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NURSING Textbooks


Contents Key Textbooks ......................................................3 Career ..................................................................5 Children’s Nursing ................................................5 Community Nursing ............................................7 Psychotherapy ......................................................9 Prescribing ..........................................................10 Mental Health Nursing ......................................11 Midwifery............................................................14 Nursing Research and Practice ..........................17 Nutrition and Food Science................................19 Overcoming Series..............................................20 Radiography ......................................................21 Anatomy ............................................................22

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Key Textbooks Caring for the Seriously Ill Patient Second Edition Edited by

Michael Macintosh and Tracey Moore More and more critically ill patients are being cared for on acute general wards rather than in ICUs— necessitating that nurses become knowledgeable about the special needs of the seriously ill. This book considers the key issues surrounding the critical patient's care in the acute general hospital. The book explores the anatomy and physiology of each body system, looks at the major associated conditions and illnesses, and discusses how patients are assessed and monitored. The book is enhanced with diagrams, tables, and line drawings and includes up-to-date research on which to base practice. May 2011, 272 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-96757-7, £24.99 Also available as an eBook


Developing Practical Adult Nursing Skills Third Edition Edited by

Lesley Baillie Offering a comprehensive guide that will last throughout initial training and beyond, the third edition of this highly successful text is designed for nursing and health care students working with adult patients. Each chapter includes scenarios from adult physical health, mental health, and learning disability care settings, which are followed by reflective activities and learning outcomes to help readers relate theory to practice. This new edition has been fully updated with new research and health policies, including the Nursing and Midwifery Council Essential Skills Clusters. An accompanying website supplements the text with complementary information, images, activities, and self-assessment questions. April 2009, 592 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-97420-9, £27.99 Also available as an eBook

Adult Nursing Preparing for Practice Dave Barton and Andreé le May Taking a holistic and practical approach to guiding students through the realities of becoming a qualified practitioner, this text is based on the applied principles, policies, and structures of contemporary nursing practice. With the focus always on providing the best possible care, it explores the key aspects of the journey from commencing adult nursing studies to becoming a consultant practitioner, researcher, manager, or teacher. The book includes case studies, patient perspectives, key points and activities to aid learning. It also highlights career pathways and key areas for continuing professional development. December 2011, 346 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-1214-6, £24.99

Cultural Awareness in Nursing and Health Care An Introductory Text, Second Edition Karen Holland and Christine Hogg Fully updated with references to The NMC Code (2008) and Standards for pre-registration nurses, the second edition of this introductory text explores the many sensitive issues of culture, race, and ethnicity as they affect patient care. Topics include health and illness and their relationship to religious beliefs, mental health and culture, women's health in a multicultural society, caring for older people, and death and bereavement. New chapters discuss men's health and cultural care and updated case studies and reflective exercises help readers link theory to practice. April 2010, 264 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-97290-8, £22.99 Also available as an eBook

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Key Textbooks Bestseller!


Physiology and Anatomy for Nurses and Healthcare Practitioners

Illustrated Pharmacology for Nurses

A Homeostatic Approach, Third Edition John Clancy and Andrew McVicar An essential physiology and anatomy text, this book guides readers through the basic structure and functions of the body systems to more complex issues of clinical disorders and healthcare practice. Fully updated and revised to incorporate advances in understanding, the book examines the cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, and respiratory systems. It discusses the kidneys and urinary tract as well as skeletal muscle, embryo development, and circadian rhythms. The last section of the book presents case studies demonstrating the material in the text. Additional resources are available on an accompanying website.

Terje Simonsen, Jarle Aarbakke, and Ian Kay A comprehensive textbook of basic and clinical pharmacology for nurses and other allied health professionals, this book is superbly illustrated throughout so that complex mechanisms can be easily understood. Integrating basic and clinical pharmacology, it focuses on the distinct areas of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. It examines drugs used in neurological and psychiatric disorders, those with central and peripheral analgesic effect, and those used in disorders of the pulmonary, gastrointestinal, urinary, and endocrinological systems. The book also discusses drugs in pregnancy and in children and the elderly. January 2006, 480 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-80972-3, £27.99

March 2009, 768 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-96759-1, £32.99 Also available as an eBook


Nursing Practice and Health Care


Edited by

Psychology for Nurses and Health Professionals

Susan Hinchliff, Sue Norman, and Jane Schober

Second Edition Richard Gross and Nancy Kinnison

This volume tackles key issues for today's student nurse, including health promotion, quality and the patient experience, informatics, diversity of care settings, accountable practice, and ethics and the law. Relevant to current nursing practice, with reference to the 2008 NMC Code, it is designed to be both student- and patient-centred and to inspire readers with a sense of the essence of nursing. Written in plain English with a minimum of jargon, it incorporates a wide range of helpful text features including learning objectives, section and chapter summaries, patient scenarios, and reflective points.

Taking a practical approach, this essential textbook provides comprehensive coverage of psychology for nurses and health care professionals in training and practice. It explores the range of essential topics that the nurse and allied health professional will encounter. The book begins by discussing the definition of psychology. It examines theoretical approaches and discusses the psychological aspects of illness. Additional topics include prejudice and discrimination, social cognition, neuropsychological and genetic aspects of illness, and substance use and abuse. The book also presents important psychological facets of adolescence, adulthood, and late adulthood.

A Foundation Text, Fifth Edition

October 2008, 576 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-92888-2, £29.99

September 2013, 480 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7992-7, £24.99 Also available as an eBook


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Children’s Nursing

Choosing Nursing

Children and Young People's Nursing

From Application to Offer and Beyond

Principles for Practice

Cathy Poole

Edited by

Becoming a nurse is a lifechanging process and making the decision to study nursing at university is the first step. This guide helps prospective nursing students determine whether it is the right move, gives them an idea of which area of the field might best suit them, and provides useful tips for applying to programs. The book outlines the qualities needed for a successful nursing career and includes narratives from students and practising nurses about their roles, experiences, and routes into nursing. It also looks at the range of different settings that nurses work in and discusses nursing abroad.

Ruth Davies and Alyson Davies


January 2014, 208 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-53378-2, £19.99 Available at


Leading, Managing, Caring: Understanding Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care Edited by

Sara MacKian and Joan Simons This book illustrates how leadership and management work in everyday healthcare settings. It introduces four core building blocks of the caring manager or leader: personal awareness, team awareness, goal awareness, and contextual awareness. Together these form a firm foundation to understanding and practising leadership and management in health and social care. Topics include team management, managing partnerships and professional development, managing safe practices, and ensuring quality outcomes. Each chapter includes up-to-date case studies, questions, and points of reflection and ends with a list of key points.

Written by a team of experts from across the UK, this book covers the wide range of general and specialist care settings in which children and young people's nurses work, including schools, the community, and mental health. Throughout, it emphasizes the fundamental principles of contemporary children's nursing, such as family-centred care, safeguarding, and the need for a culturally sensitive and rightsbased approach to care. This is an essential text for all children's nursing students, as well as a useful reference for qualified nurses looking to update their practice.

Contents: Children and Young People’s Nursing in Context The Development of Children’s Nursing Family-Centred Care and the Evolving Role of Fathers The Need for a Culturally Sensitive Approach to Care A Rights-Based Approach To Care The Right for Children and Young People to Participate in their Own Health Care Safeguarding Children and Young People The Use of Restraint Principles of Pain Management and Entitlement to Pain Relief Care Settings School Nursing Community Children’s Nursing Child And Adolescent Mental Health Caring for Children and Young People with Complex Mental Health Problems Transitional Care for Children and Young People with Life-Threatening or Life-Limiting Conditions Advancing Practice and Developing a Career in Children and Young People’s Nursing Developing a Professional Portfolio Advanced Practice in Children and Young People’s Nursing April 2011, 432 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-0784-5, £24.99 Also available as an eBook

August 2013, 560 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-65851-5, £32.99 Available at

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Children’s Nursing From Birth to Sixteen Children's Health, Social, Emotional and Linguistic Development Helen Cowie This volume outlines children’s physical, social, emotional, and language development from infancy through to adolescence. In both its practical application of research and its contribution to the assessment of child development, this text provides essential reading for those studying, or indeed practising, child development in the context of nursing, play therapy, early years education, teaching, social work, and occupational therapy. February 2012, 224 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-60266-2, £16.99 Available at


Bereavement Care for Childbearing Women and their Families An Interactive Workbook

Caroline Hollins Martin and Eleanor Forrest Designed for practical application, this interactive workbook helps practitioners deliver effective bereavement care to women, their partners, and families. It includes numerous activities, reflective exercises, case studies, and recommendations to help engage readers and get them thinking. On completing the book, readers will be equipped with the fundamental skills to support childbearing women, partners, and families who have experienced childbirth-related bereavement. July 2013, 112 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-82724-9, £14.99 Available at


People under Three Young Children in Childcare Centres, Third Edition

Developing Practical Skills for Nursing Children and Young People Edited by

Alan Glasper, Marion Aylott, and Cath Battrick Clinical skills are essential to the practice of nursing. Learning these skills requires a wealth of both factual knowledge and technical expertise. This comprehensive skills text supplements practical teaching by describing clinical skills in the style of a tutor teaching at the bedside. Each chapter presents the essential skills for practice in a step-by-step format alongside an evidence-based rationale, anticipating common problems and suggesting practical solutions. The book and its companion website enable readers to make the transition from learner to hands-on-nurse as smoothly as possible.

Selected Contents: Key Concepts in Undertaking Clinical Procedures with Children and Young People Clinical Holding of Children and Young People Safeguarding Children and Young People across the Age Continuum Communicating with Children and Young People in a Multicultural Healthcare Environment Promoting Family Health in Contemporary Healthcare Planning And Assessing the Care of Children and Young People Using Play in Healthcare Environments Fundamentals of Moving and Handling Children and Young People in Healthcare Settings Assessment and Vital Signs: A Comprehensive Review Medicines Administration Undertaking Emergency Life Support Personal Hygiene Providing Optimum Nutrition and Hydration Promoting Children's Continence Delivering Pre- and Post-Operative Care Elimination: Non-Invasive Renal Care Pain Assessment and Management Administration of Blood and Blood Products Skin Health Care The Management of the Child with an Allergy Non Invasive Respiratory Therapy Tracheostomy Care Caring for the Child Requiring Long-Term Ventilation Invasive Monitoring Invasive Respiratory Therapy Invasive Cardiovascular Support Caring for Children with Renal Disease Caring for Children Suffering from Burn Injuries ...

Sonia Jackson, Ruth Forbes, and Elinor Goldschmied Focusing on the childcare of very young children, this book translates child development theory and research into everyday practice. Designed specifically for those who look after children day to day, it is also a useful resource for social workers and policy makers. Topics include organizing space for living, learning, and playing; managing and working in a childcare centre; mealtimes; heuristic play with objects; and safeguarding children. This third edition is enhanced with more text boxes and case studies along with suggested readings at the end of each chapter. November 2013, 304 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-66521-6, £22.99

November 2009, 704 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-97419-3, £29.99

Available at

Also available as an eBook


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Community Nursing A Textbook of Community Nursing Edited by

Sue Chilton, Heather Bain, Ann Clarridge, and Karen Melling "Any nurse in the community, or contemplating a move into community-based nursing, would be well advised to study this book. It maps the territory, explores the professional requirements, and shares the wisdom and learning of expert practitioners ... It will help the community novice to chart a safe course across some of the most exciting, challenging, and rewarding waters in a nursing career." —Rosemary Cook CBE, Director, Queens Nursing Institute

Comprehensive and evidence-based, this introductory textbook to community nursing covers a full range of professional issues, including personal safety, public health, and health promotion. The book reflects recent changes in nursing practice and education and includes learning objectives, exercises, and activities to test understanding, promote reflective practice, and encourage further reading. Case studies and examples drawn from all fields of community practice illustrate practical application of theory. This is an essential text for all pre-registration nursing students, students on specialist community nursing courses, and qualified nurses entering community practice for the first time.

Selected Contents: Nursing in a Community Environment Public Health and The Promotion of Well Being Professional Approaches to Care Managing Risk Therapeutic Relationships Care across the Lifespan Community Nursing Assessment Careers—The Keystone of Communities and Families Spirituality—A Neglected Aspect of Care Collaborative Working: Benefits and Barriers Approaches to Acute Care in the Community Emerging Issues in Long Term Conditions Providing Quality in End of Life Care Organization and Management of Care Clinical Leadership And Quality Care Learning and Teaching in the Community Ehealth Development of Community Nursing in the Context of Changing Times April 2012, 304 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2150-6, £24.99

Public Health Practice and the School-Age Population Diane DeBell This comprehensive text provides health students and professionals with theoretical and practical information on the planning and implementation of a public health framework for children and young people. Demystifying the planning and delivery of public health services, it provides a comprehensive analysis of current childhood health and service delivery in the UK. Contributions are drawn from experts in each specific field and include topics such as approaches to parenting, school, legal issues, child and adolescent mental health issues, and the child’s perspective on service delivery. June 2007, 304 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-90720-7, £24.99 Also available as an eBook

The Biological Basis of Clinical Observations William T. Blows This unique text integrates clear explanations of essential nursing procedures with the biological knowledge that underpins practice. For each topic, the author explains the pathological basis for variations in observed results, focusing on relevant anatomy and physiology, genetics, pharmacology, and the basic principles of nursing care. The book covers temperature, cardiovascular, respiratory, eliminatory, and neurological observations and includes chapters focusing on nutrition, fluid balance and hydration, drug overdose, side effects and interactions, and skin. The spacious layout features illustrations and key points in every chapter. June 2012, 306 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-67462-1, £25.99 Available at

Also available as an eBook

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Community Nursing New!

An Introduction to Global Health Ethics


Culture, Health and Illness

Edited by

Fifth Edition

Andrew D. Pinto and Ross E. G. Upshur

Cecil Helman

Praise for previous editions: “When with humility we are ready to use this excellent book, we will better apply our science toward improving the quality of life throughout the globe.” —Journal of the American Medical Association

“This book can be thoroughly recommended for its fresh perspective on medical transactions.” —The Lancet

“It is clearly written and structured, a valuable source for current references, and easily accessible to the interested general reader or student of the field.” —Social Sciences in Health

Culture, Health and Illness is the leading international textbook on the role of cultural and social factors in health, illness, and medical care. First published in 1984, it has been used in over 40 countries within universities, medical schools, and nursing colleges. The book addresses the complex interactions between health, illness, and culture by setting out anthropological theory in a highly readable, jargon-free style and integrating this with the practice of health care using real-life examples and case histories. January 2007, 512 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-91450-2, £32.99

December 2012, 176 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-68183-4 £23.99 Available at

Global Health An Introduction to Current and Future Trends Kevin McCracken and David R. Phillips June 2012, 352 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-55757-3 £26.99 Available at


Structural Approaches in Public Health Edited by

Marni Sommer and Richard Parker March 2013, 288 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-50086-9 £27.99 Available at


Short Textbook of Public Health Medicine for the Tropics


Fourth Edition

October 2013, 240 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-67382-2 £23.99

Adetokunbo Lucas and Herbert Gilles October 2002, 320 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-75988-2, £25.99


Key Themes in Public Health Miranda Thurston

Available at

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Psychotherapy Interpersonal Psychotherapy A Clinician's Guide, Second Edition Scott Stuart and Michael Robertson Providing comprehensive coverage of key theoretical issues, this volume is the international standard for the clinical trainee seeking an introduction to interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) as well as psychiatry residents, psychology interns and graduate students, and social work students. It is also an accessible reference for mental health providers and primary care practitioners. Updated with a wealth of new evidence, this highly acclaimed guide features clinically based descriptions and vignettes, numerous case studies highlighting key issues in IPT, and reproducible diagrams and flow charts for use by therapists and patients alike.

Contents: Introduction IPT Theory and Clinical Applications Initial Sessions The Structure of IPT Assessment and Patient Selection The Interpersonal Inventory The Interpersonal Formulation The Treatment Contract IPT Techniques Clarification Communication Analysis Interpersonal Incidents Use of Affect Role Playing Homework Problem Areas Interpersonal Disputes Role Transitions Grief and Loss Concluding IPT Concluding Acute Treatment and Maintenance Additional Aspects of IPT Psychodynamic Processes Applications of IPT Research in IPT IPT: An Integrated Case Example Appendices: IPT Institute and Certified Training in Interpersonal Psychotherapy Interpersonal Inventory Form Interpersonal Formulation Form International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy August 2012, 320 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-3754-5, £36.99

Storr's The Art of Psychotherapy Third Edition Jeremy Holmes Retaining Anthony Storr's wisdom, vision, and classic approach, while bringing the text totally up to date, this is a cornerstone volume for beginner and experienced psychotherapists alike. An accessible and humane account of the practice of psychotherapy, the book describes in a practical way how to set about offering therapy to psychologically troubled people. It includes integrative psychotherapeutic approaches, revised classification of personality types, new sections on selection and assessment, consideration of evidence-based psychodynamic practice, and broadened appeal to the full range of mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, nurses, social workers, and counselors. August 2012, 256 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4410-9, £24.99


The Internet and CBT A Clinical Guide Gerhard Andersson Comprehensive and practical, this book describes how cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can be delivered via the Internet, email, open access programmes, online communities, and via smart phone. Detailing how these alternative methods of CBT support can be integrated within a busy practice, it helps clinicians and students learn to access and support people in innovative ways. The book covers the dos and don’ts as well as special issues such as patient confidentiality and data protection. The convenient format features bullet points, boxes, and diagrams to display the information for quick access. January 2014, 256 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7021-4, £24.99

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Prescribing Bestseller!


Drug Calculations for Nurses

Pocket Prescriber 2013

A Step-by-Step Approach, Third Edition Robert Lapham and Heather Agar This handy pocket-size guide helps nurses perform drug calculations with confidence and competence. Using examples based on actual prescriptions, it includes real-life case studies to reinforce the important aspects of the administration of medicine. The book is filled with pedagogical tools, including learning objectives, tips, key points, and worked examples. It also includes a pre-test at the beginning to identify any problem areas, and a revision test at the end to assess improvement and competency. The third edition features chapters on community practice and primary care settings and a section on pharmacology and medicines to put drug calculations into context. The book also covers how drugs work in specific groups such as children and the elderly.

Timothy Nicholson and Donald RJ Singer This concise, up-to-date prescribing guide contains all the "must-have" information that junior doctors, nurse prescribers, and medical students need at their fingertips. The book provides an A-Z list of the 500 most commonly prescribed drugs. Each entry contains the key prescribing information, including dosage, warnings, and adverse effects. It presents practical guidance on drug selection and concise summaries of the management of medical emergencies. It also provides critical reference information on more complex prescriptions such as insulin, anticoagulants, and diamorphine pumps. July 2013, 312 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-8064-0, £15.99 Also available as an eBook

Contents: Pre-Test


First Principles

Adverse Drug Interactions

Mathematics Basics Percent and Percentages Units and Equivalences Drug Strengths or Concentrations Performing Calculations Dosage Calculations Moles and Millimoles Infusion Rate Calculations Administering Medicines Action And Administration of Medicines Infusion Devices Children and Medicines The Elderly and Medicines Sources And Interpretation of Drug Information Revision Test July 2009, 256 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-98733-9, £11.99 Also available as an eBook


A Handbook for Prescribers Lakshman Karalliedde, Simon Clarke, Ursula Collignon, and Janaka Karalliedde This handy, portable book is an essential guide for those prescribing two or more drugs for simultaneous use. Providing critical information on potential adverse effects, the book is organized by drug class in a convenient, user-friendly format. Interactions that are likely to give rise to life-threatening conditions and which must therefore be completely avoided are clearly highlighted. The book also details less threatening, but nonetheless important interactions necessitating practical measures such as frequent monitoring and advice to patients. The range of coverage includes not only prescription drugs but also over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies, and dietary supplements. January 2010, 849 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-92769-4, £25.99

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Mental Health Nursing Bestseller!

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing The Craft of Caring, Second Edition Phil Barker Supported by relevant theory, research, policy, and philosophy, this second edition of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The Craft of Caring provides a comprehensive overview of the practice of psychiatric and mental health nursing, The book is underpinned by the concept of "the craft of caring,” where the basis of good nursing practice is considered to be a combination of both art and science, and which encourages nurses to take a holistic approach to the practice of psychiatric and mental health nursing. Reflecting current developments in nursing practice and the understanding of mental health disorders, this edition includes 12 additional chapters, giving more emphasis to specific groups such as children and young people, women, older people, asylum seekers, and refugees. The book also examines specialist services, such as psychiatric liaison and spiritual care, and further emphasis is given to psychiatric diagnosis and mental health legislation in relation to human rights. This is an essential text for all psychiatric and mental health nurses at the diploma and degree level, as well as qualified mental health nurses seeking to update their knowledge. It will also be a useful reference for professionals in other disciplines such as social work, medicine, and psychology.

Handbook of Mental Health Nursing Stephen Tee, Joanne Brown, and Diane Carpenter A concise and user-friendly guide, Handbook of Mental Health Nursing helps nursing professionals learn the essential skills required for practice. This practical handbook is informed by an interdisciplinary understanding of mental health problems and the recovery from mental health difficulties.

Features: • Highlights case studies and draws on narratives of patient experience to help caregivers make informed, value-based decisions in partnership with service users • Focuses on assessment, classification, models of therapeutic practice, specific mental health problems and needs, and the organization of care • Use a values-based approach integrating evidence-based data with service users’ perceptions • Presents case studies and service-user narratives throughout • Includes practical exercises designed to develop skills and understanding in person-centred care The book is an essential purchase for all students and educators in mental health nursing and related health and social care fields.



The Need For Nursing


Assessment in Practice

The Therapeutic Use of Self

The Structure for Care

Values Based Practice

Specific Needs for Nursing

Working In Groups

Some Models of Therapeutic Practice

Recovery: a Journey of Discovery

The Organization of Care

Using and Appraising Evidence in Practice

Some Standardized Processes of Nursing Practice

Developing Nursing Decision Making Skills

Legal, Ethical and Moral Issues

Promoting Health and Social Inclusion

The Development of Mental Health Nursing

Leading and Managing Healthcare

The Future of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing in Context

The What Then, What Now, and What Next of Mental Health Nursing

December 2008, 760 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-94763-0, £31.99

April 2012, 288 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2129-2, £19.99

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Mental Health Nursing Mental Health Law


Prescribing Mental Health Medication

A Practical Guide, Second Edition Basant Puri, Robert Brown, Heather McKee, and Ian Treasaden

The Practitioner's Guide, Second Edition Christopher M. Doran

Praise for the First Edition: “At last, a straightforward, easy-to-read, concise practical guide to mental health law is available. This book will be welcomed by many clinicians as it clearly sets out most of the nuances of the Mental Health Act that during a busy day we can all struggle with.” —Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

Completely updated to reflect current changes in the law and in practice, Mental Health Law: A Practical Guide is a concise and approachable handbook to mental health law for students and professionals working in psychiatric settings. This authoritative guide will serve as a comprehensive introduction and long-term resource manual for trainee and qualified psychiatrists as well as nurses, social workers, psychologists, and occupational therapists working in mental health.

Features: • Uses an easy-to-read, illustrated format • Includes case examples and a wealth of practical advice to guide readers through many complex legal issues • Takes a multidisciplinary approach written by specialist authors and key opinion leaders • Includes new material encompassing the Mental Health Act 2007 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005

Contents: History of Mental Health Legislation. Definitions Used in Mental Health Legislation. Professional Roles. Safeguards for Patients. Compulsory Admission to Hospital. Consent to Treatment Provisions under the Mental Health Act. Community Treatment Orders, Leave of Absence and After-Care. Guardianship. Patients Concerned in Criminal Proceedings or under Sentence. Mental Health Review Tribunals (First Tier Tribunals). Roles, Responsibilities and Powers Of Hospital Managers. Cross-Border Arrangements. The Code of Practice: Mental Health Act 1983 as Revised in 2008. Care Quality Commission. Principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Consent and Capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The Mental Capacity Act 2005: Provisions. The Mental Capacity Act 2005: Safeguards to Protect Vulnerable People. ...

Prescribing Mental Health Medication is a text for practitioners who treat mental disorders with medication. It explains the entire process of medication assessment, management, and follow up for general medical practitioners, mental health practitioners, students, residents, prescribing nurses, and others perfecting this skill. Already used by providers and training institutions throughout the world, the newly revised second edition is completely updated and focuses on the following key issues: • How to determine if medication is needed • Proper dosing and how to start and stop medication • When to change medication • Dealing with difficult patients • Specific mental health symptoms and appropriate medication • Special populations including pregnant women, substance abusers, children and adolescents, and the elderly • Monitoring medication with blood levels • Management of medication side effects and avoidance of medication risk • The misuse of medication • Prescription of generic preparations • Prescriptions via the Internet, telemedicine, and electronic medical records • Organizing a prescriptive office and record-keeping Completely updated, this text includes information on all psychotropic medications in use in the United States and the United Kingdom. It incorporates clinical tips, sample dialogues for talking about medications to patients, and information specifically relevant in primary care settings. March 2013, 584 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-53609-7, £36.99 Available at

April 2012, 304 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-1714-1, £29.99


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Mental Health Nursing Families and Family Therapy Special Edition Salvador Minuchin “Minuchin was the first family psychiatrist to present a way forward for family relationships to work effectively and proactively as distinct from diagnosing what does not work. Families and Family Therapy used with appropriate cultural sensitivity, is essential reading for clinicians and educators.” —Banu Moloney, The Bouverie Family Centre, La Trobe University, Australia

One of family therapy’s foundational texts, Families and Family Therapy is as relevant today as it has ever been. Examining the therapist’s role, Dr. Minuchin presents the views and strategies of a master clinician in a clear and practical form. Transcripts of actual family sessions—both with families meeting their problems fairly successfully and those seeking help—are accompanied by a running interpretation of what is taking place. The book constructs a model of an effectively functioning family and defines the boundaries around its different subsystems, whether parental, spouse, or sibling. It then explores the ways in which families adapt to stress from within and without, as they seek to survive and grow. This special edition of the classic text includes a new introduction from Professor Arlene Vetere exploring its continuing influence on contemporary practice. Combining vivid clinical examples, specific details of technique, and mature perspectives on both effectively functioning families and those seeking therapy, this is an important text for all those interested in the theory and practice of family therapy.

Contents: Foreword, Arlene Vetere. Structural Family Therapy. A Family in Formation. A Family Model. A Kibbutz Family. Therapeutic Implications of a Structural Approach. The Family in Therapy. Forming the Therapeutic System. Restructuring the Family. A "Yes, But" Technique. A "Yes, And" Technique. The Initial Interview. A Longitudinal View. Epilog. May 2012, 240 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-66541-4, £24.99 Available at Not available for sale in Canada

Working in Mental Health

Practice and Policy in a Changing Environment Edited by

Peter Phillips, Tom Sandford, and Claire Johnston “Public health professionals will find this book a valuable guide for working with clinical commissioning groups and local authorities on improving the quality and outcomes of mental health services.” —Amanda Killoran, Public Health Today

A paradigm shift in the ways in which mental health services are delivered is happening—both for service users and for professional mental healthcare workers. The landscape is being changed by a more influential service user movement, a range of new communitybased mental healthcare programmes delivered by an increasing plurality of providers, and new mental health policy and legislation. Written by a team of experienced authors and drawing on their expertise in policy and clinical leadership, Working in Mental Health: Practice and Policy in a Changing Environment explains how mental health services staff can operate and contribute in this new environment. Divided into three parts, the first focuses on the socio-political environment, incorporating service user perspectives. The second section looks at current themes and ways of working in mental health. It includes chapters on recovery, the IAPT programme, and mental healthcare for specific vulnerable populations. The final part explores new and future challenges, such as changing professional roles and commissioning services. The book focuses throughout on the importance of public health approaches to mental healthcare. This important text will be of interest to all those studying and working in mental healthcare, whether from a nursing, medical, social work or allied health background.

Selected Contents: Mental Healthcare and the Socio-political Environment. UK Mental Health Policy Development: A Framework for Meaningful Change. UK Mental Health Policy Development: A Counter Argument Deriving From Users' Experiences. ... Characteristics of New Mental Health Services. Home Treatment for Mental Health Crises: Presenting the Evidence and Potential for Improvement. ...The New Territory. Delivering New Services: Changes in Professional Roles. ... March 2012, 216 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-69110-9, £25.99 Available at

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Midwifery Care of the Newborn by Ten Teachers


Edited by

Nineteenth Edition

Hilary Lumsden and Debbie Holmes Caring for the well newborn is an essential element of everyday midwifery practice. Part of the popular Ten Teachers series, this book provides a detailed account of care of the normal neonate, including the minor health problems that midwives might confront on a daily basis. A comprehensive guide to the problems associated with newborn babies, Care of the Newborn by Ten Teachers is written by lecturers and practitioners who are experts in midwifery and neonatal care, making it a key textbook for trainee midwives. Underpinned by professional guidelines and the NMC code of practice, it includes reflective exercises and case histories help readers apply theory to practice.


Obstetrics by Ten Teachers Edited by

Philip Baker and Louise Kenny With an additional editor and new contributing authors, the 19th edition of this venerable reference retains the favored textual features of preceding editions. Each chapter in Obstetrics by Ten Teachers, Nineteenth Edition is highly structured, with overviews, definitions, etiology, clinical features, key points, and references to additional reading where appropriate. Topics include obstetric history taking and examination, modern maternity care, physiological changes in pregnancy, normal and abnormal fetal development and growth, and antenatal obstetric complications. The book also discusses multiple births, late miscarriages, operative intervention, perinatal infections, and ethical and medicolegal issues in obstetric practice.

Parenting: Attachment, Separation and Loss


Transition to Extrauterine Life

Obstetric History Taking and Examination Modern Maternity Care Physiological Changes in Pregnancy Normal Fetal Development and Growth Antenatal Care Antenatal Imaging and Assessment of Fetal Well-Being Prenatal Diagnosis Antenatal Obstetric Complications Twins and Higher Multiple Gestations Pre-Eclampsia and Other Disorders of Placentation Late Miscarriage and Early Birth Medical Diseases Complicating Pregnancy Perinatal Infections Labour Operative Intervention in Obstetrics Obstetric Emergencies The Puerperium Psychiatric Disorders and the Puerperium Neonatology Ethical and Medicolegal Issues in Obstetric Practice

Newborn Screening and Immunization Examination of the Newborn Hereditary Problems and Genetics Infant Feeding Neonatal Skin Care Thermal Care of the Newborn Care of the Jaundiced Baby Infection in the Newborn Period Neonatal Respiratory Problems Neonatal Withdrawal Syndromes Birth Injury Cultural and Religious Aspects of Neonatal Care Teaching Resuscitation to Parents Frequently Asked Questions January 2010, 208 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-96841-3, ÂŁ23.99 Also available as an eBook

March 2011, 436 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-98353-9, ÂŁ19.99 Also available as an eBook


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Midwifery Bestseller!

Gynaecology by Ten Teachers Nineteenth Edition Ash Monga and Stephen P. Dobbs For almost a century, the Ten Teachers titles have been a favorite of students, lecturers, and practitioners alike. The 19th edition of this volume continues to provide an accessible one-stop shop in obstetrics and gynaecology for a new generation of doctors. Carefully edited to ensure consistency of structure, style, and level of detail, Gynaecology by Ten Teachers, Nineteenth Edition includes topics such as gynaecological history and examination, embryology and anatomy, normal and abnormal sexual development and puberty, fertility, contraception, problems in pregnancy, gynaecological diseases, and menopause. The book also discusses the psychosocial and ethical aspects of gynaecology.

Contents: The Gynecological History and Examination Embryology and Anatomy Normal and Abnormal Sexual Development and Puberty The Normal Menstrual Cycle

Health Promotion in Midwifery Principles and Practice, Second Edition Jan Bowden and Vicky Manning “This book provides a comprehensive review of the basic principles of general health promotion and also explores issues within the wider public health role of the midwife ... The chapters are all laid out in a similar format which leads the reader into and through each topic in a logical progression ... This text, like the previous edition, will be an invaluable resource for midwives and students alike. It is also appropriate for other health professionals, particularly those working with women, public health nurses, and sexual health workers.” —The Journal of Advanced Nursing

Health Promotion in Midwifery explores the principles of health promotion within the practical context of midwifery. It clearly outlines and discusses the midwife’s role in health promotion, making it essential reading for all student and practising midwives, as well as clinical practitioners. Throughout the book, the importance of the role of the midwife in health promotion is emphasized. This edition brings together contributions from a variety of experienced practitioners.

Benign Diseases of the Uterus and Cervix

Emphasizing the link between theory and practice, the second edition incorporates chapters on domestic violence, sexual health, breastfeeding, and mental health promotion. Text boxes make the text accessible and user-friendly and case studies and summaries put the material in practical context. Additional readings encourage readers to do further research and reflect on their own practice.

Endometriosis and Adenomyosis


Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle Genital Infections in Gynecology Fertility Control, Contraception and Abortion Subfertility Problems in Early Pregnancy

Diseases of the Ovary Malignant Disease of the Uterus Premalignant and Malignant Disease of the Cervix Conditions Affecting the Vagina and Vulva Urogynaecology Pelvic Organ Prolapse The Menopause Psychosocial and Ethical Aspects of Gynecology March 2011, 216 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-98354-6, £19.99

Public Health and the Midwife Health Promotion and the Midwife Factors Affecting Health Promotion Health Promotion Models and Approaches in Midwifery Evaluating Health Promotion Pregnant Women's Attitudes to Health Promotion Information Giving in Health Promotion Health Promotion in Midwifery Training Partnership Sexual Health Promotion Breastfeeding Smoking, Pregnancy and the Midwife Mental Health Promotion and Midwifery Domestic Violence The Role of Complementary Therapies in Health Promotion February 2006, 232 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-88880-3, £23.99

For more information and complete contents, visit


Midwifery Forthcoming!


High Risk Maternity Care

Law and Ethics for Midwifery

Tina Moore and Chris Bewley Although midwives usually work with healthy women, sadly there are still occasions where medical intervention is necessary. In order to minimise the danger to mothers, it is vital that midwives can recognise deterioration and are aware of what action to take. Taking into account recommendations made by successive CEMACE reports on maternal deaths, High Risk Maternity Care examines relevant pathophysiology and pharmacology, highlighting appropriate interventions and how to interpret indications of clinical deterioration. This practical textbook is divided into three parts covering assessment, intervention, and developing midwifery practice. Each chapter includes learning outcomes, case studies, key points, a Priorities for Midwifery Practice section and further reading. The chapters also have “time out/activity based” sessions to encourage readers to reflect on the content of the chapter and help them to relate the content to their own clinical practice. Topics include: • Respiratory assessment and pulse oximetry • Recognizing common dysrhythmias • Fluids and electrolyte disturbances • Stress and psychological disturbances • Ruptured uterus and hemorrhaging • Eclampsia • Ethical, legal, and professional implications • Practice development This text is suitable for midwifery students studying critical care in midwifery and high-risk maternity care or undertaking placements in level two or three settings. It will also be a valuable reference work for qualified midwives—especially those working in hospital settings—and critical care nurses. January 2014, 256 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-60627-1, £24.99 Available at

Elinor Clarke Legal and ethical competence is a cornerstone of professional midwifery practice and an essential part of midwifery training. Written by an experienced midwifery lecturer, Law and Ethics for Midwifery is a unique and practical resource for student midwives, focusing particularly on the core areas of accountability, autonomy, and advocacy. Opening with two chapters providing overviews of ethical theories and legislation, the book is then arranged thematically. Chapters have a common structure that includes case studies, relevant legislation, reflective activities, and a summary. Drawing on a wide variety of real-life scenarios, topics range from negligence to safeguarding to record keeping. Grounded in midwifery practice, this text enables student midwives to consider and prepare for ethical and legal dilemmas they may face as midwives in clinical practice.

Contents: Introduction to Law and Ethics Ethical Theory and Dilemmas Introduction to English Law and the English Legal System The Legislative Framework for Midwifery: Regulation, Registration, Education and Supervision Legal and Ethical Frameworks: Human, Healthcare and Maternity Rights Record Keeping Consent and Refusal Midwives, Medicines and the Law Safeguarding: Vulnerable Women and Babies Birth Environment Episiotomy Caesarean Section Surrogacy Abortion Complementary Therapies Complaints and Whistleblowing Accountability, Professional Malpractice and Negligence in Maternity Services Research Ethics Appendix February 2014, 240 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-415-67525-3, £24.99 Available at


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Nursing Research and Practice Introduction to Nursing Research Developing Research Awareness Andree le May and Susan Holmes In an engaging and accessible introduction for student nurses, Introduction to Nursing Research: Developing Research Awareness explains the hows and whys of nursing research, stressing its influence on policy and improving patient care. The book delivers a comprehensive guide to the research process and addresses questions such as what is research? What is its importance to nursing, nurses, patients, and policy makers? Why is it such an exciting discipline?

Highlights: • Emphasizes the practical use of nursing research and its role in developing clinical practice • Includes case studies drawn from the authors' extensive experience in the field that illustrate how research is executed and implemented • Features summary boxes, examples, and reader-focused activities to help develop awareness and understanding

Physical Examination Procedures for Advanced Nurses and Independent Prescribers Evidence and Rationale Zoe Rawles, Beth Griffiths, and Trudy Alexander A practical overview of the skills and rationale for physical examination, Physical Examination Procedures for Advanced Nurses and Independent Prescribers: Evidence and Rationale is a useful reference for student practitioners in nursing and other non-medical prescribers and is an essential revision aid for preparation for clinical exams. Backed up with evidence and clinical guidelines, the book is a quick reference guide to the procedures and skills needed to perform physical examination of adults—enabling readers to understand and justify the way they perform each physical examination. A step-by-step checklist for each body system is presented alongside a rationale to reinforce learning. This material is followed by case studies that put the information in context. Further discussion gives readers confidence in explaining the way they perform each physical examination.

Stimulating and enlightening, this book is relevant to all fields of nursing and all aspects of research. It is an essential resource for the nursing undergraduate and nurses who are new to research.

This book is an essential guide for students in specialist and advanced nurse practitioner courses, paramedics, and supplementary and independent prescribers, including nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, and radiographers.



Advancing Practice through Research

The Preliminary Examination

Quality of Life Research: Implications for Nursing

The Cardiovascular System

Dignity in Nursing

The Respiratory System

Pressure Ulcers: Prevention and Care

The Ear, Nose (Mouth) and Throat

Asking Worthwhile Questions for Practice

The Abdomen

Selecting the Right Research Design to Answer your Question

The Genitourinary System

Collecting and Analysing Data - Some Important Principles

The Back

Gaining Permission for Research Telling People about Your Research Using Research in Practice Evaluating Care May 2012, 168 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-1990-9, £14.99 Also available as an eBook

The Upper Limb The Lower Limb The Peripheral Nervous System The Cranial Nerves The Eye Mental Health Examination December 2009, 144 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-96758-4, £17.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


Nursing Research and Practice Competencies for Advanced Nursing Practice Edited by

Sue Hinchliff and Rosemary Rogers “I recommend this text to those aspiring to become advanced nurse or midwife practitioners. Those who have reached this level of practice, and academics delivering programmes in this area, will also find it an immensely valuable resource.” —John Albarran, Nursing Standard

Written by experienced academics and advanced nurse practitioners from a variety of clinical backgrounds, Competencies for Advanced Nursing Practice will support nurses on their journey towards professional advancement. It provides detailed information on achieving the competencies within each of the seven domains outlined in the RCN and the NMC's proposed Standards of Proficiency for Advanced Nurse Practitioners.

The seven domains: • The nurse-patient relationship • Respecting culture and diversity • Management of patient health/illness status • The education function

Patients' Rights, Law and Ethics for Nurses A Practical Guide Paul Buka “This is essential reading for all nurses and students, and offers a comprehensive guide that addresses ethical issues in an accessible way, using quotes and reflections. Highly recommended!” —RCN Newsletter

Understanding the legal and ethical rights of any patient in their care is essential to good clinical practice. Patients' Rights, Law and Ethics for Nurses: A Practical Guide is a comprehensive pocket-size book for nurses, midwives, and allied health professionals that integrates health care law and ethics in relation to patient rights and in the context of every day nursing and allied health practice. Accessible yet challenging, the book examines confidentiality, informed consent, cases of abuse, the rights of the disabled, and end-of-life decisions. Pertinent quotes enliven the text throughout, while thinking points encourage reflection. Each chapter provides easy-to-follow guidance to this complex area and a companion website provides regular updates in an areas where legislation is constantly changing.

• Managing and negotiating health care delivery systems

Focusing on principles of law and including clear outlines of the essential legal precedent, the author lays a solid foundation that will serve readers requiring an introduction to law, ethics, and the rights of the patient throughout their training and beyond.

• Monitoring and ensuring the quality of health care practice


• Professional role

The text concludes with discussions of how practice can be recorded and used in the portfolioing and accreditation process, how to collect and record evidence, and how nurses can be supported and facilitated through this process. Aimed at the professional nurse working towards an advanced level of practice, those already at this level or seeking accreditation, and the student and newly qualified nurse, this book offers clear and user-friendly guidance for anybody wishing to undertake this standard of nursing practice. August 2008, 320 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-92768-7, £22.99

Aspects of Law and Human Rights Ethics and Patients' Rights The Clinical Environment and Patients' Rights Children's Rights: The Beginning of Life to the Age of Majority Informed Consent to Treatment The Older Person and Abuse Diversity And Equality: Anti-Discriminatory Practice Theft, Fraud and Deception: Patients' Property End of Life Decisions: A Matter of Choice Human Rights and Patient Care February 2008, 200 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-93881-2, £13.99


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Nutrition and Food Science Bestseller!


Human Nutrition

Infant, Child and Adolescent Nutrition

A Health Perspective, Second Edition Mary Barasi This second edition presents a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles of nutrition, together with their application through the life cycle and in a variety of life situations. Topics include food allergy, fluid intakes, sports nutrition, functional foods, and nutrients sold as supplements. To facilitate learning, the book involves readers in thinking about their own nutrition for the protection and promotion of health. The text is interspersed with study questions and diagrams to engage and maintain readers’ attention and scientific explanations are provided in an accessible manner to help in understanding and to clarify principles.

A Practical Handbook Judy More January 2013, 264 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-1185-9, £19.99 Also available as an eBook

August 2003, 384 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-81025-5, £26.99

Nutrition Maintaining and Improving Health, Fourth Edition Geoffrey P. Webb

Essential Microbiology and Hygiene for Food Professionals

August 2012, 608 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4246-4 £39.99

Sibel Roller Accessible and practical, this introduction provides the basic science relating to microorganisms in food. Assuming no prior knowledge of microbiology, the book takes a fresh and modern approach in helping readers to appreciate the importance of microbiology and hygiene in assuring food safety and quality, demonstrating the application of key principles relating to the presence, detection, and control of microorganisms in foods. The book is highly illustrated with colour photographs, charts, diagrams, and sketches to aid learning and retention. Summary boxes, vignettes, and a glossary of technical terms further enhance the text. April 2012, 240 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2149-0, £24.99


Fox and Cameron's Food Science, Nutrition & Health 7th Edition Michael EJ Lean March 2006, 336 pp. Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-80948-8, £26.99

For more information and complete contents, visit


Overcoming Series Overcoming Functional Neurological Symptoms A Five Areas Approach Christopher Williams, Alan Carson, Sharon Smith, Michael Sharpe, Jonathan Cavanagh, and Catriona Kent August 2011, 320 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-3834-4, £24.99

Overcoming Postnatal Depression A Five Areas Approach Christopher Williams, Roch Cantwell, and Karen Robertson January 2012, 386 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-6750-4, £23.99


Overcoming Depression and Low Mood A Five Areas Approach, Third Edition Christopher Williams Developed in liaison with a wide range of experts, the Overcoming series adopts the trusted Five Areas model of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to assist readers in overcoming a variety of mental health disorders. The series uses self-help workbooks designed to empower and support readers to make changes to their lives in a constructive and achievable manner.

Key Features: • Uses the proven, trusted, and successful cognitive behavioural therapy approach • Written by accredited CBT practitioners with vast experience in the technique, as well as in their own specialist areas

January 2012, 400 pp., Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4441-6748-1, £23.99


Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Panic A Five Areas Approach, Third Edition Christopher Williams June 2012, 432 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-6314-8, £24.99

• Jargon-free and clearly laid out, adopting the established and popular workbook format • Approachable material with boxes, checklists, and bullet points, along with memorable cartoon illustrations

Overcoming Teenage Low Mood and Depression

• Access to a linked and completely free online support course at

A Five Areas Approach

• Additional resources are available at


Christopher Williams and Nicky Dummett January 2012, 362 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-6749-8, £23.99

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Radiography Clark's Essential Physics in Imaging for Radiographers


Clark's Positioning in Radiography

Ken Holmes, Phil Harris, and Marcus Elkington

Twelfth Edition

An invaluable tool for students, assistant practitioners, and radiographers, this reader-friendly book provides a comprehensive guide to the subject in an accessible style, with diagrams and photographs to support the text. The text opens with chapters providing an overview of image production, basic mathematics, and physics relevant to medical imaging. This section is followed by detailed chapters on physics relevant to producing diagnostic images using x-rays. Each chapter has clear learning objectives and a series of multiple choice questions to test reader assimilation.

A. Stewart Whitley, Charles Sloane, Graham Hoadley, and Adrian D. Moore

August 2013, 208 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4561-8, £19.99 Also available as an eBook

Edited by

First published in 1939, this is the definitive text on patient positioning for the diagnostic radiography student and practitioner. It presents the essentials of radiographic techniques in a practical way, avoiding unnecessary technical complexity and ensuring that students and practitioners can find quickly the information they require regarding particular positions. All the standard positioning is included, accompanied by supplementary positions where relevant and illustrations of pathology where appropriate. Common errors in positioning are also included. Hundreds of photographs and explanatory line diagrams, a clearly defined and easy-to-follow structure, and international applicability make this a premier text. August 2005, 532 pp., Hardback ISBN: 978-0-340-76390-2, £99.00


Clark's Pocket Handbook for Radiographers Charles Sloane, Stewart A. Whitley, Craig Anderson, and Ken Holmes This hands-on guide provides clear and practical advice to help radiographers in their day-to-day work. Designed for rapid reference, it covers how to position the patient and the central x-ray, describes the essential image characteristics, and illustrates each radiographic projection with a positioning photograph and a radiograph. Together with key points, this information helps the radiographer achieve the ideal image result. The book also includes additional information on topics such as image evaluation, medical abbreviations, relevant normal blood values, and radiation protection.

Imaging for Students Fourth Edition David A Lisle Supplying step-by-step guidance to the range of imaging techniques available, this book provides a clear explanation of how each imaging modality actually works. Focusing on the common diseases that medical students most frequently encounter, it highlights information on the associated risks and hazards and the importance of patient preparation and post-procedure observation. This edition includes thelatest information on perfusion imaging and PET and a chapter on imaging in oncology. Illustrated heavily, it also contains tables, lists, and summary boxes, all ideal for study and exam preparation. January 2012, 312 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-2182-7, £26.99

April 2010, 272 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-340-93993-2, £19.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit


Anatomy The Student's Anatomy of Exercise Manual Ken W. S. Ashwell This book is designed to improve readers’ understanding of how the body works during exercise. It features common exercises (including weight lifting, stretching, and cardiovascular) and uses detailed full-color anatomical illustrations to show exactly which muscles are used in each exercise—including identifying active and stabilizer muscles. Readers can see what happens inside the body during a workout session. Visualizing and understanding exactly which muscles are activated during various exercises will not only increase knowledge of anatomy and understanding of how the body works, but it will help improve the effectiveness of workout and rehabilitation routines. September 2012, 192 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-7237-9, £15.99 Not available for sale in Canada

The Anatomy Student's Self-test Visual Dictionary Ken W. S. Ashwell Learning and naming the many parts and systems of the human body can be a daunting task for students. This innovative book helps make learning a great deal easier. Arranged by body system, it contains over 500 full-colour anatomical illustrations to help readers memorize and better understand the relationships between the body systems. The images are accompanied by concise definitions of body regions and parts as well as physiological processes. Attractively presented, the book is spiral- bound so that pages lie flat for easy colouring. December 2011, 304 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-4577-9, £19.99 Not available for sale in Canada

Illustrated Clinical Anatomy Second Edition Peter Abrahams, John S.P. Lumley, and John Craven This book was the winner of the Richard Asher Prize for the best new medical textbook, RSM/Society of Authors Book Awards 2005 and “Highly Commended” in the 2005 BMA Medical Book Awards in the Basic and Clinical Sciences category. Structured by body region, the book uses the best modality to demonstrate anatomical relevance with clinical photographs and images supplementing anatomical diagrams. Facilitated by the experience of the distinguished author team, the book features highlighted descriptions emphasising the integrated approach that is central to current teaching practice. June 2011, 400 pp., Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-4441-0925-2, £34.99

Anatomy Flash Cards Revised Kurt Albertine This set of flashcards makes an ideal study aid for medical school and nursing students and other healthcare trainees requiring detailed anatomical knowledge. Each of the 265 cards illustrates a human body part labeled with its medical name, location in the body, and function. Convenient colour-coded tabs distinguish between body systems, with each card illustrating a specific component in the system. Body systems covered include the skeletal, muscular, nervous, lymphatic, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, digestive, reproductive, and endocrine systems. The cards come boxed with a full-colour anatomical poster that shows the human body and its major parts. June 2008, Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-85315-808-7, £14.99 Not available for sale in Canada


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New Edition of a Classic Reference!

Pocket Prescriber 2013 Timothy Nicholson and Donald RJ Singer Pocket Prescriber 2013 is a concise, up-todate prescribing guide containing all the “must have” information that junior doctors, nurse prescribers, and medical students need at their fingertips.

Reviews of the Previous Edition: "The simple precaution of checking facts in any unfamiliar prescribing situation is likely to prevent mistakes, and exemplifies current emphasis on safe practice and clinical risk management."

Key Features: • A–Z list of the 500 most commonly prescribed drugs with each entry containing the key prescribing information • Safety issues, warnings, drug errors and adverse effects • Practical guidance on drug selection, plus protocols and guidelines • Advice and reference information for complicated prescriptions • Concise management summaries for the common medical emergencies • The new European Resuscitation Council algorithms • Clinically useful reminders of basic pharmacology (e.g., receptor profiles)

—Professor C.M. Black (Past President of the Royal College of Physicians)

"Do not rely on your memory when prescribing drugs – it is fallible. This neat vade mecum puts the information you need at your fingertips." —Professor R.M. Kirk (former member of the Royal College of Surgeons’ Council)

"A pocket book that is truly pocketable, every medical student and junior doctor should carry this book…If you’re unsure about prescribing a drug, a quick glance at the relevant page in this book will tell you everything you need to know … I really cannot recommend Pocket Prescriber highly enough. —Oxford Medical School Gazette

June 2013, 312 pp., 978-1-4441-8064-0, £15.99 For more information and complete contents, visit


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