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Contents Algorithms ..............................................................3 General Computing and Computer Engineering ..4 Computational Biology............................................8 Computer Graphics ..............................................10 Data Mining ..........................................................16 Machine Learning..................................................21 Page 5
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High-Performance Computing..............................23 Discrete Structures ................................................25 Information Security and Cryptography ..............29 Programming ........................................................32 Software Engineering ............................................34 Internet and Web Computing ..............................36 Game Development and Design ..........................37
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Algorithms New!
A Guide to Algorithm Design Paradigms, Methods, and Complexity Analysis Anne Benoit, Yves Robert, and Frédéric Vivien “This well-written book takes a fresh look at a classical subject, with features that will please both instructors and students. The book provides an insightful introduction to algorithm design with detailed coverage of a broad range of topics. The nice selection of exercises and the well-chosen case studies will be very useful for teachers of undergraduate courses. The sections devoted to the methodology of algorithm design should help students acquire a deeper understanding of advanced notions in complexity theory and approximation. A really nice job in both scope and style!” —Denis Trystram, Grenoble Institute of Technology
Delaunay Mesh Generation Siu-Wing Cheng, Tamal K. Dey, and Jonathan Shewchuk Written by authors at the forefront of modern algorithms research, this book demonstrates the power and versatility of Delaunay meshers in tackling complex geometric domains ranging from polyhedra with internal boundaries to piecewise smooth surfaces. It is one of the first to integrate a vast amount of cutting-edge material on Delaunay triangulations. Covering both volume and surface meshes, the book offers a rigorous theoretical analysis of mesh generation methods while also showing how the algorithms work well in practice. • Presents practical algorithms for generating provably good Delaunay meshes • Contains a primer on Delaunay triangulations that describes their combinatorial properties and relatives as well as their geometric and topological fidelity as approximations of smooth surfaces
“This book is unique among texts on algorithmics in its emphasis on how to ‘think algorithmically’ rather than just how to solve specific (classes of) algorithmic problems. The authors skillfully engage the reader in a journey of algorithmic self-discovery as they cover a broad spectrum of issues … I shall be very happy to have this text on my bookshelf as a reference on methods as well as results.”
• Covers challenging problems, including meshing domains with small angles and eliminating hardto-remove “sliver” tetrahedra
—Arnold L. Rosenberg, Northeastern University and University of Massachusetts Amherst
Introduction. Two-Dimensional Delaunay Triangulations. Algorithms for Constructing Delaunay Triangulations. Three-Dimensional Delaunay Triangulations. Algorithms for Constructing Delaunay Triangulations in R3. Delaunay Refinement in the Plane. Voronoi Diagrams and Weighted Complexes. Tetrahedral Meshing of PLCs. Weighted Delaunay Refinement for PLCs with Small Angles. Sliver Exudation. Refinement for Sliver Exudation. Smooth Surfaces and Point Samples. Restricted Delaunay Triangulations of Surface Samples. Meshing Smooth Surfaces and Volumes. Meshing Piecewise Smooth Complexes. Bibliography. Index.
Selected Contents: Polynomial-Time Algorithms: Exercises: Introduction to Complexity. Divide-and-Conquer. Greedy Algorithms. Dynamic Programming. Amortized Analysis. NP-Completeness and Beyond: NP-Completeness. Exercises on NP-Completeness. Beyond NP-Completeness. Exercises Going beyond NP-Completeness. Reasoning on Problem Complexity: Reasoning to Assess a Problem Complexity. Chains-on-Chains Partitioning. Replica Placement in Tree Networks. Packet Routing. Matrix Product, or Tiling the Unit Square. Online Scheduling. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K11226, August 2013, 380 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2564-8, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
• Includes exercises suitable for graduate-level courses on mesh generation or computational geometry
Selected Contents:
Catalog no. C7303, December 2012, 410 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-730-0, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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General Computing and Computer Engineering New!
Introduction to Computational Modeling Using C and OpenSource Tools
A Concise Introduction to Data Structures using Java Mark J. Johnson
Jose M. Garrido
Central College, Pella, Iowa, USA
Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA
This student-friendly text is designed for a second course in computer science with an emphasis on elementary data structures. It helps students become familiar with how to use, design, implement, and analyze data structures— important steps on the path to becoming skilled software developers.
This book presents the fundamental principles of computational models from a computer science perspective and explains how to implement the models using the C programming language. Emphasizing analytical skill development and problem solving, the book helps readers understand how to reason about and conceptualize the problems, generate mathematical formulations, and computationally visualize and solve the problems. It provides the foundation to understand more advanced scientific computing, including parallel computing using MPI, grid computing, and other techniques in high-performance computing. • Introduces the principles and interdisciplinary approaches of computational modeling, including numerical methods and mathematical modeling principles • Covers various software tools, including GSL, GnuPlot, GLPK, and LP_Solve • Describes the techniques for designing and implementing problem solutions • Provides examples and case studies that demonstrate the computation and visualization of data • Offers source files, shell scripts, and additional notes on the author’s website
Selected Contents: Problem Solving and Computing. Programs. Modular Decomposition: Functions. More Concepts of Computational Models. Algorithms and Programs. Selection. Repetition. Arrays. Pointers. Linked Lists. Text Data. Computational Models with Arithmetic Growth. Computational Models with Quadratic Growth. Models with Geometric Growth. Computational Models with Polynomials. Models with Interpolation and Curve Fitting. Using Vectors with the GSL. Matrices and Sets of Linear Equations. Introduction to Dynamical Systems. Linear Optimization Modeling. Solving Linear Optimization Problems. Sensitivity Analysis and Duality. Transportation Models. Network Models. Integer Linear Optimization Models. Appendices.
The book starts with simpler concepts first and then builds toward greater complexity. The author introduces important topics, such as linked lists, gradually and revisits them with increasing depth. More code and guidance are provided at the beginning, allowing students time to adapt to Java while also beginning to learn data structures. As students develop fluency in Java, less code is provided and more algorithms are outlined in pseudocode. • Introduces data structures in a concise, direct way • Emphasizes one key idea at a time, allowing students to identify and focus on critical concepts • Uses an organization that is designed to help students learn, introducing simpler concepts first and then gradually building complexity • Includes partial implementation of most data structures, giving instructors flexibility to do examples and assign exercises • Presents an introductory chapter in Java basics that allows students unfamiliar with Java to quickly get up to speed • Offers source code for the examples on the author’s website
Selected Contents: Arrays. Linked Lists. Stacks. Queues. Lists. Recursion. Maps. Trees. Binary Search Trees. Priority Queues. Catalog no. K20431, November 2013, 236 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-8989-6, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K22074, November 2013, 461 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-1678-3, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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General Computing and Computer Engineering New!
A Functional Start to Computing with Python Ted Herman University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
Taking a student-friendly, interactive approach to teach computing, this text enables students to quickly learn computing without having to use loops, variables, and object abstractions at the start. Requiring no prior programming experience, the book draws on Python’s flexible data types and operations as well as its capacity for defining new functions. Along with the specifics of Python, the author covers important concepts of computing. • Introduces data structure operations, including textual/string computing, early in the text • Requires no prior programming experience • Integrates core computer science ideas, such as self-referencing structures, aliases, and finite state machines • Covers recursion in both functional- and imperative-style Python • Reinforces students’ understanding of unit testing through interactive programming exercises, with selected answers in an appendix • Offers chapter supplements, demos, and other ancillary materials on a companion website
Selected Contents: Motivation and Background: Inspirations of Computing. Preview of Computing with Python. General Landscape of Computing Languages. Python Setup. Functional-Style Python: Types. Operators. Expressions. Printing. Functions I. Functions II. Conditional Logic. Slice, Split, Join. Comprehensions. Functional Patterns. ImperativeStyle Python: Names for Data. Functions and Variables. Mutation. Modules. Repetition. Documentation. Debugging. Accumulation Loop Patterns. Search Loop Patterns. Drawing. Input and Output. Network Programs. Objects, Classes, and Inheritance. Randomness, Time, and System Modules. Graphical User Interfaces. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K14528, July 2013, 427 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-0455-4, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Information Technology An Introduction for Today’s Digital World Richard Fox Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, USA
Suitable for any introductory IT course, this classroom-tested text presents many of the topics recommended by the ACM Special Interest Group on IT Education (SIGITE). It offers a far more detailed examination of the computer than current computer literacy texts, focusing on concepts essential to all IT professionals—from operating systems and hardware to information security and computer ethics. The book highlights Windows/DOS and Linux with numerous examples of issuing commands and controlling the operating systems. It also provides details on hardware, programming, and computer networks. • Covers many introductory computer IT concepts in detail, including topics recommended by SIGITE • Gives students a firm foundation on computer components • Provides an introduction to Linux • Describes the types of skills required of IT professionals • Explores various careers in IT • Includes further reading suggestions and questions at the end of each chapter • Offers animations and other material on the author’s website
Selected Contents: Introduction to Information Technology. Computer Organization and Hardware. Binary Numbering System. Introduction to Operating System Concepts. Files, Directories, and the File System. Users, Groups and Permissions. History of Computers. Operating Systems History. Bash Shell and Editing. Regular Expressions. Processes and Services. Networks, Network Software, and the Internet. Software. Programming. Information. Careers in Information Technology. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K16379, February 2013, 564 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-6828-0, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
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General Computing and Computer Engineering Limits of Computation
CoCo The Colorful History of Tandy’s Underdog Computer
An Introduction to the Undecidable and the Intractable
Boisy G. Pitre
Edna E. Reiter and Clayton Matthew Johnson
Pitre Technology Group, Prairie Ronde, Louisiana, USA
Bill Loguidice
California State University East Bay, Hayward, USA
Armchair Arcade, Burlington, New Jersey, USA
This is the first book to document the complete history of the Tandy Color Computer (CoCo), taking readers inside the interesting stories and people behind this unique, underdog computer. The authors reveal the story of a pivotal period in the home computing revolution from the perspective of Tandy’s CoCo. The book also features first-hand accounts from the people who created and promoted the CoCo, from the original Tandy executives and engineers to today’s active product creators and information keepers. The CoCo impacted many lives, and this book leaves no stone unturned in recounting this fascinating slice of the PC revolution that is still in play today. From early telecommunications experiments to engineering and budgetary challenges, it covers all the aspects that made the CoCo a truly personal, useful computing experience in as small and inexpensive a package as possible • Provides the first comprehensive history of Tandy’s CoCo series, which were mainstays in thousands of Radio Shack stores throughout the 1980s • Presents extensive original research and interviews from engineers and executives at Tandy, Radio Shack, Motorola, Microware Systems Corporation, and other members of the CoCo community • Offers a fresh perspective on key personal computing events from the 1970s to the present day • Requires no previous technical or business knowledge
Selected Contents: Tandy Gets Personal. Planting the Seed. Colorful Computing. Somewhere over the Rainbow. Double Trouble. Silicorn Valley. Three’s Company. Third Time’s Charm. Made in the USA. The Time Has Come. Hello Darling. CoCo Forever. Catalog no. K20564, December 2013, 203 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-9247-6 $39.95 / £24.99 Also available as an eBook
Developed from the authors’ course on computational complexity theory, this book offers a gentle introduction to the theory of computational complexity. It explains the difficulties of computation, addressing problems that have no algorithm at all and problems that cannot be solved efficiently. The text assumes no prior knowledge of automata, advanced algorithmic analysis, and formal languages. Each chapter presents the fundamentals, examples, complete proofs of theorems, and a wide range of exercises. • Helps readers understand the nature of computation • Focuses on the two main questions of theoretical computer science • Presents complete proofs of many NP-complete problems • Provides in-depth discussions of difficult topics, such as different sizes of infinity, reducibility, and self-reference • Describes Turing machines from state diagrams to encodings • Requires no prior knowledge of automata, advanced algorithmic analysis, and formal languages • Includes numerous exercises at the end of each chapter • Offers PowerPoint slides for download on the book’s CRC Press web page
Selected Contents: Introduction. Set Theory. Languages: Alphabets, Strings, and Languages. Algorithms. Turing Machines. Turing-Completeness. Undecidability. Undecidability and Reducibility. Classes NP and NPComplete. More NP-Complete Problems. Other Interesting Questions and Classes. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K13878, October 2012, 279 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8206-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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General Computing and Computer Engineering Distributed Sensor Networks Second Edition (Two-Volume Set) Edited by
S. Sitharama Iyengar Florida International University, Miami, USA
Richard R. Brooks Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
Now split into two volumes, this second edition has been revised and expanded with over 500 additional pages and more than 300 new illustrations. This edition incorporates contributions from many veterans of the DARPA ISO SENSIT program as well as new material from distinguished researchers in the field. It offers 13 fully revised chapters and 22 new chapters, covering new perspectives on information fusion, technical developments, and sensor network applications.
Programming in C++ for Engineering and Science Larry Nyhoff Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
This text guides students in designing programs to solve real problems encountered in engineering and scientific applications. It gives students a solid understanding of how C++ can be used to process complex objects, including how classes can be built to model objects. Exercises and programming projects are included in each chapter and various ancillaries are accessible on the author’s website. Catalog no. K11207, August 2012, 744 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-2534-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K12919, September 2012, 1706 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6289-6, $249.95 / £159.00 Also available as an eBook
The Practical OPNET® User Guide for Computer Network Simulation Adarshpal S. Sethi University of Delaware, Newark, USA
Vasil Y. Hnatyshin Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey, USA
This is one of the first books to provide a comprehensive description of OPNET® IT Guru and Modeler software. The book explains how to use the software for simulating and modeling computer networks and includes lab projects that help readers learn different aspects of the software in a hands-on way. The authors illustrate how to develop and configure models for every layer of the TCP/IP reference model. Extensive examples show how to set up and configure many nontrivial features of OPNET software.
The Tao of Computing Second Edition Henry M. Walker Grinnell College, Iowa, USA
This text presents a broad, practical introduction to computers and computer technology. It uses a question and answer format to provide thoughtful answers to many practical questions that students have about computing. The text covers fundamental computer fluency topics, from the basics of how a computer is organized to an overview of operating systems to a description of how the Internet works. This second edition incoporates technological advances, new applications, examples from popular culture, and new research exercises. Catalog no. K14146, July 2012, 555 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-9251-0, $79.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K10606, August 2012, 527 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1205-1, $49.95 / £31.99 Also available as an eBook
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Computational Biology Coming soon!
Managing Your Biological Data with Python Allegra Via, Kristian Rother, and Anna Tramontano For end-users of bioinformatics databases and tools, this book explains how to independently manage large biological data sets with Python. It covers basic aspects of computer usage as well as the simple programming of Python, showing how to use Python for biological data analysis, web interfacing of databases and scripts, and much more. The text includes many exercises and coding examples, making it ideal for self-study and classroom use. Code is also available on the authors’ website. • Provides readers with sufficient knowledge to independently manage their biological data with Python • Requires no prior programming experience • Starts from scratch by covering all the basics of Python • Contains exercises and coding examples, with some code available online
Selected Contents: Getting Started: The Python Shell. Your First Python Program. Analyzing a Data Column. Parsing Data Records. Searching Data. Filtering Data. Managing Tabular Data. Sorting Data. Pattern Matching and Text Mining. Modular Programming: Divide a Program into Functions. Managing Complexity with Classes. Debugging. Using External Modules: The Python Interface to R. Building Program Pipelines. Writing Good Programs. Data Visualization: Creating Scientific Diagrams. Creating Molecule Images with PyMOL. Manipulating Images. Biopython: Working with Sequence Data. Retrieving Data from Web Resources. Working with 3D Structure Data. Cookbook. Appendices. Catalog no. K13805, January 2014, c. 560 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-8093-7, $69.95 / £44.99
Systems Biology Mathematical Modeling and Model Analysis Andreas Kremling Technical University Munich, Germany
“Systems Biology is a rich resource of mathematical methods and approaches that can be utilized to analyze and understand biological systems. It will be particularly attractive to engineers and mathematicians who want to learn the basics of modern biology in a condensed fashion and then apply the tools of their trades to relevant biological questions. … Systems Biology devotes a good portion of the material to state-of-the-art model diagnostics and engineering techniques, such as linear systems analysis and control theory, which so far are rarely found in systems biology texts and are therefore a welcome addition to the repertoire of textbook literature. … all topics are illustrated with step-by-step examples, and many of them are reinforced with exercises.” —Eberhard Voit, Georgia Institute of Technology
“… a meticulous and far-reaching treatment of this critically important subject. … Each chapter is thoughtfully crafted to draw in novices to the field while still engaging to experts. Additionally, a number of well-designed exercises complement each chapter. I found the sections on model analysis and control theory particularly useful and relevant.” —Markus Covert, Stanford University
Selected Contents: Fundamentals: Introduction. Biological Basics. Fundamentals of Mathematical Modeling. Model Calibration and Experimental Design. Modeling of Cellular Processes: Enzymatic Conversion. Polymerization Processes. Signal Transduction and Genetically Regulated Systems. Analysis of Modules and Motifs: General Methods of Model Analysis. Aspects of Control Theory. Motifs in Cellular Networks. Analysis of Cellular Networks: Metabolic Engineering. Topological Characteristics. Appendix. Index. Catalog no. K16367, November 2013, 379 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6789-4, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
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Computational Biology Introduction to Biological Networks Alpan Raval Claremont Graduate University, California, USA
Animesh Ray Keck Graduate Institute, Claremont, California, USA
“Raval and Ray provide a comprehensive and modern exposition of a rapidly evolving field: network biology. This text will help biology, mathematics, and computer science students alike to become acquainted with the history and frontiers of research in this exciting area.” —Joshua B. Plotkin, University of Pennsylvania
“Finally a book has arrived that describes the basics of biological complexity. Written by leading scientists Raval and Ray, it provides a scholarly account of the concepts of network theory. It describes in great detail the experimental and computational methods for identifying and predicting biological networks and reveals how network analysis can be applied to solve fundamental questions in biology and medicine. Introduction to Biological Networks is easily the best read available on this important and rapidly developing field.” —Cornelis Murre, University of California, San Diego
Genome Annotation Jung Soh, Paul M.K. Gordon, and Christoph W. Sensen University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
This thorough overview explores automated genome analysis and annotation from its origins to the challenges of next-generation sequencing data analysis. It explains how current analysis strategies were developed, including sequencing strategies, statistical models, and early annotation systems. The authors then present visualization techniques for displaying integrated results as well as state-of-the-art annotation tools, including MAGPIE, Ensembl, Bluejay, and Galaxy. They also discuss the pipelines for the analysis and annotation of complex, next-generation DNA sequencing data. • Describes tools for next-generation sequencing data analysis • Covers developments in the field from the last 16 years • Provides pointers to tools that are currently used for genome analysis and annotation in all branches of life • Offers material for a bioinformatics course
With many examples throughout and clear explanations of key concepts, this book focuses on the genetic interaction networks as a paradigm for interpreting the complexity of molecular biology at a genomic scale. The authors describe the experimental methods used to discover and test networks of interaction among biological molecules.
• Presents extensive references in each chapter
Selected Contents:
DNA Sequencing Strategies. Coding Sequence Prediction. Between the Genes. Genome-Associated Data. Characterization of Gene Function through Bioinformatics: The Early Days. Visualization Techniques and Tools for Genomic Data. Functional Annotation. Automated Annotation Systems. Dynamic Annotation Systems: End-User-Driven Annotation and Visualization. Web-Based Workflows. Analysis Pipelines for Next-Generation Sequencing Data. Index.
The Living Interactome. Experimental Inference of Interactions. Prediction of Physical Interactions. Metabolic Networks and Genetic Interactions. Testing Inferred Networks. Small Model Networks. Tractable Models of Large Networks. Network Modularity and Robustness. Networks and Disease. Catalog no. C4630, April 2013, 335 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-463-7, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
• Contains numerous illustrations, including a color insert • Includes a CD-ROM with MAGPIE and Bluejay
Selected Contents:
Catalog no. K11912, August 2012, 270 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4117-4, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Computational Biology Computational Systems Biology of Cancer Emmanuel Barillot, Laurence Calzone, Philippe Hupe, Jean-Philippe Vert, and Andrei Zinovyev Institut Curie, Paris, France “… this book has plenty for everyone interested in computational systems biology of cancer. Almost all important topics are introduced and explained, and pointers are given to further work. The bibliography is outstanding. Think of this as your guide book to the field, as well as a way to get started in it.” —Terry Speed, University of California, Berkeley, and Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne
“… sophisticated computational methods that address cancer on the system level are needed. The authors have made substantial and useful effort to describe the state of the art of these computational methods in an accessible and clear way. The book is a much-needed contribution to modern cancer analysis and the emerging discipline of systems biology.” —Ron Shamir, Tel Aviv University, Israel
“This is the first book specifically focused on computational systems biology of cancer with coherent and proper vision on how to tackle this formidable challenge.” —Hiroaki Kitano, The Systems Biology Institute, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc., and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Selected Contents: Introduction: Why Systems Biology of Cancer? Basic Principles of the Molecular Biology of Cancer. Experimental High-Throughput Technologies for Cancer Research. Bioinformatics Tools and Standards for Systems Biology. Exploring the Diversity of Cancers. Prognosis and Prediction: Towards Individualised Treatments. Mathematical Modelling Applied to Cancer Cell Biology. Mathematical Modelling of Cancer Hallmarks. Cancer Robustness: Facts and Hypotheses. Cancer Robustness: Mathematical Foundations. Finding New Cancer Targets. Conclusion. Appendices. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
Computer Graphics New!
Image Statistics in Visual Computing Tania Pouli, Erik Reinhard, and Douglas W. Cunningham With numerous color figures throughout, this work covers all aspects of natural image statistics, from data collection to analysis to applications in computer graphics, computational photography, image processing, and art. Collecting state-of-the-art, interdisciplinary knowledge in one source, the book explores the relation of natural image statistics to human vision and shows how natural image statistics can be applied to visual computing. It encourages readers in both academic and industrial settings to develop novel insights and applications in all disciplines that relate to visual computing. • Covers the statistics of natural images, from simple single pixel properties to complex filters • Explores all aspects of visual scenes, including color, temporal, and spatial information • Discusses alternative image modalities, including faces and art • Illustrates concepts with real-world examples of practical applications • Explains the mathematical basis of each statistical transform and its relation to human perception • Contains a comprehensive list of more than 700 references • Offers additional resources, including descriptions of various image databases suitable for statistics, on a supporting website
Selected Contents: BACKGROUND: Introduction. The Human Visual System. Image Collection and Calibration. IMAGE STATISTICS: First Order Statistics. Gradients, Edges, and Contrast. Fourier Analysis. Dimensionality Reduction. Wavelet Analysis. Markov Random Fields. BEYOND TWO DIMENSIONS: Color. Depth Statistics. Time and Motion. Appendix. Bibliography. Catalog no. K13473, December 2013, c. 372 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56881-725-5, $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K11531, August 2012, 461 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3144-1, $79.95 / £49.99
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Computer Graphics New!
Computer Graphics
Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization
From Pixels to Programmable Graphics Hardware Alexey Boreskov and Evgeniy Shikin Moscow State University, Russia
This text explores all major areas of modern computer graphics, starting from basic mathematics and algorithms and concluding with OpenGL and real-time graphics. Requiring only basic knowledge of analytic geometry, linear algebra, and C++, the book guides students through the OpenGL pipeline and gives them a firm foundation in today’s high-performance graphics. Using one consistent example, it leads them step by step from simple rendering to animation to lighting and bumpmapping. • Covers the main aspects of modern computer graphics • Explains how to create various special effects using OpenGL • Describes a wide range of current topics, such as tessellation, spherical harmonics, and geometric shaders • Contains practical exercises and examples as well as numerous illustrations, including several color images • Offers full, cross-platform source code and examples on the book’s CRC Press web page
Selected Contents: Introduction: Basic Concepts. Transforms in 2D. Geometric Algorithms in 2D. Transformations in 3D, Projections, Quaternions. Basic Raster Algorithms. Color and Color Models. Basic freeglut and GLEW for OpenGL Rendering. Hidden Surface Removal. Modern OpenGL: The Beginning. Working with Large 2D/3D Data Sets. Curves and Surfaces: Geometric Modeling. Basics of Animation. Lighting Models. Advanced OpenGL. GPU Image Processing. Special Effects in OpenGL. Basics of GPGPU. Elements of Procedural Texturing and Modeling. Non-Photorealistic Rendering. Bibliography. Catalog no. K13022, October 2013, 568 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6730-3, $99.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Edited by
Roberto Tamassia Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
“This handbook fills an important need. It is an impressive compendium of research … Whether you drill down or go wide, you’ll learn something useful. You’ll see how effectively designed network visualizations can produce powerful insights in many fields.” —Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland
“This handbook is the most comprehensive reference on graph drawing I have ever seen. It is an indispensable aid to programmers, engineers, students, teachers, and researchers who create or use algorithms and systems for visualizing networks and abstract graphs. It covers the theory and practice in core topics and related areas, such as labeling, programming frameworks, and applications in network analysis.” —Stephen North, Executive Director and Co-Founder of
“New researchers can become quickly oriented to the field through the opening foundational chapters. Practitioners can find algorithms to suit their needs in the heart of the handbook … All chapters are authored by the leaders of the field and edited into a pleasing common style. … I expect the Handbook to serve as the key resource for researchers in the field.” —Joseph O’Rourke, Smith College
Selected Contents: Planarity Testing and Embedding. Crossings and Planarization. Symmetric Graph Drawing. Proximity Drawings. Tree Drawing Algorithms. Planar StraightLine Drawing Algorithms. Planar Orthogonal and Polyline Drawing Algorithms. Spine and Radial Drawings. Circular Drawing Algorithms. Rectangular Drawing Algorithms. Simultaneous Embedding of Planar Graphs. Force-Directed Drawing Algorithms. Hierarchical Drawing Algorithms. Three-Dimensional Drawings. Labeling Algorithms. Graph Markup Language (GraphML). The Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF). GDToolkit. PIGALE. Biological Networks. Computer Security. Graph Drawing for Data Analytics. Graph Drawing and Cartography. Graph Drawing in Education. Computer Networks. Social Networks. Index. Catalog no. C4126, August 2013, 862 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-412-5, $99.95 / £63.99
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Computer Graphics New!
Graphics Interface 2013 Edited by
Isosurfaces Geometry, Topology, & Algorithms Rephael Wenger The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
Faramarz Samavati, Stephen Brooks, Kirstie Hawkey, and Pourang Irani This volume presents the proceedings of the oldest regularly scheduled conference in the field of computer graphics, interactive systems, and human-computer interaction. High-quality papers from international contributors cover a variety of topics, including: • Shading and rendering • Geometric modeling and meshing • Graphics in simulation • Image-based rendering • Image synthesis and realism • Medical visualization • Scientific visualization • Computer animation
“Visualization has long needed a solid, standard, and detailed text on the algorithmic aspects of isosurface construction and use. This text will become the standard entry point into this vast literature for at least the next decade, even for researchers already accustomed to working with isosurfaces. It belongs on every professional’s shelf.” —Hamish Carr, University of Leeds
“This wonderful book is the first that nicely summarizes the foundations as well as the state of the art on isosurfaces. Everyone, from the novice to the expert, will find something new and interesting in this book. This book’s treatment of isosurfaces goes way beyond the surface, deep into the heart and soul of this rich topic situated in between the fields of graphics, visualization, and computational geometry.” —Torsten Möller, University of Vienna
• Real-time rendering
• Multimedia
This work represents the first book to focus on basic algorithms for isosurface construction. It also gives a rigorous mathematical perspective on some of the algorithms and results. In color throughout, the book covers the Marching Cubes algorithm and variants, dual contouring algorithms, multilinear interpolation, multiresolution isosurface extraction, isosurfaces in four dimensions, interval volumes, and contour trees. It also describes data structures for faster isosurface extraction as well as methods for selecting significant isovalues.
• Mobile computing
Selected Contents:
• Haptic, tangible, and affective interfaces
Marching Cubes and Variants. Dual Contouring. Multilinear Interpolation. Isosurface Patch Construction. Isosurface Generation in 4D. Interval Volumes. Data Structures. Multiresolution Tetrahedral Meshes. Multiresolution Polyhedral Meshes. Isovalues. Contour Trees. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.
• Non-photorealistic rendering • Virtual reality • Interaction techniques • Computer-supported cooperative work • Human interface devices • Augmented reality • Data and information visualization
• Aesthetic design • Perception • Usable privacy and security Catalog no. K22075, July 2013, 200 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4822-1680-6, $69.95 / £44.99
Catalog no. K16513, June 2013, 488 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7097-9, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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Computer Graphics Digital Geometry in Image Processing Jayanta Mukhopadhyay, Partha Pratim Das, Samiran Chattopadhyay, Partha Bhowmick, and Biswa Nath Chatterji Exploring theories and applications developed during the last 30 years, this book presents a mathematical treatment of the properties of digital metric spaces and their relevance in analyzing shapes in two and three dimensions. Unlike similar books, this one connects the two areas of image processing and digital geometry, highlighting important results of digital geometry that are currently used in image analysis and processing. With many figures (some in color) and end-of-chapter exercises, the book gives readers insight on the latest twoand three-dimensional image processing applications. • Provides comprehensive coverage of digital metric spaces in arbitrary dimensions • Brings together significant research results from the last three decades on digital distances and the analysis of digital curves and straight lines • Emphasizes shape analysis and object representation using concepts and theories from digital geometry • Offers algorithmic solutions of several challenging problems in computer graphics and image processing
Selected Contents: Digital Topology: Fundamentals. Distance Functions in Digital Geometry. Digitization of Straight Lines and Planes. Digital Straightness and Polygonal Approximation. Parametric Curve Estimation and Reconstruction. Medial Axis Transform. Modeling of Voxelated Surface. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K14578, April 2013, 318 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0567-4, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
High Performance Visualization Enabling ExtremeScale Scientific Insight Edited by
E. Wes Bethel, Hank Childs, and Charles Hansen “It provides the very first in-depth introduction to the interaction of two highly important and relevant topics in computational science: high performance computing and scientific visualization. The book provides a broad background on both topics, but more importantly, for the first time in book form, [the authors] describe some of the most recent developments in scientific visualization as we move from the Petascale era to Exaflops computing. … It will provide a solid foundation for anyone who considers using the most recent tools for visualization in order to understand complex simulation data or to understand the ever-increasing amount of experimental data. I highly recommend this timely book for scientists and engineers.” —Horst Simon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley
Selected Contents: Introduction. I Distributed Memory Parallel Concepts and Systems: Parallel Visualization Frameworks. Remote and Distributed Visualization Architectures. Rendering. Parallel Image Compositing Methods. Parallel Integral Curves. II Advanced Processing Techniques: Query-Driven Visualization and Analysis. Progressive Data Access for Regular Grids: In Situ Processing. Streaming and Out-of-Core Methods. III Advanced Architectural Challenges and Solutions: GPU-Accelerated Visualization. Hybrid Parallelism. Visualization at Extreme Scale Concurrency. Performance Optimization and Autotuning. The Path to Exascale. IV High Performance Visualization Implementations: VisIt: An End-User Tool for Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data. IceT. The ParaView Visualization Application. The ViSUS Visualization Framework. The VAPOR Visualization Application. The EnSight Visualization Application. Index. Catalog no. K13513, October 2012, 520 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7572-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
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Computer Graphics Production Volume Rendering
Design and Implementation of 3D Graphics Systems
Design and Implementation Magnus Wrenninge SONY Pictures Imageworks, Santa Monica, California, USA
“This book deserves a place on any computer graphics developer’s bookshelf. Over the last few years, volume techniques have become essential to any high-end renderer and this book will bring anyone up to speed very quickly. I highly recommend this book.” —Doug Roble, Creative Director of Software, Digital Domain
This book provides the first full account of volume rendering techniques used for feature animation and visual effects production. It covers the theoretical underpinnings as well as the implementation of a working renderer. The author presents techniques and algorithms that are actively used in production work. He also describes both volumetric modeling and rendering techniques, illustrating how effects are created from start to finish. • Focuses on volume rendering for visual effects and film production
Jonas de Miranda Gomes, Luiz Velho, and Mario Costa Sousa This book covers the computational aspects of geometric modeling and rendering 3D scenes. Special emphasis is given to the architectural aspects of interactive graphics, geometric modeling, rendering techniques, the graphics pipeline, and the architecture of 3D graphics systems. The text describes basic 3D computer graphics algorithms and their implementation in the C language. The material is complemented by library routines for constructing graphics systems. • Presents practical aspects of 3D computer graphics at an introductory level • Focuses on fundamental algorithms and the implementation problems associated with them • Explores the relationship between the various components of a graphics system • Describes geometric modeling and image synthesis • Enables readers to practice with the techniques
• Covers techniques and algorithms that are commonly used in production work
• Provides routine libraries, examples, and other supplemental materials on the book’s website
• Explains how volumetric modeling and rendering are generated
Selected Contents:
• Provides a companion rendering library of open source code
Selected Contents: The PVR System. Fundamentals: The Basics. Voxel Buffers. Noise. Volume Modeling: Fundamentals of Volume Modeling. PVR’s Modeling Pipeline. Rasterization Primitives in PVR. Instantiation Primitives in PVR. Volume Rendering: Volumetric Lighting. Raymarching. PVR’s Rendering Pipeline. PVR Volume Types. Raymarching in PVR. PreComputed Occlusion. Bibliography. Catalog no. K13409, September 2012, 355 pp. ISBN: 978-1-56881-724-8, $49.95 / £31.99 Also available as an eBook
Introduction. Objects and Graphics Devices. Interaction and Graphical Interfaces. Geometry. Color. Digital Image. Description of 3D Scenes. 3D Geometric Models. Modeling Techniques. Hierarchies and Articulated Objects. Viewing and Camera Transformations. Surface Clipping for Viewing. Rasterization. Visible Surface Calculation. Local Illumination Models. Global Illumination. Mapping Techniques. Shading. 3D Graphics Systems. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K16528, August 2012, 350 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-7121-1, $69.95 / £44.99
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Computer Graphics OpenGL Insights
Shadow Algorithms Data Miner
Edited by
Patrick Cozzi Analytical Graphics, Inc., Exton, Pennsylvania, USA
Christophe Riccio AMD, Camberley, UK
“You don’t need to be an expert (maybe this book helps you become one) but the basics should be known to you. … A nice plus is the github site with code for most of the chapters. … this book span[s] topics from simple OpenGL feature descriptions up to general rendering algorithms and shows what is possible with OpenGL and its mobile and web-based cousins. … If you are an OpenGL developer, you will definitely find some interesting gems in here …” —, July 2012
Assembling contributions from experienced developers, vendors, researchers, and educators, OpenGL Insights presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and WebGL developers. Focusing on current and emerging techniques for the OpenGL family of APIs, the book demonstrates the breadth and depth of OpenGL. Readers will gain practical skills to solve problems related to performance, rendering, profiling, framework design, and more. • Covers intermediate and advanced techniques using OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and WebGL • Discusses mobile performance and streaming vertex buffers and textures • Presents rendering techniques, including shadows, tessellation, depth of field, and procedural shading • Describes framework design, including ANGLE, SceneJS, and SpiderGL • Provides an exhaustive OpenGL pipeline diagram and useful tips • Offers source code, demos, and other material on the book’s website
Andrew Woo NGRAIN Corporation, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Pierre Poulin University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Digital shadow generation continues to be an important aspect of visualization and visual effects in film, games, simulations, and scientific applications. This resource offers a thorough picture of the motivations, complexities, and categorized algorithms available to generate digital shadows. From general fundamentals to specific applications, the book addresses shadow algorithms and how to manage huge data sets from a shadow perspective. It also examines the use of shadow algorithms in industrial applications, in terms of what algorithms are used and what software is applicable. • Provides a well-structured picture of the motivations, complexities, and categorized algorithms available to generate digital shadows • Discusses general fundamentals as well as specific issues and applications • Explains how to manage huge data sets from a shadow perspective • Looks at the use of shadow algorithms in industrial applications
Selected Contents: Preliminaries of Shadows. Hard Shadows. Supporting Shadows for Other Geometry Types. Soft Shadows. Other Treatments of Shadows. Applications of Shadow Algorithms. Conclusions. Catalog no. K13769, June 2012, 268 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8023-4, $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
Selected Contents: Discovering. Rendering. Bending the Pipeline. Performance. Transfers. Debugging and Profiling. Software Design. Index. Catalog no. K14190, July 2012, 712 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9376-0, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
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Data Mining New!
Big Data Computing
RapidMiner Data Mining Use Cases and Business Analytics Applications
Edited by
Rajendra Akerkar Western Norway Research Institute, Sogndal
Edited by
This book presents a mix of theory and industry cases that highlight the technical and practical issues related to Big Data in intelligent information management. It emphasizes the adoption and diffusion of Big Data tools and technologies in real practical applications. • Includes contributions from top-level experts active in the area • Introduces different topics more comprehensively with single-point coverage of advanced and timely topics • Provides case studies based on real-world examples • Elaborates on key ideas in the field as well as future research directions
Selected Contents: Introduction: Toward Evolving Knowledge Ecosystems for Big Data Understanding. Tassonomy and Review of Big Data Solutions Navigation. Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities. Semantic Technologies and Big Data: Management of Big Semantic Data. Linked Data in Enterprise Integration. Scalable End-User Access to Big Data. Semantic Data Interoperability: The Key Problem of Big Data. Big Data Processing: Big Data Exploration. Big Data Processing with MapReduce. Efficient Processing of Stream Data over Persistent Data. Big Data and Business: The Economics of Big Data: A Value Perspective on State of the Art and Future Trends. Advanced Data Analytics for Business. Big Data Applications: Big Social Data Analysis. Real-Time Big Data Processing for Domain Experts: An Application to Smart Buildings. Big Data Application: Analyzing Real-Time Electric Meter Data. Scaling of Geographic Space from the Perspective of City and Field Blocks and Using Volunteered Geographic Information. Big Textual Data Analytics and Knowledge Management. Catalog no. K16832, November 2013, 564 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7837-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Markus Hofmann Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Dublin, Ireland
Ralf Klinkenberg Rapid-I, Dortmund, Germany
Written by leaders in the data mining community, including the developers of the RapidMiner software, this book provides an in-depth introduction to the application of data mining and business analytics techniques and tools in scientific research, medicine, industry, commerce, and diverse other sectors. It presents the most powerful and flexible open source software solutions: RapidMiner and RapidAnalytics. The book and software tools cover all relevant steps of the data mining process. • Introduces the most important machine learning algorithms, data pre-processing, and transformation techniques • Presents examples of successful applications that can be used as blueprints to tackle data mining tasks using RapidMiner and RapidAnalytics • Covers numerous application areas, including retail, banking, marketing, communication, education, security, medicine, physics, and chemistry • Provides open source editions of the RapidMiner and RapidAnalytics software and datasets at
Selected Contents: Introduction to Data Mining and RapidMiner. Basic Classification Use Cases for Credit Approval and in Education. Marketing, Cross-Selling, and Recommender System Use Cases. Clustering in Medical and Educational Domains. Text Mining: Spam Detection, Language Detection, and Customer Feedback Analysis. Feature Selection and Classification in Astroparticle Physics and in Medical Domains. Molecular Structure- and Property-Activity Relationship Modeling in Biochemistry and Medicine. Image Mining: Feature Extraction, Segmentation, and Classification. Anomaly Detection, Instance Selection, and Prototype Construction. Meta-Learning, Automated Learner Selection, Feature Selection, and Parameter Optimization. Index. Catalog no. K21452, October 2013, 525 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-0549-7, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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Data Mining New!
Data Clustering
Practical Graph Mining with R
Algorithms and Applications Edited by
Charu C. Aggarwal IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA
Chandan K. Reddy Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA
In this book, top researchers from around the world cover the entire area of clustering, from basic methods to more refined and complex data clustering approaches. They pay special attention to recent issues in graphs, social networks, and other domains. The book explores the characteristics of clustering problems in a variety of application areas. It also explains how to glean detailed insight from the clustering process through supervision, human intervention, or the automated generation of alternative clusters. • Presents core methods for data clustering, including probabilistic, density- and grid-based, and spectral clustering • Explores various problems and scenarios pertaining to multimedia, text, biological, categorical, network, streams, and uncertain data • Offers in-depth insight on the clustering process, including different ways to cluster the same data set
Selected Contents: An Introduction to Cluster Analysis. Feature Selection for Clustering: A Review. Probabilistic Models for Clustering. A Survey of Partitional and Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms. Density-Based Clustering. Grid-Based Clustering. Non-Negative Matrix Factorizations for Clustering: A Survey. Spectral Clustering. Clustering High-Dimensional Data. A Survey of Stream Clustering Algorithms. Big Data Clustering. Clustering Categorical Data. Document Clustering: The Next Frontier. Clustering Multimedia Data. Time Series Data Clustering. Clustering Biological Data. Network Clustering. A Survey of Uncertain Data Clustering Algorithms. Concepts of Visual and Interactive Clustering. Semi-Supervised Clustering. Alternative Clustering Analysis: A Review. Cluster Ensembles: Theory and Applications. Clustering Validation Measures. Educational and Software Resources for Data Clustering. Index.
Edited by
Nagiza F. Samatova, William Hendrix, John Jenkins, Kanchana Padmanabhan, and Arpan Chakraborty This self-contained book presents a do-it-yourself approach to extracting interesting patterns from graph data. It covers many basic and advanced techniques for the identification of anomalous or frequently recurring patterns in a graph, the discovery of groups or clusters of nodes that share common patterns of attributes and relationships, the extraction of patterns that distinguish one category of graphs from another, and the use of those patterns to predict the category of new graphs Each chapter focuses on a graph mining task, such as link analysis, cluster analysis, and classification. Through many applications, the book demonstrates how computational techniques can help solve realworld problems. Every algorithm and example is accompanied with R code, allowing readers to see how the algorithmic techniques correspond to the process of graph data analysis and to use the graph mining techniques in practice. • Focuses on approaches specifically for mining graph data, such as the use of graph kernels • Requires no prerequisites of mathematics or data mining • Provides numerous worked examples with R source code available online • Includes exercises and real-world applications at the end of each chapter
Selected Contents: Introduction. An Introduction to Graph Theory. An Introduction to R. An Introduction to Kernel Functions. Link Analysis. Graph-Based Proximity Measures. Frequent Subgraph Mining. Cluster Analysis. Classification. Dimensionality Reduction. Graph-Based Anomaly Detection. Performance Metrics for Graph Mining Tasks. Introduction to Parallel Graph Mining. Index. Catalog no. K12799, July 2013, 495 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6084-7, $79.95 / £49.99
Catalog no. K15510, August 2013, 652 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5821-2, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
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Data Mining New!
Knowledge and Systems Science Enabling Systemic Knowledge Synthesis Yoshiteru Nakamori Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa
Integrating ideas from the fields of systems science and knowledge science, this book shows how to create and justify various pieces of knowledge systemically. Through case studies of technology archiving, academic research evaluation, demand forecasting of perishable foods, and other real-world concerns, it demonstrates the use of new knowledge-based methods in addressing a variety of complex issues. The author, one of the foremost experts in this area, also illustrates the importance of acquiring a systemic view through trained intuition. • Focuses on the fusion of systems science and knowledge science to address challenging problems • Presents effective approaches to systemic knowledge synthesis • Provides concrete examples of knowledge synthesis with different integration types • Describes mathematical information aggregation techniques based on subjective assessment • Introduces the i-System knowledge integration model for collecting and synthesizing distributed and tacit knowledge
Selected Contents: Issues of Systemic Synthesis. Systems Approaches. An Integrated Systems Approach. Mathematical Information Aggregation. The Emergence of Knowledge Science. Knowledge Creation Models. Knowledge Synthesis or Construction. Knowledge Justification. References. Index. Catalog no. K20590, July 2013, 246 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-9300-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Computational Intelligent Data Analysis for Sustainable Development Edited by
Ting Yu, Nitesh Chawla, and Simeon Simoff Going beyond performing simple analyses, researchers involved in the highly dynamic field of computational intelligent data analysis design algorithms that solve increasingly complex data problems in changing environments, including economic, environmental, and social data. This volume presents novel methodologies for automatically processing these types of data to support rational decision making for sustainable development. Through numerous case studies and applications, it illustrates important data analysis methods, including mathematical optimization, machine learning, signal processing, and temporal and spatial analysis, for quantifying and describing sustainable development problems. • Presents powerful techniques from mathematical optimization, data mining, machine learning, knowledge discovery, and other areas • Explains how these methods collect and analyze large quantities of environmental, economic, and social data, leading to better decision making for sustainable development • Focuses on spatiotemporal analysis for sustainable development applications • Explores the challenges involved with vast amounts of complex data • Includes real case studies on climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy, smart grids, policy making, and more
Selected Contents: Integrated Sustainability Analysis. Computational Intelligent Data Analysis for Climate Change. Computational Intelligent Data Analysis for Biodiversity and Species Conservation. Computational Intelligent Data Analysis for Smart Grid and Renewable Energy. Computational Intelligent Data Analysis for Sociopolitical Sustainability. Index. Catalog no. K14261, April 2013, 440 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9594-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
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Data Mining Getting Started with Business Analytics Insightful Decision-Making David Roi Hardoon Galit Shmueli Indian School of Business, Hyderabad
“… an interesting ‘how to get started’ book about a contemporary and challenging development in business. … This timely, accessible book is relevant to students, managers, analysts, executives, consultants, and the general public. Recommended.” —E.J. Szewczak, CHOICE, August 2013
“A must read for college students and business managers interested in big data and analytics. The book beautifully integrates the business and technology aspects of analytics. It provides in-depth know-how to enable the reader to ‘know’ what and ‘how’ to effectively leverage analytics to deliver business solutions. If you want to get into business analytics, start your journey here!” —Ram D. Gopal, University of Connecticut
“Getting Started with Business Analytics will simplify, and demystify, the concepts around the ‘science of data.’ Looking back at my career in the field of business analytics, I realize that it would have been extremely helpful to have had such a book in hand. It would have provided me with guidance on structuring my analytical solutions and would have inspired me to greater creativity. I hope this book will light the spark of curiosity for a new generation of data scientists.” —Eric Sandosham, Citibank, Asia Pacific 2010–2012
Selected Contents: Introduction to Business Analytics: The Paradigm Shift. The Business Analytics Cycle. Data Mining and Data Analytics: Data Mining in a Nutshell. From Data Mining to Data Analytics. Business Analytics: Customer Analytics. Social Analytics. Operational Analytics. Bibliography. Catalog no. K14271, March 2013, 190 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-9653-2, $59.95 / £38.99
ServiceOriented Distributed Knowledge Discovery Domenico Talia and Paolo Trunfio University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
A new approach to distributed large-scale data mining, service-oriented knowledge discovery extracts useful knowledge from often unmanageable volumes of data by exploiting data mining and machine learning distributed models and techniques in service-oriented infrastructures. Service-Oriented Distributed Knowledge Discovery presents techniques, algorithms, and systems based on the service-oriented paradigm. It explains how to design services for data analytics, describes real systems for implementing distributed knowledge discovery applications, and explores mobile data mining models. • Introduces parallel and distributed data mining concepts and architectures • Describes web and grid technologies for distributed knowledge discovery • Explains how to design service-oriented data mining applications • Includes a study of workflow formalisms for modeling distributed knowledge discovery applications • Presents open source frameworks for developing service-oriented KDD applications, with the open source software available on the authors' website
Selected Contents: Distributed Knowledge Discovery: An Overview. Service-Oriented Computing for Data Analysis. Designing Services for Distributed Knowledge Discovery. Workflows of Services for Data Analysis. Services and Grids: The Knowledge Grid. Mining Tasks as Services: The Case of Weka4WS. How Services Can Support Mobile Data Mining. Knowledge Discovery Applications. Sketching the Future Pervasive Data Services. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K13494, October 2012, 230 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7531-5, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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Data Mining Contrast Data Mining Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications
Intelligent Technologies for Web Applications Priti Srinivas Sajja and Rajendra Akerkar
Edited by
Guozhu Dong Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA
James Bailey The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
“This book, edited by two leading researchers on contrast mining, and contributed to by over 40 data mining researchers and application scientists, is a comprehensive and authoritative treatment of this research theme. It presents a systematic introduction and a thorough overview of the state of the art for contrast data mining, including concepts, methodologies, algorithms, and applications. … the book will appeal to a wide range of readers …” —Jiawei Han, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Requiring no prior knowledge of data mining and statistics, this reference presents both fundamental and advanced topics related to Web operations. Using an integrated approach, the authors cover agent-based Web, wrapper induction, Web mining, information retrieval, Web knowledge management, and social networks. The text includes a host of examples and over 100 illustrations that clarify complex material. It also contains many bibliographical notes, end-of-chapter exercises, glossaries, and practice questions with solutions/hints. Catalog no. K13281, May 2012, 367 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7162-1, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K12517, September 2012, 434 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5432-7, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Ensemble Methods
Customer and Business Analytics
Foundations and Algorithms Zhi-Hua Zhou Nanjing University, China
“Professor Zhou’s book is a comprehensive introduction to ensemble methods in machine learning. It reviews the latest research in this exciting area. I learned a lot reading it!” —Thomas G. Dietterich, Oregon State University, ACM Fellow, and International Machine Learning Society
“This is a timely book. Right time and right book … with an authoritative but inclusive style that will allow many readers to gain knowledge on the topic.” —Fabio Roli, University of Cagliari
Catalog no. K11467, June 2012, 236 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3003-1, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Applied Data Mining for Business Decision Making Using R Daniel S. Putler Alteryx, California, USA
Robert E. Krider Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Showing how data mining can improve the performance of organizations, this book and its R-based software provide the skills and tools needed to successfully develop advanced analytics capabilities. It explains and demonstrates, via the accompanying opensource software, how advanced analytical tools can address various business problems. The authors also give insight into challenges faced when deploying these tools. Readers can access a powerful, GUIenhanced customized R package online as well as example data sets on the book’s website. Catalog no. K14501, May 2012, 315 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-0396-0, $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
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Machine Learning New!
Multi-Label Dimensionality Reduction Liang Sun, Shuiwang Ji, and Jieping Ye Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
The data mining and machine learning literature currently lacks a unified treatment of multi-label dimensionality reduction that incorporates both algorithmic developments and applications. Addressing this shortfall, this book covers the methodological developments, theoretical properties, computational aspects, and applications of many multi-label dimensionality reduction algorithms. • Provides a complete survey of multi-label learning and dimensionality reduction for multi-label learning • Describes existing dimensionality reduction algorithms, including canonical correlation analysis and partial least squares, and explores new developments of these traditional algorithms, such as the recently proposed sparse canonical correlation analysis algorithms • Highlights the strengths and shortcomings of many standard and new dimensionality reduction algorithms for multi-label learning in a unified framework
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation with Swarm Hitoshi Iba University of Tokyo, Japan
A thorough overview of multi-agent simulation and supporting tools, this book provides the methodology for a multi-agent-based modeling approach that integrates computational techniques, such as artificial life, cellular automata, and bio-inspired optimization. It shows how this type of simulation is used to acquire an understanding of complex systems and artificial life. The author carefully explains how to construct a simulation program for various applications. Swarmbased software and source codes are available on his website. • Shows how to use multi-agent modeling and simulation to discover the adaption of complex systems • Covers practical applications of evolutionary computation and artificial life, offering real-world insights into a variety of large-scale applications • Presents empirical case studies of state-of-the-art multi-agent technology in biology, sociology, and economics • Includes theoretical and algorithmic analyses of complex systems
• Illustrates how to apply multi-label dimensionality reduction algorithms to solve real-world problems in web page categorization, gene and protein function prediction, and other areas
• Offers source codes for the simulators on the author’s website, helping readers better understand genetic programming and its extensions
• Develops a MATLAB® toolbox for the efficient implementation of the algorithms, with the package available online
Selected Contents:
Selected Contents: Introduction. Partial Least Squares. Canonical Correlation Analysis. Hypergraph Spectral Learning. A Scalable Two-Stage Approach for Dimensionality Reduction. A Shared-Subspace Learning Framework. Joint Dimensionality Reduction and Classification. Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction: Algorithms and Applications. Appendix. References. Index.
Introduction. Evolutionary Methods and Evolutionary Computation. Multi-Agent Simulation Based on Swarm. Evolutionary Simulation. Ant Colony-Based Simulation. Particle Swarm Simulation. Cellular Automata Simulation. Conclusion. Appendices. References. Index. Catalog no. K15964, June 2013, 317 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6234-9, $119.95 / £76.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K10304, November 2013, 208 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0615-9, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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Machine Learning Support Vector Machines Optimization Based Theory, Algorithms, and Extensions Naiyang Deng, Yingjie Tian, and Chunhua Zhang “This book provides a concise overview of support vector machines (SVMs), starting from the basics and connecting to many of their most significant extensions. Starting from an optimization perspective provides a new way of presenting the material, including many of the technical details that are hard to find in other texts. And since it includes a discussion of many practical issues important for the effective use of SVMs (e.g., feature construction), the book is valuable as a reference for researchers and practitioners alike.” —Thorsten Joachims, Cornell University
“One thing which makes the book very unique from the other books is that the authors try to shed light on SVM from the viewpoint of optimization. I believe that the comprehensive and systematic explanation on the basic concepts, fundamental principles, algorithms, and theories of SVM will help readers have a really in-depth understanding … a great book, which many researchers, students, and engineers in computer science and related fields will want to carefully read and routinely consult.” —Hang Li, Noah’s Ark Lab, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
“In my experience of developing the popular SVM software LIBSVM, I found that many users lack a good understanding of the optimization concept behind SVM. This book … allows readers to easily learn how optimization techniques are used in a machine learning technique such as SVM.” —Chih-Jen Lin, National Taiwan University
Selected Contents: Optimization. Linear Classification Machines. Linear Regression Machines. Kernels and Support Vector Machines. Basic Statistical Learning Theory of CSupport Vector Classification. Model Construction. Implementation. Variants and Extensions of Support Vector Machines. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K12703, December 2012, 363 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5792-2, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Internet-Scale Pattern Recognition New Techniques for Voluminous Data Sets and Data Clouds Anang Hudaya Muhamad Amin, Asad I. Khan, and Benny B. Nasution Based on the authors’ research from the past 10 years, this book unveils computational models that address performance and scalability to achieve higher levels of reliability. Drawing on concepts from pattern recognition, parallel processing, distributed systems, and data networks, it explores different ways of implementing pattern recognition using machine intelligence. The authors offer an extendable template for Internetscale pattern recognition applications as well as guidance on the programming of large networks of devices. • Covers the key technologies that contribute to Internet-scale pattern recognition, including distributed systems, parallel computing, and machine intelligence • Outlines the underlying theory and principles of distributed pattern recognition • Discusses one-shot learning and hierarchical approaches in distributed pattern recognition applications • Includes examples of distributed models and parallel programming techniques—two forces driving the expansion of distributed applications in Internet-scale environments • Shows how pattern recognition can be a scalable commodity for information processing
Selected Contents: Recognition: A New Perspective: Introduction. Distributed Approach for Pattern Recognition. Evolution of Internet-Scale Recognition: One-Shot Learning Considerations. Hierarchical Model for Pattern Recognition. Recognition via a Divide-andDistribute Approach. Systems and Tools: InternetScale Applications Development. Implementations and Applications: Multi-Feature Classifications for Complex Data. Pattern Recognition within CoarseGrained Networks. Event Detection within FineGrained Networks. Recognition: The Future and Beyond. Bibliography. Catalog no. K14810, November 2012, 197 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1096-8, $99.95 / £60.99 Also available as an eBook
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High-Performance Computing New!
Computational Quantum Mechanics for Nuclear Physics
Introduction to Reversible Computing
David J. Dean
Kalyan S. Perumalla
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Mortin Hjorth-Jensen University of Oslo, Norway
This book presents various many-body techniques used to describe nuclei from the basic interactions among nucleons. It provides a brief description of modern nuclear forces and their application in finite nuclei. It also includes an overview of several manybody techniques used in the field, including quantum Monte Carlo, configuration interaction, and coupled cluster methods. The book covers the key algorithms necessary to build out and/or use computer codes for simple problems. It also focuses on important high-performance computing aspects, modern computing languages, parallelization methods and libraries, and basic quantum many-body training. • Presents a description of nuclear coupled-cluster theory • Discusses parallel algorithms useful for solving the nuclear many-body problem • Compares and contrasts various techniques, their ranges of validity, and their numerical difficulties • Provides specific research examples and problems • Covers high-performance computing methods, modern computing languages, parallelization methods and libraries, and basic quantum many-body training
Selected Contents: Introduction. Second Quantization and Diagram Rules. The Nuclear Interactions. Configuration Interaction Methods. Coupled Cluster Methods. Monte Carlo Methods. Infinite Matter. Conclusions and Perspective. Catalog no. C8609, November 2013, 300 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6609-8, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Collecting scattered knowledge into one coherent account, this book provides a compendium of both classical and recently developed results on reversible computing. It offers an expanded view of the field that includes the traditional energymotivated hardware viewpoint as well as the emerging application-motivated software approach. It explores up-and-coming theories, techniques, and tools for the application of reversible computing. • Emphasizes the software, programming, application, and usage aspects of reversible computing • Helps readers easily understand complex theoretical and seminal results at a level suitable for senior undergraduate or graduate students • Illustrates the development of reversible code generation using actual code segments in the C language • Provides pseudocodes of several algorithms for memory-less or memory-efficient reversibility, including reversible random number generation and reversible numerical computation • Offers source code for reversible random number generation and reversible models of abstract physical systems at
Selected Contents: INTRODUCTION: Scope. Application Areas. The Reversible Computing Spectrum. THEORY: Systems and Principles. Reversibility-Related Paradoxes. Theoretical Computing Models. Relaxing ForwardOnly Execution into Reversible Execution. SOFTWARE: Reversible Programming Languages. Adding Reversibility to Irreversible Programs. Reverse C Compiler. Reversal of Linear Codes. Reversible Random Number Generation. Reversible Memory Allocation and Deallocation. Reversible Numerical Computation. Reversing a Sorting Procedure. Implementing Undo-Redo-Do. HARDWARE: Reversible Logic Gates. Reversible Instruction Set Architectures. SUMMARY: Future Directions. REFERENCES: Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K13404, September 2013, 325 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7340-3, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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High-Performance Computing Data-Intensive Science Edited by
Terence Critchlow and Kerstin Kleese van Dam Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, USA
Contemporary High Performance Computing From Petascale toward Exascale Edited by
With contributions from a diverse cross-section of application, computer, and data scientists, this book explores the impact of data-intensive science on current research and describes emerging technologies that will enable future scientific breakthroughs. The book identifies best practices used to tackle challenges facing data-intensive science as well as gaps in these approaches. It also focuses on the integration of data-intensive science into standard research practice.
Jeffrey S. Vetter
• Provides a comprehensive overview of how technical capabilities can be leveraged to enable scientific discovery
• Explores many prominent international supercomputing systems, including Sequoia, Mira, Tsubame 2.0, JUGENE, Tianhe-1A, Titan, and Pleiades
• Offers a path forward for facilitating data-intensive science • Demonstrates the impact of data-intensive science through case studies highlighting current best practices
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA
Focusing on recent, major ecosystems in HPC, this book brings together the vast interconnected aspects behind state-of-the-art HPC. It explains all the factors involved in making the world’s leading HPC centers successful, from architectures, applications, facilities, and software to scientists, administrators, and sponsors.
• Discusses each system’s hardware and software architectures, such as the Cray XK7 and Blue Gene/Q • Covers the facilities for each system, including power and cooling
Selected Contents:
• Describes application workloads for each site
What Is Data-Intensive Science? Where Does All the Data Come From? Data-Intensive Grand Challenge Science Problems: Large-Scale Microscopy Imaging Analytics for In Silico Biomedicine. Answering Fundamental Questions about the Universe. Materials of the Future: From Business Suits to Space Suits. Case Studies: Earth System Grid Federation: Infrastructure to Support Climate Science Analysis as an International Collaboration: A Data-Driven Activity for Extreme-Scale Climate Science. Data-Intensive Production Grids. EUDAT: Toward a Pan-European Collaborative Data Infrastructure. From Challenges to Solutions: Infrastructure for Data-Intensive Science: A Bottom-Up Approach. A Posteriori Ontology Engineering for Data-Driven Science. Transforming Data into the Appropriate Context. Bridging the Gap between Scientific Data Producers and Consumers: A Provenance Approach. In Situ Exploratory Data Analysis for Scientific Discovery. Interactive Data Exploration. Linked Science: Interconnecting Scientific Assets.
• Presents historical and projected trends in technology and applications, such as the “greening” of supercomputing
Catalog no. K13830, June 2013, 446 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8139-2, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Selected Contents: Trends in HPC: Contemporary High Performance Computing. HPC Challenge: Design, History, and Implementation Highlights. The Green500 List: A Look Back to Look Forward. Contemporary HPC: Tera 100. The Mole-8.5 Supercomputing System. Supercomputing in the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program. Keeneland. Blue Gene/P. Roadrunner. Blue Gene/Q. “Lomonosov.” Pleiades. The Blue Waters SuperSystem for Super-Science. Kraken. Titan. Blacklight. Gordon. Monte Rosa. Tianhe-1A Supercomputer. TSUBAME2.0. HA-PACS. Clouds and Grids in HPC: Magellan: A Testbed to Explore Cloud Computing for Science. FutureGrid: A Reconfigurable Testbed for Cloud, HPC, and Grid Computing. LLGrid: Supercomputer for Sensor Processing. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K16383, April 2013, 730 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6834-1, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
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High-Performance Computing
Discrete Structures
Designing Scientific Applications on GPUs
Handbook of Graph Theory
Edited by
Raphael Couturier University of Franche-Comte, Belfort, France
“This book covers not only the knowledge of GPU and CUDA programming, but also provides successful real applications in many domains, including signal processing, image processing, physics, and artificial intelligence. The most recent research outcome and the most recent progress of GPU architectures are included, such as multi-GPU programming and GPU clusters. I believe it is a very good reference for GPU and CUDA parallel programming courses … . In addition, it will definitely contribute to the progress of research in CUDA-enabled parallel computing.” —Ying Liu, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Selected Contents: PRESENTATION OF GPUs: Presentation of the GPU Architecture and the Cuda Environment. Introduction to Cuda. IMAGE PROCESSING: Setting up the Environment. Implementing a Fast Median Filter. Implementing an Efficient Convolution Operation on GPU. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: Development of Software Components for Heterogeneous Many-Core Architectures. Development Methodologies for GPU and Cluster of GPUs. OPTIMIZATION: GPU-Accelerated Tree-Based Exact Optimization Methods. Parallel GPUAccelerated Metaheuristics. Linear Programming on a GPU: A Case Study. NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS: Fast Hydrodynamics on Heterogeneous Many-Core Hardware. Parallel Monotone Spline Interpolation and Approximation on GPUs. Solving Linear Systems with GMRES and CG Methods on GPU Clusters. Solving Sparse Nonlinear Systems of Obstacle Problems on GPU Clusters. Ludwig: Multiple GPUs for a Fluid Lattice Boltzmann Application. Numerical Validation and GPU Performance in Atomic Physics. GPU-Accelerated Envelope-Following Method. OTHER: Implementing Multi-Agent Systems on GPU. Pseudorandom Number Generator on GPU. Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems for Integer Factorization on GPUs. Index. Catalog no. K16551, November 2013, 498 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7162-4, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Second Edition Edited by
Jonathan L. Gross, Jay Yellen, and Ping Zhang Praise for the First Edition: “… a fine guide to various literatures, especially for topics like Ramsey theory … . Many first-rate mathematicians have contributed, making the exposition’s quality high overall. …. Highly recommended.” —CHOICE, January 2005
With 34 new contributors, this best-selling handbook provides comprehensive coverage of the main topics in pure and applied graph theory. This second edition—over 400 pages longer than its predecessor— incorporates 14 new sections. Each chapter includes lists of essential definitions and facts, accompanied by examples, tables, remarks, and, in some cases, conjectures and open problems. A bibliography at the end of each chapter provides an extensive guide to the research literature and pointers to monographs. This edition also contains notes regarding terminology and notation. • Covers new topics in pure and applied graph theory • Includes 65 self-contained chapters organized into 13 parts • Bridges theory and practice with many easy-to-read algorithms • Unifies the diversity of graph theory terminology and notation • Provides a glossary and references at the end of each chapter
Selected Contents: Introduction to Graphs. Graph Representation. Directed Graphs. Connectivity and Traversability. Colorings and Related Topics. Algebraic Graph Theory. Topological Graph Theory. Analytic Graph Theory. Graphical Measurement. Graphs in Computer Science. Networks and Flows. Communication Networks. Natural Science and Processes. Index. Catalog no. K13767, December 2013, 1630 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-8018-0, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Discrete Structures Discrete Structures and Their Interactions Jason I. Brown
Quadratic Irrationals An Introduction to Classical Number Theory
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Franz Halter-Koch
With exercises and research problems, this text highlights the connections among various discrete structures, including graphs, directed graphs, hypergraphs, partial orders, finite topologies, and simplicial complexes. It also explores their relationships to classical areas of mathematics, such as linear and multilinear algebra, analysis, probability, logic, and topology.
Research on number theory has produced a wealth of interesting and beautiful results yet topics are strewn throughout the literature, the notation is far from being standardized, and a unifying approach to the different aspects is lacking.
University of Graz, Austria
The author explains how discrete structures have important applications in many areas inside and outside of combinatorics. He also discusses how to recognize valuable research connections through the structures. • Covers discrete structures from a variety of viewpoints, including combinatorial, algebraic, probabilistic, analytic, and logical • Develops deep connections between different fields of mathematics, encouraging students to think creatively and analytically • Supplies a more general introduction to discrete structures than other texts • Includes suggestions for research projects and extensive end-of-chapter exercises, with selected solutions at the back of the book
Selected Contents: Introduction. Discrete Structures—A Common Framework. Graphs and Directed Graphs. Preorders and Partial Orders. Hypergraphs. Complexes and Multicomplexes. Research Problems. Bibliography. Selected Solutions. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K16844, June 2013, 224 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-7941-5, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Covering both classical and recent results, this book unifies the theory of continued fractions, quadratic orders, binary quadratic forms, and class groups based on the concept of a quadratic irrational. It highlights the connection between Gauss’s theory of binary forms and the arithmetic of quadratic orders. • Brings together various aspects of the theory of quadratic irrationals previously scattered in the literature • Takes an elementary but rigorous approach to the material from an algebraic point of view • Presents the theory of binary forms and orders in a unified way without restrictions to fundamental discriminants • Gives the algebraic and number-theoretical prerequisites in a comprehensive appendix • Covers several recent results concerning two-class groups, biquadratic reciprocity, continued fractions, and binary Diophantine equations
Selected Contents: Quadratic Irrationals. Continued Fractions. Quadratic Residues and Gauss Sums. L-Series and Dirichlet’s Prime Number Theorem. Quadratic Orders. Binary Quadratic Forms. Cubic and Biquadratic Residues. Class Groups. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K20533, June 2013, 431 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-9183-7, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
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Discrete Structures Handbook of Finite Fields Gary L. Mullen The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
Daniel Panario Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Edited by two renowned researchers and with more than 80 international contributors compiling state-of-the-art research, this definitive handbook is exclusively devoted to the theory and applications of finite fields. It uses a uniform style and format throughout and each chapter is self-contained and peer reviewed. The handbook provides a comprehensive index and easy access to over 3,000 references, enabling readers to quickly locate up-todate facts and results regarding finite fields. • Gives a complete account of state-of-the-art theoretical and applied topics in finite fields • Describes numerous applications from the fields of computer science and engineering • Presents the history of finite fields and a brief summary of basic results • Discusses theoretical properties of finite fields • Covers applications in cryptography, coding theory, and combinatorics • Includes many remarks to further explain the various results • Contains more than 3,000 references, including citations to proofs of important results • Offers extensive tables of polynomials useful for computational issues, with even larger tables available on the book’s CRC Press web page
Selected Contents: INTRODUCTION: History of Finite Fields. Introduction to Finite Fields. THEORETICAL PROPERTIES: Irreducible Polynomials. Primitive Polynomials. Bases. Exponential and Character Sums. Equations over Finite Fields. Permutation Polynomials. Special Functions over Finite Fields. Sequences over Finite Fields. Algorithms. Curves over Finite Fields. Miscellaneous Theoretical Topics. APPLICATIONS: Combinatorial. Algebraic Coding Theory. Cryptography. Miscellaneous Applications. Bibliography. Index.
Near Rings, Fuzzy Ideals, and Graph Theory Bhavanari Satyanarayana Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andra Pradesh, India
Kuncham Syam Prasad Manipal University, India
Near ring theory has many applications in areas as diverse as digital computing, sequential mechanics, automata theory, graph theory, and combinatorics. Suitable for researchers and graduate students, this book provides readers with an understanding of near ring theory and its connection to fuzzy ideals and graph theory. The authors explore the relationship between near rings and fuzzy sets and between near rings and graph theory. They cover topics from recent literature along with several characterizations. • Examines the connections among near rings, fuzzy aspects, and graph theory • Provides a comprehensive compilation of dimension and decomposition theory, including Goldie dimension in near ring modules • Includes all the prerequisites, such as the theory of vector spaces and elementary graph theory • Contains detailed results and proofs as well as many illustrations and counterexamples • Offers references for theorems wherever necessary
Selected Contents: Preliminaries. Fundamentals of Near Rings. More Concepts on Near Rings. Prime and Semiprime Ideals. Dimension and Decomposition Theory. Matrix Near Rings. Gamma Near Rings. Fuzzy Aspects in Near Rings and Gamma Near Rings. Fundamental Concepts of Graph Theory. References. Index. Catalog no. K13386, May 2013, 480 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7310-6, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K13417, June 2013, 1068 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7378-6, $139.95 / £89.00 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Discrete Structures Computational Number Theory
GameTheoretical Models in Biology
Abhijit Das Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Mark Broom City University, London, UK
Jan Rychtář University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
“… a comprehensive, up-to-date introduction that uniquely blends mathematical clarity and biological intuition. The first half explores the many ways that the concepts ‘game’ and ‘evolution’ can be realized. … The second half brings to life the mathematical frameworks introduced earlier … Broom and Rychtá offer a refreshingly clear exposition of kin selection, using a simple model with direct biological interpretation. They present this alongside other, distinct mechanisms for cooperation, such as direct and indirect reciprocity, avoiding the confusion that muddles much of the literature on this topic. … Students of evolutionary game theory … would do well to read Game-Theoretical Models in Biology all the way to the finish line.” —Benjamin Allen and Martin A. Nowak, Science, August 2013
“Assuming only a modicum of mathematics, Broom and Rychtář lead their readers all the way from the rudiments of evolutionary game theory to the research frontier. … their coverage is remarkably wide-ranging, from old standards like the HawkDove game to newer applications such as epidemiology.” —Mike Mesterton-Gibbons, Florida State University
Selected Contents:
Developed from the author’s popular graduate-level course, this self-contained text presents a complete treatment of number-theoretic algorithms. It is suitable for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in engineering, researchers new to the field, and practitioners of cryptography in industry Avoiding advanced algebra and requiring no prior experience with number theory or sophisticated algebraic tools, the book covers many computational aspects of number theory and highlights important and interesting engineering applications. With an emphasis on implementation issues, it uses the freely available number-theory calculator GP/PARI to demonstrate complex arithmetic computations. The text includes numerous examples and exercises throughout and omits lengthy proofs, making the material accessible to students and practitioners. • Explores many important computational issues and recent developments in number theory • Presents an elementary treatment of the material, eliminating the need for an extensive background in mathematics • Uses the GP/PARI number-theory calculator to illustrate complicated algorithms • Describes the application of number theory in public-key cryptography • Contains numerous examples and exercises, with some solutions in an appendix
Selected Contents:
Introduction. What Is a Game? Two Approaches to Game Analysis. Some Classical Games. The Underlying Biology. Matrix Games. Nonlinear Games. Asymmetric Games. Multi-Player Games. Extensive Form Games and Other Concepts in Game Theory. State-Based Games. Games in Finite and Structured Populations. Adaptive Dynamics. The Evolution of Cooperation. Group Living. Mating Games. Food Competition. Predator-Prey and HostParasite Interactions. Epidemic Models. Conclusions. Appendix. Bibliography. Index.
Arithmetic of Integers. Arithmetic of Finite Fields. Arithmetic of Polynomials. Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. Primality Testing. Integer Factorization. Discrete Logarithms. Large Sparse Linear Systems. Public-Key Cryptography. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K12950, March 2013, 614 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6615-3, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K12455, March 2013, 520 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5321-4, $79.95 / £39.99
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Information Security and Cryptography New!
An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography James S. Kraft Gilman School, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Lawrence C. Washington University of Maryland, College Park, USA
For many years number theory was one of the purest areas of pure mathematics, studied because of the intellectual fascination with properties of integers. More recently, it has been an area that also has important applications to subjects, such as cryptography. This text presents number theory along with many interesting applications. Designed for an undergraduate-level course, it covers standard number theory topics and gives instructors the option of integrating several other topics into their coverage. Numerous problems, exercises, projects, and computer explorations of varying levels of difficulty aid in learning the material. • Provides full coverage of all traditional number theory topics, along with cryptography • Includes “Check Your Understanding” sections that offer a tutorial approach • Presents the building blocks first, gradually increasing the level of difficulty
Selected Contents: Introduction. Divisibility. Unique Factorization. Applications of Unique Factorization. Congruences. Cryptographic Applications. Polynomial Congruences. Order and Primitive Roots. More Cryptographic Applications. Quadratic Reciprocity. Primality and Factorization. Geometry of Numbers. Arithmetic Functions. Continued Fractions. Gaussian Integers. Algebraic Integers. Analytic Methods. Epilogue: Fermat’s Last Theorem. A Supplementary Topics. Catalog no. K21751, September 2013, 572 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4822-1441-3, $89.95 / £59.95 Also available as an eBook
Introduction to Computer and Network Security Navigating Shades of Gray Richard R. Brooks Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
Combining hands-on work with an overview of fundamentals, this text integrates security analysis into a technical computing curriculum. It educates students on security issues, such as side-channel attacks, and deepens their understanding of how computers and networks work. The book presents basic principles and concepts, along with examples of current threats to illustrate how the principles can either enable or neutralize exploits. Classroom-tested case study projects prompt students to stage exploits and choose countermeasures to neutralize the attacks. • Presents in-depth technical discussions of networks and computer operations exploited by attackers, helping students understand how design decisions affect security • Describes technical details of attacks and security mechanisms • Discusses social issues, such as privacy and economic factors • Explains the history, emerging issues, and likely trends of computer security • Provides professors with instructions on setting up a security laboratory • Includes lab assignments that give students hands-on experience with security problems and solutions
Selected Contents: Brief History of Computers, Communications, and Security. Security and Privacy Overview. Cryptography Primer. SSL/TLS—Case Study Project. Securing Networks. Virtual Private Network—Case Study Project. Insertion Attacks. Buffer Overflow— Case Study Project. Polymorphic Virus—Advanced Case Study Project. Web Security. Privacy and Anonymity. Side-Channel Attacks. Digital Rights Management and Copyright. Security Economics. Conclusions. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K12789, August 2013, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6071-7, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Information Security and Cryptography New!
Unauthorized Access
Network Anomaly Detection
The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security
A Machine Learning Perspective
Robert H. Sloan
Dhruba Kumar Bhattacharyya
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Richard Warner
Tezpur University, Assam, India
Jugal Kumar Kalita
Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois, USA
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA
Going beyond current books on privacy and security, this book proposes specific solutions to public policy issues pertaining to online privacy and security. Requiring no technical or legal expertise, it provides a practical framework to address ethical and legal issues. The authors explore the well-established connection between social norms, privacy, security, and technological structure. They also discuss how rapid technological developments have created novel situations that lack relevant norms and present ways to develop these norms for protecting informational privacy and ensuring sufficient information security.
This book discusses the detection of anomalies in computer networks from a machine learning perspective. It examines how computer networks work and how they can be attacked by intruders in search of fame, fortune, or challenge. Readers learn how to look for patterns in captured network traffic data to unearth potential intrusion attempts. The book presents machine learning techniques and algorithms, a taxonomy of attacks, and practical tools for launching attacks, capturing packet or flow traffic, extracting features, detecting attacks, and evaluating performance.
• Explains how to respond to the increasing unauthorized access to online information
• Covers machine learning approaches and systems
• Describes sophisticated technological, economic, legal, and public policy issues in plain English
• Examines numerous feature selection algorithms in detail
• Examines the crucial link between informational privacy and information security
• Presents practical tools for launching attacks in various modes, capturing packet or flow traffic, extracting features, detecting attacks, and evaluating performance
• Offers concrete suggestions for developing social norms needed to protect informational privacy and ensure adequate information security • Provides a practical framework in which ethical and legal issues about privacy and security can be effectively addressed
Selected Contents: Introduction. An Explanation of the Internet, Computers, and Data Mining. Norms and Markets. Informational Privacy: The General Theory. Informational Privacy: Norms and Value Optimality. Software Vulnerabilities and the Low-Priced Software Norm. Software Vulnerabilities: Creating Best Practices. Computers and Networks: Attack and Defense. Malware, Norms, and ISPs. Malware: Creating a Best Practices Norm. Tracking, Contracting, and Behavioral Advertising. From OneSided Chicken to Value-Optimal Norms. Index. Catalog no. K11474, July 2013, 398 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-3013-0, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
• Details evaluation parameters and intrusion detection methods • Supplies material for hands-on development, encouraging readers to code on a testbed to implement detection methods for their own intrusion detection system • Highlights unresolved issues and research challenges that need to be overcome
Selected Contents: Introduction. Networks and Anomalies. An Overview of Machine Learning Methods. Detecting Anomalies in Network Data. Feature Selection. Approaches to Network Anomaly Detection. Evaluation Methods. Tools and Systems. Discussion. Open Issues, Challenges and Concluding Remarks. References. Index. Catalog no. K18917, June 2013, 366 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-8208-8, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
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Information Security and Cryptography Algebraic Curves in Cryptography San Ling, Huaxiong Wang, and Chaoping Xing Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
“The book is filled with examples to illustrate the various constructions …” —Felipe Zaldivar, MAA Reviews, September 2013
This self-contained book is one of the first to focus on many topics in cryptography involving algebraic curves. After supplying the necessary background on algebraic curves, the authors discuss error-correcting codes, including algebraic geometry codes, and provide an introduction to elliptic curves. Each chapter in the remainder of the book deals with a selected topic in cryptography (other than elliptic curve cryptography). The topics covered include secret sharing schemes, authentication codes, frameproof codes, key distribution schemes, broadcast encryption, and sequences. • Illustrates various kinds of algebraic curves in a broad range of cryptographic applications, including secret sharing, authentication codes, frameproof codes, key distribution, broadcast encryption, and sequences for stream ciphers • Requires minimal background in advanced mathematics and cryptography • Provides the required fundamentals on algebraic curves • Offers a brief introduction to elliptic curves and applications
Selected Contents: Introduction to Algebraic Curves. Introduction to Error-Correcting Codes. Elliptic Curves and Their Applications to Cryptography. Secret Sharing Schemes. Authentication Codes. Frameproof Codes. Key Distribution Schemes. Broadcast Encryption and Multicast Security. Sequences. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. C7946, June 2013, 340 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7946-3, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Secret History The Story of Cryptology Craig P. Bauer York College of Pennsylvania and National Security Agency Center for Cryptologic History (20112012 Scholar-in-Residence), USA
“… one of the most engaging storytelling adventures on the evolution of secret keeping. … The book will challenge anyone with even a passing interest in cryptography to try to resist developing an intense passion for it. The math behind the systems described, while present, is never obscured by the fascinating setting in which it was developed. This is the way in which cryptography, one of the most difficult applications of discrete mathematics, was meant to be learned, with real-life cloak-and-dagger intrigue. Highly recommended.” —T.D. Richardson, CHOICE, 2013
“… by far the clearest and most comprehensive of the books dealing with the new cryptology … the book provides what I was unable to give cryptology—a mathematical underpinning to it all. … All of us in the cryptology community are grateful to you for it.” —David Kahn, Historian, and Author of The Codebreakers
Requiring minimal mathematical prerequisites, this book presents the mathematics in sufficient detail and weaves the history throughout the chapters. In addition to the fascinating historical and political sides of cryptology, the author includes interesting instances of codes and ciphers in crime, literature, music, and art.
Selected Contents: CLASSICAL CRYPTOLOGY: Ancient Roots. Monalphabetic Substitution Ciphers, or MASCs: Disguises for Messages. Simple Progression to an Unbreakable Cipher. Transposition Ciphers. Shakespeare, Jefferson, and JFK. World War I and Herbert O. Yardley. Matrix Encryption. World War II: The Enigma of Germany. Cryptologic War against Japan. MODERN CRYPTOLOGY: Claude Shannon. National Security Agency. Data Encryption Standard. Birth of Public Key Cryptography. Attacking RSA. Primality Testing and Complexity Theory. Authenticity. Pretty Good Privacy. Stream Ciphers. Suite B All-Stars. Possible Futures. Index. Catalog no. K15955, March 2013, 620 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6186-1, $69.95 / £44.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
Information Security and Cryptography Computer Security Literacy
Programming New!
Learning Java Through Games
Staying Safe in a Digital World Douglas Jacobson and Joseph Idziorek Iowa State University, Ames, USA
“… a practical, applicationoriented introduction to security education and literacy… the book would be appropriate for an upper-division introductory course on information security … a good book for use in educational training programs developed by corporate information security managers. Technical information security professionals could also benefit from reading the book. … the material is well-written and effectively organized.” —W.T. Neumann, Computing Reviews, March 2013
“The book provides information about essential security topics in an easy-to-read manner. … a worthwhile guide for an organization to have in their information security awareness program. It provides the reader with an understanding and appreciation for the magnitude of computer security.” —Ben Rothke, RSA, February 2013
This book focuses on practical security topics users are likely to encounter on a regular basis so that they better understand the function and impact of security in everyday life. The authors offer practical computer security knowledge on social engineering, email, online shopping, and other topics and present best practices pertaining to passwords, wireless networks, and suspicious emails. They also explain how security mechanisms, such as antivirus software and firewalls, protect against the threats of hackers and malware.
Selected Contents: What Is Information Security? Introduction to Computers and the Internet. Passwords under Attack. Email Security. Malware: The Dark Side of Software. Malware: Defense in Depth. Securely Surfing the World Wide Web. Online Shopping. Wireless Internet Security. Social Networking. Social Engineering: Phishing for Suckers. Staying Safe Online: The Human Threat. Case Studies. Moving Forward with Security and Book Summary. Glossary. Appendices.
Lubomir Stanchev Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne University, USA
This text teaches students how to use the different features of the Java language as well as how to program. Suitable for self-study or as part of a two-course introduction to programming, the book covers as much material as possible from the latest Java standard while requiring no previous programming experience. Taking an application-motivated approach, the author presents an abundance of games and emphasizes good software practices. The first part of the book covers basic programming techniques, such as conditional statements, loops, methods, arrays, and classes. The second part focuses on more advanced topics, including class inheritance, recursions, sorting algorithms, GUI programming, exception handling, files, and applets. • Introduces almost all Java constructs for implementing different game features • Emphasizes good software development practices • Requires no previous programming background • Offers Java code and lecture slides on the author’s website
Selected Contents: Basic Principles: Computer Hardware and Software. Data Types and Conditional Statements. Loops. Methods and Formatted Output. Introduction to Arrays. Introduction to Classes. The ArrayList Class and the enum Keyword. Advanced Programming Techniques: Classes Revisited. Fun with Swing. Nested Classes and Event Handling. The Breakout Game (Complete Version). Layout Management and GUI Components. Exception Handling and Files. Recursion. Java Applets. Index. Catalog no. K20606, November 2013, 386 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-9331-2, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K12637, November 2012, 368 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-5618-5, $49.95 / £31.99 Also available as an eBook
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Programming Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala
Introduction to Compiler Construction in a Java World
Mark C. Lewis
Bill Campbell, Swami Iyer, and Bahar Akbal-Delibas
Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, USA
University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
“…covers most standard compiler construction techniques well, and does a good job of exposing students to actual implementation environments. … Highly recommended.” —C. Vickery, CHOICE
Immersing students in Java and the JVM, this text enables a deep understanding of the Java programming language and its implementation. It focuses on design, organization, and testing, helping students learn good software engineering skills and become better programmers. By working with and extending a real, functional compiler, students develop a handson appreciation of how compilers work, how to write compilers, and how the Java language behaves.
“This textbook for college programming courses is obviously aimed at students in computing, but it would also be useful for students in other fields since it is about problem solving. Software designers can also use it as a reference for many programming techniques. … this is a great textbook, containing a huge amount of useful information for students.” —Claudiu Popescu, Computing Reviews, March 2013
Catalog no. K14273, November 2012, 936 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-9666-2, $79.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
• Presents a hands-on introduction to compiler construction, Java technology, and software engineering principles • Teaches how to fit code into existing projects • Describes a JVM-to-MIPS code translator, along with optimization techniques • Discusses well-known compilers from Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft • Includes end-of-chapter exercises that encourage students to write tests, re-factor code, and create new code
Programming GPS and OpenStreetMap Applications with Java
• Provides fully documented Java code on a supplementary website
The RealObject Application Framework
Selected Contents:
Kristof Beiglböck
Compilation. Lexical Analysis. Parsing. Type Checking. JVM Code Generation. Translating JVM Code to MIPS Code. Register Allocation. Celebrity Compilers. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.
This book provides a concrete paradigm for objectoriented modeling and programming. It introduces the use of available global positioning data for the development of applications involving digital maps. The author shows how to use recorded GPS traces to replay and display this data on a digital map and then works through the processing steps of obtaining dedicated data from OpenStreetMaps and how to extract a network for a simple navigation application. For each topic covered, Java code is developed that can be adapted to readers’ needs and locality.
Catalog no. K12801, November 2012, 381 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6088-5, $89.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K14656, January 2012, 248 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-0718-0, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit
Software Engineering New!
Software Designers in Action
Software Test Attacks to Break Mobile and Embedded Devices
A Human-Centric Look at Design Work
Jon Duncan Hagar
Edited by
Marian Petre The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Andre Van Der Hoek University of California, Irvine, USA
“This is an important book for anyone wishing to research or improve the process of collaboratively designing software or other artifacts. It makes it clear how complex the process can be, even for fairly well-posed design problems. It also shows how many ways the process can be executed and analyzed, and how complex the analyses can be. For researchers and process improvers needing to test their ideas on design, it provides detailed case studies that can be used as test cases. And it brings together references on a wide variety of the major studies of software design and design in general.” —Barry Boehm, University of Southern California
“As professional developers of software-intensive systems, we seek to craft artifacts that are useful, yet by their very nature, are also fiercely complex. Beauty and elegance of design are the elements we employ to balance that complexity. This book brilliantly attends to the landscape of how we may best design such systems.” —Grady Booch, IBM Research
This book examines how developers actually perform software design in their day-to-day work. It offers a comprehensive look at early software design, exploring the work of professional designers from a range of different viewpoints. Divided into four sections, the book discusses various theoretical examinations of the nature of software design and particular design problems, critically assesses the processes and practices that designers follow, presents in-depth accounts of key supporting elements of design, and explores the role of human interaction in software design.
Selected Contents: Design in Theory. The Process of Design. Elements of Design. Human Interaction in Design. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K14386, September 2013, 452 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0109-6, $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook
“[The author] provides detailed information and guidance on how to test more effectively and efficiently in the mobile and embedded world. … Jon shows you what to test and how to test, giving ideas that you can use to do better testing of mobile devices now and save yourself serious trouble later on. Jon’s extensive experience (much of it in the embedded world), his thorough research, and his deep knowledge give this book a solid foundation and provide helpful guidance and steps to take in applying testing attacks to mobile and embedded devices.” —Dorothy Graham, Software Testing Consultant
“Every tester who wants to keep current needs to read this book, and you can read with confidence knowing you are being guided by the best in this business. … Learn by doing, with this book as your guide.” —Lisa Crispin, Agile Testing Coach and Practitioner
This book presents an attack basis for testing mobile and embedded systems in “smart” devices. It explains patterns and techniques ranging from simple mind mapping to sophisticated test labs. The book bridges the gap between IT and mobile/embedded system testing and brings together testing ideas, techniques, and solutions that are immediately applicable to testing smart and mobile devices.
Selected Contents: Setting the Mobile and Embedded Framework. Developer Attacks: Taking the Code Head On. Control System Attacks. Hardware Software Attacks. Mobile and Embedded Software Attacks. Time Attacks: “It’s about Time.” Human User Interface Attacks: “The Limited (and Unlimited) User Interface.” Smart and/or Mobile Phone Attacks. Mobile/Embedded Security. Generic Attacks. Mobile and Embedded System Labs. Some Parting Advice. Appendices. References. Glossary. Index. Catalog no. K16700, September 2013, 377 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-7530-1, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
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Software Engineering Introduction to Combinatorial Testing
Software Application Development
D. Richard Kuhn and Raghu N. Kacker
A Visual C++, MFC, and STL Tutorial
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
Yu Lei University of Texas at Arlington, USA
This book introduces key concepts and procedures of combinatorial testing, explains how to use software tools for generating combinatorial tests, and shows how this approach can be integrated with existing practice. Detailed explanations and examples clarify how and why to use various techniques. Sections on cost and practical considerations describe tradeoffs and limitations that may impact resources or funding. While the authors introduce some of the theory and mathematics of combinatorial methods, readers can use the methods without in-depth knowledge of the underlying mathematics. • Provides the first in-depth book on practical combinatorial testing • Focuses on real-world software testing, including cost considerations • Presents step-by-step procedures for applying advanced combinatorial test methods • Requires no detailed knowledge of the underlying mathematics • Includes review questions and exercises in most chapters • Contains an extensive set of references that offer more detail on each topic • Offers data and additional training materials on a supplementary website
Selected Contents: Combinatorial Methods in Testing. Combinatorial Testing Applied. Configuration Testing. Input Testing. Test Parameter Analysis. Managing System State. Measuring Combinatorial Coverage. Test Suite Prioritization by Combinatorial Coverage. Combinatorial Testing and Random Test Generation. Sequence-Covering Arrays. Assertion-Based Testing. Model-Based Testing. Fault Localization. Evolution from Design of Experiments. Algorithms for Covering Array Construction. Appendices. References. Index.
Bud Fox, Zhang Wenzu, and Tan May Ling Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore
This book provides a detailed account of the software development process using Visual C++, MFC, and STL. It covers everything from the design to the implementation of all software modules. The book develops a demonstration application prototype that may be used to efficiently represent mathematical equations, perform interactive and intuitive model-building, and conduct control engineering experiments. The book’s tutorial-like approach empowers readers with the knowledge and skills required to perform quality, real-world software engineering. All computer code is included so developers can extend and reuse the software modules for their own project work. • Presents a comprehensive tutorial on the design and implementation of a block diagram-based software application that may be used for engineering modeling and simulation • Teaches how to build a demonstration software application • Ties many facets of C, C++, and Visual C++ together to work as a whole • Provides the tools and knowledge needed for developers to implement and extend the application in the book for their own purposes • Offers open source computer code available online
Selected Contents: User Interaction. Model Computation and Data. Refinement. Appendices. Catalog no. K14813, August 2012, 1216 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-1100-2, $79.95 / £49.99
Catalog no. K15208, June 2013, 341 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-5229-6, $69.95 / £44.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
Internet and Web Computing New!
Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages Umberto Straccia Institute of Information and Science Technologies, CNR, Pisa, Italy
This book is the first to combine coverage of fuzzy logic and Semantic Web languages. It provides indepth insight into fuzzy Semantic Web languages for non-fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic experts. It also helps researchers of non-Semantic Web languages get a better understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of Semantic Web languages. The first part of the book covers all the theoretical and logical aspects of classical (two-valued) Semantic Web languages. The second part explains how to generalize these languages to cope with fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic. • Helps readers become familiar with the main concepts of fuzzy logic and mathematical fuzzy logic and their use within Semantic Web languages • Requires no previous knowledge of fuzzy set theory or fuzzy logic • Discusses the main concepts and algorithms involved in classical Semantic Web languages • Describes reasoning problems of fuzzy Semantic Web languages, such as the top-k retrieval problem and the use of operational research • Presents the algorithms required for fuzzy logic within Semantic Web languages
Selected Contents:
Dynamic Web Programming and HTML5 Paul S. Wang Kent State University, Ohio, USA
Helping readers master web development, this comprehensive guide covers specific web programming languages, APIs, and coding techniques and provides an in-depth understanding of the underlying concepts, theory, and principles. The author leads readers through page structuring, page layout/styling, user input processing, dynamic user interfaces, databasedriven websites, and mobile website development. Numerous examples illustrate how the programming techniques and other elements work together to achieve practical goals. Encouraging hands-on practice, the book’s companion website offers live examples, code, and additional resources. • Covers new web standards, including HTML5 and CSS3 • Emphasizes dynamism and user friendliness with PHP and JavaScript • Requires no prior knowledge of web development • Discusses advanced topics such as the HTML5 DOM, database-driven websites, the LAMP package, XML, MathML, SVG, and AJAX • Includes a chapter on mobile websites • Presents many examples and ready-to-run programs, along with end-of-chapter exercises • Provides live examples, code, appendices, and additional resources on a companion website
Selected Contents:
The Quest for Fuzzy Logic in Semantic Web Languages. SEMANTIC WEB LANGUAGES BASICS: Introduction. Resource Description Language RDF and RDF Schema. Web Ontology Language OWL. Rule Languages. Query Languages for SWL-Based Knowledge Bases. FUZZY LOGICS AND SEMANTIC WEB LANGUAGES: Introduction. Fuzzy Sets and Mathematical Fuzzy Logic Basics. Fuzzy RDF and RDFS. Fuzzy OWL. Fuzzy Rule Languages. Appendices. Bibliography.
The Web: An Overview. Webpage Markup with HTML5. Audio, Video, and More HTML5. Styling with CSS. Forms, PHP, and Form Processing. Dynamic User Interface with JavaScript. HTML5 DOM and APIs. Server-Side Programming with PHP. Database-Driven Websites. Web Hosting: Apache, PHP, and MySQL. XML, AJAX, and Web Services. SVG and MathML. HTML5 and Mobile Websites. Bibliography. Index.
Catalog no. K12469, August 2013, 386 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5347-4, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K13293, November 2012, 664 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-7182-9, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
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Internet and Web Computing
Game Development and Design
Web 2.0 and Beyond
Principles and Technologies
Collected Wisdom of Game AI Professionals
Game AI Pro
Paul Anderson Intelligent Content Limited, Nottingham, UK
Edited by
“Anderson, an experienced computer/technology professional, steps back and takes a long look at the web relative to the technology in the past, where it is today, and trends for the future. … Readers should spend some time exploring the exercises and key points, and pay close attention to some of the thought-provoking team exercises. … Recommended.”
Bothell, Washington, USA
—J. Beidler, CHOICE
“This book will help future researchers form a deeper understanding of what Web 2.0 is and how it could develop in the future.” —Yijun Gao, First Monday, September 2012
Incorporating research from a range of disciplines, this book provides an accessible and engaging explanation of Web 2.0 and its wider context yet is still grounded in the rigor of computer science. The author discusses the underlying ideas and principles and covers the main types of Web 2.0 services, including social networks, media sharing sites, and microblogging. He also presents the technologies and standards that underpin the operation of Web 2.0 and goes beyond this to explore cloud computing, Web Science, and other emerging topics.
Selected Contents: What Is Web 2.0? THE SIX BIG IDEAS: UserGenerated Content. Architecture of Participation. Data on an Epic Scale. Harnessing the Power of the Crowd. Openness. The Network Effect and Web Topology: What Size and Shape Is the Web and Why Does It Matter? WEB 2.0 SERVICES: Blogs. Wikis. Online Social Networks. Media Sharing. Social Bookmarking Sites. Microblogging Services. FRAMEWORK FOR THE FUTURE: Technology and Standards. Beyond Web 2.0. Epilogue. References. Index. Catalog no. K11407, May 2012, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2867-0, $69.95 / £44.99
Steven Rabin This volume covers both the art and the technology of game AI. Nothing covered is theory or guesswork. The book brings together the accumulated wisdom, cutting-edge ideas, and clever tricks and techniques of 54 of today’s top game AI professionals. Some chapters present techniques that have been developed and passed down within the community for years while others discuss the most exciting new research and ideas from today’s most innovative games. The book includes core algorithms that game developers need to succeed, such as behavior trees, utility theory, spatial representation, path planning, motion control, and tactical reasoning. It also describes tricks and techniques that truly bring games to life, including perception systems, social modeling, smart camera systems, player prediction, and even an AI sound designer. Throughout, the book discusses the optimizations and performance enhancements that enable games to run while maintaining 60 frames per second. • Contains 48 articles from 54 of the game industry’s top developers • Presents many practical, cutting-edge techniques drawn from successful games • Includes both the core algorithms that are widely used in the industry today as well as new ideas and research that are being shared for the first time • Provides example programs and source code at
Selected Contents: General Wisdom. Architecture. Movement and Pathfinding. Strategy and Tactics. Agent Awareness and Knowledge Representation. Racing. Odds and Ends. Catalog no. K16125, September 2013, 626 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6596-8, $79.95 / £49.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
Game Development and Design 2D Graphics Programming for Games
iOS Game Development Developing Games for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch Thomas Lucka QIOO Interactive, Berlin, Germany
Offering a wealth of previously unpublished information about the iOS platform, this color book takes readers from the basics of app coding to releasing and marketing games on the App Store. It focuses on the concrete requirements of game developers, presenting in-depth details on each step in the mobile game development process. By following the book’s clear descriptions and example programs, readers will understand how to implement the fundamentals in smaller game projects and be able to create their first game for the App Store. • Provides the essential components for developing games in the iOS environment • Focuses on the Cocoa Touch framework, Core Graphics, and OpenGL ES • Requires only basic programming experience and knowledge of at least one object-oriented language, such as Java, C#, or C++ • Keeps the source code as simple as possible • Offers numerous examples of iOS games on the author’s website
Selected Contents: Introduction—Let There Be…Games! The Basics— How Does It All Work? Game Development from 0 to 60 in No Time Flat. Making Connections: Multiplayer Games with Game Kit and Game Center. OpenGL ES: Turbocharged! The Third Dimension: 3D Games. On the Trail of Angry Birds—Physics Engine Box2D. The GLKit Framework—OpenGL ES Made Easy. Complete Control: Game Sounds with OpenAL. Waiting to Be a Millionaire. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K16461, September 2013, 394 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-6993-5, $49.95 / £31.99
John Pile, Jr. Champlain College, Burlington, Vermont, USA
Full of practical tools and tricks, this color book helps new programmers learn the concepts and techniques used to produce appealing 2D graphics. It starts with the basics, moves on to topics pertaining to motion and depth, and then describes advanced graphics. Code samples in the text and online allow readers to see a particular line of code in action or as it relates to the code around it. In addition, challenges and suggested projects encourage readers to work through problems, experiment with solutions, and tinker with code. • Shows how the core concepts of graphics programming are the same regardless of platform • Helps graphics programmers communicate effectively with game artists and designers • Requires a basic understanding of programming • Reviews necessary math principles in the appendices • Provides code samples in C# and XNA, with more samples in C++, OpenGL, DirectX, and Flash available on a supporting website • Includes exercise questions or programming challenges at end of each chapter
Selected Contents: Getting Started in 2D: Introduction. Basics of Computer Graphics. Sprites! Motion and Depth: Animation. Camera and Tiling. The Illusion of Depth. User Interface. Advanced Graphics: Particle Systems. GPU Programming. Polish, Polish, Polish! Appendices: Math Review: Geometry. Math Review: Vectors. Math Review: Trigonometry. Bibliography. Glossary. Index. Catalog no. K14405, May 2013, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0189-8, $49.95 / £31.99 Also available as an eBook
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Game Development and Design GPU Pro4 Advanced Rendering Techniques
Honoring the Code
Wolfgang Engel
Conversations with Great Game Designers
Confetti Special Effects
Matt Barton
In this color book, section editors Wolfgang Engel, Christopher Oat, Carsten Dachsbacher, Michal Valient, Wessam Bahnassi, and Sebastien St-Laurent have once again assembled a high-quality collection of cutting-edge techniques for advanced GPU programming. The book presents ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can help solve many day-to-day graphics programming challenges. Focusing on interactive media and games, it covers up-to-date methods for producing real-time graphics.
Saint Cloud State University, Minnesota, USA
Edited by
Useful to beginners and seasoned game and graphics programmers alike, the book offers practical tips and techniques for creating real-time graphics. Example programs and source code are available for download on the book’s CRC Press web page. The directory structure of the online material closely follows the book structure by using the chapter numbers as the name of the subdirectory • Presents tips and tricks on how to render real-time special effects and visualize data on common consumer software platforms, such as PCs, video consoles, and mobile phones • Covers specific challenges involved in creating games on these hardware platforms • Explores the latest developments in real-time rendering • Takes a practical approach that helps graphics programmers solve their daily challenges
“Fans of classic games will appreciate the insider stories and explanations of the reasoning behind particular choices in game play and development. Students of game history will benefit from the detailed look at specific moments in the development of many significant games. The author is obviously very knowledgeable and passionate about games and communicates that clearly throughout the text. … Recommended.” —E. Bertozzi, CHOICE
In this book, 16 groundbreaking game developers share their stories and offer advice for anyone aspiring to a career in the games industry. Readers will learn from their triumphs and failures and see how they dealt with sweeping changes in technology. • Shares insight from pioneers in the games industry, including their industry experiences and approaches to game development • Covers adventure games, RPGs, and real-time strategies • Gives advice for newcomers to the industry • Addresses the critical, paradigm-shifting developments in the industry, such as games specifically created for mobile devices
• Provides example programs with source code
• Provides a chat forum and videos of original interviews at Armchair Arcade
Selected Contents:
Selected Contents:
Geometry Manipulation. Rendering. Image Space. Shadows. Game Engine Design. GPGPU.
Honoring the Code. John Romero, Architect of Doom. Rebecca Heineman, Archmage. Tim Cain, Game Designer X. Brian Fargo, Patron of Wizards. Chris Avellone, the Iconoclast. Chris Taylor, the Problem Solver. Howard Scott Warshaw, the Sad Clown. Jon Hare, the Rock 'n' Roller. Ralph Baer, the Father of Videogames. David Fox, the Mindbender. George Sanger, "the Fat Man." Mark Soderwall, Mentor to Graphic Artists. Megan Gaiser and Rob Riedl, Gamemakers for Girls. Paul Reiche and Fred Ford, the Toymakers of Gaming. Index.
Catalog no. K16333, April 2013, 382 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6743-6, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K16346, March 2013, 240 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-6753-5, $39.95 / £25.99
For more information and complete contents, visit
Game Development and Design Introduction to Game Physics with Box2D Ian Parberry University of North Texas, Denton, USA
This book helps readers become capable 2D game physics programmers through its relaxed and entertaining yet instructional presentation of both the theory and applications of 2D game physics. It explains how to program the physics used in 2D video games and covers the math required in game physics. A companion website provides source code, videos, and other material. After reading the book and experimenting with the code samples, readers will understand the basics of 2D game physics and know how to use Box2D to make a 2D physicsbased game. • Explains how to program the physics used in 2D video games • Concentrates on coding and the underlying principles • Covers the math required in game physics, helping readers visualize the mathematical connections and understand how the math works • Offers debugging tips, a brief primer on using the Bullet physics engine, and more in the appendices • Includes exercises at the end of each chapter • Provides source code, lecture notes, and videos on the author’s website, along with game demos on YouTube
Game Design Theory A New Philosophy for Understanding Games Keith Burgun Dinofarm Games, Goldens Bridge, New York, USA
“While literature and music, for example, stand on a solid theoretical foundation, the theory of game design is much less developed. … It is possible that thoughtprovoking books such as this one may be just the spark required to kick start the industrial revolution of game design.” —Reiner Knizia
This work presents a bold new path for analyzing and designing games. The author offers a radical yet reasoned way of thinking about games and provides a holistic solution to understanding the difference between games and other types of interactive systems. He clearly details the definitions, concepts, and methods that form the fundamentals of this philosophy. He also uses the philosophy to analyze the history of games and modern trends as well as to design games. • Develops a new philosophy of game design • Presents reasoned arguments about dozens of game design topics • Analyzes various video and board game genres and offers specific advice on how to improve them • Makes helpful suggestions for game designers • Proposes a specific vision for the future
Selected Contents:
Selected Contents:
Read Me First. Introduction to Game Physics: Mathematics for Game Physics. A Rigid Body Physics Game. A Soft Body Physics Toy. Game Physics with Box2D: Getting Started. A Tale of Three Modules. The Cannon Game. The Collision Module. Appendices. Bibliography. Index.
Introduction. The Concept of Game. Game Design. How We Got Here. Through the Lens: Videogames. Through the Lens: Boardgames. Predictions.
Catalog no. K16117, February 2013, 275 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-6576-0, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
Catalog no. K15305, August 2012, 188 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4665-5420-7, $39.95 / £25.99 Also available as an eBook
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Game Development and Design Game Development for iOS with Unity3D Jeff W. Murray Psychic Parrot Games, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
This hands-on guide takes readers through the complete process of Unity iOS game development. Accessible to indie game developers and small- to medium-sized studios, it gives readers the tools and knowledge needed to start building and launching iOS games. A game developer for over 12 years, the author presents production-proven techniques and valuable tips and tricks needed to plan, build, test, and launch games for the iPhone, iPod, and iPad. He walks readers through all the necessary procedures, including how to publish games to the App Store. • Covers the entire iOS game development process, from designing the game to choosing the right software and hardware to executing the game design to promoting and selling it on the App Store
Programming 2D Games Charles Kelly Most of today’s commercial games are written in C++ and are created using a game engine. Addressing both of these key elements, this text provides a complete, up-todate introduction to game programming. All of the code in the book was carefully crafted using C++. As game programming techniques are introduced, students learn how to incorporate them into their own game engine and discover how to use the game engine to create a complete game. The text covers sprites, animation, collision detection, sound, text display, game dashboards, special graphic effects, tiled games, and network programming. It systematically explains how to program DirectX applications and emphasizes proper software engineering techniques. Every topic is explained theoretically and with working code examples. • Focuses on 2D programming techniques, such as collision detection
• Presents methods for debugging and issue finding with the MonoDevelop debugger
• Takes students through the process of creating a game engine, demonstrating the advantages of using an engine to develop a complete game
• Provides links to open source, free, and low-cost software to help game projects stay on track
• Presents the latest DirectX and Windows coding methods using C++
• Includes full source files for two iOS-ready games on the book’s CRC Press web page
• Includes questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter
Selected Contents:
• Provides thoroughly tested example programs and a discussion forum on the book’s website
Designing Your Game. Getting Set Up for iOS Development. Setting Up Unity and Your Mac for iOS Development. Basics of the Unity Editor. Building a Game in Unity iOS: The Roll-a-Ball Game. Making a Kart-Racing Game. Debugging and Script Optimization. Optimizing for File Size and Performance. Publishing to the iTunes Store. Thinking Outside the Box. Glossary. Index. Catalog no. K14133, July 2012, 280 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-9219-0, $49.95 / £31.99 Also available as an eBook
Selected Contents: Getting Started. Windows Programming Fundamentals. Introduction to DirectX. The Game Engine. Sprites and Animation. Collisions and Entities. Sound. Text. Enhanced Appearance. Tiled Games. Building a Complete Game. Network Programming. The Journey. Index. Catalog no. K14701, June 2012, 438 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-0868-2, $59.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook
For more information and complete contents, visit