 2012, 478 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5051-0, $89.95 / £57.99
Interest and Present Value. Probability Spaces. Random Variables. Options and Arbitrage. Discrete-Time Portfolio Processes. Expectation of a Random Variable. The Binomial Model. Conditional Expectation and Discrete-Time Martingales. The Binomial Model Revisited. Stochastic Calculus. The Black-Scholes-Merton Model. Continuous-Time Martingales. The BSM Model Revisited. Other Options. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.
Also available as an eBook
Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
—MAA Reviews, December 2012 (This book is in the MAA’s basic library list.)
Catalog no. K14090, November 2011, 266 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8911-4, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Mathematics – Undergraduate Textbooks Cryptography / Topology Cryptology
Coming soon!
Introduction to Modern Cryptography
Classical and Modern with Maplets Richard E. Klima
Second Edition Jonathan Katz
Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, USA
University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Neil P. Sigmon Radford University, Virginia, USA
Yehuda Lindell Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Selected Contents: Introduction. Perfectly Secret Encryption. Private-Key Encryption and Pseudorandomness. Message Authentication Codes and Collision-Resistant Hash Functions. Practical Constructions of Pseudorandom Permutations (Block Ciphers). Theoretical Constructions of Pseudorandom Objects. Number Theory and Cryptographic Hardness Assumptions. Factoring and Computing Discrete Logarithms. Private-Key Management and the Public-Key Revolution. Public-Key Encryption. Additional Public-Key Encryption Schemes. Digital Signature Schemes. Public-Key Cryptosystems in the Random Oracle Model. Appendices. Index. Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K16475, February 2014, c. 640 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7026-9, $79.95 / £40.99
“All told, the authors have done an admirable job of balancing the competing goals of producing a text that can be read by people with limited mathematics background, but at the same time is maintained at a college level. … not only meets but exceeds its goal of being a suitable text for a course in cryptology for non-majors. It is highly recommended for anybody teaching such a course, and it certainly belongs in any good university library.” —MAA Reviews, September 2012 Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K13332, June 2012, 548 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7241-3, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
Introduction to Cryptography with OpenSource Software
Elements of Topology Tej Bahadur Singh
Alasdair McAndrew
University of Delhi, India
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Selected Contents:
“It would make a great first course in cryptography but it is also easy enough to read to make it suitable for solitary study. … an excellent book. It is far from the theorem-proof format and it does try to explain the ideas and motivate the reader. The pattern of mixing some theory followed by some practice is good at keeping the less theoryminded reader rolling along as the need for the theory becomes all too apparent. … this is a really good book. If you want to master cryptography, this is a great place to start.” —IProgrammer, August 2011
Topological Spaces. Continuity and Products. Connectedness. Convergence. Countability Axioms. Compactness. Topological Constructions. Separation Axioms. Paracompactness and Metrizability. Completeness. Function Spaces. Topological Groups. Transformation Groups. The Fundamental Group. Covering Spaces. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K13301, May 2013, 552 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7195-9, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K11232, May 2011, 461 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2570-9, $79.95 / £49.99
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
Mathematics – Elective and Graduate Textbooks Universal Algebra
Fundamentals and Selected Topics Clifford Bergman Iowa State University, Ames, USA
“… clearly written and pleasant to read … the author provides motivation as well as examples and exercises galore. At first glance it looks to me like the exercises are well structured and should do the job of bringing the student along at a decent pace from ignorance to both an appreciation for the subject and some facility with it. It’s definitely an area worth pursuing for a graduate student with the right disposition.” —MAA Reviews, December 2011
Catalog no. K12346, September 2011, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5129-6, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Mathematics and Music Composition, Perception, and Performance James S. Walker and Gary W. Don University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, USA
This accessible text teaches the basics of reading music and explains how various patterns in music can be described with mathematics. The authors extensively use the powerful time-frequency method of spectrograms to analyze the sounds created in musical performance. Numerous examples of music notation assist students in understanding basic musical scores. The text also provides mathematical explanations for musical scales, harmony, and rhythm. Video demos, music software, and more are available from the book’s CRC Press web page. Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K13012, April 2013, 342 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-6709-9, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
Agents, Games, and Evolution Strategies at Work and Play Steven Orla Kimbrough The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
This book uses agent-based models to present a wide range of applications in which strategic interaction is present and for which design issues have genuine practical import. The text covers such games as the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Stag Hunt, Battle of the Sexes, and many other games of interest in the social sciences. All computational methods are implemented in NetLogo, the required mathematical background is included in an appendix, and extensive study questions are provided at the end of each chapter. Catalog no. K11564, December 2011, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3470-1, $83.95 / £52.99 Also available as an eBook
Encounters with Chaos and Fractals Second Edition Denny Gulick University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Revised and updated, this second edition provides an accessible introduction to both chaotic dynamics and fractal geometry for students with a calculus background. This edition contains new and expanded material on fractals that illustrates how to obtain computer renderings of them and covers Julia and Mandelbrot sets. It also includes a substantial number of new exercises at the end of each section and MATLAB® programs in the appendix, with selected solutions at the back of the book. Catalog no. C5173, April 2012, 387 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-517-7, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Mathematics – Elective and Graduate Textbooks Mathematics for the Environment
Basics of Algebraic Topology
Martin Walter
Anant R. Shasti
University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai
“… there are many detailed exercises designed to highlight how mathematics can be used to explain natural phenomena and human behavior and its consequences. … this book could serve as a text for courses in applied mathematics and a resource for study material in many other subject areas …” —MAA Reviews, July 2011 Instructor materials on CD-ROM available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K11565, January 2011, c. 679 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3472-5, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook
Selected Contents: Introduction. Cell Complexes and Simplicial Complexes. Covering Spaces and Fundamental Group. Homology. Topology of Manifolds. Universal Coefficient Theorem for Homology. Cohomology. Homology of Manifolds. Homotopy Theory. Homology of Fiber Spaces. Spectral Sequences. Bibliography. Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K15965, September 2013, c. 551 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6243-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Bijective Combinatorics
Nicholas Loehr Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA
“This textbook, aimed at beginning graduate students, is the first to survey the subject emphasizing the role of bijections. … The final chapter contains a potpourri of delightful results … The exposition is careful and deliberate, and leaves no stone unturned … a welcome addition to the literature and a very nice book.” —Mathematical Reviews, 2012d
“This book could serve several purposes. … an excellent choice for a first course in combinatorics for senior undergraduates. … it could work well for a more mature audience. … it also makes a great reference for people who use combinatorics but are not specialists. … This is a very nice book that deserves serious consideration.” —MAA Reviews, September 2011
Catalog no. K12206, February 2011, 612 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4884-5, $104.95 / £66.99
Computational Number Theory Abhijit Das Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Avoiding advanced algebra and requiring no prior experience with number theory or sophisticated algebraic tools, this self-contained text covers many computational aspects of number theory and highlights important and interesting engineering applications. The text includes numerous examples and exercises throughout and omits lengthy proofs, making the material accessible to students. Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Arithmetic of Integers. Arithmetic of Finite Fields. Arithmetic of Polynomials. Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. Primality Testing. Integer Factorization. Discrete Logarithms. Large Sparse Linear Systems. Public-Key Cryptography. Catalog no. K12950, March 2013, 614 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6615-3, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
Probability and Statistics – Undergraduate Textbooks Probability / Probability and Statistics for Engineers Probability and Stochastic Modeling Vladimir I. Rotar San Diego State University, California, USA
“Important and well-chosen examples illustrate the theory throughout, and a large body of exercises supplements the text. … A special feature of this book is a marvelous exposition of many interesting aspects of financial mathematics that are generally considered rather intricate and inaccessible at this level. … an outstanding addition to the field requiring only a modest background in mathematics.” —Rabi Bhattacharya, University of Arizona
“Written in a lively and stimulating manner … an ideal textbook for anyone interested in probability theory and its applications. …” —Youri Davydov, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
“The book is in fact two-in-one, as a series of ‘roadside markers’ guides the reader through two possible courses of study, one consisting of material suitable for a one-semester course, and the other a more indepth journey suitable for a two-semester course. This book is a welcome and attractive addition to the list of textbooks available for an upper division probability course and would even be suitable for a graduate-level introduction to non-measure-theoretic probability and stochastic processes.” —Patrick J. Fitzsimmons, University of California, San Diego Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Basic Notions. Independence and Conditional Probability. Discrete Random Variables. Generating Functions. Branching Processes. Random Walk Revisited. Markov Chains. Continuous Random Variables. Distributions in the General Case. Simulation. Moment Generating Functions. The Central Limit Theorem for Independent Random Variables. Covariance Analysis. The Multivariate Normal Distribution. The Multivariate Central Limit Theorem. Maxima and Minima of Random Variables. Elements of Reliability Theory. Hazard Rate and Survival Probabilities. Stochastic Processes: Preliminaries. Counting and Queuing Processes. Birth and Death Processes: A General Scheme. Elements of Renewal Theory. Martingales in Discrete Time. Brownian Motion and Martingales in Continuous Time. More on Dependency Structures. Comparison of Random Variables. Risk Evaluation. Appendix. References. Answers to Exercises. Index.
Probability, Statistics, and Reliability for Engineers and Scientists Third Edition Bilal M. Ayyub and Richard H. McCuen University of Maryland, College Park, USA
The third edition of this bestselling text presents probability, statistics, reliability, and risk methods with an ideal balance of theory and applications. It places increased emphasis on simulation, particularly as a modeling tool, applying it progressively with projects that continue in each chapter. This edition also features expanded discussions of the analysis of variance and a thorough treatment of Monte Carlo simulation. The authors not only clearly establish the limitations, advantages, and disadvantages of each method, but also show that data analysis is a continuum rather than the isolated application of different methods. • Emphasizes risk and reliability for engineering statistics students from a practical point of view • Includes various applications in engineering • Provides additional material on simulation, the mathematics related to uncertainty, the rand function, sample variability, dependence, the Poisson process, and more • Contains additional illustrations on histogram samples and hypothesis testing along with Venn diagrams for conditional probabilities Solutions manual and PowerPoint slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Introduction. Data Description and Treatment. Fundamentals of Probability. Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables. Probability Distributions for Continuous Random Variables. Multiple Random Variables. Simulation. Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis. Hypothesis Testing. Analysis of Variance. Confidence Intervals and Sample Size Determination. Regression Analysis. Multiple and Nonlinear Regression Analysis. Reliability Analysis of Components. Reliability and Risk Analysis of Systems. Bayesian Methods. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K10476, April 2011, 663 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0951-8, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K13311, August 2012, 508 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7206-2, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Probability and Statistics – Undergraduate Textbooks Stochastic Processes / Monte Carlo Methods An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Applications to Biology Second Edition Linda J.S. Allen Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA
“Instructors who are already teaching a stochastic processes course and want to introduce biological examples will find this book to be a gold mine of useful material. … a useful addition to the library of anyone interested in stochastic processes who wants to learn more about their biological applications.” —MAA Reviews, January 2012
“… a good introductory textbook for junior graduate students who are interested in mathematical biology. … this book is written in plain language so students with a basic probability background can easily grasp the material. … the author has made a great effort to encourage the use of stochastic models in practice by providing many pieces of MATLAB codes, which are usually unavailable in other books on stochastic processes. Finally, compared with the previous edition, this newly released version particularly extends the stochastic differential equation part by including the multivariate Kolmogorov equations and the Itô formula.” —Hongyu Miao, Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2011m
• Presents the basic theory of stochastic processes necessary to understand and apply stochastic methods to biological problems • Contains a new chapter on stochastic differential equations that extends basic theory to multivariate processes • Includes examples and exercises from cellular and molecular biology, along with additional references • Doubles the number of exercises and MATLAB® programs at the end of each chapter, with answers and hints to selected exercises in the appendix • Requires minimal mathematical and biological background
Selected Contents: Review of Probability Theory and an Introduction to Stochastic Processes. Discrete-Time Markov Chains. Biological Applications of Discrete-Time Markov Chains. Discrete-Time Branching Processes. Continuous-Time Markov Chains. Continuous-Time Birth and Death Chains. Biological Applications of Continuous-Time Markov Chains. Diffusion Processes and Stochastic Differential Equations. Biological Applications of Stochastic Differential Equations. Appendix. Index.
Monte Carlo Simulation with Applications to Finance Hui Wang Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
“I liked this book because it gave me a good review of the mathematics of option pricing. The chapters are well written and were clear to me."” —INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2013
Developed from the author’s course on Monte Carlo simulation at Brown University, this text provides a self-contained introduction to Monte Carlo methods in financial engineering. It covers common variance reduction techniques, the cross-entropy method, and the simulation of diffusion process models. Requiring minimal background in mathematics and finance, the book includes numerous examples of option pricing, risk analysis, and sensitivity analysis as well as many hand-and-paper and MATLAB® coding exercises at the end of every chapter. • Presents common variance reduction techniques as well as the cross-entropy method • Covers the simulation of diffusion process models • Requires minimal background in mathematics and finance • Contains numerous examples of option pricing, risk analysis, and sensitivity analysis • Provides exercises at the end of each chapter
Selected Contents: Review of Probability. Brownian Motion. Arbitrage Free Pricing. Monte Carlo Simulation. Generating Random Variables: Inverse Transform Method. Acceptance-Rejection Method. Sampling from Multivariate Normal Distributions. Variance Reduction Techniques. Importance Sampling. Stochastic Calculus: Stochastic Integrals. Itô Formula. Stochastic Differential Equations. RiskNeutral Pricing. Black-Scholes Equation. Simulation of Diffusions: Euler Scheme. Eliminating Discretization Error. Refinements of Euler Scheme. The Lamperti Transform. Numerical Examples. Sensitivity Analysis. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K12713, May 2012, 292 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5824-0, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K10993, December 2010, 490 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1882-4, $93.95 / £41.99 Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
Probability and Statistics - Graduate Textbooks New!
Applied Stochastic Processes Ming Liao Auburn University, Alabama, USA
This text presents a concise, graduate-level treatment of the subject, emphasizing applications and practical computation. It also establishes the complete mathematical theory in an accessible way. After reviewing basic probability, the text covers Poisson processes, renewal processes, discrete- and continuous-time Markov chains, and Brownian motion. It also offers an introduction to stochastic differential equations. While the main applications described are queues, the book also considers other examples, such as the mathematical model of a single stock market. With exercises in most sections, this book provides a clear, practical introduction for beginning graduate students. The material is presented in a straightforward manner using short, motivating examples. In addition, the author develops the mathematical theory with a strong emphasis on probability intuition. • Offers a succinct, accessible account of applied stochastic processes for a first-year graduate course • Provides systematic coverage of queuing applications, unlike similar texts on stochastic processes • Includes an introduction to stochastic differential equations • Contains exercises at the end of most sections and a brief bibliography at the back of the book Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Probability and Stochastic Processes Probability Random variables and their distributions Mathematical expectation Joint distribution and independence Convergence of random variables Laplace transform and generating functions Examples of discrete distributions Examples of continuous distributions Stochastic processes Stopping times Conditional expectation Poisson Processes Introduction to Poisson processes Arrival and inter-arrival times of Poisson processes Conditional distribution of arrival times Poisson processes with different types of events Compound Poisson processes Nonhomogeneous Poisson processes
Renewal Processes An introduction to renewal processes Renewal reward processes Queuing systems Queue lengths, waiting times, and busy periods Renewal equation Key renewal theorem Regenerative processes Queue length distribution and PASTA Discrete Time Markov Chains Markov property and transition probabilities Examples of discrete time Markov chains Multi-step transition and reaching probabilities Classes, recurrence, and transience Periodicity, class property, and positive recurrence Expected hitting time and hitting probability Stationary distribution Limiting properties
Continuous Time Markov Chain Markov property and transition probability Transition rates Stationary distribution and limiting properties Birth and death processes Exponential queuing systems Time reversibility Hitting time and phase-type distributions Queuing systems with timevarying rates Brownian Motion and Beyond Brownian motion Standard Brownian motion and its maximum Conditional expectation and martingales Brownian motion with drift Stochastic integrals Itô’s formula and stochastic differential equations A single stock market model Bibliography Index
Catalog no. K20401, August 2013, 208 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4665-8933-9, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Operations Research, Financial Mathematics, and Business Management Graduate Textbooks Computational Methods in Finance Ali Hirsa Caspian Capital Management, LLC, New York, USA
“The content reflects the author’s vast experience teaching master’s level courses at Columbia and NYU, while simultaneously researching and trading on quantitative finance in leading banks and hedge funds.” —Peter Carr, Morgan Stanley and NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Selected Contents: Pricing and Valuation: Stochastic Processes and RiskNeutral Pricing. Derivatives Pricing via Transform Techniques. Introduction to Finite Differences. Derivative Pricing via Numerical Solutions of PDEs. Derivative Pricing via Numerical Solutions of PIDEs. Simulation Methods for Derivatives Pricing. Calibration and Estimation: Model Calibration. Filtering and Parameter Estimation. References. Index. Catalog no. K11454, September 2012, 444 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2957-8, $89.95 / £59.99
Risk Management and Simulation Aparna Gupta Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA
Selected Contents: Risk and Regulation: Defining Risk. Framework for Risk Management. Regulations and Risk Management. Modeling and Simulation of Risk: Principles of Simulation and Generating Random Variates. Modeling Risk Evolving over Time. Building and Solving Models of Risk. Risk Management: Managing Equity Market Risk. Managing Interest Rates and Other Market Risks. Credit Risk Management. Strategic, Business and Operational Risk Management. Risk Management Using Insurance. Advanced Simulation: Advanced Simulation Topics. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K11622, June 2013, 523 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3594-4, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
An Introduction to Exotic Option Pricing Peter Buchen University of Sydney, Australia
“The book presents an entertaining and captivating course in option pricing … every chapter concludes with a set of highly relevant and inspiring exercises.” —Zentralblatt MATH 1242
Selected Contents: Technical Background: Financial Preliminaries. Mathematical Preliminaries. Gaussian Random Variables. Applications to Exotic Option Pricing: Simple Exotic Options. Dual Expiry Options. TwoAsset Rainbow Options. Barrier Options. Lookback Options. Asian Options. Exotic Multi-Options. References. Index.
Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design Second Edition Manuel Laguna University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Johan Marklund Lund University, Sweden
Selected Contents: Introduction to Business Process Design. Process Management and Process-Oriented Improvement Programs. Framework for Business Process-Design Projects. Basic Tools for Process Design. Managing Process Flows. Introduction to Queuing Modeling. Introduction to Simulation. Modeling and Simulating Business Processes with ExtendSim. Input and Output Data Analysis. Optimizing Business Process Performance. Business Process Analytics. Appendix. Index.
Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Solutions manual, PowerPoint slides, prebuilt Extend models, and additional simulation exercises/projects available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. C9100, February 2012, 296 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9100-7, $79.95 / £49.99
Catalog no. K13989, April 2013, 523 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8525-3, $99.95 / £63.99
Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
Operations Research, Financial Mathematics, and Business Management Graduate Textbooks New!
Stochastic Finance
Introduction to Linear Optimization and Extensions with MATLAB®
A Numeraire Approach Jan Vecer Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
“…it includes not only detailed theoretical proofs but also practical illustrative examples. With the systematic and feasible numeraire techniques, the book can serve as an everyday reference book for practitioners, but also as a powerful tool to deal with pricing and hedging for complicated financial assets. Most importantly, the representation of prices as a pairwise relationship of two assets is the most novel characteristic of this book, which could lead to deeper understanding of derivative contracts.” —Mathematical Reviews, 2012
Catalog no. K10632, January 2011, 342 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1250-1, $72.95 / £46.99 Also available as an eBook
Roy H. Kwon University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This book fills the need for an introductory book on linear programming that discusses two important ways to mitigate parameter uncertainty: stochastic linear programming and robust linear optimization. Presenting basics before theory, the author offers a rigorous development of linear programming theory and methods. The text contains financial optimization case studies, an extensive bibliography, and MATLAB® exercises, with code available on the book’s CRC Press web page. • Focuses on state-of-the-art methods for dealing with parameter uncertainty in linear programming • Illustrates major methods and algorithms using MATLAB • Rigorously develops linear programming theory and methods
Value-Added Decision Making for Managers
• Includes financial optimization case studies • Contains a lengthy bibliography with sources from both classical and more recent literature
Kenneth Chelst
Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Selected Contents:
Yavuz Burak Canbolat Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois, USA
Selected Contents: STRUCTURING HARD DECISIONS: The Case for a Structured Analytic Decision Process. Framing Decisions with Influence Diagrams. Common Decision Templates. DECISIONS WITH MULTIPLE OBJECTIVES: Structure Decisions with Multiple Objectives. Structured Trade-Offs for Multiple Objective Decisions: Multi-Attribute Utility Theory. … DECISIONS AND MANAGEMENT UNDER UNCERTAINTY: Value-Added Risk-Management Framework and Strategies. Spreadsheet Simulation for Decisions with Uncertainty. … CHALLENGES TO “RATIONAL” DECISIONS: Forecast Bias and Expert Interviews. Decision Bias. DECISIONS WITH MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES: Value-Added Negotiations. Ethical Decisions. … Catalog no. C7572, October 2011, 578 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7572-4, $139.95 / £89.00
Linear Programming. Geometry of Linear Programming. The Simplex Method: Simplex Method Development. Generating an Initial Basic Feasible Solution (Two-Phase and Big M Methods). Degeneracy and Cycling. Revised Simplex Method. Complexity of the Simplex Method. Simplex Method MATLAB Code. Duality Theory. Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition: Decomposition for Block Angular Linear Programs. Master Problem Reformulation. Restricted Master Problem and the Revised Simplex Method. Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition. DantzigWolfe MATLAB Code. Interior Point Methods: Linear Programming Optimality Conditions. PrimalDual Interior Point Strategy. The Predictor-Corrector Variant of the Primal-Dual Interior Point Method. Primal-Dual Interior Point Method in MATLAB. Quadratic Programming. Linear Optimization under Uncertainty. Catalog no. K12905, August 2013, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6263-6, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Mathematics for Computer Science – Undergraduate Textbooks Mathematics for Computer Science Linear Algebra and Probability for Computer Science Applications Ernest Davis Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York, USA
After an introductory chapter on MATLAB®, this text is divided into two sections. The section on linear algebra gives an introduction to the theory of vectors, matrices, and linear transformations over the reals. It includes an extensive discussion on Gaussian elimination, geometric applications, and change of basis. It also introduces the issues of numerical stability and round-off error, the discrete Fourier transform, and singular value decomposition. The section on probability presents an introduction to the basic theory of probability and numerical random variables; later chapters discuss Markov models, Monte Carlo methods, information theory, and basic statistical techniques. The focus throughout is on topics and examples that are particularly relevant to computer science applications; for example, there is an extensive discussion on the use of hidden Markov models for tagging text and a discussion of the Zipf (inverse power law) distribution. • Focuses on mathematical techniques that are most relevant to computer scientists • Assumes as little mathematical background as possible • Covers applications from computer graphics, web search, machine learning, cryptography, and other computer science areas • Includes MATLAB functions, MATLAB programming assignments, and problems in each chapter • Offers MATLAB code on the author’s website
Selected Contents: MATLAB. LINEAR ALGEBRA: Vectors. Matrices. Vector Spaces. Algorithms. Geometry. Change of Basis, DFT, and SVD. PROBABILITY: Probability. Numerical Random Variables. Markov Models. Confidence Intervals. Monte Carlo Methods. Information and Entropy. Maximum Likelihood Estimation. References. Notation. Index.
Practical Linear Algebra A Geometry Toolbox, Third Edition Gerald Farin Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
Dianne Hansford FarinHansford R&D, Paradise Valley, Arizona, USA
Through many examples and real-world applications, this book teaches all of undergraduate-level linear algebra in a geometric and algorithmic way. To help students better visualize and understand the material, the authors present the concepts of linear algebra first in two and then in three dimensions. This edition adds coverage of singular value decomposition, the pseudoinverse, and principal components analysis. Exercises are included at the end of each chapter. The authors’ website provides several ancillaries, including a solutions manual and Mathematica® code.
Selected Contents: Descartes’ Discovery: Local and Global Coordinates: 2D. Going from Global to Local. Local and Global Coordinates: 3D. Stepping Outside the Box. Application: Creating Coordinates. Here and There: Points and Vectors in 2D. Lining Up: 2D Lines. Changing Shapes: Linear Maps in 2D. 2 x 2 Linear Systems. Moving Things Around: Affine Maps in 2D. Eigen Things: Fixed Directions. Eigenvalues. Eigenvectors. Striving for More Generality. The Geometry of Symmetric Matrices. Quadratic Forms. Repeating Maps. 3D Geometry: From 2D to 3D. Cross Product. Lines. Planes. Scalar Triple Product. Application: Lighting and Shading. Linear Maps in 3D. Affine Maps in 3D. Interactions in 3D. Gauss for Linear Systems. Alternative System Solvers: The Householder Method. Vector Norms. Matrix Norms. The Condition Number. Vector Sequences. Iterative System Solvers: Gauss-Jacobi and GaussSeidel. General Linear Spaces. Eigen Things Revisited. The Singular Value Decomposition. Breaking It Up: Triangles. Putting Lines Together: Polylines and Polygons. Conics. Curves. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K16852, August 2013, c. 518 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7956-9, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K14397, May 2012, 431 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0155-3, $59.95 / £39.95 Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
Mathematics for Engineering – Graduate Textbooks New!
Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB ®
Third Edition Bassem R. Mahafza deciBel Research Inc., Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Incorporating feedback from professors and practicing engineers, the third edition of this best-selling text reflects the state of the art in the field and restructures the material to be more convenient for course use. It includes several new topics and many new end-ofchapter problems. This edition also takes advantage of the new features in the latest version of MATLAB®, with updated MATLAB code available for download on the book’s CRC Press web page. • Provides students with an essential understanding of radar design, analysis, and signal processing in one comprehensive source • Presents easy-to-follow mathematical derivations of almost all equations and formulas • Includes numerous graphical plots and table format outputs that help students evaluate the trade-off between different radar parameters • Offers a complete set of updated MATLAB functions and routines on the book’s CRC Press web page, enabling students to use the default set of input parameters or enter their own • Contains more than 350 end-of-chapter problems Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
Selected Contents: Radar Principles: Definitions and Nomenclature. Basic Pulsed and Continuous Wave Radar Operations. Radar Signals and Signal Processing: Linear Systems and Complex Signal Representation. The Matched Filter Radar Receiver. Ambiguity Function—Analog Waveforms. Ambiguity Function— Discrete Coded Waveforms. Pulse Compression. Special Radar Considerations: Radar Wave Propagation. Radar Clutter. Moving Target Indicator and Pulse Doppler Radars. Radar Detection: Random Variables and Random Processes. Single Pulse Detection. Detection of Fluctuating Targets. Radar Special Topics: Radar Cross Section. Phased Array Antennas. Adaptive Signal Processing. Target Tracking. Tactical Synthetic Aperture Radars. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K13984, May 2013, 772 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8495-9, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook
Optimal Estimation of Dynamic Systems Second Edition John L. Crassidis State University of New YorkBuffalo, USA
John L. Junkins Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
With more than 100 pages of new material, this reorganized and expanded edition incorporates new theoretical results, a new chapter on advanced sequential state estimation, and additional examples and exercises. MATLAB® codes are available on the book’s website.
Selected Contents: Least Squares Approximation. Probability Concepts in Least Squares. Sequential State Estimation. Advanced Topics in Sequential State Estimation. Batch State Estimation. Parameter Estimation: Applications. Estimation of Dynamic Systems: Applications. Optimal Control and Estimation Theory. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K11836, October 2011, 749 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3985-0, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
Physical Oceanography A Mathematical Introduction with MATLAB® Reza Malek-Madani U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, USA
This text demonstrates how to use the basic tenets of multivariate calculus to derive the governing equations of fluid dynamics in a rotating frame. It also explains how to use linear algebra and PDEs to solve basic initial-boundary value problems that have become the hallmark of physical oceanography.
Selected Contents: An Introduction to MATLAB. Matrix Algebra. Differential and Integral Calculus. ODEs. Numerical Methods for ODEs. Equations of Fluid Dynamics. Equations of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Shallow Water Equations. Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation: The Stommel and Munk Models. Some Special Topics. Catalog no. C830X, April 2012, 456 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-830-7, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com
Mathematics for Engineering – Graduate Textbooks New!
Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists Using MATLAB®
Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials Using Abaqus
Ramin S. Esfandiari
Ever J. Barbero
California State University, Long Beach, USA
West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA
“An excellent book for beginners, intermediate, and professional users. The author has done an excellent job in explaining the concepts in a simple and straightforward manner. The text is very complete, includes lots of worked out examples. I highly recommend this book to engineers and undergraduate and graduate students. A very good mix of mathematical theory and MATLAB applications.”
“I use this book with my students, as the subject and the materials are very clear and finite element codes in the book help their work progress and make my guidance more productive.”
—Alireza Tabarraei, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Catalog no. K19104, June 2013, 550 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-8569-0, $119.95 / £76.95 Also available as an eBook
—Gasser Abdelal, Queen’s University Belfast
“I will definitely adopt this text for my course. … The use of Abaqus-based examples for the reinforcement of the theory and concepts allows students to learn how to apply the concepts using a popular finite element package that will provide each student with a marketable skill that is in demand by industry.” —James A. Sherwood, University of Massachusetts Lowell Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Catalog no. K15072, April 2013, 444 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1661-8, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Introduction to Numerical and Analytical Methods with MATLAB® for Engineers and Scientists
Lawrence Turyn Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA
Selected Contents: Linear Algebraic Equations, Matrices, and Eigenvalues. Scalar ODEs I: Homogeneous Problems. Scalar ODEs II: Nonhomogeneous Problems. Linear Systems of ODEs. Matrix Theory. Geometry, Calculus, and Other Basic Tools. Integral Theorems, Multiple Integrals, and Applications. Numerical Methods I. Series Solutions of ODEs. Fourier Series. PDE Models. Seperation of Variables for PDEs. Numerical Methods II. Integral Transform Methods. Optimization. Calculus of Variations: Problems and Methods. Complex Variables I. Complex Variables II. Nonlinear ODEs. Perturbation Methods. Appendices. Catalog no. K11552, September 2013, c. 976 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3447-3, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
William Bober Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA
Selected Contents: Numerical Modeling for Engineers. MATLAB Fundamentals. Matrices. Roots of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations. Numerical Integration. Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations. Simulink. Curve Fitting. Optimization. Iteration Method. Partial Differential Equations. Laplace Transforms. An Introduction to the Finite Element Method. Control Systems. Catalog no. K16725, September 2013, c. 544 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7602-5, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524 • orders@crcpress.com
Mathematical and Systems Biology Coming soon!
Systems Biology Mathematical Modeling and Model Analysis Andreas Kremling Technical University Munich, Germany
This text covers the main aspects of systems biology from a systems theoretical point of view. Systems biology is an emerging research field that incorporates methods and tools from molecular biology, systems theory, and information science in order to understand and infer properties of cellular networks. The book introduces theoretical approaches motivated by systems theory, presents mathematical modeling approaches, and describes methods to analyze the models. Many analytical and numerical examples are provided and MATLAB® m-files are included for all simulation studies. • Presents mathematical modeling approaches for cellular systems • Describes cellular processes, such as enzymatic reactions, transport across the cell membrane, signaling, and polymerization • Discusses methods for the analysis of motifs, modules, and large-scale networks • Includes analytical and numerical examples • Provides MATLAB m-files for simulation • Contains exercises and a bibliography in each chapter Figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption
Contents: Fundamentals Introduction Biological Basics The Cell—an Introduction Cell Division and Growth Basics of Metabolism Replication, Transcription, and Translation Fundamentals of Mathematical Modeling Definition—Overview of Different Model Classes Basics of Reaction Engineering Stochastic Description Deterministic Modeling Qualitative Modeling and Analysis Modeling on the Level of Single Cells—the Population Balance Data-Driven Modeling Thermodynamics Model Calibration and Experimental Design Regression Model and Parameter Accuracy Dynamic Systems Identifiability of Dynamic Systems Modeling of Cellular Processes Enzymatic Conversion Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics Models for Allosteric Enzymes Influence of Effectors
The Hill Equation Multi Substrate Kinetics Transport Processes The Wegscheider Condition Alternative Kinetic Approaches Thermodynamic of a Single Reaction Polymerization Processes Macroscopic View Microscopic View Influence of Regulatory Proteins (Transcription Factors, Repressors) Interaction of Several Regulators Replication Signal Transduction and Genetically Regulated Systems Simple Schemes of Signal Transduction Oscillating Systems Genetically Regulated Networks Spatial Gradients by Signal Transduction Analysis of Signaling Pathways by Heinrich Analysis of Modules and Motifs General Methods of Model Analysis Analysis of Time Hierarchies Sensitivity Analysis Robustness in Stoichiometric Networks Metabolic Control Analysis
Biochemical Systems Theory Structured Kinetic Modeling Model Reduction for Signal Proteins Aspects of Control Theory Observability Monotone Systems Integral Feedback Robust Control Motifs in Cellular Networks Feed-Forward Loop (FFL) FFLs in Metabolic Networks FFL in Signaling Systems: Twocomponent Signal Transduction Further Signaling Motifs Analysis of Cellular Networks Metabolic Engineering Reconstruction of Metabolic Network Tasks and Problem Definition Subspaces of Matrix N Methods to Determine Flux Distributions Strain Optimization Topological Characteristics Network Measures Topological Overlap Formation of Scale Free Networks Appendix Index
Catalog no. K16367, October 2013, c. 389 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4665-6789-4, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
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Mathematical and Systems Biology Dynamics of Biological Systems
Biological Computation
Michael Small
Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Ehud Lamm
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ron Unger
This classroom-tested text shows students how to apply a variety of mathematical and computational techniques to model and analyze the temporal and spatial phenomena of biological systems. The mathematical models and computer simulations offer insight into cardiac pacemakers, artificial electrical defibrillation, pandemics, pattern formation, flocking behavior, the interaction of autonomous agents, and hierarchical and structured network topologies.
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
• Uses complex systems, complex networks, and dynamics to derive models and computer simulations of various biological systems
“Biological computing … is ready for our educational mainstream. This beautiful undergraduate text by Lamm and Unger may be the first step. This book expertly presents fundamental concepts of molecular biology in its first chapter, and then goes on to develop many computing classics from biology. … The exercises flex the imagination, the definitions are clear and precise, and the explanations are unusually powerful. I have been searching for a text like this for years, and now I look forward to using it.” —Computing Reviews, August 2011
• Presents a wide range of models, from ECG signal processing to pandemic modeling to population dynamics
• Covers cellular automata, evolutionary computation, artificial neural networks, and molecular computation
• Requires no advanced knowledge of mathematics
• Presents easy-to-follow explanations of several important proof techniques as well as detailed explanations of all derivations
• Includes exercises as well as computational and research projects at the end of each chapter • Offers MATLAB® implementations of many key algorithms and various case studies on the author’s website
• Provides all necessary biological background • Introduces emerging topics, such as swarm intelligence and artificial immune systems
Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption
• Includes plenty of theoretical and programming exercises in each chapter
Selected Contents:
• Contains suggestions for further reading on each topic, along with an annotated bibliography
Biological Systems and Dynamics. Population Dynamics of a Single Species. Observability of Dynamic Variables. Biomedical Signal Processing. Computational Neurophysiology. Mathematical Neurodynamics: Hodgkin, Huxley and the Squid Giant Axon. FitzHugh-Nagumo Model. Fixed Points and Stability of a One-Dimensional Differential Equation. Nullclines and Phase Plane. Pitchfork and Hopf Bifurcations in Two Dimensions. Excitability. Population Dynamics. Action, Reaction and Diffusion. Autonomous Agents. Complex Networks: Human Networks: Growing Complex Networks. Small World Networks of Spread of SARS. Global Spread of Avian Influenza. Complex Disease Transmission and Immunization. Complex Networks Constructed from Musical Composition. Interaction of Grazing Herbivores. Neuronal Networks and Complex Networks. Conclusion. References. Index.
• Offers PowerPoint slides for instructors online
Catalog no. K12463, August 2011, 284 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5336-8, $79.95 / £49.99
Catalog no. C7959, May 2011, 343 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8795-6, $79.95 / £49.99
Selected Contents: Introduction and Biological Background. Cellular Automata. Evolutionary Computation: Evolutionary Biology and Evolutionary Computation. Genetic Algorithms. Example Applications. Analysis of the Behavior of Genetic Algorithms. Lamarckian Evolution. Genetic Programming. A Second Look at the Evolutionary Process. Pseudo Code. Artificial Neural Networks. Molecular Computation: Biological Background. Computation Using DNA. Enzymatic Computation. The Never-Ending Story: Additional Topics at the Interface between Biology and Computation: Swarm Intelligence. Artificial Immune Systems. Artificial Life. Systems Biology.
Also available as an eBook
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Give Your Students a Solid Foundation in Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications
New to the Third Edition • More streamlined presentation, with elementary number systems, set theory, and logic moved to the appendices • New chapter on normed linear spaces • Additional examples and varying levels of exercises
Praise for the Second Edition “… recommended as a source for middle-level mathematical courses. …” —Zentralblatt MATH
“The book contains many well-chosen examples and each of the 15 chapters is followed by almost 500 exercises. … recommended for university libraries, teachers, and students.” —EMS Newsletter
Catalog no. K20338, July 2013, 430 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4665-8731-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook See p. 6 for selected contents.
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