Textbooks in Physics

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Contents General and Introductory Physics ................................3 Quantum Physics ........................................................6 Astronomy and Astrophysics........................................7 Condensed Matter and Materials Science....................8 High Energy and Particle Physics ..............................11 Page 19

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Lasers, Optics and Optoelectronics............................14 Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering ....................17 Medical Physics/Biomedical Imaging ........................19 Nuclear Physics..........................................................21 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics ....................22

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General and Introductory Physics


Oscillations and Waves An Introduction Richard Fitzpatrick University of Texas, Austin, USA

“Richard Fitzpatrick’s Oscillations and Waves: An Introduction is an excellent addition to the existing literature on the subject. The book provides a clear, systematic, comprehensive and yet concise treatment of the subject. The emphasis is placed on physical interpretation rather than mathematical rigour, although the author certainly presents the material at the right mathematical level, commensurate with an advanced undergraduate course. The book will be equally useful for physics and engineering students, as well as mathematics students who want to get physical insight beyond the mathematical equations. The book benefits from very useful exercises which are accompanied by a solutions manual. As a physics educator, I would recommend this book without a reservation to both lecturers as excellent teaching material and to students as a learning resource which will guide them through the exciting world of waves, oscillations and patterns that are all around us.“ —David Tsiklauri, Queen Mary University of London

Bridging lower-division physics survey courses with upper-division physics courses, this classroom-tested text develops a unified mathematical theory of oscillations and waves in physical systems. Based on the author’s longstanding course, the book helps students acquire a sound physical understanding of wave phenomena. It eases students’ difficult transition between lower-division courses that mostly encompass algebraic equations and upper-division courses that rely on differential equations. Emphasizing physics over mathematics, the author includes many examples from discrete mechanical, optical, and quantum mechanical systems; continuous gases, fluids, and elastic solids; electronic circuits; and electromagnetic waves. He covers aspects of optics that crucially depend on the wavelike nature of light, such as wave optics. He also introduces the conventional complex representation of oscillations and waves later in the text during the discussion of quantum mechanical waves. This helps students thoroughly understand how to represent oscillations and waves in terms of regular trigonometric functions before using the more convenient, but much more abstract, complex representation.

• Guides students through the subject of oscillations and waves in physical systems using a unified approach • Provides complete coverage of advanced topics in waves, such as electromagnetic wave propagation through the ionosphere • Offers examples from mechanical systems, elastic solids, electronic circuits, optical systems, and other areas • Includes numerous end-of-chapter exercises to test understanding Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Simple Harmonic Oscillation. Damped and Driven Harmonic Oscillation. Coupled Oscillations. Transverse Standing Waves. Longitudinal Standing Waves. Traveling Waves. Multi-Dimensional Waves. Wave Pulses. Dispersive Waves. Wave Optics. Wave Mechanics. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Catalog no. K16133, January 2013, 295 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4665-6608-8 $69.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook

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General and Introductory Physics


Renewable Energy A First Course Robert Ehrlich George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA

“Professor Ehrlich has succeeded in writing a clear, relevant, and well-organized book that is very close to a perfect fit for the kind of course I want to teach. This text provides a nice balance between discussing the applied physical principles in energy production and describing state-of-the art technology in the energy field. The text is very clear and readable, and I found the problem sets to be excellent learning tools.” —John Smedley, Bates College

Renewable energy has great significance for the world’s future given the environmental issues related to energy generation and energy’s importance in our society. Making wise energy choices is not easy, however. It involves balanced consideration of economic, environmental, technical, political, and other perspectives to weigh the relative costs and benefits for a host of possible technologies. This accessible textbook presents a fresh, well-balanced approach to the fundamentals of renewable energy science, technology, economics, and policy implications. It delves into all forms of renewable energy, from biofuels and geothermal energy to wind, hydro, and solar power. The book also discusses nuclear power and fossil fuels, allowing students to compare and evaluate the advantages and shortcomings of renewable energy. Along with addressing the important issue of climate change, the text explores four overarching topics that go beyond a specific type of energy: energy conservation, energy storage, energy transmission, and energy policy. Requiring only a basic background in physics and calculus, the book avoids technical jargon and advanced mathematical approaches to focus on the basic principles of renewable energy. Throughout, a wealth of illustrations and real-world examples make the concepts more concrete. Designed for a one- or two-semester course, the book takes a broad approach that addresses the need for diversity in any nation’s energy portfolio.


• Provides a clear, well-balanced introduction to renewable energy conversion, storage technologies, and policy implications • Covers a broad range of renewable energy sources, including biofuels and geothermal, wind, wave, tidal, and solar power • Compares conventional nonrenewable energy, such as fossil fuels and nuclear power, with renewable energy • Includes boxed illustrative examples, more than 200 illustrations, and end-of-chapter summaries • Contains end-of-chapter problems and hands-on lab exercises, with solutions to selected problems at the back of the book • Offers flexible content that can be tailored to fit a one- or two-semester course Figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction Fossil Fuels Nuclear Power: Basic Science Nuclear Power: Technology Biofuels Geothermal Energy Wind Power Hydropower Solar Radiation and Earth’s Climate Solar Thermal Photovoltaic Energy Conservation and Efficiency Energy Storage and Transmission Climate and Energy: Policy, Politics, and Public Opinion Appendix: Answers to Even-Numbered Problems Index Catalog no. K12820, February 2013, c. 464 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-6115-8 $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

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General and Introductory Physics

Superstrings and Other Things A Guide to Physics, Second Edition Carlos I. Calle Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

“...vade mecum for students studying physics in their final years at school and their introductory courses to modern physics at university. … offers a comprehensive range of problems, based on the material in the main book. … more up-to-date content with significantly better presentation. … This book appears excellent for making much of physics more accessible.” —Contemporary Physics, January 2011

This fully illustrated guide explains basic concepts of motion, energy, and gravity as well as the latest theories about the structure of matter, the origin of the universe, and the beginning of time. This edition includes development in string theory, M-theory, and a number of other surprises. Catalog no. K10534, December 2009, 567 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-1073-6 $67.95 / £26.99 Also available as an eBook

From Atoms to Galaxies A Conceptual Physics Approach to Scientific Awareness Sadri Hassani Illinois State University, Normal, USA

“… present[s] some of the most striking ideas behind physics but also give[s] students and the general public the opportunity of reflecting on the implications of these ideas and provide[s] them with the tools to draw a distinction between scientific fact and nonsense. … the CD included with the book has lengthier mathematical and numerical examples that supplement the textbook. … This should provide enough material for teachers or lecturers, both in science and humanities, to narrow the gap between the two cultures.” —Contemporary Physics, 2011 Test bank and interactive lecture presentations available upon qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. K10421, May 2010, 753 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0849-8, $89.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook


Classical Mechanics, Second Edition Tai L. Chow California State University, West Monte Vista, USA

This book presents a complete account of the classical mechanics of particles and systems for physics students at the advanced undergraduate level. It evolved from a set of lecture notes for a course on the subject taught by the author at California State University, Stanislaus, for many years. It assumes the reader has been exposed to a calculus-based general physics course and a course in calculus. No prior knowledge of differential equations is required. Differential equations and new mathematical methods are developed in the text as the occasion demands. Catalog no. K16463, April 2013, c. 656 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6998-0, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

The Silicon Web Physics for the Internet Age Michael G. Raymer University of Oregon, Eugene, USA

“… the author shows how semiconductors and networks require a good understanding of physics ‘by discovery’ … . Following a story that requires only highschool mathematics, the reader is transported from mechanics to thermodynamics, wave propagation, quantum mechanics, and even to basic electronic engineering concepts … . Each chapter includes exercises and formal references as well as suggested readings and a provocative section on the social impacts of technology.” —Optics & Photonics News, January 2011

Catalog no. K10173, June 2009, 600 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0311-0, $99.95 / £64.99

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Quantum Physics

Quantum Principles & Particles Walter M. Wilcox Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA

“This text contains many innovative features, tricks, and other material not usually found in an undergraduate introduction to quantum mechanics. From beginning the text with simple two state systems to ending it with an introduction to the standard model of particle physics, clearly Wilcox has rethought considerably how an introduction to the field can best be conveyed to undergraduates, and his book is a very welcome addition.” —Donald N. Petcher, Covenant College

A clear, extensively illustrated introduction to quantum mechanics, this text presents the fundamental quantum principles in a particularly visual manner and applies them to aspects of particle interactions. Inspired by the author’s work with Nobel laureate Julian Schwinger, it introduces the primary principles of the microscopic world through an analysis of the simplest possible quantum mechanical system—spin ½. The author takes a combined approach of wave mechanics and spin analysis to explain the concepts of particle physics. His novel pedagogical approach uses process diagrams as tools for visualizing the states and operators as well as for illustrating ways to compute amplitudes for quantum mechanical processes. The first part of the book presents the essential principles in the development of quantum mechanics, starting with spin state analysis and wave mechanics. Delving into quantum particles, the second part develops a consistent picture of particle descriptions and interactions in atomic, nuclear, and particle contexts. The text emphasizes applications and makes the connection to the Standard Model of particle physics. In each chapter, carefully designed problem sets reinforce key principles and stimulate original thought.

Transformations. Three Static Approximation Methods. Generalization to Three Dimensions. QUANTUM PARTICLES: The Three-Dimensional Radial Equation. Addition of Angular Momenta. Spin and Statistics. Quantum Particle Scattering. Connecting to the Standard Model. Appendix: Notation Comments and Comparisons. Appendix: Lattice Models. Appendix: 2-D Harmonic Oscillator Wave Function Normalization. Appendix: Allowed Standard Model Interactions. Appendix: Weak Flavor Mixing. Appendix: The Ising Model and More. Index. Catalog no. K11590, April 2012, 546 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3525-8 $69.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook


Schrödinger's Killer App Race to Build the World's First Quantum Computer Jonathan P. Dowling Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

Selected Contents:

Using nontechnical language, amusing personal anecdotes, and easy-to-follow analogies, this book leads us from the beginnings of quantum information technology to the present time. Readers learn how Schrödinger’s quantum entanglement represents the power behind the quantum computer and how quantum cryptography is the remedy to threats posed by the quantum computer. The author begins by explaining why quantum technologies perform better than classical technology and then describes how they will revolutionize our future—from devices for global positioning and remote sensing to stock market predictors

QUANTUM PRINCIPLES: Perspective and Principles. Free Particles in One Dimension. Some One-Dimensional Solutions to the Schrödinger Equation. Hilbert Space and Unitary

Catalog no. K14277, May 2013, c. 480 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-9673-0 $39.95 / £25.99 Also available as an eBook

Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption


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Astronomy and Astrophysics

An Introduction to Planetary Atmospheres Agustin Sanchez-Lavega University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain

“An Introduction to Planetary Atmospheres is an excellently written introductory book that presents the state of the art of planetary atmospheric science. … a very interesting and valuable book. In my opinion, this book will be useful not only for researchers working in the field, but also for the Earth sciences community who possess a relatively high level of mathematical skills and some knowledge of physics.” —Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2012

“There are relatively few good basic textbooks on the physics of planetary atmospheres and a new volume, especially one as good as this, is a welcome addition. … it is likely to be useful to researchers well beyond the level normally taught in undergraduate courses. At the same time, the various subtopics are introduced carefully, clearly and comprehensively, so beginners are not likely to get left behind … Everything is well written … and the figures are plentiful and clear. A particularly strong feature is the problem section that appears at the end of each chapter, with a large number of well thought out questions at university degree level.” —Contemporary Physics, 2011

“This comprehensive textbook on planetary atmospheres is versatile and well organized, with an exposition that is sensitive to different audiences and equally at ease explaining the chemical, dynamical, and empirical foundations of this multidisciplinary field. It is an invaluable reference for any student of atmospheres.” —Timothy E. Dowling, University of Louisville

“For those who teach courses in planetary atmospheres, an outstanding problem has been the lack of an up-to-date, comprehensive textbook. Agustin Sanchez-Lavega has admirably filled that gap with an impressive new book that brings over two decades’ worth of experience to the subject. Finally, instructors and students have a book with in-depth coverage of a wide range of topics, from atmospheric radiation to clouds and dynamics on all the relevant planets of the solar system. The book’s wide scope expertly uses what’s currently known about different planetary atmospheres to demonstrate the underlying physical processes in a comparative way.

… At the end of each chapter, there are excellent problem sets, which are both instructive and thoughtful. Particularly impressive are dozens of detailed tables with data that encompass a multitude of dynamical, radiative, and thermodynamic properties of planetary atmospheres. Consequently, this book will serve as a valuable resource for graduate students in planetary science, astronomy, and atmospheric sciences. Upper-level undergraduates enrolled in planetary science degrees will also surely be glad of the availability of a textbook that synthesizes our knowledge of planetary atmospheres. …” —David Catling, University of Washington

• Applies and extends the theoretical foundations of an atmospheric topic to all planets and satellites with an atmosphere • Presents a unified scheme of the processes occurring in atmospheres • Offers a comparative vision of the phenomena in atmospheres that encompasses the latest planetary space mission discoveries • Reviews the observational methods and current facilities used to explore planetary atmospheres on Earth and in space • Includes end-of-chapter exercises with solutions • Provides supplementary materials on the author’s website Selected Contents: Introduction to Planets and Planetary Systems. Origin and Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres. Spectroscopy and Composition. Vertical Temperature Structure. Clouds in Planets. Upper and Tenuous Atmospheres. Global Atmospheric Motions. Atmospheric Dynamics-I: Waves. Atmospheric Dynamics-II: Instability. Appendix. Bibliography. References. Index. Catalog no. C6732, September 2010, 629 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6732-3, $99.95 / £41.99 Also available as an eBook

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Condensed Matter and Materials Science


Fundamentals of Soft Matter Science Linda S. Hirst University of California, Merced, USA

“A nicely structured book that is at the right level for undergraduates. I’ll recommend it for our soft matter course and to others.” —Helen F. Gleeson, University of Manchester

“Broader in coverage than existing texts … a very good introduction to the field of soft matter.” —Gary Bryant, RMIT University, Melbourne

Soft materials, such as liquid crystals, polymers, biomaterials, and colloidal systems, touch every aspect of our lives. Not surprisingly, the rapid growth of these fields over the past few decades has resulted in an explosion of soft matter research groups worldwide. Fundamentals of Soft Matter Science explores the scientific study of soft matter and molecular self-assembly, covering the major classifications of materials, their structure and characteristics, and everyday applications. Designed for beginners with a basic scientific background, this readable book emphasizes conceptual understanding, minimizing detailed mathematical derivations. Each chapter is dedicated to a different group of soft materials, including liquid crystals, surfactants, polymers, colloids, and soft biomaterials. Each subject is broken down into the essential concepts: material structures and physical characteristics, simple theoretical ideas, and important experimental methods. The book emphasizes commonly used experimental techniques and practical applications. Color illustrations and photographs are incorporated throughout to help describe the systems and key concepts. • Takes a highly descriptive and visual approach • Emphasizes modern imaging and other experimental techniques

Selected Contents: Introduction: What Is Soft Matter? Basic Thermal Physics. Intermolecular Forces. Diffusion and Random Walks. Self-Assembly. The Phase Diagram. Aggregation and Assembly. Mechanical Properties of Soft Matter. Liquid Crystals: Anisotropy in Liquid Crystals. The Order Parameter. Thermotropic and Lyotropic Liquid Crystals. Birefringence in Liquid Crystals. Defect Textures. Thermotropic Liquid Crystal Phases. Experimental Techniques. Applications of Liquid Crystals. Surfactants: Types of Surfactants. Surface Tension and Surfactants. Self-Assembly and Phase Behavior. Membrane Elasticity and Curvature. Applications of Surfactants. Experimental Methods. Polymers: Early Polymers. Polymer Structure. Liquid Crystal Polymers. Polymer Solutions. The Glassy and Polymer Melt Phases. The Mechanical Properties of Polymers. Experimental Techniques. Polymer Architecture. Polymers in Solution. Experimental Methods. Colloidal Materials: Characteristics of Colloidal Systems. Colloids in Suspension. Competing Forces in Colloidal Dispersions. Interparticle Interactions. Colloidal Aggregation. Colloidal Crystals. Granular Materials. Foams. Experimental Techniques. Soft Biological Materials: The Composition of the Cell. The Cell Membrane. Protein Structures and Assemblies. Experimental Techniques. Glossary

• Describes everyday materials applications


• Provides a descriptive account of materials in each chapter


• Gives balanced coverage to each major class of soft matter • Includes learning objectives, questions, further reading, and references in each chapter


Catalog no. K11369, November 2012, 246 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-2775-8 $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

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Condensed Matter and Materials Science

Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors Matthew D. McCluskey Washington State University, Pullman, USA

Eugene E. Haller University of California, Berkeley, USA

“… well written, with clear, lucid explanations …” —Chemistry World

“The scientific development towards the method of controllable doping transformed the erratic and not reproducible family of semiconductor materials into the truly wonderful basis of modern microelectronics. This book tells the remarkable success story and I recommend it!” —Hans J. Queisser, Max-Planck-Institute, Stuttgart

“McCluskey and Haller have written an outstanding modern guide to this field that will be useful to newcomers, and also to active researchers who want to broaden their horizons, as a means to learn the capabilities and limitations of the many techniques that are used in semiconductor-defect science.” —Michael J. Stavola, Lehigh University

“This clearly written text about defects in macroscopic semiconductor materials comprehensively bridges the gap between basic science courses and research-level reviews: a must for workers new to the field.” —Gordon Davies, King’s College London

• Requires no prior knowledge of semiconductor physics • Presents the essentials of semiconductors in an easy-to-understand format • Illustrates structural, electronic, and symmetry classifications with numerous examples, providing a framework for understanding defects in any crystal • Summarizes doping methods during and after semiconductor growth • Discusses the electronic, vibrational, optical, and thermal properties of dopants and defects • Explains how characterization methods are used to investigate defects in semiconductors • Includes references at the end of each chapter Selected Contents: Semiconductor Basics Defect Classifications Crystal Growth and Doping

This text covers the theory, experimentation, and identification of impurities, dopants, and intrinsic defects in semiconductors. The book fills a crucial gap between solid-state physics and more specialized course texts.

Electronic Properties

The authors first present introductory concepts, including basic semiconductor theory, defect classifications, crystal growth, and doping. They then explain electrical, vibrational, optical, and thermal properties. Moving on to characterization approaches, the text concludes with chapters on the measurement of electrical properties, optical spectroscopy, particle-beam methods, and microscopy.

Electrical Measurements

By treating dopants and defects in semiconductors as a unified subject, this book helps define the field and prepares students for work in technologically important areas. It provides students with a solid foundation in both experimental methods and the theory of defects in semiconductors.

Vibrational Properties Optical Properties Thermal Properties Optical Spectroscopy Particle-Beam Methods Microscopy and Structural Characterization Physical Constants Catalog no. K11532, February 2012, 390 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3152-6, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com


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Condensed Matter and Materials Science

Coming soon!

XAFS for Everyone Scott Calvin Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York, USA

This book offers a lively and richly illustrated practical guide to the collection, analysis, and interpretation of x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectra, including both XANES and EXAFS. The author addresses important but frequently overlooked issues faced by every XAFS user, including the limitations of the techniques and the validation of results. He highlights four major techniques: fingerprinting, linear combination analysis, principle component analysis, and modeling. The text also includes several case studies illustrating real application of various analytic techniques, from simple to more complex. • Uses cartoon characters and easy-to-follow illustrations to lead students through practical aspects of performing studies using XAFS

Physics of Continuous Matter, Second Edition Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World Benny Lautrup The Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark

This text introduces the basic ideas of continuum physics and their application to a wealth of macroscopic phenomena. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the physical principles behind equations and the conditions underlying approximations. This edition includes three new chapters on elasticity of slender rods, energy, and entropy. It also offers more illustrations, improved physics arguments and mathematical presentations, and expanded problem sets. Ancillary materials can be found on a companion website. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption. Catalog no. C7007, March 2011, 696 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7700-1, $83.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook

• Focuses on analysis as well as the practical aspects of modeling • Contains case studies spanning various disciplines, including biology, materials science, art/archaeology, and environmental science Selected Contents: The XAFS Experiment: What Can XAFS Do? Experimental Design. Sample Preparation. Data Reduction. Data Collection. XAFS Analysis: Fingerprinting. Linear Combination Analysis. Principle Component Analysis. Overview of Curve Fitting to a Theoretical Standard. Modeling: A Dictionary of Parameters and Fourier Transform). What’s a Good Fit? Putting It All Together. Multiple Absorbing Sites. Constraints. Interlude: How to Discuss XAFS in a Paper. Case Studies: Manganese Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles. Sulfur Compounds in the Wreck of the Mary Rose. An Iron-Molybdenum Cofactor and Its Precursor. Manganese Particulates in Auto Exhaust. Lead Titanate, a Ferroelectric. Catalog no. K13676, May 2013, c. 536 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-7863-7 $99.95 / £63.00 Also available as an eBook


Understanding Nanomaterials Malkiat S. Johal Pomona College, Claremont, California, USA

“… physical chemists will enjoy building their teaching around the well-explained material in this book … students will find it clear and informative. In particular, the end-of-chapter questions are valuable.” —Chemistry World

“ ... will serve students well in their goal to gain a greater understanding of why nanoscaled systems are of great interest, how they are fabricated, and how they are characterized using a wide variety of analytical instrumentation very commonly found in university and industrial settings.” —Marcus D. Lay, University of Georgia

Catalog no. 73109, April 2011, 327 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4200-7310-2 $62.95 / £40.99 Also available as an eBook

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High Energy and Particle Physics New!

Gauge Theories in Particle Physics A Practical Introduction, Fourth Edition (Two-Volume Set) Ian J.R. Aitchison University of Oxford, UK, and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, California, USA

Anthony J.G. Hey Microsoft Research Connections, Redmond, Washington, USA

“Aitchison and Hey was the ‘bible’ for me as a young post-doc at a time in the 1980s … . The book has been revised regularly as the field progressed and I am delighted to see a new edition which brings it up to date to the discovery of a Higgs-like boson at the LHC in July 2012. As an experimentalist, this book helped me understand the theoretical underpinnings of my work. Its strength has always been the combination of the theory with discussion of experimental results. The new edition continues this tradition by including background on discrete symmetries and discussion of the related important observations of the last ten years—CP violation and oscillations in the B sector and the now rich phenomenology of neutrino oscillations. This will become a new classic.” —Amanda Cooper-Sarkar, Oxford University

“The fourth edition of Gauge Theories in Particle Physics continues in its successful two-volume format from the third edition. This is an indispensible textbook for all particle physicists, experimentalists and theorists alike, providing an accessible exposé of the Standard Model, covering the mathematics used to describe it and some of the most important experimental results which vindicate it. As a lecturer in an advanced course on the Standard Model for experimentalists, I use the books for the more theoretical aspects and as a constant source for clear explanations of the underlying physics. I also know it to be the recommended text on numerous theoretical modules in particle physics. Volume 2 has been updated with extended discussions on quark and neutrino mixing and inclusion of results on CP violation and neutrino oscillations, given the enormous progress experimentally in these areas… these textbooks will remain on the top of a high energy physicist’s reading list for years to come.”

• Covers Majorana fermions • Presents extensive discussions of the renormalization group and spontaneous symmetry breaking, with examples from both particle physics and condensed-matter physics • Includes up-to-date coverage of CP violation and neutrino oscillations • Contains full problem sets at the end of each chapter Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: VOLUME 1: Introductory Survey, Electromagnetism as a Gauge Theory, and Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Tree-Level Applications in QED. Loops and Renormalization. Appendices. References. Index. VOLUME 2: Non-Abelian Symmetries. QCD and the Renormalization Group. Spontaneously Broken Symmetry. Weak Interactions and the Electroweak Theory. Appendices. References. Index. Catalog no. K14937, December 2012, 960 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1317-4, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as individual volumes

Volume 1: From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to QED Catalog no. K14935, December 2012, 438 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1299-3, $69.95 / £44.99

• Reflects progress in experimental particle physics throughout the past decade

Volume 2: From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to QED Non-Abelian Gauge Theories: QCD and the Electroweak Theory

• Offers a unique pedagogical introduction to quantum field theory

Catalog no. K14936, December 2012, 518 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1307-5, $69.95 / £44.99

—Matthew Wing, University College London

• Describes transformations of Dirac spinors under Lorentz transformations and discrete symmetries For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com


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High Energy and Particle Physics


Group Theory for High Energy Physicists Mohammad Saleem Punjab University, Pakistan

Muhammad Rafique Although group theory has played a significant role in the development of various disciplines of physics, there are few recent books that start from the beginning and then build on to consider applications of group theory from the point of view of high energy physicists. Group Theory for High Energy Physicists fills that role. It presents groups, especially Lie groups, and their characteristics in a way that is easily comprehensible to physicists. The book first introduces the concept of a group and the characteristics that are imperative for developing group theory as applied to high energy physics. It then describes group representations since matrix representations of a group are often more convenient to deal with than the abstract group itself. With a focus on continuous groups, the text analyzes the root structure of important groups and obtains the weights of various representations of these groups. It also explains how symmetry principles associated with group theoretical techniques can be used to interpret experimental results and make predictions. This concise, gentle introduction is accessible to undergraduate and graduate students in physics and mathematics as well as researchers in high energy physics. It shows how to apply group theory to solve high energy physics problems. • Describes how to use group theory to solve high energy physics problems • Contains material suitable for a group theory course • Illustrates the importance of group representations to accommodate elementary particles with specific characteristics • Discusses the role of continuous groups in advancing our understanding of particles and their interactions • Proves important relations and theorems in the appendices • Includes numerous worked examples and problems in each chapter

Selected Contents: Elements of Group Theory: Definition of a Group. Some Characteristics of Group Elements. Permutation Groups. Multiplication Table. Subgroups. Power of an Element of a Group. Cyclic Groups. Cosets. … Group Representations: Linear Vector Spaces. Linearly Independent Vectors. Basic Vectors. Operators. Unitary and Hilbert Vector Spaces. Matrix Representative of a Linear Operator. Group Representations. Equivalent and Unitary Representations. Reducible and Irreducible Representations. Complex Conjugate and Adjoint Representations. Construction of Representations by Addition. Analysis of Representations. Irreducible Invariant Subspaces. Matrix Representations and Invariant Subspaces. Product Representations. Continuous Groups: Definition of a Continuous Group. Groups of Linear Transformations. Order of a Group of Transformations. Lie Groups. Generators of Lie Groups. Real Orthogonal Group in 2 Dimensions: O(2). Generators of SU (2). Generators of SU (3). Generators and Parameterization of a Group. … Symmetry, Lie Groups, and Physics: Symmetry. Casimir Operators. Symmetry Group and Unitary Symmetry. Symmetry and Physics. Group Theory and Elementary Particles. Appendices Index Catalog no. K14790, September 2012, 230 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1063-0, $79.95 / £44.99 Also available as an eBook

Solutions manual and figures slides available upon qualifying course adoption


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High Energy and Particle Physics

An Introduction to Particle Physics and the Standard Model

The Standard Model and Beyond

Robert Mann

Paul Langacker

University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

“… thoroughly recommended for a final-year specialist or first-year postgraduate study level especially for those engaged in experimental high energy physics research. The author has performed an excellent service in making accessible the language and results of field theory applied to elementary particle physics.”

“Paul Langacker is a pioneer in the field of high-precision tests of the Standard Model. … Langacker’s book is likely to play a pivotal role at this juncture when the plethora of ‘new physics’ and alternative models have emerged while experimental data has become too intricate to be comprehensible even to the experts. … Masterly treatment on the Standard Model … is the heart of the book. … A thorough study of the book would enable the reader to unravel the intricacies involved in the claims of ‘new physics.’ …”

—John J. Quenby, Contemporary Physics, 52, 2011

• Provides an organizational framework for understanding modern particle physics • Presents calculation methods and mathematical tools used in particles physics • Reviews key experimental and theoretical achievements • Explores future directions for research A Solutions manual available with qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Preface. Acknowledgements. Further Reading. Introduction and Overview. A Review of Special Relativity. Symmetries. Conservation Laws. Particle Classfication. Discrete Symmetries. Accelerators. Detectors.Scattering. A Toy Theory. Wave Equations for Elementary Particles. Gauge Invariance. Quantum Electrodynamics. Testing QED. From Nuclei to Quarks. The Quark Model. Testing the Quark Model. Heavy Quarks and QCD. From Beta Decay to Weak Interactions. Charged Leptonic Weak Interactions. Charged Weak Interactions of Quarks and Leptons. Electroweak Unfication. Electroweak Symmetry Breaking. Testing Electroweak Theory. Beyond the Standard Model. Notation and Conventions. Kronecker Delta and Levi-Civita Symbols. Dirac Delta-Functions. Pauli and Dirac Matrices. Cross-Sections and Decay Rates. Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients. Fundamental Constants. Properties of Elementary Particles. Feynman Rules for the Standard Model. The Large Hadron Rap. Catalog no. 82981, November 2009, 614 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8298-2, $82.95 / £52.99 Also available as an eBook

—Contemporary Physics, 2011

“This substantial book gives a detailed and lucid summary of the theoretical foundations of the Standard Model, and possible extensions beyond it. … I heartily recommend it to particle physicists … a firm, graduate-level foundation for theoretical physicists who plan to pursue concepts beyond the Standard Model in greater depth.” —CERN Courier, June 2010

“… an indispensable guide to the elementary particle physics of the next decade. It contains many important topics which are hard to find elsewhere except in their undistilled original form. … The many exercises are well-chosen and interesting. This fine book deserves to be the primary text in a full-year course at the graduate level … .” —Jonathan L. Rosner, University of Chicago Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Notation and Conventions Review of Perturbative Field Theory Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Symmetries Gauge Theories The Strong Interactions and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) The Weak Interactions The Standard Electroweak Theory Beyond the Standard Model. Appendices References Websites Index Catalog no. C7906, December 2009, 675 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-7906-7, $84.95 / £52.99

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com


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Lasers, Optics and Optoelectronics


Theoretical Foundations of Digital Imaging Using MATLAB® Leonid P. Yaroslavsky Tel Aviv University, Israel

With the ubiquitous use of digital imaging, a new profession has emerged: imaging engineering. Designed for newcomers to imaging science and engineering, this text treats the theory of digital imaging as a specific branch of science. It covers the subject in its entirety, from image formation to image perfecting.

• Supports concepts and algorithms with interactive MATLAB exercises at the end of each chapter

Based on the author’s 50 years of working and teaching in the field, the text first addresses the problem of converting images into digital signals that can be stored, transmitted, and processed on digital computers. It then explains how to adequately represent image transformations on computers. After presenting several examples of computational imaging, including numerical reconstruction of holograms and virtual image formation through computer-generated display holograms, the author introduces methods for image perfect resampling and building continuous image models. He also examines the fundamental problem of the optimal estimation of image parameters, such as how to localize targets in images. The book concludes with a comprehensive discussion of linear and nonlinear filtering methods for image perfecting and enhancement.

Introduction Mathematical Preliminaries Image Digitization: Principles of Signal Digitization. Signal Discretization. Image Sampling. Alternative Methods of Discretization in Imaging Devices. Single Scalar Quantization. … Discrete Signal Transformations: Basic Principles of Discrete Representation of Signal Transformations. Discrete Representation of the Convolution Integral. Discrete Representation of Fourier Integral Transform. … Digital Image Formation and Computational Imaging: Image Recovery from Sparse or Nonuniformly Sampled Data. Digital Image Formation by Means of Numerical Reconstruction of Holograms. … Image Resampling and Building Continuous Image Models: Perfect Resampling Filter. Fast Algorithms for Discrete Sinc Interpolation and Their Applications. Discrete Sinc Interpolation versus Other Interpolation Methods: Performance Comparison. … Image Parameter Estimation: Case Study— Localization of Objects in Images Image Perfecting: Image Perfecting as a Processing Task. Possible Approaches to Restoration of Images Distorted by Blur and Contaminated by Noise. MMSE-Optimal Linear Filters for Image Restoration. Sliding Window Transform Domain Adaptive Image Restoration. … Index

Helping students master digital imaging, this book presents a unified theoretical basis for understanding and designing methods of imaging and image processing. To facilitate a deeper understanding of the major results, it offers a number of exercises supported by MATLAB® programs, with the code available at www.crcpress.com. • Emphasizes the connection between the original analog nature of images and image transformations and their computer implementation • Supports all mathematical formulations by their physical interpretation • Avoids using heavy mathematics • Derives all formulas in full detail without skipping intermediate steps


• Provides downloadable MATLAB files for the exercises on the book’s CRC Press web page Selected Contents:

Catalog no. K12836, November 2012, 511 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-6140-0, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook

Request your Complimentary eBook or Print Exam Copy at www.crctextbooks.com

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Lasers, Optics and Optoelectronics

Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics

An Introduction to Quantum Optics Photon and Biphoton Physics Yanhua Shih

Peter E. Powers University of Dayton, Ohio, USA

“Peter Powers’s rigorous but simple description of a difficult field keeps the reader’s attention throughout. … By carefully working through the proposed problems, students will develop a sound understanding of the fundamental principles and applications. … the book serves perfectly for an introductory-level course for second- and third-order nonlinear optical phenomena. The author’s writing style is refreshing and original. I expect that Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics will fast become popular among students, professors, and professionals interested in basic and applied research in the field.” —Physics Today, October 2012

“Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics is well written and up to date. … The problem sets at the end of each chapter reinforce and enhance the material presented, and may give students confidence in handling real-world problems.” —Optics & Photonics News, September 2012

“This book fills a longstanding need for a nonlinear optics textbook at an advanced college/introductory graduate level. One of its best features is inclusion of many of the subtleties that are often glossed over in other books on the subject. … Another excellent feature is the provision of a large number of problems at the end of each chapter.” —Mark Cronin-Golomb, Tufts University Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction Linear Optics Introduction to the Nonlinear Susceptibility Three-Wave Processes in the Small-Signal Regime Quasi-Phase Matching Three-Wave Mixing Beyond the Small-Signal Limit χ(2) Devices. χ(3) Processes. Raman and Brillouin Scattering Nonlinear Optics Including Diffraction and Dispersion Appendices Index Catalog no. 93517, May 2011, 329 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9351-3, $83.95 / £52.99

University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA

Designed for senior undergraduate and graduate students, this text presents the theoretical concepts and experimental techniques involved in modern quantum optics. The book reviews basic theory and experimental evidence for the quantization of light, addressing such advanced concepts as entanglement and two-photon phenomena. It examines the devices and experimental procedures used to test theories and also covers higher-level ideas, including coherent and squeezed states, atom-field interaction, electromagnetically induced transparency, and lasing without inversion. The text assumes knowledge of quantum mechanics and special relativity. • Introduces the theory, ideas, and experimental techniques of quantum optics • Emphasizes applications in quantum information and quantum computing • Covers the quantum theory of light, basic theory of modern quantum optics, and measurement techniques • Develops the quantum theory of photons, biphotons, quantum coherence, and nonlocality • Includes sample problems and exercises Selected Contents: Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Measurement of Light. Coherence Property of Light—The State of the Radiation. Diffraction and Propagation. Optical Imaging. First-Order Coherence of Light. Second-Order Coherence of Light. Homodyne Detection and Heterodyne Detection of Light. Quantum Theory of Light: Field Quantization and Measurement. Quantum Theory of Optical Coherence. Quantum Entanglement. Quantum Imaging. Two-Photon Interferometry−I: Biphoton Interference. Two-Photon Interferometry−II: Quantum Interference of Chaotic Light. Bell’s Theorem and Bell’s Inequality Measurement. Catalog no. IP833, January 2011, 484 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0887-8, $72.95 / £40.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com


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Lasers, Optics and Optoelectronics

Optics for Engineers Charles A. DiMarzio Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

“This book is an excellent resource for teaching any student or scientist who needs to use optical systems. I particularly like the addition of MATLAB scripts and functions. Highly recommended.” —James C. Wyant, University of Arizona

“At last, a book on optics that is written with the practising engineer in mind. I have been teaching optics to engineers for many years and have often longed for a text aimed at my students … covers all the important issues from basic theory through lasers and photodetectors to the vital topic of radiometry and measurement.” —John Watson, University of Aberdeen

• Provides a rigorous but practical treatment that facilitates critical understanding of how the basic principles of optics affect design decisions • Covers radiometry and photometry, which are essential to determine the feasibility of a particular optical system • Emphasizes new application areas of nonlinear optics in microscopy, including secondharmonic and multiphoton fluorescence microscopy • Incorporates extensive end-of-chapter problems, examples, and appendices to help students solve real-world problems • Offers downloadable MATLAB® code for solving typical optics problems available on the book’s CRC Press web page • Highlights the most important and frequently used equations • Includes color figures and more than 500 illustrations Selected Contents: Introduction. Basic Geometric Optics. Matrix Optics. Stops, Pupils, and Windows. Aberrations. Polarized Light. Interference. Diffraction. Gaussian Beams. Coherence. Fourier Optics. Radiometry and Photometry. Optical Detection. Nonlinear Optics. Appendices. References. Index. Catalog no. K10366, August 2011, 558 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-0725-5, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook


The Science of Imaging An Introduction, Second Edition Graham Saxby University of Wolverhampton, UK (retired)

“… brilliantly written and well-structured book … anyone having an interest in current imaging technologies should read it to extend their knowledge or to develop a broad vision on the field. … it is definitely suitable as a complementary textbook for undergraduate courses on imaging and optical technologies. … the text is backed up with many excellent illustrations and intriguing real-life examples that I think many lecturers would want to make use of in their lectures.” —Contemporary Physics, 2011

Catalog no. K10653, November 2010, 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1286-0, $76.95 / £38.99 Also available as an eBook

Fundamentals of Attosecond Optics Zenghu Chang University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA

“This is an excellent textbook on attosecond optics … an invaluable source of knowledge for students or scientists who want to learn about this new domain of optics.” —Optics & Photonics News, February 2012

“Dr. Chang’s book is truly amazing: One of the leading researchers of the field finds the time to write a book that covers the most important aspects of attosecond technology and physics. … my students love the book, too.” —Gerhard G. Paulus, Texas A&M University and Max Planck Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics

Catalog no. 89374, February 2011, 547 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8937-0, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook

Request your Complimentary eBook or Print Exam Copy at www.crctextbooks.com

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Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering


Introduction to BioMEMS Albert Folch University of Washington, Seattle, USA

“The field has been waiting for a true textbook that provides a practical, historical, authoritative and comprehensive introduction to BioMEMS. It has finally arrived, courtesy of Albert Folch, complete with PowerPoint lectures and thoughtful homework questions. I highly recommend it.” —David J. Beebe, University of Wisconsin–Madison

“A comprehensive, colorful textbook on the important field of BioMEMS. I will definitely recommend to my students!” —Albert van den Berg, University of Twente

“Dr. Folch’s book is a monumental achievement which brings an authoritative and comprehensive account to the rapidly growing, multidisciplinary field of BioMEMS. Many working scientists and engineers as well as students will find this book fascinating.”

Introduction to Experimental Biophysics Biological Methods for Physical Scientists Jay Nadeau McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

“… an ambitious text aimed at educating new graduate students about the important and most common techniques used in a modern biological physics laboratory; it could also serve nicely as a reference manual for advanced graduate students of new or underused protocols. … the many outstanding qualities should make it an essential part of the biophysicist’s collection.” —Physics Today, August 2012

“The book provides a comprehensive overview of diverse methods in biophysics. It will be a great resource for every working scientist in the physical sciences. It would also be a great supporting text to read as part of an introductory course in biophysical methods, particularly for graduate students and postdocs entering the field from other disciplines.”

—Mehmet Toner, Harvard Medical School

—Anthony J. Koleske, Yale University

This classroom-tested book—in color throughout— covers the whole breadth of this dynamic field, including classical microfabrication, microfluidics, tissue engineering, cell-based and noncell-based devices, and implantable systems. It gives students a real sense of how the field has grown by providing historical perspectives and covering the state of the art. The text contains problem sets, design challenges, key references, and over 400 color figures, most of which are from the original researchers. Downloadable PowerPoint slides are available for instructors.

“This book provides a broad overview on the many interrelated disciplines shaping modern biophysical research. Its structure evolves from the basics of biochemistry through the principles of relevant analytical techniques to the chemistry of nanoparticles and surfaces. … clearly organized and beautifully illustrated. … a useful tool to undergraduate and graduate students and a valuable reference for researchers in the field.”

Selected Contents: How Do We Make Small Things? Micropatterning of Substrates and Cells Microfluidics Molecular Biology on a Chip Cell-Based Chips for Biotechnology BioMEMS for Cell Biology Tissue Microengineering Implantable Microdevices Appendix Index Catalog no. K10966, August 2012, 528 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1839-8, $89.95 / £57.99 Also available as an eBook

—Françisco M. Raymo, University of Miami

Selected Contents: Molecular Cloning of DNA and RNA. Expression of Genes in Bacteria, Yeast, and Cultured Mammalian Cells. Protein Expression Methods. Protein Crystallization. Introduction to Biological Light Microscopy. Quantitative Cell Culture Techniques. Semiconductor Nanoparticles (Quantum Dots). Gold Nanoparticles. Surface Functionalization Techniques. Electrophysiology. Spectroscopy Tools and Techniques. Catalog no. K11452, September 2011, 672 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-4398-2953-0 $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com


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Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering Introduction to Proteins

Quantitative Understanding of Biosystems

Structure, Function, and Motion Amit Kessel

An Introduction to Biophysics

Es-is Technologies Ltd. Givatayim, Israel

Thomas M. Nordlund

Nir Ben-Tal

University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

Tel Aviv University, Israel

“Introduction to Proteins is an excellent, state-ofthe-art choice for students, faculty, or researchers … The book is clear, well organized, aptly illustrated in color, and a pleasure to read. The first two chapters are an impressive textbook unto themselves … an immensely informative, thoroughly researched, up-to-date text, with broad coverage and remarkable depth. … an excellent basis for an upper level or graduate course on protein structure … .” —Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 2012

“This is an important book. … This book captures in a very accessible way a growing body of literature on the structure, function and motion of proteins, and links this to more established paradigms such as a reader might find in a mainstream biochemistry text. … The text is littered with excellent examples of the wider relevance of the material covered … . The book is exceptionally well written … I learned new things from each chapter. … a superb publication that would be very useful to undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and instructors involved in structural biology or biophysics courses or in research on protein structure-function relationships. I would recommend it highly.” —ChemBioChem, 2011 Solutions manual and figure slides available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction Protein Structure Methods of Structure Determination and Prediction Energetics and Protein Stability Protein Structural Dynamics Non-Globular Proteins Membrane Proteins Protein–Ligand Interactions Index Catalog no. K10533, December 2010, 654 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-1071-2, $87.95 / £56.99 Also available as an eBook


“The author has done a magnificent job in writing an easy-to-follow, intriguing and well-written introductory section. … Exceptionally written, [chapter 11] contains informative material found only in specialised textbooks and is equally attractive for science and medical students. … the text is stimulatingly and well written for the focused student. … the artwork of the book is of high quality … this book is highly recommended for introducing biophysics to the motivated and curious undergraduate students.” —Contemporary Physics, June 2012

“This terrific text offers a broad range of learning opportunities for many undergraduate majors. It is filled with a wide range of analogies that facilitate understanding of fundamental biophysics, thus making abstract concepts easier to comprehend. It uses a friendly language that avoids unnecessary technicalities and terminologies. … Almost all sections of the book illustrate conceptual examples supplemented by estimates and calculations of biophysical parameters, describing biological problems in depth. This characteristic marks the fundamental distinction between this biophysics book and others. It will enable students to understand the significance of biological parameters through quantitative examples—a modern way of learning biophysics.” —American Journal of Physics, February 2012 Solutions manual and presentation-quality diagrams available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction, Approach, and Tools Structure and Function Biological Activity: Quantum Microworld Biological Activity: (Classical) Microworld Appendices Glossary Further Resources Index Catalog no. 89772, March 2011, 583 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8972-1, $93.95 / £59.99 Also available as an eBook

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Medical Physics/Biomedical Imaging Webb’s Physics of Medical Imaging Second Edition Edited by

M.A. Flower Institute of Cancer Research/Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Since the publication of the bestselling first edition, the technology and clinical applications of medical imaging have changed significantly. Gathering these developments into one volume, this comprehensive second edition presents the basic physics, modern technology, and up-to-date examples of clinical application across all the modalities of medical imaging. It now covers state-of-the-art detector technology and computer processing used in medical imaging. Along with many new examples and figures, this edition includes new chapters on medical image processing and multimodality imaging. • Presents the essential physics of medical imaging • Covers each imaging modality in detail, eliminating the need to consult specialized texts • Provides many examples of clinical applications of medical imaging • Includes contributions from leading researchers and clinical scientists • Contains more than 400 high-quality figures, with some in color Selected Contents: In the Beginning: The Origins of Medical Imaging. Diagnostic Radiology with X-Rays. X-Ray Transmission Computed Tomography. Clinical Applications of X-Ray Computed Tomography in Radiotherapy Planning. Radioisotope Imaging. Diagnostic Ultrasound. Spatially Localized Magnetic Resonance. Physical Aspects of Infrared Imaging. Imaging of Tissue Electrical Impedance. Optical Imaging. Mathematics of Image Formation and Image Processing. Medical Image Processing. Perception and Interpretation of Images. Computer Requirements of Imaging Systems. Multimodality Imaging. Epilogue. Index. Catalog no. IP743, June 2012, 864 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7503-0573-0, $89.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

Physiology, Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering Edited by

Andrew W. Wood Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia

Showing how biophysics and biomedical engineering have advanced modern medicine, this text provides a multidisciplinary understanding of biological phenomena and the instrumentation for monitoring these phenomena. It also explores the application of physics and engineering methods to medicine and biology. The book includes a range of numerical problems with worked solutions and offers MATLAB® code for advanced mathematical analysis of physiological and clinical monitoring systems. References to further reading are included at the end of each chapter. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption. Selected Contents: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Physiological Systems. Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits for Biomedicine. Properties of Electrodes. MAINLY MOLECULES: Molecular Biophysics. Membrane Biophysics. Excitability and Synapses. Skeletal Muscle Biophysics. HEART AND CIRCULATION: Cardiac Biophysics. Rheology of Blood. The Vascular System: Blood Flow Patterns in Various Parts of the Circulation. Cardiovascular System Monitoring. LUNGS, KIDNEYS, AND SPECIAL MONITORING: Respiratory Biophysics. Renal Biophysics and Dialysis. Cardiopulmonary Perfusion and Advanced Surgical Techniques. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Organization of the Human Central Nervous System. The Biophysics of Sensation—General. Vision. Audition and Vestibular Sense. Chemical Senses. SYSTEMS AND SIGNALS: Physiological Signal Processing. Bioelectrical Signals: The Electroencephalogram. Magnetic Stimulation and Biomagnetic Signals. Medical Imaging. Microscopy and Biophotonics. SYSTEMS INTEGRATION: Physiological Modeling. Biomechanics and Biomaterials. Biosensors and Emerging Technologies. Answers to Questions. Index. Catalog no. C6513, February 2012, 782 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-6513-8, $99.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com


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Medical Physics/Biomedical Imaging Physics for Diagnostic Radiology

Applied Medical Image Processing A Basic Course

Third Edition

Wolfgang Birkfellner

P.P. Dendy

“...an ideal text for anyone who is new to medical image processing. … an interesting and helpful introduction to medical image processing. …”

Addenbrookes NHS Trust, Cambridge, UK

—Scope, December 2011

“The CD adds substantial value to the text and serves as an excellent guide to practice the information covered in the text. … Students who take a course where this book is used as the course text will be fortunate indeed.” —Medical Physics, December 2010

“...easy to follow, supposing only that the reader has a modest knowledge of linear algebra, basic engineering principles, and computer programming. …” —BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2011

Catalog no. K11176, September 2010, 403 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-2444-3, $76.95 / £48.99 Also available as an eBook

B. Heaton Aberdeen Radiation Protection Services, UK

“This is the third edition of a well-established and popular textbook on the physics of diagnostic radiology. It is a textbook written in a clear and concise style, supported by excellent illustrations. The textbook describes recent state-of-the-art advances in medical imaging in a way radiologists, radiographers and medical physicists will find easy to understand. It is internationally recognised as one of the key textbooks in its field.” —Keith Faulkner, North East Strategic Health Authority, UK

Catalog no. 83155, August 2011, 720 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-8315-6, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

Second Edition

Introduction to Physics in Modern Medicine

Kayvan Najarian and Robert Splinter

Suzanne Amador Kane

Biomedical Signal and Image Processing

"This is a great book, ideal for a biomedical signal and image processing course. ... highly recommended to any research and educator in this field." —Purang Abolmaesumi, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

“… I would definitely use this book as my textbook in a biomedical signal-processing course." —Shahram Shirani, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

"… an excellent bridge between the physiological significance of the methods, and the underlying mathematics. … an excellent course text book, and also an excellent reference book for professionals." Dr. Kristian Sandberg, Computational Solutions, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, USA

Catalog no. K13235, May 2012, 411 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-7033-4, $99.95 / £63.99 Also available as an eBook


Second Edition Haverford College, Pennsylvania, USA

“… textbooks introducing this topic to students from non-scientific backgrounds need to present the fundamental theory in a manner that is easily grasped yet sufficiently in depth to enable the reader to appreciate its application to real problems. Introduction to Physics in Modern Medicine manages to tread this fine line admirably. … the author describes a number of recent advances … the contents are thoroughly grounded in wellexplained practical examples. … a well-researched book that renders complex subject matter thoroughly understandable and enjoyable.” —Contemporary Physics, 2011 Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Catalog no. C9438, April 2009, 448 pp. Soft Cover, ISBN: 978-1-58488-943-4 $62.95 / £39.99 Also available as an eBook

Request your Complimentary eBook or Print Exam Copy at www.crctextbooks.com

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Nuclear Physics

Interaction of Radiation with Matter Hooshang Nikjoo, Shuzo Uehara, and Dimitris Emfietzoglou Clearly progressing from an elementary level to the state of the art, this text focuses on the physics of the interactions of ionizing radiation in living matter and the Monte Carlo simulation of radiation tracks. It explores the classical physics of track description as well as modern aspects based on condensed matter physics. The authors include the relevant atomic physics background, show how to simulate radiation tracks in a computer experiment, and highlight applications in medical/health physics and radiation biology. The text offers numerous references at the end of each chapter as well as exercises at the back of the book. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption. Selected Contents: SECTION I: Introduction. Basic Knowledge of Radiation. Atoms. Atomic Nucleus. Radioactivity. X-Rays. Interaction of Photons with Matter. Interaction of Electrons with Matter. Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter. δ-Ray, Restricted Stopping Power, and LET. Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation. SECTION II: Cross Sections for Interactions of Photons with Matter. Cross Sections for Interactions of Electrons with Water. Cross Sections for Interactions of Low-Energy Protons (<1 MeVu–1) in Water. Cross Sections for Interactions of Low-Energy α-Particles (<2 MeVu–1) in Water. Cross Sections for Interactions of HighEnergy Protons (>1 MeVu–1) in Water. Model Calculations Using Track Structure Data of Electrons. Model Calculations Using Track Structure Data of Ions. SECTION III: Inelastic Scattering of Charged Particles in Condensed Media: A Dielectric Theory Perspective. SECTION IV: Questions and Problems. Catalog no. K12473, June 2012, 364 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5357-3, $129.95 / £82.00 Also available as an eBook

Measurement and Detection of Radiation Third Edition Nicholas Tsoulfanidis

University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Sheldon Landsberger

University of Texas, Austin, USA

“… a very good textbook, providing a solid introduction to radiation detection and measurement for upper-level undergraduate and first-year graduate students in the field of nuclear science and engineering.” —Medical Physics, July 2012

Continuing in the tradition of its bestselling predecessors, this third edition illustrates the fundamentals of nuclear interactions and radiation detection with a multitude of examples and problems. This edition includes a new chapter on the latest applications of radiation detection, updated topics, many new references, and a completely updated bibliography. • Provides a fundamental understanding of radiation detection and measurement techniques • Explores many applications of radiation detection technology and nuclear instrumentation, from nuclear nonproliferation to nuclear medicine • Covers data analysis for counting experiments • Includes end-of-chapter problems as well as numerous examples throughout Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: Introduction to Radiation Measurements. Statistical Errors of Radiation Counting. Review of Atomic and Nuclear Physics. Energy Loss and Penetration of Radiation through Matter. GasFilled Detectors. Scintillation Detectors. Semiconductor Detectors. Relative and Absolute Measurements. Introduction to Spectroscopy. Electronics. Data Analysis Methods. Photon (Gamma-Ray and X-Ray) Spectroscopy. ChargedParticle Spectroscopy. Neutron Detection and Spectroscopy. Activation Analysis. Health Physics Fundamentals. Applications of Radiation Detection. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. 91859, December 2010, 518 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4200-9185-4, $145.95 / £93.00 Also available as an eBook

For more information and complete contents, visit www.crctextbooks.com


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Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics New!

Statistical and Thermal Physics An Introduction Michael J.R. Hoch Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

This detailed introduction provides insight into basic concepts at an advanced undergraduate level. It introduces the concepts of temperature, internal energy, and entropy using ideal gases and ideal paramagnets as illustrative models. It also discusses quantum gases in depth and presents advanced topics. • Develops microscopic statistical physics and macroscopic classical thermodynamic descriptions in tandem • Introduces concepts of temperature, internal energy, and entropy using two systems as models: ideal gases and ideal paramagnets • Includes in-text exercises and numerous end-of-chapter problems to develop knowledge and encourage problem solving • Presents advanced topics, including Legendre transform, the density matrix, chemical reactions, and irreversible thermodynamics Solutions manual available upon qualifying course adoption

Selected Contents: CLASSICAL THERMAL PHYSICS: THE MICROCANONICAL ENSEMBLE: Introduction to Classical Thermal Physics Concepts: The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. Microstates and the Statistical Interpretation of Entropy. Applications of Thermodynamics to Gases and Condensed Matter, Phase Transitions, and Critical Phenomena. QUANTUM STATISTICAL PHYSICS AND THERMAL PHYSICS APPLICATIONS: The Canonical and Grand Canonical Ensembles and Distributions. Quantum Distribution Functions, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein Statistics, Photons, and Phonons. The Classical Ideal Gas, Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics, Nonideal Systems. The Density Matrix, Reactions and Related Processes, and Introduction to Irreversible Thermodynamics. Appendices. Index. Catalog no. K12300, May 2011, 450 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4398-5053-4, $69.95 / £44.99


Statistical Thermodynamics Understanding the Properties of Macroscopic Systems Lukong Cornelius Fai University of Dschang, Cameroon, and The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy

Gary Matthew Wysin Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA

Presenting a look at the modern evolution of statistical thermodynamics, this book provides a detailed overview of the statistical principles used to obtain the physical and thermodynamic properties of macroscopic systems. Going further than many advanced textbooks, it includes Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statistics, and lattice dynamics as well as applications in polaron theory, electronic gas in a magnetic field, thermodynamics of dielectrics, and magnetic materials in a magnetic field. Featuring physical results and worked problems, the text also examines statistical thermodynamics using functional integration and Feynman path integrals. • Covers Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statistics, and lattice dynamics • Includes solved end-of-chapter review questions so students can monitor their understanding of the material presented • Describes a system based on the behavior of its microscopic constituents • Uses Feynman path integrals to evaluate difficult problems in quantum and statistical mechanics • Shows the wide range of applicability of the methods to real-world physical problems Selected Contents: Basic Principles of Statistical Physics. Thermodynamic Functions. Canonical Distribution. Ideal Gases. Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases. The Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field. Magnetic and Dielectric Materials. Lattice Dynamics. Condensed Bodies. Applications of Statistical Thermodynamics. Macroscopic Quantum Effects: Superfluid Liquid Helium. Nonideal Classical Gases. Functional Integration in Statistical Physics. References. Index. Catalog no. K14792, October 2012, 548 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4665-1067-8, $79.95 / £49.99 Also available as an eBook

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