Mathematics - October 2010

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Contents Algebra ..................................................................3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics ............5 Differential Equations and Nonlinearity ................9 Page 3

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General and Introductory Mathematics ..............11 Geometry and Topology......................................14 Mathematical Modeling ......................................15 Mathematics for Finance......................................16 Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing ....20

Page 10

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Real, Complex, and Functional Analysis ..............22 Number Theory ..................................................24 Mathematics for Engineering ..............................25 Mathematics for Biology and Medicine ..............27 Operations Research ............................................29 Page 19

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Algebra New!




Advanced Linear Algebra

FiniteDimensional Linear Algebra

Bruce Cooperstein University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Starting with familiar concepts and slowly building to deeper results, this text focuses on vector spaces and the maps between them that preserve their structure (linear transformations). It introduces vector spaces and linear transformations, before discussing the algebra of polynomials with coefficients in a field. The author then develops the whole structure theory of a linear operator on a finite dimensional vector space from a collection of some simple results. He also explores the entire range of topics associated with inner product spaces and describes the trace and determinant of linear operators and square matrices. The final two chapters focus on bilinear forms and tensor products. Features • Discusses the structure theory of an operator, various topics on inner product spaces, and the trace and determinant functions of a linear operator • Covers bilinear forms with a full treatment of symplectic spaces and orthogonal spaces • Explains the construction of tensor, symmetric, and exterior algebras • Takes a gentle approach that gradually builds from simple concepts to complex ideas and results • Begins each section with an outline of previously introduced concepts and results necessary for mastering the new material • Includes a wide variety of exercises and problems, with selected solutions in the appendices

Mark S. Gockenbach Michigan Technological University, Houghton, USA

Drawing on material from the author’s own course, this book gives readers a strong theoretical understanding of linear algebra. It offers many illustrations of how linear algebra is used throughout mathematics in such diverse areas as combinatorics, differential equations, optimization, and approximation. The author takes students through an axiomatic development of vector spaces, linear operators, eigenvalues, norms, and inner products. In addition to discussing the special properties of symmetric matrices, he covers the Jordan canonical form, an important theoretical tool, and the singular value decomposition, a powerful tool for computation. The final chapters present introductions to numerical linear algebra and analysis in vector spaces. Features • Provides a thorough foundation for the study of advanced mathematics • Contains a range of exercises in each section, including some that can be solved using MATLAB® or other software • Incorporates mini-projects that encourage readers to develop topics not covered in the text • Explores various applications of linear algebra, including polynomial interpolation, graph and coding theory, linear and integer programming, linear ordinary differential equations, Lagrange multipliers, and more • Presents important concepts and methods from numerical linear algebra

Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K11457, June 2010, 364 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2966-0, $79.95 / £49.99

Catalog no. K10803, May 2010, 672 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1563-2, $99.95 / £48.99

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Algebra Theory and Applications of HigherDimensional Hadamard Matrices


Abstract Algebra An Interactive Approach William Paulsen Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, USA

Second Edition Yi Xian Yang, Xin Xin Niu, and Cheng Qing Xu Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication, People’s Republic of China

Drawing on the authors’ use of the Hadamardrelated theory in several successful engineering projects, this book presents the applications and dimensions of Hadamard matrices. It covers classical two-dimensional Walsh and Hadamard matrices as well as new Hadamard designs based on dyadic addition sets. In a new section of the book, the authors explore the applications of higherdimensional Hadamard matrices to the areas of telecommunications and information security.

By integrating the use of GAP and Mathematica®, this work presents a hands-on approach to learning about groups, rings, and fields. The author discusses topics not covered in similar texts, such as semi-direct products and skew fields, and includes many diagrams produced by Mathematica to help readers visualize difficult concepts. The accompanying CD-ROM contains GAP packages and Mathematica notebooks. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C4521, January 2010, 560 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9452-7, $99.95 / £46.99

Catalog no. K10942, March 2010, 437 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1807-7, $99.95 / £63.99 Textbook


Applied Algebra

A Modern Introduction to Linear Algebra

Codes, Ciphers and Discrete Algorithms, Second Edition

Henry Ricardo

Darel W. Hardy

Medgar Evers College, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA

Fred Richman Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA

Carol L. Walker New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA

Using mathematical tools from number theory and finite fields, this text presents practical methods for solving problems in data security and data integrity. This edition doubles the number of exercises and includes a new appendix that reviews prerequisite topics in algebra and number theory. The accompanying CD-ROM contains an interactive version of the book that is powered by Scientific Notebook®. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

“This work is a sound presentation of linear algebra. … Each topic is carefully and thoroughly covered via the pedagogy … The volume includes more than 1,200 exercises, some to be completed manually and others intended to be solved using a computer algebra system. … The generality of approach makes this work appropriate for students in virtually any discipline. Summing Up: Recommended.” —CHOICE, June 2010 Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K10040, January 2010, 670 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0040-9, $99.95 / £49.99

Catalog no. C7142, 2009, 424 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7142-9, $99.95 / £44.99


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Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics New!




Introduction to Cryptography with Mathematical Foundations and Computer Implementations

Graphs & Digraphs

Alexander Stanoyevitch

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA

California State University–Dominguez Hills, Carson, USA

“…it is the little thoughtful touches that make the book truly shine … judicious use of accessible examples plus step-by-step worked out math to illustrate concepts … the text layout [has] breathing room to offset the inevitable terseness of mathematical cryptology. … [it] makes life easier for the instructor. In addition, the book’s companion site features short MATLAB m-files and applets for quick demos. … a very well done, thoughtful introduction to cryptography.” —Daniel Bilar, University of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

From the exciting history of its development in ancient times to the present day, this self-contained introduction provides a focused tour of the central concepts of cryptography. It delineates cryptographic concepts in chronological order, developing the mathematics as needed. It also guides readers through the process of writing their own programs. Features • Covers elliptic curve cryptography • Offers complete coverage of all the needed material on number theory and abstract algebra • Presents algorithms in pseudo-code • Contains background material and extensive exercise solutions in the appendices • Includes both standard and computer exercises as well as numerous worked examples • Incorporates sample programs and platform-independent applets on the author’s website Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Fifth Edition Gary Chartrand Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA

Linda Lesniak Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, USA

Ping Zhang Praise for the Fourth Edition “… emphasizes clear exposition, well-written proofs, and many original and innovative exercises of varying difficulty and challenge … For 25 years, Graphs & Digraphs, in its various editions, has served as an exemplary introduction to the emerging mathematical disciplines of graph theories for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. It has also served established graph theorists, combinatorialists, and other discrete mathematicians, as well as computer scientists and chemists, as a useful reference work. The fourth edition continues these fine traditions.” —Zentralblatt MATH

New to the Fifth Edition • New or expanded coverage of graph minors, perfect graphs, chromatic polynomials, nowhere-zero flows, flows in networks, degree sequences, toughness, list colorings, and list edge colorings • New examples, figures, and applications to illustrate concepts and theorems • Expanded historical discussions of wellknown mathematicians and problems • More than 300 new exercises, along with hints and solutions to odd-numbered exercises at the back of the book • Reorganization of sections into subsections to make the material easier to read • Bolded definitions of terms, making them easier to locate Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K11263, October 2010, 600 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2627-0, $89.95 / £49.99

Catalog no. K10916, August 2010, 669 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1763-6, $89.95 / £44.99 For more information and complete contents, visit


Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics New!




How to Count

Discrete Structures with Contemporary Applications

An Introduction to Combinatorics, Second Edition R.B.J.T. Allenby and Alan Slomson

Alexander Stanoyevitch

University of Leeds, UK

“… the best one-volume book on combinatorics for undergraduates. It begins slowly and gently, but does not avoid subtleties or difficulties. It includes the right mixture of topics without bloat, and always with an eye to good mathematical taste and coherence. Enumerative combinatorics is developed rather fully … before generating functions are introduced. … partitions are introduced in the absence of generating functions, and then later generating functions are applied to them: again, a wise pedagogical move. The ordering of chapters is nicely set up for two different single-semester courses: one that uses more algebra, culminating in Polya’s counting theorem; the other concentrating on graph theory, ending with a variety of Ramsey theory topics. … I was very much impressed with the first edition when I encountered it in 1994. I like the second edition even more. …” —Paul Zeitz, University of San Francisco, California, USA

Completely revised, this text shows how to solve numerous classic and other interesting combinatorial problems. This second edition includes seven new chapters that cover occupancy problems, Stirling and Catalan numbers, graph theory, trees, Dirichlet’s pigeonhole principle, Ramsey theory, and rook polynomials. It also contains 450 paired exercises, along with a full solution to one of the exercises in each pair. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C8260, August 2010, 444 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8260-9, $79.95 / £34.99

California State University–Dominguez Hills, Carson, USA

Reflecting many of the recent advances and trends in this area, this classroom-tested text covers the core topics in discrete structures as outlined by the ACM and explores an assortment of novel applications, including simulations, genetic algorithms, network flows, probabilistic primality tests, public key cryptography, and coding theory. With clear definitions and theorems and carefully explained proofs, it presents an accessible yet rigorous treatment of the material. Although the book highly encourages the use of computing platforms, it can be used without computers. The author explains algorithms in ordinary English and, when appropriate, in a natural and easy-to-understand pseudo code that can be readily translated into any computer language. Features • Covers many recent applications of discrete mathematics, including simulations, genetic algorithms, and public key cryptography • Presents algorithms in pseudo code • Offers sample programs via the author’s website • Illustrates difficult concepts with over 300 figures • Follows the recommendations of the ACM • Introduces several supplementary topics that can form an excellent basis for projects • Includes a wide variety of examples and exercises, with solutions in the appendices • Incorporates computer exercises that teach readers how to write their own programs Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K10918, December 2010, c. 933 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1768-1, $99.95 / £44.99


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Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics New! Textbook

Introduction to Combinatorics W.D. Wallis Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA

J.C. George Gordon College, Barnesville, Georgia, USA

With many modern examples, this introduction presents approaches for solving counting and structural questions. It provides basic information on sets, proof techniques, enumeration, and graph theory. It covers important families of functions as well as coding theory and design theory. The authors also explore the interaction between linear algebra and combinatorics. Maple™, Mathematica®, and other tools are discussed where appropriate. Catalog no. K10310, September 2010, 397 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0622-7, $79.95 / £49.99

Combinatorics of Compositions and Words Silvia Heubach California State University, Los Angeles, USA

Toufik Mansour University of Haifa, Israel

Highlighting both established and new results, this book provides an introduction to the methods used in the combinatorics of pattern avoidance and pattern enumeration in compositions and words. It illustrates new methods and definitions with worked examples and describes the strengths and weaknesses of a wide variety of solution techniques and approaches. It also incorporates the use of Maple™, Mathematica®, and C++ to perform computations. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C7267, January 2010, 504 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7267-9, $89.95 / £57.99

Pearls of Discrete Mathematics


Martin Erickson

Proofs, Structures and Applications, Third Edition

Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, USA

“… a friendly volume in discrete mathematics, which covers various classical topics, such as counting, probability and number theory, and more recent topics, such as information theory, game theory and algorithms. As far as I know, this book is one of only a few at this level that covers such recent topics. … the book may be interesting for students interested in computer programming. …” —Mehdi Hassani, MAA Reviews, December 2009

Catalog no. K10831, January 2010, 280 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-1616-5, $59.95 / £38.99

Discrete Mathematics

Rowan Garnier Surrey, UK

John Taylor University of Brighton, UK

“… The style of exposition is very clear, step by step and the level is well adapted to undergraduates in computer science. The treatment is mathematically rigorous; therefore it is also suitable for mathematics students. … there are many concrete examples and exercises (with solutions!) … . I can recommend warmly this book as a textbook for a course. …” —H.G.J. Pijls, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K10650, January 2010, 843 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1280-8, $89.95 / £39.99 For more information and complete contents, visit


Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics Algorithmic Cryptanalysis


Applied Combinatorics

Antoine Joux Université de Versailles SaintQuentin-en-Yvelines, France

Second Edition Fred Roberts Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA

Barry Tesman Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA

“This is an overwhelmingly complete introductory textbook in combinatorics. It not only covers nearly every topic in the subject, but gives several realistic applications for each topic. … much more breadth than its competitors. …” —MAA Reviews, December 2009

“… what really sets it apart is its impressive use of applications. I know of no other text which comes close. …” —Thomas Quint, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

“…a complete panoramic of the different methods and techniques used in modern cryptanalysis … emphasis is in the algorithms, in fact one of the main attractions of the book is the great quantity of algorithms that it presents: some described in pseudocode (listed as algorithms) and others as programs in C language (listed as programs). Additional C implementations can be downloaded from the website …” —Zentralblatt MATH 1172

Catalog no. C7002, 2009, 519 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7002-6, $89.95 / £54.99

Catalog no. K10016, 2009, 848 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9982-9, $99.95 / £60.99

Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants M. Jason Hinek iCORE Information Security Lab, Calgary, Canada

Focusing on mathematical attacks that exploit the structure of RSA and specific parameter choices, this book provides an upto-date collection of the most well-known attacks on RSA and its main variants, including CRT-RSA, multi-prime RSA, and multi-power RSA. It includes recent results for lattice techniques based on Coppersmith’s methods and differentiates between provable attacks and those based on assumptions. Catalog no. C7518, January 2010, 272 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7518-2, $79.95 / £49.99

Combinatorial Pattern Matching Algorithms in Computational Biology Using Perl and R Gabriel Valiente Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

“… this book will be part of my fundamental library for me and my group from the moment it is published. There are so many good things to say that I do not know where to start. … The Perl is beautifully clear and the examples have already taught me how to improve my own code.” —Michael Levitt, Professor and Chair, Department of Structural Biology, Stanford University, California, USA Perl and R source code available on author’s website

Catalog no. C6973, 2009, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6973-0, $89.95 / £54.99


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Differential Equations and Nonlinearity New!

Coming soon!

Applications of Lie Groups to Difference Equations

Green’s Functions and Linear Differential Equations

Vladimir Dorodnitsyn

Theory, Applications, and Computation

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia

This book presents methods and results in a new application area of Lie groups to difference equations and difference meshes (lattices). It focuses on the formulation and mathematical substantiation of exact symmetry preservation in difference models, such as difference equations and meshes. Methods are illustrated with numerous examples and applications in heat and mass transfer, hydrodynamics, physics, and mechanics. To highlight the numerical aspect of the book, the author provides a short survey of methods and theory of finite difference schemes and meshes. He also explains other approaches to quality features of difference schemes, including variational and moving frames methods. Features • Outlines methods to construct difference equations and meshes, which preserve all symmetries of original differential equations • Contains hundreds of nonlinear invariant schemes and meshes, along with their exact solutions and conservation laws (first integrals) • Illustrates the application of the methods with numerous examples • Explores equations that arise in heat and mass transfer, hydrodynamics, physics, and mechanics • Includes numerical aspects such as discretization schemes Catalog no. C3090, December 2010, c. 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8309-5, $89.95 / £57.99

Prem K. Kythe University of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

This work provides complete coverage of Green’s functions, which have become an important topic of interest in recent years. Along with Mathematica® and MATLAB® code, it supplies the necessary background material and presents a large number of examples and exercises from different areas of mathematics, applied science, and engineering. The book discusses boundary value problems involving ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and stochastic differential equations. The author describes various methods for solving these problems, including classical methods, Bernoulli’s separation method, integral transform, conformal mapping, and wavelet transform. Contents CONCEPT AND THEORY: Concept of a Green’s Function. Sturm–Louiville Systems. Parabolic Equations. Hyperbolic Equations. Elliptic Equations. APPLICATIONS: Green’s Functions and Conformal Mapping. Green’s Functions and Boundary Integral Methods. Green’s Functions and Integral Equations. Appendix A: Adjoint and Self-Adjoint Operators. Appendix B: Some Integral Transforms and Tables. Appendix C: Inequalities and Some Useful Results. Appendix D: Green’s Identities. Appendix E: Fractional Derivatives. Appendix F: Computer Codes in Mathematica and MATLAB. Bibliography. Notation and Definitions. Index. Catalog no. K11855, January 2011, c. 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4008-5, $119.95 / £76.99

For more information and complete contents, visit


Differential Equations and Nonlinearity New!


Discovering Evolution Equations with Applications


Solution Techniques for Elementary Partial Differential Equations

Volume 1Deterministic Equations Mark A. McKibben Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

With many concrete examples and questions, this book provides an engaging, accessible account of core theoretical results of evolution equations in a way that gradually builds intuition and culminates in exploring active research. It gives nonspecialists the foundation to understand what evolution equations are and how to work with them in various areas of practice. The book covers 35 different models spanning pharmacokinetics, neural networks, mathematical physics, infectious disease epidemiology, environmental issues, and more.

Second Edition Christian Constanda University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

“This concise, well-written book, which includes a profusion of worked examples and exercises, serves both as an excellent text in undergraduate and graduate learning and as a useful presentation of solution techniques for researchers and engineers interested in applying partial differential equations to real-life problems.” —Barbara Zubik-Kowal, Boise State University, Idaho, USA Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C9207, July 2010, 466 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9207-3, $99.95 / £63.99

Catalog no. K10569, June 2010, 343 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-1139-9, $69.95 / £24.99



Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems

Ordinary Differential Equations Applications, Models, and Computing

Sturm-Liouville Theory F.V. Atkinson Angelo B. Mingarelli

Charles E. Roberts, Jr. Indiana State University, Terre Haute, USA

Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

One of the masters in the differential equations community, the late F.V. Atkinson contributed seminal research to multiparameter spectral theory and Sturm-Liouville theory for more than 40 years. His ideas and techniques have long inspired researchers and continue to stimulate discussion. With the help of co-author Angelo B. Mingarelli, this book reflects much of Dr. Atkinson’s final work. Examples are illustrated using Maple™. Catalog no. K10834, November 2010, c. 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1622-6, $99.95 / £63.99


With software programs on the accompanying CD-ROM, this text emphasizes the use of computer software in solving linear and nonlinear differential equations and systems. It includes numerical case studies that highlight possible pitfalls when computing a numerical solution without first considering the appropriate theory. The text shows how to solve various mathematical models, such as population growth, epidemic, and predator-prey models. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K11006, April 2010, 600 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1908-1, $99.95 / £48.99

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General and Introductory Mathematics New!



A Concise Handbook of Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences

A Concise Introduction to Pure Mathematics Third Edition Martin Liebeck Imperial College, London, UK

“This book displays a unique combination of lightness and rigor, leavened with the right dose of humor. When I used it for a course, students could not get enough, and I have been recommending independent study from it to students wishing to take a core course in analysis without having taken the prerequisite course. The material is very well chosen and arranged, and teaching from Liebeck’s book has in many different ways been among my most rewarding teaching experiences during the last decades.” —Boris Hasselblatt, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA

“… This book will give a student the understanding to go on in further courses in abstract algebra and analysis. The notion of a proof will no longer be foreign, but also mathematics will not be viewed as some abstract black box. At the very least, the student will have an appreciation of mathematics. As usual, Liebeck’s writing style is clear and easy to read. This is a book that could be read by a student on his or her own. There is a wide selection of problems ranging from routine to quite challenging.” —From the Foreword by Robert Guralnick, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K11624, August 2010, 268 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-3598-2, $59.95 / £25.99

Edited by

Andrei D. Polyanin Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Alexei I. Chernoutsan Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia

This handbook takes a practical approach to the basic notions, formulas, equations, problems, theorems, methods, and laws that most frequently occur in scientific and engineering applications and university education. The authors pay special attention to issues that many engineers and students find difficult to understand. Each chapter includes a list of literature sources containing more detailed information about topics of interest. Additional issues of importance can be found in the remarks. For ease of reading, the supplement at the back of the book provides several long mathematical tables, including indefinite and definite integrals, direct and inverse integral transforms, and exact solutions of differential equations. Features • Covers important formulas, equations, problems, theorems, methods, and laws in mathematics, physics, applied sciences, and engineering • Includes numerous examples, figures, graphs, and diagrams • Presents many results in tabular form • Avoids special terminology and excessively complicated details whenever possible • Offers an extensive table of contents, a detailed index, special font highlighting in the text, and cross-references that help readers find the desired information Catalog no. K10319, October 2010, 1125 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0639-5, $99.95 / £63.99

For more information and complete contents, visit


General and Introductory Mathematics Mathematics in Games, Sports, and Gambling


A Student’s Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics

The Games People Play Ronald J. Gould Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Donald Bindner and Martin Erickson Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, USA

This guide offers a thorough reference to key topics in modern mathematics. With an introduction to MATLAB®, Mathematica®, Maple™, Maxima, and R, the text explains how to study mathematics, how to write proofs, how to conduct mathematical research, how to give presentations on mathematics, and how to get started with various programming languages. It also discusses how Geometer’s sketchpad is a useful tool for drawing illustrations.

“… a wonderful reference for studying probability or statistics … Though this book might serve as the seed for the development of a new mathematics course at some institutions, this reviewer sees its greater value as a reference for mathematicians who are unfamiliar with the probabilities associated with gambling or applying statistics in sports.” —J.T. Noonan, CHOICE, Vol. 47, No. 9, May 2010

Catalog no. K10099, January 2010, 374 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0163-5, $59.95 / £38.99

Catalog no. K12061, November 2010, c. 280 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-4606-3, $39.95 / £25.99



Handbook of Mathematical Induction


Theory and Applications

E. Arthur Robinson, Jr. and Daniel Ullman

A Mathematical Look at Politics George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA

David S. Gunderson University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

This comprehensive handbook presents hundreds of classical theorems and proofs that span many areas, including combinatorics, linear algebra, calculus, trigonometry, geometry, set theory, game theory, recursion, and algorithms. It derives many forms of mathematical induction, such as infinite descent and the axiom of choice, from basic principles. The book contains nearly 600 bibliographic references and more than 750 exercises—with complete solutions to at least 500. Catalog no. C3649, September 2010, 921 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9364-3, $109.95 / £69.99


This book is based on a popular mathematics and politics course that the authors have taught at George Washington University for the past six years. The authors explore the mathematics of politics, showing how mathematical reasoning is connected to the pressing issues of contemporary politics and in the liberal arts. Focusing on voting, apportionment, conflict, and the Electoral College, each part of the text examines a type of decision problem and a way to solve it. Catalog no. K11044, December 2010, c. 479 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1983-8, $49.95 / £30.99

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General and Introductory Mathematics Coming soon! Textbook

Mathematics for the Environment Martin Walter University of Colorado, USA

Suitable for a general studies course on mathematics, this text presents the mathematics by building patterns in numbers, arithmetic, and algebra and by using axioms as building blocks. It explores examples in population models, DNA computing, epidemics, financial mathematics, and more. It also encourages the use of Excel spreadsheets to solve many of the open-ended problems. Solutions are provided in an appendix. Catalog no. K11565, January 2011, c. 672 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3472-5, $89.95 / £57.99

Introduction to Mathematics of Satisfiability Victor W. Marek University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA

“… an invaluable reference for anyone who is interested in issues ranging from theoretical mathematical logic to computational logic. The book maintains a nice tradeoff between formalism and clarity. … The author excels at relating his expositions to the current state of the art … its most significant contribution is its accessible explanations of how and why algorithms and ideas expose work.” —Carlos Linares Lopez, Computing Reviews, March 2010

Catalog no. K10101, January 2010, 364 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0167-3, $89.95 / £54.99



Introduction to Mathematical Logic

Introduction to Mathematical Proofs

Fifth Edition

A Transition

Elliott Mendelson

Charles E. Roberts, Jr.

Queens College, Flushing, New York, USA

Indiana State University, Terre Haute, USA

“…This book rightfully belongs in the small, elite set of superb books that every computer science graduate, graduate student, scientist, and teacher should be familiar with.”

Written in a conversational style, yet maintaining the proper level of mathematical rigor, this accessible book teaches how to reason logically, read proofs critically, and write valid mathematical proofs. It facilitates a smooth transition from courses designed to develop computational skills and problem solving abilities to courses that emphasize theorem proving.

—Computing Reviews, May 2010

“…Mendelson’s textbook remains a sure choice for a first course for its clear explanations and organization: definitions, examples and results fit together in a harmonic way, making the book a pleasure to read. … a wealth of exercises test the reader’s understanding.”

Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C6955, 2009, 433 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6955-6, $89.95 / £57.99

—MAA Reviews, December 2009

Catalog no. C8768, January 2010, 469 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-876-5, $89.95 / £39.99 For more information and complete contents, visit


Geometry and Topology New!


Combinatorics of Spreads and Parallelisms

Wavelet Subdivision Methods

Norman L. Johnson

GEMS for Rendering Curves and Surfaces

University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA

This book covers all known finite and infinite parallelisms, including many new examples, as well as the planes comprising them. It also presents a complete analysis of general spreads and partitions of vector spaces that provide groups enabling the construction of subgeometry partitions of projective spaces. More than 70 open problems listed in the book encompass many new areas of research. More information on the author’s related books can be found at Catalog no. K11024, June 2010, 664 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1946-3, $199.95 / £127.00

Charles Chui Stanford University, California, and University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA

Johan de Villiers Stellenbosch University, South Africa

“This book is the first writing that introduces and incorporates the wavelet component of the bottom-up subdivision scheme. … The book contains a large collection of carefully prepared exercises … . The authors have been in the forefront for advances in wavelets and wavelet subdivision methods and I congratulate them for writing such a comprehensive text.” —From the Foreword by Tom Lyche, University of Oslo, Norway

Catalog no. K10613, August 2010, 479 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1215-0, $69.95 / £44.99



Sobolev Inequalities, Heat Kernels under Ricci Flow, and the Poincare Conjecture

Essentials of Topology with Applications Steven G. Krantz Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Qi S. Zhang University of California, Riverside, USA

Focusing on Sobolev inequalities and their applications to analysis on manifolds and Ricci flow, this book introduces the field of analysis on Riemann manifolds and uses the tools of Sobolev imbedding and heat kernel estimates to study Ricci flows with surgeries. The author explains key ideas, difficult proofs, and important applications in a succinct, accessible, and unified manner.

Supported by many examples in mathematics, physics, economics, engineering, and other disciplines, this text provides a clear, insightful, and thorough introduction to the basics of modern topology. It presents the traditional concepts of topological space, open and closed sets, separation axioms, and more, along with applications of the ideas in Morse, manifold, homotopy, and homology theories. Catalog no. C9749, January 2010, 420 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8974-5, $89.95 / £57.99

Catalog no. K11558, July 2010, 432 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3459-6, $79.95 / £49.99


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Mathematical Modeling New!



Mathematical and Experimental Modeling of Physical and Biological Processes

Computer Graphics Through OpenGL From Theory to Experiments Sumanta Guha Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

From geometric primitives to animation to 3D modeling to lighting and shading, this comprehensive introduction uses an active learning style to teach key concepts. Equally emphasizing theory and practice, the text provides an understanding not only of the principles of 3D computer graphics, but also the use of the OpenGL API to program 3D applications. Forming the core of the book, the first fourteen chapters cover the concepts fundamental to 3D computer graphics and illustrate how to code fairly sophisticated 3D scenes and animation, including games and movies. The remaining chapters explore more advanced topics, such as the structure of curves and surfaces and applications of projective spaces and transformations. Features • Covers the foundations of 3D computer graphics, including animation, visual techniques, and 3D modeling • Introduces classical and programmable pipelines in OpenGL • Integrates code with the theory to give readers a hands-on appreciation of the subject • Includes 140 programs with 200 experiments based on them • Contains 600 exercises, 100 worked examples, and nearly 600 color illustrations • Requires no previous knowledge of computer graphics • Offers downloadable multiplatform programs in C++ and OpenGL, installation guides, and an interactive discussion forum at

H.T. Banks and H.T. Tran North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA

“…would I buy this textbook? absolutely yes! The concise and clear style in which the background is written for each chapter will be invaluable as a quick, ‘before the lecture is given’ refresher. … Most of the topics covered are those which have arisen out of the research projects that the authors have conducted themselves. This is the kind of hands-on experience that a lecturer would need in order to make the laboratory experiences for the students enjoyable and rewarding. … the true value of this textbook, namely, [is that] it provides a stimulus package to provoke the reader to adopt a similar teaching philosophy.” —Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2010

Exploring how mathematics is applied to problems in science and engineering, this book discusses mathematical modeling in the context of case study problems that arise in industry and government laboratories. It covers thermal imaging and detection, dynamic properties of beams, acoustics and fluid transport, and size-structured population dynamics for marine populations. The text explains physical and biological relationships and mechanisms through a first principles-based fundamental modeling approach. It also emphasizes model validation through specific laboratory experiments as well as data collection and analysis. Download real experimental data for projects at Catalog no. C7337, 2009, 298 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7337-9, $79.95 / £48.99

Solutions manual and test bank available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K12068, September 2010, 888 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4398-4620-9, $99.95 / £49.99 For more information and complete contents, visit


Mathematics for Finance New!


Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling

Stochastic Financial Models Douglas Kennedy Trinity College, Cambridge, UK

Second Edition Christian Bluhm Munich, Germany

Ludger Overbeck University of Giessen, Germany

Christoph Wagner Munich, Germany

Praise for the First Edition “This is an outstanding book on the default models that are used internally by financial institutions. This practical book delves into the mathematics, the assumptions and the approximations that practitioners apply to make these models work.” —Glyn A. Holton, Contingency Analysis

“… a well-rounded introduction.” —Journal of the Operational Research Society

While continuing to focus on common mathematical approaches to model credit portfolios, this second edition presents updates on model developments that have occurred since the publication of the bestselling first edition. It recommends using a variety of models to shed light on different aspects of the true nature of a credit risk problem, thereby allowing the problem to be viewed from different angles. It also includes many worked out examples and numerical results. New to the Second Edition • An expanded section on techniques for the generation of loss distributions • Introductory sections on new topics, such as spectral risk measures, an axiomatic approach to capital allocation, and nonhomogeneous Markov chains • Updated sections on the probability of default, exposure-at-default, lossgiven-default, and regulatory capital • A new section on multi-period models • Recent developments in structured credit

“This book is a superb beginning level text for senior undergraduate/graduate mathematicians, which is based on lectures delivered by its author to many generations of appreciative Cambridge mathematicians. Many of my own Ph.D. and masters students have taken Dr. Kennedy’s course to uniformly good reviews; this readable book will make its material available to a worldwide audience. … the book contains 40 pages of fully worked out solutions … .” —M.A.H. Dempster, Centre for Financial Research, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK

Developed from the esteemed author’s advanced undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Cambridge, this text provides a hands-on, sound introduction to mathematical finance, enabling readers to derive the prices of many common financial products. The author includes the relevant mathematical background, assuming no prior knowledge of stochastic calculus or measure-theoretic probability. The book first presents the classical topics of utility and the mean-variance approach to portfolio choice. Focusing on derivative pricing, the text then covers the binomial model, the general discrete-time model, Brownian motion, the Black–Scholes model, and various interest-rate models. Each chapter contains many exercises and solutions can be found in an appendix. Catalog no. C3452, January 2010, 264 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9345-2, $69.95 / £44.99

Catalog no. C8992, June 2010, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-992-2, $79.95 / £49.99


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Mathematics for Finance New!

Utility-Based Learning from Data Craig Friedman Standard & Poor’s, New York, New York, USA

Sven Sandow Morgan Stanley, New York, New York, USA

“…Friedman and Sandow lucidly describe the connections between different branches of statistics and econometrics … . A must-read for serious statisticians!” —Marco Avellaneda, Professor of Mathematics, New York University, and Risk Magazine Quant of the Year 2010

“…a much-needed and comprehensive book, which should help put model-building for use by decision makers on more solid ground.” —Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, editor of, co-founder and past Chair of SIGKDD, and founder of the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) conferences

Applied Game Theory and Strategic Behavior Ilhan Kubilay Geckil Anderson Economic Group, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Patrick L. Anderson Anderson Economic Group, East Lansing, Michigan, USA

Along with many case studies, this book uses game theory techniques to address practical business, economic, and public policy issues. It also illustrates the benefits of employing strategic thinking that incorporates the uncertainty surrounding the behavior of other parties. The authors show how to build a model to analyze real-world problems and find strategically sound decisions in uncertain environments. Catalog no. C843X, January 2010, 230 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-843-7, $79.95 / £48.99

Catalog no. C6226, August 2010, 417 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-622-8, $79.95 / £49.99

Decision Options The Art and Science of Making Decisions Gill Eapen Decision Options, LLC, Groton, Connecticut, USA

This book details how uncertainty and flexibility can be evaluated to assist in making better investment decisions in companies. It demonstrates how financial and real options are related and presents case studies from diverse industries, including life sciences, pharmaceuticals, commodities, energy, technology, manufacturing, and financial services. The author looks at how organizations can become successful using a holistic framework that integrates uncertainty and flexibility. Catalog no. C6820, 2009, 316 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8682-9, $79.95 / £48.99

Stochastic Dominance and Applications to Finance, Risk and Economics Songsak Sriboonchita, Wing-Keung Wong, Sompong Dhompongsa, and Hung T. Nguyen “The book helps readers in building a useful repertoire of mathematical tools in decision making under uncertainty, especially in investment science, and provides thorough coverage on the theory of SD, along with many applications to economics and other fields where risk is crucial. … a solid reference book for researchers, especially in the field of economics.” —Zentralblatt MATH 1180

Catalog no. C8266, January 2010, 455 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8266-1, $89.95 / £57.99

For more information and complete contents, visit


Mathematics for Finance New!


Handbook of Solvency for Actuaries and Risk Managers

Interest Rate Modeling Theory and Practice Lixin Wu University of Science & Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Theory and Practice Arne Sandstrom Swedish Insurance Federation, Stockholm, Sweden

A one-stop shop for actuaries and risk managers, this handbook presents a complete overview of solvency and the European Solvency II standard formula. It discusses the development of solvency and risk management as well as the modeling and calibration of the specific standard formula developed for Solvency II. The book also covers the modeling of capital charges in a general setting and highlights key concepts in enterprise risk management.

Containing many results that are new or exist only in recent research articles, this text portrays the theory of interest rate modeling as a threedimensional object of finance, mathematics, and computation. It introduces all models with financial-economical justifications, develops options along the martingale approach, and handles option evaluations with precise numerical methods. The author also shows readers how to build and use models. Code, tables, and figures are accessible on the author’s website. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K11129, December 2010, c. 1110 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2130-5, $139.95 / £89.00

Catalog no. C0569, 2009, 353 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9056-7, $79.95 / £48.99


Pension Fund Risk Management

Portfolio Optimization Michael J. Best

Financial and Actuarial Modeling

University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Eschewing a more theoretical approach, Portfolio Optimization shows how the mathematical tools of linear algebra and optimization can quickly and clearly formulate important ideas on the subject. This practical book extends the concepts of the Markowitz “budget constraint only” model to a linearly constrained model. It uses MATLAB® to help with problem solving and offers the programs on a CD-ROM. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C5840, March 2010, 236 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8584-6, $79.95 / £49.99

Edited by

Marco Micocci University of Cagliari, Italy

Greg N. Gregoriou State University of New York, Plattsburgh, USA

Giovanni Batista Masala University of Cagliari, Italy

With contributions from well-known, international academics and professionals, this book sheds new light on the current state of pension fund risk management and provides new technical tools for addressing pension risk from an integrated point of view. It will assist pension fund executives, risk managers, consultants, and academic researchers in attaining a clear picture of the integration of risks in the pension world. Catalog no. K10909, January 2010, 764 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1752-0, $99.95 / £63.99


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Mathematics for Finance New!

Operational Risk Modelling and Management Claudio Franzetti

Monte Carlo Methods and Models in Finance and Insurance Ralf Korn

SERV, Zurich, Switzerland

University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Helping you navigate the tricky world of risk calculation and management, this book employs the loss distribution approach as a model for calculating the risk capital figure and explains risk mitigation through management and management’s actuations. While R scripts are used for some examples, a prototypical software program for calculating the loss distribution and economic capital in the more detailed run-through example can be downloaded from

Elke Korn

Catalog no. K11986, October 2010, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4476-2, $99.95 / £63.99

Independent Mathematical Consultant, Stelzenberg, Germany

Gerald Kroisandt Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Offering a unique balance between applications and calculations, this book incorporates the application background of finance and insurance with the theory and applications of Monte Carlo methods. It presents recent methods and algorithms, including the multilevel Monte Carlo method, the statistical Romberg method, and the Heath–Platen estimator, as well as recent financial and actuarial models, such as the Cheyette and dynamic mortality models. Catalog no. C7618, February 2010, 484 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7618-9, $89.95 / £57.99

Coming soon!



Handbook of Empirical Economics and Finance

Stochastic Finance A Numeraire Approach Jan Vecer Columbia University, New York, New York, USA

This text is based on quantitative finance courses taught at Columbia University to graduate students and Wall Street professionals. Focusing on fundamental finance principles instead of mathematical theory, the author considers the price of an asset as an exchange ratio between goods that pay for each other, rather than expressing prices in currency terms. This novel approach leads to simple derivations of pricing formulas that are model independent. Catalog no. K10632, January 2011, c. 340 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1250-1, $69.95 / £44.99

Edited by

Aman Ullah University of California, Riverside, USA

David E. A. Giles University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

This handbook explores cutting-edge developments in applied econometrics and the modeling of special types of economic and financial data. The book covers major themes in the areas of microeconometrics, macroeconometrics, financial econometrics, panel and spatial data, time-series analysis, semiparametric and nonparametric methods, and treatment effects. It also discusses computation with reference to Bayesian methods as well as information-theoretic approaches to inference. Catalog no. C7035, December 2010, c. 522 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7035-4, $149.95 / £95.00

For more information and complete contents, visit


Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Decomposition Methods for Differential Equations

Mathematical Objects in C++ Computational Tools in a Unified ObjectOriented Approach

Theory and Applications

Yair Shapira Technion, Haifa, Israel

Juergen Geiser Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

Exploring iterative operator-splitting methods, this work describes the analysis of numerical methods for evolution equations based on temporal and spatial decomposition methods. It covers real-life problems, the underlying decomposition and discretization, the stability and consistency analysis of the decomposition methods, and numerical results. Software tools are listed in an appendix.

“This is an exciting book on mathematics on one hand and computer programming on the other, and the reader can concentrate on one of the topics or both. …The programming part of the book serves as a very good introduction to C and C++, using meaningful and motivating examples from mathematics. The book is full of useful exercises of various difficulty. …” —Hans Petter Langtangen, Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo, Norway Download code at

Catalog no. K10545, 2009, 304 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1096-5, $89.95 / £54.99

Catalog no. K10574, 2009, 609 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1147-4, $99.95 / £63.99

Numerical Techniques for Direct and Large-Eddy Simulations


Discrete Variational Derivative Method A Structure-Preserving Numerical Method for Partial Differential Equations

Xi Jiang Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK

Choi-Hong Lai University of Greenwich, London, UK

Daisuke Furihata

This text covers basic techniques for DNS and LES that can be applied to practical problems of flow, turbulence, and combustion. It presents numerical methods for compressible and incompressible three-dimensional flows, such as highorder discretization schemes, high-fidelity boundary conditions, and coupling aspects. The book gives sample numerical simulation results that exemplify the practical application of the methods and includes sample FORTRAN programs in the appendix.

Takayasu Matsuo

Catalog no. C7578, 2009, 276 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7578-6, $89.95 / £54.99

Catalog no. C9445, December 2010, c. 392 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9445-9, $99.95 / £63.99


Osaka University, Toyonaka, Japan University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Japan

This book first introduces the key factors and basic ideas of the discrete variational derivative method and target problems that are solvable by the method. The second section describes the rigorous mathematics in detail along with relevant applications, which are illustrated by worked examples. The book concludes with a comprehensive of listing of essential references on structure-preserving algorithms for advanced readers.

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Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing New!


Handbook of Sinc Numerical Methods

Introduction to High Performance Computing for Scientists and Engineers

Frank Stenger University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

Reflecting the author's advances with Sinc since 1995, this handbook provides a package of methods based on Sinc approximation. It contains roughly 450 MATLAB® programs for approximating almost every type of operation stemming from calculus. The book also presents new and powerful methods for solving ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and integral equations. Sinc-Pack programs are available on a companion CD-ROM.

Georg Hager and Gerhard Wellein University of Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany

“…easy to read and follow … This book presents a balanced treatment of the theory, technology, architecture, and software for modern high performance computers and the use of high performance computing systems. … I highly recommend this timely book for scientists and engineers. …” —From the Foreword by Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

Catalog no. K11144, November 2010, 496 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2158-9, $99.95 / £63.99

Download code and more on the book’s website


Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming

Performance Tuning of Scientific Applications

Catalog no. K10600, July 2010, 356 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-1192-4, $69.95 / £42.99

Edited by

Modern Concepts and Practical Applications

David H. Bailey

Michael Affenzeller

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA

Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, and Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria

Robert F. Lucas Samuel Williams

Stefan Wagner, Stephan Winkler, and Andreas Beham

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA

Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg

This book presents an overview of recent research and applications in computer system performance for scientific and high performance computing. After a brief introduction to the field of scientific computer performance, the text provides comprehensive coverage of performance measurement and tools, performance modeling, and automatic performance tuning. It also includes performance tools and techniques for real-world scientific applications, such as climate modeling.

This book describes several generic algorithmic concepts that can be used in any kind of GA or with evolutionary optimization techniques. It provides a better understanding of the basic workflow of GAs and GP, encouraging readers to establish new bionic, problem-independent theoretical concepts. It also documents the beneficial effects of enhanced algorithmic concepts. Software, dynamical presentations of representative test runs, and more are available on a supplementary website.

Catalog no. K10806, November 2010, c. 392 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1569-4, $89.95 / £57.99

Catalog no. C6293, 2009, 379 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-629-7, $79.95 / £48.99

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

For more information and complete contents, visit


Real, Complex, and Functional Analysis Fundamentals of Grid Computing


Classical and Modern Numerical Analysis

Theory, Algorithms and Technologies Edited by

Theory, Methods and Practice

Frédéric Magoulès École Centrale Paris, ChâtenayMalabry, France

“This book shows, in some sense, the way to the future, where next generation middleware such as those described here will replace in the production infrastructure the more rudimentary ones in use today. Therefore, I am sure that the readers will greatly benefit from this insightful journey in the heart of the grids … .” —From the Foreword by Guy Wormser, Institut des Grilles, CNRS, Orsay, France

Catalog no. K10205, January 2010, 322 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0367-7, $89.95 / £57.99

Azmy S. Ackleh, Edward James Allen, Ralph Baker Kearfott, and Padmanabhan Seshaiyer Helping readers prepare for doctoral examinations in numerical analysis, this text provides a sound introduction to the theory and application of computational methods for applied mathematics problems. It presents advanced aspects of numerical linear algebra, finite element theory, approximation theory, optimization, and integral equations. The authors also cover interval computation methods in numerical analysis. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C9157, January 2010, 628 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9157-1, $99.95 / £46.99

Real, Complex, and Functional Analysis

New! Textbook

Introduction to the Simulation of Dynamics Using Simulink®

Localization and Perturbation of Zeros of Entire Functions Michael Gil’

Michael A. Gray

Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

American University, Washington, DC, USA

Requiring no prior programming experience, this book shows how to use the powerful tool of Simulink® to investigate and form intuitions about the behavior of dynamical systems. Step by step, the author presents the basics of building a simulation in Simulink. He also offers overviews of some advanced topics, including the simulation of chaotic dynamics and partial differential equations. Ancillary materials are available on the author’s website.

This is the first book to provide a systematic exposition of the bounds for the zeros of entire functions and variations of zeros under perturbations. It also offers a new approach for investigating entire functions based on recent estimates for the resolvents of compact operators. The author describes applications to differential, functional differential, and difference equations. Catalog no. K10036, January 2010, 312 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0032-4, $179.95 / £114.00

Catalog no. K11000, July 2010, 332 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1897-8, $89.95 / £49.99


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Real, Complex, and Functional Analysis New!


Topological Vector Spaces Second Edition

Real and Complex Analysis

Lawrence Narici and Edward Beckenstein

Christopher Apelian and Steve Surace

St. John’s University, New York, New York, USA

Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, USA

With many new concrete examples and historical notes, this second edition provides one of the most thorough and up-to-date treatments of the Hahn–Banach theorem. This edition explores the theorem’s connection with the axiom of choice, discusses the uniqueness of Hahn–Banach extensions, and includes an entirely new chapter on vectorvalued Hahn–Banach theorems. It also considers different approaches to the Banach–Stone theorem as well as variations of the theorem.

Unlike other undergraduate-level texts, this book develops both the real and complex theory together, illustrating the connections and differences between these two branches of analysis right from the beginning. The text takes a unified, elegant approach to the theory that is consistent with the recommendations of the MAA’s 2004 Curriculum Guide. Ancillary materials are available on the book’s website.

Catalog no. C866X, July 2010, 628 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-866-6, $89.95 / £57.99

Catalog no. C8067, January 2010, 567 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-806-2, $89.95 / £39.99



Mathematical Inequalities

Applied Functional Analysis

A Perspective Pietro Cerone and Silvestru S. Dragomir Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia

Second Edition J. Tinsley Oden and Leszek F. Demkowicz The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Written in an accessible manner, this book offers an overview of the expanding field of mathematical inequalities and their applications. Instead of focusing on narrow treatments of various mathematical inequalities, the authors present a number of classical and recent results across the field, covering integral inequalities, discrete inequalities, and inequalities in abstract spaces. They also make new connections and investigate intimate relationships between inequalities.

The second edition of this bestselling text includes revisions of many original examples, along with new examples that often reflect the authors’ own vast research experiences and perspectives. It also provides many more exercises. New discussions cover Bayesian statistical inference, multilinear algebra and determinants, the singular value decomposition theorem, Hadamard finite part integrals, and more.

Catalog no. K12212, December 2010, c. 401 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4896-8, $119.95 / £76.99

Catalog no. C1956, March 2010, 596 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9195-3, $119.95 / £76.99

Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

For more information and complete contents, visit


Number Theory Coming soon!


Algebraic Number Theory Second Edition

Advanced Number Theory with Applications

Richard A. Mollin

Richard A. Mollin

University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Praise for the First Edition

“When I was looking over books for my course, I was very pleased by yours, and look forward to teaching from it. …”

“This is a remarkable book that will be a valuable reference for many people, including me. The book shows great care in preparation, and the ample details and motivation will be appreciated by lots of students. The solid punches at the end of each chapter will be appreciated by everybody. It deserves success with many adoptions as a text.” —Irving Kaplansky, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California, USA

“An extremely well-written and clear presentation of algebraic number theory suitable for beginning graduate students. The many exercises, applications, and references are a very valuable feature of the book.” —Kenneth Williams, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The second edition of this popular book features coverage of L-functions and function fields to provide a more modern view of the field. This edition also introduces class groups for both binary and quadratic forms, making it much easier to prove the finiteness of the class number of both groups via an isomorphism. Along with updated problem sets and additional examples, the text provides new results on the relationship between quadratic residue symbols and fundamental units of real quadratic fields in conjunction with prime representation. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K12056, January 2011, c. 440 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4598-1, $89.95 / £57.99

—David Barth-Hart, Associate Head, School of Mathematical Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA

“This terrific book is testimony to Richard Mollin’s mathematical erudition, wonderful taste, and also his breadth of culture. … a wondrous book, successfully fulfilling the author’s purpose of effecting a bridge to modern number theory for the somewhat initiated. … it’s very nice to find in Mollin’s book a high quality and coherent treatment of this beautiful material and pointers in abundance to where to go next.” —Michael Berg, Loyola Marymount University, MAA Review, 2009

By covering a wide range of algebraic, analytic, combinatorial, cryptographic, and geometric aspects of number theory, this text provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive material for a second course in this field. With numerous examples and exercises, it begins with coverage of algebraic number theory, binary quadratic forms, Diophantine approximation, arithmetic functions, p-adic analysis, Dirichlet characters, density, and primes. The author then applies these tools to Diophantine equations, before developing elliptic curves and modular forms. He also presents Fermat’s Last Theorem, the ABC conjecture, and sieve methods. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C8328, January 2010, 440 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8328-6, $89.95 / £57.99


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Mathematics for Engineering A Shock-Fitting Primer Manuel D. Salas NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, USA

This text presents the proper numerical treatment of shock waves and other discontinuities. It introduces key techniques using a simple scalar equation and then extends to a more complex system of equations. The author also presents a new, simplified shock-fitting method and compares it to the standard technique. Along with many end-of-chapter problems and examples, the book includes a CD-ROM of MATLAB® codes that illustrate the shock-fitting techniques discussed in the text. Catalog no. K10388, January 2010, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0758-3, $129.95 / £82.00

Optimal Reference Shaping for Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications Tarunraj Singh University at Buffalo, New York, USA

Supplying MATLAB® code and a suite of realworld problems, this book provides a rigorous yet accessible presentation of the theory and numerical techniques used to shape control system inputs for achieving precise control when modeling uncertainties exist. It includes up-todate techniques for the design of commandshaped profiles for precise, robust, and rapid point-to-point control of underdamped systems. Catalog no. K10295, January 2010, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0562-6, $99.95 / £63.99

Advanced Differential Quadrature Methods Zhi Zong Dalian University of Technology, People’s Republic of China

Yingyan Zhang National University of Singapore

This work discusses the limitations of direct DQ methods and common strategies to remove these limitations. It presents the formulations of several new DQ methods and applies these novel DQ methods to solve problems that are beyond the capabilities of the direct DQ method. The authors also provide FORTRAN code for readers to quickly acquire hands-on experience with DQ methods. Catalog no. C8248, 2009, 362 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8248-7, $99.95 / £60.99

Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems, Compressible Flows, and Waves Vishnu D. Sharma Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India

Filled with practical examples, this book presents a self-contained discussion of quasilinear hyperbolic equations and systems with applications. It emphasizes nonlinear theory and introduces some of the most active research in the field. The author elucidates all necessary mathematical concepts in the first three chapters and then highlights the application of various approaches to solve practical physical problems from areas, including gasdynamics, radiation gasdynamics, magnetogasdynamics, nonequilibrium flows, and shallow water theory. Catalog no. K11669, April 2010, 282 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3690-3, $99.95 / £63.99

For more information and complete contents, visit


Mathematics for Engineering New!


MATLAB® Primer

MATLAB® with Applications to Engineering, Physics and Finance

Eighth Edition Timothy A. Davis University of Florida, Gainesville, USA

Highlighting the new aspects of MATLAB® 7.10 and expanding on many existing features, this eighth edition continues to offer a hands-on, step-by-step introduction to using the powerful tools of MATLAB. It includes a new chapter on object-oriented programming as well as a synopsis of the most frequently used functions, operators, and special characters. M-files and MEX-files for large examples are available at Catalog no. K11404, August 2010, 248 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4398-2862-5, $21.99 / £13.99

David Baez-Lopez Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, Mexico

This text explains how to perform complex mathematical tasks with MATLAB® programs. The author first describes simple functions and then addresses more advanced topics. He also presents examples of Simulink® for system modeling and simulation. The text explores the use of MATLAB in digital signal processing, chemical and food engineering, astronomy, optics, and financial derivatives. MATLAB examples and programs can be downloaded from the book’s website. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K10356, January 2010, 426 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0697-5, $79.95 / £49.99



Interactive Dynamic-System Simulation


Advanced Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering

Second Edition Granino A. Korn Chelan, Washington, USA

Showing you how to use personal computers for modeling and simulation, this practical tutorial discusses how to effectively simulate dynamical systems, such as aerospace vehicles, power plants, chemical processes, control systems, and physiological systems. This edition introduces a new vectorizing compiler, incorporates a new treatment of the difference equation programs, and presents improved versions of several classical simulation programs. An accompanying CD-ROM includes a complete, industrial-strength simulation program package.

Second Edition

Catalog no. K11645, October 2010, 220 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3641-5, $89.95 / £57.99

Catalog no. C1977, June 2010, 866 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8197-8, $129.95 / £82.00


S.I. Hayek Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA

This update of a bestselling text presents methods of applied mathematics that are particularly suited to address physical problems in science and engineering. This edition incorporates a new chapter on numerical methods as well as new appendices on vector algebra, calculus, and matrix algebra. The author provides a complete treatment of ODEs and PDEs and includes many solved examples and problems with answers.

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Mathematics for Engineering / Mathematics for Biology and Medicine New!

Cell Mechanics


From Single ScaleBased Models to Multiscale Modeling

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB® Third Edition Dean G. Duffy

Edited by

Arnaud Chauvière The University of Texas, Houston, USA

Luigi Preziosi Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Former Instructor, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, USA

Claude Verdier

Along with new examples, problems, and projects, this updated and expanded edition incorporates new chapters on Green’s functions, probability, and random processes. It also includes a new section that uses the matrix exponential to solve systems of differential equations as well as more numerical methods for solving differential equations, including Adams–Bashforth and finite element methods. Download MATLAB® scripts at

This book brings together new insight and research on mechanical, mathematical, physical, and biological approaches for simulating the behavior of cells, specifically tumor cells. It illustrates how phenomena occurring at various scales can be modeled and coupled to account for multiscale aspects. The text discusses experimental and theoretical topics, including biological and complex modeling issues.

Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K10835, October 2010, 1105 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1624-0, $109.95 / £70.99

Université Joseph Fourier and CNRS, Grenoble, France

Catalog no. C4548, January 2010, 482 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9454-1, $119.95 / £76.99

Spatial Ecology


Edited by

Computational Hydrodynamics of Capsules and Biological Cells

Stephen Cantrell, Chris Cosner, and Shigui Ruan University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA

Exploring the relationship between mathematics and ecology, Spatial Ecology focuses on emerging challenges in the field. These challenges consist of understanding the impact of space on community structure, incorporating the scale and structure of landscapes into mathematical models, and developing connections between spatial ecology and evolutionary theory, epidemiology, and economics. The book shows how various models, such as reaction- diffusion, multivariate state-space, and metapopulation models, are used in ecological applications. Catalog no. C5985, January 2010, 360 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-5985-4, $89.95 / £54.99

Edited by

C. Pozrikidis University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

A roadmap to the current state of the art in computational cellular mechanics and biofluiddynamics, this volume provides a comprehensive and rigorous introduction to the fundamental concepts, mathematical formulation, alternative approaches, and predictions of this evolving field. It covers advanced numerical methods for simulating the motion of rigid particles (platelets) and the flow-induced deformation of liquid capsules and cells enclosed by viscoelastic membranes. MATLAB® code and other data are available on the book’s website. Catalog no. K11057, June 2010, 327 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2005-6, $129.95 / £82.00

For more information and complete contents, visit


Mathematics for Biology and Medicine New!


Multiscale Cancer Modeling

Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology

Edited by

Thomas S. Deisboeck Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Second Edition

Georgios S. Stamatakos

M.J. Plank

D.S. Jones University of Dundee, Scotland

Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

With contributions from some of the top in silico modeling groups in the United States and Europe, Multiscale Cancer Modeling discusses the scientific and technical expertise necessary to conduct innovative cancer modeling research across scales. It presents modeling methods and results at the forefront of cancer simulation at all levels of biocomplexity and explains how combinations of multilevel cancer models can enhance our understanding of cancer and can help optimize its treatment.

University of Leeds, UK

Catalog no. K10739, December 2010, c. 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1440-6, $89.95 / £57.99

B.D. Sleeman “… more valuable and better motivated than ever …The writing is clear, though the modeling is not oversimplified. … The authors deserve congratulations as well as course adoptions.” —SIAM Review, Sept. 2010, Vol. 52, No. 3

“…a very solid book … The authors succeed because they do a splendid job of integrating their treatment of differential equations with the applications …” —MAA Reviews, April 2010 Download MATLAB® files at

Catalog no. C8357, January 2010, 462 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8357-6, $79.95 / £34.99



Introduction to Computational Proteomics Golan Yona

Algorithms in Bioinformatics A Practical Introduction

Stanford University, California, USA

Wing-Kin Sung

A thorough introduction to proteome analysis, this book tackles the different steps and problems involved with protein analysis, classification, and meta-organization. It starts with the analysis of individual entities and works its way through the analysis of more complex entities, from protein families to interactions, cellular pathways, and gene networks. Software downloads, data sets, and other material are available at

National University of Singapore

Catalog no. C5556, November 2010, c. 688 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-555-9, $89.95 / £57.99


“…a timely publication that details several algorithms widely used in bioinformatics. … This work can serve as a reference guide for students and researchers attempting to implement or learn algorithms relevant to bioinformatics. … Summing Up: Recommended.” —CHOICE, June 2010 Access supplementary material on the author’s website Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C7033, January 2010, 407 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7033-0, $79.95 / £39.99

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Mathematics for Biology and Medicine / Operations Research New!



Conceptual Modeling for Discrete-Event Simulation

Biological Computation Ehud Lamm Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Ron Unger Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel

“This is a wonderful treatise on bio-inspired computation, written from a computer science perspective. The authors are extremely knowledgeable about their subject, and the material they cover is both broad and deep. The book should benefit anyone interested in the connection between computer science and biology … .” —David Harel, The William Sussman Professorial Chair, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Catalog no. C7959, November 2010, c. 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8795-6, $79.95 / £49.99

Edited by

Stewart Robinson, Roger Brooks, Kathy Kotiadis, and Durk-Jouke Van Der Zee Bringing together an international group of leading researchers from computer science, operational research, engineering, and other disciplines, this volume provides comprehensive coverage of the state of the art in simulation conceptual modeling. It guides readers through the conceptual modeling process and presents applications in the military, business, and health sectors. Each of the book’s six parts focuses on a different aspect of conceptual modeling for simulation. Catalog no. K10519, August 2010, 527 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1037-8, $99.95 / £63.99

New! Textbook

An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Applications to Biology Second Edition Linda J.S. Allen Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA

With MATLAB® throughout, this book is organized according to the three types of stochastic processes: discrete time Markov chains, continuous time Markov chains, and continuous time and state Markov processes. This edition contains a new chapter on the biological applications of stochastic differential equations and new sections on alternative methods for derivation of a stochastic differential equation, data and parameter estimation, Monte Carlo simulation, and more.

Optimal Design of Queueing Systems Shaler Stidham, Jr. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

Written by a long-time, recognized researcher on models for the optimal design and control of queues and networks of queues, this book explores how to set the parameters of a queueing system, before putting it into operation. It considers various optimality criteria, including individual, social, class, and facility optimal solutions. The book shows how design models can control flow to achieve a variety of objectives. Catalog no. C0335, 2009, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1-58488-076-9, $89.95 / £54.99

Catalog no. K10993, December 2010, c. 490 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1882-4, $89.95 / £39.99 For more information and complete contents, visit


Operations Research Textbook


Linear and Nonlinear Programming with Maple™

Introduction to Probability with Mathematica®

An Interactive, Applications-Based Approach

Kevin J. Hastings

Paul E. Fishback

This second edition shows how to easily create simulations from templates and solve problems using Mathematica® 7.0. Along with new sections on order statistics, transformations of multivariate normal random variables, and Brownian motion, this edition offers an expanded section on Markov chains, more example data of the normal distribution, and more attention on conditional expectation. It also includes problems from Actuarial Exam P. The accompanying CD-ROM contains updated Mathematica notebooks.

Second Edition Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, USA

Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan, USA

Integrating a hands-on learning approach, a strong linear algebra focus, Maple™ software, and real-world applications, this text introduces the mathematical concepts and principles underlying linear and nonlinear programming. It draws on the simplex method to develop the major ideas of duality and sensitivity analysis and provides applications and exercises from various disciplines. Maple worksheets and code are available on the book’s website.

Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. C064X, January 2010, 413 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9064-2, $89.95 / £57.99

Catalog no. C7938, January 2010, 465 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7938-8, $89.95 / £57.99



Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems

Stochastic Processes An Introduction, Second Edition Peter W. Jones and Peter Smith

Second Edition Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni

Keele University, Staffordshire, UK

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

This text covers the most important classes of stochastic processes used in the modeling of diverse systems. Along with new appendices that collect results from analysis and differential and difference equations, this edition contains a new chapter on diffusion processes with applications to finance. It also offers a more streamlined, application-oriented approach to renewal, regenerative, and Markov regenerative processes. Download MATLAB®-based programs from the author’s website. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors

Catalog no. K10430, January 2010, 563 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0875-7, $99.95 / £63.99


Using Mathematica® and R, this updated text discusses the modeling and analysis of random experiments using the theory of probability. It illustrates discrete random processes through the classical gambler’s ruin problem and its variants, covers continuous random processes, and provides many worked examples and problems. The book’s website includes the Mathematica and R programs. Solutions manual available for qualifying instructors via password on the book’s website

Catalog no. K10004, January 2010, 232 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4200-9960-7, $79.95 / £34.99

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