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MEDICAL Textbooks & Revision Guides 2013 – 2014


Contents Basic Medical Sciences..........................................3 New & Bestselling Cell Biology Books from Garland Science ..........................................8 New & Bestselling Immunology Books from Garland Science ..........................................9

Manson Publishing Books Now Available from CRC Press Starting 1 June 2013

General Medicine and Surgery ..........................10 Specialties ..........................................................12 Revision Guides ..................................................18 Career ................................................................27 Other Resources..................................................29 Medical Management ........................................30

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Basic Medical Sciences Bestseller!


Core Anatomy

Human Sectional Anatomy

Illustrated Ian Parkin, Bari M Logan, and Mark J McCarthy “The authors are to be congratulated on covering such a wide range of essential material in a concise manner while still providing an engaging and readable text.” —Clive Lee, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Based on beautifully photographed dissections, this concise atlas of human anatomy presents and explains the key anatomical knowledge that all medical and allied health students need to know for clinical practice. The easy-to-use layout features more than 180 dissections in full colour and the book is written at a level that is compatible with the new systems-based curriculum. June 2007, 200 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-80918-1, £22.99

Atlas of Body Sections, CT and MRI Images, Third Edition Harold Ellis, Bari M Logan, and Adrian Dixon “ … does an excellent job of providing beautiful, well labeled photographs of cross sections of embalmed human material in conjunction with classic radiological images ... a must for radiologists in training who are learning to interpret sectional images.” —Dr. George C. Enders, University of Kansas Medical Center, Doody Publishing Service

"[it is] essential for at least one copy of this atlas to be readily available in all hospital and departmental libraries. It will be consulted very frequently by radiologists and radiographers, clinicians, medical students and students of other paramedical disciplines—in fact by anyone who wishes to deepen their appreciation of cross-sectional anatomy." —RAD Magazine

September 2009, 272 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-98516-8, £32.99

The Concise Handbook of Human Anatomy

Illustrated Clinical Anatomy

R.M.H. McMinn, R.T. Hutchings, and B.M. Logan

Peter Abrahams, John Craven, and John S.P. Lumley

Second Edition

“The choice of what to include and what to leave out is very well made ... an ideal present for a student starting medicine, a nurse, paramedic or art student.” —Journal of Anatomy

“A good ready reference for students following sports science, paramedical or physiology courses, or a quick reference for medical students.” —Journal of Biological Education

This jargon-free descriptive text is supported by brilliant labeled dissections, color photographs, and schematic diagrams. The book explains difficult anatomical relationships and indicates points of clinical significance.

This book was the winner of the Richard Asher Prize for the Best New Medical Textbook, RSM/Society of Authors Book Awards 2005 and “Highly Commended” in the 2005 BMA Medical Book Awards in the Basic and Clinical Sciences category. Structured by body region, the book uses the best modality to demonstrate anatomical relevance with clinical photographs and images supplementing anatomical diagrams. Facilitated by the experience of the distinguished author team, the book features highlighted descriptions emphasising the integrated approach that is central to current teaching practice. June 2011, 400 pp., Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-1-4441-0925-2, £34.99

December 1998, 192 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-874545-53-8, £9.95

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Basic Medical Sciences The Musculoskeletal System Edited by

Philip James Adds and Somayyeh Shahsavari Serving as both an anatomical reference and a revision guide, this volume combines detailed illustrations with a strong clinical focus to allow an easier correlation between anatomy and practice. Highly illustrated, the book is separated into manageable sections by anatomical area. It provides a compact and complete account of the body’s complex system of bones and muscles whilst also considering joints, ligaments, and innervation. The book includes clinical scenarios of the most common bone and muscle-related cases and more than 40 templates in a “Test Yourself!” colouring atlas. October 2011, 116 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-84184-875-4, £50.00 Also available as an eBook

Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine Eighth Edition Martin A Crook Clinical biochemistry is one of the more challenging subjects to grasp, and students need a single resource that not only explains the biochemical underpinnings of metabolic medicine, but also integrates laboratory findings with clinical practice. This eighth edition of an esteemed volume is clinically oriented with case histories demonstrating application of results. Coverage includes both common and less common diseases and syndromes. The book is highly illustrated with clear full-colour line diagrams and clinical photographs. A companion website includes self-assessment questions and an image library. March 2012, 416 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4414-7, £34.99 Also available as an eBook



Basic Pathology An Introduction to the Mechanisms of Disease, Fourth Edition Sunil Lakhani, Susan Dilly, and Caroline Finlayson Basic Pathology has been brought fully up-to-date in this new edition, and once again covers four main themes: What is a Disease, Defense Against Disease, Circulatory Disorders, and Disorders of Cell Growth; highlighting key mechanisms and their interplay in producing symptoms, signs and disease. With new cartoons to illustrate key points and make those study hours pass by with ease, the book also retains the much-praised clinical scenarios, historical anecdotes, and key facts boxes. January 2009, 340 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-95003-6, £29.99 Also available as an eBook

Pathology in Clinical Practice 50 Case Studies Barry A.T. Newell, Susan Dilly, Caroline Finlayson, Mitesh Gandhi, and Sunil Lakhani This self-assessment volume is a companion to Basic Pathology, An Introduction to the Mechanisms of Disease, Fourth Edition. Featuring 50 illustrated clinical scenarios with questions and answers, the book helps readers learn to apply their knowledge to clinical situations. Each case is based on a case study that pulls together the key pathological, radiological and clinical aspects of a particular condition, while the questions and answers highlight relevant diagnostic avenues. The book is structured according to five main themes of symptoms, signs, investigations, treatment and overall management. January 2009, 224 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-95904-6, £24.99 Also available as an eBook

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Basic Medical Sciences Muir's Textbook of Pathology

Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery

Fourteenth Edition

Second Edition

Edited by

Ram I. Mahato and Ajit S. Narang


David Levison, Robin Reid, Alistair D. Burt, David J. Harrison, and Stewart Fleming “ … an excellent, modestly priced textbook of pathology that will serve the student as a reference through the clinical years and beyond.” —Histopathology

“ … a modern, student-friendly book that would be well worth considering ... a good index, plentiful pictures and information in small, signposted, easily understood bits.” —The Bulletin of the Royal College of Pathologists

This classic text includes more than 600 colour illustrations and provides enhanced clinical relevance through the inclusion of illustrative case histories and special study topics. The medical student new to the topic and postgraduate looking for a ready reference to the subject will find it an invaluable tool during study and in clinical practice.

Designed to teach the basic principles of pharmaceutics, dosage form design, and drug delivery, this invaluable reference examines important principles and progress in the field. Chapters unique to the second edition include Pharmacy Math and Statistics, Compounding Principles and Practice, and Powders and Granules. This edition emphasizes complexation and protein binding, discusses theoretical bases and mathematical treatment of drug release from different types of dosage forms, and includes developments in biomaterials. The book also reviews the principles of biology required to understand how biomaterials can be used as drug delivery vehicles. October 2011, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4918-7, £80.00 Also available as an eBook



Mechanisms of Disease: Cellular and Molecular Applications of Pathology Normal Cellular Functions, Disease and Immunology Clinical Genetics Cell Injury, Inflammation and Repair Cancer and Benign Tumours Systemic Pathology The Cardiovascular System The Respiratory System The Lymphorecticular System and Bone Marrow The Gastrointestinal System The Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas The Central Nervous System and The Eye The Locomotor System The Kidneys and Urinary Tract The Female Reproductive System The Breast The Male Reproductive System The Endocrine System The Skin Infections Index


February 2008, 584 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-74062-0, £46.99

What It Is and How It Works, Third Edition William N. Kelly Now in its third edition, this volume continues to provide a comprehensive review of all aspects of pharmacy, from the various roles of pharmacists to particular health care-related events to career planning information. The book discusses distribution, prescribing, dispensing, and pricing and an expanded chapter on informatics explores how pharmacy has evolved through information technology and automation. Additional chapters cover poison control, pharmacy schools, pharmacy organizations, the drug approval process, and career development. The book contains numerous tools to facilitate comprehension, including learning objectives, discussion questions and exercises to test assimilation, and websites and references to encourage further study. July 2011, 488 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5305-4, £40.99 Also available as an eBook

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Basic Medical Sciences Bestseller!


A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

An Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology

Fifth Edition

Rodney J Levick

James Ritter, Lionel Lewis, Timothy Mant, and Albert Ferro

This volume provides a comprehensive but accessible account of cardiovascular physiology, from the fundamentals of how the cardiovascular system works in both health and disease to more complex physiological mechanisms and pathways. It supplies all the information needed by students and medical examination candidates in a clear, logical, and well-illustrated manner, with many useful line diagrams and tables that support the text and demonstrate concepts. The book encourages active, problem-based learning through clinical cases, whilst further reading sections feature primary research literature, review papers and books.

“This is an excellent source for medical students and young doctors who are learning the art of using drugs in medical practice.” —Thomas L. Pazdernik (University of Kansas), Doody's Publishing Service

“If you only buy one clinical pharmacology textbook for medical school make it this one.” —Oxford Medical School Gazette

This volume is comprehensive textbook of clinical pharmacology to assist medical students and trainee doctors to learn how to use drugs safely and to make prescribing decisions effectively. Structured by body system with cross-references throughout for easy navigation, the book is attractively presented with over 140 illustrations. April 2008, 480 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-90046-8, £42.99

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Questions for Self Assessment, Third Edition Timothy G.K. Mant, Lionel D. Lewis. James M. Ritter, and Albert Ferro A companion to Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Fifth Edition, this volume allows students to learn, revise and test themselves on all aspects of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. The book contains a variety of question types, ensuring relevance to all UK medical schools, with MCQs, EMQs, “best of fives,” and problem-solving questions. Detailed explanatory answers follow the questions. Topics covered included the nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, alimentary and endocrine systems. Clinical immunopharmacology, the skin and the eye and clinical toxicology are also covered. April 2008, 218 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-94743-2, £19.99


Fifth Edition

December 2009, 432 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-94204-8, £30.99 Also available as an eBook

Cardiovascular Physiology Questions for Self Assessment This companion to An Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology allows students to test themselves on all aspects of the topic with over 200 questions and answers at a pace suitable for learning. The book provides multiple-choice questions using a true/false format plus a small selection of alternative question styles. Topics include the cardiac cycle, the cardiac myocyte, haemodynamics, microcirculation and solute exchange, cardiovascular receptors and cardiovascular responses in pathological situations. The book also discusses electrocardiography and arrhythmias and assessment of cardiac output and peripheral pulse, flow, pressure and resistance. December 2009, 272 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-98511-3, £20.99 Also available as an eBook

---------------------------Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology Fifth Edition with Self-Assessment Pack October 2010 ISBN: 978-1-4441-3764-4, £44.99

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Basic Medical Sciences Forthcoming!

Pocket Prescriber 2013 Timothy Nicholson and Donald RJ Singer This concise, up-to-date prescribing guide contains all the “must-have” information that junior doctors, nurse prescribers, and medical students need at their fingertips. The book provides an A-Z list of the 500 most commonly prescribed drugs. Each entry contains the key prescribing information, including dosage, warnings, and adverse effects. It presents practical guidance on drug selection and concise summaries of the management of medical emergencies. It also provides critical reference information on more complex prescriptions such as insulin, anticoagulants, and diamorphine pumps. July 2013, 312 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-8064-0, £15.99 Also available as an eBook

Lu's Basic Toxicology Fundamentals, Target Organs, and Risk Assessment, Sixth Edition Edited by

Sam Kacew and Byung-Mu Lee This new edition of a bestseller provides a number of key benefits that make it a must-read for toxicology professionals worldwide. The book includes new information on over-the-counter preparations and lactation. It places a special focus on occupational toxicology, providing clarity and insight into a rapidly evolving subject. This edition includes new chapters on nanotoxicology and the toxicity of the endocrine system. Expert editors Kacew & Lee offer a distillation of decades of research and teaching experience in toxicology, providing authoritative guidance for both students and practicing professionals. September 2012, 430 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-84184-953-9, £49.99 Also available as an eBook

Neurophysiology A Conceptual Approach, Fifth Edition Roger Carpenter and Benjamin Reddi The much-anticipated new edition of this wellestablished introduction to neurophysiology succeeds in integrating the disciplines of neurology and neuroscience with an emphasis on principles and functional concepts. Students will learn both the science underlying a particular phenomenon and what this means for individual body systems and for the body as a whole. The fifth edition retains the readable style of its predecessors while covering the entire subject of neurophysiology from the conduction of nerve impulses to the higher functions of the brain within a single accessible volume. August 2012, 448 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-3517-6, £34.99 Also available as an eBook

Clinical Bacteriology J Keith Struthers and Roger P. Westran “ ... strongly recommended for undergraduate medical students.” —Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

“ ... the authors have succeeded in extracting from the vast subject range of medical microbiology that which is clinically relevant and have presented it in a way that is clinician friendly.” —Communicable Disease and Public Health

This concise, beautifully illustrated book introduces the basic science of medical bacteriology and relates it to clinical practice. It explains the essentials of bacterial infection, providing an understanding for logical diagnostic and management strategies, including the use of antibiotics. The book won the British Medical Association Student Textbook of the Year Award in 2004. July 2003, 192 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-84076-027-9, £29.95

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New & Bestselling CELL BIOLOGY Books from GARLAND SCIENCE Forthcoming!

Biology of Aging Roger McDonald This volume presents the principles that have led to a new understanding of the human experience of biological aging, longevity, and age-related disease. It describes how the rate of biological aging is measured, explores the mechanisms underlying cellular aging, and discusses the genetic pathways that affect longevity in various organisms. August 2013, 360 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4213-7, £42.00 Also available as an eBook


Introduction to Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology David Van Vranken and Gregory A. Weiss This textbook uniquely blends the modern tools of organic chemistry with concepts of biology, physiology, and medicine. With a focus on human cell biology and using a problems-driven approach, the text explains the combinatorial architecture of biooligomers (genes, DNA, RNA, proteins, glycans, lipids, and terpenes) as the molecular engine for life. Also available as an eBook

December 2012, 504 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4214-4, £48.00


Essential Cell Biology, Fourth Edition Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter This volume’s lively writing and exceptional illustrations make it the ideal textbook for a first course in cell and molecular biology. Molecular detail has been kept to a minimum to provide readers with a cohesive, conceptual framework of the basic science that underlies our current understanding of biology.

Also available as an eBook

December 2013, 870 pp. Hard Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4454-4, £105.00 Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4455-1, £53.00


The Biology of Cancer, Second Edition Robert A. Weinberg

Praise for the First Edition: “There is no comparable text in cancer biology … .” —Nature “The Biology of Cancer is no doubt the definitive statement on its topic today.” —Science

Also available as an eBook

“Here, at last, we have a definitive textbook specifically devoted to the molecular and cell biology of cancer.” —Bioscience Education May 2013, 960 pp. Hard Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4219-9, £105.00 Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4220-5, £55.00

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New & Bestselling IMMUNOLOGY Books from GARLAND SCIENCE New!

Immunology An Illustrated Outline, Fifth Edition David Male This volume is both a review guide to the essential principles of immunology and a concise dictionary of immunological terms. It can be used to prepare for course exams and medical licensing exams or as a refresher when this content is encountered in related life science areas, such as microbiology and virology. June 2013, 146 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4501-5, £15.00 Also available as an eBook


Janeway's Immunobiology, Eighth Edition Kenneth Murphy This eighth edition of a classic work continues to set the standard for authority with its clear writing style and organization, uniform artwork, and scientific accuracy. Introducing the immune system to undergraduates, it is also comprehensive enough to be useful to graduate students interested in research and to medical students focused on clinical applications. August 2011, 888 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4243-4, £50.00 Also available as an eBook


The Immune System, Third Edition Peter Parham “ ... Appealing and relevant for those students who approach the study of the immune system through a clinical lens, including students of medicine, pharmacology, midwifery, or nursing; it would also be appropriate in an introductory immunology course.” —Clinical Immunology

The Immune System, Third Edition is designed for use in immunology courses for undergraduate, medical, veterinary, dental, and pharmacy students. This classroomtested textbook synthesizes the established facts of immunology into an accessible account of how the human immune system works and the effects it has on the health and survival of individuals and populations. Known for its reader-friendly style, the book makes generous use of medical examples and full-color illustrations to demonstrate key points.

Also available as an eBook

Highlights of this third edition include a chapter on innate immunity that examines toll-like receptors, defensins, and C-reactive protein; a chapter on the principles of adaptive immunity, covering the cellular and genetic principles; and sections devoted to vaccination, transplantation, and cancer. The book emphasizes the crucial role of dendritic cells in initiating the primary adaptive immune response. It also examines the use of immunotherapies developed from humanized monoclonal antibodies as preferred treatments for certain diseases. Presenting a seamless integration of the molecular, cellular, genetic, and clinical facets of immunology, the book includes end-of-chapter questions to test reader assimilation, with detailed answers in the back of the book. March 2009, 608 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-0-8153-4146-8, £46.00

To order Garland Science books, visit 9

General Medicine and Surgery New!

Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery 26th Edition Edited by

Norman Williams, Christopher Bulstrode, and P. Ronan O'Connell Now in its 26th edition, Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery combines its traditional strengths relied on for decades with recent updates and new discoveries in the field. The book emphasizes effective clinical examination and soundly based surgical principles, while taking into account the latest developments in surgical practice. The eminent editorial team comprises three editors with experience gained over previous editions. This new edition reflects improvements made from reader feedback and editor insight. The book opens with an introduction devoted to the underlying principles of surgical practice. It then presents essential material on investigation and diagnosis, perioperative care, and all aspects of surgical trauma. The remainder of the book considers each of the surgical specialties in turn: • Elective orthopaedics • Skin and subcutaneous tissue • Head and neck • Breast and endocrine system • Cardiothoracic and vascular • Abdominal and genitourinary • Transplantation Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery has a wide appeal to all those studying surgery, from undergraduate medical students to those in preparation for their postgraduate surgical examinations. In addition, its high standing and reputation for unambiguous advice also make it the first point of reference for many practising surgeons. This volume remains one of the world's pre-eminent medical textbooks, with lifetime sales in excess of one million copies.

Contents: Principles. Investigation and Diagnosis. Perioperative Care. Trauma. Elective Orthopaedics. Skin and SubcutaneousTissue. Head and Neck. Breast and Endocrine. Cardiothoracic. Vascular. Abdominal. Genitourinary. Transplantation. February 2013, 1530 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4441-2127-8, £139.00 Also available as an eBook

Browse's Introduction to the Investigation and Management of Surgical Disease Edited by

John Black, Kevin Burnand, Steve Corbett, and William Thomas A companion to the award-winning Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease, this volume is from the same highly respected author team. Lavishly presented in 4-colour throughout, with extensive use of illustrations, it provides clear insight into how the pathological features and extent of disease dictate necessary diagnostic investigations and treatment and, like its established partner, is a practical and concise textbook that is easy to read and use. Topics range from bacterial and viral infections to soft tissues, to the spleen and obesity surgery. October 2010, 576 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-94574-2, £30.99 Also available as an eBook


Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Disease Fifth Edition Kevin Burnand, John Black, William Thomas, and Steve Corbett Written for medical students and junior doctors, the fifth edition of this essential textbook has been fully revised and updated, including additional illustrations and photographs. The text teaches the clinical symptoms and signs of surgical disease, stressing the importance of a thorough history and bedside examination. By presenting the symptoms and signs in a formalized, systematic manner and by describing in detail the techniques of clinical examination, this text enables students to elicit key symptoms and make sound clinical decisions. December 2013, 512 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4603-5, £32.99

---------------------------Browse's Introductions Pack October 2010 ISBN: 978-1-4441-3765-1, £49.99


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General Medicine and Surgery Bestseller!


Chamberlain's Symptoms and Signs in Clinical Medicine

Third Edition

An Introduction to Medical Diagnosis, 13th Edition Andrew R. Houghton and David Gray May 2010, 504 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-97425-4, £29.99

Guide to Health Informatics

New Edition Coming Soon!

Enrico Coiera, Farah Magrabi, and Vitali Sintchenko “ … should be required reading for every physician intending to enter a fellowship program in medical informatics, and it is also highly recommended to every doctor and medical student interested in this emerging medical specialty.” —JAMA

Also available as an eBook

January 2014, 512 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7049-8, £49.99


Culture, Health and Illness Fifth Edition Cecil Helman

Praise for previous editions: “When with humility we are ready to use this excellent book, we will better apply our science toward improving the quality of life throughout the globe.”

Handbook of Clinical Skills Peter G. Kopelman and Jane Dacre “ … well structured … easy to read… a worthwhile possession for all trainees.” —The Postgraduate Medical Journal

March 2002, 256 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-874545-57-6 £19.95

—Journal of the American Medical Association

January 2007, 512 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-91450-2, £32.99


French's Index of Differential Diagnosis An A-Z, 15th Edition Edited by

Mark T Kinirons and Harold Ellis For nearly a century, this volume has been unparalleled in providing clinicians with invaluable assistance in quickly and correctly diagnosing diseases from a whole range of symptoms. January 2011, 800 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-99071-1, £65.00


Pocket Clinical Examiner Adam Barnett and Thomas Bannister This pocket-sized guide to clinical examination is ideal for medical students and junior doctors seeking a convenient handbook for use in busy clinical settings. After discussing how to take a patient history, each subsequent chapter focuses on a specific system or part of the body. September 2013, c. 56 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7239-3, £12.99 Also available as an eBook

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Specialties Forthcoming!

Short Textbook of Public Health Medicine for the Tropics Fourth Edition Adetokunbo Lucas and Herbert Gilles First published in 1973, this textbook was designed to provide medical students and other trainees with an introduction to the principles of public health with special reference to the situation in developing countries of the tropics. The book stresses basic principles illustrated by selected examples. Infectious diseases feature strongly and diseases are grouped epidemiologically, based on the mode of transmission and the public health approaches for their control. The authors also highlight the global epidemiology of Type II diabetes and the effects of smoking as examples of the growing incidence of chronic disease in developing countries. October 2002, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-0-340-75988-2, £25.99


Practical Ultrasound An Illustrated Guide, Second Edition Jane Alty, Edward Hoey, Michael Weston, and Stephen Wolstenhulme Focusing on the scans regularly encountered in a busy ultrasound department, this volume contains everything practitioners need to know to become competent and skilled in scanning. Each chapter contains examples of common and clinically relevant pathologies and discusses the salient features of these conditions. This second edition includes new chapters on breast, musculoskeletal, and FAST (focused assessment with sonography in trauma) ultrasonography. Beginning with the general principles of ultrasound scanning and a guide to using the ultrasound machine, the book provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform scans, supplemented by high-quality images. July 2013, 295 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-6829-7, £49.99


Imaging for Students Fourth Edition David A. Lisle Supplying systematic guidance to the range of imaging techniques available, this book provides a clear explanation of how each imaging modality actually works. Focusing on the common diseases that medical students most frequently encounter, it highlights information on the associated risks and hazards and the importance of patient preparation and postprocedure observation. This edition includes the latest information on perfusion imaging and PET and a chapter on imaging in oncology. Illustrated heavily, it also contains tables, lists, and summary boxes, all ideal for study and exam preparation. Readers have access to a website providing additional images and MCQs for self-assessment. January 2012, 312 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2182-7, £26.99 Also available as an eBook

Practical Radiological Anatomy Sarah McWilliams “An excellent volume, which sets new standards in radiological anatomy.” —Professor Andy Adam, Past President of The Royal College of Radiologists

Illustrated and concise, this revision textbook is designed for radiology trainees learning to interpret all modes of imaging. Containing high-quality images demonstrating the key features of basic anatomy, it uses a convenient format arranged by body system. The book supplies both conventional imaging and cross-sectional CT and MRI anatomy to aid preparation for the FRCA Part 1 and Part 2A modules. It presents guidelines on how to interpret images and includes case studies in each chapter to illustrate the application of anatomy. The book also discusses commonly encountered pitfalls. January 2011, 416 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-800-1, £39.99

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Specialties An Introduction to Radiation Protection Sixth Edition

A Textbook of General Practice Third Edition

Alan Martin, Samuel Harbison, Karen Beach, and Peter Cole

Edited by

“[T]he sixth edition of An Introduction to Radiation Protection maintains the high standards of its predecessors and should remain as a key reference text for those working in radiation protection."

An essential guide to general practice and being a general practitioner, A Textbook of General Practice is written specifically with the medical student and foundation doctor in mind.

Anne Stephenson King's College & St Thomas' Hospitals, London, UK

—Journal of Radiation Protection

An Introduction to Radiation Protection is a highly readable account of the nature of the hazards presented by ionizing radiation and the methods of protection for those new to the field and for the non-specialist. The sixth edition of this established text takes readers through the general background of the subject, the technical principles underlying the control of radiation hazards, radiation detection and measurement, and the biological effects of radiation. These principles are followed by a consideration of radiation protection issues in the nuclear industry, the non-nuclear sector, and the medical field. Further specialised topics include risk assessment, waste management and decommissioning, radiological incidents and emergencies, relevant legislation, and organizational issues. Supplemented by clear diagrams and photographs, summary sections, and revision questions, the book is suitable for the beginner as well as the more advanced radiation practitioner. It remains an ideal primer for those working in the nuclear industry, nuclear medicine technicians, radiographers and medical physics technicians, health and safety executives and occupational health professionals. It is also an invaluable companion for anyone training or undertaking a course in radiation protection.

Abridged Contents: The Structure of Matter. Radioactivity and Radiation. Radiation Units. Biological Effects of Radiation. Natural and Man-Made Radiation. The System of Radiological Protection. Radiation Detection and Measurement. The External Radiation Hazard. The Internal Radiation Hazard. Practical Health Physics Techniques. Radiation Protection in the Nuclear Industry. Radioactive Waste and the Decommissioning of Radioactive Facilities. Radiation Protection in the Non-Nuclear Industry. Radiation Protection in Medicine. Risk Assessment. Radiological Incidents and Emergencies. Legislation and Regulations Related to Radiation Protection...more

Reflecting current practice, the book does not seek to reiterate the content of a general medical textbook, but instead teaches the fundamental principles of general practice. The coverage is comprehensive, with everything the undergraduate student or foundation doctor will encounter in a general practice module or rotation. The skills and knowledge presented can usefully be applied to all areas of clinical practice. With practical exercises throughout the book, readers are encouraged to learn through doing. Quotes from students and tutors offer insights into personal experience, while thinking and discussion points encourage reflection. New features in this edition include improved organization, “red flag” pointers to serious illnesses, and SBA-style self assessment questions. With content entirely updated to reflect the latest recommendations from Tomorrow's Doctors, the third edition of A Textbook of General Practice is the number one choice for undergraduates seeking a narrative introduction to this important discipline.

Contents: Learning in General Practice: Why and How? General Practice and its Place in Primary Healthcare. The General Practice Consultation. General Practice Skills. Diagnosis and Acute Management in General Practice. Prescribing in General Practice. Common Illnesses in General Practice. Psychological Issues in General Practice. Chronic Illness and its Management in General Practice. Treating People at Home. Health Promotion in General Practice. Healthcare Ethics and Law. Quality Assurance in General Practice. The Management of General Practice. Preparing to Practice. Being a General Practitioner. December 2011, 336 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2064-6, £24.99 Also available as an eBook

March 2012, 256 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4607-3, £32.99 Also available as an eBook

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UNDERSTANDING SERIES The Understanding Series is designed to help students, young doctors and related professionals to fully understand a range of disorders. These books combine a symptoms- and problem-based approach with systematic coverage of diseases. The books are illustrated throughout with full colour.

Understanding Diabetes and Endocrinology Daryl Meeking “ … succeeds in giving a brief overview of many different endocrinology disorders in a simple-to-read manner. The organization is unique in the way each part addresses a different aspect of each endocrine disease.” —Jessica Hwang, M.D. University of Chicago Medical Center, Doody's Review Service

Divided into three main sections, this book begins by providing a background understanding of diabetes and a review of glandular systems. The second section outlines the different facets of the disease of diabetes and their investigation and describes specific complications. The third section covers the management and treatment of diabetes and endocrine disease and provides essential information on prevention and screening. February 2011, 160 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-84076-100-9, £19.95

Understanding Neurology A Problem-Oriented Approach Ian Bone and John Greene “ … well written … demystifying neurology remains an urgent necessity among trainees … .” —Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation

Winner of the 2008 British Medical Association’s Medical Book Competition for Neurology, this book takes a problem-oriented approach to the evaluation of common symptoms presenting to medical students. It begins with taking the patient’s history and then proceeds to neurological examination. The book outlines common presenting symptoms such as forgetfulness, dizziness and pain and relates them to the spectrum of possible neurological conditions and diseases. Case histories are used to illustrate various problems and MCQs help readers test their assimilation of the material. December 2007, 240 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-84076-061-3, £19.95

Understanding Respiratory Medicine A Problem-Oriented Approach Martyn R. Partridge “ … an excellent clinically oriented text … respiratory examination is succinct and effectively illustrated … highly recommended.” —Physiotherapy Journal

This concise, practical guide combines a symptoms- and problem-based approach with systematic coverage of lung disease. After describing the underlying principles and clinical skills needed by practitioners, it discusses science and the disease process, signs and symptoms of respiratory issues, and examinations and tests. It then presents disease-specific material, covers respiratory pharmacology, and includes case histories for discussion and an appendix of multiple-choice questions. July 2006, 176 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-84076-045-3, £19.95


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Specialties Common Skin Diseases Eighteenth Edition Ronald Marks and Richard Motley The 18th edition of this classic dermatology book continues to be an essential core text for the busy general practitioner and the dermatology trainee. Presented in a colourful, reader-friendly way with over 400 detailed illustrations, the text supplies a succinct account of the subject, starting with the basic science and then moving through clinical manifestations, diagnostic techniques, treatment, and clinical management of the most common skin disorders. Concise text, key point boxes and chapter summaries make this book a first choice for medical students preparing for exams. September 2011, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-0-340-98350-8, £39.99


Gynaecology by Ten Teachers 19th Edition Edited by

Ash Monga and Stephen P. Dobbs For almost a century, the Ten Teachers titles have been a favorite of students, lecturers, and practitioners alike. The 19th edition of this volume continues to provide an accessible one-stop shop in obstetrics and gynaecology for a new generation of doctors. Carefully edited to ensure consistency of structure, style, and level of detail, the book includes topics such as gynaecological history and examination, embryology and anatomy, normal and abnormal sexual development and puberty, fertility, contraception, problems in pregnancy, gynaecological diseases, and menopause. The book also discusses the psychosocial and ethical aspects of gynaecology. March 2011, 216 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2231-2, £12.99 Not available for sale in Canada

Neurological Clinical Examination


John Morris and Joseph Jankovic

19th Edition

The clinical neurological examination is a critical tool in the diagnosis of common and unusual neurological conditions encountered in the outpatient clinic and hospital ward. Presented in a logical, systematic manner, this book and extensive video library takes a step-by-step approach, supplying practical essentials for primary care physicians, neurologists, and trainees preparing for certifying examinations. Illustrated extensively with clear line diagrams for ready reference, the book is supplemented with more than 70 video clips that demonstrate clinical techniques and symptoms and signs of neurological conditions.

Philip Baker and Louise Kenny

February 2012, 134 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4538-0, £24.99 Also available as an eBook

Obstetrics by Ten Teachers Edited by

With an additional editor and new contributing authors, the 19th edition of this venerable reference retains the favored textual features of preceding editions. Each chapter is highly structured, with overviews, definitions, etiology, clinical features, key points, and references to additional reading where appropriate. Topics include obstetric history taking and examination, modern maternity care, physiological changes in pregnancy, normal and abnormal fetal development and growth, and antenatal obstetric complications. The book also discusses multiple births, late miscarriages, operative intervention, perinatal infections, and ethical and medicolegal issues in obstetric practice. March 2011, 436 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-98353-9, £19.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


Specialties Self Assessment in Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Ten Teachers EMQs, MCQs, SAQs & OSCEs, Second Edition Edited by

Louise Kenny, Jeremy C. Brockelsby, Christian Phillips, and Louise Kenny This book presents medical students and those preparing for postgraduate examinations with an ideal opportunity to assess their levels of knowledge and understanding in obstetrics and gynaecology, and to practice their exam technique across a range of question formats. It can be used as a standalone revision guide, but is also designed to complement the latest editions of the best-selling volumes Gynaecology by Ten Teachers and Obstetrics by Ten Teachers. The book includes an extensive range of question types—EMQs, MCQs, SBAs, SAQs, and OSCEs—providing comprehensive coverage compatible with all relevant examinations. July 2012, 176 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7051-1, £16.99 Also available as an eBook

Easy Paediatrics Edited by

Rachel Sidwell and Mike Thomson Structured in a systemsbased fashion, this book explores all health issues relevant to the paediatric patient. It also contains chapters on childhood development, genetics, accidents and emergencies, legal issues, and pediatric prescribing. Useful text boxes cover differential diagnoses, and causes and complications are also included to complete the picture. Clinical photographs and illustrative diagrams help readers visualize what they are reading about, and the book is supplemented with a companion website, which contains OSCE-style clinical scenarios and MCQs for all the body systems to test assimilation. May 2011, 544 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-826-1, £29.99 Also available as an eBook

Paediatrics and Child Health The Great Ormond Street Colour Handbook Magdi El Habbal, Lewis Spitz, Stephan Strobel, Peter K. Smith, and Stephen D. Marks “It is beyond comparison with any other textbook available in the market. This is the best paediatric book I have seen in my 24-year paediatric career.” —BMA Medical Book Competition

“Unique … this beautiful production is largely testimony to the wealth of expertise and accumulated experience behind the book … an encyclopaedic, all encompassing coffer of paediatric knowledge.” —Archives of Disease in Childhood

“Excellent … It is strongly suggested that not only you but also your colleagues and students always have it within reach.” —Acta Paediatrica

“Ideal for quick reference … concise and understandable irrespective of the reader's previous level of experience.” —The British Journal of Hospital Medicine

The product of a world center of excellence in teaching and medical and surgical practice, Paediatrics and Child Health: The Great Ormond Street Colour Handbook combines the advantages of a color atlas with those of a short textbook. The book encompasses clinical features, epidemiology, investigations and differential diagnosis. Illustrations include clinical photos, imaging, charts, graphs and histology where appropriate. The author/editor team, supported by specialist contributions from clinicians at Institute of Child Health/Great Ormond Street, offer an unmatched range of expertise in a compact volume. The book will be of lasting reference value to paediatricians in training and practice, and to professionals in many other disciplines.

Contents: Emergency Medicine. Child Protection. Infectious Diseases. Respiratory Medicine. Cardiology. Dermatology. Ophthalmology. Neurology. Gastroenterology. Renal Diseases. Blood Diseases. Solid Tumours and Histiocytosis. Endocrinology. Metabolic Diseases. Genetics. Immunology. Rheumatology. Speech and Language Therapy. Neonatal and General Paediatric Surgery. Otorhinolaryngology. Oral and Dental Surgery. Orthopaedics and Fractures. Urology. Heart and Lung Transplant. December 2006, 640 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-874545-27-9, £54.95


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Specialties Psychiatry by Ten Teachers Edited by

Nisha Dogra Braunstone, UK

Brian Lunn Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle University, UK

Stephen Cooper Belfast, UK

An essential purchase for every medical student and junior doctor, Psychiatry by Ten Teachers follows the renowned Ten Teachers' highly-praised and successful tradition of providing key information written by ten respected experts in the field. In addition, the work conforms to the core curriculum recommended to medical schools by the RCPsych Scoping Group on Undergraduate Psychiatry. Completely up-to-date, it encourages students to get the most out of their psychiatry attachment and helps them to pass their exams, as well as providing key advice on providing quality medical care, regardless of the field in which they decide to specialize. • Includes a foreword by Professor Dinesh Bhugra, Dean of the Royal College of Psychiatrists • Features clinical cases throughout, with key management information • Contains “key features” boxes highlighting necessary learning outcomes, plus useful lists of key websites and further reading

Selected Contents: Defining mental health and mental illness. Personality, predisposing and perpetuating factors in mental illness. Assessment and engagement with patients. Making the most of your placement. Mental Health legislation. Mood disorders. Anxiety disorders. Phobias. Schizophrenia. Substance misuse. Eating disorders. Organic disorders. Psychiatric aspects of intellectual disability. Disorders of childhood and adolescence. Disorders of personality. Commonly used psychological treatments. Psychopharmacology. Psychiatric emergencies. January 2011, 248 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-98426-0, £24.99 Also available as an eBook


Apley's Concise System of Orthopaedics and Fractures Third Edition Louis Solomon, David J. Warwick, and Salvadurai Nayagam “The material is well presented and illustrated to the level of its intended readers. It is perhaps the best book on the market for these readers. I strongly recommend this book, mainly to primary care physicians and medical students.” —Doody's Review Service

This leading introductory textbook of orthopaedics provides medical students, trainee surgeons, and other health professionals with an invaluable overview of this important specialty. Known for its systematic approach, balanced content, and easy-to-read style, the book provide a clear, pictorial account of the subject, and can be used in association with the parent volume Apley's System of Orthopaedics and Fractures, and as a revision tool. March 2005, 416 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-80984-6, £32.99

Essential ENT Second Edition Rogan J Corbridge This innovative and accessible guide to ear, nose, and throat medicine delivers everything medical students need to know to develop a thorough grounding in the subject, acting as an essential course companion and an ideal revision aid. Written in a lively manner reflecting the author's popular lecturing style, the content has been carefully matched to meet the demands of both the undergraduate curriculum and the core competencies for foundation study. Topics are approached in a problem-oriented manner, with basic science and clinical information integrated throughout in line with current teaching practice. September 2011, 208 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-1795-0, £26.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


Revision Guides

100 CASES SERIES Series Editor: P. John Rees Dean of Medical Undergraduate Education, King’s College London School of Medicine at Guy’s, King’s College and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London, UK

Making clinical decisions and choosing the best course of action is one of the most challenging and difficult parts of training to become a doctor. The 100 Cases Series provides a unique learning tool that guides students and junior clinicians through clinical cases, imitating those that they are likely to meet on the wards, in accident and emergency and outpatient departments, and in general practice. These cases will teach students and junior doctors to recognise important signs and symptoms—and, where appropriate, their relationship to other medical conditions—and to develop their diagnostic and management skills.


100 Cases in Acute Medicine

• Supplies 100 succinct and realistic case studies in a user-friendly format, describing patient histories and examinations

June 2012, 296 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-3519-0, £20.99

Kerry Layne, Henry Fok, and Adam Nabeebaccus

• Provides questions at the end of each case to prompt readers to consider their options for diagnosis, investigation, and management

Also available as an eBook

• Includes answer pages to guide readers through the clinician’s sequence of thoughts and actions

100 Cases in Clinical Ethics and Law

• Contains text boxes highlighting key points

Praise for the series: “A rich resource for medical students, practising doctors and their teachers, which employs a wide range of clinical cases to introduce the reader to the central theories and principles of medical ethics and law.” —Dr. Richard Huxtable, Senior Lecturer, Deputy Director, Centre for Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol, UK (about 100 Cases in Clinical Ethics and Law)

“I would definitely recommend this book as a revision guide … There is a lot of information packed into just 100 cases, but it’s done extremely well.” —Fourth year medical student, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK (about 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine, Second Edition)

“The case-based structure grabs the reader's attention and questions prompt the reader to think about and engage in each scenario ... It encompasses a very wide range of different conditions and also gives good insight into the wider role of the general practitioner beyond just medical management.” —Oxford Medical School Gazette (about 100 Cases in General Practice)


Carolyn Johnston and Dr. Penelope Bradbury, MBBS BSc April 2008, 288 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-94575-9, £21.99


100 Cases in Clinical Medicine Third Edition P John Rees and James Pattison and Christopher Kosky August 2013, 288 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7429-8, £21.99 Also available as an eBook


100 Cases in Clinical Pathology Eamon Shamil, Praful Ravi, and Ashish Chandra January 2014, 288 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7998-9, £24.99

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Revision Guides

100 CASES SERIES 100 Cases in Dermatology Rachael Morris-Jones, Ann-Marie Powell, and Emma Benton August 2011 272 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-1793-6 £24.99 Also available as an eBook


100 Cases in Paediatrics Joseph Raine, Aubrey Cunnington, and Joanna Walker July 2009 302 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-96875-8 £21.99 Also available as an eBook

100 Cases in General Practice

100 Cases in Psychiatry

Anne Stephenson, Martin Mueller, and John Grabinar

Barry Wright Subodh Dave, and Nisha Dogra

May 2009 288 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-96833-8 £21.99

February 2010 280 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-98601-1 £21.99

Also available as an eBook


100 Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Second Edition Cecelia Bottomley and Janice Rymer December 2013 280 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7425-0 £21.99

100 Cases in Radiology Robert Thomas, James Connelly, and Christopher Burke February 2012 320 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2331-9 £20.99 Also available as an eBook

100 Cases in Orthopaedics and Rheumatology


Parminder J Singh and Catherine Swales

Edited by

March 2012 288 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-1794-3 £20.99 Also available as an eBook

100 Cases in Surgery Second Edition Kevin Burnand, James Gossage, Bijan Modarai, Arun Sahai, and Richard Worth August 2013 240 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7427-4 £21.99

For more information and complete contents, visit


Revision Guides

CORE CLINICAL CASES SERIES Series Editor: Janesh K. Gupta Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham Women’s Hospital, UK

Core Clinical Cases in Medicine and Medical Specialties A Problem-Solving Approach, Second Edition Stephen Bain and Jeffrey Stephens August 2012, 416 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4542-7, £19.99 Also available as an eBook

Core Clinical Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology A Problem-Solving Approach, Third Edition Gary Mires, Khalid Khan, and Janesh K. Gupta September 2011, 184 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2285-5, £16.99 Also available as an eBook

Core Clinical Cases in Paediatrics The problem-solving approach of Core Clinical Cases guides undergraduates to think of the patient as a whole, rather than as a sequence of unconnected symptoms. With its emphasis on everyday practice strongly linked to underlying theory, the series integrates knowledge with the realities of managing clinical problems and provides a basis for developing sound analytical decision-making skills.

A Problem-Solving Approach, Second Edition

The core areas of undergraduate study are covered in a logical sequence of learning activities. The same questions are asked of each clinical case, followed by detailed explanatory answers. Related OSCE counseling cases with related questions and answers are also included in each section.

Core Clinical Cases in Psychiatry


September 2011, 154 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2287-9, £16.99

• Uses a case-based approach suitable for problem-oriented and systems-oriented courses • Enables a thorough understanding of key concepts and the relevance of basic sciences in clinical situations • Encourages integration of knowledge across multiple disciplines, including anatomy, histology, physiology, pathology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and biochemistry • Helps students perfect a variety of cognitive skills including hypotheses generation, collection of information, interpretation of laboratory findings, and quick decision-making


Andrew Ewer, Rajat Gupta, and Tim Barrett October 2011, 168 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2286-2, £16.99 Also available as an eBook

A Problem-Solving Approach, Second Edition Thomas Clark, Ed Day, and Emma Fergusson

Also available as an eBook


Core Clinical Cases in Surgery and Surgical Specialties A Problem-Solving Approach, Second Edition Janesh Kumar Gupta December 2013, 288 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7996-5, £19.99

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Revision Guides

GET AHEAD! SERIES Series Editor: Saran Shantikumar MRCS Academic Clinical Fellow in Surgery, Nuffield Department of Surgery, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK

Designed as the ideal revision tool for undergraduate medical examinations, our bestselling Get Ahead! Series covers everything students need to know for their medical and surgical finals. Each title contains practice questions similar to those students can expect in the real exam. Books in the Get Ahead! Series are written by junior doctors who have recently finished final exams and who have experience teaching students. As such, they emphasize material that is most relevant to undergraduates preparing for these examinations.


Get Ahead! Medicine OSCEs and Data Interpretation Nadeem Hasan, Holly Sitsapesan, Caroline Watson, and Joyee Basu The latest addition to the essential Get Ahead! revision series, this book provides practical, invaluable guidance for all medical students preparing for these challenging examinations. • Ensures thorough preparation for the examination through detailed coverage of the entire medical syllabus • Contains a full mark scheme and accompanying detailed explanation ensuring complete understanding of learning needs in each scenario • Includes abnormal findings, ensuring candidates are fully prepared for any occasion in this challenging examination November 2013, 300 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4441-7017-7, £20.99

Get Ahead! Medicine 300 SBAs for Finals Benjamin McNeillis, Rhian James, Ali Ling Koh, Tim Sparkes • Covers the entire medical syllabus in 300 SBA-style questions written in a similar style to the Medical Schools Council Assessment Alliance (MSC-AA) bank • Provides full explanatory answers, including succinct subject summaries • Includes eponymous details and derivatives to encourage further study • Designed to also be suitable for PLAB candidates December 2011, 264 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-85315-732-5, £19.99 Also available as an eBook

Get Ahead! The Situational Judgement Test Nishanthan Mahesan, Sirazum Choudhury, and Janice Rymer • Outlines the key attributes of a foundation trainee, and how to identify underlying themes to attain the highest marks • Explains fully the exam format and the best way to approach questions, with explanatory answers to aid understanding • Describes official GMC guidance and legal precedence on important and commonly encountered scenarios October 2012, 256 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4441-7660-5, £19.99

For more information and complete contents, visit


Revision Guides

GET AHEAD! SERIES Forthcoming!


Get ahead! SAQs for Medical Finals

Get Ahead! Specialties

Bhavna Gami and Nikhil Pawa

Peter Cartledge, Mary Watson, Rebecca Cairns, and Fiona Bach

January 2014, 240 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-944-2 £18.99

100 EMQs for Finals

May 2008, 296 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-722-6 £18.99



Get ahead! Medicine

Get Ahead! Surgery

150 EMQs for Finals

100 EMQs for Finals

David Capewell and Saran Shantikumar

Saran Shantikumar

August 2008, 408 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-717-2 £18.99

October 2007, 264 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-746-2 £18.99

Get Ahead! Specialties

Get Ahead! Surgery

250 SBAs for Finals

250 SBAS for Finals

Fiona Bach, Elizabeth Mills, Peter Cartledge, and Hannah Roberts

Theepa Nicholls and Saran Shantikumar

March 2010, 288 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-737-0 £18.99

March 2009, 240 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-727-1 £18.99

Also available as an eBook


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Revision Guides

MEDICINE ON THE MOVE SERIES Convenient Print and App Options for On-the-Go Learning The Medicine on the Move Series provides fully flexible access to subject areas across the curriculum in a format ideal for the busy medical student and junior doctor. These innovative packages, each covering a different area of medicine, will help students connect with the topics covered and cement their knowledge in preparation for exams and future clinical practice. The convenience and flexibility of print and app options enable students to truly learn medicine on the move.

Features: • Uses an accessible format with bulleted text, flow charts, colorful diagrams, and summary tables, enabling students to find information fast • Focuses on "must-have" rather than "nice-to-have" knowledge, enduring exam success and as a grounding for further study


Surgery on the Move Jenna Morgan, Harriet Walker, and Andrew Viggars September 2013, 236 pp. Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-1-4441-7601-8 £24.99 Also available as an eBook


Orthopaedics and Rheumatology on the Move Terence McLoughlin, Ian Baxter, and Nicole Abdul June 2013, 528 pp. Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-1-4441-4567-0 £19.99 Also available as an eBook

• Provides clinical cases relevant to the text and summary bullet points to highlight key learning objectives • Presents step-by-step guides to procedures that are essential skills for junior doctors • Includes “micro-facts” boxed sections— ideal for rapid reference in the clinical setting—guiding students quickly to key points • Supplies self-assessment questions to test reader assimilation of the material • Contains references to important clinical research


Neurology and Clinical Neuroanatomy on the Move Johnathan Cooper-Knock, Zoe Pearson, Matthew Tate, and Elizabeth Wood November 2013, 304 pp. Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-1-4441-3832-0 £24.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


Revision Guides

MEDICINE ON THE MOVE SERIES Anaesthesia on the Move

Psychiatry on the Move

Sally Keat, Alexander Bown, Sarah Lanham, and Simon Bate

Molly Douglas, Helen Casey, and Harriet Walker

Connect with the topic of anaesthesia with this innovative print and app package. Learn about physiology and preparation for surgery, what to expect in the anaesthetic room, and post-operative complications that occur in the wards. You’ll understand how to recognize and manage ill patients and get a firm grasp of the principles of critical care. Self-assessment questions will help you test your assimilation of the material. April 2012, 208 pp. Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-1-4441-2153-7 £19.99

November 2012, 288 pp. Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-1-4441-4565-6 £19.99

Clinical Investigations on the Move Andrew Walker, Lina Fazlanie, and Rory Mackinnon

Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women's Health on the Move Amie Clifford, Chris Yau, Claire Kelly, and Sally Hallam Topics in this book and print app include obstetrics history and examination, antenatal care, medical problems in pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, complications that occur in labour, reproductive endocrinology, gynaecological malignancies and urinary incontinence. Selfassessment questions cover gynaecology, obstetrics, sexual health, and breast disease. August 2012, 352 pp. Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-1-4441-4563-2 £24.99


April 2012, 224 pp. Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-1-4441-2154-4 £19.99

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases on the Move Thomas Locke, Sally Keat, Andrew Walker, and Rory Mackinnon April 2012, 272 pp. Pack - Book and Online ISBN: 978-1-4441-2012-7 £19.99

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Revision Guides Medical Finals Pack Second Edition


Single Best Answers and EMQs in Clinical Pathology Edited by

Karim Meeran, Sukhpreet Dubb, Neeral Patel, Nishma Manek, Dhruv Panchal, and Shams Shamoon

June 2012, 1088 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-8328-3, £44.99

January 2013, 407 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-6730-6, £19.99 Also available as an eBook

Also available individually:


Complete Self Assessment for Medical and Surgical Finals Second Edition

Single Best Answers in Surgery

Kinesh Patel and Neil Patel

Second Edition

April 2012, 424 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4441-2065-3, £19.99

Darren K Patten, Paraskevas A. Paraskeva, and Daniel R Leff

Complete Revision Notes for Medical and Surgical Finals Second Edition

December 2013 448 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7597-4, £21.99

Kinesh Patel September 2011, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4441-2066-0, £19.99

EMQs in Clinical Medicine

Complete OSCE Skills for Medical and Surgical Finals

Second Edition

Kate Tatham and Kinesh Patel May 2010, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-0-340-97424-7, £17.99


100 Cases for Medical Data Interpretation Edited by

David Howlett and Nicola Gainsborough January 2013 494 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4904-3 £22.99

Irfan Syed and Zishan Syed August 2011 304 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2151-3 £18.99 Also available as an eBook

EMQs in Surgery Second Edition Irfan Syed and Mohammed Keshtgar October 2012 320 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-6921-8 £20.99

Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


Revision Guides Forthcoming!

Essential Questions and Answers in Anatomy David Chapireau, Bari M. Logan, and Mark J. McCarthy Offering a novel alternative to the core anatomy textbooks, this book is targeted specifically at those wishing to refresh their knowledge of the discipline when preparing for a particular module during undergraduate or postgraduate study and specifically in exam preparation. With more than 3,500 questions, organized by body system, it covers the broad subject of human anatomy comprehensively, in a userfriendly format, emphasizing clinical relevance and complemented with high-quality clearly labeled prosections from one of the UK's leading prosectors. November 2013, 410 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2183-4, £24.99

450 Single Best Answers in the Clinical Specialities Sukhpreet Singh Dubb, Alex Bailey, Charlene Rodrigues, Margaret Rhoads, Jeffrey Ahmed, and Edward MacLaren This text provides a comprehensive examination of the typical medical undergraduate curriculum. The book is divided into three sections: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, and Psychiatry. Questions encompass areas such as gastroenterology, infectious diseases, allergy and immunology, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, skin disorders and endocrinology. The book also covers a range of psychiatric disorders. Each question not only provides an opportunity to apply clinical knowledge and correctly identify the single best answer to a question but also to learn why the other answers are incorrect. October 2012, 432 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4902-9, £21.99 Also available as an eBook

500 Single Best Answers in Medicine Sukhpreet Singh Dubb, Kumaran Shanmugarajah, Darren K. Patten, Cristina Koppel, and Michael Schachter Written by a final year medical student, junior doctors and experienced clinicians, this volume provides invaluable guidance from authors who understand from personal experience that detailed and accurate explanations are the key to successful revision. This book presents 500 SBA-style questions arranged by specialty area as well as a practice exam of random questions. A clear discussion of how the correct answer was reached and other options ruled out for every question is given at the end of each section, making this book an excellent learning aid during all stages of clinical studies, and particularly while preparing for medical finals. August 2011, 464 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2152-0, £19.99 Also available as an eBook



Mnemonics and Study Tips for Medical Students Second Edition: Two Zebras Borrowed My Car Khalid Khan This new edition of the humourous pocket-sized guide features more than 100 mnemonics and tips to help students retain those all important medical facts, such as: “To remember the femoral triangle: NAVY = nerve, artery, vein, Y-fronts.” Topics include anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology and infectious disease as well as clinical specialties such as chemical pathology, paediatrics, psychiatry, radiology and surgery. This edition includes a section on how to make your own mnemonics, study tips, and motivational advice. The user-friendly layout and helpful icons make this book a favorite amongst students. May 2008, 232 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-95747-9, £11.99

Request your complimentary e-exam copy at

Career Getting into Medical School Edited by

Viyaasan Mahalingasivam, Marc Gladman, and Manoj Ramachandran Applying to medical school has become increasingly competitive, with greater numbers of students applying every year. Applicants must take every available opportunity to make themselves stand out amongst the competition if they want to have a chance of getting into the school of their choice. Secrets of Success: Getting into Medical School is written for all potential medical students and is intended to guide applicants on making the right choices in choosing schools and optimizing their performance in the application process. August 2009, 216 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-837-7, £13.99

Getting into Foundation Training Manoj Ramachandran and Marc Gladman “ … can be recommended to senior students preparing for this all-important application.” —Ulster Medical Journal

Getting Into Foundation Training is aimed at UK and overseas medical students reaching the end of their degree course. The book offers students strategies and techniques to maximize their chances of obtaining a competitive foundation programme rotation so that they can secure their first medical job. Guiding students through all stages of the online application process, it provides tips on completing the application in a way that maximizes their chances of success. Presented in a logical and systematic format, it includes Top Tips, Danger Areas and Ask the Expert to help students do all they can to surpass the final hurdle of getting a job. September 2008, 192 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-886-5, £16.99

An in-depth eBook collection, MEDICINEnetBASE puts authoritative and practical references on topics ranging from cardiology and clinical neuroscience to dermatology and gastroenterology in the armamentarium of the clinicians who need them on a daily basis. The resources cover the science behind the latest developments and their practical application as well as future trends in treatment and diagnostics.

Subject Areas: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Allergy & Immunology Cardiology & Cardiovascular Medicine Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Critical Care & Emergency Medicine Dentistry Dermatology & Cosmetic Science Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolic Disorders Gastroenterology & Hepatology Urology Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology General/Family Practice Hematology Medical Education, Revision Guides & History Medical Genetics Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Neurology Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Nephrology Oncology & Radiation Therapy Occupational & Environmental Medicine Orthopedics & Trauma Obstetrics & Gynecology Pain Management Pathology Pediatrics Psychiatry, Psychotherapy & Mental Health Public Health & General Preventive Medicine Pulmonary Medicine Radiology & Nuclear Medicine Reproductive Medicine Rheumatology Sleep Disorders Sports Medicine Surgery

For more information and complete contents, visit


Career Royal Society of Medicine Career Handbook

A Career in Medicine Do You Have What it Takes, Second Edition

FY1 - ST2 Muhunthan Thillai and Kaji Sritharan

Rameen Shakur “ … an excellent resource. I would even go so far as to say, an essential read for those thinking of applying for medicine, medical students and junior doctors.” —Cambridge Medicine Journal

A Career in Medicine: Do You Have What it Takes? Second Edition is an invaluable compendium for current students as well as those anyone considering a career in medicine. An essential resource providing students with cutting-edge, comprehensive and useful advice necessary for pursing a medical career, it is authored by medical professionals with a vast amount of experience and depth of expertise in a variety of fields. The honest and matter-of-fact approach has made the book a favorite among medical students and those in the application process. Topics range from entry requirements, information about different medical schools, postgraduate medicine and career paths available, recent changes to the medical education system and much more.

Contents: Foreword; Mr. Harvey White Medicine: Past, Present & Future; Dr. Rameen Shakur Entry Requirements to Medical School; Professor John Stein Your School's Perspective; Dr. Simon Thorn The Interview; Professor John Stein How to Choose a Medical School; Emily Stobbs Post Graduate Entry; Dilshad Marikar Career Pathways in Medicine; Mr. Handa & Dr. Yasir Al;Wakeel Ethical Issues in Modern Medical Practice; Professor Raanan Gillon The Medical Student Years; Faheem Shakur & Stuart Laverack The Foundation Years; Dr. Rameen Shakur Choosing General Practice (Primary Care); Dr. Edward Shaoul Choosing Hospital Medicine; Dr. Paul Ayuk Other Career Options; Kamran Abbasi Academic Medicine; Professor Robin Williamson December 2006, 128 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-633-5, £12.99


Designed for all newly qualified doctors, this book systematically and logically examines the entire hospital doctor and GP career process from start to finish. Dispelling common myths, the book advises new doctors on how to break down their career into sections and tackle them one at a time. Each chapter is devoted to one aspect of the career pathway, including what interview panels are looking for, how to achieve interview success, and how to choose the right job. The book also covers application forms, exams, audit, and publications. April 2011, 196 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-927-5, £23.99 Also available as an eBook

Secrets of Success Getting into Academic Medicine Philip Smith, Jasdeep K Gill, Sukhjinder S Nijjer, and Jeremy Levy This comprehensive yet accessible guide is ideal for all doctors who are training to gain postgraduate qualifications and further their academic career. It explains the process from diploma and masters courses through to completing a Ph.D. and holding professional positions. Inspirational and encouraging, the text presents an essential survival guide, preparing the candidate with background knowledge and critical advice on the dos and don'ts of obtaining an academic post. The book includes contributions from key leaders and is compiled by those close enough to the process to give helpful and constructive advice. May 2011, 288 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-957-2, £21.99 Also available as an eBook

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Making Sense of the ECG

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A Hands-On Guide, Fourth Edition Andrew Houghton and David Gray

A Hands-on Guide to Success Samy A. Azer

This volume will help students and healthcare practitioners identify and answer crucial questions when reviewing an ECG, such as whether abnormalities are significant, necessitating a referral to a cardiologist.

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Making Sense of the ECG Cases for Self Assessment, Second Edition Andrew Houghton and David Gray This volume helps readers assess their ability to interpret ECGs, perform differential diagnosis, and decide on clinical management. The patients' history, examination, and initial investigations are presented along with questions on the ECG interpretation. December 2013, 176 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-8184-5, £19.99

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Making Sense of the Chest X-ray

Making Sense of Critical Appraisal

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